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^ttblb^eb for iljt Somtg
At a General Meeting of the Surtees Society, held in Durham
Castle on Tuesday, June 5th, 1888, Mr. Booth in the chair —
it was
Resolvbd, That a fifth volume of York Wills should be edited for
the Society by the Secretary.
James Baine,
Afteb an interval of nineteen years, the Surtees Society
issues a fifth volume of Wills and Inventories from the
Eegistry at York. Four of these have been prepared
by the Editor. There is ample room for others, and it
is to be hoped that the series will be continued. No
pubhcations of the Society create a greater interest, and
none are so widely and carefully studied.
In these five volumes more than a thousand Wills
and Inventories have been printed, either in their en-
tirety or to a very considerable extent. In the opinion
of some, a large portion of each Will ought to be pub-
lished. The resources of the Surtees Society are quite
unable to satisfy this demand. Few persons have any
idea of the vast number of Wills preserved at York,
and it has been thought best to give a selection from
these documents, which it would be impossible for any
Society to print in eatenso.
In addition to the Wills and Inventories printed by
the Society, the Editor has made extracts from some
thousands of similar documents from the same reposi-
tory, containing matter which is more or less deserving
of consideration. All matters of local or gentilitial
history, all things illustrative of learning, religion.
architecture, and commerce, have been carefully ex-
tracted, together with all the curious words which
throw so much light upon the old Northern English.
It may be thought desirable to publish these notes on
some future occasion. They are well worthy of being
brought out in this way.
A printed index of the Wills at York would be a
great boon to literary enquirers, and of much service
to the officers of the Registry. It is to be hoped that
some means may be discovered of carrying at least a
portion of this scheme into effect.
The Editor begs to thank his old friend, Mr. Hud-
son, for his kindness, as in by-past years. The mantle
of Registrar, so long and worthily worn by Mr. Egerton
Harcourt, has very properly been placed upon Mr.
Hudson's shoulders. May he long wear it 1
J. Raine.
[Beg. Te«t. viii. 11-12.]
May 1 9, 1 509. Elisabeth Haitfeld * de Hedon, vidua. Sep. in
cboro eecl. par. de Skeclyng juzta Stephanum Haitfeld, maritum
memn, nuper ibidem sepultum. Stepbano Potter capellano^
ut oret pro anima mea & animabus maritorum, iij s. iiij d.
Stepbano, Willelmo, et Thorn© Haitfeld, generosis, (cuilibet)
yj 8. viij d. Matildsd Constable, filiolss mese, j par de weshyng
toweles de diaper. MatildsB Constable de Thometon abbay j
federbed. Sorori meae Helenorse Foster, suppriorissae de Non-
appleton, yj s. viij d. Q-errardo Welles, meo proprio cajiellano,
xlj li. accipiendas de mea lamina vocata silver^latey ut celebret
pro me, etc., in eecl. de Skeclyng pro xj annis. Fratribus
GarmeL de Hull j calicem arg. post dicti xj anni sint celebrati
et expirati, et boo tempore remanebit cum capellano meo qui
pro tempore erit. Ymagini B. M. in eadem domo j par precu-
* The widow of Stephen Hatfield, esoheator of Holdemess, who died in 1492.
Die JoviB p. 1 Assump. B. M. 30th Hen. VL Robert Haitfeld, of HatefeUl,
esq. Sep. in cap. S. Elenae de Haitfeld. Stephano et Thomas fiUis meis tres
togas, viz. onam de scarlett fnrratam cum martes, aliam de blake of lyere
fnrratam com martes^et tertiam blodii coloris fnrratam com cropes del martes.
Bern, to Matilda my wife and John mjr son. My brother Stephen sapervidor.
[Pr. Feb. 1.] (Reg. Test. ii. 240 b.)
1492, June 18. Stephen Hatefeld, par. Skeklyng, armiger. Dan. Margaret,
24Z. Cousin Joan, ad maritagiom, 4/. Res. to wife Eliz. — She ex*. Nepos
The. Gower supervisor. [Pr. 4th July.] (Reg. Test. v. 412.]
1505, Dec. 3. Antonius Hatfeld de Withomewike, gen. Sep. in choro eecl.
B. Albani Martyris de W, Fabrioas eecl. S. Blenaa de Hatefeld j qu. f ruraenti
etc. Stephen, Wm. and Thos. H. Res. to wife. She ex*, and Mr. John H.
supervisor. (Reg. Test. Capit. il. 54 a )
1619, Nov. 17. Adm. Margaret H. of Sigglesthome to Anne, w. of Ralph
Ckmatable of Catfoss. (Reg. Test. ix. 150 a.)
1620, Nov. 30. Adm. Tho. U. of Drypool, gen., to Dor. H., his widow. (Id.
143 a.)
larium arg, cum j cruce superpendente. Elisabet Gudeknape
de Hull j broch auri. Johanuse Menvel, filiae sororis mese, j
federbed, etc. Elisabeth Lyd5erde, filiae Robert! Lyd5erde de
Anle3by gen. et filiolse mese, j federbed. Willelmo Constable,
filio Marmaducis Constable militis, half a dozen qwyasynges
colons blodii. Exec, prsedicti Willelmus Constable et Robertus
Lydyerd de Anlesby. Johannes Haitfeld de Magna Haitfeld
anniger supervisor.
Praedicto Johanni Haitfeld arm. et uzori susb ad opus
Agnetis Haitfeld, filiae suae jun., xl s. Elisabeth Lydserd,
famulas Thomae Grymston arm. quondam famulae meae, pro ser-
vicio suo, iij s. iiij d. Uxori Thomae Haitfeld generosi j feder-
bed. Matildas Constable, uxori Willelmi Constable arm. et
filiae Johannis Haitfeld arm., j zonam arg. et deaur. optimam,
colons nigrL Eccl. par. meae j area-bed^ ea intentione quod
quolibet anno die obitus mei cooperuerit super sepulcnim
meum et mariti mei, et ad omamentum sepulcri Domini tem-
pore Paschali et Sacramenti, dum valet et durabit.*
[Pr. 6 June, 1609.]
[Beg. Test. yiii. 14 a.]
May 13, 1509. John Alayn, of Osset. My saule to God
Almightie, our Lady Sent Mary, & all ye fair feliship of hevyn.
My l^st gud to be my mortuary. It is my wyll that my wyff
be content with her fefinent & her third parte of all my
boght landes. It is my wyll that John my son abyde styll
upon my feder's hows with my fader ; and it is my wyll that
William my broder be ther husband, & that thei do well to
him for his labmr. It is my will that my fader & John my
son gif to Alison my doghter xx** nowbuls unto her mariage,
and that she be with my suster Alyson, for she will teche hir
sume gude. It is my will y* Robert my broder have at har-
vest half a quarter rye. Also it is my will y* Elisabeth my
suster be well seen to amanges youe. Also, fader, if ye have
any trowbuU for my boght land, go to M. Sottell, & pray
hym to be gud m. to my son and youe, and lett hym have ye
ferme of Hammond iij yere. And, father, if my wif be with
an other childe, ye must mende her sumwhate. And all other
thynges I leve with Grod & youe, as my trist is in youe.
The residue of all my gudes shal be at ye disposicion of John
* This use of ornamented beds was common in Hull and its neighbourhood.
my son, father, by your oversyght : and John my son shal be
myn executor; and for Gode's sake, rule all wisely as I have
done, & 3e shall have moch menske * thereof*
[Beg. Bennet, at Somerset House.]
May 14, 1502. Dame Elizabeth Graystocke,! widowe, late
the wyfe of Sir John Vavasour knyght. To be buried in the
chapeU of our Lady, in the north side of the same chapell, as
nygh unto the ymage of our Lady as conveniently may be, in
the church and monastery of Sainte Elyne w^in Bisshoppesgate in
London. To the high auter in the parisshe churche of St.
Elyn, where nowe I am parisshener, xxs. A preest to say
daily Masse, in our Lady chappell for x yeres for my soule,
betwene our Lady Masse & the High Masse, &, after he hath
saide Masse, to say a commemoracion of our Lady & of
Requiem w* De profundis, for my soule, my fathir & mothir
soules & all 'Christen soules. I bequeth my silver bacyn &
ewer to the Priores and Covent of Sainte Elyn, & they to doo
Dirige & Masse of Requiem ons every yere for my soule for
X yeres ; & aftre the said x yeres, they to saye for me a lowe
Dvrige and a lowe Mdsae of Requiem for ever, I bequeth
my tablet of golde to our I^y of Lincoln, & duringe the x
yeres to have for Dirige & Masse iiij d. I bequeth my
pece & cover of silver & gilte with okyn levys & xl s. to
the Priour & Covent of Thomhara, to pray specially for my
soule. To their high awter vj s. viij d. To the abbey of
Kyme xl s., to th'entent that they pray specially for my soule
& my fether & mother soules, whose bonys resteth there w*
theyin. To my brother, Bobert Tailboys, iiij mark. To my
suster Ma'wde Turwit my cheyne & crosse of gold. To my
cosyn Agnes hir doughter my colour of golde & xx mark to
hir manage. To Anne Constable, to hir manage, xx mark.
To Sir John Aston my pece w* the cover silver & gilte havinge
in the bottom a shelde enamelled w* iij owles. To Kateryn
Hawte X mark. My housholde stuflfe to be solde, & the money
& the residue of my good to be dispoased for my soule & all
Cliristen soules in doynge of Masses, acquitinge of pouer pri-
soners oute of prison, relevinge of ympotent people, blynde,
♦ i^., hoDoor, or credit.
t A daughter of Sir Bobert Talboys of Kyme and widow of Sir John Vava-
sour, Justice of theC. P., whose will is printed in Test. Ebcr. iv. 89.
B 2
and lame, & in other dedes of mercye & charitie. Ex**. Sir
John Aston, preest, Kateryn Hawte, & (blk.\ & Maister Priour
of Thomeolm supervisour.
[Pr. 16 July, 1609.]
[Reg. Test. Dec. & Gapit. Ebor. ii. 82.]
July 6, 1509. Alison Clark of the Citie of York, wedow.
My bodie to be buried wHn the cathedral church of Sainct
Petur of York befor the ymage of our Blissed Lady, betwix
Sainct William tombe and Haxay gray, als nere my husband,
William Clark, as may be conveniently. I wooU that the
seggerstons have for a solempne peill reyngynge acoreding to
the discrecion of my executours. — ^To the parich church of
More Munkton xzvj s. viij d. to by a chalys w^, and a fyne cur-
chiflF for a corprax, yj yeredes lyne choth of iiij d. the yerd for
oon albe, and a vestiment, the price of xiij s. iiij d. ... To
Margaret, my doghtor, a pare of beddes of corall of cxxxxx w*
gawdys of silver and gilted, a fore basyn of mystiltyne, a stand-
ing peice of silver di. gilt w* a coverynge, a silver salt w* a
coveryng, and my grett masour. To my newoy, Sir Thomas
Pilley,* to his exhibucion, fyve marc. To my son Hugh a pece
that M. Guye Willistrope laid me in pleige. I wit to Sir John,
my prest, y* singes for me, iiij yerdes cloth to a gown. To
Sir Thomas Pilley iiij yerdes of violet to be hym a gowne, y*
is in my hous. To Mr. William Wright the younger my whit
nut w* the coveryng. I wit to Wheldrak kirk a cowe price
viij s. I wit my best beddes of corall w* silver gawdies ^ted
to Corpus Cristi sheren to be an onowrment yerunto ; and I
giff the bruche of gold at the same beddes to Sainct William
hed. Also I wit an old noble to be disposed abowt the onowr-
mentes of the holy man, Buschop Scrope. I wit to a preist to
syng for my soull, my husbandes' and my childers' souUys, for
a yere sold, vij marc To everie closter of the iiij orders of
Freers v s. And I will thay come w* thar crosses to my buriall
before me. I will have on obbit in the cathedrall church of
York for my soull, for the soullis of William Clark, William
Doddington,t Alison that was his wiff before me, and for the
* He was a priest at Rotherham.
t 1 Apr. 1492. Willelmus Dodyngton, naper apparator domini Arohiepiscopi
Bbor. Sep. in ecd. S. Mich, de Berefrido prope sepalcram Alicise nnper uxoris
mea. Quataor Ordinibus Fratram Mendicantiam dv. Ebor. duas petras casei ;
saullis of Herry Potter and my childer and his. Also I will
have my Derege in my house, and yerto be had comfettes,
sugir plattes, and suckittes, and I will my nebours frome Stane-
gait ende to Bothome bar be at my Derige and at dener ; and
at Mr* Perot be at the same dener ; and at tharbe skallapis of
mayne breid, and at the poore be well and honestly served as
the richar to the valour of x s* ; and at xx s. worth of fiirding
breid be delt to poore pepell. Also I will have my obet Maee
solemplely songe and at yt y^ Maae be of the gloriouse Assump
cion of our Ladie. And I wit to evere prest being at my said
Jdasae and Derige iiij d* and to evere clark in surples ij d., and
to the parich clark and onder clark y' full wages. Also I will
have the day of my buriall a trentall of Masses wHn my parich
church, if preistes may be gottyn theder, and els in other plaisses
wher it may best be done. Also I will that yer be a hoU brew-
ing of ale yeiven to my customers after the quantitie of thar
tonnyng in a woke. To the personage a standing peice of ye
valour of xl s. I wit to Sir Bichard mownk of Mowntgraice oon
of the best of the iij alter clothes. To our Ladie gild vj s. viij d.
To Sainct Nicholas and Sainct Kateryn gildes vj s. viij d. Also
I woll that a peice be delivered to Sainct Leonard y* is in
pleige for xx s. and thay for to syng for my souU Masse and
Derige. I wit vj s. viij d. to help to pave the cawse be side
Sainct Antony's in the HorsfEire. To Margaret, my dowghter,
my brewin wessell. To Sir Robert Stoxley a ringe of gold.
To Sir Thomas Pilley my wedding ringe and a overse bed. To
Sainct Antoin iij s. iiij d. And to the Mowntgraice, to the
beilding of a glasse window, x s. To Sir John, my chapleyn,
a bed to lie in. Also I will have a thorgh ston of marbill to
be laid uppon my grave and als nere as it may be to my hus-
band, William Clark, grave, and it to have his name and myne
set in it grawyn in metalL
Mr. William Wright,* yonger, notarie, my son Hugh Hulley,
and Sir Thomas Pilley, my newoy, executours.
[Pr. 7 Aug. 1509.]
ct domibns Leprosoram in snburbiis Ebor. Jobanni Robinson unom Primariom.
Bes. Aliciae nzori mess. (Beg. Test. Dec. ic Cap. ii. 11.)
* William Wrigbt of Torke, tbe elder, notarie. To be buried in our lAdjr
where of Belfray as neighe mywiffe__tumbe_as may be. To Mr of Corpus
Chri^ti gild xij d., and tO eveiyoh of the kepers vj d. if so be that thay come
to my buriall Messe. I wit my Pascall caundall to the kepers of our Lady
light according to a draught in pauper drawen of lait of my awn hand. I wit
Nane to good Mr Metcalf and his wiff & ten marc' 1 wit to hir,and I will thay
have it & frely I gyve hit to thame. To Mr John Metcalf a gold ring plegid
to me for ziij s. iiij d. To Emy on hart of gold of xx s. price or nigh. To my
cosyn Mauld Metcalf a pare of corall beides. To my oosyn Sir Edmund Met-
calf the best booke that I have at his chesing : and the best booke next to my
[Reg. Test. viii. 176.]
July 23, 1509. Alison Sothill* of parish of Dewsbmye.
First, gif my saule to God Almyghtye, our Lady Saynt Mary, &
all the feir compauye of hevyn, & my body to be buried in the
kirk or the kirke yerd, & my best whik goode to be my
mortuarie. To my son Thomas a gold ryng that hath Jhesus
graven in hyt, & an other ryng with a diamond in hit, & a long
chist of cipresse tre, & a cupeburde that standes by hytt in my
parlor. To my doghter-in-lawe Margery his wiflF an other
cubbord. To my god-doghter, Elisabeth Sothill, a broch oi
gold and my litill girdill. To my sonn-in-lawe William Amyas
a lityU goblett of silver with a coveryng, ij of my best sylver
spones, a ryng of gold havyng Sent John Baptist graven in hit.
To my sonn. Sir Henry Sothill, ij of my best silver spones.
To my son Robert Sothill f ij silver spones. I will that every on
of my sonnes-in-lawe, Peter Barston, Johii Beamond, Thomas
Sey veil, have ichon of theme a sylver spone to pray for me.
To my doghter, Jenet Trigott, an Englishe boke of oure Lady
& Sent Barnard. To my doghter, Elizabeth Amyas, a gilted
gyrdyll that hath a cheyne at hit. To my doghter Margarete
Barston my brodest gilted girdill. My doghter Alise Beamond
to have my third blake gowne. To my doghter Efikme Seyvell
cosyn Martyn, To Janet Metcalf zij d. & to Barbera, bir mother beides an<l
the secund belt that was laid in plege be Thikpennj to me. To John Wright
my land at Skipwith — rem. to Edward my sone. To John my sone my land
at Bqshopthorp, k Edward to have tharin a competent Ivging both at Skip-
with & Bnshopthorp. I charge my ex", as thay will answer afore €K>d, that
tliay suffer all such powr folke as awe to me come and money. [Pr. 10 Jan.
1522-3] (Reg. D. & C, ii, 135,)
♦ This is the widow of John Sothill of Dewsbuiy, who died in 1600. (Test.
Ebor. iv. 168.)
t This is, I conjecture, Robert Sothill of Haslewood, lawyer, whose Will
was proved at York on June 22nd, 1526. " I make my wife, Wm Babthorp
gen., & Thos Sotehill gen. ex". My body to be beried in Tempill churche
emonge my fellowys there. Where my wif is nowe with childe, if it be a son,
to have xl 11. : if a doughtour, xl markes, proviso that if she marye agayne, or
refuse this saide Will, that then she be expulsed of this saide Will & the
exempsion therof, & every of my saide daughtours to have xl markes. The
said William Babthorpe to have all my bookes, my sattan dublett & a layer
of silver. To the said Thomas my best geldyng. To Richard Palmes my
gowne lyned with chamlett. To Edmund, the pothecary his man, my olde
furryd gowne. Sir Wm Myddilton. Sir Wm Myddilton knt supervisor.
Witness George Candishe, Richard Pollard & Ric. Palmes gentilmen & Wm
Babthorpe." (Reg. Test. ix. 342.)
George Candishe must, be George Cavendish the gentleman- usher and bio-
grapher of Cardinal Wolsoy.
my best violet gowne. My doghter Dame Kateryn Sothyll to
have a chafer that belonges to my parlom*. I ^nll that those
wymen that shall wynde me have every on of theyme viij d.
wether thei be ij or iij. Also I will that every on of those iiij
men that shall beyre me to the kirke have iiij d. I make
Thomas Sothill, William Amyas my son-in-lawe, & Sir Henre
Sothill my son, the vicar of Birton, myne ex". I will that
Peter Barston have my termys in the tyth of Dewsburye I
will that peny dole be dalt the day of my beriall, & a trentall
of Messes to be saide the same daie, and a dyner for gentilmen
and prestes ; & the residue of my godes unbequest to have a
prest to syng for mee as fare as it will stretche. For the
tythinges that I have forgotten, xx d,
[Pr. 21 Aug, 1609, adnu to ex".]
[Reg. Test, viii 186.]
August 20, 1609. William Barton of the citie of Yorke.
To be beryed in the kirke namyd Crisechurch, nere unto the
holy water fett, as it may best be. To the hye awter one awter-
cloth of viij d. a yerde, with on wasshyng towell. To Mr Wil-
liam Wright, my broder in law, on stott. To Thomas Abnay
& hys wif one pakkyng of white, & my bow & arrowes,
with on dagar which he gaf me. To William Jameson on
of my swerdes that he will chose. To Bichard Fosgrave, my
feloy, on bag of blue tuke. To the rode lyght ij s. iiij d. to
make up xiij s. iiij d. of the xj s. that remaynys in my handes
of the stok of the saide rode lyght. To the boy that I fynd of
almos for Grod sake xiij s. iiij d. with on competent reyment, to
be put to a crafte, if he will go therto. To lytyll Byly Malson a
cote & a peire of showne. The residue to Agnes my wiflF.
[Pr. 80 Aug.]
[Reg. Teat. Till. 63.]
Oct. 27, 1509. Humfray Maners* of Yorke, gentilman.
To be buried in the Mynster afor the ymage of Seint Gregory
* I cannot conneot this g^tleman with the baronial house of Manners, to
which he was probably allied. There are some notices of other persons in
York with the same surname in the Register of the York Corpus Christi
of Pytye, if it may be hadde, paing therfor vj s. viij d. I be-
qnieth v li. wax to be made in v feergies to brynne about my
herse the day of my buriall, to be bom with my body unto the
Mynster dore, & then iij of theym to go w* the curate of my
parish chirch there to remayn, & the oder ij to remayn still in
the Mynster. I will that the maister of Corpus Chiisti gilde
& kepars of the same be at my buriall, & the maister to have
vj d. & every kepar iiij d. To Sibill my wiflF a standing pece
covered dymy gilt, and oon coverd salt of silver demy gilt of
my porcion ; &, if she spare the pece unsold, I will that John
my Sonne have hit after hir decesse. To Janet my doghter
XX s. & XX marc according to her fader's (sic) Will. To John,
my Sonne, a pece which I had of Thomas P^elton of Hull in
partie of payment of certeyn dett : and, if he borow the said
pece, then I will that John my sonne have my best coverd salt
of silver, or els the money that it lyyth fore of my porcion.
To Thomas Maners, my broder, my best gown next my mor-
tuary. To Agnes, my sister, a gown, or els yj s. viij d. To
John, my sonne, ij ringes of golde, that is to say a hoope price
xlvj s. viij d., and anoder with a saphire ; and all my hames.
The residew to Sibill my wiflf & John my sonne, whome I
make my executours, & Mr. William Nelson alderman &
William Tesh supervisours.
[Pr, 14 Feb, 1510-11, adm, to ex«.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 276.]
Nov. 14, 1509. Henry Vavasour oflf Hessellwode, esqwyer.*
To be buriede in the chappell of Hessellwode nye the tombe oflf
my wifife, whos soull God assolle : and iff it happen me to de-
cesse in Lincolnshier, then I will my body be buriede in the
abbay off Louthe parke, afore an s^mage of our Lady, wher iiij
prestes be syngyng, and foundede by myn auncestres, that I,
my wiffe and my childeren may be praede for for ever. To
Sajrnt Peter warke at Yorke vs. I will that thare be a m*
Messez saide for my soull and my wiffe souUe, as shortly as may
be after my decesse. I will that ther be xx li. of money des-
tribute to poore pepull the day of my beryall, and that there
be xiij gownes of blake clothe gyven to xiij pore men to pray
for my soull the same day. I will that ther shalbe a thrugh
♦ A «on of Sir Henry Vavasour of Haslewood, whose will has been already
given. He married Elizabeth dau. Sir John Everingham of Birkin.
Mr. Vavasour died on the dlst of October, 1515, leaving John Vavasour, Esq.,
his Bon and heir, aet. 21.
stone oflF marbell, of the price of iiij markes, laide uppon the
tombe of my wiffe. I will that the chappelle of AUhallowes
in Estbume be beylded with my goodes by myne executors, of
viij postes, conveniently with a chambre in the ende, and that
all the leede and stuffe tharoff goo towarde the beldyng of the
same. I will that all my servantes, the whiche abide w^ me at
the tyme off my decesse, shall have all ther wages that I aught
theym ; and, over that, every yoman to have vj s* viij d., and
every ploughman v s., to pray for my saulle. And iff it happen
me to be in dett to any persone or person3 at the day of my
decesse, than I will that my feoffe3 shall suffer myn executors
to have off th'issu3 of my lands as myche monney as shall con-
tent all my saide dettes which cane be dewly and trewly
provede that I ought tx) any man. To ychone of my executors
fyve marcs. The residew to be devydede emonges my children
by the discrecion of myn executors. I make William Farfeut,
swyer, sergant at the lawe, William Scergill knyght, John
Gylliott knyght, Thomas Everyngham sone off Jhon Everyng-
ham knyght, George Evers, Thomas Farefax of Walton squier,
James Roos of Dyghton esqwier, Christofer Preston squier,
Bryane Stapylton off Wighall squier, Johne Lake, Henry But-
teler, Sir William Byngley preste, and William Warde to be
myn executors ; & William Gascoign squier, son of Sir William
Oascoyng knyght, surveyor.
[Pr. 28 Feb. 1515-16, adm. to William ScargiU and Thos. Fairfax kts., Chr.
Preston esq. Qeo. Even not. pabl. Hen. Buttler and Wm. Bynglej, exn.]
[Beg. Test. viU. 88 a.]
Dec. 10, 1 509. Marmaduke Thenge ♦ of Rotesse. To be
buryed in the parish chirch of Hooton. To the werke of the
seid chirch, for reparyng and making of new stalles theryn,
xxyj 8. viij. I wit to the seid chirch warke for iij seargies of
a li. a pece for to bum for ever w4n the seid chirch upon the
hooly daies in service tyme xxvj s. viij d.; oon afore the crucifix ;
oon afore our Lady of pytie ; and the oder afore Seint Andrew.
To the Trinite gilde iiij quarters malte. I wite for oon canopie
to the high aulter iij s. iiij d. For wax to be brynde at my
buryall xviij d. I wit v yerdes of lyn cloth for ij aulter-clothes
in the chapell at Bottese. To the same chapell, for a Messe-
buke and oder omamentes, xl s. To a preist to sing for my
* The Thwengs have left very few memorials of themselves in the York
sonle by oon hole yere in the seid chirch & ij daies in the woke
in the chapell at Eotese, iiij IL To Elsabeth Thwynge a silver
spoon. To Sir William Thwynge, my sonne, oon yong gray
hors stoned. To Bichard, my soone, oon horse-myin, the helme
tymber, my male-hemes, my best salet, oon bille. To the
Priour of Crissebrugh on he swan. To Bichard, my son, a pare
of swanes. To Sir Bobert Cunstable knyght a pair of swanes*
To Sir Marmaduke Constable knyght oon he swan. To Alison
my doghter iij silver spoones. To Bichard, my son, a pair of
corall bedes, my best bonet wt a rose of silver. My clooke w*
ringges to Bichard Sampson. To litle Elsabeth my sleveles
jacket. To my sister Matilde iij s. iiij d. To Alison my suster
a crucifix of silver. To Issebell my suster a silver ryng. To
Elsabeth my suster a kurchif. The residue, soothly, to Bar-
tholomewe my son & Diones my doghter. They ex".
[Pr. 19 Apr. 1610.]
[R^. Test. viiL 59 a.]
Dec. 14, 1609. I John Watton* makes my witworde in
this maner. First, I wit my soul to Almyghtie Grod, our Lady
Seint Mary, and all the company of hevyn ; my body to be
buried in the chapell of Terryngton befor Kyng Kerry. I wit
my best goode to my corse presand. I gif to Lanslay, my son,
all my arament for my body, except divers close which I will
gif w* myne oune hande. I wit to the seid Lannslot a kist
w* all buckes and thinges therin, and his hole childe parte
w*out enny trouble. To Agnes, my wiff, yj silver spoones for
terme of hir liff, and, after hir decesse, to Lannslot and Jenet
Bekwith. I wit x s. for Seint Gregory trentall to be said for
me : also vij Messes of Seint Gilles and v of the Hooly Goost.
I wit for forgetten tithes xij d. Also I will that a herse be set
upon me and a sergh to be lighted everey Sonday for the space
of vij yere. To the chapell that I lye in xx d. To the covering
of the font xx d. To Boger Bekwith a gown cloth price vj s.
viij d. To Jenet Bekwith my part of the good. I make Agnes
my wiff and Lannslay my son to be my trew executours, and
Kerry Beckwit supervisor. Also, a hoole in the brigge toward
AUerton to be mendid on my cost. To the Freres of AUerton,
* The simple and instructive wiU of a oonntryman. His mention of • Kyng
Hcrry * at Terrington is a touching allusion to the popular worship of Henry
VI. lasting into the time of the Tudor kings.
Richmund, and Yarom, ich of theym xij d. to doy Dirige and
Afesse for me. To Margaret Goislie of hir oune good ij 8. Thes
witnes Sir William Smyth, Sir William Bark^, and George
Smyth, w* oder.
[Pr. 16 Nov. 1610, adm. to ex".]
[Beg. Test. viiL 28 a and 230 b."]
Dec. 22, 1509. John Coplay* of the parishe of Batlay.
To be buried in the church garth of Batlay nye my fader &
moder. To on vyse makyng on Estur daie in the momyng to
the sepulcre iij s. iiij d. All the landes which my fiidir Lionell
Coplay hath given to my too breder, Richard & Herry, with
my consent & grant, them to have it duryng their lyves. To
my wif her joyntre with her dowrie duryng her lyff. To William
CJoplay, my yonger son, Warmefeld, Snydall, Hillome, and
Potirton duryng hys liflf. To the manage of ich of my iiij
doghters, Anne, Jenett, Isabell, and Elisabeth, c marc, so that
the marie & be guyded after the feoflfers & myn executores.
To Jane Portyngton, doghter of John Portington my sonne in
lawe, XX li. To Mr. Thomas CJoplay, my broder, an ambelyng
horse which I rode upon myself. To my broder Richard an
ambelyng horse. To my broder Herry f on gray trottyng horse.
♦ A few notices of the family of Copley of Batley may be of value. In
▼ol. iv. pp. 46-60 are the wills of the testator's gpcandfather and uncle.
Lionel Copley, the testator's father, according to the Visit" of 1584, married
Joan dau. John Thwaites of Lofthouse ; or, according to Mr. Hunter, Jane
d. Thos. Thwaites of Denton (South Yorkshire, i. 61). On May 26. 1508, the
will of Lionel Copley of Batley, esq., was proved (not copied) at York, and
adm. was granted to Henry Copley, his ex'. (Reg. Test. vii. 87 a.)
The testator married Agnes, dau. of Sir GeofPrey Pigot of Clotherham near
Bipon, and she and her children are mentioned in the wills of her mother
(Test. Ebor. iv. 6) and of her brother (Ibid. 213). The testator made a
f eofiEment of his estates on Dec. 20, 1st Hen. Vm., which is appended to his
will. The feoffees were "Thomas Wortlay knyght, John Norton th'elder,
knyght, John Norton the yonger, esquyer, Herry Vavasor of Hesilwod, Thomas
Lynlay of Lynlay, Thomas Sothill, Christofer Eltoftes of Bishworth Sc
Herry Seyvell esquyeres, 8c Bichard Coplay and Bobert Herrison gentilmen.'*
The directions are already specified in the will.
f On Dec. 15, 1611, he makes his will : — Herry Coplay, gentilman, par. Batley.
To be buryed in the kirk yerd of Batley at the feet of my brother, John Coplay,
lately departyed, neyr my fader Sc moder, of whos soulys God have mercy.
My best horse, on saddill, etc., oon swerd, for my mortuarie. To Wm Copley,
my nevew, oon rede satten dublet. To my neyce Anne Copley oon fether bed.
Bawf e Savell. I will y* aU such goodes, as rystes in my lady my suster's handes
of myne uncle William's bequestes, go to the ezecucion of my will. To my
nece Agnes Flem3mg oon girdill. To my broder Bichard my chalice. My
nevew John Copley, my brother Bichard Coplty, and John Browne my ex'\
[Pr. 22 Apr. 1512.] (Beg. Test. viii. 91 a.)
To my wiff all my goodes here & att Thorpe Awdlay. To
John my son viij oxen & iiij kie, if he be of good demeaner
unto my wif & the feoflFers, &, if the mater go forth betwixt
me & Sir Richard Wodrof, I will that all such goodes as Sir
Thomas Wortlay awes me I gif it to my iiij doghters' mariage.
I make myn executours Annes my wiff & William my son, at
her pleasur.
[Pr. 9 Jan., adm. ex".]
[Reg. Test. yUL 82 b et seqq.]
Dec. 28, 1509. John Gilliot,* knyght & alderman of the
citie of York. I bequeth & commend my saule to Almyghty
God my Saviour, and to the prayers of the glorious Virgyn
S&jnt Mary His modir, Sainct John Baptist, an all holy
Seyntes, Apostylles, Martirs, Confessours, & Virgyns, to pray
for me. -^d I bequeth my body to be buried in a chapell of
* A wiU abounding with good and charitable gifts, which wiU be read with
The testator was a most distingnished citizen of York. He was scm and he!r
of John Qilliot, Lord Major in 1464 and 1474» and became Chamberlain of the
city in 1482 ; Sheriff in 1484-5 ; on May 22, 1487, he waA elected Alderman ;
M.P. for the city Oct. 1487, and Lord Mayor in 1490 and 1503. In 1500-1 be
received the very high honor of being created a Knight of the Bath ; and in
July 1503 he took a conspicnouB part in entertaining the Princess Margaret
when she passed through York on her way to Scotland to join her royal husband.
King James lY.
In 1485 and 1486 and in 1500-1 Sir John was Master of the Merchants'
Company ; on Jan. 15, 1488, he founded an obit in the church of St. Leonard^
Hospital, and it is plain to see from his will and other evidences that he was
the most conspicuous person in York of his time.
His first wife was a lady whos^ Christian name was Catherine ; his second was
Maude, dau. of Sir Henry Yavasour of Haslewood.
Sir John Gilliot does not lie beside his father in his own parish church, bat
in the neighbouring church of St. Saviour, to which he was a noble benefactor.
His last will is given at full length, and is a striking picture of the man, his
religious feelings and life.
The inquisition after his death was taken on October 2, 1510, from which it
appears that he died on February 22 previous, seized of lands in Bishopthorpe,
Fulford, Towthorpe, Yapham, Meltonby, and Kelfield, and that Wm. GiUiot/
.was his son and heir, being of the age of twenty-one. l^ — —^■'^-^
Sir John^s father, John Gilliot, merchant, was free of the city in 1439 ;
Chamberlain in 1446 ; Sheriff in 1452-3 ; Lord Mayor 1464 and 1474. In 1442
he was adm. into the Merchants' Guild on a payment of 30«., of which con-
fraternity he became the Master in 1459^60, and 1476. On Deoember 30,
1474, whilst he was Mayor, Archbishop Lawrence Booth allowed him to have a
private oratory in his house. (Beg. L. Booth, 167.)
John Gilliot mar. Joan dau. of John Lancaster. Will d. 17th pr. 27th Sept.
1480. To be bur. in the high choir of his par. church of All Saints on the
new to be beildyt in the parishe kyrk of Sainct Saviour in the
citie of York w* the body of Dame Mawde my wiflfe, where myn
executours thynkes most expedient I bequeth for my mortuarie
as the custome of the citie is ; and to the parson of All-halows
uppon the Payment, for my forgotyn tithes, iij li. And to the
parson of Sainct Saviour kyrk, for my forgotyn tithes, iij li. I
bequeth vij dosan wax to be made in vij serges to bime about
my body the day of my beriall, & soe dayly to bime about
my herse xxx daies, by all which xxx daies I wille Masse and
Dvrigie be done w* note w* xiij preistes where my body lieth, and
ichon of those prestos to have every day iiij d« I bequeth viij
dosan clone wax to be made in xiij torchys to bim abowt my
body duryng the said xxx daies in time of Messe and Dirige ;
and myn executours to agre w* the parson of Saynt Saviour's
kirk for the wax« I bequeth xiij gownes to be made of gud
blak & lynyd w* white, & in every gown w* a hoode iiij yerdes,
to be yeven to xiij pore folkes that shal beyre the said torchys ;
and to every of theym v d. for every day, & they and evere
of theym to say fyve tymes our Lady Sawter w*in the dale &
nyght evere of those xxx daies. To the parishe preist of Al-
halows iij s. iiij d. : to the parish clerc xij d. : to the undirclerc
yj d. : and to every othir preist of the same kirk, to pray for my
saule, xij d. and to every parish preist seculer in every kirk and
chapell w4n the citie of York and subarbys of the same, to do
a Dirige and a Messe w* note, w* ryngyng of bellys, the mome
next aftir my beriall, every parish preist yj d. & evere othir
prest iiij d. ; & to every parishe clerc for ryngyng iiij d, ; & to
every undir-clero ij d. to pray for my soule, the sardes of my
fEtdir, my modir, of Katerine & Mawd my wifes, & of my childre
sanies & all Gristen sanies ; and to the parishe clerc of Sainct
Saviour's kyrk duryng the said xxx daies for ryngyng at Dirigie
& Messe evere day iiij d. ; & to the undir-clerc ij d. ; & I charge
myn executours to offer every day in the honour of the Fadir,
the Sonne, & the Holy Gost, iij d. duryng the said xxx daies.
To be yeven to pore folk the dale of my beriall & at my viij
day XX li., & more money, if nede require. To every man and
woman in evere masyndew w4n the said citie & suburbys of the
same, ij d. To every man & woman in the foure leper howsys
iij d. To every prisoner w*in the said citie, to pray for me, iij d.
To every man & woman lieng bedreyn & may not goo iij d. I
bequeith fyvescore blak gownes & lynyd w* white, and in every
gown iij yerdes, to be yeven to fyvescore pore men & women of
my cost, where most nede & charitie is. I bequeth fyvescore
lyn & herdyn shertes to be yeven to fivescore pore men & women
bedreyn, & othir poure folkes of ye citie & cuntrey, where most
nede & chaiitie is. To the Grey-freris, to syng ncx Messes for
me & all my frendes' saules, that is to saie the first x de nomine
Jhesuy the secund x de quin/pie wlneribua Jheau Chrietiy the
thrid X de Corpore ChrUt'L (BUc.) To the Freres of the Toftes,
to syng likewise xxx Messes of All Seyntes, Apostyls, Martyrs
& Gonfessours, xl s* To the White Freres, to syng xxx Messes
of our Lady, the Virgyns and Angels, xxxvj s. viij d. To the Freres
Austens to syng xxx Messes of our liidy, the Apostyls,& Requiem
xxvj s. viij d. To the Priorisse & Covent of Clementhorp to
syng a Meaee & a Dirige w^ note x s. : soe that non of thees places
aforenamyd for their Messes leyve not thyre Messes of charge
which they er bound to. To the Priour & Covent of Seynt
Andrews to syng xxx Messes de Spiritu SanctOy xxx of our Lady,
and xxx de Requiem xxvj s. viij d. To the Prior and Covent
of Mountgrace to syng for my saule and all Cristen saules xxx
Messes of Requiem xx s. To the Priour & Covent of the
Charterhows of Hulle to syng xxx Messes of Requiem for my
saule and all Cristen saules xx s. To the Covent and other
mynystres w*in the kyrk of the hospital of Seynt Leonarde's in
York, to syng Dirige & Mease w* note and Ixxxx Messes of
Requiem^ liij s. iiij d., to be dividit emonges theym aftir the
discrecion of myn executours, & to the sisters of the same
hospital yj s. viij d. To be yeven in mete & drynk w4n the
space of iij^yeres to the prisonners in the castel of York iij li.,
y* is to saie evere yere xx s. : and to the prisonners in the bisshop
prison xl s., that is every of those iij yeres xiij s. iiij d. I bequeth
fyfty beddes to the porest men & women wHn this citie where
most nede is ; and evere bedde to have a new matres, ij new
blankettes, ij new shetes, and a new coverlet, price of every
bedde x s. To xl pore madyns toward their mariage, to every
madyn vj s. viij d. To be yeven to pore weddit men and women
kepyng hows wHn the fraunches of this citie, where most nede is,
X li. To the gilds of Corpus Christi, Sainct Christofre & Sainct
George, & Sainct John Babtist, each vj s« viij d. To the gild of
Sainct Antony x s. Towards the reparacion of the gDd of the
Trinitie in Fosgate xl s. To Brian, my servannt, c s. To John
Marshall, my prentise, xl s. To Kateryn Anlaby, toward her
mariage, xl s« To Agnes Spensar v marc. I bynde & charg all
my landes, etc., in Fosgate, to paie yerely to Sir Leonard Wadee,
chauntree preist of the chauntre at Seynt Thomas awter in the
kirk of Alhalows uppon the Pament, & to his successours for
ever, by way of augmentacion of ye same chauntre, iiij marc, &
charges myn heires with the payment of the same as they wHle
answar therfore afore God at the day of dome. To my sonne
Peter * the said landes, etc., to paie the foresaid yerely rent ;
my gret hows in Coppergate & my landes, etc. in the parish of
Alhalows upon the Pament to hym & his heires — to remayn to
my Sonne I^urence Gilliot & his heires — to remayn to my sonne
William Gilliot & his right heyres. To my sonne Lam-ence
Gilliot my gret place in the Middle Water lane w^ all my landes,
etc, wHn the parishe of Sainct Mari in Gastilgate, A two tene-
mentes in Fishergate, my landes, etc., in Stayngate ; two tene-
mentes in Gonyngstrete ; a tenement in Monkgate ; two tene-
mentes in Griste's parishe, othirwise callyd Tnnitie parish in
Curia Regis, & all my garthyns in Hundgate. I bequeth cccc li.
or more, in money, as nede shal require, to myn ezecutours to
purches furth of an abbey or odir sufficient place oon annuitie
of yj li. by yere, or ellys to purches othir arrable land, medew
& pastur, to the valour of vj li., to be yven to an abbey such as
hath sufficient auctoritie of the kyng to take Mortemayn : and
if they canne fynd no such abbey nor othir place, then myn
executours to purches the landes & hit to make as sure as the
canne; and thereof to funde a chauntre in ye new chapel in
Seynt Savour kirk, where my body lith, for a chauntry preist to
syng for my soule, the soules of my fedir & moder, Kateryn and
Mawde my wiflFes, the sanies of my childre, and al Cristen saules ;
and every yere to make an obit for theis foresaid saules of a
Dirigie and a Mease w* note of xiij preistes ; and every preist
to have iiij d., the parishe preist yj d., the parishe clerc iiij d.,
the undir-clerc iij d. & ye belman, for proclamacion yerelie of
ye same obit, iiij d. ; and the said chauntre preist to paie al
theis, and to fjmd yerely ij serges of ij lb. weight to stand and
* July 1625. Petir Gilliott, oitezen and marchaimte of the citie of Yorke.
To be beried within the parishe church of Sancte Sayioor of Yorke in the
hyghe where, ny unto my fader and moder. To a preiste, to sing for my sa'ill
ther, iiij li. ziij s. iiij d. for thre yeres. I will ther shalbe a trantall of Messes
salde and doyn for my saide sanll within my parishe chnrch of Alhalonse oppon
the Payment the day of my beriall or before. To the iiij Orders of Freres of
Yorke, to pray for me t to bryng my body to be beried, xiij s. iiij d. To the
chnrche wardens of Bancte Saviour's xiij 8. iiij d. of an annnall rent out of mj
landes, for an ^^nnnft.!! obite for my saull k those of my fader Sc moder, in
givyng brede, chese, spise, and wyue to the parishynners ther so far as the saide
xiij 8. iiij d. wiU extende. To Alide my wif my landes, etc., in Yorke, paying
by yere tjve marc to Matild Oilliott my doughtour k heire ; she to have the
charge of her. My tenemente in the saide parishe of Alhallouse in the holdyng
of Nicholas Dicson, harbour, to my wif. My fader in lawe Petir Jackson, alder-
man. My broder in lawe John Hogeson marchaunte. Mawde Sc Agnes Cbamer
my wif doughtours. Nece Bliz. Dawson. To Roberto & Maw^ Ctilliott^ my
broder's childer , xl g^ To the churchwarke of AIhallOT356""3a s. To Margarete
Jackson, my moder in lawe, ij riaUes of golde. My sister Marg* Charlsby.
Bit), in lawe Petir Robynson my best gowne bot oon, & my swerde & buckler.
Broder William Wakefield my wark day gowne. To my cosyn Miles Newton,
the writter herof, xiij s. iiij d. The res. to my wife and dau. Wife ex. (Rog.
Test. U. 324).
birne ovir the herse in tyme of Di/rigie & Mease of ye said
yerely obite. I charge myn executours to accompUish & fynnyshe
this chauntrie in manner aboune said w4n iij yeres next aftir
my decease, w^nte an opyne & reassonnable cause of lettyng.
And in case myn executours cane not purches the kinge's
licence for Mortmayn for this land, nor odirwise cannot fynd
an abbey nor place havyng sufficient auctoritie to receyve such
landes in Mortmayn, then I wille y^ the said some of money be
imploed, as long as it wille last, to the fyndyng of thre preistea
to syng for my saule, the saules of my fietder, my moder, my
wyffes, my chUdre, & all Cristen saules : two of the said preistes
to syng at Thomas awter in Alhalows of ye Pament, & the
thrid to syng in my chapel at Sainct Saviour kirk when it is
beildyt, & in the mean tyme he to syng in the same kirk at a
side awter : ichon of the said iij preistes to receyve for his
stipend every yere c s. I wille that William my sonne & his
heires be ye vers and patrons of the chauntre,if it may be foundyt
at Sainct Saviour lark — in defiaut, it to remayn to my sonne
Laurence— my sonne Petir — my dowghter MaiKdz^-my dowgh-
ter ^^diucg^ret— to the parson of the said kirk, and to iiij of the
best m^^fthat parishe, I wille that my sonne Peter & his
heires be yevers & patrons of a chaimtre that Sir Leonard
Wade hath at Sainct Thomas awter in the kirk of Alhalous«
To emendyng & makyng of hie waies abowt Yorke, where most
neid is, xx marc. To William Grilliot, my sonne, xx U. To
Laurence and Peter my sonnes (each) xxx li. & they & my
doghtours to have their partes holl bisides my legaces. I
charge myn executours to content & (paie) to oon Newby of
Fenton in recompence for that my fader & I haid certeyn land
of his fadir's in morgage by certen yeres, to pray for our saules,
xl s. I wille that the iiij ordirs of Freres of the citie come w^
their crossys and coventes the daie of my berial & bryng my
body to the kirk, & for y* I bequest to every of their places
X s. To Sir John Faceby preist x s. To Deynis Brokden,
John Craven, & John Dicson (each) vj s. viij d. I yeve to by a
tabil of alblaster to the high awter in Sainct Saviour lark
V marc. To the same kirk two oopys of russet cloth of gold,
sortable as nye as may be had to a vestiment & a cope of cloth
of gold which were yeven by on Bracebrig. To Sir Leonard
Wade vj s. viij d. To John Broun, my servannt, xx s. To
Richard Anlaby, my cosyn, x marc & to my cosyn John Anlaby
xl 8. I wille that ichon of myn executours, survers, preistes,
& servantes have blak gownes the daie of my beriell, of my
charge & cost. To ichon of myn executours, for their labur, x
marc ; to ichon of the surveyers of my testament viij marc } .'i
their reasonnable expensys & costes. To ichon of my iij sonnes
& two dogbtours a standyng pece gilt w* the covering, ichon to
have the chose aftir their age. To my sone William my best
chyne of gold. To either of my two doghtours, Mawd & Mar-
garet, toward their mariage, xx li. To my cosyn William Anlaby
xl 8. To Thomas North, tailor, x s. To Elisabeth Eichardson,
my s^vamit, yj s. viij d* To James Bratwhait, child of my
kitchyn, iij s. iiij d. To John Pepir & Robert Butre, chirch-
wardens of Sainct Saviomr kirk & their successours, to the ex-
hibicion & angmentacion of the parishe clerc their & of his
wages, fyve tenementes in Staynbow-lane. I wille that myn
executours paie daring xx yeres aftir my decesse to the preistes
of Allhalow kyrk on the Paiement iij s. iiij d, every yere, & to
the parishe clerk vj s. viij d., soe that they kepe & syng our
Lady Messe in the ssune lark every Setterday dnryng the said
tyme. I make John Langton of York, draper, tutor to my
donghter Mawde to she come to lawful age ; & Greorg Evers
tutor to my sonne Petir ; & William Huby of York tutor to my
donghter Margarete. I make my sonne William Gilliot my
principal executour, & Sir Robert Wilberfosse preist the othir of
myn executours. I make John Langton draper, Georg Evers,
William Hoby & Sir William Shirbum, preist, supervisours.
[Pr. 4 March, adm. to ex'«.]
[Beg. Test. viii. 46 «.]
Feb. 8, 1609-10. William Amyas* of Horbury. To be
buried within the parish chirch of Wakefeld, in the qwere of
Seint Nicholas, afore my fader and moder. To the aulter of
♦ A son of Ralph Amjras of Horbuiy, gen.» who died in 1491. There is but
little known of this family, and I throw together some notices of members
of it.
1419, Aug. 12. John Amyas. Sep. in cem. eccl. S. Mich, de Thomhill juxta
crucem. Filio meo, Priori de Bredon, j mappam et j manuterginm. Ricardo
fiUo meo 20 marks. Willelmo filio meo j cistam de Flaunder, j togam penu-
latam cum grey, et optimum meum pese ooopertum. Johanni Amyas, filio
Marjoriae servientis meae, unum librum qui vocatur Portus. John Amyas
Prior of Bredon, Richard A. & Richard de Loyn ex". [Pr. 16 May, 1620.]
(R<^. Bowett, i. 376 b.)
1434, die 8. Joliani. Wm Amyas (par. Sandal). Sep. in eccl. S. Elenae de
Sandal. Sons John k Robert k dau. Eliz. each a silver cup. Daughters
Agnes Sc Margaret unum par precularium auri. Wife Joan. Summo altari
et altari B. M. unum gausipe. [Pr. 26 Mar. 1436.] (Reg. Test. iii. 447 a.)
1451, 3 Oct. Eliz. Amyas of High Melton. Sep. B. M. Fr. Carmelitaram
de'^ \ncastre coram imagine B. M. Sons Robert k Ralph k dau. Katherine.
Seint Nicholas a vestment price xx s. To the reparacion of
Horbury brig v s. To the belles of Horbury chirche xx s. To
the stalling of the chauncell wHn the chapell of Horbury, &
other ornamentes in the seid chapell, xiij s. iiij d. I will that
oon preist sing by the space of oon yere for my soule, the
soules of my fader and moder, M. Robert Frost, John Vincent,
John Alan, Sir William Leysdale, & the soules of all my good
frendes, & for all Cristen soules. I will that oon oder preist
sing for the saule of Margret Whithed to the some of xxx s. be
spent; & oon for the soule of myn awnte Kateryn Shaghe
to xs. be spent. To Isabell my wif the thirde of my
goodes, & xiij li. yj s. viij d. of myn owne parte, all her
aparell, & ij gilte saltes terme of herlif, to remayn to Thomas
my Sonne ; oon nut which John Alan g^e to her, ij gobbletes
of silver, oon chales, & a Masse booke. To my son Thomas
Amyas oon standing pece covered parcell gilte, a cheyn of gold
& a silver salt covered ; my terme of yeres in a close called
Parson-flatt at Wakfield. Also where I have mynles & certeyn
closes at Dewsbury to ferme for terme of yeres of the lese of
the Dean & Chanons of Seint Stephyn's * by there chapiter
seale, & the seid mylnes & dammes new reparyd by me at my
grete costes & charges, I will that they shall have yerely
vj 8. viij d. oute of the seid mylnes & closes of more yerly rent,
over & beside a close at Hertished, the which I g^e to
amende there fermehold there, the which I mended by the
reason of marling, to the valew of xiij s. iiij d. To either of my
doghters unmaried, for their porcion, xxvj li. xiij s. iiij d. My
Sonne William & myn oder yonger sonnes, if God fortune me to
Capellsa B. M. de High Melton 6 s. 8 d. Son Balph, John Alejn goldsmith of
London, & Dan Richard Rawlyn chaplain exrs. (Rc^. Test. ii. 278-9.)
] 467, 6 Jaly. John Amyas. Sons Thos. & Roger & dan. Eatheiine. To the
high altar of Thomhill 6 s. 8 d. (Reg. Test. iv. 238 a.)
1469, 28 Apr. John Amyas par. Sandal. Sep. in portion 8. Elenss de
Sandall. Wife Katherine ex«. [Pr. 3 June.] (Reg. Test. iv. 133 b.)
1485-6, Jan. 17. Robert Amyas of York, merchant. Brother Ralph A.
Wife Katherine. [Pr. 8 Apr. I486.] (Reg. Test. v. 279 a.)
1491, Die Sabb. p. f. 8. Andrew. Ralph Amyas of Horbury, gentilman.
Sep. in eccL de Wakef eld ex parte boriali cancelli. Roger A. & his children.
Thos. A. & his children. John A. Fabricsa ecclesiaa de Alta Melton pro anima
Eliz. matris meae 6 s. 8 d. Res. to wife Alice & son Wm., ex". Robert Froste
and Roger A. supervisors. [Pr. 13 Jan.] (Reg. Test. v. 404 h.)
1499-1500, March 10. Roger Amyas of Sandal. Sep. in oem. ante crucem
ex parte australi eccl. par. S. Elenae de Sandall Magna. John Thurgurland
jun. & Thos. Blakker, the husbands of my two daughters. Beatrici, filiae meae
junior!, x1. marcas ad maritagium. Res. to Alice my wife & John A. jun.
my son — they ex". Mr Robert Froste, clerk, chancellor of Arthur Prince
of Wales, & Wm Amyas, supervisors. [Pr. 23 Apr. 1500.] (Reg. Test. iii.
314 b.)
♦ i.e. at Westminster.
have eny, to have my terme of the seid mylues & closes, after my
Will performed. To my doghters, Alyce & Anne, vj L xiij s. iiij d.
(each), & to my cosyn William Froste xs. yerely during my
terme, out of the seid mylnes & closes. My lese of the
maner of Hollewell by the Prior & Convent of Seint Oswalde's
to my wif for her lif, to remain to William my sonne. My
doghters Johan & Elsabeth. My wiff & William Froste
To the Priour & Covent of Monkburton yj s. viij d. to sing
Dirige & Mease for my soule. I relese and forgif the Priour
of Bolton all my fee that he oweth me, to pray for my soule.
I will the Abbot & Covent of Selby shall have xiij s. iiij d. to
doe a Dirige & a Masse for my soule, & the Priour & Covent
of Seint Oswalde's vj s. viij d. I will that the Priour & Covent
of the Trinite's in Yorke have to do a Dirige & a Masse for my
soule xiij s., the which Shafton of Holebek besides Ledes oweth
me. I will that the Abbot & Covent of Roch abbey shall have,
over & beside that I have giffen to theym, oon olde noble &
ij gilt spoones to the valew of a silver pece gilte, or nygh the
valew, on agrement w* the seid abbot to pray for my soule, the
soule of my moder, w* all her auncetours. I will that the Dean
& Chanons of Seint Stepheyn's shall have xl s. to remitte &
forgif me all conscience & bargaynes, if ther eny be, from the
begynnyng of the worlde to this day, & also to all the college
there xxvj s. viij d. for a Dirige & a MessSy & to pray for my
soule. I will that olde Watson wiff shall have hir right, if she
eny have, or els noon. To Holme wiff oon quarter ry. To
Elsabeth Butler v s. which my fader bequest her, & I will she
shall have xxd. & a relese of a croke that I boght for her at
London. To John Amyas of Horbury & his wif (each) vj s. viijd.
Also myn awnte Alen at London shall have a tablet of gold for a
token, in recompense of a ring that she sent to me, & to forgif in
conscience of all thing, as she hath doon afore. To Persivall
Amyas a gold ring w* a stoon in hit. To Isabell my wiff a
wrethyn ryng of gold, & ij horses, the oon is rede & the oder
stonyd, if the vicar refuse theym, & my litle mare. To Sir
William Gascoyng, knyght, a yong horse in his oune parke, if
the vicar of Wakefeld refuse hym, upon this condicion that he
shal be good maister to my wiff & suffer her to occupy the
Abbot felde for the yerly ferme, as I pay now. To John Anne
th'elder my best cow that I had at Howell & a bow that he
gafe me. To Rauf Normavell a pecid bow. To William Frost
my rede mare at Howell & my blake furred gown w* shankes ;
& my servantes to be rewarded after there deservettes. To
Sir William Woderuf knyght xiij s. iiij d., to discharge me of
r 2
all conscience. I will, if Hawselyn wiff of Thome make eny mater
after my decesse & have eny right, that she be recompensed after
the discrecion of mynexecu tours. To Thomas Soteli, e8qmer,my
yonger horse that I had of Mr Scargill. To Richard Birkhed my
yong horse that I bought of William Neckall. To William Grene
a gray horse of myn that he has in hie occupacion. I will that
xij d. shal be disposed for the soule of hym that aght a Primar
that I fande, & that iij s. iiij d. shal be disposed for the sonle of
Pagman. To my cosyn Elsabeth Alan a ring of golde. To the
Abbot & Covent of Cristall yj s, viij d. to do a Dirige^ & a
Masse for my soule.
[Pr. & adm. to widow.]
[Reg. Test. viii. 68 &»]
1610. John Clarvax.* To 'be buried before our Lady at
the qwere doore in the abbey chirch of Kyvax, if it please my
lord abbot and his convent. I wit my bedes of awmer of 1, and
iiij nobles of monay to my lord to pray for me, & xl s. to the
convent to pray for me. I will that a preist of good name &
demeanour sing at our Ladle's aulter in the body of the chirch
for the soules of my fader, my moder, and myn, and for all
Cristen saules xyj yeres, havyng yerely vij marc of lefuU monay.
I will ther be dalt in penny dole the day of my burial xl s. I
bequeth my ring of gold w* a ruby and a dyamond in hit
to our Lady, and it to be kept imto our Lady. To the iiij
order of Frereres & the Nonesse of Nesam, to everyplace vj s.
viijd., to pray for the soules above-writen. To my sonne
Henry Clarvax v markes of monay, a gown, a dublet & a horse.
To John Swale a gown, a dublet, & a horse. To my doghter
Alice Swale my silver bedes w* berall bedes & ij of my best
* Probably an unnoted son of the house of Clervaux of Croft.
Another Clerraux occurs in the York Registers. He was connected with
St. Mary's abbey, York.
1612, Oct. 8. Richard Clarvax of Overton. To be bur. in the parissh
churche of Overton. To Jane my wiffe my best furred gowne. To Umfrey,
my brother, vj s. viij d, I will that my broder be foundon of my goodes
during hir {sic) liffe. To my corse presannt my best horse wyth my saddeU,
th'appareU therunto belongyng, & all my hamesse complete for my body.
My landes, etc., within the lordship of Rypon to be sold after the deth of my
wiSffe, & the money devided emonges'my children. The rentes of such landes
as I have of my fader-e-law John Shupton for yeres, two partes to my
children, the third to my wif. Where my good lord abbot of Saint Marie
abbay hayth latten me the tieth corns & hay of Shupton for certayne yeres,
Jane my wyfe to occupye the same. My wife, Richard & Harbart my sonea,
ex^. (Reg. Test. viii. 89 a.)
kye. To my doghter Alison ij ky, & to Richard Peper hir
husbond ij oxen. To Jenet Hakfurth a cow. To Jenet Fed-
derstanhaugh a cow, & to her doghter & myn xxs. To William
Flento & his wiff all the com at Brakenhell, & to Marget &
Isabell ther doghters, either of theym a why. To Berling-
ton abbey, to assoile my fader, moder, & me, vj s. viij d.
To Seint Agasse abbey, to assoile me, yj s. viij d. And I
wit my bedding to almus beddes, & who so be my servannt at
that tyme to have part of my arament. To the chirch wark &
forgettyn tithes v s. And I writ w* myn oune hand, and make
myn ezecutonrs. John Borton, abbot of Sivaz, my chief execu-
tour & suviour, & my sonne Herry Clarvax, & Richard Pepper,
my sonne-in-lawe, oder my executours. And in fulfilling my
Will I leve w* my Lord Abbot all my goodes, whik and deede,
w^ fermes, dettes & all other goodes at Brakynhill, Cowton, or
enny oder place. And the residew of my goodes to be disposid
for the well of my soule & the soules abovesaid, as my trust is
in theym.
[Pr. 9 May, 1611, adm. to ex".]
[Reg. Test. viii. 48 a.']
May 14, 1510. William Sheperd of Milnthorp. To be
buried afore the ymage of our Lady in the parish chirch of
Coknay. I will that John Maltster, & bis sonne after hym, be
fefte in all my landes & tenementes, etc., in Milnthorp & Car-
barton, to th'entent that the rent, etc., go w' the increse of
X** shepe, the which I have giflfen to make a stok to find a
preist to sing at our Blessed Lady in the said chirch of Cok-
nay ; & myn executours to guyde hit after their discrecion as
long as hit pleas God that it may endure. Item it is my will
that my seid executours take other iiij" shepe to make an
oder stoke, to th'entent that the encrese therof may here the
chargies of poor people of the parish of Coknay at all tymes
when they shuld pay a tax, wage men, or eny other thyng the
which the king shall charge the lordeship w*. And if hit so
happen that the said stoke of x" shepe at eny tyme will not
pay the preist, then I will that the stok of iiij** shepe here w*
the oder stoke for the tyme so that the preist be fonde. I
charge myn executours that my wiflf be honestly fundon of all
my hoole goodes during her Uf, if sho lif after me, & that is
booth her will and myn.
[Pr. 3 July.]
[Reg. Test. Dec. 8c Cap. ii. 95.]
19 August, 1510. Maureis Biront of York, organe maker.*
To be bur. in oure Lady where w*in my parich church of Belfrey.
I wit to the persone for my cors presand my best gowne. For my
tethis forgotten vj d. To Sanct Peter wark vj d. I wooU have yj li.
wax to byme abowt my body the tyme of my Dirige and Mease. I
wool! thatall the torches of every gild that I be brother of be borne
afor my bodie light to the church, and thai so to bume to I be
buried. I wooll have an honest priste, that canne synge both
plane song and prik song, to syng at our Lady alter wher as my
body is buried, and at he attend every holy day both at Matyns,
Messe and Evynsong in the said church, to help to mayntynd
God service, by the space of thwo yeres next after my deth, and
I wooll he have for his sellarie the said ij yeres xiiij marc.
Also I wooll that my wiflF have the use & occupacion of my
best salt of silver w* the cover during hir liflF, and, immediately
after hir decesse, then I wooll the said salt be maid in oon
chalesse which I giflf unto the said alter, thar to remayne for
ever. I wit to Margaret Stampe j sylver hamest girdill whuch
my first wiflF gave unto hir at hir last day. I wooll that my
wiflF have the house . . that I of lait haith purchaised in
Thursday Markit . . for hir liffe . . & then to be sold . .
and the money applyed in charitable deddes for the weill of
my sauU & of my wiflFes' saullis, Katerin and Agnes, Richard
Pie sauU, and all Christyn saullis. Also I wooll that my wiflF
fynd on taper of wax be the space of on yere to bume at the
service of the holie dais afore Sant Blase, Sanct Erasmus, et
Sanct Cite w4n my said parich church. To sir John Brian
* There was a sncceseion of organ-builders of York from earlj times.
* John Gyse, organe maker,' free of the city, 10th Hen. VI.
* Win NyveU, organ maker,* free, 1446-7.
In 1463-4 ♦John Roos, f rater Ordinis Praedicatorum,* took up the freedom
of the city of York as an •oiganista.* Previous to this, in 1467-8, he is men-
tioned as repairing some organs in the Minster. (Fabric Rolls, 71.)
In the 17th of Edward IV. Wm. Hall 'orgen maker alias mercator,* k
Edward Boyse * orgen maker,' were free of the city.
The testator, as * Moras Biran, organ*/ was free in 1485-6 ; k John Hugh as
* orgon-raaker * 1488-9.
•Jacobus Demps, organ maker,' free 1526-7.
* Guillelmus Treasourer, orgen maker,* free 1540-1.
John Heweson, parish-clerk, son of John H, organ maker, free 1545-6.
How many other cities can show, like York, a list of freemen from 1272 to
the present day ? In this list any person who practised within St. Peter's
Liberty would not necessarily appear.
prist my Htill masour of silver after the death of my wifF, & to
Alice Brian my greit masour, iiij silver spomies, & j pare of
beeddes such as my wiff pleases to giff hir. The res. to my
[Pr. 30 Sept. 1510.]
[Reg. Test. viii. 67.]
Sep. 8, 1510. Edward Redeman.* To be buried in a
chapell w*in the chirch of Harwod called Redeman chapel).
It is my will that my wiff shall have during hir liffe all man-
ners, landes, etc., except xx li. yerly out of landes, etc., in Har-
wod parish, which shuld grow to Richard Redeman my sonne
& Elsabeth his wiffe & t'heires male of his body laufully be-
gotten. I will that Thomas Stray & Herry Dikes make a
laufull joynctour according to the covennantes of the indentur
made betwixt Sir William Gascoing knight and me for the
mariaige of my said sonne Richard & Elsabeth doghter to the
said Sir William. I will that the said maners, etc., after the
decesse of my wiffe, remayn to my soune Richard & his heires
male laufully begotten — for defaute to come to Magdalene
Redmayn my doghter & t'heires male3 of hir body laufully be-
gotten by any of the sonnes of oon William Redeman of Twis-
hnton. For defaut of such issew to come to th'use of Joan
Redeman doghter to my sonne Herry Redeman & to t'heires
male3 of hir body laufully begotten by any that hight Redeman.
For defaut — to remayn to my nevow Thomas Preston & his
heires male3. To my doghter Alice Redeman an anuytr' of xx
markes. I make my wiff & my sonne Richard myn executours.
To my household servauntes a certayn of my moveable goodes
at the sight of my wiff & my sonne Richard. Also I desir my
broder. Sir John Huddilston, to be good broder to my wiff and
good maister to my servauntes, & desir hym to have the over-
sight to the perfourmaunce of my will.
♦ The will of Sir William Redman of Harwood may be found in Test.
Ebor. iii. 280-1. The testator was his brother and heir. There is a pedigree
of the family in the Yorkshire Visitation for 1684-5. The anxiety shown by
the testator to have his name perpetuated can be well understood.
[Beg. Test. viii. 51 ab.]
Nov. 14, 1510. Georgias Esekes,* major civitatis Ebor.
Sep. in chore eccl. par. meae sub eodem lapide marmoreo subter
quo uxor mea primseva fiiit humata. Lego pro mortuario meo
optimum indumentum cum leripipio de velvet, et unum le
tach argenti et deaurati. Lego xiiij marcas exhibitioni j capel-
lani ad eel. per ij annos pro anima mea, Johannse uxoris mese,
etc. Johanni Chapman fj togam de violet lined cum le3 satan
de Sipers, j dublet de le3 chaungeable sarceenet, et j annulum
aureum, le3 knagid. Matildse filise mese, uxori suae, j cocliar
arg. et deaur. quod erat quondam domini Willelmi Todde militis
defuncti, et j parvum annulum aureum. Johanni Tomlin-
son, servienti meo, j librum vocatum Nicholes Burdit, et
alium vocatum Belton. Residuum Annae uxori meaa et liberis
meis, Mr Wm KnoUes supervisor.
[Pr. 8 Aug.]
[Reg. Test, viii. 9C-1.]
1511. Kichard Banys.J To the well of my parishyng iij s.
iiij d., condicionally that my body may be humate byfore the
v tapurs under the crucifix. To the alter of Sainct Petir in
Ledes xij d. I will that my wif & my childre have my take in
my fermhold in Kendale & my closse callyd Frey Bank in
Kendale. I make Alison my wif, George my sonne, & Petir
Brame executours. I make William Marshal supervisor, pray-
♦ George Essex, grocer and apothecary, was free of the city of York in
1474 ; Chamberlain in 1494; Sheriff, 1600-1; Alderman, 1506; Lord Mayor,
1509-10. Anne his widow made her will on Aug. 14, 1610 [pr. 1612], de-
siring to be buried at St. Cruz, near her husband. ( Reg. Test. viii. 86.)
t John Chapman wiU occur afterwards. Sir William Todd's will is in
vol. iv.
X A name of long continuance and respectability in and about Leeds.
1617, Aug. 12. Brian Baynes of Leeds. Wife Jennet. Bro'. Wm. B.
Children. [Pr. 16 Sept. 1618.] (Reg. Test. ix. 70 b.)
1636, 3 Sept, Wm Baynes of Leeds. Bur. in churchyard. Wife Agnes.
Son Adam B. Brother John B. [Pr. 10th Mar. seq.] (Id. xi. 223.)
The name of Adam carries us forward to Adam Baines, the Parliamentary
ing hym to be good kynsman to myself, y* is to say my saule,
& my wif and childre. Also I pray you, my lord th'abbot
of Cristall, to be good lord to hys pore kynswoman my wif and
her childre for Goddy's sake [as tbay may pray for you and
[Reg. Test. viii. 87 a.]
In Dei nomine Amen, the xj day of Juny, the yere of our
Lord God m^ccccc and xj, I Humfrey Hercy, esquier,* of a hole
and perfeyte mynde, make my testament or last will in this
maner foloyng. First, I bequeyth my soule to God Almyghty,
to Hys blessid mother our Lady Sanct Mary, and to all the
gloriose company of hevyn ; and my body to be buried in the
qwere or chancell of the churche of the Invencion of the Crossef
of Grove : and my mortuarye I will be assingned after the laud-
abill custom of the churcbe. Also to the high alter, for tithes
forgotten, xl d. Also I will that iflf the goodes that I have
giffen and delivered to my doghter Katerine be not suflScient
to fynde her honestly the terme of her lifife, then sche to have
her lyffeing the residew of hir liffe of my landes. Also I woU
that if ther be any man or woman of right can aske any dett
or dewty, that it be paid and restorid. My sepulture and
buriall with all other thinges to be done to the laude and
honor of God for me for my sawle, I pute to the discrecion
and disposicion of my sone Humfrey Hercy,J qwome I make
my executor. Wittness theron Maister Robert Nevill parson
of the same churche of Grove, and Sir Thomas Elton his parishe
* The bead of one of the most ancient of the Nottinghamshire families.
t Sometimes called the church of St. Helen of Grove, both dedications
falling on the same day.
{ 1620, Sept. 6. Umfray Hercy of Grove, esquier. To be ber. in the
chaancell of the Invencion of the Grose of Grove. To ychon of my doughtours
ther childe*s parte, St, if they wil be avised Sc conseld by my wif & my son
John, & by my ex" in ther mariage, than it to be made ij hundreth markes.
To my son Thomas & his lawful heres of his body vj 1. xii] s. iiij d. yerely out
of purcbesed landes, by the assignment of my son Sc here, & vice of my ex".
The residue to my son John, Sir Thomas Elton parson of Grove, Wm Rosell &
Tbos Denman— they ex". The Abbot of Rughtforth & the Prior of Wirsope
supervisors. [Pr. 13th Oct.] (Reg. Test. ix. 119 b.)
Sir John Hercy, this gentleman's only son, had eight sisters, who became
his coheirs. To the fifth of them, Barbara wife of George Neville, he be-
queathed the estate of Grove.
[Keg. Test. viii. 76 J.]
August 26, 1511. Thomas Saintpoole* of Wentbrig. To
be buried in Baddisworth church. To our Lady chapell in
Wentbrigg iiij s. and the better of my ij trees lying in the new
close. I giff my ij cotagies liing under oon ruflfe, standing on
the marsh, at the est ende of our Lady chapell in Wentbrigg,
w* a garth liing at the est ende of a horse myln, to Richard
Wilkokes, John Arthur, Thomas Paget, Thomas Tuthill,
Cristofer Rasby & John Tumour, & their heires for ever, to
th'entent that the said two cotagies and garth be for fynding
and upholding of oon almus house with a bedde to logge poore
folkes for Godde's saike : and they to be ordered by the said
men abore rehercyd. Also I will that every yere j d. be taken
of the same cotagies & giffen to our Lady standing in Smeton
church to the upholding of hir light. To Margret & John
Saintpole (each) vj s. viij d. The residew to be disposid for the
helth of my soule by the advyse of Alison my wifif, whome I
make my full executrice.
[Pr. 18 June.]
[Reg. Test. Dec. & Capit. Ebor. ii. 100.]
March 16, 1511-12. Edmundus Hanson,t Sacrse Theologiae
doctor, ac eccl. cath. Beate Marise Lincoln, praecentor. Sep.
infra eccl. praedictam cathedralem. Summo altari dictse eccl.
♦ There is very little known about the old Yorkshire family of St. Paul.
1391. Wm Sayntpaule de Tatewyk. Sep. in monasterio de Rupe. Ex" Sir
William Melton knt, Sir Edmund Perpunt knt, John de Gay t ford, Mr Wm
Stanley rector of Totewyk, Dom. John Roderham monk of Roche my cousin,
Fr Tho Pensay my cousin & John son of Richard Anstan. The Abbot of
Roche supervisor. (Reg. Test. i. 27 a.)
1434-5, Feb. Ifi. Thomas Sempall of Campsall Esq. chore B. M. in
eccl. mea par. The res. to Mary my wife & Brian my son — they ex". [Pr.
2 May seq.] (Reg. Test. iii. 417 b.)
1463, May 8. Admin, of Thos Sainepaule of Cawood to Wm S. of Don-
caster & John S. of Cawood. (Reg. Test. ii. 683.)
1479, Apr. 26. Brian Sampall of Finningley. Sep. in cem. eccl. 8. Trin.
dc Fynnyngley. Wife Agnes and John Raynforth ex" for the good of my
cluldren. [Pr. 14 June seq.] (Reg. Wm. Booth.)
t Prebendary of Fenton at York, 1480-1512 (Le Nftve, iii. 184) ; also
prebd' of Welton Ryvall at Lincoln, 1604-7 ; of Empingham in the same
church, 1507-12 ; k Precentor there, 1506-12. (Le Neve, ii. 85, 148, 234.)
xl 8. Fabricae dictae eccl. xl s. Eccl. coll. S. Trinitatis de
Tateshall pro obitu meo faciendo, secundom diRpositionem can-
torum dictae eccl., c s. Praefato collegio meam cimbam. Lego
pro exequiis meis faciendis infra eccl. cath. Lincoln, inter
canonicos, vicarios portantes habitum, caeterosque ministros,
X 11., viz. cuilibet canonico resident! x s. ; custodi altaris S. Petri
V 8. ; cuilibet vicario iij s. iiij d. ; cuilibet capellano portanti habi-
tum xvj d. ; cuilibet pauperi clerico vj d. ; cuilibet choristae vj d. ;
sacristae xvj d.; clerico suo yj d. ; clerico capituli viij d. ; clerico
communi viij d. ; clerico suo, iiij d. ; clerico fabricae, viij d. ; princi-
pali vigili viij d. ; cuilibet virgario praesenti viij d. ; janitori viij d. ;
duobus vigili(bu)8 tumbae S. Hugonis, inter se, xij d. ; celebranti
Missam xvj d. ; diacono et subdiacono, inter se, viij d. ; et puls-
antibus, inter se, pro pulsatione et factura sepulturae, v s. Cui-
libet nepoti meo et nepti meae xx a. Cuilibet servienti meo,
ultra sua stipendia pro quibus deserviunt, stipendium unius
quarterii anni. Residuum . . Magistro Henrico Homeby
S. T. D., Magistro Johanni Fotehede, et Domino Thomas Erie,
quos intuitu caritatis supplico, ordino, et constituo fore meos
executores, ut ipsi disponant pro salute animae meae, prout eis
videbitur melius expedire, et specialiter pro fundatione unius
cantaristae infra ecclesiam par. B. Michaelis infra Cantibrigiam,
pro anima mea et benefactorum meorum celebraturi imper-
petuum. Item lego cuilibet executori meo pro me ministranti
Ixvj s. viij d. Hiis testibus W™** Smyth legum doctore et archi-
diacono Lincoln, Domino W™** Gask capellano, Ricardo Laverok
et aliis.
[Pr. by the D. & C. of Lincoln 25 June, 1612 ; & by the D. & 0. of York,
27th Aug.]
[Reg. Test. viii. 86 J.]
March 20, 1511-12. George Danby,* gentilman. To be
buried in the parish conventa churche of the Freres Prechours
in London. To the high aulter of the churche of Well in the
con tie of York, for my tithes & oblacions forgotten, xij s. To
the high aulter of the churche of Danby Forest xij d. To my
Lord Latymer a white ambeling mare marked w* an home on
hir buttock. To John Bagthwait, my servaunt, a trotting stag,
blak, w* a rache in the face. To my broder James my tawny
gowne lyned w* chamlet. To my broder Eobert my tawny
♦ A younger son of Sir James Danby, Knt. Of. Test. Ebor. iv. 122. For the
will of his brother Sir Chr., see under the year 1517-18.
gowne furred with white bogy. To George Musgrave my swerd.
To my broder Anthony x s. To my suster Anne an ambeling
mare of iiij yere age marked whithe an home on hir buttock.
To Marget, my suster, an amling horse of iij yeres old, Powishe
graye. To Thomas Bayne my weyker bow. The residew to
my executors, James Danby my broder, Margaret Danby my
suster, and George Musgrave. I make dame Agnes Danby,
my moder, overseer, & beqweth hir for hir labour a white
ambeling mare called Stokdale.
[Pr. 8 Aug. 1612, k adm. to James Danby.]
[Reg. Test. viii. 123 a.]
In the name of my Lorde God, Amen. I, Henry CamebuU,*
preist, late Archidiacon of Yorke, as a trwe Cristen man fast in
the faith of Crist and His church, now, thogh sikk in my body,
yet in good mynd and memorye, thanked be the same my
Saviour, the xijth day of July, the yere of oure Lord God a
thousand ccccc xijth, mak and orden this my present testament
and last will in maner and fourme foloing. First and principally
I recommend, gyve, and bequeth my sinfull soill to Hym that
♦ One of the chief assistants of Archbishop Rotherham in the management
of the diocese of York, and himself a man of great munificence and piety.
His will must be read with that of his lord and master, Rotherham.
In the cathedral of York CarnbuU held, in succession, the prebends of
Friday thorpe, Wetwang and Masham, and the archdeaconries of Cleveland,
East Riding, and York.
On Jan. 19, 1484-6, he was coll. to the mastership of the hospital at Ripon,
which he resigned in July. On March 5, 1486-7, he was coll. to the prebend
at St. Martin's altar at Beverley ; and on April 7, 1492, he was inst. to the
rectory of Northby in North Collingham, Notts. On August 18, 1494, he was
coll. to the prebend of Norwell at Southwell, which he resigned in 1607, re-
ceiving a yearly pension of iOl. On August 25, 1499, he was coll. to a pre-
bend at St. Andrew's altar, Beverley, which he resigned in 1602-3, receiving
from it a similar pension.
In 1477 and 1478, etc., he was prebendary of Stow Longa and Leighton
Manor at Lincoln. [Le Neve, ii. 177, 214.)
On February 27, 1481-2, Archbishop Rotherham granted an indulgence of
40 days "cunctis presbyteris qui Missas in capella ssdificata in honorem
Jliesu Salvatoris infra ecclesiam S. Andreae de Wych, dioec. Worcester, cele-
braverint, et ceteris qui audierint, et ibidem Orationem Dominicam cum Saluta-
tione Angelica pro animabus Henrici CamebuU ac Thomae Warker ac par-
ent um dicentibus, et conferentibus ad fabricam."
The adoration of the Sacred Name filled a conspicuous part in Cambuirs
devotions and in those of his master. CarnbuU was ordained deacon at York
on May 20, 1486, and priest on June 13, 1489— late in life.
creatid and redemyd the same, Crist Jhesus, beseching in my
moost devowt and loliest maner Allmyghtj God, Father, the
Sonn, and the Holy Gost, thre personns in Trinyte, and on God,
to have mercy of me, synfull creature, prayng also His Godhed
to pyte me, and of His mercy infenite to put His excellent
passion betuene my said soill and His rightwes jugement ; and
wher for my manyfold synnes and trespacis I have not maid
confession, contricion, and satisfaccion, as I oght to have done,
for drede of wordly shame, I axe Them now grace and forgy ven-
ues therof, mekely beseching remission of all my synnes that
ever I committid sithe I was borne, beseching also that moost
gloriose Virgin, His mother Mary, with all the Angells, Arch-
angelhs, Evangelistes, Apostellis, Martirs, Confessors, Virgins,
and all the Celestiall Cityzeins of heven to be my advocates,
and to pray for me to God for forgyvenes of my synnes, and that
my soill may be savid and cum to the blisse that is ordeyned
for all mankynd which never shall have ende. Also knoyng
myself sone to departe owt of this worlde at the plesour of God,
as if hit shall happen to be at Jhesus College in Rotherham
now at this tyme, I will then my body be buried in the church
of Eotherham in thechapell callid Jhesus chapell, laid low
imder foote afore the alter ther, coverid with a marbill stone
conteynyng this epytaphie ; Orate pro anvmahus Reverend-
issimi i/n Chrieto patria et domvni, dorrivni Thomce Rotherham
quonda/ra Archiepiscopi Eboracensia^ et Henrid Camebull aui
Archidiaconi Eboracensis in EccleaiaEhoracenaiy parentv/mque
auorurrij et benefactorum, ac familiarium eorv/ridemy necnon
pro animabua omnium fidelium defunctorum; qui^ quidem
ffenricua obiit decimo die mensis Augusti, anno Domini
MiUe&imo ccccc^ xij^. Forthermore, for the rather purchasing
me of grace and the souner obteygnyng of hevenly rest for my
soill, when it shall departe from my body, I will that, immediatly
aftur my said disceysse, a Diryge and Massea be songyn for my
soill ; and my body to be buried. I will also that the seven
nyght day at next aftur my said decesse and buriall that myn
executours doo me to have an obbett in the church of Rother-
ham, wher I will my body be buried. And I will that every
prest, as well seculare as religiose, cummyng therunto, singing
and saing for my soill Dirige and MaaaeSf shalbe given viij d.;
to every clerk cummyng, syngng & saing, as is afore rehersid,
iiij d. : and every poore man, woman, and childe asking almes be
gyven for Godd's sake a peny, wyth owt any excessive chalange
or objection maid ayenst any of them. For the executing of
* These dates have been filled in afterwards, before the will was proved. Cf.
Hunter's South Yorkshire, i. 16.
this my testament and last will I orden and make Mr John
Lyly,* prebendary of North Kelsay in the Cathedrall church
of Lincoln and vicar of Botherham, & Mr John Sympson pre-
bendary of Sepulcur chapell in the Cath. church of Yorke and
parson of the same ; & that thei dispose my goodis meveable,
as thei shall seme best for the helth of my soill, wythowt lett or
interrupcion of any person or persons, & to see all sooche lyve-
loide as I have purchasid in Botherham, Grresbruke, Baynfelde,
Wentworth parich, or in any other placis wher I have purchasid
with my penne, that it may be applied for my soill ; and therby
that my said soill may have the rather moo praers, my mynd is
that all sooch lyveloid as I have pmrchasid in placis afore namyd,
or in any placis it may be foimde, that it may be applied and
put to the use of Jhesus College in Botherham founded by my
said late Lord Botherham, whos soill God assoyle, and thereby
that his said soill, my soill, faders' and moders', may have per-
petuall prayers as by a preist ever more to sing and say for us,
having of the same lyveloid yerly owt of the said howse x marc,
if hit may be borne ; and, if nay, then I will that myn executors
see surely that I may have a yerly obbett to the value of vj
marc, to be gyven to prestis, clerks & poore folks, as thei shall
seme best. Moreover of this my last will I make and orden to
be surviour of the same, to soporte, socoure and assiste my said
executours, my singulare good Lord, George, of Shrowesbery, be-
seching hym of his goodnes to helpe them as well in making
sure all such lyveloid as I have purchasid in places byfore
namyd or ellis wher, as in levyeng of my dettes ; and for hys
good lordshipe and labur herin I wyll that he have Bassingthorpp
bysides Botherham, of myn own belding, purchased of John
Hynkersell, to hym, my Lord Fraunces, and ther heyris for ever ;
and that my said executours deliver to his said lordship all sooch
evidencis concemyng that purchase, as my trust is in them.
And for as mych as in my days I have byfore this tyme made
diverse testamentes, I will now they all be admittid and stand
as voyd wher so ever thei be founden or shalbe shewid. And
* 1513. John Lillie, vicar of Rotherham. To be buried within the chorche
of Rotherham, within our Ladie*s qwere, nygh to my fether, Richerde Lilly.
Item the day of my buri>ng a Dirige and a soUenne Messe to be done for my
saule, and, ferthermore, the moneth mynde and my yere's mynde, as may be
borne of my poure substance. I will that the great cloth of arres y* hangeth
in the hall in the vicarege be yevenne in the worship of Gk>de to serve afore
the heigh awter. To the garneshing of our Ladle's tabernacle within the
churche of Rotherham xl s. To Robert Guyll, my brother, all such money as
is due to me by the reason of Mr Mild for the personage of Londisfort ; and
also a certaine duetie of Robert Wilkinson concerning the same personage,
which personage was assigned me by the forsaid Mr DucUay in part of payment
of one annuity of 20^.
I will that this Will, begonne and endid, as is aforesaid, sealid
with my seale, stannde in strength and vertu. Finally I
shew to all Christen men that in the passion and wondis
of Criste, and in the Sacramentes of His Church, I put only my
holp and helth of soole, and that I dowbt not nor never dowbtid
in any articulis of the feath, nor in any thing that shuld be
repungnant to the feath of Criste's church, for a true Cristen
man I am, and so I covet, desire, and pray to my Saviour I
may dye. In whitnes wherof, and bycause I may not use
my hand wyth my penne as I am wont to doo, albehit sealid
wyth my seale, therefore I have required Mr Eobert Cutler
Provost of the College of Jhesu in Botherham, John Towne-
rawe prest and felow of the said College, Sir Thomas Grene
our Ladie's preest in Rotherham church, Richard Hawson,
John Sentwary, Nicholas Yngherham and Ric' Broyle to testa-
fie the premisses. Yeven the day and yere abovesaid.
[Pr. 14 Aug. 1612, adm. to ex".]
Codicil. July 14, 1512. Henry CamebuU, preiste, late
Archedeacon of Yorke, lyeng full seike in the College of
Rotherham I consider that there wilbe many worship-
full men, and therfor I will my saide executours order that and
nay vij*^ day aftir there discretions with all other thynges as
they seme best. Item I will my sade executours do make me
an obite at RufTord abbay that my lorde abbott and my brether
there may pray for my saull. Item I will that my saide ex-
ecutours make for me a worshipfull obite in the church of
Yorke after my degre. Also I will and bequeath unto my
altar of Jhesu in Rotherham, where my body shall lye, a crucifixe
with Mary and John. Item ij candlestickes parcel! gilte. Item
a marcy chales al gilted and inameld. Item I will they have a
lesse chalis for warke dayes. Item I will and gife therunto a pax
of sUver and gilted. Item I gife and bequeath unto Maistir John
Lille prebendary of Lyncolne, one of my executours, xx li. Item
I gife and bequeath unto Maistir John Symson, prebendary in
Sepulcre chapell, an other of my executours, xx li. Item I be-
queath to my singler good lorde my lorde Shrouesbury, super-
visour of my testament, a large standdyng cop with a cover all
gilted which I bought of Sir Humfray Savage, weyng Ivij unc.
And I will my said executours delyver the same withe theire
owne handes. Item I bequeath to my lady his wif xx li. in golde.
Item I bequeath unto Maistir Magnus a standyng cop all gilted
with a cover with dropes oppon it. I bequeath unto Maister
Robert Cutler, provest of my Lorde Rotherham College, xl li. to
fynd hyme at the Universitie. Item I bequeath unto Maistir
Thomas Eeasby xl s. Item I bequeath unto George Palmer
X 8. Item I bequeath unto Maistir Herryson, the lemed man,
XX s. Item I bequeath unto George Palmar wif xl s. Item
I bequeath to the iiij orders of Freres in Yorke, to pray for
me, xxvj s. viij d. Item I will that vj li. xiij s, iiij d. be
delivered to the factours of Rawmarshe caucey which is nowe
sore decaide. Item I bequeath unto Richard Hawson, my ser-
vaunte, a horse, bridil, sadle, with al thynges belongyng hym.
Item I will that he have nowe a yere wage for this yere past.
Item I will that he have half this yere wage afbir my deith w*
his yere borde, or els iiij marc to borde hymse selfe. Item I will
that he have at his departour, to his rcTOrde, iij li, vj s. viij d.,
my best bede with all thynges belongyng therunto with too
pare of sheites, . . a cope with a cover, . . a flate boule with
sex silver spones. Item I bequeath unto my servaunte Nicholas
Ingram to his mariage xxvj s. viij d., a horse, bridle, sadle, with all
thynges belonging to hym, a yere wage now, and this yere wage
aftir my death, with his borde or iiy marc ; my secunde bede,
etc. ; & a rewarde at his departour, a flatt boule with sex silver
spoynes. Forthermore, remembring in my minde that if ther
be any man or woman that wolde aftir my deith make clame of
any gifle, bequest, or other, if the clamers be not nowe in
possession of . . . nor in this my last will, nor my forsade
testamente, I nowe revoke al suche. Item if any person or
persons make pretense or chalance to any pledge nowe beyng
in my handes at my makyng this present will, I playnly nowe
declare that I have none pledges of man or woman bot only
such as I have trulie boughte with my peny to the most valour
that the owners sett them to. Their wittenes Maistir Thomas
Cutler provest of Rotherham, Sir Thomas Townerawe fellowe of
the same, George Palmer, Robert Hertley, Robert Ljllye, Nicholas
Yngram, with other. And by cause I may not write nor sub-
scribe this my last Will, therefore I have sette myne aune scale
the day and yere above reherced,
[Reg. Test. viii. 96 b.]
July 18, 1512. I, William Holbek,* e8quyer,and merchant
of the Stapill at Callys, with a hole, perfyt mynd ordand &
* The testator's father, "William Holbeck, merchant of the staple, was free
of the city in 1425; Chamberlain, 1437: Sheriff, 1439-40: Lord Mayor, 1449,
1458, 1470, and 1471. Will d. 9th May 1477, pr. 9th Oct. To be buried in
hatb writtyn thys my last Will with my owne handes. Fryst, I
beqneyth my soule to God, and our Lady Saynt Mary, and to all
Hys &ynte8 : and my body to be bmied at my parishe churche
thare as it shall piece to God to take me to Hys mercy. With
owte eimy contract of symony to gyve for my bnriall, I will that
thare be yeve frely unto the mayntenyng of the churche thare
I am buried xx s. ; & zx s. to be yevyn to preistes and clerkes ;
and other costes, as breid and drynke, to powre clerkes, and
part of the same money as fer as it will goo. I will thare be
done for my soule, my father and my mother soulys, and my
fether-e-law, William Chymnay, soule, John Alstmore soule, &
Agnes hys wyfe soule, and all Ciystyn soulys, with all the soulys
that I am bowid to pray for, iij c Messys, as sone after my de-
partyng as may be done, be suche priestes as is good and onnest
and of good name, and that be not bowid to other cherges
witch is thare dewty to kepe. I will that thare be yevyn for
thes iij hundreth Messys iij hundreth grotes, eumTna v li., frely,
without enny contract or cowit of symony. I will that thare be
disposed for relesyng of pore presoners, that lyes for dett or
feys, XX 8. Item to be yeven to suche as be sore or seyke, that
ma not helpe thame selfe, xx s., to be gevyn where most neid
requyreth. I will that thare be gevyn ij clothis whytes, of
xxiiij y erdes long, emonges powre men and women whareas most
neide shall requyre. I will that William Holbek, my son, have
my chyne of gold weyng ij unce. I yeve & grantes hym all
my landes & tenamentes within the cytye of Yorke after he
comme to the yeres of xxiiij yere of age — and suche persons as
shall forton to have gyding of hym to fynd hym to the scole
or to such besynes that he shalbe most appte to have a onnest
and trew lemyng by. I will that Edward, my yongar son, have
all my landes, etc., withowit the Citie of Yorke, in the subbarbys,
to hym and hys ayres for ever, in likwise to enter as hys elder
broder dois ; and both to have like estat in all causis consemyng
to same. I will that Marye, my wyflFe, have the rewle of hir
chyldren & myne, with all landes, goodes that to thame be
longes during thare non age, & my greit howse in Mykilgate
during hir liffe, so she will remane and dwell tharein hyrselfe ;
or eUys to occapie to the use of William Holbek, as afore is
rehersid. To Edward Holbek my syngnet weing iij quarterons
of a unce. To Dorathe, my dowther, my ryng withe the dya-
mond weing an olde noble. I will that every servant in my
howse have ig s. iiij d. to pray for me, over and above thare wages,
the church of the Friars' Preachers. He marr. Agnes dau. of John Alston*
more, alderman of York.
The testator was a wealthy and generous merchant.
I will that my goodes be prasyd by suche as be onest and con«
BcienBt meSy and hath knolege what the valow of every thyng
is worth ; and to be swome to dow trewly to thare knolege that
my wiffe and chylder may have thare partes indeferently that
to thame be longes. I will that William, my son, have my
coit of fence covered with chamlet that my fader gave me,
John Storke, and the code-pece of plate, and sallet : and at
Edward, my yongar son, have my swerd and bowe. Here I
orden & stablish that my fader, John Storke, be my prynsepall
executor, and my broder, Thomas Beverlay, a other of myne
executors, and John Cokket of Hull a oversear to helpe my
wyffe in the besynes. And I will that my &der, John Storke,
have for hys labor to be god fiider to my wiflfe and chyldren ij
buttys of malvessy. To my broder Beverlay my gowne of violet
ftirryd, & John Storke my dublet of velvet.
Thys is the bequestes : a vestment to Saynt John kyrke
within Yorke and vj s. viij d. to the same. Item a blake gowne of
shankes to Herry Stokke. Item a pewder box of sylver to Alys
Beverlay. Item a forke of sylver to Alyse Storke. Item to
Saynt Mary Apchurch in London iij s. iiij d. Item James Duffeld
a blake bonet with a crosse of gold & stones. Item to every
servant within my fader's howse xij d. Item to John Lameman
of Yorke a blake gowne lyned with servet. Item to George
Swenow a dublet of blake sattan. Item to John Storke a
[Beg. Test. viii. 85 a.]
July 26, 1512. Sir Thomas Taylour of Pomfret, preist.
To be buiyed in the parishe kirke 3erd of Allhalows in Pomfret,
uppon the est-syde of the kirk-porche. To the bying of a table
conteynyng the passion of Jhesu to the hy alter of Allhallows
aforesaid iiij li. xiij s. iiij d. To a discrete preiste, to synge for my
sawle, etc., for iij yeres, xxj marc. To the vicar of Normanton
ij volyms of Vincent. To Sir Thomas Hutchon a boke called
Sermones Magdalense. To Sir Boger Gybbon a lummyd Sawter
and a Catholicon duryng his lyff, &, after his decesse, to
remayn to the parishe kirk of Allhallows. To Bichard Austwyk
a Portesse of Sarum. To Bobert Wakefeld a boke callyd Precian
Major. To Cutbert Yoyll a Doctrinall in prynt w* iiij partes of
Grammour conteyned in the same. To Sir John Nelsthorp a
boke called Manipulus Guratorum.
[Pr. a Aug.l
10 SEP. 1612.
[Ex Grig, penes Dec. et Capit. Ebor.]
The Chammer over the shopp. Sum 51. 178. lOd. An oyer
chammer, 148. 6d. The chammer over the parlor, 41. 16d.
The Halle. The hallynges vJ8, viijd. Item ij basyns of overse
warke w* ij lawars iiij 8. A jak & a salet, a gorffet, ij gus8ette8,
a napron, and iij gauntlettes yj 8. iiij d. Item ij batell axis & ij
oyer axis xxij d. A byll viij d. Item ij swordes and a dager and
a hynger iij s. A bukler xvj d. Summa Iv s. yd.
The Parlor. Item ij ponched basyns w* ij lavers iij s. iiij d.
A plane bas^-ne xxd. Item iij holow basyns iij s. yj d. Item
iiij candilstekes ij s. iiij d. Item v dosen weght basyns, lavers &
candilstekes xij s. Summa xxx s. vj d.
BvMre. Item \j sylver sponys xiij s. iiij d. Item vij dosen
& iij** pewder xxix s. Item xj** weght of layth metell ij s. iiij i.
8umm>a xlvij s. vj d.
The Kechyn. Inprimis ix dosen weght of pannej xxixs.
Item xyj dosen weght & iij" of pottes, xly s. vj d. Item iiij
spittes & a broche iy s. Item ij rakkys, a par of cobyrens and
a rost yeme iij s. iiij d. A brandreth, a fiying pane, ij par pot-
hyngynges xiiij d. Item ij fleshe crukys, a knyflf, and a sclyse
iiij d. A bawk of yeme> iiij crokes, a par cogges, a scomer, a
yeme pestell, xxij d. A par bellous and a water cane viij d. A
dressyng borde ij d. A brew-ledde viij s. Item iiij standys &
yj tobbs y s. viij d. A knedyng troughe, a soo, & ii cyhys xij d.
A ladill ij d. A ste and a galon iiij d. A stone morter viij d.
Summa, iiij li. xiiy s. x d.
The Shoppe. A haly water fatt & a par 8ensor3 iij s. iiij d,
A par of sen8or3 nn gamyshed xij d. A cbawfyng dishe xyj d.
Item vij lavers v s. Item xj candilstekes of vij s ware v s. Item
xv small candilstekes iij s. A tabar dishe \j d. Item iiij
sacryng bellys xij d. A dosen ladilles and scommere3 v s. Item
ij sensour fette viij d. Item xvij candilsteke flour5 tmned
xvijd. Item xij dosen metall of weshe & thrawyng xij a. Item
xxvij dosen hukshankes xviij d. Item x fylys, greate & small,
xviij d. Item ij rowners ij d. Item yj hake hamers x d. Item
iiij clynch hamers yj d. A par of clamej ij d. A greate hamer
& ij lesse, yj d. Item ij shavyng knyfifes viij d. Item iij
pykys viij d. A par of compase iij d. Item ii ryne spyndilles
* The Inventory of the woijting gear and stock in trade of a York founder
or moulder, "which gives us no small insight into his position and work.
His wiU is dated on Oct. 14, 1511, bat it contains nothing of moment bat
the fact that * Wm. Thoaites, squier * was a witness. He was of Marston. [Pr.
9 Sept. 1612.] (Beg. Test. Dec. & Capit. ii. 101 a.)
n 9
xij d. Item ij par 8here3 xx d. Many small instnimentes zvj d.
Item iij lathe3 ^ ^* I^^ ^ kystes i^j s. iiij d. Item shelfifes iij d.
Summa iiij li. vij s. vij d.
The Workhusae. Inprimis cccc weght, save viij*, metall
iij li. xviij s. viij d. Item ij dosen & vij ware patrons 'vj s. viij d.
Item V grete fete patrons & iiij floxire3 iij s. Item iij dosen
smal patrons yj s. Item xxj ladill and scomer patrons vij s. Item
iij dosen and v flowre3 patrones iij s. vj d. Item iiij belles & a
lytill bell & a pyke xij d. Eynges & stapiU patrons ij d. A yeme
bauke ij s. viij d. A lesse yeme bauke yj d. A noyer Ijrtill bauke
iiij d. A weght of laton of vj ". 'vj d. Item iiij staoe of led
weghtes, xviij d. Item ii crose heddes of led uj d. A kulyng-
tune ij s. viij d. Item Ix sane, ij mawrelles iij s. Item xxiiij
dosen & iiij ** ieren gere xs. Item yj dosen old ieme xviij d. Item
xxiiij spyndillesy iiij latyn, ij s. The moldes xv s. iiij d. Item
vj dosen chaufer spyndilles xij d. Item xxiij pottes for meltyng
iij s. iiij d. A barell w* white erth xij d. Item x baukes over ye
fome3 XX d. A lode of erth iij d. Mayd erth vj d. A tour stole
w* all thynges pertenyng iij d. Siimrrui vij ". xiiij s. iij d.
[Reg. Test. viii. 106 a.]
Jan. 1, 1512-18. Thomas Yong. To be buried in the
churche of Eetforde in the Lady qwere. I bequeith twoo
qwarters malte to be dalte & yeven at Rampton to powre folkes,
& ij quarters malte and j quarter rye to poore folkes at Betford
after the discrecion of the iij bayles. To Mr Hercy my grene
crosbowe with the rake, to be good m' to my wife, yflFe enny
man wolde doo hir wrong. To Bauf Rasebie a litill crosbowe
and a home. To my broder John my bigge crosbow w* the
rakke of it whitche is at Mr Lewys. To the Prior of Wyrksope
with the Convent a rakke for a crosbowe with a booke whiche
he hath in hys handes at this tyme, to be good m' to my wyfe.
To Eichard Leche my hawke. To Mr Ric' Lacelles my best
bonet, my long bowe and my arowys. To my cosyng, George
Eyre, my hynger & my bucler. To my cosyng, Nicholas
Denman, an arke. My wyfe Jane ex* ; Mr Hercy, Rafe Reresbe^
& Mr Ric Lacelles supervisores.
[Reg. Test. viii. 98.]
In Dei nomine. Amen. Tertio die of the moneth of Feb-
ruarie, the yere of our Lord God m'occcc and xij, I Jayne
Harper/ late the wyfie of John Harper late alderman, and sume
tyme mares of the Citie of Yorke, beyng of hoill mynd, seyke
of body, feryng fhour of deth, of such goodes as it pleasith
Almyghtie Jeh(8)u to send me I mayk my testament and last
will in forme folowing. Frist I bequeith my saule unto my
Lord God and Creator of all the world, to our Blissed Lady,
and to all the hoill company of hevyn, and my body to be
buried in the midd alye, at my stale end, within my parishe
churche of All Halous of the Payment within the said citie of
Yorke. Item I bequeith to the hie alter for my forgottyn
tithes v] s. viij d. And I bequeith for my cors presand my
best gowne after the maner and custome of the citie of Yorke.
Also I bequeith ziiij wez in vij seriesse to be maid and brynt
about my body the dale of my buriaU. And of the said vij
seriesse, oon to be brynt and leght every daie frome the daie of
my buriall imto my eghtyne day, to be maide new, and als
mych wax in tham as was at my biriall day. Also I bequeith
xiij torches of ij s. peice to be bought and brynt about my
body the daie of my buriall and viij*** daie. Also I bequeth
xiij white gownes to be maid and yiflFen to xiij power men,
evere gowne contenyng foure yerdes, which poore men shall
bere the said torchys abount, and evere oon of thame iiij d. the
daye of my buriall. Also I bequeith unto the kirkwarkes for
my buriall vj s. viij d. Also I will that my Deryge and Masse
be song the day of my burial] on our Lady, and that evere preist
of my parishe churche to have viij d. to pray for me. And the
same daie oon trentall of Measses to be doone for me. Also I
will have oon trentall of Measses to be song for of my eghtyn
day. And I will have Dergy and Meaase song the same viij^
daye of Requiem, likewise as at my buriall day. And I be-
queth to evere prest of the churche then beyng at Dergy and
Measse the same daie viij d. Also I bequeith xl s. in spice and
wyne, breid and aile, and xl s. for to make a denere to siche
persons as myn executors will call therto with my hoill parish-
yog ; and xl s. to be distribute emonges poor people the same
day. Also I bequeith Ixyj s. viij d. to be spent in oon Dergy,
in spice and wyne to the Mayre and his breder. Mares and hyr
sasters, and the hoill parishing, and foure poundes to the dener
♦ The testatrix was the widow of John Harper of York, merchant, who was
free of the city in 1471 ; Chamberlain in 1478 ; Sheriff in 1481-2 ; Lord Mayor,
1489. He was adm. with his wife into the Merchants' Guild in 1473 ; and was
Constable in 1476, and Master in 1482. By his will d. 11th Dec. 1496 and pr.
15th Apr. 1496 he desired to be buried in his parish church of All Saints on the
The testatrix was a daughter of Thomas Brouneflete, Sheriif in 1457-8. She
was a great benefactress to her parish, which still enjoys the fruits of her
upon monie after, and iiij pound to be dalt to poor people by
the discrecion of myn execut*. Also I bequeith unto the foure
Orders of Frejrs within the eitie of Yorke xx s. equally to be
devided emonges thame, to pray for my saull and all Qrystyn
saulis. Also I bequeith to evere prisoner in the Castell, Kid-*
cot and Bysshop pryssons j d. Also to evere man and woman
in the Masyndews and Spittell houses within Yorke and
suburbes of the same j d. Also I will that myn executors fynd
flesh and breid evere Sonday to the valour of v d. to be had
unto the prysoners of Castell by oon hoill yere after my de-
ceasse. Also I bequeith unto Sir William Metcalfe preist^ if
he be unpurvid of oon sold after my deceasse, syng for me
at Fancte Kateryne alter within the churche of AUhalous in
Ousegate the space of foure yeiys, evere yere vij marc, to pray
for my saule and all my good doers saules, and langar, yff my
executor may doo it. Also I bequeith all such landes and
tenementes as William Nelson alderman and Yorke had by
deid of gift of John Custance th'elder, bakar, in the towne and
feldes of Skirpynbeke and Yolethorp in Countie of Yorke,
which the said William Nelson haith yifiyn state unto the
kyrk maisters of All halloo church abovesaid, unto the use
and behove of the same churche, according unto certayn con-
dicions contened in certayne indenture tripertid, of the whiche
indenture tripertid oon parte remanes in the chawmer of Yorke,
seeunt parte with said kirkmasters, and the thyrd parte of thame
with the said William Nelson and his heyrs. Also I bequeith
unto the house of Kileston oon superaltar, a Messe buke in
prynt, a pax brede with towe ymages, oon of Saynt Katerine
and the other of Saynt Cristofer, with the alter clothes belong-^
yng unto the said alter, in my parlour, to remane and belong
unto our Lady alter of Silston for ever more. Also I will that
suche glasse wyndous whiche (sic) and tooke and removid &o
the house of Saynt Leonard, where I wont, be restored agayn,
if God call me now to His mercy, with the litill buttree of
wajniskott which was afore in the said. Also I bequeath unto
th'abbay of Marton a fedder bed with bolster and oon cover of
a bed, a pott of brasse, oon greit baissyn latton, a rostyron, and
xxvij s. in money which they awe me, a pair of lyn shettes and
the curtains blewe bukeram, two pilloo coddes with the
valandes, under this condicion that the Prior and Covent of the
same doo evere yere duryng fy ve yeres a Messe of Raquiem
and Dergy for my saule and all my goode frendes' sanies. Also
I bequeith unto Jennet Helay two gownes, iiij yerdes hardyn,
a bed, and oon latton pan. Also I bequeith unto Agnes
Kater a littill masoer standyng and gilt w*out frounce, at the
discredon of m jn executors, a spjimyng wheile, a par of cardes,
a rok and oon reill, two dishes, two sansers. Also I beqneith to
Thomas Kater viij sylver spones and a par of silver bedes con-
tening iij" and xiij, to be sold, and the money therof to be
spent upon hym in rayment or othir thyng necessane. Also I
bequeith to Rychard Russell, my cosyn, a pair of sylver bedes
contenyng iij" vij, to helpe hym with. The residew of all my
goodes unbequest, my dettes paid and funerall expenses ful-
fillid, I gyffe unto Alan Staveley, alderman of the citie of
Yorke, and Robert Clifie, whome I make myn executors, to dis-
pose for the well of my saule and all Cristyn saules as thay
shall thynke most expedient and necessarie. And I make Mr
Kirke alderman and Mr William Nelson supervisors of this
my testament and last will. And I bequeith to ather of
myn execmtors for ther labors xxs. and atlier of my said
supervisores other xx s. for thar good counseall to be had in
fulfillyng of my last will. Also I bequeith unto Robert CliflFe
the reversion of yeres of house which I have in my house I
wonne in. Hiis testibus Roberto Cheston, notario publico,
domino Antonio Mason capellano, et Thoma Yorke«
[Reg. Test. viii. 106 a.]
Apr. 12, 1513. Elizabeth Gamer,* wedow, lat wyfe of
Robert Gamer, alderman of Kyngeston upon Hull. I geve
my sawle to God Almyghtie Wiche creatid it and redemyd, to
the glorius Virgyn Seynt Mary, and to all the Seyntes beyng
in the celestial! colege of hevyn ; my body to be buried in
Trinitye churche of Hull. To dayn Margaret Selby, nonne
of Swyne abbay, xx s. I will that my best standyng maser
duble gilt with a covereng, and my best salt duble gilt with a
coveryng remayne evermore for heyerlomys to the heire male
of the forsaid Robert Gamer, and never to be solde for noo
necessite, buto evermore succede the bloed and name aforesaid
from heyer to heyer. I will that my plate (be) in the churche
of ye Holy Trynyte within the towne aforesaid, & there lye in
a chiste in the revestrye, to be kepte to the behove of (my) iij
sonnes, Peter, Robert & John Gamer, I will that Peter Gar-
ner, myn eldest son, enter unto all my husholde as heier male,
& he to be bounden in conscience to do a yerely obytt for the
♦ Will d. Sept. 20, 1505, Robert Gamer, alderman of Hull. I wyll that my
wyffe make a glasse wyndowe for her Sc me in Swyne abbay clostere of the
northe syde. My wyffe to have my pnrchest and my wedsett land in Clyffe,
Danthorpe, & Sportlay. (Reg. Test. vi. 205 a,)
sawles of my husbonde and myn, for the sowles of Henry Selby
& Katerine hys wyflFe, Sir John Casson & Mawde hys moder^
Robert Welton & Jenet hys wife, with all our benefactors, as
for on alderman; & (after the deaths of my children) the
churchemasters to do it, & the mayre of the towne for the tyme
beyng to oSre the Messe penny. And the said obite shalbe
regestryd in the Mesne bok in the said churche as strongly as
it can.
[Reg. Test. Dec. & Cap. il. 97.]
In Dei nomine, Amen. Anno Domini m^ quingentesimo
decimo tertio, I Gerard Wanseford* of the Gyte of York,
stacionar, trubylyd w* bodyly seyknes bot hoole of mynd, mak
my testament or last will in this maner. First I giff my sowU
to Almyghty Gode, to our Lady Sanct Mary, and to all y*
company of hevyn, & my body to be buryed wHn ye church of
Sanct Alargaret of Lennm Bishop by fore ye chapell of y* Holy
Trinite. And I giflf to ye said church for my buriall vj s. viij d.
Also I require for ye luff of Jhesu Crist for to be on broder of
ye Trinite gyld kepyd yer : and to pay yerfore as y® custome of
ye gyld requirith. Item I bequeth & giff to Agnes, y* doghtter
of James At y* See at Brydlyngton in Yowrkshyr, in mony
iij li. vj s. viij d. and on gold ryng wt tokyns gravyn yeron
^K S. P. I. Item I bequest to Banff Polan of York goldsmyth
j worstyd blak jakkytt lynyd w* blak lambe & on oversee porse
w* y* gyrdill. Item I giff to my brother Frederik Wanseford
all my other clothes at York. And also I giff hym on paire of
corrall beydes gawdied w' silver which be in ye kepyng of y*
said Banff Polan. Item I bequeth to Bicherd Watterson of
London xl s. to ye which Bichard Mr Wynkyn de Word can
informe yow : Item I giff to ye said Mr Wynkyn xl s. which I
howght hym. Also I giff to Valentyn, my broyer son, my scarlytt
cape. The residew of my goodes not bequest, my dettes fbrst
paid, I putt to ye disposicion of myn executers, whome I maike
my said broder Friderik Wanseford of jowrk, Banff Polan of
ye said 3ork, & Mr Mayner Weywyk of London, y* thei
dispose my said goodes for y* well of my sowU as it shall seme
* The greater part of the carious will of this early York printer was given
by me to the late Mr. Davies, and was printed by him in his Memoir of the
York Press.
2 Nov. 1610. CJomm. to Frederik Wandisford, alias Frese, of York to
collect the goods etc. of Garrit Wandisford, alias Frese, of York dec*, & to
render an ace*. (Reg. D. & C. ii.)
thame best to plese God & profyt my eowU. Ye dayte at
Lenum befom sayd, ye day & y* ^er beforne writtyn. Wytnes
Mr John Whytyng M*" of y* College of Lenum, Sir Thomas
Spicer prest yer, and Luttkyn Smyth, y*. which Luttkyn I make
gupervisor of y^ my last will & I giflf hym for his labour xl s., &
for mor soorte y* sayd wytnes hath putt to yer sealles.
[Pr. 24 Oct. before Wm. Raddyff, Official of the liberty of the town or borough
Lenum Episcopi, in the chapel of the Hospital of 8t John Baptist there, Sc
adm. to ex'* : Fr. at York k adm. to Frederick Wanseford.]
[Reg. Test. viii. 120 b.'\
June 10, 1513. Agnes MeUers,* widow and voiesse. To be
buried in the parich church of Sent Marie in Notingham, in
the same place where the bodie of my hosband, Richerd Meller?,
lieth buried. To Thomas, son of John Widerlay, x marc, &, if
he departe before he is bownd apprentice, the said z marc to be
imploid to the use of the free scole which I have fowndid in
Notyngham. To William, son of William Mellers late of La-
cester, x marc — (to remain to John his brother — Agnes d. Robt
M my son — Wm s. Wm English V To Sir fiicherd Mellers, my
son, a chales, vestyment, w' all tninges to them belonging. To
Agnes, doghter of Sobert Sussell, a little maser with a buid of
silver and gilde. To the reparacion of xx^ of the porist churchis
where my hosband maid any bellys, to every church yj s. viij d.
At the tyme of my buriall and vij*** day myn executors shall
dispose zx 11. to the poorist people by them knowen. I will that
xij gownis to xij poore men shalbe parte, and yerlie at my
anniversarie or yeresday x gownis to x poore men during the
space of iij yeris, over and above that sum of xx s. which for me
shalbe donne by the chambre of this towne. I will that the
mayre and burgesis of the town of Not' shall have to them &
their successors for ever on mease sett in the side of the church
yerde of Sent Petur in Notingham, iij chamburs in the said
church yerd now in the holding of Sir John Hunt, Sir Sichard
Morley, & another vacant, & on other mease in the Bridelsmyth
gate, a garden in Berwardgate, a garden in Sent Nycholas
* Widow of Richard Mellers of Nottingham, bell-founder, etc., whose will,
dated Jan. 7, 1603-4, was proved Aug. 2, 1515 (Reg. Test. ix. 18 b). He leaves
to Agnes, his wife, a mansion opfKisite the Dolphin. After her husband's
death Agnes Mellers took the vow of perpetual widowhood.
She was a generous benefactor in various ways, especially in founding a
school in Nottingham. Her son Bobert Mellers, M.?., befriended the same
public institution.
parich & a garden in the same parich, to & for the edification
& suppoitacion of the said free scole, which I have erected to
be kept in parich of Sent Marie in Not', according to sooch
constitucions and ordinannces as I therof have maid a note and
draght — & also all my meases, etc., held by leas, and a mease
in Ancaster boght for me by my son William Inglisch. My
sons Robert MeUers & William Englisch ex". Willmm Kirkbye
and William Caswell supervisors. Thes witnes John Eoos mayre
of Not', John Williamson, John Cost, Thomas Mellors, Thomas
Wiloghbye, aldermen and justices of the peace.
[Pr. May 12, 1614, adm. to ex".]
[Reg. Bainbridge, 140 ^.]
In Dei nomine, Amen. The xij''* day of Julii, ye yere of
our Lorde m* ccccc"** xiij"***, I Cuthbert Place,* person of Budebe,
hole of mynde and seke in body, ordyneth and maketh this my
last will in maner and forme folowing. First I bequeth my
soule to Almyghti God, to the Blisside Virgjme our Lady Saynct
Marie, and to all hole company of hevyne, my body to be buriede
with in the parish kirke of All Halows of Rudebe before the
hie awlter. Also I will my mortuarie be gifen after the custome
of the contree. Also I will that at the day of my buriall every
prest present have viij d. and every clerke ij d. and parish clerkes
iiij d. and penny dale to all the poore ; and forthermore after
discrecion of my executours. Also I bequeth xiiij U, to a honest
prest to sing for my saule, my fader's and my moder's, and all
my goode frendes' saules the spaice of iij yere in the saide church
of Rudbe. Also I beqweth to the said church xls. therwith to
be bought a vestment after the mynd of my executours. Also
I bequeth to every chapell depending to Rudbe vj s. viij d. ; and
to every prest being servande to me at the saide chapelles vj s.
viij d. Also I bequeth to Sir William Paicoke xxvj s. viij d. ;
also to Sir Christofer x s. Also I bequeth to WilUam Belte,
my servande, iiij li. and a hors. Also to Richerde Asqwytt his
hole yere waiges and xiij s. iiij d. Also to my hyndis ther hole
♦ A younger son of Rowland Place of Halnabj, Esq., and his wife, Margery,
dau. of Sir John Conyers of Hornby.
His father died on May i in the 8th of Henry VII., leaving John Place his
son and heir, then of the age of 24.
This will is a pleasing picture of the ttatu4 and feelings of a somewhat
wealt hy ecclesiastic.
yere waiges. Also to my women servandis ther hole yere waige
with a levarie. Also to my coke laydes yj s. viij d. Also I
beqweth to Gralfirid Dod worth x IL ; and to my suster his moder
iij 11. vj 8. viij d. Also I bequeth to my suster Marjorie Suites *
the pressour the which I dide lende hir on a pleige* Also to
my cosyn William Conyers yj s. viij d. Also to Leonard his
broder vj s. viij d. Also to John Saier xx s. Also to Sir Laurence
Wrigh xiij 8. iiij d. Also I bequeth to the Freers of Richmund
XX s. ; and to the iiij Freris* Orders besides x s. Also to Sir
Sobert Blakston a oxe. Also to James Bays xxyj s. viij d. Also
to my suster in lawe vj li. xiij s. iiij d. Also to Bolande Place
iij li. yj s. viij d. Also to Bamarde Place iij li. yj s. viij d. Also
to Robert Place iijli. yjs. viijd. Also to Eicherde Copper
yj s. viij d. Item to the reparadon of Sudebe brigg xxyj s. viij d.
Also I beqweth to the mariege and help of my broder dowghter
xl li. Also I bequeth to my Lorde Connyers a goblet, w^ my
best hors after my mortuarie to be taken : and to my maister
his Sonne xl s. to by hym a nage with. Also I bequeth my
broder, John Place, xiij li. yj s. viij d. ; and to my cosyn John,
maister of hospital!, x li., which twoo I make and ordineth my
executours. This my last will fnlfillid, I will that residew of
my goodes be disposid after the mynde of myn executours for
the well of my saule and the helpe of my broder John children.
Writen the day and the yere abovesaide, thes beringwitnes. Sir
Robert Blakeston, Sir William Paicoke prestes, John Saier,
Christofer Connyers, Leonarde Connyers, with many moo, the
which I have subscribide with my hande and setto my scale.
[Reg. Test. viii. 114 J.]
July 28, 1513. Alexander Passelewe, f esquier. To be
buried in Saint Laurence qwere within the churche of Binglay.
To the vicar my best beist in the name of my mortuarie. To
* This most be the lady, hitherto without a surname, who married Thomas
Surtees, Esq., of Dinsdale. Her hnsband died in Nov. 1510, and his onlj sister
and heir was the wife of John Place, the testator's nephew.
f Eldest son of Thomas Passelew, of Kiddlesden, Esq.
1486, Aug. 19. Thos Passellew de Redelesden arm. Sep. in choro eccl.
Omn. Sanct. de Byngley, subtus lectrinam. My mother Joan wife of Adam
Brome. Alexander my son and heir, a minor. Dau. Isabel 40/. My sisters
Joan and Elizabeth. Bastard son Arthur. My wife. Sir Thos Tempest knt,
Wm Beckw» knt, John NeviU knt, & Thos Lacy Esq. ex". [Pr. 26 Jan. 1487-8.]
(Reg. Test. ▼. 322 *.)
the alter of Saint Laurence in the said churche a vestment of
chamlett. To the alter of our Ladie of KighLiy a gowne of
blake cloth furred with fichus. Also I bewit a dublet, the one
half of cloth of golde and the other half of blake velvett, to be
made in corporaxes, and to be disposede at the sight of Sir
Miles Hertley and Sir John Scott preistes. Eesidew, forsothe,
of all my goodes, I gif to Mawde my wif and Stephen my son,
whiche I ordeyne my executors, that thei the same goodes well
and truelie dispose as them shall think best for to spede, by the
oversight of Sir John Passelew th'abbot of Whalley, and Johne
Lacie esquier.
[Beg. Test. ix. 22 J.]
Aug. 27, 1613. John Holme*. For as myche I intende
with the grace of God to precede to this joumay to doo the
Kyng service, and . . . yf it so be that any thyng fortime
me but goode, as God knawes, I mak my will. My body to be
graven in Christen beryall, iff it pleasse God. To a poor prest,
beyng out of service, to syng a trentall of Messes in Felkyrk, or
ells wher I was borne, for my sawU, etc., x s. Besidewe to Alys
my wyffe & my childeren, that is to say I will that my wyff,
my m*" being hir good maister as my specyall trust is upon his
good maistershipe, 1 beyng in his service, if any thyng fortune
to me, as God knawes, that she shall occupye all my goodes to
the use of hir and my childer ; if so be that she kepe hir un-
raaried, as I trust she will, consideryng hir great charge. And
for as mych as I have a special I mynd to John & Edwarde
Holme, my sonnes, to have theym well ordered'e, I will that my
wyffe kepe to the scooU opon my hoU goodes unto such tym
that thay be of lawfull age. And if thay do the contrary to this
ray will, and be nott well disposede, nor will nott attende theyr
lemyng, but spend theyr tyme and my goode in wast, than I
will that all such costes as is spent oppon theym for theyr borde,
they beyng frome their moder, shall be taken upon ther parte
whic belonges too theyme. And, forther, of my will yf any
travesse be, I hav shewed my mynde unto my brother, vicar of
Huston, and he to recorde it, if nede be, to my m*", whome I
besuch too be their good maister, for they have no helpe nor
succour but your good maistershipe. I mak my brother the
♦ I am unable to state to what family the testator belonged. He was
probably on his way to the war against the Scot*. He was, seemingly, one of
1 he Holmes of Paul Holme. His brother was vicar of Ruston* and there this
will was made.
vicar of Buston & my gone Richarde sapervisours, to oversee
my goodes to the behove of my childre that be not at lawfull
age. At Suston.
[Pr. 8 Nov. 1616.]
[Beg. Te8t.ix.31».]
Aug. 28, 5th Hen. VHI. (1513). Thomas FytzwUUam • of
Aldewarke, esquier. My body to be buried in the Freers at
Tykhill, if please Allmyghty Grod I may come home frome the
felde agaynste the Scottes. I bequeth to my mortuarie my
beste horsse. My feoflFees Thomas Wentworthe esquier, Thomas
Stree, and Nicholesse Boswell to be seassede in all my maners,
landes, etc., to th'entent that they sufifer my ezecutours to take
the proflFettes to such tyme as they have payde my dettes &
receyved ccc*** markes to the mariage of Alice my doghter. I
will that they stand seassed of the maner of Therfelde in the
countie of Harteford to the use of John Fytzwilliam, my yonger
sone, for the terme of his ly fie, & then it to come to my ryght
heyres. If my doghter Alyce dye afore she be mariede, the said
iij« markes to be disposede by myn executours in charytable
dedes for fhelth of my soull. I will that myn ezecutours make,
or cause to be maide, a tombe over my father wher he liethe
buried at the Freers at Tykhill, and another over myselfe, yf it
happen me ther to be buriede. The residewe to Anne my wyffe,
Thomas Wentworth of Wentworth, Thomas & Nicholesse Bos-
well, whome I make myn executours.
[Pr. 20 May, 1616, adm. Anne wid.]
[Reg. Test. Ix. 2.]
1613. Johannes Hamertonf de Wiglesworth, armiger,
causa itineris ad bellandum contra regem Scotise pro defensione
* The testator and his brother John Fitzwilliam were killed at Flodden.
The wills of his father and grandfather are in Test. Ebor. ill. 246, etc. Of.
Banter's South Yorkshire, ii. 66.
The testator left two sons and two daughters. The latter married into the
family of Foljambe, and carried Aidwark with them.
+ The testator seems to have been a son of Sir Richard Hamerton, Kt., who
died in 1480. (Test. Ebor. iU. 258.)
The Scottish camptdgn on which he was going ended in the great victorj
at Flodden. Did he die there ?
regni Anglise, condo testamentum meum. Sep. in capella B.
M. V. infra eccl. de Preston in Craven ex parte australi, ubi
corpora antecessorum meorum jacent et sunt sepulta, animas
quorum et quarum Deus perducat ad seternam lucem. I^go
meum optimum equimi cum cella, frseno et aliis omamentis,
sicut ego solebam equitare et frequentare in vita mea, nomine
mortuarii. Elisabeth, uxori meae, unum ciphum arg. stantem
cum cooperamine, et unum equum ambulantem. Stephano,
filio meoy omnia armatura mea. Item volo quod prseidictus
Stephanus recipiat et percipiat omnia jocalia vulgariter dicta
harelomsy et ea habere, etc., ut patet plenius per ultimam
voluntatem Eicardi Hamerton militis defuncti, ut descendant
hseredibus masculis. Lego eidem Stephano unam tabulam
alblasturam, j calicem, j Missale cum omnibus aliis omamentis
capellae mese apud manerimn meum de Wiglesworth. Lego x li.
ad aedificandum et reparandimi dictam capellam ad finem orien-
talem dictse eccl. de Preston. Annse, filise mess, partem suam
filialem de bonis meis.' Yolo quod quando contigerit Sicardum
filium meum obire, tunc sua pars sui annualis redditus, quem
dedi ei pro termino vitae suae, remaneat Stephano filio meo
prsedicto et hseredibus suis masculis. Et sic volo de Laurentio
et Thoma quando contingat eos mori. Residuum uxori meae et
Stephano filio meo, quos constituo executores, ad intentionem
et ex{>editionem maritagiae Annae filiae meae. Hiis testibus
Johanne Norton, Johanne Gaterall, Kicardo Chew, Ricardo
Banck, et Boberto Sevyl capellano.
[It. 2 Jan. 1614.15, adm. to Stephen H.]
[Reg. Test^viii. 117 a.]
June 5, 1513. Bobertus Birdesall (de Tadcastre) proponens
Franciam visitare cum nobilissimo domino domino Henrico
Perce, comite Northumbriae. Corpus ecclesiasticae sepulturaa
ubicimque Deus disposuerit. Lego omnes pannos quibus usua
fuero tempore mortis meae sibi qui corpus meum fecerit sepeliri,
ad distribuendum pauperibus. Wife & children.
[Pr. 9 Feb. 1613-14.]
[Reg. Test. yiU. 118 ».]
Sept. 1, 1513. John Gower knyght.* My body to be
buried wher it shall please God. I will and wit the Prior of
Marton to have my best hors with a sadle and an hames of
velvit. To every house of the iiij orders of Frears of Yorke x s.,
to pray for me and my saull. I will that my feoffees incon-
tynent after my deith maike an estaite to the yerely valew of
iiij li. to every of my yonger sonnes, that is to say to John,
George, Bobert, Waiter, & to litell Thomas, for terme of
their lyves. Also I will that every dowghter that I have shall
have a resonable fynding to the time that the money for their
manege may be goten of my landes, & each of them to have
to their manege xl li., that is to say Elisabeth, 'Anne, Jayne
and Margarete. I will that my susters, Isabell and Margerie,
have, either of theym, xl marcs according to my fader's will.
To Heyne, my bastard suster, vj I. xiij s. Iiij d. I will that myn
feoffes seile a patent or maike a relesse to William Constable
of xl 8. be yere terme of his lif, & he therfor to se the courtes
holden of my landes. Also I will my dettes be paiede of such
gudes as I have incontynent after my deith. Also I will that
my wif se that aU my servauntes be content and paide ther
wagies to the day of my deith, and every of them to have a
quarter of a yere waige after my deith : whom I ordeyne and
maike myn executrix of this my last will. This being witnese
Sir Thomas Burtonne prior of the Austyne Freers of Newcastell,
William Constable, and Thomas Laurence, with mony other.
[Pr. 11 March 1513-14, the will having been made at Newcastle, whilst the
testator was going in the king's army against the Boots.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 17 b.]
Dec. 18, 1513. Bicharde Dowghty of Kyngeston upon Hull,
merchaunte, beyng of an hoUe mynde, in good lyfe, consideryng
* Another victim of Flodden, Sir John Gower of Stittenham, who seems to
have made his will in the house of the Austin Friars at Newcastle, where he
was probabl7 lodging on his way northwards. For an account of his family
see the Visitation for 1584-5.
On May 16, 1486 Adm. of Sir Thos. Gower of Sheriff Button, knt. (father
of the testator), was granted to Thos. Gower his (second) son. (Reg. Test.
Y. 282 a.)
the mutable estaytt of man, and what chaunce issueth daly in
every age for the inconstant demeanour of man, provydyng all-
way that wisdame is a man allway to be redy and prest when
he shalbe callede upon. To be berriede in the church of Saynct
Mary annext to the grave of my £suier and mother. To the
makyng of the hye alter xxvj s. viij d., or elles an holle clothe
of whitte. I gyve all my landes, etc., in Hull to Agnes my
wyflFe duryng hir lyflFe, whome I make my soolle executrix. After
her decesse I will that Elizabeth Gamer, doghter of Jennett
latte the wife of William Gramer, have my dwellyng howse — to
remeyn to my cosyn Roger Bushell. To the church of oure
Lady the dwellyng howse wherin now Richarde Meykly dothe
dwell, after the decesse of my wyflFe, to be prayed fore, and all
my good frendes* sawlles ; owt of which howse I will that x s. be
payde, that is to say iiij s. for an obitt in the sayd church yerly as
the same day I do departe upon, iij s. iiij d. to the obytt, and vj d.
to poore men, & iij s. iiij d. of the saide x s. to the Holy Trinite
church for an obytt. The resedew of the x s. to be payde to
the Augustyn Freers for an obitt and Messe. To the Whitt
Freers in Hull a tenement next adjoynyng to Saynt James
Masendewe to belong unto my hede house wherin I dwell,
commandyng my executrix that the said tenement shalbe a
bedehowse for ever. To Ricard Meykly, my tennante, that
gowne which was gyyen me latly by Georg Mahew, mayr of
Hull, furred with black lambe. My cosyn Roger Bushell &
John Langton my brother supervisors.
[Pr. 27 June, 1515, adm. ex«.]
[Reg. Test. Dec. & Capit. Ebor. ii. 108.]
Feb. 10, 1513-14. Eobert Rayner • of Est Drayton, hooll
in mynd and of good remembraunce, loued be my Maker. To
be bur. afore the quere dore in the church of Est Drayton. I
will that vij lb. wax be maid in xiij candils, to be burned abowt
my body in the day of my obbet & vij day. I wooll that my
♦ The Rayners were landowners in East Drayton in the reign of Henry IV.,
and one of them was Sheriff of the County and proclaimed Charles II. at the
8 Oct. 1518. Thomas Rayner of Est Drayton. To be bur. in the church.
To the buylding of the north Ue xl s. Johannet Air my dau. Eliz. my wife.
Richard, Johan & Nicholes, Agnes Bell, Emmot, Eath., & Ellis my childer.
[Pr. 16 Dec. 1618.] (Reg. Test. Dec. & Cap. ii. 119.)
26 Apr. 1524. Pr. t. Bmmott Rayner of Est Drayton & adm. to Wm k
Edmund R. her children & ex"". (Id.)
executores deell in meike almuse the day of my buriall, to
every person, singlerly, being thare present, j d. To the sus-
tentacion of an onneste prest for to sing and say for the weyll
of my sauU, by the space of an hooU yere, within the church
of Est Drayton, iiij li. xiij s. iiij d. To every of the iiij Orders
of Freers w* whome 1 am broder, singlerly, x s., for the whuch
I besuche the brother of every of the said places of thar
charitie to doo a trentall of Messes for my saull. To the
edifying of a portche to the church of Est Drayton xx s. To
the makeng of the north yle in the said church, at such con-
venient tyme as the parochans shal begyn the same, xx s. To
the hie awter in the chappell of Darlton xx d. To the repara-
cion of brigges & wais in Est Drayton yj s. viij d. John Lyllie
& Agnes my doghter (his wife) : sons Thos, Wm, Edmund.
My lands in Est Drayton, Darlton, Carlton, Kyngesmore and
Dunham March. Wife Emmot. A speciall obbet yerely to be
done for the well of my saull, Emot my wiflF, John Eayner
and Alice my fader & my mother, & all Cristyn saulles, iiij s.,
yerely, to be done on the Friday nex afore Palme Sonday, to
the vicar, the offerand, the dark, & the remanet to be wared in
bred and heryng to pore people.
[Pr. 12 Oct. 1615.]
[Reg. Test. Ebor. viii. 121 a.]
1514. John Huyk,* parich clerke, of Hull. To be buried
in the wedding kirk porche byside my wief ; and the hoill table
to be at my burialL I bequeth iij s. iiij d. to a place namyd
Sent Andrue's in Fischergate in Yorke, to have Dirige and
Mease done for my soill. To the childers' light in Sent
Mighellis church in Yorke xx d. I bequeth all my songes,
and bokes, to kepe serves in the highe quere, and for keping of
owr Lady Messe. To Symond Harper my best clarycordis,
wyth all my small bokes, unvameschid.
[Pr. 3 May, 1614.]
* A parish-clerk in HuU who had come from York. The mention of his
music books and claricords is carious.
The wedding church porch or door is often mentioned in old Wills. The
greater part of the marriage-ceremony took place near the western door.
The Wife of Bath says :
"Husbondes at chirche dore have I had five."
At York the parish-clerks constituted one of the guilds of the city.
[Reg. Mainwaring at Somerset House.]
March 7, 5th Hen. VIU (1513-14). EUsabeth Lady Scrop ♦
of Upsale & Massam, wedow. To be bur. in the Black Friers in
London beside my lorde my hosbonde, Thomas late lorde Scrop
of Upsale & Massam. And if it so be, that I die in London, or
nere unto London, so that I may be caned unsered con-
venyently unto the said Friers ; &, if I cannot, then I will my
body to be buried unserid in the parishe churche ther as it
shall hapen me to die. If it shall hapen me to be buried at
the said Black Friers, than I woU that five tryntalles of Massis
be song there on the dale of my buryall for my soule, & for
my saide lorde my husbondis' soule, and for the soule of Alls
his doughter & myne, for Sir Henry Wentworthis' soule, &
for the soule of my lorde my father John Marques Mountagiie,t
& of my lady IsabeU his wif, my mother, & for aU Christen
soulis. To the saide Friers, for Dirige and Masse at the daie
of my buriing, v roarkis.' I will that my ex" laie over piy
grave, in as shorte space as thei conveniently can or male, a
stone w^ iij ymages, that is to saie, the one of my saide lorde
my husbonde, the other of myself, the thride of my saide
doughter, and our armys in the saide stone and scripture
making mencion what we were, to the value of x li. I will
that myn ex" shall make a tombe over Sir Henry Wentworthe
knyght,J late my husbond, lying buried in N«wson abbey in
the coimtie of Lincoln, to the value of xxlL I will that
my ex" shall make a tombe over my saide lorde my father &
my lady my mother, lying buried in Bursam abbey in the
countie of Barkshier, to the value of xx li. To the Priour of
the Crossid Friers in London x li., & he to saie or cause to be
saide Seynt Gregori's trintall for my soule & all Cristen soulis,
& to him & his covent v markis, to say Dvrige & Masse on the
daie of my buriall. To Sir John Benson & Sir Henry Trewman,
my chapleynes, to sing for me by a hole yere, x markes,
* Elizabeth, daughter of John Neville, Marquess of Montagu, and widow,
in succession, of Thomas Lord Scrope of Masham (see Test. Ebor. iv. 72 for
his Will) and Sir Henry Wentworth.
f 1472, 12 Aug. Admon. of Sir John Neville, ** nuper Marchionis," to John
Langston, Chaplain. (Reg. Test. iv. S6 a.)
J There is a note of his Will in the Test Vetusta, p. 439. Sir Heniy died
in 1500.
(each). To the saide Priour my beadis that I were usuell by my
side gaudid w* golde. To Katheren Polen, my gentilwoman,
for her good service, xx li. To Mary Sulyard, an other of my
gentilwomen, for hir good service, xx markes. To Mastres
Margret Bygod, to praie for me, x markes. To Katherjrn
Clyfton, my servaunt, for hir good service, & to Dorathe Danby
(each) XX markes. To everyche of my other servauntes a hole
yeris wages over & above that shalbe owing unto them. To
dame Margret Scrop, nunne of the honse of Barking, my gilt
cup & the cover gilt to the same cup, which is my litill gilt
bolle, with a cover gilt, w* a cros reng upon the myddis of the
cover, and a roos upon the top of the reng. To Mary, doughter
in base unto Thomas Grey marques Ders', my bed that the
saide Lorde Marques was wont to lye in, & all the parcell that
belongithe therto, & all the aparell of the same chamber. To
Lady Lucye, my suster, my bioke, that is a Premer, & a Sawter,
which boke I had of the gifte of the most excellent princes
King Henry the Sevenythis' mother ; and one of my cuppis,
which shall like hir beste, except my cup of golde, upon this
condicion that she do cause my nece Lucie, her doughter, after
my decease, to be put in indeferent keping that she maie be
weU kepte & broughte forthe vertuously so that she shall
never disagre unto the manage to be had & solempnised be-
twene her & John Cutte, the sonne of Sir John Cutte knyght ;
for and she do disagre, then hir parte is small, or none, of my
londes, etc., because of the bargayne made betwene the said
Sir John Cutt^ & me for the said mariage : and therfore I do
give my fall power & auctorite unto my saide suster Lucie,
and I do charge hir, as she is very mother of my saide nece, and
as she will answere before God, to se the suere welthe of my
saide nece, & that my saide nece do never disagre unto the
sslde mariage. My dettes to be paide oute of my londes, etc.,
within the counties of Cambrige, Essex, & Yorke, & of my
parte, purparti, & porcion of annuite of v*' markis paiabiil
yerly in the kinge's receite of his eschequer. Exrs Sir John
Cutte knyght, my nece Lucye Brown, William Bowry Priour
of the house of the Holy Cros Friers in London, Edwarde Sul-
yarde esquyer, & John Pateshale gent ; & Thomas Grey Marques
Dorsett,* overseer. And thei so doing I give to Sir John
Cutte two of my silver pottis and gilt ; to the saide Priour,
Edward Sulyarde, & John Patishale, x markes each ; & to the
Lorde Marques Dorset xx li. The residue to my nece, Lucie
Brown. My exrs to dispose for me in dedis of marcy, charite &
« Cf. Test Vetusta, p. r.r.l.
K 2
pitie, as in releving & helping pouer people, as thei shall
thinke beste and moste to Goddis' pleasure, x markes, for me
to have the more marcy of our Lorde Jhesu Criste of myne
oflFensis by me to Hym doone.
Feoffment. I have enfeoflfed persons of my lands co. Cam-
bridge d. 14 Sep. 3rd Hen. VIII., & confirmed by my Will for
lands d. 7 Mar. seq. My feoflFees to give the next avoydance of
the best of the three saide chauntries to such person as Sir
John Benson shall name; ano*^ as Sir Hen. Trewman shall
appoint, with advise of my son Sir Henry & his counsel. Con-
firms annuities. The s* Sir John Cutte to take Francis Ful-
boum into his service, & pay him an ann^ of 40 s. till he have
provided him " an honeste lyving in some place of religion."
[Pr. 9 Dec. 1521, adm. Lucy Brown alias Cutte.]
[Reg. Test, ix, 6 a.]
May 20, 1514. Thomas Gargrave * de Alverthorpe. To be
buryde in the parrishe churche in Waikfelde, coram ymage of
Saint Georg, nere the place wher my mother was burede ; my
best beest for my mortuarie. I maik myn interly beloved wyfe,
Margaret, myn executrice. I will that my doghters, which ar
unmariede, yche of theym have a childe's parte of my goodis as
they shall deserve, and as they doo pleasse their mother. I
will that my said wyfiFe sumwhat help my sone George a yere
or ij, that God send hym connyng by the which he may help
hym selfe. I will that myn executrice fynde a well disposede
prest for my sawU and all my good frendes' saulles, to say Messe
in the churche of Waikefelde at Saint Nicholesse aidter by the
space of half a yere, yf the residew of my parte of the said
goodes will extende therto. It is my will that my beare shalbe
covered with a new blake woUen cloth that will largely cover
the saide beare, and at eyther syde of yt., and at bothe th'endes,
a scotchen of myn armes to be tachede on with a thred ; and,
when I am buryde, than, incontinent, the said clothe shalbe
gyven to a pore man, to maik him clothyng thereof. I will
that my executrix deall to pore pepill brede after hir discrecion,
& as may be performed, beside hir charge ; & I will that, the
day of my buryall, she maik an honest dynner to my frendes
♦This must be the father, or grandfather, of Sir Thomas Gargrave of
Nostell, the real founder of that unhappy family.
and neyboors. AUso I will that the parrysh prest and the
parrysh clerke have their dewty qb they by custome have hadde
aforetyme, AUso, over that, I will that every other prest
weryng a surplice at my Dirige and Masse have iiij d., and
every scoller weryng a surplice their, j d. This is of me the
said Thomas Grargrave, writtyn with myn owne hand, the day
and yere above wryttyn,
[Pr. 13 Feb. 1614-16, adm. to ex».]
[Reg. Test. ix. 8 J.]
June 6, 1514. Thomas Wortley,* knyght. To be buried
in the parich church of Hemmysworth, wher I am a parichin-
nar, afor the hie auter. I will that my executors provyde an
honest prest, of sade and honeste conversacion, that is to say.
Sir Roger Frikley, to singe and pray for my saule within the
said churche by the space of vij yeres, having for his salarie
yerly vij marc. To John Wortley,t ^^ kynge's servaunt, v li.
To Bichard Wortley, for vij yeres, every yere xxvj s. viij d. To
Hugh Wortley xx s. To William Boswell, my eistre's sonne,
Iiij 8. iiij d. I woU that every on of my servauntes, beyng with
me at the tyme of my deceas, have halfe on yere wagis, over
and abowe theyre dutie to them due at my.dethe, and to be
farther rewardyd aftre the discrecion of my executors. The
residue I giflF unto my sone Thomas ; my executors to dely ver
the same unto hym at his full age of xxj yeres ; he then to dis-
pose the same till his owne profite and honor after his discre-
cion. To Percyvell Wortley, gentilman, a yerly estate of my
measse & landes in Hymmysworth to the valor of xxvj s. viij d.
for the terme of his lyff, uppon this condicion, that he be of
gud demeaner and behavor as by discrecon of my executors
shalbe thorogh and honeste. I will that all and singler per-
* Thifl is the celebrated Sir Thomas Wortley of Wortley, a mighty hunter*
and famous for his hospitality. An excellent account of him will be found in
Mr. Hunter's South Yorkshire. For the Wills of his father and mother, see
Test. Ebor. 11. 135.
t 1626, 10 Nov. John Worteley, the Kynge's servaunte. To be bur. in the
churche of ThomehiU. To cure Lady in the northe where, oremysyn velvett to
make her a mantiU, k, clothe of golde of my garded cote to gard it with.
My broder, Mr Bicharde Worteley, parson of Hemmysworth, 20s. My suster,
Mrs Jane Worteley, & my broder Hugh W. 20s. each. Percyvall W. 208.
To Sir Thos. Wentworth Knt, to be good to my ex', 20s. The res. to wife
IsabeU— she ex*. Supervisors Sir Thos. Wentworth knt, k James Longley
gen. [Pr. 20 Nov.] (Reg. Test. ix. 356.)
persons that nowe be or hereafter shalbe seassed to my use of
& in any other maners, landis, etc., shall stonde seassid of and
in the same, to perceyv th'issues of the same, imtill my sonne
Thomas be of the age of x'xj yeres ; they therwith to purchas
landes, etc., & ordur the same to my sonne, & make estate of
the same to hym when he shall cum to his said age. I make
executors Thomas Wortley my sonne, Henry Everingham, Sir
John Everyingham clerke and parson of Sprotburgh, Sir Thomas
Wentworth knyght, and Koberte Mowntney esquier. Witnes
Sir Bauffe Witeflfeld* parich prest of Tankerley, Thomas
Trigot esquier, and William Copley.
[Pr. 12 March, 1514-16, adm. to Sir Thos. Wentworth, K*., the rest renouncing.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 16*.]
Jan. 19, 1514-15. John Saynct-qwyntyne f of Harpham,
esquier. To be buriede in the church of Harpham, in the
north ylle of our Lady. To the high alter an holle suytt of
vestements of greyn damask, with a cope therto belongyng.
To the chauntre ij vestmentes, one of whitt, & another greyn,
both damask. I bequeyth viij li. yerly to be paede to ij prestes,
to syng, one of them for the sawUes of my father and mother,
and th'other for my sawll, unto myn next eyre come to full age.
I bequeyth a stone of blew marbill to be layde uppon my father
and me, and I to lye on the right hand of my father. To my
brother, Walter Saynct-qwyntyn, yj li. xiij s. iiij d. To my
broder, Edmund, yj U. xiij s. iiij d. To Harbert vj li. xiij s. iiij d.
To my broder James vj li. xiij s. iiij d. To myn unckyll, William
Saynt-qwyntyne, vj li. xiij s. iiij d. To Robert Warde xl s. To
♦ 18 June, 1617. Sir Rauf Whitfeld, parsone of Tankersley. To be beried
in the where bifore Sancte Petir of Tankersley. I sett & gyve to every god-
child within my parishe iiij d. To the house of Sancte Petir of Myllen in
Pontefract xij d. Ex" Sir Miles Whitfeld, Nicholas & Alexander Whitfeld.
Mr Thomas Gargrave suvervisor. [Pr. 30 Oct. 1627.] (Reg. Wolsey, 160.)
t A young Yorkshire squire, the head of one of the oldest families in the
county. He was the son of another John, whose Will runs thus : —
August 20, 1509. John Saynt Quyntyne of Harpham, esquier. To be
buryed in the yle of our Lady withyn the church of Harpham. To xiij. beyd-
men xiij white gownes, to hold xiij. torchis the day of my beryal. To every
person that wil take almose that day, to help my saule by their praier, j d. I
bequeth to my v sons, accordyng to myn afore made estate, to every one of
them iiij li. by yere. To my broder, William Saynt Quyntyn, iij of the best
horsis that he wil chose. To Henry Vavasour, my wiflfe's kynsman, a horse.
The residue to Elionor (my wife) & John my son & heyre (a minor)— they ex".
[Pr. 6 Sep., adm. ex".] (Meg. Tcbt. viii. 21 b.)
fifiORACENSU. 55
mjm awnt, Elisabeth Warde, xl s. To Agnes Saynt-qwyntyne xl s.
To Maistres Beyll Sotheby xx s. To Sir William Hoggerde, my
chapleyD, xl s. To our Lady in the north ylle iij s. iiij d., to
maik a searge to be upholden as longe as the ij preystes doth
syng. To Kobert Constable, my JSrother in lawe, my bay
horse. I will that all my bretheryn have all the land which
my fiuier did gyve theym. I mayk Margery my wyflfe &
Walter & Edmunde Saynt-qwyntyne, my broder, my executors,
& Sir Eobert Constable, my fader-in-lawe, supervisor, & theyr
for I bequeyth to hym vj li. xiij s. iiij d. Witnes William
Sayntxjwyntyne, esquier, Eobert Warde, gentillman. Sir John
Browne parryshe preyst, Sir William Hoggede chapleyn, etc.
withe other moo.
[Pr. 10 May, 1615, adm. to Walter & E. St. Quintin, res. to widow.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 13 J.]
Jan. 22, 1514-15. Rauf Bygod,* knyght. To be buryed
before ye ymage of our Blyssed Lady, at the sowth ende of the
hygh ault^r in the parich church of Settryngton. I wit my
best hors w* my best hemes in the name of my mortuary. To
prestos, clerkys, and other pore peple, commyng to ye churche
the day of my buriall, x li. I will that upon my herse that
same day vij tapres contenyng viij li. shall burne aftre thys
ordur ; iij in the honor of the Blyssed Trinite, w* ij mo in lyke
maner to them in the honor of the v blyssed woundes of our
Saveour, with ij moo to them, wiche accomplishith the hole
nombre of vij, in the distruccion of the vij dedely synes ; and,
duryng all the service tyme that day, all vij to byme ; and so
frome thensforth vij to stand upon my hersse the space of
an hole yer, and to byme aftre thys ordur ; that is to say,
every holy day, at Evynsong, Matens, Masse, and latter
Evynsong, iij of them to byme contynually duryng all
the service tyme, and at every High Masse of feryall days on
of them to byme, and at every Antem on of them to byrne.
I will that my executors, incontinent aftir my detbe, fynd a
weU disposyd prest and vertuos to syng at the hye aulter in the
pariche churche of Settryngton aforesaid for my saule, the space
of vij yeres next aftre my deth, gifiyng hym yerly iiij li. xiij s.
iiij d. To every hous of the iiij Orders of Frers in Yorke, Don-
♦ The Wills of several members of this illustrious family have been already
printed. This makes a valuable addition to the series.
castre, Richmund, Allerton, Scardeburgh, Beverley, Kyngston-
uppoD-Hull, and Hertilpole vj s. viij d., to pray for my saule, my
fader's, my moder's, and all my childryn saulles. To the hows of
the Observauntes in Newcastell-upon-Tyne, every yer dmyng
vij yers after my dethe, a beyflf and vj s. viij d. To the beilding
and upholdyng of the parich churche oflf Settryngton, ij fowder
of lede, & V 11., in the full performans of the Willys of bothe my
wyflFes, Margaret and Alice, late departyd. I will that Arthur
Bygod, basterd, be, by the syght of Agnes my wiflF and Sir
Eawfe Eury knyght, put and bondyn prentesse at a crafbe in
London, & then to have v 1. to make hym a stoke of, & the
encreasse to remayn to his awn use. I will that John Bygod,
basterd, be at the same rule, & have in lyke maner iij li. vj s.
viij d. Wheras I and my sonne John Bygod, whos saule God
pardon, & our executors, standen bounden unto John Gower
knyght & Agnes my wiflF in an obligacion of an m^li., to
suffer an recovery by wryt of entre in the post to be had
agaynst me befor the fest of the Nativite of our Lord Jhesu
Criste, in the fyfte yere of the regno of kynge Herry the viiith,
of and in the manners of Birdsall & Wheteley, to the use of
my wiff for terme of hir lyff, wich obligacion we forfite in so
mych that we sufferd not the same recovery; wherfor, in
alowance of the forseid maner of Whetley, I will that
my wiffe have my maners of Birdsall and Helaugh in
Swaledale duryng hir lyff. I will that Sir William CJonstable
knyght, Petir Bygod esquier, Thomas Constable, William Con-
stable of Settryngton, Sir Thomas Franke clerke, John of
Lecestre, and William Wod peasable enjoy theyr fees. I will
that myn executors kepe my hows the space of an half yere
afbre my deth, & that they giffe to every of my servauntes,
wich shalbe in waiges at the day of my deth, and that will
abyde in howshold the said halfe yere aftre my deth, havan yer
wages, to th'entent that every of them may provyde and
purvey for hymselff w4n the said halff yer. I will that yff any
person or persons can purvey after my dethe, befor my
executors, that I in my lyff have att eny tyme wronged hym or
them in eny cause, then I will that my executors agre and
recompense them for the well of my sawle. I will that wheras
I have founden on of the bredren of the howse of Walsyngham
to syng ther befor our Lady for me, that yf eny of the said
hows can prove befor myn executors that I have not content
and paid to the said house all suche duties as I promest for ye
same, then I will that myn executors shall content all suche
duties. My feoffees to make a sufficient estate, to the yerlie
vallew of V li., to Rawffe Bygod, the yonger sonne of my sonne
John Bygod, for terme of his lyff, I will that wheras I have
graunted the next advocacion of eny churche in my gyfte to Sir
William Spiers Prior of Gysbum, and Sir Rauff Eury knyght,
that the shall giff the same accordyng as it is expreste in the
said grannte. And thys ys my last Will : I will and charge my
feoffes and myne executors to performe and fulfill thys my
testament and last will as is abowe writyn,as they will anweswar
for befor God. I make Agnes my wyfiF, Sir Rauff Eury knyght,
Thomas Constable, and William Constable, of Settryngton,
gentilmen, my executors, and Thomas Lord Darcy supervisor,
to order and dispose my gudes for the well of my saule, as my
speciall trust is in them. Thyes beyng witnes, Mr Thomas
Frank uotarie, Edward Grower esquier, James Aslaby gentil-
man, w* many other moo.*
[Pr. April 7, 1615, adm. to Thos. and Wm. Constable ; power reserved to
the rest.]
[Beg. Wolsey. 139 >.]
Feb. 4, 1514-15. I, Stephyn Elys,t parson of Bolton nere
Boland, hole of body and witt, and in perfite mynde, dreding
the sodan and uncertaigne our of deth, makes my testament
and will in this fourme folowing. Firste, I bequeth my saule
to his Maker and Creatour, and to the Blessed Virgyne our
Lady Saynte Mary, and to my gloriouse patrones Saynte Petir
and Saynte PauU, and all the blessed company of heven, my
body to be buried in the comen church yerde of Bolton, if I
departe there, and all other dueties that belonges to the
ordynaunce of holy church according to my degre. And, farther,
I will that 1 s. be geven to v weldisposed prestes, of the moste
• Feofft 10 Jan. 6 Hen. VIII. Feoffees Wm Emy knt, Edw^ Gtower esq. John
PuUeyn, Thos Constable, Wm C. of Settrington, gentlemen, John Bakbouse cap. in
castr. sive domin. de Malgraye. Manor of Seton, lands Sec. in Malgrave, Seton,
Lythe, Estbaruby, Westbaruby, Hatton, Mykkilby, Sandeshead, Goldesburgh,
Scalyng, Barroby, Hynderwell, Ryneswik, Stathes, Westow, Dnggleby, Hund-
manby, Baynton, Lokyngton & Wheitley juxta Doncastre — to fulfill my will,
James Backhowse Sc Thos Oromb yomen to be attomies.
4 Mar. 1515-6. John Backowse cap. Sep. in choro eccl. par. de Lithe.
Yolo qnod zx 11. qnas Johanni Stackhows commendavi, et v li. quas Mro
JcdSd Frost commendavi cedant in partem solut. xj li. litigios. inter Mr Hugh
Asbton Sc the s' Mr John Frost. Bes. Mr Thos Franok not. publ. k James
B. my bro', they exrs. [Pr. 12 June 1616.]
t The testator was inst. to the rectory of Bolton in Bowland on June 10,
5107, on the death of Dan Wm Pudsay. He was a kinsman of Henry Pudsay
Esq. who presented him. t
honeste and clene conversacion, that will take the said money,
for to say v trentalles of Masses w* the Placebo and Dirige and
CornrnendacioUy as hastely as possible may be saide aftir my
departing frome this world, and the vj trentall to be doone the
daie of my buriall, if there be copie of prestes ; and, if not, as
hastely as goodly may be incontinent aftir, to pray specially
for my saule and sanies of my fadir and moder, breder and
susters, and all Cristian sanies. I bequeth to the Priour and
Covent of Bolton x s. ; and to the Abbot and Convent of Salley
X s. ; and to th'Abbot and Covent of Whalley x s. ; and to the
iiij Ordours of Freres xxyj s. viij d. To Bichard Harling and
his childre iij s. iiij d. To Sir John Elys, my sonne, ail my
bookes except oone called Sermones DiscipvMy the which I gif to
the parish church of Bolton. And I will that a cope of blewe
velvet, w* ij tonakles of satan according to the same, be boght
and gifen to the said church. I gif to the said Sir John Ellys
iij li. yj s. viij d., w* a bedde of clothes. Also to the childre and
brether of my bredir and susters, every oone iij s. iiij d. Item
I gif to every household w*ynne my parishing vj d. Also I will
that Sir Giles Scott have vij marc, and to sing an hooll yere
for my saule, and the sanies of my fadir and modir, and al
Cristian saules, at Bolton ; and, if he wil not, an other preste
to have it in like fourme. Also all such goodes as Thomas my
brother delyvered to me of Johane Lyndsey, I wiU that she
have it ; and, over that, iiij marc to her mariage. Myn
executours I make Sir John Ellys, and my brether John and
Thomas, and I will that John and Thomas have to their
rewarde, eyther of theyme iij li. ; and what as remaynes un-
bequethed, I put to the grettest almouse that they can
thynke. Mr. John Hamerton owes to me iiij li. vj s. viij d., and
I have of his a dubler of silver and a dishe of silver. And as
for all the dettes of myne in the parishing, I will that no poer
man that owes to me any goodes, owdir for tendes, or odirwise,
that they be never stressed nor troboled by no lawe, if they
will pay in resonnable tyme ; and if they be very poore, that it
be clerely forgyven to theyme. Item I bequeth to the brigge
at Bolton towne ende viij marc, x s. for warkmanship w* a
rewarde, and xxxv s. to by lyme w*, if it be sufficient. Wittenes
Sir Giles Scot the parishe preste of Bolton, Sir Myles BiUington
preste, and Sir Richard Shawe preste, Thomas Wiglesworth,
w* other moo.
[Pr. H March, 1515-16, adm. to Sir Jolin, John, & Thos. Ellis.]
[Reg. Test. viii. 122 J.]
March 10, 1514-15. William Vase of Doncastre, alderman.
To be buried within the church of Sent George in Doncastre.
I will that my ij measis in Francisgate, which I boght of John
Pigbum, that the rent of them hoill be disposid aftur this my
Will. Inprimis, I will that a priiicipall obbet be done in the
church of Sent George, the value of v s. every yere, in the thrid
day of Junii, for my soill and my ij wyfes, and for all Cristen
soyles. I will that M. of the burthe of Doncastre for tyme
being to see it kepid, having for his laburs every yere xij d.,
& the sargiantes, at that tyme to wait on M. Mayre, viij d.
bitwix them both. Of the said xij d. M. Mayre to ofire a hed
masse peny at the said obbet, & ether of the sergiant to offire
an ob. A yearlie obbet to be done for evermore at the Freres
Mynors, according to the order above rehersid, of v s. by yere.
To the reparacions of the Freris Mynors' brigge, & the Marye
brigg (each) vj s. viij d. yerlie. I will the rent of the meise,
that I purchasid of Bichard Fulwood prest, to the reparelling
of my said ij meases. To William Bawson iij acres of medues
nygh the Ewns lane. The rest to my wief. She ex*. Thomas
& William Bawson supervisors. Thes witnes, Bobert Denton
parish prest, M. Edward Cuke mayr, Bobert Strey prest.
[Reg. Test. ix. 28 a.]
March 20, 1514-15. Jacobus Boos,* armiger, videns
michi mortis periculum imminere. Sep. in alto choro eccl.
par. de Kyrkdighton, ex parte boriali ejusdem chori juxta
murum, sub ymagine S. Georgii, viz in eadem sepultura qua
Catherina Boos, mater mea, erat sepulta, cujus animse propitie-
tur Deus. Volo quod ubi Badulphus Scroope Dominus le
Scroope de Upsall et Masham, Brianus Stapilton, Thomas Far-
fax, Willelmus Malliverer, et Willelmus Middylton de Stok-
kelde, milites, cum Johanne Scroope nuper defuncto, feoffati
existunt de maneriis de Yngmanthorpe, Dyghton et Femham
et Dogeloftehous, ad intentionem quod c marcae leventur ad
* Several Wills of members of the fine old family of Roos of Ingmanthorpe
near Wetherby have already occurred. This is a valuable addition to them.
maritagium Annse Roos, unius filiarum meanim ; volo quod
levabunt, et dabunt xl li. singulis tiliabus meis, ad eorum mari-
tagia. Besiduum levabunt, secundum usum et intentionem
quarumdam indenturarum de maritagio Roberti Roos, filii et
haeredis apparentis mei, et Mariae unius filiarum Jacobi Strang-
weys militis. Et volo quod sesiti existant de reversionibus
terrarum, etc., in Fernham et Kyrkstanley ann. val.xz marcarum,
quae Robertus Roos defunctus, avunculus mens, nuper tenuit ad
vitam suam, pro solutione debitorum meorum, etc., et deinde ad
usum hseredum meorum.
To Robert Roos, my sone, a standyng pese maid in Pikeryng,
& a standyng peice coverede callede Pykeryng ; a silver salt
coverede with the myddell coblett oflf the nest uncoverede;
sex sylver sponnes; all such anomamentes as belong to the
chappell, excepte one vestement which as Anne my wyflFe shall
chusse to be at hir ordir ; & my signett of golde, to leve it to
Robert his sone. To Robert Roos, sone of Robert my sone, a
crosse of golde wherin is clossede a parte of the Holy Crosse.
To Mary, the wyflFe of the said Robert my sone, a Salter booke
of Laten and French e, & a cooppe coverede, of blew glasse.
To Frances, my sone, an horse, saddyll, and brydyll, or xx s.
towardes byng of an horse. To William, my sone, a stagg
whiche I promisede to hym what tyme he was a yong foolle
under his dame. To Thomas, my sone, a stagge to make hym
an horrse oflf. To Anne, my doghter, a tablett oflf golde. To
Elesabethe, my doghter, a Matyns booke, borderde, with a redde
coveryng. To dame Jane Roos, my doghter, to pray for me,
X s. To my brother, doctor, parson oflf Southdighton, a long
dagger gyven to me by Sir Thomas Newporte, commander off
Rybston. To Petyr Middilton, my godeson, one off the sones
off my brother Sir William Myddilton, a book written off
Littillton Tenours. To Sir Thomas Sander, than beyng paroche
preste off South-Dighton, a par bedes off threede with a ryng
off golde at theym, the which was yeven to me by the Priour
off the Mountgrace than beyng. To Sir William Jonson the
finest bonett off puyk that I have. To John Roos, sone of my
brother William Roos, xl s. Residuum Annse, uxori meae,
quam ordino executricem, ad supervisionem Briani Stapilton de
Wighall et Willelmi Middylton de Stokelde, militum. Hiis
testibus, Briano Stapilton milite, Roberto Roos, filio meo et
haerede apparente, Johanne Pulleyn de Kyllynghall, Willelmo
Johnson capellano, et Thoma Lece.
[Pr. 8 March, 1615-16, adm to ex«.l
[Test. Ebor. ix. 89J.]
April 22, 1516. Bartram Dawson,* alderman of the citie
of Yorke. To be buriede wSn my parishe kyrke of Criste in
cnria Regis, in our Lady's qwhere. I witto sex of my brederen
the aldermen, that berys my body to the kyrke, every of thejrm
viij d. To Bawmeburghe kyrke in Northumbrelande a veste-
mente w* all thynges perteynyng, to the price xxvj s. viij d.
In brede to the pore pepuU the day of my buriall xx s., and in
oder necessaries expenses iij li. I witto the doctonr that shall
shewe the worde of God at my 6yght day iij s. iiij d. Allso I
will that ther be done in expenses the same day yjli. To
Jennett, my wyffe, a tenement lying in Petirgatte, & of the
» A taflor and draper in Yorke. He was Chamberlain of the city in 1491,
Sheriff 1 406>7, and was elected Alderman in 1507. He was free of the city in
Like many others, he was obliged to prove his nationality. His Northum-
brian accent, no doubt, made it believed that he was a Scot. I print the ensuing
document entire as a fine specimen of old Northern English : —
To all trew Cristen people this present wrytyng seyng, redyng, or heryng,
George th*abbot of the monastery of our Lady of Alnewyk, Sir Eauf Gray of
Chelvyngham w*in the countie of Northumbr', Knyght, Sir Ric* Brown vycar of
Heddon & CJommyssary of ye sfiyd countie, Sir Robert Crofton M. of the towne
of Bamburght, Sir Ric* Davyson vycar of Ellyngham, Nycholas Forster, John
Forster, Bartilmew Bradford, John HaU constable of the said town of Bam-
burgbe, Rauf Carre of ye Newlande, Edmund Craucester constable of Dun-
stanebuiight, Harry Fenkyll & Thomas Fenkyll, w*in the said countie. gentil-
men» Harry Kendal, William Fenkyll, Edmund Person, John Fenkyll, John
Bell, John Shell, & Thomas Francke wHn the said contie, yomen, gretyng in
oar Lord Gode Everlasting. Unto whome it apperteigneth due ic humble recom-
mendadon. Be it known to your universiteg that where we be enformed y*
oon Bartrame Dawson, of the citie of York, drapour, is senysterly defamed
that he shulde be a Scottysshman borne, whereby he is grevously hurt in his
name k, goodes; and for so muche as meretory and medful it is to record k
testyfie y* treuth in every matter duely required, that for the concelement
therof prejudice be not ingenered to the innocent ; we, therefore, testifies &
recorder y* the said Bartrame Dawson was gotten & borne in the town of War-
meden in the pariche of Bamburght, & Cristened w»in the pariche churche of
the same, havyng to his godfaders Ric' Craucester, of the town of Craucester,
gent., and Bartrame Fenkyll of the town of Newham yoman lately deceassed,
& to his godmother Margaret Hudde of Shoston deceassid ; wherfore we besech
k desyre youe & yche oon of youe to admyt, repute, & take the said Bartrame
as an Ynglesman, not yevyng oredennce to suche defame & detraction in
hurtynge the same person in l3s good name & goodes, and at this our recorde
emonges youe that he may be intreated accordyng as he ought to be. And
for the more recorde of treuth of this our present Testimoniall, we have, whose
names afore er reherced, sette our sealej;. Yeven the v"» day of Octobre, in
the 2crij** yere of our sovereigne lorde Kyng Harry the vij"* after the conquest,
of his reign. (Records of Corporation of York, A. Y. 340 b.)
comer of Gyrdeler gatte, for lyflFe — after hir decease — to the
kyrke wardens of Christe in curia Regis — to cause Messe of Jhesu
every Fryday to be songe with prike song, & x of the cloke,
upon payne of dedely syne ; the prest to have viij s. viij d. by
yere ; the parishe clarke, for ryagyng oflF the greatt bell a quarter
of an hower to the said Messe, by yere, iiij s. ; & I will ther be
a pounde wax made in a searg to bume of the altar ende every
Fryday in the Messe tyme for ever. An obbett to be done
yerely in the said churche for the helth of my soull and Jennett
my wyflfe's, our childeme, and all Christen sowlles. To Jennett,
my wyfiFe, a tenemente in Howsgatte & Nesgatt, of the comer,*
with a tenemente of Cargatte lane ende, for lyffe— 7thefn to
Thomas Dawson, my son, for lyflfe — etc. — then to th^ kyrke
wardens of Saynt Michaell kyrk at Howse brygg ende — (on the
same terms as at Christ church).
[Pr. 20 Nov. 1516.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 24 a."]
June 3, 1515. Steven Luttonf of Hundmandby. To be
buride in the church of All hallowes in Hundmandby before
the ymage of our Lady of Pitie, yf I depart in the paryshe. I
witt my best beest to my mortuarie. I witt fyve pound wax,
to be bumte abowt my body the day of my sepulture & vij^^
day togeder. I witt x s. to cause a trentall of Messes Saynt
Gregorie to be said for my sawU, and all the sowlles of whos
goode} or lande} I have hade any releyve by. I witt to
every of the iiij moder kyrkes iiij d. To the curatt and pro-
cmratour of Hundmandby, for tythes forgotten, vjd. To
Elsabeth, my doghter, Gode3 blissyng and myn, and a littill
counter that was Cottes' of Hundmandby, and a fedder bed
that was my Mr Trotter's, to pray for theym and me. I witt
my father a battell axe, and a sallett, & my broder Forde
my sark of mayll and a battell axe ; my broder Thomas Lutton
* I have seen a drawing of this old timbered house. It bore the testator's
t The Luttons of Knapton were a fair East Riding family for many
generations. They take their name from Bast or West Lutton in that
24 Sept. 1457. Wm Lutton of Lutton. Sep. in cem. S. Andrea; de Wyver-
thorp. Dau. Isabell half of my goods. Bro' Thos L. & John Warde, parson
of Heslerton, ex". [Pr. 7th Dec.] (Reg. Test. ii. 357 b.)
10 June, 1462. Adm. Sephen Lutton of West Lutton to Mary his widow.
(Id. ii. 467 a.) >
my sworde and a buckler ; and my brother Robert Lutton my
hanger with wodhefte. To William Koxby a gamyt callide a
jackets I ordayn Jayn, my wyff, to be myn executrix, or
whom she will assigne in hir name, and to distribut the rever-
sion of my goodes, as she thynckes best, for the helht of my
sowll, the which I besek Allmyghty God, when Hym pleasse,
taik to His mercy, Wherof witnesse3, Sir William Hardyng,
Sir Saulf Norham, Eobert Pardo, with many other.
[Pr. 6 Nov. 1616. adm. to ex«.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 29 a.]
Aug. 6, 1515. In Dei Nomine, Amen. I Raulfe lee
Scroope,* knyght, the Lorde Scroope of Upsall, beyng of holle
mynde and stedfest beleve, and strong in the faith of Almyghty
Gode, at Upsall aforesaid, make this my present testament and
last will in maner and forme foUowyng. Firste I bequethe my
saulle to the Holy Trinitie, to our Lady Seynt Marie, and to
all the Sayntes in heven, and my bodye, whensoever it shall
please God to call me to His mercye from this present lyffe, I
bequethe to be buride afore our Lady of pytye in Ryvax. Also
I gyve and bequeth my best horse, after the custom of the
countre usede w* men lyke oflF my honour, in the name of my
mortuarie, to the curate of the paroche churche wher I shall
fortune to decesse. To the curat of the paroche churche off
Kylvyngton, for tithes & oblacions necligently forgotten, and
to pray for my sowll, xl s. To the churchwardens of the
saide paroche v markes, to be bestowede and imploede for
reparacions and anomament3 of the churche ther as they shall
thynk moost necessarie and convenient. To th'Abbot and
Convent of Ryvax xx li., the which I have delivered in golde
to th'abbot then beyng, wherof my mynd and will is that
every preste off the said monasterie, beyng there the day of my
buryail, shall have paide vj s. viij d. to pray and syng for my
soul], & all the reside w I give to the abbott to pray & syng
♦ The head of one of the younger lines of this great family, numerous
memorials of which will be found in the earlier volumes of these Testa-
The testator married Eleanor dan. of Andrew Lord Windsor, but left no
issue. She re-married Sir Kdw. Neville, knt. The testator died on Sept. 17,
1515. Cf. Scrope & Grosvenor Roll, ii. 137.
for my soulL AUso my mynd and will is that myne executrix
contente and agre withe the deane of the kynge's chappell as
reason requirethe, iflf there be any dame maide by hym or in
his name for any mortuarie or dewty of right belyngyng unto
hym after my decesse. Allso all my goodes I bequethe to be
orderde to the honour oflF Gode to maik payment oflF all my
trew dettes, and just satisfaccion to every Christen man (if) it
cane be provede that I have any thyng wrongfully taken, and
the trew perfourmance oflF this my testament. I will that all my
servaunte3, beyng in service and wage5 with me the tyme off
my deceasse, shall have severally an holle yeres wage3 of ray
free gifte, lyke as they be then in retinewe with me, to helpe
to fynd theym unto they may gett other service, and to have
me in remembraunce, and pray for my soulle. I will that
James Marshalle, Eicharde Kyng, Thomas Bryson, & Eicharde
Eobynson have severally all such office3 and annujrties as I
have grauntede unto theym for the terme off theyr lyffes, as
appearethe by my suflScient wryttyng theroff maide by me
delivered under the sealle off myn armes. Allso wher John
Burgethe5 knyght Lorde Barnes, Richard Nevell knyght Lord
Latymer, William Blont knjght Lorde Mountejoye, Thomas
Darcy knyght Lord Darcy, Andrew Wyndsour knyght, Georg
Wyndesour esquier, & all other my feoffes, stande & be seassede
in the maners of Upsall, Stillton, Kylvyngton, Thomeborught,
and Driffelde co. Yorke, Carelton Scroope co, Lincoln, Whagh-
ton CO. Northumbr', Muscham co. Notyngham, Harborrow and
Bowden co. Leycestre, Neyland co. Sussex, Fyvefelde co.
Essex, Powlles Cray and DirwoUe co. Kent, to the use of me *
and Alianour my wyffe in the name off hir joyntour, I will
that my said feoffes stand sty 11 seased to the said use ; and iff
it fortune us to decesse without yssue, they to stande seassede
of the saide maners, etc., to the use of Gefferey Scrope clarke,
my brother & next heyre, for terme of his lyff onely, & then
to the use of the right heyres for ever according to myn aun-
cient evidence theroff hertofore maide. And of all other
maners of Masham, Ecclesall, West Alyngton, Southoresby,
Dryffelde, & Carelton Scroope co's Lincoln & Yorke, & of all
other my maners, landes, etc., they to be seasede of theym to
the use of me & my heyres ; in defaut, to the use of the further
performannce of this my will ... of Geoffrey my brother for
terme of his lyffe ... to the use of my right heyres. I will that
all myn ancient evidence3, charters, escripe, and munimente3
concemyng myn enherytance shalbe surely putt, be left and kepte
in (blank) duryng the lyffe of Gefferey my said broder, and
after his decesse to the use of the right heyres of me the said
Lorde Scroope for ever* Allso I wyll there be provydede for
me the day of my beryall xiij torches, price of every one of
theym iiij s. ; ix 8earge3, every one of them oonteanyng di. li. ;
and xiij*** gownes of whitte with hoodes lyke unto hannyte3,
and other thyng necessarie for my said beriall ; whiche xiij
poore men shall have to here the said torches withe beedes in
theyr handes. Allso I will that Sir Brian Beyn, my chapleyn,
do syng for me yerely after my decesse at my maner off Upsall,
& for my ancestres and all Christen sowUes, by the space of
XX** yeres, and I will that he have yerely by the handes of
dame Alianour my wyffe x marcs. Allso I woll thare be dis-
tributed and disposede for me the day of my bury all penny
dolle to seculers and preestes, that is to say every one of theym
iiij d. I make & ordeyn the said dame Alienour, my wyff, my
sooU executrix. Thies beyng present Sir Christofer Danby
knyght, Sir Rauffe Rookesby, Sir Brian Beyn chapleyn, James
Marshall gentyllman, Henry Low, and Baynalde Beyn, wit-
nes8e3 of the premisses and therto caltede.
[Pr. 18 March, 1515-16, adm. to ex* in the person of Mr. John Chapman,
her proctor.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 37«.]
Aug. 7, 7th Hen. VIII. (1515). Roger Eyre * oflF Holme in
the countie of Darby. If it fortune me to decesse at Holme,
then I will my body be buried in the parishe churche of
Chesterfelld, att the sowth syde of Saynt Kateryn alter. Iff I
decesse att Lenton abbey, I will my body be buried in the
tombe before the fiood. To every Tauten f man ther dwellyng
iiij d., to pray for my sowll. To Saynt Marie house in Coventre
xij d. To Saynct Chadd house in Lytchefelde xij d. To Isabell,
my wiff, all my stuff of & in my howse at Lenton (excepe my
plait), of the which plait I give her the gilted goblett that I
hadd of Arthur Freshwell ; a gilt goblett that my Lady Scroope
did giffe hir ; a pleyn whitt peisse that I hadd of Thomas
Alister ; sex silver spones, & a gilt spoone ; allso my ij demy
saltes, duryng hir liffe, with the cover. To my son Edward
my stuffe & implementes of housholde at Holme, & my best
• The Byres of Holme, co. Derby, were a rich and ancient family, closely
connected with the West Riding of Yorkshire. Lenton Priory is close to
t Tanten men are St. Anthony's men, i.e. inmates of some hospital or
alroshonse connected with that Saint.
Btandyng cuppe, ij gilted saltes with a cover, a pleyn pesse &
sex sUver spones of the beste, thes parcelles of plaitt to be
heyr lomes. To my wiffe sex kye of the best & iiij oflF the
best heffers, xl wedders, xl ewes & xl sheipp hogges, my best
horse & my beste mare. To my son Christofer a standyng
cuppe pouncede with a cover, & iiij silver spounes. To Wil-
liam Selioke my box of silver for powder, with the spone
belongyng therto, for a remembramice for hym & his wiflFe, to
pray for my sauU. To my doghter Luce, if she marrie by
th'advisse of my wiflFe & my sone Edwarde, xx li. My feoflFes
to be seassede of my landes, etc., in Chesterfeld, Newbolt,
Capton, Brynyngton, Spetyll, Hoslande, Brampton, Aston,
Overlevercare, and Helmesfeld, to the use of my son Edward
& his heyres maile lawfully begotten — for lake, to my sone
Christofer, etc. — for defaut, to my broder Philyppe, etc. To
my wifFe, yerely, duryng hyr lyflFe, xxiiij markes, in contenta-
cion of hir joynter & dowrie. My feoflFes to be seassed of my
landes, etc., in Halomeshier, Kykyngton, Bromeley, Beyghton
and Stubley to the use of my sone Christofer, & hys heyers
malle, lawfully begotten-:— for lake to my sone Edward. To
my sone Edward my feane and leasse at Holme. To my son
Sir Michaell, prest, fyve marke every yere till he have a bene-
fice of XI** marke by yere. To my son Edward my leasse of
the tithe of Helmesfelde. To every childe of my childeren a
cowe & viij sheipe. To my sone Christofer my stuflFe & im-
plementes of howsholde at Heynyngton. To Sir Robert Eyre,
my kynnesman, yj s. viij d. yerely duryng his lyve. To Nidio-
lesse Denmane xxvj s. viij d. To the Prior of Lenton abbey a
fooder of lede to the use of the howse. To th'abbott of Bea-
cheflFe an other fooder of lede, to the use of the sayd howse.
To my wiflFe my ferme at Arnold©. To Edward Eyre, the sone
pflF my broder Philipe, my tacke & leasse that I have of the
gilde of Dronfelde. I make my wiflFe, Edward my sone, &
Robert Eyre prest my trewe executours, & Antone Babyngton
& William Selioke oversears. To Christofer, my sone, my
leasse of the ferme of Leeke in the countie of Nottyngham, & all
my yren att John Selioke smethes, &all my interest Uiere, & all
my wodde at Brownforth the next fell. To my sone Edwarde my
smethes at BeacheflFe abbey, & my colle in Huwode. I will that
my executours and overseers mske a treatie & agrement with
Mr Whittyngton for my land att Spittyll to the valour oflF
XX li., or xl markes, as they thynk best. To Christofer Cook,
every wheyke this twelmonthe, a stake of come. To my
wenche Alys xxyj s. viij d. to hir mariege. I will that Clater-
cothes, my servande, take up of one callede Jewes viij li., &
gyve to Elesabeth Cramwell ; & the residew of the money to by
his charter with, & to hym & his wifife, to pray for me. To
the Whitt Freers of Nottyngham x foder lede, & xl days
warke of a mason. To the Convent of Lenton lij s. rent at
Baseworthe for ever, for an obytt yerely.
Witnesses dane Thomas Nottyngham, suppriour of Len-
ton etc
[Pr. 9 Oct. 1516, adm. ex".]
[Beg. Test. ix. 81 J.]
Sep. 5, 1615. Thomas Nawton* of Eddylthorpe, esquier.
To be bur. in the quere of Westowe afor the ymage of our Lady.
For a corspresant, I bequeath all that owth to be hadde of
dewty. The day of my buryall, I bequeath to my cosyn,
Prioresse, x s. ; to my suster vs.; & to every suster xij d. ; &
to my cosyn, Mr. Wenseldy, xxvj s. viij d. Wher Sir William
Bnlmer knyght, & oder his coeflFeoflFe3, be seasede in, of & upon
my maner of Eddylthorpe, & my landes, etc, there & in Nawton,
Grymston, Yarom, & ellswhere — they to suffer William Nawton,
my broder, to tacke th'yshues of my landes, etc, in Eelyngton,
terme of his lyff, accordyng to my dede ; & Nicholes Nawton,
my broder, the ysshues of my landes, etc., in Norton, to the
yerely valour of xl s., for terme of his lyffe. Dame Elesabeth
Nawton, my suster, to take of my landes, etc., in Yarom yerely,
for terme of her lyff (auw. omitted)^ & of my ferme of my
fyshynges in Yarom I give her ij salmons yerely. The Prioresse
of Neisham to taike the issues of Nawton and Nawtondaill
unto the tyme that she have receyvede xx** merkes, that she &
hir susters yerely pray for my soull. I will that Sir William
Buhner k* have the custodie & mariege of Henry Nawton, my
♦ 14 Oct. 1446. John Nawton gen. Dan John de N. my son k his mother.
Wife Margaret. Daughters Alice &, Margaret & son k heir Robert N.
13 Dec. 1477. Wm Nawton of North Grimston, arm. Sep. in cap. B. M. !n
eccl. 8. Nic. de Orymston. Son Brian N. Son k heir Thos N. k Philip(>a his
wife. Lands in Swinton, Malton, Norton, Langton, Eenythorpe, Berrythorpe
k Bast Wharram. Wife Kath. k Robert Forster, her father. Bro' Richard N.
Father Wm N. Guy Fairfax knt, Richard York of York merchant, Robert
Forater of Howsham k my wife ex". [Pr. 26 July 1478.] (Reg. Test. Dec. k
Capit. i. 340.)
Jan. 20, 1482-3. Adm. Marg* Nawton of Wharrom in Strata to Beatrix N.
her dan. (Id. 363.)
Nov. 22, 1487. Adm. of Robert Nawton of Berrythorpe gen. to Wm Taylor
of Bugthorpe. (Reg. Test. v. 318.)
For a pedigree of Nalton (Nawton) of Wcstow see Glover's Visitation, p.
F 2
Sonne & heyre, and of Kateryn, my doghter, according to his
wrytyng, for the which mariege I will that he have of my
landes, etc., in Edymston xiij li. xiij s. iiij d. by me gyvyn for
ther fyndyng unto they be mariede. The residewe to my son
& heyre, and, if any thyng come at hym but good, than it to go
to my doghter Kateryn ; and, after hir decesse, to my broder
WilJiam & my suster dame Elesabeth. Sir John Bulmer kt,
my broder Eaulfe Westthorpe esquier, & John Symson ex".
[Pr. 10 May, 1619, adm. ex".]
[Penes Dec. & Capit. Ebor.]
Funeral Exspenais. Payd to vj men yat bare hyme yat
was infecte, ij s. To a prest for v Messys, be ys dysyer, xx s.
For wax for hys Mes x s. For bred v s. For v pottys of ale
vij d. For ryse & almondys for hyme yj d. For malvase ij d.
Payd romna ij d. For suger, & mas, & clowys iij d. For not-
megys j d. In oblasyon at hys Mes j d. For candyl yj d. To
ij wemen yat kepe heme ij s. iiij d. For befe & motune vj d.
For feely to yame iij d. To the clarke, for regyng for hyme,
vj d. For melke ij d. For wesyng ye schetys & oder fulkere
vj d. To on woman for makeyng clene chamber ij d. To ij
women, for beryng hys stuffe fro the chamber to hys howse,
iiij d. For beryg the coles in to the howse ij d. For beryg
the wod in ij d.
[Ex Orig. penes Dec. & Capit. Bbor.]
Inprimis in auro et argento inventis in bursa xj li. xiiij s.
In auro, in custodia Domini Boberti Mason, cvij s., xiij s. iiij d.
* A poor creature who seems to have died of the plagae circa 1615. This
is the bill for burying him.
f A proctor in the Court of York, who had a fair array of law-books in his
library, and a few historical works as well.
22 July, 1615. Johannes Underwode (in legibus bacc, curiae Ebor. ad^o-
catus, decedens infra coll. S. Willelmi). Sep. juxta tumbam 8. WiUelmi.
Margaretae Car, filiae sororis meje, xx li. Margaretae Blaxton, sorori meae, iiij
In auro, in custodia Magistri Johannis Sympson, xxxix li. xv. . . .
SuTiima clix li. vj s.
In Camera. Inprimis a old keveryng in tapster werke,
vj s. A coverlet, whit and blewe, vj d. A coverlett, redde and
yolowe, xij d. On paire of fustian blankettes iij s. A fether-
bedde w* a bolster xijs. A mattres ijs. Item ij pecys red
saie ij s. viij d. A seller, a tester w* iij curtans, xij s. A cownter
iiij 8. Item ij charys xij d. A litle forme iij d. Item ij peloys
with there berys xij d. A old sarcenet typett viij d. A bonett
xij d. A candilstyk ij d. A vevery comme vj d. A dager j d.
A broshe j d. A sarcenett tippett ij s. iiij d. A chamlet jakett,
xiij 8. iiij d. A syde gowne of medley tauny w* blake lynyng
xiij 8. iiij d. A nother gowne of dyverse colers w* blake lynyng
X s. A old gowne dyed tauny, lyned w* saten of Sypres, viij s.
A nother gowne dyed tauny w* a brod coler x s. A shorte rydyng
gown of violett iiij s. A chamelett dublett xx d. A tynne
botell ij d. A male wyth ij male bandys xx d. A pece of lede
ij d. Old chiste xij d. Item ij litle pelow berys iiij d. Item
iij lynne shetes ij s. vj d. A cofiFer w* a round lyde xij d. A
gardyvyans xvj d. A stoned horse, graye, xx s. A nother horse,
graye, xx s. Item ij sadylles w* ij brydilles ij s. A spone,
silver and gylte, iij s. viij d. Item iij loode hey ix s. A pare
beades of corall w^ a small broche xiij s. ii\j d. An old cloke
w^ a swerde iiij s. iiij d. Summa ix li. xij s. x d.
In Studio, Libri. Inprimis Mandagud super Electionibus
viij d. Item Decreta, sec. fo. fteHa, vj s. viij d. Decretales,
sec. fo. {blcmk\ iij s. iiijd. Sext' cum Clementinis, iiij s. Do-
minus Abbas super Decretalibus, cum Repertorio, in iiij®"^
voluminibus, x s. Dominicus super Sexto iij s. iiij d. Decisiones
RothsB iij s. Sabrellus super Clementinas iij s. iiij d. Johannes
de Emula super Clementinas iij s. iiij d. Dominicus super
Sexto ij 8. Historia Josephi Flavii, sec. fo. Sic enim^ ij s.
Alpabetum Aureum, viij d. Baldus super Codice viij s. Bar-
tholus super flf. veteri Codice et novo xij s. Ordo Judiciarius
. . . cum processu Belliall, xx d. Bartholus super Extravagan'
ij 8. Postilla super Epistolis x d. Liber Decretorum scriptus
X8. Johannes Athon in script' cum textu, xijd. Specidum
Jndioiale xij d. Decretales ij s. Unusi liber vetus de Diversis
Tractatibus ij s. Vetus liber Enforciatus xij d. Instituta cum
parvo volumine xij d. liber Gerochiae, sec. fo. Vita brevis,
xijd. Liber de Instructione Principis xijd. Regimen Sani-
tatis, sec. fo. {blank)y xijd. Reperfcorium domini Johannis
Mylys xij d. Bedas in Hystoriis xij d. Super Magistro Senten-
old nobils. Johanni Blaxton xl s. Res. Johanni Blaxton et Margaret^e u^ori
sua. LPr. 28 July, 1515.] (Reg. Dec. & Capit, ii. 107.)
tiarum zij d. Vita S. Thorn® Cantuariensis zij d. Psalterinm
iiij d. Liber Practicarum iiij d. Consilium Constancise iiij d.
Vita de Job iiij d. Miracula S. ThomsB ij d. Statuta vetera
Regia ij d. Statuta CurisB Ebor., iiij d. Summa iiij li. xiij s. x d.
Summa totalis ciiij ". xiij **. xj s. xj d.
Magistro Paule xlj a. ij d. Lotrici, viz uxori Tarte, iij s.
Prseposito CoUegii, pro camera sua, xs. Vicariis choralibus,
pro stabilo suo, ij s. In expensis miade aboute M. Underwod,
tyme of his sikenes, xviij s. iij d. Summa iij li. xiiij s. v d.
Surmna totaUa oranium bonorv/m defuncti^ deductis
debitiSy c iiij ". ix". xvij s. vj d.
TURJS. Pro cista ij s. iiij d. Pro panibus pauperibus distribu-
endis xiij s. iiij d. In le maynbrede, tempore exequiarum, ij s.
Serevicia eodem tempore xviij d. Pro ij li. le cumfettes x\'iij d.
Pro j li. le Dergy yj d. Pro malvese xxj d. Pro red wyne viij d.
Pro claret wyne xij d. Pro x lb. cersB v s. x d. Soluti magistro
gildae Corporis Christi et aliis presbyteris, clericis, et pueris,
X s. X d. Soluti to iiij old men, and the beddill of Corpus Christi
gild, for beryng of the torchys, x d. To the parich clerke, for
rynging of the howlord * bell, iiij d. In oflferyng y d. To ij
women that wond hym iiij d. To the secarstens, for rynggyng,
ij 8. For makyng of y* grave xij d. To Colson wyf, for watchyng
w* hym iij nyghtes, xd. Johanni Richardson iij s. iiijd. To
the presoners in the castell xvj d. To the kydcotte and the
masyndew viij d. To the bishoppe prison, and other bedemen,
vj d. Expensse factae in octavo die, ut patet per billam in hcV
(bUmk). Summa iiij li. xvij d.
[Beg. Test. ix. 30 J.]
Sept. 10, 7th Hen. VIII. (1616). John Nevell,t esquier.
To the iiij Orders oflF Freers, every of theym xl d. To every
Freer oflf the Blake Freers, Toftes, being preest, & beyng at
* Spoken of, I think, in another fragmentary inv. as the howloyde beU at
the Minster.
t According to a pedigree Sn Dodsworth, v. 112, the testator was a aon of
(Sir Thomas) NeriUe of PickhaU and RoUeston, by (Elizabeth) dan. of Sir
Wm. Babington. He mair. Anne dau. and coheir of . . Malberthorpe of Sleght,
CO. Lincoln, by whom he had two daughters and coheirs, one of whom marr.
John Newdegate, serjeant-at-law, and the other Geoige Stapleton of Bempston,
my buryall, iiij d. And every novesse ij d. And in likewise to
every of the Gray Freers in York, if I deceasse at Yorke. To
the eremettes of Saynt Leonerde's at Yorke xld. To my
doghter, Margarett Stapilton, vj goblettes of silver with a cover,
my signett of golde with the prent of the tnishe which was
hir &der's, and my flower oflF golde with stones, which my wyff
bought of my sone Newdegatte. The residew to my right
welbelovede doghter, Amfelice Newdegate, wiffof John Newde-
gate, which Jofm Newdegat I make my soUe executour. To
Mary Thwayttes my lesse mantell which was hir moder's. In
the presence of Bichard Mayson Prior of the Freer toftes, Sir
Thomas G-arton supprior of the same place, my confessor* etc.
[Pr. 26 Apr. 1516.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 40.]
Nov. 3, 1515. Hugh Awstwyke, of Pontefract, marcer. To
be bnr. in the church of Allhallowes in Pontefract nye unto the
sepultur of my fether, John Astwyke. To the monasterie of
St John th' Apostle in Pontefract a lyttyll standyng masere,
to have Placebo & Dvrige^ and one Saull Masse of Requiem at
the day of my buryall, & to be assoUde in theyr chapiter
howse, and that their breviter may be sende w* my name to all
suche howses of there religion as they be wonte to go after the
decesse of any of there bretheren. A chambre to Jhesus gilde,
& ij landes to our Lady's service in Allhallowes churche. Wife
Margaret. Sons Sir Richard, Hugh, John, & Geo. A. Dau.
Isabell. To my cosyn Denys on candilstike with sex Georges.
Wife & son, Sir Bichard, ex"^.
[Pr. 26 Nov. 1616.]
[Reg. Wolsey, 14L]
Nov. 16, 1516. Sir William Jowkyn, perpetuall vicar
of Eodington. To be bur. in the chauncell of Flawforth. I
gif that wax, that I have, bume aboute my body, and ij hives
of bees to upholde of the light before our Lady of Pietie at
Flawforth. I gif xl s. to the parish churche of Preyse, where I
was borne, to by halflf a fowdour of leede to cover the newe
porche w*all. To my cosigne, John Beyly, that kepeth my
house, X shepe, etc., if she have lif and scape this plage* that
now reyneth ; and it pleas God to take her at this tyme, I will
that my ex" bye an Antiphonar for my parish church, to serve
God w* all, & iij s. iiij d. to make the newe brigg w* all where
I was borne ; & v s, to mende the payment in Prisse in the
gate to the churche.
[Pr. 14 Feb. 1516-16.]
[Beg. Test.ix. 30>.l
Apr. 1,1516. Be it knawne too all Christen pepull that I John
Amyas of Milthorpe, at Arthyngton abbey, hath maid my last
will and testament afor Mr Henry Ardyngton esquier. Dame
Alice Hall Prioresse of the same abbey, Sir Robert Bamby,
parson of Crofton, William Folyfate preest, and oder. My body
unto the kyrke yerde where I die. The residewe to Agnes,
my wyflFe. I give a cowe with calve unto the monasterie of our
Lady of Ardyngton, & the Prioresse to have the governance
theroff, gyflfyng to the sacristen iij li. wax yerely to bume afor
our Lady. My wiflFe to have in kepyng my evydences durying
hir lyffe, & then it to be dely vered unto my broder, vicar of
Pennyston, Sir Eawlfe Amyas, and unto my iij systers & ther
y8sue3. To the monastery of Ardyngton iij acres of lande lying
at Wakefelde's towne's ende.
[Pr. 21 Apr. 1616, adm. to ex«.]
[Reg. Holder at Somerset House.]
Apr. 25, 1516. John Yong*, Master of the Rollys and Deane
of the metropolitan churche of Yorke. To be buried in the
chapell of the Rollys, there as the organs nowe doth stond.
Item I will that a tombe be made over the place of my sepulture.
* The plague, or the sweating sickness.
t John Young, Master of the Rolls and Dean of York, the friend and patron
of learning, himself a scholar, and dear on that account to Erasmus, who
dedicated to him one of his books. I shall not enumerate here his numerous
preferments, or his services to the State. He is buried in the Chapel of the
Rolls in Chancery Lane, where his monument still remains.
To my Lord of Canterbury a salte of gold, & my two gay
saltes clene amelyd, & two billes of dette, besechyng his
lordship to be good lord mito my frendes, &, namely, to my poore
servauntes. To my Lorde Cardinall a stonding cupp w* a cover
clene gilt, besechyng his grace to be good lord unto my frendes
& servauntes. To the Newe College of Oxford vj gylt goblettes.
To the Newe College of Winchestre vj gylt goblettes. To John
Pers, to his wyflF & their iiij children, vj c marke, that is to
knowe, to every of them c marke. To John Pers & his wyff
zl li. in plate. To John Lambard xx li. To the ij children
whiche the steward hath xli. To the making of the cundite in
Bye c li. I woll that a prest syng for me x yeres in the
chapell of the Rollys, & he to have yerely x marcke. I woll
that Maister Grocen * shal have his plate delivered unto hym
whiche I have nowe in pledge, w*oute any maner of redempcion.
To my servauntes, John Sutton, Thomas Laward, John Tomson,
John Graye, & John Story, every of them, x li. I wol that
John Crowe be allowed for his costes into the West Cuntrey
Iv 8., & I gyve him in rewarde Iv s. To Chr. Godwyn vij li.
which I have of his, & other vij li. To all my servauntes
their lyvere & a hole yeris wagys. To John Pers & his wytF,
& the heires of their ij bodies, my house at Stepneyth. Ex'*
Mr John Taylour doctour, Maister William Throkmarton
doctor, Mr William Shragar, & Mr. William Skynner; & I
humbly beseche my Lord of Caunterbury to be oversear. The
residue to my exrs, to dispose them in dedys of charytie, after
ther discrecons, for the welth of my soule & all Christen
fPr. 17 May, 1616, adm. ex".]
[Reg. Test. ix. 38 a.\
In Dei nomine, Amen, June 4, 1516. I Eicharde Peke of
Wakefelde, gentilman, of an holle mynde and memorie, with
fre will and good deliberance, makes this my testament and
last will in maner and forme followyng. First, I commend
my soulJ to God Almyghty, to our Lady Saynt Marie, and to
all the Sayntes in heven, my body to be buried in the paroch
ehurche of AUhallowes in Wakefelde, in the qwere of Saynt
Nicholesse, in the myddes of the loweste goyng, even enens
* The celebrated scholar, whom Young befriends.
t A Will of striking interest, written by the testator himself, and full of
information about Wakefield, and his own family. See Glover's Visitation,
p. 347.
my stall, when God pleasse to call me to His mercy ; and for
my mortuarie my best qwyke good. And to the hie alter I
bequeth iiij marke, to by a vestement flowede with myn armes
and my wyffe's demellede togedder theruppon : and my lyght
abowt my corse to be taken of the vicar, yff they be convenient,
or eiles my wyffe to make iiij tapers of iij pownd weght ; and
then they to be the vicar's; and a pryncypall candell with
iiij lightes spryngyng of hitt ; that candell with those lyghtes
to stand liffht every day at the parishe Messe to the utas day,
and then the stumpe to be put in on tapere with more stuffe
in ytt, & so it to stande lyght every day at the parishe Messe
duryng the yere followyng. And to sex pore men that can say
our lady's Psalter & holde a torche, and Dvrige and Messe^
every of theym ij d. and his dynner, & to the torches of was
for vj lyghtes duryng the servyce that day, ij s. : and to every
prest iiij d. : to the clarke iiij d. ; the underclarke ij d. ; to the
bellman all his dewties of the kyrke, & to all other clarkes
that kepes daly ther where ij d. : and, to all oder, pence, that
do any servyce in the kyrk and can say the vij Psalmes and
Latyne, and so to say it and have j d. And to every lymytor of
the iiij Orders of Freers for a Sail Messe in theyr places, to be
done to theyr brederen, xx d. to every place. And to the gilde
of Saynt Christofer in Yorke for a Messe xx d. And to the
ancres at Saynt John's, for hir prayer, iij s. iiij d. And to our
lady's gyld at Boston all the arerege dewe therunto both for
me and for my wyfiFe : our entre therto was in the yere oflF our
Lorde God m^ccccc xij ; and I to have a Salle Messe done at there
ScaZa Cceli. And for pilgrameges nott done, I bequeth to
paviment in Northgatte in Wakefelde vj s. viij d. ; and iij s.
iiij d. wher itt is moost nede, by the discrecion of Sir William
Joys preste, to ament a fowll hoUe abowt the brige. And all
thies parcelles above written, I desier my wyffe to be performed
and delivered, as shortly after my buryall as canne be con-
veniently made, by the oversight of John Anne, supervisour of
this my last will. Also I will that a %toDe be laid upon my
grave within a yere ; and, if they make an ymege of Saynt
Nicolesse in the parish church, then I assigne therto iij s. iiij d.,
and requier them to gyve the old to Saynt John kyrke. AUso I
bequeth to the gildyng of Saynt John, now newe made in the
kyrke of Saynt John in Wakefelde, vj s. viij d.
Also all such dewtyes as I, the said Richard Peke, gyves with
my handes, or oppenly bydes gyve theym, to stand ferme and
stabill, or ells nott but by the discrecion and mynde of my
supervisour and Elesabeth my wyffe, whom I signe to pay to
William Pallmer and Margarett his wyffe iiij markes in money,
or elles in suche convenient pennyworth as they will taike for
the said money, iflf any theroflF be owyng at the day of my
bmiall ; which dewtie I agrede to give to them when I lay seke
and att the mercy off God, att the instances and myndes of
. Master Thomas Knolles subdeane of thecath. churche of Yorke,
of John Anne of Frikeley esqnier my fader in lawe, and John
Peke my sone, Thomas Grene, & Sir Robert Skelton
prest, whiche Sir Robert Skelton wrott the said agre-
ment & will of me the said Richard Peke for my iij
doghters, for Margarett Palmer liij s. iiij d. which hir husband
& she wer fully agrede to for hir fuil parte ... & they agreid
to Tecejye the said liij s. iiij d. and to make aquytance generall
to me & my executors for hir childe's parte for ever. And, in
lyke maner, and afor the said subdeane, withall thies oder
gentillmen, I, the said Richard Peke, agrede to gyve to Anne
Bolles, my doghter, for hir parte, fyve markes in full conten-
tacion theroff, and ... to Henry Brodeley & Isabell his wiff, my
doghter, vj li. xiij s« iiij d : • . moreover, the said Henry Brodeley
is agrede to make a sure & sufficient surrender in the court of
Wakefelde of and in the bowses sam (sic) beldede wherin he
now dwellethe, next adjoynyng to the kynge's bakhows, to
Isabell his wyff for terme of hir lyff, and to the heyres betwixt
theym begotten, for ever. And that my prest immediatly and
fnrthwith after my decesse & buryall say a trental of Messes
for me. And the prest, which by the grace of God shall happe
to ministre to me the Sacrement with the suflBrage, to have
xij d. And, ferthermore, by good deliberacion and free mynde,
I assigne and gyve to John Peke, my sone, all my cottes of
fence of manse body which I have to doo the kynge's servyce
withall ; and, in lyke wysse, he to leyve them to hys heyres, with
my bowes and arrowsse whiche I have as yett, except one cotte
covered with chalkede fustian of Henry Brodley's, yt to be
delivered to hym. Allso I gyve to the said John Peke my best
dublett with my long rydyng knyffe, with my bookes, one
borddede, and ij off I^we, the Statutes, with the booke of my
fermys. Also I gyve to myn unkell, Robert Peke, if he survy ve
me, a dublett of bukscyns, a jackett, hoos, shoos, and bonnett ;
and I desyer John Pek for hym. And I gyve to every one of
my maneall servantes, that tyme dwellyng w* me in bowse, ther
wages, trewly to be contentede, and every one of theym xij d.
in rewarde : and every God chUde that I have iiij d. ; and to
Briane Brounhede one of the iij jackettes. And as yett I, the
said Richard Peke, cannott iynnyshe this perfytely after my
mynde, for by cawse of such persones as ar frome home, and of
such dewties as is awyng to me, and allso that I owe ; but yff
awght shuld come to me, the said Richarde Peke, nowe in good
mynd and free wUl, desyers and assignes Elesabeth my wyffe to
be myn hoU executrice of this my last Will, to content and pay all
the parcelles above wrytten conteyned in this my last Will. And
to the said Elesabeth, my wifiFe, I gyve all my goodes, both w*in
my howse and w*owt my howse, come, hay, and pasture dewe to
me by way of agrement, worde, or jugementt, or oder ways as
det to me att this day, or herafter may growe or come to me by
any means or ways of truthe. And I, the said Eichard Peke,
fynyshes this my last Will, and to have this wrytten and fynishede
firfter the tenour and efiFecte of this written with myn own handes.
And Elesabeth my wyffe I make my holle executrice of all my
goodes, as ys above said, frely, withowt any accomptes. And,
ferthermor, I specially and feithfully desyers Maister Thomas
KnoUes, our curate, and subdeane of the cath. church of Yorke,
and John Anne, hir fader, to gyve to hir ther best mynde and
cownsell, and to se that she be nott wrongede. And to thos
parcelles, gyven and assigned as heyrelomes afor them, and
wrytten by Sir Eobert Skelton to be as heyrlomes, and no moo,
w*owt she gyve ytt on hir good will and mynd without vexacion
or trowble of the said John Peke as he will have my perpetuall
blyssyng, and no ferder to mell nor hurtt hir : and he to labour
for my moder goodes, who hadd all the heyrlomes, and as yett I
never hade none of theym. And, ferther, I charch hym nott to
mell with any of my goodes. In witnes wheroffe, I, the said
Richarde Peke, wrott and fynyshe the tenour and effect of this
my last Will with myn owne handes, the day & yere above
saide. Thies beyng witnesses John Peke gentillman, Sir Robert
Skelton preste, and Thomas Bayly, with many oder moo.
[Pr. 28 Oct. 1516, adm. ex«.]
[Reg. Wolsey, 142 b.]
In Dei nomine, Amen. Ego Thomas Strickland,* de Fier-
sard de Kendall, persona de Lowther in Westmerland in the
dioces of Carlile, hoole of mynde, of remembraunce, discrecion,
and myne undirstanding, I love God of His grace, ordeyns and
makes my Will and testament in this maner and fourme. In
* The testator seems to have heen a younger son of Sir Thomas Strickland
of Sizergh. He was rector of Qosford, in Cumberland, as well as of Stone-
grave, in Yorkshire.
the firste I bequeth my saule to Almyghtie Grod, and Soyne,
nnto OUT Lady Saynte Marye and Soyne, unto all the holy
courte of heven, and my body to be buried in Kendall kirke in
Saynte Kateryne's quere in the same kirke, at the left hand
of the aulter in the same quere. Item of this my will and
testament I ordeyne and makes Sir Thomas Par, my nevewe
Water Strikland,* and my brother G-ervase Strikland, conjunc-
lira et diviavrOj my executours cf this my will and testament
tmely, as my speciall trust is in theyme, that this my said will
be fulfilled. Item I will that my nevewe, Water Strikland, have
xl U. for such dueties as John G-runnell, his servaimte, knowes
of. Item I will that my maister Sir Thomas Par have the best
hors that I have fro the kirke served first. Item I will that
my nevewe Strikland have xl s. for his labour, and my brother
Gervas Strikland, for his labour, to have xl s. Item I will that
my sustour Johan have my gowne lyned w* cipars and xl s. of
money. Item I will that my servauntes all be truly content and
paid all there wages that is served and ron uncontent. Item
I will that ilkon of my hynes be rewarded over theire hire xx d.
Item I will that Thomas Lamberte have my grey trotting mere
and her fole. Item I will that John Loncastre have my grey
horse which was Bagley's. Item I will that Sir Miles, my
preste, syng for me oone yere at Saynt Kateryne's aulter in
Kendall kirke, and he to have vij marc therfore. Item I will
that ilkone of my servauntes, that wates and tendes on me, to
have iij s. iiij d. to rewarde be their wages that is served. Item
I will gif to Kendall kirke xx s. Item I bequethes to my for-
said executours all the residue of my goodes, moveable and not
moveable, that my said executours ordour and dispose theyme
as thynkes moste expedient, most pleasing to our Lord God,
and most heale for my saule, as my moste trust is in theyme in
all my nedes. In to the wittenes herof, to this my present
Will and testament I inscribe myne awne name w* myne awne
hand ; and recorde herof. Sir Roberte Tideman, and Sir Nicholas
Cartar, Thomas Lamberte, and other mo. Yeven in the Naty vy tie
of Saynte John Baptiste, in the yere of our Lorde God Jhesu
Crist m* dxvj**».
[Pr. 10 Aug. and ad. to Walter and Gervase Strickland, coex".]
♦ Apr. 26, 1610. Grant to Sir Richard Cholmeley and Eliz. his wife, widow
of Sir Walter Strickland, of the wardship of Walter, son and heir of Sir Walter
Strickland, on surrender of the patents d. 9 June, 22 Hen. VII., and 9 Aug.
23 Hen. VII., granting the same to the said Elizabeth and Wm. Pennington.
[Reg. Wolsey. 161.]
Sept. 10, 1516. I, Maister Thomas Shawe,* Maister of the
Hospitall of the Holye Trinytie in Fossegate. I witt my saule
to Ahnyghtie Grod my Maker, to our Lady Saynt Marye, and to
all the Blessed Company in heven, my body to be buried where
it pleas Almyghtie God, Also I witt my bookes to distribute
emonges my lovers and familier acquentance in Gambrige or
other place abiding, beseching theyme to have me in remem-
brance ; of the which Mr Ridley shall chose oone hole werke
or booke, wether it pleas hyme best : also Mr Staynebank, in
like wise, next: also Mr Robert Powell the same: also Mr
Wayham the same : also Mr Roberte Garrett the same : also
Mr Staveley of Saynte Marie Abbey the same. And these
having there election, if there be any other prestes or scolers of
my familier acquentance in Yorke, or oute of Yorke, seculer or
religiouse, as Sir William Robynson of Saynte Leonarde's in
Yorke, or Sir Thomas Blithman, some tyme my servaunte, to
whome the bookes left maye profitt in studie, I glad that, after
the above named, they shulde chose in like wise. Also I witt
to Sir William Pynder my violett gowne w* the hudde. Also I
witt to Bettrys Smyth a blak nut that (was) his mother's, w* the
cover. Also to John Kirkby, her son, a pare of awmer beades
and XX s. Also Margarete Kirkby a silver pece that was George
Smyth. Also to Sir William Robyson of Saynte Leonarde's a
foldyng spone of silver. Also to Agnes Covell vj s. viij d. of
lent money, and a pare of awmer beedes gawded w* silver, to
remayne after her decesse to Isabelle her doghtour, to the which
Isabell I witt a brasse potte and a panne and xl s. toward her
mariage. Also to John Shawe, prentise to my fader, one fether
bedde w* a bolster and pelowe, one pare of blankettes, ij pare
shetes, one pare of my daily occupied shetes, & the other pare
of ij bredes not occupied, ij coverlittes, and the coveryng
w* an antlop hanging w* a castell on his bakke, and fyve marc
in money. Also to Elisabeth, his sustour, the coveryng that
♦ The testator was inst. to the mastership of Trin. Hospital, Fossgate, on
Jan. 26th, 1612-13, on the pres. of Wm. Wright governor of the Merchants
Company and Thos. Abbey and Thos. Kytchyn, constables.
He was a son of John Shawe, merchant ; Chamberlain 1483, Sheriff 1486-7,
Lord Mayor 1510. He died in Jan. 1615-16, and was bur. at St. Crux.
The testator was a sdiolar and had been educated at Cambridge. The
Master Ridley is either Nicholas Ridley, the reformer, or Robert his brother.
lieth upon my bedde, w^ a gold ryng enameled ; also hir hus-
band zx s. Also to Elyn Jacson, servaunte and kynneswoman
unto my modir-in-lawe, xls. Also to Jenet, servaunte and
felowe w* her, iij s. iiij d. Also to Agnes Shate, vj s. viij d.
Also to Thomas Gerike, my servaunte, his fynding and scole
hire, to the yeres be rynne, that he may (be) suflSciently lemed
and made preste, if he be disposed to be preste ; and to have
for his firste wage vij maro to sing for me ; and to continue
longer if my executrix be plesed and he unpurved. The resi-
due of my goodes, my dettes paide, my Will fulfilled, and
fonerall expenses doone, I witt and gif to Maid Shawe, my
moder-in-lawe, whome I make my sole executrix, to see this
my Will be perfourmed, praying her for the luf of God, by cause
I cannot call all to remembrance I wold as my poer kynnes-
folkes and acquentance, that she of her charitie remember
theyme w* somme tokyn of remembrance after her discrecion,
when they come to her w* such not fulfilled in my fader testa-
mente. In wittenes herof to this my present testamente my
seale I have put, the daie and yere above written, thies being
witenes, Sir Thomas Seton preste, Saufe Langley, and James
Thome, w* other.
[Pr. 18 Ang. 1620.]
APPRAISED NOV. 12, 1516.
[Bx Grig, penes Dec. & Gapit. Ebor.]
The Wircyng Chambre. Item yj dossen spyndylles xij d.
A towre stull & ij crukes vj d. Item iij formys iij d. Item in
burddes iiij d. In yeme spyndylles xvj d. Item iiij" eyrth pottes,
xij s. Ayne olde hoggshede ij d. Summa xv s. vij d.
The Schoppe. Inprimis cc copper xliiij s. In wesshe &
thrawe xxvij dossen xliiij s. iiij d. In messelyng xxv dossen &
ix li. Ij s. yj d. In whitt eyrth ij s. viij d. Item xvij wayre
patrons iij s. iiij d. Item ij greytt playttes, xyj d. Item xiiij
small playttes & yj floure patrons iij s. iiij d. Item x ladylles
and scomers patrons v s. In castyn wayre iij s. A ryght dyshe
xij d. Item iij layttes vij s. Item xx huke shankes xvj d.
* 9 May, 1516. John Tenand of the pariche of Senct Elene in York. To
be beryed w*in ye kirk g^rth before ye crosse. To William Gnke my bowe. I
wit to be done for my saull & all Cristyn saulles the day of my beryall ▼ Meuet
of ye y wondee of our Lord Jhesa, v Me$te» of Senct Gregory, ic on Messe of
Beqviem, To Sir Robert Swynbom bis horde as langes to the quarter. The
residewe to Agnes my wiff. [Pr. 6 Nov. 1516.] (Reg. Dec. U Capit. ii. 113.)
Item ij rowmers ij d. Item ij payre clammes iiij d. Item ij
payre scheyrrys viij d. Item ij long fyllys & ij shortte fyllys
yj d. Item a payre pynsoDs, iij graytors, & ij hande bumyshaxs
viij d. A greytt stethe, iiij d. Item ij small stedys viij d.
Item ij laytin hamars iiij d. Item iij hake hamars iiij d. Item
V eleynche hamers & a pyke hamer xij d. A chafiFyng dyshe
xiiij d. A ladyll iiij d. A candylstyke funtte v d. Item ij
small feytte & vj-flomrys x d. A kyste xij d. Item ij shelffys
iiij d. In whett stonnys vj d. Item xlvj manderelles ij s. viij d.
A gryndstone & cmke x d. Item ij spayddy s & a shulle yj d.
Item j li. & di. latonweghttes iij d. A stone weghtt of d. e. iiij d.
In Yorke moure eyrthe xx d, A yerth burde iiij d. A bauke
& scayllys ij s. viij d. Summa ix li. vj s. viij d.
The Meltyng Howse, In eyrth mulddes yj s. viij d. A furnell
& wheser ij s. iiij d. In charke collys iij a. Item ij watter
pannys vj d. Item ij stullys & a tubbe iij d. Other trache
xd. A brayng morter & pestell yj.d. The fosse vij s. In old
yeme, as furnell, tenges, & wheser iiij s, Summa xxxv s. j d.
[Reg. Holder at Somerset House.]
In camera ven. viri Mr Guy Palmes, servientis ad legem,
infra Sergeauntes' Inn in Flete strete.
13 Nov. 1516. Guy Palmes,* one of the Kinge's Ser-
giaimtes at the la we. To be bur, in the churche of the. White
Freres, yf I decesse in TiOndon. I will that myn ex" lay a
stone of my grave, and that an ymage of our Lady be sett of
the sam^, & an ymage of my self be made kneling under her.-
To every of my wife's doughters by hir first husbonde a rynge
of xiij s. iiij d. To my brother's wife, & every of my sust^rs a
ryng of x s. To every of my brother sonnes vj s. viij d., & to
every of his doughters a ryng of vj s. viij d. To Elisabeth, my
doughter, to hir mariage, ccxxv marcs, so that she be maried
by the advise of m}^! ex", or by the more part of theym; which
money is nowe in the keping of Johane my ,wife. After my
funerall expenses & other charges doon, all suche summes of
money as I have, to be dispoased amonges my sonnes George,
Guy, Leonard, Stephyn, & Fraunces, by the discrecion of my
* A younger son of William Palmes of Nabtim, Esq., and brother of
Brian Palmes of the same place. He married a rich wife, the diloghter of a
Bristol merchant, and realised a large fortune through her means and his own
lepTil ability.
Guy Palmes died on Nov. 10th, 1516, leaving Brian his son and heir.
wife, my brother Brian Palmes, John Dowman d' of lawe, &
John Rudstone. Where I have bought of Sir Thomas Farefax
k^ the manage of Nicholas his sone & heire apparant, & the
covenauntes of the parte of the said Sir Thomas be not per-
fourmed, if he doo not, betwixt this & Ester next comyng sJter
the date herof, then my doughter Jane to be maried by my
ex" where as they shall seme most convenient, & she to have
cc li. to her manage ; & my don. Elis. to have as mych as shall
make up ecc marcs. To my nevewe, John Heslerton, my best
gowne furred w* fox ; & my nevewe, George Scalby, my gowne
lyned with chamlet. Where the right reverende fader in God
& my most singular good lorde, Bichard Bisshop of Wynchester,
at tny pouer instance & desire, is contented to take the payn
upon his good lordshipp to be surveyour of this my testement,
my ex" to resort & repaire unto him. Ex" my wife, my
brother Brian Palmes, Maister John Dowman d' of lawe, & my
cosyn John Rudston, citezein & draper of London. The residue
to Johane my wife, trusting that she will be loving to my
soule, & kynde & loving to my childem. I wille that all suche
plate that was bequethed to me & my wife, to the summe of
c marcs, by John Drewes, be in her occupacion during her lyfe,
& then to be equally devided emonges my childre & Nicholas
More childre, then being on lyve.
Will for Land. 13 Nov. 1516. Wife Joan my manor of
Broughton, co. Wilts, & lands in Overton & Guydhampton co.
Southampton for life — rem. son Brian & h" — rem. son Geo. &
h" — ^rem. son Guy & h" — son Leon* & h" — son Stephen &
do — son Francis & do. She, whilst unm**, to have my lands &c.
in Hesyll co. Hull ; if she marry, Leon**, Stephen, & Francis to
have them. Sons Geo. & Guy lands to val. of x marks each per
ann. late bought of Sir Henry Long. Son Brian, when 22, my
manors of Ashwell co. Rutland & Whitton co. Lincoln, my lands
late purch* of Morgan Cowdrey, & my lands in Andover — ^rem.
son Geo, etc. Son John lands in Efiforde val. 10 1. per ann.,
my manor of Bentworth co South".
[Pr. 4 Deo. 1616.]
[Beg. Test. ix. 66 h.]
March 4, 1516-17. William Fytzwilliam of Sprotburrowe,
esquier. To be buryd in the hye quere of our Lady of Sprot-
burghe, next unto my fader. To an honest prest, to syng for
my soull, and those that I am bound to pray for, 1 marcs, for
vij yeres ; he to syng the yere in the churche of Sprotburrow.
To John Colyn, my servant, v markes, & all suche fees as I
have grauntede to hym by patton under my seall and signe
manuell for terme of his lyffe, to pray for my soull. I be-
queath my blake satteyn gowne furredd w* blake bugge to the
church of our Lady of Sprotburgh. To myn uncle, Thomas
Suthill, my blake damaske gowne furrede with foynes, to pray
for my soull. To every of my servandes, beyng w* me in house
and howsholde at the tyme of my departyng to Grod All-
myghty, xiij s. iiij d. for a quarter of a yer, to ther fyndyng, to
they may provyde theym of a service, to pray for my sovll ; and
ther wages. I will that William Lord Conyers and all oder
hys feoffes, named in a dede berynge date xxvij* Februarie vij***
Herry VIII*, shall suffer Thomas Suthill, & oder myn executors,
yerely to take th'yssues, etc., owt of the manors of Emley,
Haddylsey, & Derryngton, unto syche tjme as all bequestes,
dettes, etc., be trewly content. To Umfrey Fytzwilliam, my
servant, xl s. To William Tyas, my fermer of Sprotburgh, x] s.
My feoffes to be feoffed, after my dettes paide, etc., of the
maners of Emley, Darryngton, and Haddylsey, to the use of
Thomas Suthill and Margery his wife for terme of ther lyffes —
then to the use of Elesabeth Suthill (ther) doghter, terme of
lyffe — then to my right heyres. To the said Margery xl li., & to
Elesabeth hir doghter xl li., to pray for my soull. My feoffes
to make a yerly rent to the valour of xl s. unto George Went-
worth, terme of his lyffe, owt of Daryngton & Haddylsey, & a
yerly rent of iiij li. owt of them to Umfrey Fitzwilliam, terme
of his lyffe ; — of iiij li. to William Eiddesley, terme of his lyffe ;
— of iiij li. by yere unto Cecile Tyas, terme of hir Ijrffe ;— of
the Parke milne in Emley parke to John Page, for terme of
his lyffe. To my cosyn, Thomas Wentworth, my tawny chamb-
♦ The last of the Fitzwilliams of Sprotborouph about whom there is much to
be found in the earlier volumes of Wills. Thomas Sothill was the testator's
unrle by marriage, whose only daughter, Elizabeth, married Sir Henry Savile
of Thornhill and Richard Gascoigne.
let gowne forrede with buggy, to pray for my sowll. The
residew to Sir Robert Drury knyght, Thomas Kokeley knyght,
Thomas Suthill esquier, Thomas Wentworth esquier, and Hugh
Boswell clarke, parson of the churche of DerflTelde, myn execu-
tors. Thies beyng present John Everyngham churke & parson
of Sprotburgh, William* Copley, John Fytwilliam, Sir Thomas
Sylles preste, William Tyas, William Fytzwilliam, & many oder.
[Pr. 29 April, 1618, adm. to ex".]
[Reg. Teat. ix. 48 a.]
IVfay 11, 1517. Jacobus Malliverey de Semer, gen. Sep.
in choro capellse S. Martini Episcopi et Confessoris de Semer.
Willelmo Belt meum galbanum li^tum ostro, meam tunicam
prseliariam, quae dicitur a coU of plait, j gantdettj et j falcem
prseliariam, et gaUem. Willelmo, filio Johannis Kobynson, mea
alba anna prseliaria, j par splenteSf j gauntleitj j timicam
prseliariam quas dicitur a cott of plait, et j falcem prseliariam.
AnnflB, filiae mese, j aureum quod vocatur a rialL Domino
Kadulpho, filio meo, j annulum aureum. Willelmo, fratri meo,
j togam pennulatam penula alba agnorum. Willelmo Robyn-
son, femulo meo, j par sotularium quae dicuntur stertuppea.
Besiduum Johannse, uxori mese.
[Pr. 28 June, 1517, & adm. to the wld. & ex».]
[Test. Ebor. ix. 59 a.]
July 23, 1517. Thomas Langton * of Huddylston, esquier,
beyng & intendyng to be and continewe the servand of
Almyghty God. I bequeath my sowll to Almyghty God,
besuchyng our Blyssed Lady Saynt Mary, His moder, and
all the gloryous company of heven, through ther holy prayers,
to conduc and convey the same unto His most hye mercy
♦ The pedigree of the Langtons needs reconstrnction. One or two of
their Wills are printed in this series. Their representation afterwards merged
in the house of Danby.
The testator died on Dec. 21, 1517, leaving Thos., son of John Langton his
son, his heir, aet. 24.
Tliere is a monument to one of these Langtons in the church of RiccaU.
o 2
& celestiall glorie, ther to remeyn. To be buryd in such
place of the paroch church of All Sayntes in Shirbume as it
best shall seyme by myn executours. I will that Sir William
Myre prest syng for my sowU in the paroch churche of Shir-
bume by the space of on yere. To the vicar, for my tythes
and ofiferyng forgotten, iij s. iiij d. To the lyght standyng
afor the Holy Rood xiij s. iiij d. To the upholdyng of the
lyght in our Lady's chappell vj s. viij d. Towards the uphold-
yng of the torches to be made by the inhabitantes of Shir-
biune xiij s. iiij d. To the torches to be maid by the inhabi-
tantes of Wilforth vj s. viij d. I have (given) and delivered unto
the service of our Lady Saynt Mary, to the maynteynyng of the
same within the chapell of our Lady, at Shirbume, xxx** kye
& sex qwyes, on t'hous beldyde, w* all fharbege of Fursefelde &
Lanerton carres, now in my take of Thomas archbuschope of
Yorke ; & the profectes to be orderd & distributede as I have
devysede & ordeynede by on composicion tripartyte beryng
date Apr. yj, 1514. I wyll that the vicar & churchwardens for
the tyme beyng schall have the lattyng of the said kye with
arbege to ferme ; & the residewe of the money that shall yerly
com unto the stok, all charges paide,they shall make an oppyn
accompte afor my son Thomas Langton, av4i the Lady preste,
& all the parichoners that shalbe ther. To my son, Thomas
Langton, & Alienor his wyffe & his heires maille, all my landes,
etc., in Collyng & Connandley. To Thomas Langton, son
& heyre of John Langton, & to Eaulfe Awnger my full power
in all maner accions, etc., ayenste th'executors of dam Beatrice
lady of Graystoke. To my doghter, Esabell Birkhed, iij kye,
iij whies, xx ewes, & xl s., of hir beryng. To every manys &
womans servand waged by yere that now is in my serves, &
contineweth in the same duryng my lyflFe, ij s. And bycause I
knawlege tarn that I have receyvede of the landes of my
doghter Jennet Yonge's feofifment the sum of xl li. more than
I have payd for hir mariege, and by cause also of the great
payn that she hath tayken of long season in the kepyng of my
house, I therfor give and bequeath unto Thomas Langton, my
son, & to the said Jennet, my doughter, whom I make myn
executors, the residew of my goodes. I will that my executors do
maike no vij*** day for me, but the remanent of my buryall be
disposede emonges poore folkes. Allso I will that Richard
Awnger and Nicholesse Awnger be rewarded at the syght of
myn executors.
[Pr. 20 Feb. 1617-18. adm. to ex".]
[Reg. Test. Ebor. iz. 136 a.]
Sept. 6, 1517. Henry Poudesey,* th'elder, of Bolton nye
Bolland, esquier. To be beried in the chirch of Seynt Peter
and Paule of Bolton. To Thomas, my son, & to his heres
malles, ij saltes gilted, one of them coverhed, a notte gilte w*
a cover, and a pese gilted with a cover. To the right worship-
fdll Maister Brian Higdon, deane of the metropolitan church
of Yorke, the best horse that I have next unto my mortuary,
with all thynges belongyng to hym, for his owne saddell. To
every one of my sonys and sonys-in-law a horse, & to every
one of my doughtours and doughtours-in-law a mare. To
every one of ther childer a cow. I have revoked & cassat al
my testamentes. The residue to my nevey, Sir Henry Han-
serd, parson of Bolton, & Ambrose, my son, whome I ordene
executours, & my lord Dene of York supervisour.
[Pr. 1 March, adm. to ex".]
[Beg. Test. ix. 67 a.]
Dec. 30, 1517. Thomas Staunton f of Staunton, esquier.
To be buride wHn the paroch churche of Stanton. To the
♦ The head of the ancient house of Padsay of Bolton. He left a large
family behind him, and the Will of his son, Ambrose, follows after a short
t The Stauntons of Staunton represented, if it were possible, the oldest
family in Nottinghamshire and famous as well in antiquity as in achievment.
29 March, 1447. Thos Staunton, Esq. of Staunton. Sep. in oem. eccl.
B. M. de S. in capella S. Laurentii. Marg* his wife & Thos S. his eldest son
ezecntors. [Pr. 4 May.] (Reg. Test, ii 156.) (The grandfather of the
13 Aug. 1485. Thos Staunton de S. arm. Sep. in capella B. M. infra eccl.
de S. Qeorgio. Filio meo meam cathenam auream et cist am meam Flandream.
Elizabeths Byngham, filiae meae, unum craterem arg. et sex coclearia arg.
Margaretae Tapton, filise mete, unum craterem arg. et sex coclearia arg. The
res. to Wm S., my son & heir, & George S., my son. They exrs. Wm Sleford,
of Kirkby Laynethorp, gen., supervisor. [Pr. 20 Apr. I486.] (Reg. Test. v.
280 a.) (The father of the testator.)
1 July, 1497. Wm Staneton of S. arm. Sep in eccl. par de S. Son Wm.
(under 20) 20 1. Wm S. clerk, my bro' & heir. Wife Kath. & Richard Dysnay
exrs. [Pr. 12 Oct.] (Res?. Test. v. 505.) (The elder brother of the testator.)
23 Sep. 1504. Wm Stanton, rector eccl. de S. Sep. infra cancellam eccl.
church xxvj s. viij d., to by a crosse w*. To the makyng of the
deskes in the said church xl s. To the battelyng of the same
XX 8. To the church of Kilvington, the chapelis of Flaborrowe
& Stanton (each) yj s* viij d., to by a crosse cloth w*. A good,
discrett prest to syng in the church of Staunton by the space
of a yere, & to have v li. I will that my feoffe3 be seassede of
my maner of Staunton to the use of me & Anne my wyfiFe, for
terme of our naturall lyffes, & then to the use of my right
h eyres, & they to suflTer my wiffe to have of the rentes, etc.,
in Dalington, Flaburrow, & Awfreton, & ij messe3 in Staunton,
unto such tyme that she have recey ved cvj li. xiij s. iiij d. To
Millicent, my doghter, xl markes. To Elesabeth, my doghter,
xl. markes. To Annas, my doghter, xl markes, when they are
mariede by th'advysse of my wyfife & hir counsell. To my son
John xl markes. The residewe to my wiflTe, whom I make soil
executrice and ordinarie of this my last Will. Sir John Mark-
ham, knyght, supervisor. Witnes Eobert Molyneux, esquier,
[Pr. 28 April, 1518, adm. to ex\]
[Reg. Test. ix. 72 a.]
March 16, 1517-18. Christofer Danby,* knyght. To be
bur. at my paroche churche of Leeds wHn the highe quere. My
beste horse & hames to my mortuarie. To the said churche
my gowne of cr3rmsen velwett. To a preste, to syng for my
souU & all Christen sowlles within the chapell of our Blissede
Lady of Walsyngham, duryng an holle yere next after my de-
cesse, iiij li. xiij s. iiij d. For myn expenses fiinerall the day of
my buryall, xxx li. I will that all suche landes as laitt wer putt
in feofifement by my fader, Sir James Danby, & by Dame
Agnes Danby, my moder, to & for the mariege of my susters be
employede to the same use, all such maners, etc., wherin Sir
John Nevill, Sir George Darcy, knyghtes, with oder, ar en-
feofifede in only excepte. Wheras I have laitly enfeoffede John
Nevyll, George Darcy, knyghtes, with dyvers oder, in certeyn
landes &c., co. Yorke, I will they maik estait to Dame Margaret
de S. Thos S. etc. Hen. Bozon esq. supervisor, & Mr Simon Yates, Richard
Smith of Kilvington clerk & Robert Pecok ex". [Pr. 5 Nov.] (Reg. Test vi.
112.) (A brother of the testator.)
♦ The pedigree of this family is very well known. For the Will ^of Sir
James Danby, the testator's father, see Test. Ebor. iv. 122.
Danby, my wyffe, for terme of lyflFe, of landes, etxj., in Farneley
to the yerely valor of xiij li. yj s. viij d., accordyng to covennauntes
of mariege of Christofer E^nby, my sod, & hi« wyflF, betwix
my Lorde Latimer & me laitly maid. Wher the said John
Nevyll, & Oder, ar infeoflFede of my landes as well of Ferneley,
as Oder, myn ex" to receyve xx li. to the performaunce of my
will and the payment of my dettes. Wher I have putt in
feoffement to my Lorde Latymer Hallfelde, Scmton, & Exilby,
contrary to my promjsse, whiche wer in feoffement afor the per-
formance of my fader's will & my moder's, I will that the said
John Nevill, and oder, maik astaite to the said Lorde Latymer
of the resydewe of my landes in Ferneley, with all oder which
my saide feofe3 ar enfeoffede in, to the said valour of the said
Halfeilde, Scmton, & Exilby. The residewe to Dame Margery
my wyff, Christofer Danby my son, Thomas Langton, & Jambes
Danby, my broder — they exrs. Witnesses Sir John Henry son.
Sir John Bamarde, chapleynes, Eoger Doddesworthe gentyl-
man, with dy vers oder.
[Pr. 16 Nov. 1618, adm. to ex'.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 65 a.]
March 19, 1517-18. Sir Eobert Browne, prest. I be-
queath my souU to the mercy of AUmyghty, to His moder our
Lady Saynt Mary, and to all the holy company of heven ; my
body to be buride within the chappell of Heptonstall, foundede
in the honour of God & Saynt Thomas of Canterbury ; &
my better gowne for my mortuarie. To the said chappell, for
trespasses & offences that I have done in hitt or in the yerde
of the same, in fyndyng or takyng away any goodes ayens the
pleasur of Almyghty, and health of my soull, xx s. To the ex-
ecutours of Mr Kichard Symx, sumtym vicar of Halifax, for
any goodes of his wrongfully hadde, xx d. To Doctor Thomas
Brant, late vicar of the said Halifax, xvj d. To my lorde
th'archbushope of Dublyn, & nowe vicar of the said Halifax,
XX d. To th'executors of Sir Ed' Lache, sumtym vicar of Kyrk-
ham, for any goodes of his wrongfully hadd, xx d. To th'ex-
ecutors of Sir William Huddylston, late vicar of the said Kirk-
ham, for suche thynges, xx d. To the nether Rode of the said
Kyrkham, iiij d. Also wher as I dyd make the light of Saynte
Lowe, if I hadd any more money than I spent in the makyng
thereof, xyj d. To the Freers of Knaresburgh, for to be broder
to thejmoL, and to have their privelege and pardon, vj s. viij d.
To the Fratemite of Sayntes Christofer and George at Yorke,
vj 8 viij d. To our Lady in the See, w*in the dioc' of Ely, xx d.
To the Freers of Dancastre, that wer attoumeys for the Univer-
site of Patbmos, ij s. It is my will to have iiij yerdes of new
lynyng cloth boght at my decesse to be wonne in. AUso to be
offerd at my decesse xvj d. I will that every prest beyng at
my Dirige and Messe have iiijd., and every clark that can
^y^Sy J ^* Allso I will that ther be but dispendyd and dalt at
my buryall, in brede, ayll, and meytt, xl s. To the chappell of
Heptonstall a coppe of velwet, and that my soull, my fader's
soull, and my moder's soul be upon the bedrowll, to be praid
for ever more, the price of the same xx^ nobilles. Allso to
the said Kyrkham a vestment, upon the condicion that my
soull, my fader's, moder's, & oder goode frendes' soulles be
upon the bede-rooll, to be praid for ever mor, the price of the
same vestement xx** nobilles. Also to Preston churche
anoder vestement in the same wysse. Also I will that a prest
do syng for my soull, my fader & moder soulles, & other good
frendes' soulles at the said Kyrkham, ij yeres ; in lyke wysse
at Preston ij yeres, & to have xx li. 1 will ther be a trentall
of Saynt Gregorie said and song at Heptonstall for my soull
& the soulles of Laurence Bentley & Jennet his wyflfe, & the
prest to have x s. To the makyng of Sourbridge * v merkes.
Witn. Sir W™ Cocroft, curate of Heptonstall.
[Pr. 29 March, 1518.]
In Dei nomine. Amen. I Marmaduce Constable,! oflf Flayn-
burgh, knyght, holle of body and mynde, the firste day of Maii,
* i.e., Sowerby bridge.
t The head of the house of Constable of Flamborough. * Little Sir Mar-
maduke * he was called in an old pedigree, but he was great in courage and
martial achievements, and a trusted servant of several kings. He was twice
married : first, to a daughter of Lord Fitzhugh ; second, to Joyce, daughter of
Sir Humphrey Stafford of Grafton, by whom he had many children.
In 1513, when 70 years old, Sir Marmaduke had the honour of being joined
with Sir Edmund Howard in the command of the third division of the English
army at the great battle of Flodden, or Brankston Field. Cf. Athenae Can-
tabr. i. 22.
Sir Marmaduke*8 Will is in itself a very interesting document, but it be-
in the yere of onr Lord God a thowsande five hunderth and
xviij^, and of Kyng Henry the viij*^ the x*^ yere, makes my
testament and last will in maner and forme as hereafter fol-
loweth. First I give my soull unto Allmyghty God, and to His
blissede moder our Lady Saynt Mary, and to all the Sayntes in
hevyn, and ray body to be buriede wheresoever it may please
God to disposse for me ; and, for my corps present, as custom
requiers. Allso I will that my executores fynd and give exhi-
bicion to one poore preste vij yeres ; and that he be chargede
to syng and praye for my fader and moder souUes, my ij wyffes'
Boulls, and, allso, generally, for all Christen sowUes, and specyally
for all thos soulles that I have hurte in body or goodes in any
maner wyse, in recompence ; and for the wellfere of all my
comes still more so if we read it in connection with his epitaph graven on brass
and preserved on the north side of the altar in Flambro' church, from which I
took it, althoogh it is known from other sources. The letters in italics have
been omitted in the original to meet the exigencies of the sculptor, and are
indicated on the brass by a short line above the omitted letter. I grieve to
Bay that the famous rood-screen at Flambro* has been removed, and the
portions of it which are preserved are appended to the west wall of the
church. A fragment of the ancient residence of the Constables is in a field
contiguous to the church, and just under the sea-bank. In this a long suc-
cession of knights and gentlemen resided, with the roll of the waves of the
sea continually in their ears. The very name of Constable is now scarcely
known in the place.
I give the most interesting epitaph of the testator : —
Here lieth Marmaduke Cunstable of Flaynborght Enyght
Who made aduentowr into France for the right of the same
Passed our with Kyng Edwarde the Fourthe y» noble Knight
And also with noble Eling Herre the Sevinth of that name
He was also at Barwik at the winnyng of the same
And by Kyng Edward chosyn Capteyw there first of any one
And rewllid & gouemid ther his tyme without blame
But for all that as ye se he lieth under this stone.
At Brankistow feld wher the Kyng of Scottys was slayne
He then beyng of the age of thre score and tene
With the gode Duke of Northefolke y* jomey he hays tayn
And coragely auancid hywt self emong other ther & then
The King beyng in France with g^te nomber of Y/tglesh me»
He nothyng hedyng his age ther but jeop^rde hyw as on
With his sonnes brother saruantt and kynnismen
But now as ye se he lyeth under this stone.
But now all thes tryumphes ar passed & set on syde
For all worldly joyes they wull not long endure
They are soune passed and away dothe glyde
And who that puttith his trust in them I call hym most unsure
For when deth strikith he sparith no creature
Nor gevith no warnyng but takith thew by one & one
And now he abydyth Godis mercy & hath no other socure
For as ye se hym here he lieth under this stone.
I pray you my kynsmew louers and frendis all
To pray to cure Lord Jhesu to have marcy of my sowll.
childeren, kynne, and frend that be lyflFyng. And that he be
resident and abydyng styll in Cambrige all the said vij yeres,
there to attende his lemyng to be a elerke, and to have every
yere viij merkes. Allso I will that if any man comme to my
executors and shewe any wrong done to hym by m6, or if I have
takyn any goodes frome hym or them unlawfully or agaynst
conscience, I will that they be recompensede as fere as my goodes
will streche. Allso I will that my howse that I purchased in
Wighton of one Cartwright, wherein I have enfeoflfede my broder
nowe deane of Lyncoln, John Walleys of Holme, and oder, bothe
of Holme and Wighton, to th'entent to fulfyll my will in that
behalfe, be guydede and orderede as I have maid my will afore
tymes, and as appereth by indenturs maide and tripartytede ;
wherof one parte xremeyns in the kepyng of the churchmasters
of Wighton ; anoder part w* the churchmasters of Holme ; the
thirde parte with the Prior of Wartre ; and in lyke wyse as it
is sett and ordeynede there, I will that it so continewe for ever.
Allso I will that the person of Ergham have all his tithes of come,
woolle, and lambe, and allso of all maner catall that goeth upon
the grounde there ; and allso his closse of xx^ acre3, the whiche
I assignede to hyme, in recompence of his gleibe londe belong-
yng to his personage when it was a towne, so that my heyres
be not incombrede w* the same tithes and gleibe lande as my
fader and I have bene. Allso I will that every servyngman in
my howse have in rewarde, over and besydes his wages, for his
trewe and diligent service done, that is to say, every preste and
gentillman xx s., every yoman xiij s. iiij d., every grome and
oder ser vaunt es in my howsholde vj s. viij d. And so I will that
my howseholde be kepte still and all my servauntes togedere one
yere full after my decesse in my place at Holme, to th'entente
that they may have leysor to provyde and see for them selfe.
And this to be at my costes and charg, and there wages to be
content at ther quarters, lyke as they were in my daies. Allso
I will that the churche of Yorke have to ther warkes x s.; the
churche of Lincoln to there workes ther x s. Allso I give and
bequeathe to my eldyst sone all my beddynges, hyngyng and
napry, sheyttes & pillewes in the kytchin, larderhouse, bake-
house, brewhouse, both at Flaynburgh and Holme, the pottes,
pannes, speyttes, fattes, leaddes, tubbes, barelles, and other
utensylles belongyng the same howse3 and the berehowse at
Flaynburgh, with the coppre fattes, and all oder vessell belong-
yng to the same, he to have all this stuffe of my gifte.
Allso I give to my sone William, of Hatefelde, xx li. in money
or plaite, & all my fermeholdes at Crome, & all my sheipe
there goyng. • . . To my broder, Doctor Constable, Deane of
Lincoln, my powder box of sQver, for a remembraunce. To my
broder, Sir William Tmwhitt, my best gilt goblet w* the cover-
yng, & v". of gold therin, for a remembraunce. To my doghter
Percy one basyn and eware of sylver, for a remembraunce. To
my broder, Sir William Constable, my best silver goblett with
the coveryng. I make thies to be myn executors, my broder
Doctor Constable, my broder WilUam Turwhitt, my sonnes
Marmaduce Constable of Everyngham, William Constable of
Hatefelde, knyghtes, & my sone John Constable, esquier.
To each of my said iij sonnes an hunderth merkes in plaite, &
to my Sonne John all my sheippe at Tibthorpe, that is to saye,
iij hunderth sheipe as they goo upon the grounde ; the which
grounde I gave unto hym for terme of his lyfiF afore tyme. To
William Hilton, stewerde of my bowse, vj 11. xiij s. iij d. in
money in rewarde, besyde his wages, for his diligent service
done and to be done after my decesse. To Robyn Antony, for
his diligent service, x pounde. AUso I will that all the residewe
of all my goodes, my will and witt worde fullfylled, and my
dettes paid, as come, catall, sheippe, and nowte, at Flaynburgh,
Holme, Erghom, & Bartondaill, Somerby, or any oder place
both in Yorke shyer and Lincoln shyer, my wooUe, plaitt,
jewelles, shipps and shyppyng, and all oder good by lande or by
see, imgiflFen and unbequethed, I will that myn executours
and ministers disposse for me as I have appoyntede in the
last ende of this will, by the syght & oversyght of my said
broder. AUso I will that as sone as it shall please God to calle
me owt of this transitorye lyffe, and my body colde, than,
withowt callyng of frendes, or any oder solemnytie, or any oder
feast or cerymonie, my said body to be buriede, hadde to the
churche, and pute into the erth, as soune as it conveniently may.
Allso I will that upon the day of my buryall, or upon the mome
next after that, therbe kyllede of myn iiij beyffes, and allso
takyn of my come vj querters, wheate or rye ; and this foresaide
beififes and come to be gififyn to the poorest folkes, that is to
saye, in Flaynburgh to the nowmbre of iiij** persons and xij,
Sewardby xx, Bridlyngton xl persons, Bukton xx, and Benton
XX**, that is to say to every poore householder w4n the same
townes on peise of beiffe, one peke of come, and j d. in silver.
And iflF I be buriede at Holme or Sommerby, the foresaid beiffes
and come to be in lyke maner unto v or vj townes next ad-
joynyng, by the discrecion of myn executors. And for bycause
I will ther noo daile be maide nor giffyn for me, callede penny
dolle, nor enny almesse delte nor giflFen under that maner and
forme, I will that every towne and paroche within Dyckeryn^,
Herthill, and Bucrosse, Owse and Darwent, Howdenshyer, Hoi-
demes, and parte of Lincolnshiere, have both almesse and
releiflFe as I have appoyntede in viy bylles to this my will and
testament annexede ; the whiche bylles I wilbe putt in execu-
tion as sone as is possible after my decesse ; that is to sSy to
begynne upon the mome next after my deathe, and somme of
my trusty servantes of my howsholde, or oder substanciall, trewe
men, to ryde furth with the said billes, and to delyver to every
towne, paroch church, or chappell, the money to theme so
lymytt and assignide in the same billes, and the same billes
jdlso; to th'entente to pray for my sowUe, and all Christen
sowUes, accordyng to th'entent which appereth in the same
billes playnly expressede. And I will that the same intent be
playnly shewede and declarede oppenly in every kirke and
paroche accordyng. Allso I will that one of my most trusty
servauntes be sent to all the abbeys, prioris, & nonnreis, lymyt-
tede & appoyntede, as well wHn the Northriddyng as in the
Est, & he to aske theme forgiffnes in my name of all maner of
trespase3 that I have done to theme in hurtyng ther liberties
& fraunchesses, there lyvelode, tennantes, churche}, & bowses,
as well when I was sheriffe of the shyer, as conamissionere in
assessyng of aides, benivolence3, and oder imposicions by the
kynge's commaundement, to the hurt of them, ther lyvelode &
tennantes, &, allso, ther houses : and to give every place, to
the convent ther, the money assignede and lymytede in the
said billes, desyryng theme in the waye of charitie to forgive
me & absolve me in their chapitour house ; and allso to pray
for me, consideryng the sentence and censurs of the churche
ar dredefuU and many waise unadvisedly a man may fell and
trespasse therin, as I fere me that 1 have done ; provided all-
wais, as is aforesaide, that no dolle be maid nor aJlmes giffyn at
the day of my beryall other waise than 1 have appoyntede in
this my will and testament: and at the daye of makyng of this
my last will and testament I stande furthe off dett, excepte
fermes, when dayes commys ; and, if any dett shall happen to be
ine herafter, or dettes owyng to me, they shalbe annexede in a
scedull to this my will & testament as case shall requier her-
after. And, over this, I will that iff any of my servantes, or
breder, or yet any oder person that I have bequeathede, givyn,
or assignede any parcell of my goodes unto in this my will afor-
said, doo claym or demaunde any parte or parcell of my goodes
by the waye of dewtie, or any oder cause, or any oder maner of
cause contrarie to this my testament, or elles by any oder
meane • . or lett any parte of this my foresaid will to be full-
fill ede, than I will that he or they shall forfaitt all such thynges
SLS is bequeathede to hym or theme afore in this my foresaid
will and testament, and that same so forfaittede to be devjdede
emonges all myn exeoutours, they to disposse it at therpleasur.
Alls0 I will that my lordeshipe ofiF Holme in Spauldyngmore
in the countie of Yorke, and allso my lordeshipe of Somerby in
the conntie of Lincoln, w* all the reveneus and profettes be-
longyng the same, be orderde and receyvede by myn execu-
tours, accordyng and to th'ententes to fullfyll my wyll in that
behalve, lyke as I have appoyntede by my dede indentede for
certeyn yeres as more playnly is expressede in the same, Allso
I will that the Whyt Freers and Grrey Freers io Scarburghe,
the Blak Freers in Beverley, & Anstyn Freers of Grymesby,
in the countie of Lincoln, thies iiij places, to have, every quarter
in the yere, xxij s. ix d., that is to saye, iij d. by the day ; for
the which iij d. every day one preste, that day bounde to no
oder charge, shall syng a Messe for me & all Christen sowlles ;
&, specially, for thies soulles that I have done any hurte or
wrong unto, and knawes not how to recompense them satisfac-
torie but only by prayers ; and the said Freers and preste to
have ij d. that day, & so to chaunge daly frome preste to preste
that all the convent may fare the better therby ; and, besydes,
that every day the odde penny to go to the amendement of the
pytaimce of the said Freers ; and thus I will it continewe after
my decesse iij yeres full, in suche maner lyke as I have putt it
in execution in my days. And all the residewe of my goodes,
this my last will and witworde fulfiUede in every poynt and
article, & allso the oder parte of my last will, which is indentyd
betwixt myn executours and me, for fowndyng of certeyn scolers
in Cambrige,* and oder thynges, fullfiUede & done by myn
executours in every poynt & article, in like maner as is afore,
I will it be disposede emonges myn executours att there will &
plaisur, & for there owne profectes, as them shall seme best.
And thus I commytt my soull to the mercy of oure Lorde Gode,
Amen. Datyde at Holme. Witne88e3, Christofer Ormesby
preste, William Hilton, & Robert Wiske.
[Pr. 27 Apr. 1520 ; adm. to Mann. C. of Everingham & Wm. C. of Hatfield
kts., & John G. Esq., power reserved to Mr. John C, Dean of Lincohi, &, Sir
Wm. Tyrwhitt, kt.]
♦ By deed d. 11 July, 1627, the executors founded four scholarships at St.
John's College. They also gave 100^. for the foundation of a fellowship to be
held by a priest who was to pray for the soul of the testator.
[Reg. Test. ix. 70-1.]
July 4, 1518. Brian Stapilton,* of Wighall, knyght. To
be bur. in the chapell of our Lady, in the north ylle of the
paroche churche of Wighall. My best horse for my corspresaunt.
To Chr. Stapilton, my son & myne heyre, my cheyn of golde
weyng xx** unce} of fyne golde, & he to fynd a prest to
syng in our Lady's chapell, wher my body lyes, vij yeres, for
my fader's soull, my moder's soull, my wiffe's soull, and myn,
with all good Christen sowUes. To the said Christofer, my son,
a basyn and an ewer of silver, & it to remeyn to his heyres
ever after ; & all my chapell stuffe, as my fader lefte me ytt.
To Alice, my doghter-in-lawe, a rynge of golde with a diamond
in yt. To every on of my iiij yonger sonnes a yong horse,
riden or able to ryde. To Jane Conyers, my doghter, a ryngof
golde graved with fedders, which was the last token betwixt
my wyffe & me. To Elinor Wharton, my doghter, a ryng of
golde with a stone in hit callede a turkes. To Margaret, my
doghter, a crosse of golde with a crucifix of the one syde, and
the five woundes of the oder syde, with a small cheyn of gold
belongyng to ytt. To dame Isabell Stapilton, my doghter,
X s. To Sir John Carbot, my chapleyn, x s. To the church
of Wighall my tawny damaske gowne, to make a coppe or
a vestement, which is thoght more necessarie. I bequeath
my crymisen satten dublet, to the orfrayng of a coppe or
a vestement, or both, of a gowne of argent damaske, the
which my wyff gave to Wighall church. To every house in
Wighall, to pray for my soull, iiij d. I will that myn ex",
the day of my buryall, deall penny doll ; to prestes iiij d. ; to
parishe clerkes ij d. ; & the parishe clerke of Wighall xij d. I
will that myn ex" cause an hunderth Messes to be done for
my soull the viij**^ day of my buryall ; & sex torches (price
iiij s. each) to bume about my body & to remeyn to the
churche. I bequeathe xiij tapers, xij of theme a li. a peice, in
the worshipe of the xij Apostilles, & the xiij*^ of iij li. in the
worshipe of the Fader, the Son, and the Holy Ghoyst, and it
to be bumede afore the Sacrement of the alter whilles it will
last. To Brian Stapleton, son and heyre to Christofer Stapleton,
my son, a flatt cooppe covered silver & gilte w* the talbottes
on hitt ; & yt to remeyn to his heyres. Ex" Chr. Stapilton,
♦ Eldest son of Sir Wm. Stapleton of Wighill and Jane his wife. Cf . Test.
Ebor. iv. 221,273.
my son & heyre, & William Stapulton, my yongest son. Sir
JoLn Carbot to syng for my fader's souU, etc,, vij yeres, if God
leve hym lyfe therto, paying by yere iiij li. vj s. viij d.
Codicil. Wheras John Stapulton esquier, Nich. Bonney
gen., John Carbot chapleyn, & Rob* Hawkyng yoman hath
recoverede the thirde part of the maner of Farlyngton by a
writt entre — & hathe given the same to me in fee symple ; I
hath enfeoffed the right worshipfull Henry Machell doctor of
both lawes & commissarie to my lorde Cardinall of Yorke,
Thomas Pooll clerke & parson of Kyrkby Overblaues, Henry
Typlady chapleyn, John Norton son & heyre to John Norton
of Norton knyght, John Aske son & heyre to Robert Aske of
Aghton knyght, Jamves (sic) Ros of Yngmanthorpe esquiere
late departede, & John PuUeyn of Kyllynghall gen., upon the
whiche feoffement I declares my will thus. My said feoffe} to
make an estate to Brian Stapillton clerke, Launcelotte, Milles,
& William Stapilton, my yonger sonnes, every of them xxziij s.
iiij d. by yere, terme of their lyves, out of Ferlyngton, over
& besides an estate maid by deide of v markes by yere to
them by William Bulmer and Robert Aske knyghtes, with
oder, as appereth by covennandes of mariege betwixt me and
William Aske esquiere. If my son, clerk, be promotede by
reason of prebende, or benifice, or oder promocion to the valor
of X li. or above by yere, his parte shall remeyn to my right
heyres. My feoffes to make an estate of vj s. viij d. by yere to
dame Isabell Stapleton, for terme of hir lyffe, (to cease) if she
be callede by the grace of God to be prioresse of the house of
our Lady of Synnyngthwayt.
[Pr. 26 Sep. 1618, adm. ex«]
[Reg. Test. ix. 71 h.]
July 5, 1518. John Cowper, butcher, par. Criste Church in
Connyngarth. I will that Margaret my wyff, or another, ride
or goo pilgramege * for me, that is to say to oure Lady of Burgh,
to oure Lady of Kerlell, to Kyng Henry of Wyndesour, and to
the Eoode of Dancastre at the brigge end, after my dethe, if
I do it nott, nor cause it to be done before my dethe.
♦ There is room for an interesting volume on the English places of pilgrimage.
Much may be learned about them from these volumes. Foreign antiquaries
are before us here as in almost every other point of antiquarian research.
The work of MM. Sivry and Champagnacon ♦* P61erinages Anciens et Modernes,
[Beg. Test. ix. 78 a.]
Sept. 2, 10th Henr. VIII. I Martyn Boynton,* esquier.
My goodes to be devydede in iij partes ; my wyffe to have one
parte ; my son Henry Boynton an oder. The residewe for the
well of my soull, payment of my dettes, etc. To my lady, my
god moder, the rewle & gnydyng of my sonne duryng hir
lyfife, whome I besuche humbly to talk hym as hir sonne & so
to use hyme. To the use of Rowesby chappell xl s. To every
of my three nevoyes, Mathewe Boynton, Marmaduk Tunstall,
& Brian Tunstall, a stagg. To my suster Boynton, wyffe unto
my broder Thomas Boynton, my beste amblyng horse. Ex"
my broder Thomas Boynton, Sir Thomas Franke, & Sir William
Pynder. To ychone of them iij li. yj s. viij d. & ther expenses.
My M"" Sir William Bullmer, my moder Dame Margarett Boynton,
my suster Dame Isabell Tunstall, & my broder Thomas Tempest
supervisors, to every of whome I bequeath iij 1. vj s. viij d.,
beseechyng all theym myn ex" & surveyors to doo for me and
my soull as myn especiaU truste is in them most of creatures
[Pr. 16 Mar. 1618-19, adm. to ex«]
[Reg. Wolsey. 146.]
In Dei nomine. Amen, xij "*» die Septembris, anno Domini
millesimo quingentesuno decimo octavo. Ego, WiUelmus Aike-
rode,t sanus mente, senex et debilis corpore, condo testamentum
et des Lienx de Devotion/* appears in M. Migne*8 celebrated series. Bat mach
may be added to it.
6 Aug. 1521. John Hewett of Friston-saper-aqaam. I bequeath a penny
to be offerid at Brantingham, a penny at Sent Saviour's, a penny to our Lady
of Bell Crosse, a penn? at our Lady of Doncastre, a penny to Sent Sebastian.
To the Freres of Fontefract a wyndle of barlye malte. (Reg. Test. iz. 172 a.)
* A younger son of Henry Boynton and Maigaret, daughter and coheir of
Sir Martin at Sea.
The Wills of his brother, his mother, and his sister, Dame Isabel Tunstall,
will follow in due course.
t A son of Richard Akroyd, of Hebden Bridge; inst. rector of Long Marston
near York, June 13, 1477.
It will be seen that he puts his lands, etc., in trust to maintain a scholar at
Oxford or Cambridge. This trust is still running, but in a somewhat altered
form, and now produces a large sum annually by which several scholars are
memn in hunc modum. In primis lego Deo Omnipotenti
animam meam, Beatse Mari^ Virgini, et Omnibus Sanctis,
corpusque meum sepeliri in cancello meo de Marston, alias
Hoton Wandesiey, juxta corpus matris mese. Item lego opti-
mum meum animal reverendissimo in Christo patri et domino,
domino Thomse Cardinali Bomae, titulo SanctsB Ceciliss, atque
archiepiscopo Ebor., sive alteri illam sedem habenti canonice,
nomine mortuarii mei. Item lego idoneo presbytero septem
marcas bonse monetae Angliae, ut oret pro anima mea, et anim-
abus parentum meorum, et omnium benefactorum meonim, per
spatium unius anni in prae&ta ecclesia. Item lego duas torchias
dictae ecclesiae, et unum Gradale, et duas quarterias siliginis iiij^
ordinibus Fratrum in civitate Ebor. inter illos dividi. Item
lego duas quarterias brasii de ordio pauperibus parochianorum
meorum. Item volo quod M. Henricus Aikerode, et Edmundus
firater ejus, habeant omnia tenementa mea, quae emi a Thoma
Sothell et ab Edwardo Copley, in eorum exhibitionem, dum
continuant, vel eorum alter, Cantibrigiae vel Oxoniae, scolis
vacando et addiscendo, si exhibitionem non habeant. Insuper
volo quod praedictus Henricus Aikerode, et Edmundus firater
ejus, cum Henrico Draper, et aliis feoflFatis meis, qui occupabunt
terras et tenementa mea, unum scolarem Oxoniae vel Cantibrigiae
custodiant, usque ad finem mundi, et quod ille sit michi pro-
pinquus in sanguine et mei nominis, Aikerode, etiam aptus
addiscere bene ; et, si non fuerit aliquis nominis mei habilis,
eligant Henricus Aikerode et Edmundus frater ejus, cum
Henrico Draper, unum habilem in sanguine michi propinquum
alterius nominis: et cum ille scolaris qui ibidem fuerit sit
beneficiatus ad valorem decem marcarum, feoffati mei alterum,
et ibidem custoditus in expensis suis ad valorem vj marcarum
yj s. viij d., per annimi, et non ultra, ne denigens fiat ; et si
non sit aliquis habilis de sanguine meo, eligant feoffati unum
de Marston, sive de Hoton, qui est habilis, sic quod unus sit
semper ibidem, et oret pro me, parentibus, consanguineis meis,
pro patronis, parochianis, et benefactoribus meis imperpetuum.
Et lego omnes libros M. Henrico Aikerode et Edmundo firatri
ejus. Item lego omnibus presbyteris in exequiis meis vjd.
Sesiduum vero omniimi bonorum do et lego M. Henrico
Aikerode, Edmundo firatri ejus, et Henrico Draper, ipsosque
ordino et constituo executores meos, ut ipsi bona mea ordinent
assisted to the TJniTersity, Batley Grammar School receives a considerable
pecnniarj gift, whilst the residue, amoonting to some hundreds of pounds
yearly, is paid over to the Leeds College of Science.
The surname, Akroyd, is common in the West Hiding. It signifies the
r9yd or riddi-ng in the oak wood.
VOL. v. H
et disponant ut eis melius videtur Deo plaeere et aninue mese
proficere ; et Magistnim Robertum Wada, in Sacra Theologia
bacealarium, ordino supervisorem praesentis mei testamenti.
Hiis testibus, domino Johanne Tailour, Johanna Shan, Thoma
Acom, et aliis. Datum die et anno supradictis.
[Pr. 16 Oct. 1518, & adm. to Edmund A. & Henry Draper coex" ; power
reserved to the other.]
[Reg. Dec. & Cap. ii. 118.]
Feb. 2, 1518-19. John Perot,* chaunter of the Metro-
politane church of York. To be buried in the church of Sanct
Peter of York, if it pleas God that I departe my lyflFe in theis
parteis. To a prest to sjmg for my saull in the chappell over
the bodie of my lait lord the Buahop Savage, & for my said
lorde's saull & all Crist en sauUis, eght markes, for thre yeres.
To Antony, Thomasyn, & Elez. Eden, children to my nece the
wifif of John Eden,t to every oon of yame, fyve marces. To
my servaundes, Michaell Williamson, Myles Pereson, Richard
Newman, John Cooke, Thomas Corwell, John Loksmyth, &
John Wilbame, xxs. each. The res. to my ex", the right
worshipfull Mr. Thomas Dalby Archdecon of Richmund, &
John Eden, my nevewe-in-law. Witnes Mr Thomas Donnyng-
ton subtresourer of the church of Yorke, Sir Cristofer Seel
subchaunter of the Vicars chorall, Sir John Lounesdall.
[Pr. 12 Feb. 1518-19, adm. to ex".]
♦ There is little known about John Perot, Precentor of York, 1503-19.
Perhaps he was possessed of a roar, et praicTca nihil.
We learn from Newcourt that he was a B.D. and a prebendary of London
before he came to York. Archbishop Savage was his patron, upon whose flat
tomb was placed the altar at which the Precentor was prayed for.
t Feb. 3, 1520-1. Johannes Eden. Sep. in cath. Ebor. in arcu boriali
juxta sep. Mr. John Perote & Alex*" Foster. 15 h to a priest to sing for my
Boul k those of Archbishop Savage, Mr John Perot, my parents, etc. Willelmo
Harington j togam ranestellam, pellatam cum agninis pellibus nigris. Res.
Agneti ux. k Wm Cure— they ex".— My Master, Mr Hugh Ashton, supervisor,
to whom I leave * unam magnam cratheram stantem cum auriato coopertorio,
qu8B nuper pertinuit Magistro Johanni Perote.' [Pr. 18 Apr. 162).] (Reg.
Test. D. & C. ii. 121.]
[Reg. Test. Bbor. ix. 80 a.]
March 16, 1518-19. Willelmus Brokden. Sep. infra eccl.
S. Andrese de Gargrave. Lego jus tenementi mei uxori meaa
et Ricardo, filio meo, — cum Kcentia domini abbatis, always
besuchyng my lorde and his bredeme to have in remem-
braunce what great besynes and trowble I have hadde for my
fermeholde ; and how I was promysede by my Lorde Pict^,
and Sir Thomas Tempeste, with the suJBFeraunce of my Lorde
of Northumberlande, a sufficient take, to me and myn, of the
sayd fermeholde; and that I shulde have byldyde certeyn
chambre and house}, and as yet not done, wherin I besuch
theym to be good to my wyflF and my childeren. And where
my tytill is in a fermholde callyde Elynthorpe, eyther to have
the fermhold or xl s., I will that Nicholes, my broder, have my
titill, and to give to my wyflF and my son Richard xl s.; or elles
the tytill to retume to my wyff and my sone, and they to
agree w* the lorde as easely as they may. AUso I will tlmt if
alede that is in Preston, for the which I have paide and hadde
great besines, may be hadd to my wife and my sone, I gyf y*
theme : and, if nott, I put it to ther consciance that deneys it.
[Pr. 10 Apr. 1519.]
[Reg. Test Dec & Cap. Ebor. li. 121.]
July 3, 1519. Brian Wensdaill, of the citie of Yorke,
notarie and procuratour of the courte of Yorke. To be
bur. wHn the cath. church of Yorke, or w4n the where of
our Blissed Ladie w4n Sanct Martyn church in Conyngstrete.
I will that thar be spent abowt my bodie bringing fowrth in
brede, aill, wyne, & other expensis the day of my buriall xl s.,
wherof the same day I will thar be spent for the saing of on
trentall x s. Item I will, after this, thar be oon other trientall
said for me, after the forme of Sanct Gregorie trientall. My
&ther & mother. To my suster Elez. at London a crose of
gold and enamelid. To my suster Wighell on gdd ring w* a
stone in it. To my brother at Camebridge a dublet & a jaket.
To my brother Eichard a curse gowne, etc. To ather of my
H 2
sust^res att home a gold ring. To Mr John Metcalf a litill
buyk, viz Dicisions of Root. To Mr Robert Cheston a litill
buke, viz. Mandagot. To Mr William Wright a litill booke,
viz. Mandagote. To Mr Richard Bower a litill buyke, to the
valour of ij s. I will that the Ix li. that I shuld have hade in
manage by my wiff, and hir porcion besides, be departid in iij,
wher of my parte to content my dettes, the secund parte to
my wyffe, the therd partt to my child, if God send hir on ; and,
if that she have none child, then I will she have hir partt
hooU and my part to content my dettes. The residewe ... to
Dorithe my wifF, & to Janet Wensdale, my 'mother, whome I
make myne executrices, so that thay may thame ordre and
dyspose as thay shall thinke best for the helth of my saull,
after the mynd of Mr Thomas Dalby, th'archedecon of Rych-
mound whome I desier to be supervisour. Witnes Sir Thomas
Ovington the vicar of Sanct Martyn in Connyngstret, my curate,
Mr John Bateman of the citie of Yorke, notarie, Sir John
Moselay, prest, and Robert Hogeson, scolar, w* other.
[Pr. 23 July, 1519.]
[Reg. Test. Dec. & Cap. ii. 119.)
July 15, 1519. I John Fox, clarke. To be buried w*in
the where, nyghte to the lavatori, w^in the chapell of our Lady
funditt in Topclif church erth. And I bequeith for my mor-
tuarie my best gode according to the accostome. To everie
prest being wHn the parich of Topclif, and being at my Derige
& Mesasy vj d. And to the ij® parich clarkes, for the bellis
ringing and singing at Mese and Dcrigisj ather of thame vj d.
And to all other prestes, every on of thame iiij d., and to
scolares of the parich of Topclif, evere on of thame j d. Item
I bequeith ij lb. et di. of wax to be bumyd in v sergez the day
of my buriall abowt my herse, and vij*** torches, which lyes in
my chawmer at the chauntree house of Topclif. And I be-
queith to vij*** poer men that holdes the said torches, every on
of thame j d., sayng our Ladie Sawter for my saull. Also I
bequeith xiij s. iiij d. to be spent the day of my buriall at
denare of thame that offer3 w* me. And I gyve to evere howse
w*in the parish of TojKjlif j d. I wit to William & Ric* Fox,
my bredren children, xij*^ sylver spones, to be devidid betwixt
thame equally — to remayne from here to here. To the iiij
Orders of .Freers of Yorke for saing Derige and Mease for my
Baoll, every Ordre iij s. iiij d. To the Freers of Sanct Eoberte's
of Knaresbnrgh, for saing Derige and JUeaae in like maner, as
afore is said, iij s. iiij d. To Margaret Byndlous, my suster,
and to hir ij** doghters, all my bedding, raymentes and clothe3,
and other hustilment of houshald. I bequeith xij li. of money
to Sir Thomas Raper prest, to syng and pray for my saull, the
space of iij yeres wMn Topclif church, evere yere iiij li., and to
helpe to mayntene God service thar, and the said Sir Thomas
haith occupied and entred into the said service seth Sanct
John day of Beverlay in May. Also I bequeith xx s. for on
obbet, to be done in the said church, evere yere during the said
iij yeres, vj s. viij d. Also I ordyr & make3 executours . • Sir
Richard Fox, Sir John Settill, clarkes, to whome I bequeith
xiij 8. iiij d. for thar labour and besynes herin ; and the residew
• • • ., to dispose it emonghtes my frendes for the helth of my
saull. Witnessith Mr Andrew Newman, vicar of Topclif, etc.
[Pr. 13 Sept.]
[Test. Bbor. ix. 84 J.]
Aug. 8, 1519. Thomas Robson, preste. To be bur. in the
church of the Holie Trinitie in Micklegate, before the image of
our Lady of Pity. To Jambes Feme a pryntede booke . callede
Sermanea Diadpuli. To Eliz. Baildon a tache enamyllede.
I wyt a payntede cloth of th'ymage of our Lady, with her Son
sowkyn on hir breste, with a similitude of a preste knelyng, to
be honge in the churche of the Holy Trinitie in Mykkylgate.
I wit an ymage of Saynt Kateryn, to be hunge in the chappell
of Saynt Kateryn without Walmbegate barr.
[Reg. Test. ix. 87.]
Oct. 15, 1519. John Tockettes * de Stanghowe par. Skel-
ton. Sep. in ecclesia monasterii B. M. de Gisbume, coram
* The ancient family of Tocketts of Tocketts in Cleveland has been long
extinct. There is a pedigree in the Visitation of Yorkshire for 1584. The
following extracts will extend it : —
Sept. 20, 1430. Jacobus Tocottes. Sep. in cem. Canonicomm de
Gysbum joxta corpus patris mei et matris mese. Eliz. oxor, Lawr. Baxby,
Bic. Bank & Tho. Colvill cap. executores. [Pr. 6 Nov.] (Reg. Test. ii. 637).
altari Jesu Christi crucifixi, ex parte boriali, ubi Willelmus
Tokottes, pater meus, et uxor ejus sepulti sunt, si placita sit
Domino Priori et Conventui ; pro qua lego j bovem. Monas-
terio, pro absolutione mea, ij boves. Willelmo Tockettes, fratri
meo, vj 8. viij d. Eogero Tockettes, fratri meo, vj s. viij d,
AlicisB Tockettes, sorori mese, xx s. Pauperibus de Tokcottes
iij s. iiij d. Capelke de Tockettes, pro vestimento sacerdotali,
yj s. viij d. Willelmo linns totum meremium lignorum per-
tinens iiij helmis. Besiduum Bogero Tockettes, & Johanni
Granger capellano, executoribus. Wm. T. supervisor.
[Reg. Test. ix. 107.]
Oct. 15, 1619. Antony Middleton,* of the Citie of York,
marchaund. To be beried in the south side of the qwhere of
my parishe churche of Seynt Michaelle's, ny to the body of
Maister Eobert Johnson, f alderman. In abnes to the Castell,
Bishop-prisons, Kidcottes and Lacer housses, to every person,
beyng poore folke or prisoner, j d. I bequeath on trentall of
Messes to be downe at Kirkby Londesdaill for my soull, my
Oct. 25, 1461. Prob, test. Jacob! Tocote, decanatus Clyveland, arm., &
adm. to Eliz. his wid. & ex'. (Id. ii. 466.)
Apr. 6, 1626. Wm. Tocottes (de Tocottes) in paroohia B. Nlch. de Gi»-
borne, arm. Sep. in eccl. mon. B. M. de Gisbume. Priori de Gisbume opti-
mum menm le stag. Conventui xls. Coilibet filiolo meo, per Bogerom,
fratrem meum, bene noto, xij d. Volo quod executores mei persolvant et
performent ultimas Tolnntates Bogeri Tocottes militis, avunculi mei, et
Boberti T., fratris mei, in omnibus. Aliciie T., sorori mese, 3l,6s.Sd, EUza-
bethffi, uxori meae, j le stag. Bogero, fratri meo, unum equum, et filio suo,
Eogero, j equam. Bes. uxori Eliz. et Bogero, fratri— they ex". [Pr. 30 July.]
(B^. Test. ix. 346.)
* The testator was probably a member of the ancient family of Middleton
of Middleton in the parish of Kirkby Lonsdale, who settled in York as a mer-
chant. There is nothing known about him except what this document tells
us. We have a picture of St. Michael's church and parish, of which the Editor
is the rector. The master, and, no doubt, kinsman of the testator, Oliver
Middleton, lived in the same parish, and died a few years before.
Jan. 19, 1604-6. Oliver Middilton, of York, merchaunt, seying ye un-
stableness of this dissayvable warld. To be buried in ye hy wher of my parich
church of Saint Michaell, nyght ye body of Maud, my wyf . To the mariage
of iij pure maidens x s., ilkon on tham xl d., of which on is dwelling w* me.
To Sir Edmund Middilton, to sing at Bipon by an hole yere for my saule, my
fader and moder saules, etc., vij^'' marks. To my suster Margarett, to pray for
my sail, vij s. To Antony Middilton, my servaunt, vj li. To my neghburs, for
a recreadon emong tham when thai please, ij s. To Jane, my wif , ij tene-
mentes in Bipon, for terme of her lyf . Son Symon. Broders John & Bobert.
[Pr. 16 Feb. 1606-6.] (Beg. Test. vi. 130.)
t Cf . Test. Ebor. iv. 180.
father sauU, and all Cristen sauUes, x s. To the Somer-game *
lyghi in my parishe chirche ij s. To our Lady's lyght in the
southe side ij s. To Seynt Agnes lyght xx d. To the lyght
that the childer fyndys in the said chirche xxd. To my
neborows, in the way of recreacion, to make mery w* all at ther
pleasure, vj s. viij d. To John M. tanner, & Raynold M.
kapper, iij li. Eich^ M**. wif. To Sir Edmunde M., for that
at he has downe for me in tyme past, and to dispose as I have
commandett him to do, xxx li. To my broder, Symond M's
childer, whos names is Miles and Antony, iiij li. To my sister,
Sibell Burroe, xx s. To my sister Batclif & hir childer xx s.
The residue to Johan, my wif, John my son & Sir Edmunde,
my brother, to ther owne propre behovys.
[Pr. 20 June, 1520, adm. to ex".]
[Reg. Test. ix. 90 J.]
Oct. 31, 1519. In the name of the Fader, the Sonne, and
the Holy Goste, our Blissede Lady Saynt Mary, & all the holy
company of hevyn, I Bryan Palmes, Sergeant at the lawcf To
♦ The Summer-game was a mediasval pastime, popular and gay. Here and
there a light in a church kept up its name and connected it with religion.
By Will d. Jan., 3rd Edw. IV. Richard Askam of Kirk Deighton left **lumini
vocato Somer-game light iij bu3. brasei ordei." (Reg. Test. iii. 288.)
In ] 438 John Belvas, clerk, of Wistow, left " Lumini ^stivali in eadem
ecclesia v s." (Id. iii. 398). There is a suit in the Ecclesiastical Court at York
from Wistow, in 1469, which gives a novel and charming picture of this
summer festival. A witness, named John Gafarer, aet. 26, says that *'die
Dominico articulaio accessit cum Thoma Barker de Wistow et Margareta
More, in regem et reg^am ipsius villas in ludo suo sestlvali, Anglice Somer-
game, forte electis, cum nonnullis convlcinis suis, mimo sive histrione cum
sambuca prseeunte, ad orreum cujusdam Johannis Dodman, prope et juzta
coemiterium eccl. 'pBi. de Wistow, ubi Indus ille per nonnullos annos retroactos
teneri solebat. In quo quidem horreo, ut dicit, loco adtunc vulgariter dicto
8omer-hou8e, praodlcta Margareta More, a dicta hora duodecima, viz. meridie
diei Dominicte, usque post solis occasum continue permansit, ludo ipsi aus-
cultando, et jocundam se faciendo in eodem, honeste tamen, ut eidem con-
One man says that he was seneschal ; another, butler ; and two, knights to
wait upon the queen. A hundred persons were present. On the Sunday
after, Barker was married at Sherburne, ** idcirco postea officium regale in ludo
praedicto non exercuit.^'
We have here one glimpse of the entirely unknown treasures contained
among these Ecclesiastical Proceedings, which begin in the thirteenth century.
I have made a hand-list of the cases for the first 300 years and more.
f The head of the very ancient family of Palmes of Nabume. He was a
wealthy and successful lawyer, like his brother Guy. He was thrioe married.
His first wife, Eustachia, was, I believe, a Heslerton. His second was Ellen
Acclom of Moreby to whom he had a licence to be married in the chapel
be buryede in my paroche churche of Saynt George in the citic
of Yorke, if I dye within the said citie or within the shyer of
Yorke ; and, if I dye in any oder place, than I will my body
be buriede in a place of Freers, next unto the place wher I
dye. And as for expenses at my buryall, I will they shalbe
maide at the discrecon of myn executours. Allso I will that
myn executours cause Placebo and Dirige and Meaae^ to be
done Bolemply, and belles ronge, in as convenyent tyme as they
may after my deathe, at Wheldryke, Eskyrke, RykaJl, Styllyng-
fleytt, Acastre-Malby, Bishopthorpe, and FuUforth ; and dis-
posse to pore pepull in the same parishynges certeyn money in
allmesse, as they shall thynke convenient. To the vicar of
Saynt George, for tithes and oblacions forgotten, xl s. To the
iiij Orders of Freers in the citie of Yorke, evynly to be de-
vydede emonges theym, iiij li., ychone of theym to doo for my
souU Placebo and Dirige^ and Mease of Requiem solemply with
notte, and to meyt my body the day of my buryall at the crosse *
betwix FuUfurth and Yorke, and bryng it to my paroche
churche. Also I will that the Maister of Corpus Christi gilde
and his breder come and receyve my body at Nabume, and
ther to doo Mease and Dirige ; and so to goo with my body to
buryall to my paroche church, for the which I will they have
XX s. Allso I will that a trentall of Messes be done for me the
day of my buryall. Also I will that a preste doo syng for me
vij yeres, wherso my body fortunes to be buryede, or elles at
Nabume, as shall seme best to myn executors ; and he to pray
for the soull of me, my father and mother, Anastase and Elyn,
my wyffes, and Anne Boos, and all Christen souU^s, and he to
have yerely to his sellary duryng the said vij yeres, iiijli.
xiij s. iiij d. Allso I will that all such persons as be seasede to
my use of all such landes and tenementes as I did purcheys of
John Acclom in Naburne, & of one Blyth, callede Bameby
landes in Nabume, & of EltoflFes in Naburne, & of the heyres of
Sir William Todde in Nabume and Gatefullfurth, be & stand
seasede to the use of Nicholesse, my eldyste sone, and Johan
his wyfife, and to the longer lyflfer of theym. And allso I will
within the manor-hoose of Moreby on Nov. 1 6th 1493. His third wife was
Anne dau. of Sir Thomas Markenfield, and widow of Chr. Conyers of Sookbum,
Esq. His lineal descendants still hold Nabume, which has been in the posses-
sion of the family at least from the time of King John.
The will of his brother, Guy, has been already printed.
Brian Palmes died on Dec. 1, 1519, leaving Nicholas his son and heir,
set. 20.
* The base and part of the shaft of this cross still remain. In the year
1604, during the great plague, the country people used to bring hither their
produce to sell to the townsmen. The money they received was first laid in
that all suche persons as be seasede to my use of landes & ten***
as I dyd purchesse of Sir Henry Wyott Knyght in Pelyng (?),
and of Aydame Tesedall in Aynderby-wighthe-Steple, stande
seasede to the same nse. I will that all such persons as be
seasede to my use of landes, etc., as I dyde purchas of Sir
Henry Wyott k* in West Heslerton ; of landes, etc., I latly pur-
chased in Thorp Bassett ; of all such landes, etc., as I have in
the townshype of Eskirk, stande & be seasede to the use of
William Palmes, one of my yonger sonnes, for terme of his lyff.
My landes, etc., as late were Thomas Kyddall's in Huke; &
those as I dyde late purchesse of John Burton of Yorke, gentil*
man, in the townshipe of Northduffede ; & such landes, etc., in
Bikall which lately were Jambes Cherleton's, and Hot solde nor
assignede to any chauntrie there, to Bicharde Palmes, an
oder of my yonger sonnes, for terme of his lyffe. I will that
eyther of my yonger sonnes, William & Sicharde, have an
bunderthe merces of my goodes. To George,* my yonger son,
nowe persone of Sutton, xx li. & a standyng cuppe of silver with
a cover percell gilte, which hathe a £ELyne in the knoppe of the
cover, and an hande in ytt, in full recompense of his porcion,
with oder costes & charges that I have susteynede, as well
in gettyng of his Bulls as oderwysse. . I will that Brian, an
other of my yonder sonnes, have his resonable porcion of my
goodes, & that his moder have the guydynge thereof & of
hym. The landes, etc., as I dyde purchese of Christofer
Kltoftes in Holtby ; & those as I dyde purchesse of Sir John
Cutte knyght in Elvyngton & Sutton ; and those that I dyde
purches of Sir Henry Wyott knyght in Burythorpe and Bar-
thorpe, to stand seasede to the use of me, & Anne my wyffe &
the heyres of our two bodyes. I will that my said wyffe, &
other myn ex", receyve the yssue} of my maner of Nabume,
& of all my landes & tenementes in Nabume, afore not as-
signede, except suche landes, etc., as Sir William Bulmer kt is
infeoffede in to the use of my wyffe for terme of hir ly tife ; ex-
cept allso my maner place & orcherdes as they be inclosed in w*
a pale; & except my kylne house & suche how8e3 as per-
teyneth to husbandry to the said place & grounde as they be
closede in with hedges ; which place & odere afore excepte I
will my wyffe have unto my sonne Nicoles come to the age of
XXX** yeres ; and the issue} afore not excepte I will my wiffe &
ex" receyve, unto Nicoles my sone come to the age of xxj yeres,
towardes the fynding of my sonne}, William, Richard & Brian.
My wiffe, yf she marye not, & oder myn ex", to have the
rewle of my said 8onne5 to they thynke they be able to rewle
♦ Archdeacon of York and confessor of Cardinal Wolsey.
& guyde such thynges as I have bequeathed them. My
housholde servantes, except such as gothe at my husbandry, to
have ther holl yere wages, above that they have deservede at
such tyme as it shall please God to call me to His mercy, and
I will they have meat & drynke a quarter of a yere after my
departure, if they ¥rill abyde. I will that my wyffe have aU
such plaite as I hadde with hir, & all such stufife of householde
as came from Sokbume, over and above hir porcion of my
goodes. I will that myn ex" by a vestement & all thynges
that longeth thertoo, of the price of xl s., & sett myn armes and
Anne my wiflFe's therupon, & gifife yt to my paroche churche; &
that they give xl s. to the churche maisters, to be spent in re-
paracion of the chirche & omamentes for the same as herafter
they shall nede. Where as my sonne in lawe, Sir Thomas
Conyers knyght, awe unto me thre hunderthe merkes upon
awarde & agrement maide betwixt us, I will that Nicoles Palmes,
my sone, & his wyffe, suster to the said Sir Thomas, have an
hunderth merce therof ; & an hunderthe merke to my son
Brian ; and if the said Sir Thomas be contendede that thus be
performede, than I will that he be dischargede of the residewe.
I will that my ex" disposse x li. in amendyng of high wayes for
seke and som' from Carr land gatt to Awesten flatt. I will that
the rewlers of the chappell of Roclyffe besydes Burrowbrige
have xijli., to purchas landes, etc., to the yerely valour of
xiij 8. iiij d., towardes the fyndyng of a preste in the said chap-
pell for ever, to pray for my soiill, Anne, Eustach', and Elyn
my wiffes, and Dorothe & Anne Roose my doghters, & all
Christen sowles. To ray doghter Normanvell, my doghter
Skergill, & my suster Grene, ichone, a ryng of golde, price
xiij 8. iiij d. To my sone Normanvill a bey meyre that cam
frome Bynsell. To my sone Skargill a sorede meyre. To my
doghter Babthorpe x li. To my doghter Margery a ryng of
gold price x s. & xx s. in money. I forgive my broder,
Thomas Heslerton,* all suche dewties as is betwixt hyme &
me & I bequeath to hym myn owne bay horse that I ryde upon
my selfe. To Guy Heslerton xiij s. iiij d. To Brian Heslerton
my godson xx s. To my nevoy Bulmer wyffe a mylke cowe, &
♦ Sept. 27, 1520. Thomas Eslerton, dominusde West Eslerton. Sep. in can-
cello Omn. SS. de West Eslerton. Fabricae eccl. x s. Edmondo Eslerton, fratri
meo, vj s. viij d. Roberto Nawton, fratri meo, vj s. viij d. Margaretae, sorori mese,
vj s. viij d. Johanni Eslerton, filio meo, nisum meam, viz. meam goshawk.
Guidoni Eslerton, filio meo, xiij s. iiij d. Willelmo, filio meo, xiij s. iiij d. BUe-
none, filiae meae, j equam coloris albi. Annas, uxori meas, j mes. etc in Helperthorp
ad t€rm. vitae suae. Res. Briano Heslerton & Margaretae H., filiis meis, qnos
const ituo exec. meos. Test. Mag. Ric. Radclif rectore de West Ealcrton, etc.
[Pr. 28 Oct., adm. to ex".] (Reg. Test. ix. 120.)
a ryng of gold price vj s. viij]d. To my nevoy, John Heslerton,
my tawney satten dublett & x s. To my nevoy, Brian Palmes,
my newe dublett of velwett. To my suster his moder a ryng
of gold price xiij s. iiij d. I name John Acclome, Guy Wils-
trope, Eoberi^ Koos, and Nicoles Palmes esquires, & George
Palmes clerke parson of Sutton to be feoflfe} of all suche landes,
etc., whereoflF William Babthorp of Osgodby esquier is bounde
to me by his obligacion to make a lawful astate. The residewe
I will shalbe dispossede by Anne my wiflFe, Sir William Bulmer
knyght, Sir Guydo Dawny knyght, Thomas Langton of
Sickall gentyllman, Jambes Duffelde gentillman, Richarde
Ellys clerke, & William Marshall, whome I make ex".
[Pr. 11 Jan. 1519-20, & adm. to ex'*, save Langton and Marshall : res. to them.]
[Reg. Test, ix, 94.]
Feb. 14, 151 9-20. John Wallworth * of Ravynetoffe. To
be buriede in the bodie of the church of Saynt Wilfride of
♦ A family of consequence In the parish of Ripon for many years.
July 16, 1437. Adm. Tho. Walworth of Ripon to John W. of Bishop
Thornton. (Reg. Test. iii. 499).
Jan. 16, 1468-9. Johannes Walworth de Thornton. Sep. in ecel. coll. B.
Petri de Ripon. Summo altari iij s. iiij d. Fabricae eccl. 8. Rob. de Knares-
borght y s. Roberto Sheripp, vicario, oraturo pro anima mea, xz d. Quatuor
Ordinibus Fratrum Mendicantium civ. Ebor., oraturiB pro anima mea, iiij s.
Volo quod Joh. W., filius mens, habeat quatuor juga bourn et sex vaccaslacteas.
Volo quod Katerina, uxor mea, habeat medietatem omnium terrarum et tene-
mentorum meorum in Thornton pro termino vitee. Res. to Wm,Tho8, & Heniy,
my sons. Ex", my wife, John Birtley, & Chr. Kendale chaplains, & Wm W.
my son. At Thornton. [Pr. 12 Feb. 1458-9.] (Reg. Test. ii. 394.)
On March 10, 1458-9. The Archbishop desired the Abbot of Fountains to
veil Catherine, widow of John W. of Thornton Wood. [Reg. Wm Booth, 206.]
May 15, 1470. Domina Katherina W., vidua. Sep. in eccl. coU. B. Wilfridi,
Ripon. Capellfls de Thornton vs. Eaterinas Laton, filiolse mese, v marcas,
Matildse, fiUse meee, j vaccam. Res. Ricardo Goldesbuigh, filio meo, et Ricardo
Frankisse & Margaretae uxori. [Pr.l8 Jan. 1470-1.] (Reg. Test. vi. 155.)
May 4, 1521. Margarete Walworth of Raventoftes. To be beriedein the body
of the Kirke of Saynt Peter and Wilfride of Rypon beside my husbandc.
Greorge Gargrave and John Walworth, my sons, execu tours. I witto Margarete
Walworth, my goddoughter, a prassour. To Jenet Walworth, th'onger, a
silver spoyne. To Thometon chapell xxvj s. viij d.. to the byeng of a chales,
with tMs condicion, if neighburs of the lordeshipe will be bond that what
prest so ever thei have, that he sail syng Meue twhyse is a weike at
Thometon chapell, to pray for my sail, and my husbande's ; and if it be so that
this condicion be not performed nor fulfilled, it shalbe lefull, and it is my
will that my executours shall cause a preist to syng at Rypon in my parish
kirke for me and my husband, so far as that money wil extende and reiche at
the sight of my executours. The residue— I witto my childer. I witt ij
Kypon above the fonte. I witt, for my mortuarie, my best
beist. I witt, for my buriall, to the vicars and ther ministers
w* the chamitre prestos, xiij s. iiij d. And to every seculer
prest, beyng at Mesae and Dirige^ iiij d. I witt to the monas-
terie of Fountaunce iij li. vj s. viij d., to be absolvede from all
maner of trespaces that ever I dyde to them, I witt to Saynt
Eobert of Knaresbnrgh iij s. iiij d. I witt to a preste, to syng
in Ripley chnrche for the soull of William Bekwith and myn,
iij li. I wit to a preste, to syng for my soull and for the souUes
of my fader and moder, iiij li., in what place it shall please myn
executours to be done. I wit to John Games, my curate, to
pray for my soull, yj s. viij d. I witt to Thomas Abbot, my
chaplen, iij s. iiij d. I wittoo every man servant in my house
xij d. and to every woman servant in my house ij s. To the
makyng of the high alter in Rypon vj s. viij d. For forgotten
tithes ij s. To Thomas Wallworthe wyflf vj kye to the bryng-
yng up oflF her childeme. To Mararie, my doghter, childer
every of them a whie. To Emmott, my suster, xl s., beside the
reside we of that that is unpaide that my father wit to hir in
his testament. Sisters Mary & Margaret. To Margaret, my
wiflF, X marces for hir feoffement and hir thirdes, and she canne
be so contente ; and if she cannott so be contentede, I will she
have V marces for hir feoffement and taik hir thirdes as it shall
fall, by the advyse of myn executours. Allso itt is my will
that all the heyrelomes to my house belongyng shalbe kepte
to the behoove of myn heyre by myn executours, and they to
be dely verede to hym what tyme he commes to his full age.
To John Wallworth, my son, my violett gowne furredde with
shankes, and a chamblett dublett. To William Wallworth my
best jackett. To George Gargrave my violet jacket cloth un-
maide. To John, my broder, of Hornby, a ledder dublet and
a pair whitt hosse. Allso it is my will that my fermeholde that
I tooke of my Lorde Cardjmall for terme of yeres to me and
myn assignes, that John Wallworth, my sonne, occupie and
take the profyte thereof to the tyme myn heyre come to his
lande, providede allway that the foresaide John Wallworth, my
sone, shalbe swome to myn executours that he shall nott hurte
nor harme myn heyre, nor make no ferther clame to the fore-
said fermholde what tyme as myn hayre shall comme to his
lande. Allso I will that all such landes as I stande in estate of
to the use of Thornton chappell, that they shall goo towardes
the fyndyng of a prest to syng on the warke day at Eavynstofte,
and on the holyday at Thornton chappell, as haith bene usede
whissjTiges to the hye altar and to my curate, Sir John Carver, iij s. iiJj d.
[Pr. 8 May, 1522.] (Reg. Test. ix. 22 b.)
afore tyme ; and that myn hejre shall have the dominacion
and the rewU of the lande accordyng as I and myn auncytours
hath bene usyde afore tyme, I make myn executoiu*8 Sir
Ninian Markinfelde knyght. Sir Richerde Mallyverey knyght,
William Danby, and Sir Robert Whixley prest. The resdewe
of goodes, my dettes paide, and fdnerall expenses maide, I witt
to Thomas Wallworth childer bryngyng upe, and to be devydede
emonges them by evyn porcions. To everyone of my execu-
tours xz s., which I ordeyn and constitute myn holle executours
for the health of my soull.
[Pr. 14 May, 1519.]
[Reg. Test. Bbor. ix. 148 b.]
May 4, 1520. Thomas Sutton,* knyght. To be beryed
in the chirch of Seynt Wilfride of Averham, in the chauncell,
betwixt my fether & Seynt Michaell. I bequeath, the day of
my beriall, iiij torches, beyng bumyng abowte my body, &
iiij poore men to here theym, and to have iiij gowneth, half
white, half blake. Also I will that vij tapurs bume abowte
my body the same day w* other small candilles, and al other
thinges necessary I put to the discrecion of my executours. I
wil diat my son & here have al my hames, as cotes, jakkes,
saUettes, splentes, brigandyns, gestems, bills, bowes, arrows,
swerdes, dagers, peces of white hames ; & ij peces of golde
callyd suflFeraunce. To every of my (other) sonys xx li. To
every of my v doughtours a hundreth markes, & every of them
(to) be ordered in ther manage by the counsell and advise of
my wif, Kateryn Sutton, my brother in law Richard Bassett
knyght, & Henry Sutton, my son & here. I wil that Francys
Talbott lord Talbott, John Biron, & other my feoffees be seased
of the site & mansion of my maner of Averham, to the use of
f The Sattons of Ayerham were one of the best of the Nottinghamshire
families. The testator, a son of Henry son of Robert Sutton, man*. Catherine
dan. of Thoe. Bassett of Fledborgfa.
1416. Henricns de Sntton, dominus de Averham. Sep. in ecd. S Wilfridi
de Averham. Margaret®, nxori mese, doas pecias argenteas. Johanni
Biyggeford nnom panmm goblet argenti. Yolo quod Ricardas, filios mens
primogenitas, vel aliqois alios fratrum snorom quern heredem meum esse
contigerit, habeat, cum ad plenam setatem pervenerit, duas pecias argenti cum
coopercnlis, totam armatoram, etc. Bectori de Averham togam meam de
scarleto forratam cum calabre. Averham. (Reg. Bowett, 366).
Oct. 13, 1468. Admon. Richard Sutton of Averham, Esq., to Wm. Cantrell
(Reg. Test. iv. 64.) This was the testator's great-grandfather.
Kateryn, my wif, for terme of hir lif, & she to have my landes
in Kelom, etc. The residue to Kateryn, my wif, and Kerry,
my son ; they executours. I make surviour the right honorable
& my most singler good lord th'erle of Shrewesbury, besekyng
his good lordship in the way of charite to se that my executours
doo ther duety, and help theym — for the which my mynd is that
my son & here shal doo such poore service to his good lord-
shipe and his heres as his poore power will extend.
[Pr. 20 Apr. 1621, adm. to ex".]
[Reg. Test. ix. 251.]
In Dei nomine, Amen, I Thomas Boynton of Rowsby, hoole
of mynde and body, wherof I thanke my Maker, by this pre-
sente makes this my testament and last will in forme folowyng.
First, I bequeath my sauU to Almyghtie God, my Maker and
Bedemer, and to our Lady Saynte Mary, His moost blisside
moder, and to al the holye Saynctis in hevyn, and my body to
be beriede there as my executours shall thinke moost con-
veniente, with al duytes to the churche due and accostomede.
Item I witto Hynderwell kirke x s. Item to Eowsby chapell
xl s. And to the kirke of Acclome vj s, viij d. Item to the
Freres of Growmount vj s. viij d. Item to the Monte Grace
vj s. viij d. Item to the Observauntes Freres of New Castell a
fatt ox. Item to the iiij Orders of Freres xx s. Item to the
Frere Baker vj s. viij d. Item to the Priour of Gisbume vj s.
viij d. Item to our olde M. an olde noble. Item to the Con-
vente, xls. Item to Sir John Battersby xijd. Item to Sir
Christofer Gierke xij d. Item to Sir Robert Newam ij s.
Item to every howse in this parishe iiij d. Item to Robert
Harlande vj s. viij d. Item to Adam Watson vj s. viij d. Item
to William Gierke vj s. viij d. Item to Henry Brasse, iij s* iiij d.
Item to every servaunte, hynde and made, viij d. Item to
William Sawter iij s. iiij d. Item to John Sroalewod iij s. iiij d.
Item to ichon of litill nevois a marc. Item to my broder. Sir
John Bulmer, a gelddyng. Item to my sister Tunstall my reng
with the blu stone. Item I witte to my son, Thomas Goldes-
burgh, & his wif, xx li. if she lif to he come to age of xxi yeres,
and that thei lye togedder ; and if anythyng bot good hap-
pyn the said Thomas, as God forbede it shulde, than I will
♦ A son of Henry Boynton, Esq. He mar. Cecily dau. of James Strange-
ways of Sneaton. Other wills of members of the same family will follow.
cc merkes be takyn by my executours of my landes and goodes to
the helpyng of my said doughtour Jenet ; and if it please God
to call the said Jenet to His mercy afore carnal knowlage hade
with the said Thomas, then I will al suche sommys as my
broder, Thomas Strangwais, shulde repaye to me, be disposid
for the well of my saull, & to t'helpe of my nexte kynsfolkes at
the discrecion of ray wif, my executours and supervisours.
Item I witto them a feder bede and al suche stuf as longes to
it at the sight of my wif ther moder. Also I witt my son
Haldenby & his wif vj U. xiij s. iiij d. and al the feoffamente
frome this day to be resayvede to ther use, and suche stuf to
be bought withall, as ther moder my wif shall seme best for
ther profitt* And if it please God to call my said doughtour,
Anne, to His mercy, afore camall knowlage hade with hir saide
husbande, than I will that al such summys as my broder, his
&der, shulde repay to me, be disposide for the well of my saull,
& to the helpe of the next of my pure frendes, at the disposi-
cion of my wif, my executours, and supervisours. Item I witto
them a feder bede and suche stuf as longes to it at the sight of
my wif ther moder. Item I wit my son Matho my chene, if it
may be sparide, and ray dettes paide. Item I witto hym al
my hermes : Item I witto hym al my Englishe bookes. Item
I witto hym a feder bede & al that longes to it, at the sight of
his moder. Item I wit him viij of the best silver sponys, the
standdyng salt, the coverde pece, the chales, & my Agnus of
golde, and at al thes to be heire lomes, and his moder my wif
to have the kepyng of thes to his use as long as she kepeth hir
sole. And if it please God to take hyme, as ever I put hym to
His wil & mercy, then I will that all thes my bequest to hyme be
disposede as my wif thynkes, and other my executours and super-
visours, to the use of my ij doughtours, and to the performans
of this my last will. Item I witto William Genkell iij s. iiij d.,
which I lent hym. Item to James Backhowse m.y best bonnet.
Item where certayn of my frendes standdith feoflBd in my landes
for the performans of this my last will, as it appereth by ij
dedes of feoffament sealede and subscribide with my hande, I
hertely pray them to suflSr my wif and executours to resave the
saide landes to al suche summys be paide as I have giffyn by
bequest by this my last will. Also I will al my landes in Fox-
holes and Bowthorpe to Sir William Pynder, terme of his lif,
and he to resave them to his uses, prayeng for my fader,
myself, and other my frendes, and to be with my wif as long as
she kepethe hir sole, and els there where my bonys lies, at his
pleasour ; and, this fulfilled, I will thei stande seassede to my
next here, ever my wife thirdes excepte ; and if I have forget-
tyn anythyng that shulde be for the well of my saull, I
lieseiche my wif and my executours to remembre me as my
verey trust is in them, and to se my dettes be paide I hertely
pray them ; and ever I will my wif and my childer be at the
gidyng of Sir William Bulmer and my moder, trustyng thei
will gif to them ther best connsili for my sake, and soo hertely
I ever beseiche them. Also I make my executours of this my
last will and testament my wif, Sir Thomas Franke clerke, Sir
William Pynder prest; and I give for ther labour to ichon of
them iij li. vj s. viij d., ther expenses in my causes to be takyn
of my goodes. Item al such summys as is unresavede of Sir
William Bulmer for the manage of my sonne Matho, I will my
wif & my executours resave them to th'use and performans of
this my last will and testament. Item I will al my landes in
Langtofte to my wif, to gif in almos to my son comme to his
full age. And if any of my goodes remayne in my executours
handes, my will and testament fulfilled, then I gif them to my
wif, if she kepe her sole, which I put to hir discretion ; and, if
she mary, than I will my other executours dispose it to my
childer and for the well of my saull. Item I make supervisours
of this my last will and testament Sir William Bulmer knyght,
and my moder Dame Margarete Boynton, and I bequeath aither
of them a horse and xl s., ever besechyng al my frendes that
shall se this my poore will, to take it after this my intent, and
amende it wher it shall stande nede, besechyng al them, my
executours and supervisours, to do for me, and my saull, as my
speciall trust is in them moost of creatours liffyng. In wit-
tenes that this is my last will and testament, I have setto my
seall and subscribed my name with my hande, the xiiij day of
May, in the xij yere of our soveryng lord, Kyng Henry the
viij***. Thes witnesses. Sir Robert Newam, Sir William
Pynder, prestes, Adam Watson, William Taliour, with other.
Also I gif to my son Mathew all my landes, the whiche I
have of my moder gifte, that is to saye in York, Poklyngton,
and Buttircram, besechyng my moder of the same as I may
pray for hir. Item I will my sone Matho the thre obligacions,
the whiche is not dew to me or eft my moder or my sister Sayer
decesse, the whiche obligacions is for his mariage, and he to
discharge my executours (and) resave the saide sommes to my
behove. Item I wit Petir Percy xxs. Item to Cristofer
Marton a gowne. Item to William W^iske a jakett.
[Pr. 23 April, 1623, adm. to ex".]
[Reg. Test. ix. 197.]
In Dei nomine, Amen. The xxiiij day of the moneth of
Maje, the jere of our Lord God M' D. xx**, I Richarde Askewith,*
myghty of mynde, and hoole of remembrance. I wit my sal to
Almyghtie God, om* Lady Saynte Mary, and to al the Sayntes
in hevyn ; and my body to be beried wher it please God. And
my mortuary as the costome is. Also I gif and witto the hye
alter of our kirke vj s* viij d. Also I witto th'Abbot of Biland
XX 8., and to every monke viij d., and to the Freres August*
iij 8. iiij d. Also I witto Henry, my son, my best horse, excepte
my mortuary. Also I witto Cecilie, my doughtom-, vj marc
land, which that my wif was content wyth all ; of the which,
xlv 8. viij d. lyes in Muscroft, and th'oder in Beverlac. Also I
witt my son Herry my best gowne, cott, gyrkyn of velvett.
Also I witto William, my son, secunde rayment. Also I witto
Kauf, my son, a tawne worset dublet, and a patlett of velvet.
Also I witto William, my son, ij parties of my farmehold at
Osgodby, and my office, by the licence of th'Abbot of Bilande
and hys brether. Also I witto Richarde, my son, theird of my
fieurmeholde at Osgodbe, and my farmeholde in Westerdaile. Item
I gif and witto Rauf, my son, iiij markes lande in Silton, and
the residue that ther is. To Richard, my son aforesaid, aJ my
landes in Carleton and Bamby and Langton of Swale. Also I
charge that my fader will be fulfillid. Also I gif to my sister,
Jenet, a foole, and to my doughtour, Cecilie, a whie and a calf.
Item I gif to Mr Roger Lassels xx s., to se that my will be
fulfillid, and to be g(>od frende to my childer. Item I make
my executours my wif, my son Hery, my broder Lawrence,
and William, my son. Thes witnes. Sir John Dicson, Sir John
Warderopper prestes, John Gill, & John Boynton.
[Pr. 12 Dec. 1621.]
♦ Tbe AskwithB of Osgodby. near Thirsk, are probably connected with the
Askwiths of East Newstead, in Richmondshire. They held Osgodby by lease
from the Abbot and Convent of Byland, and afterwards acquired the estate
which they held until the close of the seventeenth century.
[Reg. Test. ix. 117.]
In Dei nomine, Amen, the iij day of the moneth of Junii, the
yere of our Lord God M^ D. xx", I, Richard Wilflite, in King^n
oppon Hull, maryner, beyng of a perfitt mynd and hoUe memory,
maketh and ordeneth this my present testament and last will
undir this maner and forme. First I gif and bequeath my
saul to God Almighty, to our Lady Saynt Mary, and to al the
celestiall courte and company of hevyn, &my body to be beried
in the Trinitie kirke of Hull aforsaid. Item I gif, in the nayme
of my mortuary, my best garment. Item I gif and bequeath
to the Trinite chapell xx s. Item I gif to the kirke warke a tre
worthe xxvj s. viij d., thay lowying in the tre I had of them,
being in valour iiij s. Item I gif and bequeath for my tithes
and oblacions forgettyn yj s. viij d. Item to the Sacrament of
the hie alter xxd. Item to the shryne xxd. Item I will have
a lighte founde before the Trinitie in the Trynitie chapell for
me and my wif, the terme of bothe our liffes, and God sent hus
to do w* all ; a nother before our Lady in the August' Freres,
als long ; a nother before Seynt Kateryn in the said Freres,
duryng the said tym ; and the fourte before the Roide of
Dripoll, als long tyme. Item I gif and bequeath to the Holy
Bloid of Welslayk iij s. iiij d. Item to our Lady of Walsyng-
ham iij s. iiij d. Item I gif to William Pyvell a dubbill
dukkett, prayng hym to be good frend to ray wif in hir neid.
Item I gif to my brother, Symonde Turton of Wakefield, my
geldjnag, w^ al pertenyng to hym. Item I gif to Elene, my
wif sister, iij s. iiij d. and a gowne. Item I gif to Thomas
Abbot my tawney dublett w^ stokkes of velvett and a velvett
patlett. Item I gif to Thomas Grene a chamlett jakkett.
Item to Elisabeth Abbot iij s. iiij d. Item I gif to iij of my
madyns, ychon of them x\jd., and to Margaret viij d. Item to
Rolland Pottes a yolow dublett, j jackett, and a pare of white
hoose. To William Grene of the Well a worstett dublett w*
sieves of chamelett. Item to Robert Wilde of York a hyngar.
Item to William Michelson a swerd and a bukler. The residue
of al my goodes undisposed I gif Agnes my wif, whome I make
my ful executrix of this my present testament and last will,
and she to dispose it for the helthe of hir sauU and myne as
she thynkes best. In witnes herof I setto my seale. Thes
witnes, Jamys Johnson, Arthur Wellys, Petir Roger, Herry
Lamhley, and Thomas Wardell, with other.
[Pr. r, Oct. 1520]
[Reg. Test. ix. 124 a.]
June 30, 1520. I, Sir Henry Thwaites,* of Lounde, knyght.
To be bxir. in the church of Alhalowes of Lound, in the chaun-
cell where Agnes my late wifif is buried. My best beest, aftir
the church, for my mortuarie. To the buylding and upholding
of the same church xx s. To the vicar for tithes, oblacions, &
other dueties by me necligently w*holden, w*drawen, or forgoten,
vj s. viij d. To every Ordour of the iiij Ordours of Freres of
Beverley vj s. viij d., to pray for my saule. To every church of
iiij moder churches w*yne Yorkeshire vjs. viijd. Unto the
nonnes of Watton vj s. viij d., to pray for my saule. To the
house of Wartre vj s. viij d. To Anne, my wifif, my cheyne of
gold. To Frauncys, my doghtour, one device of golde w*
V diamondes and dyverse perles in it. To Kateryne, my dogh-
tour, one litill tablett of golde wt relickes, crisom lases, &,
also, my crucifix of golde. To Elyn Killyngale,t my sustour,
XX nobles. To Kateryne Povy xl s. To Jane Lancastre xl s. To
Isabel 1 Chambirlene xxvj s. viij d. To Sir John Noble preste
xl 8. To Davy, my shepard, iij li. vj s. viij d. To an hable
preste, to syng & say Masses daily, when he may lawfully be
disposed, w*yne the chauntery in tlae church of Lunde, by the
space of vij yeres next ensuying aftir my deth, for my saule,
the saule of Agnes late my wiff, the sanies of my fader &
moder, & all mynauncestres, iiij li. xiij s. iiij d. yerely. To every
householder w*yn the towne of Lunde xij d., to praie for my
saule. I will that at the daie of my buriall xiij poor men shall
holde in their handes xiij torches bumyng aboute my hers
duryng all the tyme of my Dirige & Masse of Requiem songen,
unto whome I bequeth xiij blak gownes w* xiij blak hoodes. I
will that xij li. wax et di. be made in xiij serges, & the same shal-
be holden w* xiij childryne, havyng on theyme their rotchittes,
* The wiU of the testator's grandfather, Edmnnd Thwaites, has been already
printed (vol. iv. p. 175), Henry, son of Henry, son of Edmund Thwaites and
Joan his wife, being the heir of Edmnnd, and est. 14 in the 15th of Hen. VII.
There is but little known of the testator or his family save from these two
wills. From a Feodary's book relating to the Percy estates in Yorkshire, which
is now before me, I find that Frances, Sir Henry's daughter, was her father's
heiress. She married Sir Thomas Gresham, and had Lund for her portion. Fr Jm
the Greshams Lund went to Sir Henry Neville, and from him to the Remingtons.
Beatrix Lady Greystock mentions her son Herry Thwaites k Agnes his wife.
t She was probably the wife of William Killinghall, Esq., of Middleton Ht.
George, co. Durham. He left a widow, Eleanor, living in lo26 (Surtees's
Durham, iii. 222.)
I 2
aboute the saide herse the daie of my buriall, duryng the saide
tyme, w* myne armes therupon. I will that every poer man &
woman & childe being there have j d., to praye for my saule.
To my cousyn, Sir John Constable knyght, my best gowne. To
myne uncle, Peers Bigott, my blak, trotting gelding w* a white
fote. My feoflfees Sir John Constable, Sir Marmaduke Constable,
Sir Water Calverley knyghtes, Peres Bigott, Rauff Bigott, Kerry
Savile, esquiers, of landes, etc., w*yne the countie & citie of
Yorke, the Bushoprick of Duresme, & the countie of Lecestre,
to stand seised of them to the use of me & my lawful! heres, &
then to my right heres, & they to bryng up my ij doughtomrs
to they come to full age. James Sandall, my servaunte, xxvj s.
viij d. Thomas Covell xx s. John Vincent xiij s. iiij d. William
Pereson xiij s. iiij d. John Tipping xxs. I will that Philipp
Gibson, my servaunte, have, terme of his liff, the belywik of
Lunde w* xxvj s. viij d. fee. My wating servauntes to have the
fees standing for their service doone & to be done, for terme of
their lyves. The residue to Anne, my wiff, & Frauncys &
Kateryne, my doghtours. My wiflf. Sir Marmaduke Constable
knyth & Roger Wilberfosse gen. ex" ; to each of theyme x marc.
[Pr. 2 Aug. 1520, adm. ex".]
[Reg. Tjst. ix. 121.]
July 30, 1520. Robertus Roose* de Rudston. Sep. in
eccl. Omn. Sanctorum de Rudstaine in deambulatorio boriali
ex opposito fonti. Pro humatione mea ibidem iij s. iiij d. Lego
optimum animal meum esse mortuarium. Cuilibet matrici
ecclesise iiij d. Cuilibet ordini Fratrum iiij d. Ad celebrandum
pro anima mea unura trentale Missarum x s. Capellano paro-
chiali xij d. Lego xiij d. ad distribuendum xiij pauperibus.
Lego dimid. quarterium ordii ad inveniendum lumen coram
ymagine Omn. Sanctorum in eccl. de Rudstane. Ad depin-
gendum ymaginem S. Jacobi ij s. Ad picturam B. M. de
Bethr duos modios ordii. Lego di. quart, ordii in honore
S:inct« Crucis, ut de ipsius pretio comparetur superpellex,
habenda ad laudem et honorem Sanctae Crucis, dummodo ado-
ratur in die Magni Veneris (sic). Lego quart, ordii ad emend'
festa dulcissimi nominis Jhesu, viz. festum Transfigurationis, et
festum dulcissimi nominis Jesu, festunique Visitationis B. M.
♦ The will of a farmer or labourer at Rudston, near Bridlington, drawn up,
proba>)ly, by the villape clergyman, vtore xtio.
Lego unain terram granosam, jaxsentem super Speteykes, ad pavi-
mentum chori. Lego Elisabeth Sharpe unam terrain granosain
jacentem super le Slein dailies. Johanni Brown xij d, Johannaa
Marshall xij d. Willelmo Roose xij d. Elisabeth Sharp unum
quart, ordei et di. lapidei ponderis lanse. Aliciae Wilkynson ij s.
Johanni Hedon iiij d. Thomas Hedon iiij d. Johanni Martyn
unum modium ordii. Johanni Reede modium ordii. Ricardo
Roose unum modium ordii. Elisabeth Sharp meam optimam
togam. AlicisB Wilkynson meam russetam togam. Roberto
Coke unam bigam cum duobus at'nis ferreis. Residuum— dis-
positioni Ricardi Coke et Alicise Coke, quos ordino meos veros
executores ut ipsi ordinent pro salute animsB mea3 — et Willelmum
Rose, Johannem Brown, Johannem Marshall supervisores.
[Pr. 9 Nov. 1520.]
[Reg. Test. Ebor. ix. 210 *.]
Oct. 14, 1520. Jeffray Threscrosse, marchaunte, of Kyngston
oppon Hull.* To be beriede in the chirche of Sayncte Marye
of Hull. To the makyng of the highe altar xvli. To the
upholddyng of the steple of Trinitie chirch xli. To Henry
Threscrosse xxli. To Isabell Threscrosse xli. To Maister
Doctour Kellett of Yorke Mynster my howpe of golde that I
were on my fynger. To the Freres Prechers of Thetffbrd xl s.
To Jenet, my wif, my best note with the cover. To Thomas,
my brother son, a dublet of sat tan. To the Freres Prechers of
ThetflTord my white standdyng pece, to remayne in the place
perpetually. Also if it please Maister Maior and his brether
with the comenaunte to resayve of my executours ccli. in
money and plate, and my howse that I bowghte of Maister
Eland, after my wifif decesse, to fynde an able preste to syng
for my saull and my frendes in the chirch of Sayncte Marye
perpetualy, and the said maior and his brether to be boundon
to my executours and their assignes, and to the Prior of
Chartour house that now is & his successours, and they tr
delyver the common scale to the said Prior, and thei to be
boundon in ccc li. to the said Prior that this service be kepte
perpetually — if not — than, if it please them, to resayve an c li.
to the chamer, or to the common huche, and my best giltid
♦ The testator was sheriff of Hull in 1517. His family was long connected
with that place, and in the seventeenth century two or three members of it
arose to some eminence in the Church.
standyng pece to the honour of the Maioralte to go frome
maior to maior yerely, for to have a preist to syng for me &
my frendes the space of xx**. yeres ; and the other c li. to be at
the disposicion of my executours to be disposid in dedes of
pyety for the welthe of my saull ; and my wif to have my
forsaid howse terme of hir Uf to kepe an obite for me yerelye ;
and, aftir hir decesse, to goo to the proficte of Sayncte Mwye
chirch for the yerely obite afore rehersed. The said Prior to
over see that this service be duelye observed & kepte, and I
will that he shall have my best whit standyng pece parcell
gilte w* the cover, and oon which the cover is a coke, to hym
& his successours. My wif & Henry Threscrosse executours —
Maister John Eland and Edwarde Maderson marchauntes of
the Staple, & Arthur Berebruer supervisours. In wittenes —
frear John Oldman bachelare and prior of the Freres Prechers
of Thetfiford, Simond Baxster my hospes at the syng of the
Christofer, etc.
[Pr. 26 Nov. 1622, adm, to ex".]
[Beg. Test. ix. 123 a,]
Oct, 19, 1520. Robertus Hansby,* de New Malton, bur-
gensis, Sep. infra eccl. B. M. apud Old Malton. Pro mortuario
meo meum opt. equum, sellam, frsenum, gladimn, et scutum,
cum meis le} jake et salett. Fabricae pontis de Malton
X ligna quarcina, similia duobus lignis quarcinis quae Robertus
Balan dedit fabricae praedicti pontis. Fabricae pontis le Hew
xij le3 swalles. Fabricae ecclesiarum sive capellarum SS.
Michaelis et Leonardi in New Malton, ten. cum pert, duran-
tibus terminis meis, hac conditione quod gardiani semel in
anno faciant celebrari exequias meas. Duo ten. in Malton
Willelmo & Johanni, filiis meis. Agneti, filiae mese, meam
opellam in foro dictae Malton, et xx marcas. Cuilibet puerulo
♦ A pedigree of this family appears in Flower's Visitation of Yorkshire.
Oct. 1 2, 1522. Johannes Hanceby de New Malton, valectus coionse domini
regis Anglias. Sep. infra eccl. B. M. V. apud Old Malton infra lej gemmer
ibidem. Gardianis S. Mich, in Newmalton et successoribus suis, ad fundatio-
nem j cantariae in cap. S. Michaelis ad altare B. M., tria bnrgagia in Malton, et
XX li. Willelmus Wildon, filius mens, Sc Johanna uxor ejus, filia mea.
Agneti, uxori mese, extra partem, xx marcas, vel x li. Gilberto H. j equum
voc. Crukedikes. Jobannse Lokwod, sorori meas, iij s. iiij d. Margareta,
filia mea. Bes. to wife, Bichd. my son k Kath. my dau. They ex". [Pr.
nth Dec] (Beg. Test. ix. ^241).
With Bichard Hansby the pedigree in the Visitation begins.
AliciaB Flonders, sororis meas, iij s. iiij d. Cuilibet filiolo &
filioke meis de Malton vj d, Marg. Brignell, sorori meae, x s.
Res. Elenae uz. et puerulis meis, quos &cio executores.
[Pr. 16 Nov.]
[R^. Test. Ebor. ix. 136 h,]
Nov. 9, 1520. Margaret Dodisworth, widdo, late wif of
John Dodisworth. To be beried wHn the chauncell of
Synnyngthwaite before the blissed Sacrament, if it may con-
veniently be. I gif unto my corspresand, as the use and
custome is. To the college chirch of Beverlay a kirchiflf for to
make a corprai of. To the hie alter of Synnyngthwaite my
best diaper clothe, for to make a alter clothe of, and a kirchifif
to make a corprax of, w* a corprax case of gold of damask and
purple velvett. To the parish of Watlows iij s. iiijd. To my
son Wivell a ellen of yolow velvett w* a white hatte. To my
doughtour Dorethe a gowne of cremesyn eged w* blake velvett,
& a gowne of wiolett furred w* calaver, a blake velvett bonett
w* a frontlett of leves of gold ; item, another frontlett of
cremesyn velvett w* roses of gold, a girdle w* a pese of blake
velvett and a pattelett of cremesyn velvett. To my doughtour,
dame Margarett, a pare of corall beddes, a cofir, a caskett, etc.
To dame Isabell Stapleton a cofir of every. To dame John
Goldesburgh a pasc cloth. To Christopher Dodisworth a kirtill
of blake chamlett. To Cecilie, his wif, a gowne of morrey in
greyne eged w* blake velvett', w* a riban of orage colour. To
my Lady Conyers a pare of corall beades w* gold gaudes. To
Marjory Conyers a yolow ryban. To Cecilie Parkour a pattlett
of purple velvett & a olde frontlett. To Edmunde Marshall a
sufferan of golde. To Maister Chaxmceler of Beverlay a crose
of golde ; whome I orden supervisor. The residue to my sons
John & William, whome I orden executours.
[Pr. 27 Feb., adm. to John & Wm. D.]
* This must be the widow of John Dodsworth of Thornton Watlass, and an
ancestress, therefore, of Roger Dodsworth, the antiquary. She seems to have
been residing as a boarder in the little nunnery of Sinningthwaite near York, an
abode which, it is evident, had not removed the old lady's liking fur the rich
dresses and ornaments of her earlier life.
[Reg. Test. ix. 271 «.]
Nov. 15, 1520. Alexander Foster. To be bur. in the cath.
church of Yorke nye my Ix)rde Savage. To my felowe, Hugh
Barton, oon federbede with a sparver of white. To Lorde
Deyne j U. fox skynys. To the parsones iij galons of clarett
wyne, & to the vicars v galons of redde wyne & clarett, if thei
feche me at my parishe church. To Mastres Evers x s., to
drinke for my sauUe with hir frendes and myne. To Mr Vava-
sour my crosse bowe w* rake. I will that I have a marble
stone laide oppon my grave with a scripture of brase, le5 price
xxxiij s. iiij d.
[Reg. Test. Dec. k Capit. ii, 124.]
Nov. 19, 1520. George Evers,* of the parishe of Sanct
Michaelle's callid the Belfi^y within the citie of York, notarie.
To be buried in the hie where of my said parishe church ; and
I will that my executoures provide a stone to lie over me w* a
scriptur tharopon convenient. I will thar be x lb. of wax maid
in V serges to bume abowt my bodie the day of my buriall.
To xiij powre men, to pray for me the day of my buriall, every
of thame ij d. I will that a candell of wax of a lb. weght be
maid and bume afor the ymage of Sancte Sithe in the said
parishe church, and to be upholdin by my executoures by the
space of twoo yeres next after my deceas. To the parsone o'
my parich church for teithys forgotten yj s. viij d. To Sanct
Peter warkes vj s. viij d. To the warkes of the College church
of Sanct John of Beverlay v s. To the Priors & Convents of
Bridlyngton & Guysburne, to pray for my soul, each x s. To
the Prior & Convent of Wartre, to pray for me & to be dis-
tribued emong thame by the discrecion of the Prior, vj s. viij d.
* Maoy wills of members of the family of Evers o Eure have been already
printed in these volumes.
Jan. 9, 1514-16. Wm Evers cap. rector eccl. Omn. SS. in Marisco, York.
Sep. in eccl. cath. jnxta sep. Mr Wm E. nuper praecentoris. Sister Joan Wil-
kinson & her children. Sister Alice k her children. Nieoe Mary B. Brother
George E. k Beatrix his wife. To Mr John Sympson j par precolariam de
Cassaden*. [Pr. 1 July, 1615.] (Reg. Wolsey, 140 ft.J
Some account of Wm. Eure or Evers, precentor of York, will be found in
Te6t. Ebor. iii. 226.
To the Prior & Convent of Hawtemprice, to pray for my saull,
iij 8. iiij d. To the Priores of Nunnes of Swyne, to pray for
me, iij s. iiij d. To the Priores & Convent of Keling, to pray
for me, v s. To every of the foure Orders of Freeres in Yorke
iij s. iiij d. To every persone being in the lepre howsses, in
the Masyndews, and in the Common Prisons at York j d. To
Beatrix, my wyflf, to hir use during hir ly ve, a standing peice
sylver and gyltid, &, after hir deceas, to remajm to Marie, my
doghter — also my best peice, to remayn to my doghter Cicilie.
To Marie, my doghter, xij sijver spoimes of the best. To
Cicilie, my doghter, a standing peice w* a cover silver and gylt,
&, after the deceas of my wyflF, a salt w* a cover, sylver and
gUt. To Sir John Coltman a furrid gowne, & to Agnes Colt-
man a brod silk gjrdill, harnessed w* sylver. An honest &
able prest to sjmg for my saull, the saiilles of my fader and
mother, the soulles of my kynsfolkes, and all Cristen soulls, by
the space of fyve yeres next after my departour, in my parich
church, & he to be present in his surples Sondais & other
Festivsdl dais at Messe, Matyns, and Evyn songes — to have
seven markes yerely. Three tenementes and twoo closes lying
in Bowthowme to be maid assure in writyng —to have a yerely
obit in my parishe church doon for me & my wyflf for ever.
To my wyff a tenement in Petergait in which I dwell. The
tuicion of Marie & Cicilie, my doghters, to the right worshipfull
Mr Brian Hygdon, doctor of law ande Dean of York, & Mr
Edward Kellet.
[Pr. 3 Dec. 1520.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 140.]
In the name of God Amen. I, Sir Thomas Fairefax * of
Walton, knyght, hoole of mynd, & in good memory, the xxvj
day of Novembre, in the yere of our Lord God M* D*^ xx**, and in
the xij*** yere of the reign of our soverayn lord Kyng Herry the
viij*^, ordeneth and maketh this my last will in maner and
forme folowyng. First I bequeath my saull to Almyghty God,
to our Lady Seynt Mary, and to all the Sayntes of the holy
company of hevyn, and my body to be beryed where it shall
fortune me to dy, by the advice and discrecion of myn execu-
tours. And I will my best good go for my mortuary accordyng
* The eldest son of Sir Thomas Fairfax. He marr. Anne dau. of Sir Wm«
Gascoigne of Gawthorpe.
to the custome of the kyrke. Also I will that viij U. wax be
burned aboute my body the daye of my beriall. Also I will
that xij white gownys be gyflfyn to xij poore men that beres the
torches at my berialL Also I bequeath xx s, to the iiij Orders
of Freres, equally to be devydyd. Also I bequeath to my
parish kirke of Walton, to the hy alter ther, for my forgottyn
tithes, yj s. viij d* Also I bequeath to Thomas Bethum and
his suster v markes, betwixt them, to be devyded. Also I will
that Sir William Seton, my chaplayn, have vij markes in the
yere duryng his lyf, which I have (given) hym on astate therof
afore, to pray for the soull of me and myn auncetours at Walton. .
Also where I have afore this tyme infeoflfyd my brother Robert,*
and oyer, as more playnly apperith by the said dede of feoflfa-
ment, to the use and performans of my last will, by this my last
will, I, the said Sir Thomas, will that my said feoffes stand and
be seased of and in my maner of Scalton with the appertenaunce
wHn the countie of York, to th'use and behulf of my yonger sonys
for terme of ther ly ffes, equally emonges tham to be divided, ex-
cept xxvj s. viij d. goyng oute of the said mannour, graun^yd to
Petir Saxton, for terme of his lif, accordyng to his patent
yerof maid. Also I bequeath to my fowre doughtours, that is
to say Anne, Elisabeth, Isabell, and Dorothe, cc markes to yer
maryages, to be paid at the discrecion of myn executours. Also
I will that my sisters beyng a lyve have that that was to them
bequeathyd according to my fader's will, or els to have a
sufi(ci)ent ly vyng of my landes and goodes duryng yer liflfes at
the discrecion of myn executours. Also I will that my execu-
tours at the day of my deth see me worshipfully brought furth
of my goodes accordyng to my degre and havour, and to se my
dettes paid accordyng to yer power. Also I will that my hous-
hold servauntes have ther wages well and trulye paid, and mete
and drynke a quarter after my deth, to provyd tham, if thay be
disposyd to take it. The residew of all my goodes undisposyd,
my dettes paid, and my fimerall expenses maid, I will that it
be disposyd at the discrecion of myn executours, and I orden
and make my executours Dame Anne Fairfax, my wif, Nicolas
♦ July 12, 1526. Roberte Farefax, of Acaster Malbis, gentleman. Ber.
church of Acastre in the hie where afore the stall where I use to sitte. Wif
Agnes my fermehold junctely with Briane, my son. Thomas, my son, my ap-
parell, bukes, bowes & shaf tes, etc. (A minor). Dau. Dorothy, ij half ponndes
of wax to be found bumyng in my parishe churche, the on afore the Trinitie,
the other the Coronacion of our Ladle, for iij yeres. To Jane, my dou., none
of Synnyngthwaite, on macer with a bannd of silver and gilte, and a whie,
to make a cowe opon, to the use of ther house, & they to pray for my sail.
Ex" Agnes my wif, Thomas Farefax my sone, Richarde Yorke, my son-in-law,
etc. Maister Nicholes Farefax of Gillyng Esq a supervisor. [Pr. 23 Sept.
1628, adm. to widow & Ric. Yorke.] (Reg. Test. ix. 412.)
Fairfax, my son and here apparent, Robert Fairfax, my brother,
John Beilby gentilman, and Sir William Seton prest, to ordeyn
and dispose for the well of my sonU as they shall thynke best.
Also I will that where I have grantyd any fee to my servauntes
afore tyme, I wyll thay have ther said fees accordyng to ther
patentes yerof. Witnes herof Sir Thomas Dikson preist, George
Frear, Richard Talbot, William Lelom, William Jacson, Thomas
Adamson, and Roger Verty, w* oyer.
[Pr. 11 Apr. 1521, adm. to Anne Fairfax k John Beilby.]
[Beg. Test. ix. 133 ».]
Dec. 14, 1520. William Normavile,* of the parishe of
Kildewyk beside Watton, esqnier. To be beried in the closett
of our Lady Seynt Maiy, in the north side of the parishe chirch
of Kaldewyk. To the Prior of Watton my best beist for my
mortuary. I will that my executours shal discharge my
brother. Sir John Normaville,t of all dettes & legaces. I wil
that an able prest syng for the seniles of my fader and moder,
my broder. Sir John, & me, & all Cristyn sanlles, acordyng to
the intente of a deyde wererin I haith infeofyd Christofer Bos-
well, Richard Thomson, and John Scorbrught in certayn landes.
I wil that my executours shall cause a convenient tumbe of
marble to be maide over my body, with such a epitaphie as
shal be devised by me or my executours. To the convent or
monastery of religiose men and women of Watton xx s. To
Dame Beatrix Stanebum, suppriores of Nun Appilton, to pray
for my soull, vj s. viij d. I will that William Snanton and my
sister Elisabeth his wife, & my sister Anne Darby be agreyd w*
by the discrecioii of my executours. To John & Thomas Nor-
♦ There is very little known of the ancient family of Normanville of Kiln-
wick, at least of its early history.
f May 19, 1620. John Normanvile of Kylnewyk, knyght. To be beried in
the qwhere w*in the chirch of Eilnewik. I wil that my executours shal
cause a convenient tumbe of marble to be maid over my body in the chirch,
and my pictour to be gravyn oppon, w* such poses & scripture theroppon as
sfaalbe thought good k convenient. A prest to syng within the said chirch
for me, etc., for vij yeres, & he to have to his ftoude or salary, yerely, vij
markys. To my susters, dompe Elinour, Anne Darbe, & Elisabeth Snaynton
(each) V markes. To John Normanvile & Thomas Normanvile, my bast-by-
gottyn sonnes, (each) v markes. To my cosyn. Sir Nicolas Fairfax, a bay geld-
yng which I had of John Boynton. Ex" my wif, my broder William Nor-
manvile, my cosyn Thomas Fairfax, Sir Richard BUys clerk, John Wright, &
Bichard Clederowe. [Pr. 30 July, 1521, adm. ex".] (Reg. Test. ix. 114.)
mavile, basterd sonnys unto Sir John, my brother, iiij li. — The
residue I wil be at the disposicion of Sir Antony Ugtreght
knyght, Sir Nicolas Farefax knyght of Seynt John's of Jeru-
salem, Thomas Farefax lemed man, Maister Eobert Waid vicar
of Hoton Crauncewyke, John Beilby gentilman, & Sir Eobert
Cordwyner chaplayne, whome I make my executours. And,
for ther labours, I wil Sir Antony Ugreght have a pece of har-
nes called a shapeaw sett w^ sylver pynnys, & xl s.; Sir Nicolas
Farefax xl s., over al reknynges betwix hym & me ; Thomas
Farefax my furryd gowne w^-fownes; Mr Eobert Wade my
gowne fiirrid w* fox etc.
[Pr. 20 Feb., adm. to the ex" except Sir Nicholas Fairfax & Thos F., to whom
power is reserved.]
[Reg. Test. Ebor. ix. 154 a.]
1520. Richard Wilcoke. My body to be tumulatt in the
chirch or monastery (of) our Blissed Lady and Lord of Bolton.
I giffes my best beast to God to be my mortuary. To the Prior,
for to do service at my beriall, and to assole me, xiij s. iiij d.
To the Covent, for a Mass with Placebo & Dirige^ xiij s. iiij d.
To the sacriston, for my beryeng in the chirch, vj s. viij d. To
be disposyd at the day of my beriall, iiij markes. To the house
of Seynt Robert juxta Knaresburgh ij s. To every house of
Freres in York xx d. To Sir Alexander Bland x li. that Robert
Grynewod owe me, for (to) syng for my saull ij yeres. I gif
V markes of brokyn sylver to the alter of Seynt John Baptest of
the said monastery, to make a chalece of, for to pray for my
saull. I gif a macer of sylver to the buttre of the said monas-
tery. Mr Antony Clififord supervisor.
[Pr. 16 May, 1521.]
. [Reg. Wolsey, 154 J.]
Feb. 1, 1520-L Rauf Babyngton,* parson and curate of
the church of Hiclyng and Althorp, beyng wele of body, and
stedfast in the faith of Criste, and servaunte of God. To be
* A younger son of Thomas Babington of Dethick.
bur. in the chauncell, streght before the high alter, so that my
feete rest undir the preste as he standes at Masse in oone of
my said churches, so that I dy w*ynne xx** myles of the same,
I bequeth a corspresent according to the costome of the coimtrey •
I bequeth to either of my churches above rehersed v markes
sterlyng money, to be bestowed upon ij vestymentes, the one
to have the pictour of our Lady on the crosse, and the odir w*
the pictour of Saynte Michaell, havyng my armes and name
sett ther upon. To either of my modir churches, that is to
say, our Lady of Suthwell and our Lady of Lincoln, xx d. To
the churches of DuflFelly and Ashover, either of theyme xx d.
My cosyne, Thomas Babyngton, son of Amald B., a cowe. Wm.
s. of Wm. B. To every of my bredir & of my sustours a
riall in gold for a remembraunce. The daie of my buriall I
will there be dalt for my saule penny dole, and to every preste
being present to have viij d. to say Masse and Dirige for my
saule. To my chapeleyne. Sir Thomas Hand, or who it shall
fortune to be for me y* thyme, to have xiij s. iiij d, for to say
the trentall of Masses w* Placebo and Dirige of Saynte Gregorie,
and V Masses of the Wondes of our Lorde Jhesu ; also xx s. to
pray for me, and my tawney gowne of fox fur. To Sir John
Kem my blak gowne furred. I bequeth xv s. for one trentall
to be song for my saule and all Cristyne saules at Scala Cceli
in England. The residue to the ordour on myne executours,
my broder Sir John Babyngton knyght of the Bodes, and my
brodir, Roland Babington. My broder Sir George Chaworth
[Pr. 4 Mar. 1521-2.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 102.]
In Dei nomine. Amen. I Rauf Either* in the countie of
Yorke, knyght, of hole, good, and perfitt mynd, the xxvj day
of Marce, the yere of our Lord God M' D. xx*^, ordens and
makys my last will and testament in maner and forme folowing.
First I bequeath my soul to Almyghty God, our Lady Seynt
Mary, and to al the company of hevyn ; my body to be beried
in the parish chirch of Rither. And I will that my funeral
expenses be maid be the discrecion of my executours, here after
* Cf. Test. Bbor. iii. 217-18. It is erroneously stated there that Sir Ralph
was the last of his family. He had two sons, both of whom died without
issue. The history of the family and the descent of the estates is full of a
romantic and mournful interest.
to be maid, in honeste maner. And I bequeath for my mor-
tuary my best qwyke beist accordyng to accostome of the contre.
Item I bequeath to the hie alter of Rither, in recompens of
my prevy tithes not duly paid, xx s. Item I wil that x markes
in money be delte to poore people the day of my interment in
penny dowle, and more, if nede shall be, by the discrecion of
my executours. Item I bequeath to the iiij Orders of Freres
in Yorke xxyj s. viij d. equally to be devided, to cause iiij tren-
tales to be said for me. Item I will that a convenient tumbe
be maid over me where I shalbe beried, at the ordynyng of
myn executours. Item I will that a prest do syng for me after
my decesse iij yeres, and he to have yere(ly) vij markes for his
salary. Item I will and bequest to my doughtour Elisabeth a
hundrethe pownde, to be resa vyd and levyd her after my decesse
of thes landes and tenementis be me put in feoffament for the
performacion of my will, if she be not mareyd in my lif tyme,
ne towardes hir marieg, and in recompense of hir porcion of hir
childe's part of my goodes. And I will that my son and here,
Thomas Rither, have all the herelandes, that ar knowen as
herelandes, w*in this maner of Rither, w* ij draughtes of oxen,
that is to sey, xvj oxen, and iiij marys w* ther drawyng gere for
tillage, in ful recompense of any parte that he can or shall aske
of my goodes after my decesse. Item I will and bewitt to my
son, Herry Rither, xx li. in money, to be lowyd in convenient
tym of my landys and tenementis in feoflFament, to be kept for
hym by my executours to he be of convenient age, and than he
to have it in ful recompense of his porcion and childe's part.
Item I bequeath to my doughtour, Elyn Aske, vj kye and a
bull, to be delivered by my executours. And I will that my
dettes be holy paid and contented to my creditours accordyng
to the true dett that I do owe unto them. And also I wil that
my executoiurs have the order and kepyng of my son Herry to
such tyme he cumme to the age of xviij*^ yeres, and they to
calle and receyve the profitt of such landes as I have giffyn to
the said Herry, to and for the fyndyng of hym to he come
at the age of xviij^^ yeres. Item I wil that the Nunnys of
Appleton have x s., to be distributed emong them, to pray for
my sauU. Item I bequeath to my servauntes, such os be watyng
servauntes, every on of them a quarter wage, over and beside
ther wages dew. Also I will that my beademen be foundon in
such maner and order as they have been in tymys past, and
they to pray for my saull, and al my adversaries saiilles, and
ther benefactours. And of this my will and testament I make
and orden my executors Sir John Normavile knyght, Thomas
Rither my son and here, Thomas Fairefax of Garforth Esquier,
Thomas Beverlay, and Charlies Hedon, in whom is all my trust
that they will do for me as I wolde do for theym ; to whome of
every of them for ther labour in that behalf I bequeath xl s.
and ther resonable costes when they do any thing concemyng
the besynes abowthe this my will and testament ; and to the
performans of the same I will that my executours have al my
goodes moveable not bequeath, and also the ij hondreth pound
of my landys and tenementes put in the feoffament. And my
will fulfiUyd, and my dettes paid, I wil that my said executours
have all the residewe of my goodes, and they to distribute it at
theire diserecion for the welthe of my saule. And of this my
will and testament I make the right honorable and singler good
lord, my Lord of Northumbreland,* supervisour, besekyng his
lordship to gif his good assistaunce to the performyng of the
same ; to whos good lordship I bequeath a stage horse, to be
takyn at his pleasure of my breide, such as I have. In witnes
whereof hereunto I have sett my seall, the day and yere above-
said. Thes witnesses Sir John Wilkynson parson of Either, Sir
John Wates, George Thwaites, William Yrishe, and Edmond
Hedon, with other.
[Pr. 26 Apr. 1620, adm. to ex".]
[Reg. Test. ix. 174.]
Apr. 18, 1521. Thomas Stevynson, of Thriske, merchand.
To be bur. in churchyard. To the steple beldyng xxs. To
byeng of a paire of organnys, to be [at] our Lady Mease w* all,
vj 8. ^^ij d., if the organys be bowght & go forward, or else the
same vj s. viij d. to remayne to the steple. To the house of
Newburgh, for clene absolucion, x s. To our Lady in the where
iij s. iiij d. To our Lady in the porche, iij s. iiij d. and a
fileyveles jacke. To St John alter a hangyng to be before hitt.
I will my wif fynd a sherage f before Seynt Kateryn hir lif, and,
after hir departyng, my son, William, to fynd it.
♦ The Rythers were retainers of the Percies. The testator leaves to his
f eadal lord a stallion which he had bred himself.
In the Plumpton Correspondence (p. 106) there is a letter from the testator
to his cousin, Sir Robert Plumpton, *prajinar you to give me ij cople of conyes
to stocking of a litle ground that I make at Ryther.* To our ears this is a
very modest request.
t i.^., a serge or taper.
[Reg. Test. ix. 168.]
In Dei nomine, Amen, Die Sabbati proximo ante festum
Sancti Georgii Martins (April 23) anno Domini m' quingen-
tesimo, vicesimo primo, I, George Hardcastle,* hoole of remem-
brance, maketh my wil in maner folowyng. First I wit my
soull to God, our Lady, and to al the Saynt in hevyn, my body
to be beryed in the chappell garth at Paithley brig, and my
best beast to my mortuary. And I wilbe browght furth oppon
the hoole goodes, and my dettes to be payd oppon t'hoole
goodes ; and the reversion of al my goodes to be delt betwix
my wif and my childer. And I desire and prays my Lorde of
Fountance to be assoled, and he to be agreyd with therfore
by my executrix, takyn my wif to doo for me as she semys the
best. And I take it oppon of my saul I am not giltye of
slayng the buke within my liOrde's warrant of Darby, wherfor
I am dangered at Kirkeby. Thes witnes Christofer Hardcastle,
and Ric' Brameley, and other. And it is my will that my
eldest son shalbe taker of my ferme hold after my wif de-
cesse, etc.
[Pr. 16 May, 1521.]
[Reg. Test. Ebor. ix. 178 b.]
Apr. 26, 1521. Eobert Hertley. To be beried in the
chirch of Alhalows of Rotherham, fast by my wif. To the re-
parelyng of our Lady vestiment, iij s. iiij d. I gif my best
candlestike, that I baud of Rogert Hardy, to hyng before the
Roide in the Roide where ; and Laurence Ashton to have viij d.
to hyng it in a poles. I wil that ther be maid for every flowre
of the candlestike a tapur of wod, that theire may be ix sergeis
of wax sett oppon, and iij pounde of wax to be in a serge ; and
my serge that standith before Seynt Margaret shalbe taken
downe and brokyn, and iij pounde to be takyn to make ix little
serges to the said candlestike. Item of that serge a pounde to
make betynges to Seynt Margarete lighte, and a serge of a
pownde to Seinte Sebastian ; also an other serge of a pownde
* The Hardcastles were an old Nidderdale family, tenants unier Fountains
Abbey. The testator had been charged with killing a buck. Did he die of
to Seinte Scithe. To onr Lady alter a vestiment that I bought
of Roger Padley, with a superaltare and a sacring bell. To
the pavyng in the layne goyng to Grresbruke iij s. iiij d., to be
wand firome John Haryngton stable northward. To ychon of
my broder sonys a sylver spoyne with cuttid starttis. I have
ij mares w* foole, and, when they folyn, I gif the bettnr to
Maister Mownforthe, To my wif, Alieie, my hoole bargan of
Kymberworth mylne, & the Cotelar Whelle; and my walke
mykie that I last maide. To the commyn's greflFys of Rother-
ham iij s. iiij d. a yere duryng my termes. My mylnes to come
to Hugh Yngram, my wif son.
[Pr. 20 May.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 176 b.]
April 26, 1521. Robert Goodyere of Stillyngflette. To be
bur. in the ch. yard. I give xx d. to have a Dirige song for my
sauU, & my nebowros, which doith honour God the day of
my beriall w* oblacion, to comme home to my house, and take
parte w* a potte w* ale, to pray for my sauU and al Cliristen
sauUes. I gif a yong whye to Styllingflete kiik ?, and to the
welle of the same towne.
[Reg. Test. Ebor. ix. 214 ft.]
May 5, 1 521 . Ambrose Pudsey of Bolton ny Bolland, gentle-
man,* of a hoole mynd and good remembrance, makes this my
testament and last will in maner and forme folowyng. First I
bequeath my saull to God Almyghtye, to our Lady Sainte
Marie, and to all t'holye company in hevyn. My body to be
beriede wher it shall please God to visit me and so departe
oute of this worlde of misery wher somever it be. Also I be-
queath my best beast in the name of my mortuary after lawe
and costome of t'holye church e. Also I bequeath my lord,
John th'abbot of Whalley, and my broder, Thomas Pudsey
esquier, ij of my best horses, next unto my mortuary ; and also
my said broder, Thomas, to have the golde worme that was my
* A younger son of Henry Pudsey of Bolton. Esq., who made his wiU in
1517 (see p. 85). He was wealthy, and had probably been a retainer in
some nobleman*8 honse.
fether's beste rynge, and my forsaide lorde to have on of my
beete rynges next the which is my grete hope with A and P
w* it, to pray for my sauU ; whome I do order to be my super-
visours of this my laste wil and testament. Also I bequeath
my Lady Florence Clifford * x li., the which I lent hir, and a
golde ryng. Also I bequeath to my sister, Margarete Pudsey,
the forsaid Thomas Pudsay wif, a ryng, and a crane colorede
damaske gowne that was my fader's, and a booke that was my
moder's. Also I bequeath to ther doughtours xx li. to mary
them with. Also I bequeath to my sister Beckewith xx li., to
mary hir childer with. Also I bequeath to my sister Wannys-
forde XX markes, to mary hir childer with. Also I bequeath
to my sistour Wynyngton c markes, to mary hir childer with
and also to geite my broder e-law, hir husband, landes w*.
Also I bequeath to my broder Henry cli., and my sister in
law his wif, to mary ther childer with, and if he will make
farther clame to have his childe parte, that then he to have
non penny ne pennyworth, for my fader toke it oppon his
charge he hade his childe parte and more then ather my fader
or I. Also I bequeath to th'abbay of Whalley x li., for v tren-
talles and v obites, to syng for my fader saull, my moder's,
and myne. Also I bequeath to Sante Mary abbay of Yorke
X li., for V trentales & v obitys, to pray for my saull and
to assole me. Also I bequeath to th'abbay of Fontence my
fader bequestes, the which was to th'abbot iij s iiij d., to every
of his monkes at was preist iiij d., & xij d. for rengying, and to
have of me x li. for v trentalles, to syng for my fader saul, my
moder, and myn, and to assole hus al for charite. [The same]
to th'abbay of Salley. Also I bequeath to th'abbay of Bolton
in Chanons my fader bequestes, as is afor rehercede, & to have
of me 1 s. for v trentales etc. {as before). Also I bequeath to
the iiij Orders of Freres vj s. viij d., & Freres of Lancastre &
Hartillpole to be ij of them. Also I bequeath to Monte Grrace
V li., for V trenteles & v obites, to sing for my fader saull, my
moder, and myne. Also I bequeath to a preist to syng at
Bolton chirch ny BoUand for my fader saul, my moder, and
myn, the space of v yeres complete, and the said preist to have
paid every of the forsaid yeres iiij li. by 'thandes of my execu-
tours, and that hoole sum is xx li. ; and if it forton me not to
be beriede at Bolton, that then my executours do fynde a prest
to syng for me the Messe of Requiem, what so ever it cost, and
where I do lye. Also I bequeath a chales to Bolton chauntry,
iij vestimentes, and a sute of vestimentes with a cope agreable
* A sister of the testator, who was thrice married, selecting at each venture
a noble husband. There were some strange stories current about her.
onto them, to the same chirch, to pray for my fader sail, my
moder, & myn. Also I bequeath to every one of my breder &
breder e-law childera cowe. Also I bequeath to every on of my
Grod childer a shepe. Also I bequeath to my cosyn, William
Kirkby, iiij oxen that I lent hym. Also I bequeath to my cosyn,
William Travers, ij oxon. Also I bequeath to my cosyn, Henry
Kirkby, vj 1. xiij s. iiij d. that I lent hym. Also I bequeath to
Robert Pleasyngton ij whies that I lent hym. Also I bequeath
to my cosyn, Thomas Shirebume, and to my cosyn his wife xl s.
Also I bequeath to Laurence Gierke, maister sellerar of th'abbay
of Whalley, xl s., to assiste & to gif conseall to my exeeiitours,
and to pray for me. Also I bequeath to Sir Giles Scott, parish
preist of Bolton ny BoUand, xl s., to be my executour. Also I
bequeath to Sir John Walbanke, chauntre preste of the same,
xl s. to be my executour. Also I bequeath to Richarde Shire-
borne, gentleman, my kynsman & servand, xls., to be my
executour. Also I bequeath to Wiresdale chapelle a vestiment,
and al thynges belongyng unto hit. Also I bequeath al my
fcider*s rayment and myn, at is not silke, to be distributed
emonges my executours and servantes — that is to wit. Sir
John Walbanke, Sir Giles Scote, Richarde Sherborne, Christofer
Newcome, and Ambrose Sotheron, my servauntes, every on of
them to have that that is most accordyng and mete for them.
Also I bequeath al my sylke raymant to be vestimentes, or any
other omamentes, to Bolton chirch, & to the chaimtre of the
same, for to pray for my fader saul, my moder, and myn.
Also I bequeath to William Claton a whie and to his wif a
shepe. The residue of all my goodes, moveable and unmove-
able, my dettes and legaces paide, and fiinerall expenses downe,
I gif and bequeath Sir Giles Scote parishe prest of Bolton afor-
said, Sir John Walbanke chauntre preist aforesaid, and Richarde
Shireboume gentleman aforesaid, whome I orden and makes
my executours, thei t'order & dispose for fhelth of my father
saull, my moder, and myne ; and to performe, & to mayntene
the forsaid chauntre by the advise of my lord, John th 'abbot of
Whalley, & my broder, Thomas Pudsay, esquier, whome I
ordene & make supervisours of this my last will and testa-
ment. In witness wherof this my last will and testament, I
dide write it withmy owne hande, at Bolton Haull,in a chamer
that goode Kyng Henry the Sexte ley in, and therfor it is
called his chamer to this presente daye;* and haith sealed it
w* my owne scale, the day and the yere above written.
♦ A notice of remarkable interest. A boot, glove, and spoon, said to have
belonged to this unfortunate monarch, are still treasured at Bolton Hall, but
it required this evidence to convert assertion into something like certainty. 1
K 2
Memorandum that, the vij day of the moneth of Januaiy,
the yere aforsaid, this present will and testament and last will
was red afore the said Maister Ambrose Pudsay at Maister Hilton
howse in Grenewich, in the presens of Walter Bathome, Henry
Kirkby gentleman, Christofer Newcome, and Ambrose Sot heron,
and many other, and the forsaid Maister Ambrose Pudsay was
content with every article within the same.
[Pr. at Lambeth 20 Feb. 1521-2, k at Yorke 22Dd Maich seq.]
[Reg. Test. Dec. et Cap. Ebor. ii. 126.]
In the name of God, Amen. The last day of the moneth of
Junii, in the yere of our Lord Gode m® occccxxj, I Thomas
Grenhude, the vicar of Langtoft,* of a hooU mynd, and of a gud
remembrance, makes my will in this maner folowing. Furst I
geve my saull to God and to our Ladie, and to M the holy
company that is in heven, my body to be iDuried in .the where
of Sanct Peter, my best gowne to my crospresand. Also I gyff
to every prest, the day of my buriall, viij d. ; every parich
clarke, iij d. Item to every unlemyd man j d. Also I gyff
to the clarke of Langtoft, to help to by a table for the
alter, xx^ lammes. Also I gyff to mending of the kirke royff
IX** lammes. Also I will that a prest have vij marces, to syng
for my saull & for the saull of Sir Eichard Greynhude. Also I
gyffe to John Birdsall, my servaunt, two oxgange of come the
whuch I had of William Dobill ; and I will that the said John
pay the farme, vj s. viij d. Also I gyffe to Elezabeth, my
remember well how joyfully the late Mr. H. A. Littledale, of Bolton Hall, the
poetical chronicler of his family, welcomed this information, which it was in
my power to give him. ^
About thirty years ago, during my residence in Newcastle-on-Tyne, I met
with a small raedioeval Service-book which contained the births and deaths of
various members of the family of Pudsay. It also contained what was of
still greater interest, a hymn and some prayers addressed to Henry VL, whom
the devoted Lancastrians turned into a saint. These notices formed the sub-
ject of a paper in one of the earlier volumes of the Archseologia ^liana, ».«.
* A little village on the Wolds, which was the corpus of a prebend in Yo^
1528. Thomas Mylner of Cottome. To be bur. in the church yerd of
Sanct Petur of Langtoft. To the church half a quarter of barly. To the
chappell of Sanct Petur of Cottome half a quarter of barly when Ghod sends it
of the ground. To the church of Sainct Andrew of CoUome a met of barly.
To the chappell of our Ladie of Sledmar, the church of Sainct Mychaell of
Garton, the Trinitie gild of Great Driffeld, cure Ladie gild of the same towne,
£c the church of All Hallowes of Killome, each a met of barly. To Sainct Ea*
terine gild of Langtoft a met of barly. My sone. Sir John. [Reg. Test. Dec
et Capit. ii.]
broder dowghter, to hir mariage, Ix sheipe, and the oon half of
my hushold stowf. Also I gyflfe to Elezabeth Lenton a cow,
and all hir howshold stuff as it come to me ; and if it be any-
thing parid, it shal be menddit of my cost. Also I wit to the
said Elez. iij yerddes of rowsit. Also I witt to Sanct Peter of
York iij s. iiij d. Also I witt to every howse of the Freers of
Scarburgh iij s. iiij d. Also to Annes Beid twoogymmer lammes
and a blake why. Also to Sir Robert Tepleyng a gowne, fowrid
w* whit lame and blak. Also to the childer of Robert Petstan,
every on of thame a lame. Also I witt to Robert Greynhude
the elder a bras pot. Also I wit to Sir Robert Tipeleying the
war cownnter. Also to my mother a blak furrid gowne, and
all my shirttes. Also I witt to Sir William Marshall my cloth
jakit and a dublet. And to Sir Robert Tiplyng a jakit and a
dublet. Also I gyff to Sir William Whitlame my whit horse,
the saddil, and the bridill. Also I gyff to Sir Geffray Greyn-
hude my tawny furrid gowne and the velvit tippit. Also 1 wit
to Sir Thomas Pereson and to Robert Petstane, ather of thame,
XX 8. And I will that thay be my executours. Also I gyffe to
the said Sir Thomas Pereson my best sayrsnett tippit and my
chamelit jakit. Also I wit to Sir William Constable of Cathorp,
knyght, xl s., and he to be my supervysour, if he pleas. The
residew of my guddes, that is not geven, I gyff it to Alis
Greynhude, my mother. Theis witnes Sir Robert Tippling,
prest, John By ell, John Barton, Christofer Cooke, John
[Pr. 30 July, 1621.]
[Test. Kbor. ix. 169.]
In Dei nomine. Amen. The iij day of July, the yere of our
Ix)rd God m^dxx^y, I Thomas Esheton, gentilman, in good mynd
and remembrance, maketh this my testament and will in this
forme folowyng. First, I bequeath my saul to God Almyghty,
and to our Lady Saynt Mary, and al the company in hevyn ;
and my body to be beried in the paryshe kirke of Mary Mag-
dalane in Bessynby, before th'emage of our Lady. Also I
bequeath at day of my beriall xv s., to be delte ; inprimis, to
the preist that synges Messe xij d. ; and to ij diocons, aither of
them viij d. ; and ij chauntters that begynneth chaunttangs
and Psalmes, aither of them viij d. : item, to the parishe clerke
iiij d. ; every preist w* all infra eacros iiij d. ; the residue of
folkes a peny a pece ; item the residue of the said money to be
delte emonges pure folkes, aftir the discrecion of them that
mynystres for me. Item I bequeath and gif to my dough tour
Jane, for makyng of her on nowie, vij 11. Item I owe to my
Lord Prior of Bridlington of Pasehe evyn next ensuyng xi s.
Item I bequeath and gif for th'erthe brekyng iij s. iiij d., and
he that makes my grave xij d. Item I bequeath to the glide
of Mary Magland iij s. iiij d. Item I will that every house of
gresse men wHn the towne of Besynby have ij d. a pece. Item
I bequeath my best beast for my mortuary. Item I bequeath
to a preist to syng on quarter of a yere xx s. The residue of al
my goodes I wit and bequeath, my dettes and my funeral
expenses deduete, to Helene my wif, whom I ordene and make
my executrix to dispose for me and t'helth of my saul as she
thinkes best. Item I witto my brother, Marmaduce, super-
visour of this my testament, vj s. vlij d. Witnes of this my wil
Sir William Archey, John Cowton, Whilam Cowton, Thomas
Senior, John Chapman, and John Bompton.
[Pr. 31 Aug. 1521.)
[Reg. Test. ix. 196.]
In the name of God, Amen. The x day of July in the yere
of our Lord God m^dxxi, I, John Tonge, balie of Bumeholme,
of good and hooll mynd, maketh and ordeneth this my present
testament and last will in this maner. First I wit, gif, and
commende my saul unto Almyghty God, and to our Bllsside
l^dy Saynt Marye, and to al the Sayntes in hevyn, and my
body to be beried in the where of Bumeholme before our Lady.
Also I wit and gif my best hors or my best {blank) in the name
of my mortuary. Also I gif and witto the chirch of Bume-
holme, to the honor of divine service, on vestiment, price
xxvj 8. viij d. Also I gif for tithes forgettyn iij s. iiij d. Also I
gif to the upholdyng of where, for my beriall, vj s. viij d. Also
I gif to a honest preist to syng at Hynderskelfe on yere for the
paulles of my Lord Graistoke and my Lady, and for my saull
and my wiffes, iiij li. xiij s. iiij d. Also I gif for a trentall of
Messes to be said at the church of Bumeholme x s. Also I gif
to my Lord Priore of Wartre, vj s. viij d. Also I gif to be dis-
posid equally emong the brether of the said place xl s. Also I
gif to my Lady Prioresse of Bumeholme xx s. and vj yowys.
Also I gif to be divided eraong the sisters of the same place,
that is to say to Dame Agnes Bobynson, Dame Margaret Craike,
Dame CeciUe Thomlynson, Dame Margarete Somerby, and
Dame Elene Harper,* vj s. viij d. and x yowys. Also I gif to
the cathedral chirch of Yorke xij d. Also I gif to the iij college
chirches, that is to say, to Bipon, Beverlac, and Southwell, iij s*
Also I gif to Sir Thomas Londesdaile iij s. iiij d. Also I gif to
my broder, Hugh Tong, iij li. vj s. viij d. Also I gif to my
broder, Brian Tong, iij li. vj s. viij d. Also I gif to my sister,
Margaret Hall, iij li. vj s. viij d. Also I gif to William Tong
xl 8. Also I gif to the chirch of Bumby ij s. Also I gif to
the chirch of Londesburgh ij s.; and to the chirch of Kil-
wyke ij s. Also I gif to the placys of Montegrace vj s. viij d.
Also I gif to Alicie Huby yj s. viij d. Also I gif to Margaret
Jacson iij s. iiij d. Also I gif to Bichard Eobynson vj s. viij d.
Also I gif to John Drew vj s. viij d. Also I gif to Sir
John Holme iij s. iiij d. Also I gif to every on of my ser-
vauntes xij d. Also I gif to Eobert Mylner ij s. Also I gif to
Edwarde Stangter iij s. iiij d., w* on hoole hames w* a sallet
and a bill. The residue of my goodes, not above giffyn, I gif
unto Sir Bichard Willoughby, Jwin Kilbume, and thei to dis-
pose, as shalbe thowght most necessary for the well of my
saull and thaires bothe. Also I gif to Sir John Oly ver, vicar of
Hayton, xiij s. iiij d. In witnes of makyng this present testa-
ment. Sir Thomas Londesdaile, Sir John Holme, Edwarde
Stangter, and William Baxster. Item I bequeath to Sir Eobert
Moor xiij s. iiij d. Also to Sir William Jefirason xiij s. iiij d.
Item to my brother, John Moor, x s. Item to Bichard Hall
xl 8.
[Pr. 6 Aug. 1621.]
[Reg. Test. Ebor. ix. 200 ft.]
July 24, 1521. Bobert Eland,t esquier. To be beried in
the chirch of Wakefeld afore Alhallows. To my curate my
best whike beast for my mortuary. I will that xiij men have
xiij blake gownes for beryng and halddyng xiij torches abowte
my body the day of my beryall, & every one of them iiij d. of
sylver besydes. I will that Nicolas Eland have all my harnes
except that at is due to God and the chirch, and a paire of
brekenners with sallet and gorget t & shirttes of male langyng
to the same, the which I will Bicharde Jenkynson have. To
♦ We sec, therefore, that there were at Nunbui'uholme a Prioress and five
nuns- -a very small establihhment.
t See Flower's Visitation, p. 006.
the chirch my blake sattan gowne to make ij tonakles of. To
John Savile my canet gowne lynyd w* blake sarsenett & my
best dublett. To Nicolas Eland my fox furryd gowne with my
secunde dublett. Executours my wif & John Sayvile.
[Pr. 17 Jan.!
[Reg. Test. ix. 187 ft.]
Aug. 1521. Eobert Arkesay, par. Hutton Cranswick. To
the Prior of Watton xxvj s. viij d., desiryng hyme that I maje
have absolucion, and be maide a brother of ther religion, &, if
it please my lord to make me a brother, then I wil that
the obiter have vj s. viij d. for the cariage of it through the
[Reg. Test. Ebor. ix. 184 ft.]
Aug. 10, 13th kyng Kerry VIII. (1521). Rauf Hyldreth * of
Froddyngham. To be beriede w*in the cmrch of Froddingham.
I bequeath for my funeral expenses, the day of my beriall, to
them that ar moost mysterfull, xl s. To Sir fiobert Brandesby,
to pray for my sauU, my fader, and my moder saulis, my Lady
Grai stoke, and Maister Kobert Constable saulles, the saulle of
Henry Lowike, the sauU of Jane Hildreth my laite wif, to syng
for bus by the space of a yere, iiij li. vj s. viij d. To the Prior
of Bridlyngton, to gif me clere absolucion, xl s. IVIy feoffees
to be seasid in my landes, etc., in Walkyngton & Kenygraves to
the use of Alicie, my wif, terme of hir Uf.
[Pjr. 28 Nov., adm. to Richd. H. bod & sole ex'.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 223.]
Sept. 5, 1521. Wm Turner of Nottingham, mercer. To
be biu-. at St. Peter's. Toward a new tabernacle to the ymage
of Saynte Petir in the hye where of Saynte Peter chirch vs.
* Cf. Poulson's Holderness, i. 301-2.
Toward costes of the firame for the bellys to be new hong
xjij 8. iiij d. To my son Thomas v yerdes of clothe of his moder
making, to make hym a gowne and a hode at such tyme as he
shalbe preist, and, by the grace of God, syng his first Messe.
[Reg. Test. Ebor. iz. 201 b.'\
Oct. 4, 1521. Giles Slatter in the parishe of Saynte Elene
in Stanegaite, furriour. To be beriede in the chirch yerde, as
nye my childer as may be. To Mr Vicar of Saynte Elene
church ij dossons white lame skyns and a chare. To William
Slatter a locor full of chankkes. To Eobert Newell a shithe w*
my bekes, and a qwhartron of white lame skyns. To Thomas
Exton a kippe of white lame.
[Pr. 17 Jan.]
[Reg. Test. Ebor. iz. 226 &.]
In Dei nomine, Amen. Anno Domini millesimo quingen-
iesimo, vicesimo primo, nono die mensis Octobris, Ego, Agnes
Constable * de Withomewike, compos mentis ac sansB memorise,
condo testamentum meum in hunc modum. Inprimis do et
lego animam meam Deo Omnipotent], Beate Mariae, et Omnibus
Stmctis Ejus; corpusque meum sepeliendum in angulo Beatss
Mariae. Item do et lego, nomine mortuarii mei, optimum
meum animal. Item do et lego, to amende the serges afore
our Ladie, iij s. iiij d. Item do et lego Salvatori in choro unam
vaccam quae vocatur Marygold, ut inveniret lumen imper-
petuum coram Eo. Item do et lego to the fioode at Silston my
best whie, to fynd lyght evermore. Item do et lego Beatae
Mariae in porticu dimidium quarterium ordei. Item do et lego
Beatae Mariae de Beverlaco my best gowne. Item do et lego
Beat® Mariae de Hull my best reband. Item do et lego Sancto
* A curiously worded will, with some interesting bequests. The testatrix
was the widow of Charles Constable of Withernwick.
1621, May 6. Karolus Constable de Withomewyke. Sep. in angulo B. M.
de Withomwyke. Summo altari vjs. viij d. Sancto Albano iiij d. 6eat«e
Mariae in angulo j vaccam quae vocatur Gossep. Beatae Mariae in porticu dim.
quart, ordii. Willelmo Hadilsay sen. a le hawflyng with a pyed face. Res. to
wife Agnes & dau. Barbara— they ex''. To Sir Wm. Constable two young
mares, to be good master to my wife. [Pr. 24 May.] (Reg. Test. ix. 167 b.)
Johanni de Bridlyngton my best beades and to Sainte John
hede a herte of silver. Item do et lego domui de Bridlington
a paire of lyne sheites, a basyn and a towell for to weshe ther
fette in. Item do et lego choro ecclesiee iij s. iiij d. Item do
et lego fabricsB ecclesise ibidem a quarter wheite. Item do et
lego fabricae ecclesisB de Brandisbnrton a quarter barlye, et
alium fabricdB ecclesisB de Withomewike, ut presbyteri orarent
pro animabus Caroli Constable, Thomas Bolys, et Agnetis Con-
stable, in the generaU beade rowlle ever. Item do et lego iiij**
ecclesiis matrieibus, earum cuilibet iiij d. Item do et lego cuili-
bet domui de Withornewike ijd. Item do et lego Eoberto
Haknay iiij"'^ barbicas, duos bucculos, and a losyn sheirte. Item
do et lego Francisco Gowsill a losyn sheirte. Item do et l^o
Johannse Boid a sangwyn gowne and a kirtle. Item do et lego
AlicisB Warde a cowe, a paire of sheites, and a white coverlett.
Item do et lego Johanni Kirke a cowe, that she may helpe to
bryng up hir childer to thei come to lawfuU age, a ston woll, ij
yerdes lyn, and a feyng clothe. Do et lego summo altari xij d.,
et Sancto Albano v s. Do et lego Agneti Bolton a whie. Do et
lego Katerinse Whit« a smoke. Lego AlicisB Proctour a smoke
and an naperon. Lego Elisabeth Austwike a yowe and a lame,
a new smoke, and a pettycoite. Lego to a Gode's love bede a
feyng cloth. Lego Johanni Thirgett ij yowes w* ij lames. Lego
domui de Nunkelyng vj pewter dishes and yj dublers. Lego
Willelmo Herker a yowe lame, and a other to William Leman.
Lego Domino Johanni Lytster a latyn basyn and a candlestike.
Lego to by a baner clothe viij s. Lego Willelmo Bolton iiij d.,
et Johanni Proctour iiij d. Lego Willelmo Pacoke a sew.
Lego Johannae Robynson a tawney gowne. Lego iiij** filiabus
Thomse Cowton, cuilibet earum a dubler. Lego idoneo presby-
tero xl 8. ut oret pro anima mea dimidium anni. Lego Thomse
Cowton a tawne galbardyn ut esset supervisorem (sic) hujus
testamenti. Eesiduum vero omnium bonorum meorum, supe-
rius non legatorum, debitis meis solutis, et expensis funeralibus
deductis, do et lego Ricardo Thirgott et Margaret® Dogeson,
sorori mese, quos ordino et constituo meos executores, ut ipsi
disponant melius pro salute animse meae, prout sibi melius vide-
bitur. Hiis testibus Domino Ricardo Carter vicario, Johanne
Litster capellano, Johanne Kirke, et Roberto Whelpedaill.
[Pr. 16 Nov. 1622.]
[Reg. Test. Ebor. ix. 217 a.]
Oct. 16, 1521. Matilde Freman of Allerton by Water,
widdoo, wbertfiill of mynde. To be beriede within the parishe
chirche of our Lady of Kepaz. Unto a vaile to hang before
the Rode lofte xviij yerdes of lyne clothe. To the maynteynyng
of our Lady service in the said chirch of Kepaz, and to th'use
of the same service, a cotage and a close callide Chapell Boide,
with a laithe & sex acr* of arable land lyeng in th'est ende of
Olton Crosse within the lordshipe and parishyng of Rothwell,
to the entent that the preist shal pray for the saull of
Kateryn Watson, my saull, & for all our good benefactours
saulles, & for al Cristen sanlles, for ever more. I gif to the
said service xxiij s. iiij d. which I lent Steven Lucas, & that he
aw to me the day of the makyng herof. To the chirch of
Kepax viijli. that the vicar and the chirchwardenes may by
lande w* to make a yerely obite for my saull (etc. as before).
To sex faderles childer, beyng with John Watson of Allerton,
every on iij s. iiij d. To the tabernacle of Saynte John in
Kepax chirch xij d. To the caucey at Swillington brige iij s.
iiij d. To Thorobrige in t'hye strete iij s. iiij d. To John
Watson a paire of whemys.
[Pr. 13 Dec.]
[Reg. Test. Ebor. ix. 217 ^]
Oct. 31, 1521. Thomas Batley, capellanus. Sep. infra
eccl. Omn. Sanctorum de Batley. Meum opt. bonum nomine
mortuarii. Ecclesiae, propter reparationem librorum, yj s. viij d.
Cuilibet presbytero existenti ad Missam et ad Exequias vj d.
Presbytero idoneo, ut celebret j trentale pro me, & pro anima-
bus pareutum meorum et omnium fidelium defunctorum, x s.
In die anniversarii ad Exequias et ad Missam x s. Ad reparatio-
nem cantarise, circa altare, vj s. viij d. I wil be brought forth
with brede & ale like an honest preiste ; & specially to most
poore people x s. in penny doile. I will that on honest person
go for me to our Lady of Walsingham, & to our Lady of the
See coobte, if I may not doo it myself; for his labour xs.
Item vij nobles to on chales, or iiij markes, if it may be, to
the chauntre, if my Lady gif non, or, els, to the parishe of Bat-
ley. That this may be fulfilled and performed I gif sex sylver
sponys to help towarde, with best of my rayment. Besidue to
my maistres Mirfeld, Adam Harrop, my executours, to dispose for
my saull as thei thinke best & spedfull in the name of Jhesa,
vrithoute any charge. Item a candle of wax afore Saynte Eras-
mus, if it may be on yere, x d, price.
[Pr. 11 Feb. 1521-2.]
[Reg. Test. Ebor. ix. 191 a.]
In the name of God, Amen. In witnes that I, John Fyn-
well, visited with sekenes, maketh my will and testament, in
the yere of our Lord God M* dxxj. First that I wit my saull
to Almyghtye God, and to our Blissed Lady Saynt Marye, and
to all the courte and company of hevyn ; and my body to be
beried in the Trinitie chirch yerde of Hull. Item I gif my
best gowne for my corspresand. Item I gif ij s. for tithes for-
gottyn. Item I gif to Maister Cokkett my best dublett« Item
I gif to the Prior of the Whitte Freres my Lagantt Aure.*
Item that I gif to Maister Prior of the Charttour hows my
almous beddes with a knob of imperereill (eic). Item I gif
Eobert Gierke, maister of the Mare John, my litle whistell.
Item that I gif William Tyngaite my cardyd and my best
compas. Item I make my wif Alison, and my iij sonnys, James,
Thomas and Eobert Fynwell, and that at God sendes frewith
of hir body of my behove, to be my executours. Item that I
make Maister Cokkett supervisour, to se this will fulfilled.
Item that I will have a trentall of messes of Scala Cceli at the
Blake Freres. Item that she pay my broderhede of our Lady
Gilde of Boston yerely. Eecorde herof Robert Gierke, James
Anderson, and Thomas Watson.
[Pr. 9 Nov.]
[R^. Wolsey, 166.]
In Dei nomine. Amen, Ego Willelmus Rokeby,t Archiepi-
scopus Dublin, ac vicarius perpetuus ecclesise parochialis de
♦ Le. Golden Legend.
f The will of a distinguished ecclesiastic^ a scion of an old Yorkshire family.
I find the following notices of Archbishop Rokeby's preferments in the
Halifax, compos mentis, et sansB memoriss, vicesimo secnndo
die Novembris, anno Domini millesimo qoingentesimo vicesimo
primo, condo testamentum memn in hunc modmn. In primis
I bequeth my saule to Grod Almyghtie, our Blessed Lady, and
all the Sayntes in heven. Item I will that aftir my deth my
body be emboweld, and my bowelles and herte to be buried in
the church of Halifax * w*yn the quere ; and my body to be
buried in the new chapell at Sandall, and there a tombe of stone
to be made, aboute the same to be writen, Ego Willdmus^
DvMin. Archiepiacopv^y quondam rector istius ecdesicB.
Credo quod Redemptor mens vivit^ etc., qui obiity etc., cujiia
aniracB jyropidetur Deua. Item I will that a chapell be made
in all convenyent hast at HalifEix, on the southside of the
church, t aftir the discrecion of myne executours and church
Begistera at York. On Dec. 15, I486, Wm. Bokeby of Kirk Sandal had letteii
dimissory. On Aug. 4th, 1487, he was inst. to the rectory of little (or Kirk)
Sandal. On Jane 18, 1498, being doctor of decrees, he was appointed warden
of Sibthorpe hospital. On June 5, 1601 , he was inst. to the rectory of Sproatley,
which he resigned in Feb. 1602-3, receiving oat of it a retiring pension of 4/.
per ann. On June 1 3th in the same year he was ooU. to the &ee chapel of
Ferrybridge, which he gave ap in 1512. On June 12, 160?, he was inst. to the
rich vicarage of Halifax, which he held till his death. On Feb. 13, 1502-^, he
was coll. to the stall of St. Andrew at Beverley.
In 1496 he was coll. to the rectory of Thoipland, Norfolk, which he held
daring his life. (Blomefield, vii. 99.)
In 1607 Rokeby became Bishop of Meath ; from which see he was translated
to Dublin in 1611-12.
Two chapels, at Sandal and Halifax, commemorate him. There is an inter-
esting account of the former by Mr. Hunter in his History of South Yorkshire,
and for the latter my readers must be referred to Watson's Halifax, pp. 338-9,
387. 602-3. See also Wood, Ath. Oxon. ii. 717-20 ; Cotton's Fasti EccL Hib.
iL 18, iii 114 ; Cox's History of Ireland, i. 202, 208.
Bokeby was a generous, noble-minded Torkshireman, one of a host who have
loved their native county, and scattered tokens of their affection for it with a
lavish hand. In the ' (Economia Bokebeiorum ' he is one of the most promin-
ent figures.
The Archbishop's &ther and mother died in the month of October, 1606,
probably victims to some epidemic. Their wills — both very short — ^were proved
on the same day. The following abstracts give every bequest they contain :
5 Aug. 1606. Johannes Rokeby de Eizk Sandall, gen. Sep. in eccl. par.
prsedicta. Lego pro mortuario meo, ut mos est. Summo altari pro declmis
meis oblitis, ij s. Cuilibet filiarum mearum j ovem. Resid. Maigaretas uxori
me» et Radulpho Bokeby, filio meo — ex". Test. Dom. Will. Whapelott, Dora.
Bob. Clerk oapellanis, Tho. Bicarde de Haitfeld, et aliis. [Pr. 6 Oct. 1506.]
(Beg. Test. vL 168.)
13 Aug. 1606. Margareta Bokeby, nuper uxor Joh. B. de Sandal, vidua,
fl^frota corpore. Sep. in ecol. de S. Pro mortuario, ut mos est. Bes. Magistro
WiUelmo B., filio meo, quern ordino exec. Test. Dom. Will. Whapelott de
Sandall cap.. Will Bekkett de eadem, et multis aliis. [Pr. 4 Oct. 1606.] (Beg.
Teat. vi. 169.)
♦ Watson, in his History of Halifax (p. 603), says * once, if not oftener, the
little lead box which contained his heart and bowels has been dug up.'
f This wish of the testator was carried out.
By Will d. 12 Oct. 1633, Wm. Brig of par. Halifax desired to be buried in
maisterSy and there a tombe to be made w^ myne image, and
therupon writen, Hie jacet cor WiUelmi Rokeby^ nuper
Dublin, Archiepiacopif et vicarii perpetui istiiia eccle^ic^
qui (etc.), credoj etc. Item where I did obteyne a pardon for
the parish of Halifax and the parishinges yenmto adjojnyng
pro lacticmvia in Quad/rdgeaima edendisy I will that myne
ezecutours, at their discrecion, obteigne, avi plumbo^ the saide
licence to be renewed, and the profite therof to be employide
for a preste to syng at Halifax in my said newe chapell, as long
as may be, by th'advice and discretion of my said executours
and the churchwardennes. Item to my sustour at Sandall I
beqneth a cop of silver in valour v marc, and to her husband
sex silver spounes. Item her doghtour, Wicok wif, ten marc,
but that at the discrecion of myne executours. Item to Thomas
Bicard wiff xx marc, and to Banff Bameby and his wiff Ixx mare,
XX marc therof to fynde hyme at Courte for iij yeres ; and, when
he is XX** yere olde, other xx** marc, and the other xxx** marc
whenne he and his wiff do sett up house, if he be well rewled,
as shalbe thoght god by myne executours, and avoide evell
company, and precede in his lemyng, and elles this legacie con-
cernyng hyme to be voide. Item Edwarde Bameby to be founde
at the scole and universitie, at the discrecion of myne executours,
v yeres, 1 marc, and more at their discrecions. Item my best
chales to the chapell at Sandall, and the secunde to the chapell
at Halifax. Item I remytt to my brother Thomas all such
dettes that he doeth owe me, viz xx li. I will also that he have
a cop worth fy ve markes. Item to Doctour Bicard all my rynges.
Item to Charles Downeley xx** markes. Item to my brother
Bauf son a cupp that my said brother hath in his kepyng.
Item to Boger Midilton xxxiij s. iiij d. Item to my poer kynnes-
folkes, being to me in my degree and undir, to have xxvj s.
viijd., or xxx s., or lesse or more, at the disposicion of myne
executours, so that they be poer. Item to ij wemen that kept me,
either of theyme, xl s. Item to th'erle of Kildare xx li. Irish.
Item to Crist church xx li. Irish. Item to Saynte Patrike church
XX li. Irish. Item at both the saide Cathedrall churches to have
Maase and Dirige song, and the chanons to have xvj d., pety
chanons and vicars viij d., other mynystres iiij d. Item to my
successour cc markes Irish, with all such stones and stuff as I
have redy in Ireland prepared for beilding, w* the tymbir, except
the cbarch there 'before the alter of my channtre which I have founded in the
north part of the chorche adjonyng onto on chapell lately edified Sl bnylded by
the reverend fader . . . William Rokeby, lately the archbushope of Dublyn.'
(Reg. Test. xi. 104.)
This chantry, afterwards, seems to have been called the Wat erhouse chantry.
such tymbir as the Tresaurour shall occupie in his beilding at
Saynte Parike's, which I will he have as shalbe necessarie for
hyme, so that he have not passe the half of the saide tymbre,
and lesse, if lesse will serve : And if my successonr will gif a
generall acquietance to myne execntoors, thenne he to have the
saide legacie, and elles to hieive nothyng, and the said Treasaoroor
to have, for his beilding at Saynte ftttrike's, lyme, as it com-
meth firom the kilne, and, if he beilde at Dalymore, to have eolme
of my coste, and somme help with eariage. Item to my steward,
Nicholas Ricarde, I gif all the lande I boght of Quadreit being
in Talent. Item I will that myne executoors diligently labour
that Tamlyne Kilewell, and the benefice of Insula beyng voide,
may be appropriated for the founding of iiij pety chanons
and ij queresters, if it so may be, or for ij pety chanons and
ij queresters ; and for that entente I bequeth ccc markes Irish
to be in the custodie of myne executours unto such tyme as it
shalbe expedient to lay forth the same at theire discrecion, by
th'advice of the chapitour of Saynte Patrike's, to that use,
pourpose and entent, and will that ther be but one maner of
aile for the peti-chanons and queresters, and at the queresters
have somme daily refeccion for brekefest aftir our Lady Masse,
and drynk at iij of the clok and vij. Item, by the advice of
the dean and chapitour, my successour to be fevourable, and to
perfourme the propriacion of the said iij benefices, to have of
the said ccc markes a convenyent rewarde, as the saide dean
and chapitour shall thynke goode. Item to every of my ser-
vauntes oone hole yere wages. Item to my brother Tresaurour
XX li. Item I remytte to my brother Rauf xx li, of the xxxiij li.
that he oweth me, and to Wycombe oone hole yere fee. Item
I remytte imto Roberto Talbott v marc of the x marc he oweth
me for fercolyn (sic) and cobbes. Item to Sir John Kussell I
remytt ^nnr s. of the iij li, he oweth me. Item to my god
doghtor, Isabell Rokeby, if she be found, x marc, and to her
sister Serlby v marc. Item I will that a doctour in divinitie
have xli. to be occupied in prechyng oone yere at Halifax,
Kirkby, and Beverley. Item I will that vij sermondes be made
at Fidkenham in Advent and Lent by some doctour or bacheler
in divi(ni)tie, regular or secular, and he to have iiij or v marc at
the discrecion of myne executours. Item to Crosley, for his fee,
iiij li. X s. Item to my Lorde of Meth my best kirtell, habite,
and best rochett. Item I will that myne executours fynde
Bothomley at scole to he be preste, or elles provided of some
service. Item I forgyve and remitte M. Wright of Yorke x H.
of the money he oweth me. Item to Thomas Ricard xx li., and
to my chapeleyne, James Shefi'eld, x marc, that they shall give
myne executors advice, counsell, and assistance for the per^
formance of my will, whome I make supervisours of the same
will and testamente ; and myne executonrs I name and make
my brother Tresaurour, Sir fiichard Rokeby, fiauf Rokeby,
Doctour Bicard, and Nicholas Ricard, willing that the said
Doctour and Nicholas have the handling and disposicion of my
saide goodes, and both my saide bretherne to help theyme in
every mater as nede shalbe ; and to every preste of the parish
of Halifax that goeth to Sandall to my buriall I gif vj s. viij d, ;
and to other that tarieth behynde iij s. iiij d. ; and to my
chapell at Halifax vestymentes, (and) oumamentis to the valour
of X li. Item to Beverley, vestymentes to the price of x li.
Item to Fakenham, for vestymentes, x li. To Kirkby, in vesty-
X mentes, x marc. Item to Sibthorp xl s. To Sprotley xl s., or a
vestyment. Item the preste that shalbe at Sandall to have
markes, or x li., as may be spared. Item to John Lister xl s.
To his wiflf XX s. Item to Pursell xl s. sterlyng. Item to Garland
XX 8. Hiis testibus Willelmo Mayson capellano de Halifax,
Johanne Paldon de eadem, mercatore, Bicardo Glewe de Eboraco
mercatore, et Johanne NoUngham de Halifax, cum pluribus aliis.
[Pr. 4 Feb. 1621-2, & adm. to Mr. John Ricarde 8. T. P. & Nic. Ricarde;
potestate comm. Domino Rio. Rokeby mil. &. Rad. R. gen. reseirata.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 297.]
April 1, 14th Henry VIII (1522). I, Thomas Wentworth,
of North Elmesaull,* Esquier, To be beriede in my parishe
kirke of Kirkby, in the northe side of the Lady's where, nygh
where my wif lyeth. ... I will that there be disposide for me
the day of my beriall xx marc. Also for an obite that tynie
twelmonthe for me, and my wif, and al Cristen saulles, x marc
To every servaunte in my house which haith doone me service
yerely by the space of yj yeres, every of them xx s., over and
besides ther duyte. To my other servauntes of household a
quarter wage, over and besides ther wages duye to them. To
the iiij Orders of Freres, and to the Priorisse and Convente of
Hampole v li., that is to say xx s. to the Freres in Pontefret ;
xxvj s. viij d. to the Grey Freres in Doncaster ; and xiij s. iiij d.
* The head of the house of Wentworth of North ElmsaU, par. South Kirkby.
Cf. Glover's Visitation, 378.
to our I^dy Freres in Doncastre ; and xx s. to the Freres in
Tikehill ; and xx s., residue of the saide c s., to the Priorisse
and Convente of Hampoie. To xxiiij*** of the poorest hous-
holdders within Kirkeby parishe xxiiij*** mettes of eorne, that is
to say, to every house holder half a mette of whete and half a
inette of malte ; and, in like maner, unto xyj*** of the poorest
housholdders within the parishe of Baddesworth, to every of
them oon mette of come, scilicet^ half of whete, and the other
halfe malte. Where I have giffyn and granttid ... to William
Ellis, Roger Wentworth, and other, oon mease with a garthing
and a crofte in Altofles, nowe in the tenure of Roberte Bea-
mounte, unto the yerely valour of x s. ij d. ; also . . . have sur-
renderid certeyn landes & tenementes in South Elmessaull • . •
to the yerely valor of vj s. viij d., and other landes and tene-
mentes in the same com. ... to the yerely valour of xvj s. ;
also oon mease with acre of lande within the towneship of North
Elmessaull, to the yerely valour of x s. ; also landes & tenementes
in South Elmesall ... to the yerely valour of xxvj s. viij d. ;
also I have infeoffed them & other of a close cont. vj acres oppon
the south side of Sirike rode in the towneship of Hemysworth in
the yerely valour of vs. . . . forperformacionofthismywill . . .
and that the isshus . . . shuldegooandbetotheuseof apreisie
to celebrate and say Messe and other Divine service within the
chappell of Sancte Margarete in North Elmessall, whan he
therunto is disposid, for ever to pray for my saull, my wif saull,
my fader and moder sauUes, for the saull of Waltere Hawkes-
worth my sone in lawe, my breder and sisters saulles, and my
childer saulles, and for al Cristen saulles, havyng for his wage
and salary the isshues and profittes of all the forsaide landes
and tenementes, the which somme will extende unto vij markes.
Where I am at libertie to assigne landes and tenementes to the
yerely valour of x marc for terme of xij*** yeres, which smnme will
extende unto xx li., I wiU that my feoffes shall su£Sr my sone,
Thomas Wentworth, to receyve yerely X marc . . . unto he have
receyvid xl** marc ; & xl** li. unto the use of Koger Wentworth
towardes the marriage of his doughtours ; & xx^ marc residue
toOlyver Wentworth, my sone, towarde the manage of his dough-
tours. I have infeoffed Sir Waltere Calverley knyght, Brian
Hastynges, Richard Litster, John Portyngton, Thomas Lee
Esquier, and Thomas Wentworth, my yonger sone, of & in al
my maners, etc my executours to gif parcell of the
summe of c li. towardes the upholdjmg and reparacions of the
kirke and of the houses of Freres Observauntes in Newarke ;
& other parte toward the upholdyng and reparacions of the
kirke and other houses of the Freres Observauntes in New-
castell appon Tyne ; &the remanent . . . untoapreiste to say
Messe and other Divine service for my sanll and al Cristen
sauUes, My iij yonger sonnes, Koger, Thomas, & Oliver. . . .
And, farther, if my saide son and heire, by hymself or by other,
doo interrupte or lett this my last will to be executed by reason
of any entre in any landes of takyng of my goodes, as is afore-
saide, I besech God that the malediccion and curse of the Fader
in hevyn, and myne, as far as God haith giflfyn me power, may
descende and light upon (him) and his blode for ever. And if
he do suflFre this my last will to be quietely executed according
to the true intente herof, than I praye Gode that the benedic-
cion of the Fader of hevyn, and myne, as far as God haith
giffyn me power, may descende and light upon hyme and his
blode for ever. The residue ... to Roger & Thomas Went-
worth . . . they executours, whome I desire, and, farther, I
charge them, as they will answer unto me before the hye
Juge, to performe and execute this my last will, as they wolde
I dide for them in like case, and to defend them with suche
goodes as I have giffyn unto them. In wittenes wherof, I, the
forsade Thomas Wentworth, to this my present (will) have
subscribed my name and putto my seale, the day and yere
above writtyn; and, for farther surtie, this will haith been
opynly rede and declared in the presence of my goostly fader,
the vicar of Kirkby, Robert Watkyn, John Norton, Adam
Okeden, and William Dicson.
[Pr. ID Nov. 1524.1
[Reg. Test. Ebor. ix. 226.]
In the name of God, Amen. The vj day of Junii, the yere
of our Lorde God M* D.xxij^. I, Kateryn Smyth, with a hoole
mjmde and a full mynde (sic) ordens and makes my will in
this maner folowing. First I witt my sauU to Almyghtye
God my Creator, and to the Blisside Virgin our Lady Saynte
Marie, and to all the celestiall company of hevyn, and my body
to be beriede in my parishe churche yerde of Saynte Nicolas.
Item I wit for my mortuary my best garment. Item I wit
iiij li. wax to bume abowte my body the day of my sepulture.
Item I wit ij torches, price ij s. iiij d. Item I witto every on
of my iij sisters a gowne and a kirtle. Item I witto Byggyng
wif a violett kirtle and my blake gowne. Item I witto Sainte
Nicholes kirke a lang towell and a kercheff" to be a corporax.
Item I wit a pound and a half wax to be maid in iij kandeles,
on to bume afore the Trinite, a other to burae before Saynte
Sonday, the iij to bume before Sainte Katerine. Item I wit
Bobert Pekeryng ij sarkes and iiij s. in money to lynde hym w*
to his broder come over. Item I witto the Prior of the Trinite's
a paire of clarecordes. Item I wit Maistres Mason a ryng
which I was last mariede w^ Item I wit John Smyth wif a
kerchef. Item I wit iij Messes to be downe the day of my
sepulture. Item I wit to the iiij Orders of Freres, every on of
them xij d. Item I witto the rowell in my parishe chirche
iiij d. Item I wit Roger Verte wif a sameron sheite. Item I
wit John Smyth wif a someron apparon, and a neckler ; to hir
doughtour, a hardyn apperon. Item I wit William Howbanke
a kercheff. Item I witto my curate, Sir John Pannall, iiij d.
Item to M. Mason a chare and a whissyng ; and also the lor-
visse to be giffyn to poore folke. The residue of al my goodes,
my dettes paid and the funeral expenses maide abowte roe, I
wit it be divided betwix my broder and my sisters. Item I wil
Roberto Jenyng, my broder, be my executour, and Maister
Mason to be supervisour, to se this my wil be fulfilled, and he
to have for his labour iij s. iiij d. Thes beyng witnes, Sir John
Pannall, Thomas MasoD, John Smyth, and other.
[Pr. 12 Jnne. 1622.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 311.]
June 15, 1522. Richarde Basset,* of Fledburgh, Knyght.
If I dye within xx** myles of Fledburgh, my body to be beriede
at the north ende of the hy-altar in the churche of Fledburgh,
where the sepulcre is usid to be sett of Good Fridaye ; or els,
if I dye not within the same space, to be beriede where it shall
please God & my executours. I will that xx** torches be maide
and bumyd aboute my body the day of my beriall, and the day
of my moneth mynd, if I be beriede at Fledburgh, and that
♦ The bead of another great Nottinghamshire family, about which there is
comparatively little known.
30 June, 1535. Ladie Elizabethe Bassett of Fledburgh, widowe. To be bur.
at the north end of the high altare in the churche of Fledburgh, before Saincte
Gregorie. Son John B., the elder, a chalice, the vestment, the altar-clothes,
the snperaltare, and all thinges belongyng to the altare, w* the holie watter
fatte, and a goblett, and a silver peice. To my dou. in lawe Bassett a blacke
silke girdle, a paire of beades, and a golde ring. To Mr Edward Bassett
ij swarmes. Dau. Agnes, and son Richard B. Sons John B. the younger Sc Geo.
B. ex'*. Mr D' B. supervisor. [Pr. 7 Oct.] (Reg. Test. xi. 168.)
L 2
Buch poore men as bere and holde the saide torches the saide
dayes have ychon of them a blake gowne to pray for my sauU.
To every preist that cometh to my Dirige & beriall, at Fled-
burgh, to pray for my sauU & al Clmsten saulles, viij d. ; every
clerke ij d. ; & so in like wise at my moneth mynde. Also I
will that there be disposide & dalte in almos the day of my
beriall and of my moneth mynde peny dole, and otherwise as
shalbe thought expedient to Gode's pleasonr, by my executours
and by there discretions. Also I will if I owe any dettes, or
other duety or dutie3,or have downe any wrong or injury to any
persone which I am not remembered of, uppon a due prove
maide therof afore my executours, that iche of them be paide
and restored of my goodes accordyng to good conscience and
right by th'advice of my executours. Also I wiU a convenient
stone, with such scripture and armes as shalbe advised by me
or by my executours, shalbe laide over my body, or my sepulcre.
Also I will that a preist doo syng for my saull, my fiaider, my
moder. Sir John Lisurys' saull,* al my frendes' saulles, and al
Cristen salles in the saide churche afore the altar of oure
Lady duryng vij yeres next aftir my dethe, and he to have
• . • yerely for his wage vij marc iij s. iiij d. I will ther be
giffyn yerely in Lent season to the iiij Orders of Freres in
Lincoln, vij yeres next aftir my dethe, to every order vj s viij d.
to pray for my saull, and for al the saulles that I am boundon to
pray for, and for all Cristen saulles. And also in like maner to
the ij Orders of Freres in Notingham,to aither order yj s, viij d.
... to the Observauntes of Newarke ... to the prisoners
in the castell of Lincoln ... & in the gaile of Notingham. To
the church of Fledburgh, towardes the roode loft makyng,
vj li. xiij s. iiij d. To the church of Normanton, if they will
make a steple there at any tyme within vij yeres next aftir my
dethe, v li. sterlyng, or els, not. To my sone & my heire al
my hames as brigerdyns, coottes of plate, gestrons, peces of
whit hames, salettes, seniles, splentes, standerdes, Mies or
foldes of maile, halbertes, axes, bowes & arrowse, and al
other things belongyng or pertenjmg unto hames or artilory.
To my household servauntes, everychon of them, an hoole
quarter wage. I will that my too sonnes, John, yonger, and
George, be kepte at the gramour scole unto they have con-
veniently ther gramour, at the costes & charges of my wif.
Also I will that aftir my saide sone John be expede suflSciently
in his gramour, if he will study the common law of this land,
than I will that yerely duryng xiiij*** yeres, if he will studyethe
same lawe in Grey's Inne, that he have yerely for his exhibidon
♦ The owner oMHedbrough in the reign of Edward Til.
xij li. ; and if in case that he gyve hymself other wise, and will
not study the saide lawe in the inne beforsade, than I will that
he have yerely duiyng x yeres, aftir that he be spede of his
gramoure, hot iiij li. Also I will that my yongest sone George,
afUr he be expede sufficiently in his gramoure afUr the mynd
of my execntonrs, be boanden apprentice to a marchaunte of
the Staple ; and immediatly aftor sach tyme as he shall have
served his apprentiship, if it be thought by my saide executours,
or the moost parte of them then liffyng, that he is thryvyng, I
will that he have c marc incontynently and without delay, and
if in case that he gif not hym self to marchaunduse, and be
bounden in maner and forme before specified, or if aftur that
he come forth of his apprentiship, he be not thought by my
saide executours, or the moost part of them, to be trustye, than
1 will that he shall have bot iiij li. yerely during x yeres next
aftir such refucell to be boundon, or aftir the comyng forth of
his sade apprentishipe. Provided alway that if the saide John
and George dye, or els be sufficiently avaunced by marriage to
landes of the yerely valour of x li., or goodes to the valour of
an hundreth poundes, before they have recey ved this my legacy,
that by the deth or such avauncement of them aU that is be-
hynd and not receyvid of the same shall uttirly from tbcDs
forth cease and be not paide. To my sistiu*, Margarete Basset,
yerely, viij*** yeres, iiij li. for the preferment of hir in manage ;
and if case that she dye or els be professed in religion before
th'ende of the saide viij yeres, all paymentes ... to cease.
Where by deide bering date, 4th Oct. 22^ Kerry the vij^**, I
have enfeoffed John Hussy, John Dunham, Thomas Sutton
Knyghtes, John Dunham, George Chaworth, Eoberte Nevile
Esquiers, Edwarde Bassett clerke, William Bassett my brother,
JRichard Clerke, gentilmen, & John Coke in my manors, etc., in
the counties of Notingham, Lincoln, Yorke, and Werwicke . . .
to the use of my will. Where as my wif haith hir joyntour in the
nianor of Normanton, & in Normanton and Stockome ; if she
^rtll forgoo hir joyntour, she to have an annuytie of xl li. oute
of my manor, etc., of Fledburgh, excepte the maner place and
the scite of the maner, with all the houses therto belongyng,
the foryerde, the new ortyerde with the gardyns, a close callid
th'olde ortyerde, the cunyngry, and the Ley close. Elisabeth
^J wif, John Bassett my sone and heire apparente, my broder
Sir Edwarde Basset clerke, my broder William Bassett, and Sir
John Hall clerke executom-s. Wittenes George Wastnes my
sone in the lawe, Sir William Gabitas chaplayne, etc.
[Pr. 11 May, 1526, adm. ex", res. to widow.l
[Reg. Test. Dec. & Capit. ii. 131.]
July 15, 1522. Powle Gillour,* maire and alderman of the
citie of Yorke, faring many and dyverse perilles that oftyn
tymes fallith to man, ordans & makes this my testament and
last will, never hereafter to be chaunged. To be buried byfore
ISanct Nicholes alter nex the doore of oure I^adis' where in my
parisshe church callid Sanct Mychaell of the Belfray. To
xij poore men xij gownes, and to a poore woman a white gowne,
in the honour of our Blysside Lady ; and a candill of twoo pound
wax to be borne after my herse. Item I will that my executrix
bury my body worshipfully, & make an eghtjm day honestly
for me and the weill of my sauU ; aganst which eghtyn day I
will that fyve canndilles of two pund a piece shalbe maide and
brynt. To the iiij Orders of Freers in York yj s. viij d. To
the Maister & Company of Marchauntes of York, towardes the
reparacions of Trinite Hall in Fosgait, iij s. iiijd. For a trent-
all of Messes to be said wHn my parishe church by such prestes
as haith moste neid of money x s. To an honest prest, to sing for
my sauU and for the sauUes of Agnes and Issabell my latt wiffes,
all my benefactores sauUes, and all Cristen saulles, by the space
of an hool yere immediatlie after my decease, within my parishe
churche, vij marces. I bequeith my shope in Malton to the
churchwerdens and parishins of the church, yer as it lyith, for
every, upon condicion that they shall put my name and the
names of my said wyffes and children in the beidrowll of thare
church, and prey yerely for ever for oure saulles emonges oyer
saulles w* the Salme De Profundis. To Dame Agnes Gillour,
my wiflF, my close in Monkgait; my interest in a measse in
Connyngstret ; & my tenement in Bushopthorp,, to th'entent
y* she shalbe good mother to my children : and, after hir de-
cease . . . the premisis, immediatlie, w*owte any other lett
[to] remayne to George GiUour, myn eldist sone. I bequeith
to Yeldingham abbay a vestment as good as canne be bought
for xiij s. iiij d., to pray for my saul and all Christen saullis. To
♦ A distinguished citizen of York, who rose to the head of the city and died
during his mayoralty. He was free of the city in 1496, Chamberlain in 1509,
Sheriff 1514-15, elected alderman March 26, 1617, Lord Mayor 1622.
His children in their old age fell into great want. On July 18, 1682, the
Corporation agreed * that two of Mr. Paull Gilloth daughters called Isabel!
Hoyser and Agnes Blaydes shall have, either of them, ij d. wekly towardes ther
Gennat, my servaunt, hir wages, hir leveray, and also xiij s. iiij d.
to by hir a wedding gowne with. • . I bequeith my son Thomas
with his porcion to the custodie, rule and govemaunce of Mr
Archdeken of Richmond, his godfather, if that it shall please
hyme of hys goodnes to take hyme ; and, if y* he fall to lemyng,
to order hyme as he shall think best. And, in like wyse, I
bequeith William my sone, w* his porcion, to Mr Haistinges,
parsone of Baynton church, his god&ther. And, in lyke manor,
I bequeith my sone George, w* his full porcion, to Sir Thomas
Diconson. Also I will y* my doughter Agnes shall serve hir
maistres, Atkynson, according to the tenour of hir Indentoures,
for ye terme of fowre yeres ; and, after the same iiij yeres ex-
pired, I will y* my said executrix shall deliver hir hir full
porcion. Also, in lyke maner, I bequeith unto Cristofer Wals,
Isabell, my doughter, w* hir hooll porcion. And, in like maner,
I bequeith Sithe and Kateryn, my doughters, w* thair full
porcions, unto my said wiff, thair mother, and to thair next
fiyndes. . . . The residew to my owne children. My wiff ex*.
Thomas Burton & William Wright aldermen, and Thomas
Clarke gentilman, supervisoures, & ichone of thame to have for
thair deligence a blak gowne.
[Pr. 28 July, 1522.]
[Reg. Test. Ebor. iz. 236 a.]
Aug. 2, 1522. Thomas Eeirsby,* of Rotherham, gentleman.
To be beried within the chirche of Rotherham, in the south yle.
I woU that every preiste dwellyng in Rotherham shall have the
day of my beriall xij d. ; and I woll that all other preistes of
the countre beyng at my said beriall, every one to have vj d.,
and in lyke maner thei all to have at my sevynt and twelmonthe
daye. To a preist, to say & syng for my sauU within the churche
of Rotherham, by the space of one hoole yere immediatly after
my decesse, viij markes, which priest I woll shall say wokele
PlacebOf Derige with Coramendaciony & Messey iiij tymes in the
^'^e. . . . Tt) my broder Raufe Reirsby xl s., & to every childe
of his not here namyd vj s. viij d. ... To the chirch of Thri-
}»rgh XX s. . • . To the commynaltye of Rotherham my messe
iia Denyby, xxvij acres of arable landes, iiij acres of meddow, and
iiij acres of pasture, which I of late purchest of Robert Wight-
man of Deny by ; thei to make of half of the said messe & landes
♦ One of the lieresbies of Thribergh.
yerely for every one annaall obite in the chinch of Rotherham
solenny to be done, for my sail, the saulles of my fader &
moder, the saull of Mr Henry CamebuU, for all my frendes and
benefactoors' saulles, and for all Gristen saulles ; the other half
to be had & enploid to the commyn profitt and nedes of the
said towne, after th'effecte of a deede of feoffament maide to
Robert Westby gentleman, William Swift gent., to Rie' Oke,
Roger Hardy, & to Robert Brownnell of Rotherham, beryng
dayte x*** Mieiye, 6*** Henry viij. All my comes or granes to
poore people. The residue I wolbe at the disposicion of Robert
Nevile provost of the college of Jhesu in Rotherham, & of John
Baxster of Bolton oppon Dem esquier, whom I orden my execu-
tors, & Thomas Wentworth of Wentworth, esquier, supervisor.
[Pr. 10 Sept., adm. to ex".]
[Reg. Test. Ebor. ix. 244 b,]
In Dei nomine, Amen. The fyfb day of Auguste, the xiiij^**
yere of the reigne of Kyng Henry the viij^ (1522), I Robert
Skirley,* of Scardeburgh, in good helthe and hoole mjmde,
makes my Will as after folowith. First, I bequeathe my saull
to Almyghtye God, and to our Blisside Lady, and to al the
Saynctes in hevyn, to pray for me ; and my body to [be] beriede
in Sayncte Marie kirke, beside Ellen my wif. I gif to the
person, for my corcepresaunt, my best gowne. I make my
executors, Robert Skirley my son, and my feder, William Percy.
I gif unto Robert, my son, my land at Homsebeke, and my
bowse at the Leid stowpe, that nowe wonnys in Alison Gilson ;
and a howse that some tyme was Robert Waynmanse, that nowe
wonnys in John Amonson ; and ij howses, that some time was
the parson of Gissylle's,t be the sonne side of my fader poore
howse ; and a howse that is called Mikell howse, of the other
side of my fader poore howse ; and a grete sillour w* a loft a
bowne that some tyme was Pers Perse's, a litle fix) the Smythe
* A very interesting will for the history of Scarborough. The testator
sprang from Hornsea, and was connected with shipping and fishing.
1602-3, Jan. 20. Wm. Skyrlay, of Homesebek, fyschmonger. Sep. in eocl. 8.
Nic. de Homse. Sons John Sl Robert S. Sc wife Joan ex". [Pr. 3 May, 1503.]
(Reg. Test. vi. 61.)
1512, Jan. 22. Joh. Skirlay, of Homesebek. Sep. in eocl. B. Nicholid de
Homse. Wife Joan two houses in Northgate. Dau. Eliz. Bro'. Robt. 8. Matri
mesB iiij lej Sperling nettes, et ij lej heryng nettes, et ij le newhalvers. Wife
ex«. [Reg. Test. viii. 101.]
t i,e. Goxhill.
hill. Also I gif unto Robert, my sone, al my other moveable |
goodes, and shyppyng, and cattell, excepte snche thynges I \
bequeathe to other foU:e8 ; and also to dispose for me, Margarety'
and Ellen my wiffes. I gif to Jenet, my doughtour, the
estermer litle howse in Fynkill Strete, that some tyme was
Master Tonstalle's. And I gif hir a federbede, a bolster, a pare
of sheites, ij coverlettes, an brasse pott, and xl s. I gif to
Margaret, my doughtour, the westermer howse, and a litle
howse and a garthe a gayns hitt, that I bought of James Robyn-
son. I gif to her a federbede, a bolster, a pare of sheites,
ij coverlettes, and a brasse pott, and xl s. in money. I gif to my
&der Percy a golde ryng, that was the Archediacon's of Scote-
land, and iij li, yj s. viij d. for his labour, to se for my sonny's
right. I gif to my sone a golde ryng that [was] Beke's sonys,
and the smalest golde ryng. I gif to my moder Percy, j blake
worsted kirtle, and the gretter golde crokes, and a sereenett
tippett, and a fyne kerchef. I gif to Bauf Bukton a golde ryng.
1 gif to Anne Bukton a patlett of velvett and a kerchef. Item
I gif to every oon of hir childer xx d. I gif to my sone the
best girdle and the best bedes. I gif to Elisabethe Percy a
bought bonnet, and a pare of crokes that was Margaret Hesler-
ton. I gif to my gossope, Robert Fowler, a golde ryng, and
xxvj s. viij d., and I pray him to be of consell withe my fader
Percy for the profitte of my sone and the well of my saull. I
gif to Luce Danby a pare of bedes and x s. I gif to Elene
Danby a girdill with a silver hemes that was hir grandeham ;
and to my sone a girdle that was his grandhamy's. I gif to the
Abbot of Gristal and his breder, to pray for me, xx s. I gif for
forgotten tithes xiij s. iiij d. I gif to the Gray Freres the
keit3en and the garthe that is by ther howse, that I woyn in,
up to the towne wall, payng to Master Whittes ij s. iiij d. by
yere. If that my sone dye withoute ysshue, I will that the '
Grey Freres have that howse at the Leide stowpe that Alison
Gilson wonys in, and they to do a Dvrige and Mease for our
saulles, with the belman abowte the towne. And if he dye
w*oute ysshue, I will that the bowses that was the parson's of
Gowesele's, and the howse that was Robert Waynemanny's, and
the taiffeme that was Perys Perce's, go to the upholdyng of
the Keye, so that they every yere do the day afore Lammes
even sonde the belman abowte the towne, and pray for the
saulles of me, Margaret and Elen my wifes, and Riobert my
son. I will have a preist syngyng in the hye kirke for me and
my wifiFes ij yeres ; and at Homse, to syng for my fader and
my moder saulles, and Elisabethe Skirley, a yere. And if that
my son dye or he come at lawfuU age, I pray my fader Percy
to bestowe part of suche goodes as I leif in deides of charitie by
the consill of my gossope Foller. I gif to Jenet, my madyn, a
rede kirtle and a kerchif, a new mattres, a pare harden sheittes,
a eoverlett and a brasse pott. I gif to Robert Emmonde
yj 8. viij d., and my fresid jackett, and a pare hose violetL I
gif to Henry Hall a bay nag I bought at Boston. I gif to
Robert Marton my worstett dublett, and my worstett jackett,
and a gowne lyned w* sattan of Siperse, if he be like to thrive,
or, els not, dispose them other wise. I gif to William Marshal
wif a towney hat and the band that was my wife's. I gif to
Laurence Foster my velvett jacket, to make his childer pat-
lettes and cuyflfes. I gif to the Gray Freres ij s. whit rent that
I bought of Henry Carthorpe that [blank'] Thomas Flecher
xviij d., and of Robert Gierke, ankarsmyth, yj d., thei to do
every yere a Dirige and Mease for me, my wif, and my sone.
I gif to every house of Freres in the towne iij s. iiij d., to pray
for me. I pf to Thomas Marssynygall the gowne that I were
ever, w* blake freise lynjmg, to make his wif a kirtle. I gif to
William Marshall an orege colour gowne, furred w* whit lame.
I gif to Jenet, my doughtour, the howse that Margaret shulde
have had.
CoDiciLLUS. This addicion I make be cause of my discharge,
and for to content the place of the Graye Freres in Doncastre
where that it please Almightie God to call me to His gret mercy,
not with standyng my last Will maide at home to stande in full
strenght. And, beside fulfiUyng of this writtyng, by cause it
is the good costome of the churche, where the body liethe to
have a corcepresand, therfor I will the place aforesaid have my
horse that I dide ride oppon, sadle and bridiQ; and for my
grave in the churche yj s. viij d.; and for the Mease and Dirige
vs.; and to the common well of the place xxs.; and to my
confessor xvjd.; and to my chaplayn viijd.; to the woman
that kepithe me, for hir labour, vj d. ; and to iiij childer xyj d. ;
to the Convent xx olde lynges ; and, for a obite, to be beriede,
xs.; and to every on of my chippores the last yere xyj d. for
salt that I tuke up ; and to v men that goys in my bote, every
oon of them a pilche. And I forgif Robert Panyerman sd
rekennyngs betwix hym and me, saving iiij nobils. And I gif
Robert Barell a wodmell slope, and a pare of breche of the
same, and x s. of the dett he owithe me. And I gif to Rowl-
land Huwod a wodmell slope and a pare of breche of the same.
And I forgif Alison Taliour al the dettes she owe me, a horse
my servand rides oppon. And I gif John Heslerton a blak mere
that gois in Catton car. And I gif my feder Percy al my horses
and meris that gois in Langdon. And I gif my feder Percy
a jerkyn of chamlet, and a servand a jacket : and I desire my
fader and Robert Fowler to se my shippyng to the behove of
my sone. This fulfillid, al the residue of my goodes to the
behove and profitt of my son.
[Pr. 3 Oct.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 343.]
In Dei nomine, Amen. In the xiiij^^ yere of the reigne of
oure soverayng lorde Kyng Henry the viij^ (1522), I, Thomas
Strangwayes,* Knyght, the secunde daye of Septembre, with a
hoole mynd, makes my will in maner and forme herafter fol-
owyng. First, I gif my saull to Almyghtie God, and my bodie
to be beriede at Mountegrace, where as the Prior of the same
house thynkes best, or in suche a place where it shall please
God to call me unto His mercy. Also I gif to my corsepris-
aunce my best horse. Also I gif to the Montegrace, if it
please God that I be beried there, on other horse. Also I gif
to the saide house of Mountegrace, and to the brether of the
same, for to pray for my saull, Ix s. Also I gif to my brother
James xl li. Also I gif to ichon of my susters one pare of
sheites. Also I will that ichon of my houshold servauntes have
a quarter wage more than they have servyd for, to helpe them
to gete masters with all. Also I will and giffes to Anne Mayn-
man vj yowes, yj lames, too kye and ther calfes. Also I gif to
Christofer Cuthberde a maire and a foile. Also I will that oon
ride to Conturbmy for me in pilgramage, and ofiFer an noble
unto Sancte Thomas for me : and he that shall ride, for to go
by our Lady of Walsyngham, and there for to oflfer unto that
Blissed Lady for me xx d. Also I gif to the White Freres of
Northalverton, for to pray for my saull, xiij s. iiij d. Also I gif
to the churche of Osmondderley yj s. viij d. Also I gif to the
churche of Whorleton other vj s. viij d. Also I will and bequeath
to a preist, that shall syng for my saull in Harlesay chapell the
space of vij yeres, and to have every yere to his salarie wages
durying the said vij yeres, iiij li. Also I gif unto my doughtour
in la we a litle colar sett with stones, which was bequeathed her
in my wife's will, if she demean hir self unto hir husband as she
ought to do ; and if she do nott, it to be disposed to the per-
formaunce of my will. Also I will that my executours paye my
* A son of Sir James Strangeways, knt. He married a daughter of Lord
Dacre, who predeceased him.
dettes and my bequestes of my landes after, as they will extende
or goo. And where as my lands will not extende therto, which
as I have puttyn feoffamente for performaunce of the same, then
I will that my goodes be takyn to fulfill the reversion of my
said will and bequeste for performaunce of the same use. Also
I will that the Prior of the Mountegrace have, for to pray for
my saull and all Cristen saulles that God wold have praid fore,
XX 8. Also I will that the Prior of Lannarcost and the Convente
of the same house shall syng for my wife's saull, as they have
done, unto Martynmes next commyng, and the said Prior to
have iiij li. as my wif will was. Also I will that the preist
that synges at our Lady chapell of Mountegrace shall syng there
still for them that he synges for, for the space of iij yeres be
commyn and gone, and he for to have unto his wages as he
haith had before, that is for to say iiij li. in the yere. And if it
forton the saide preist to die at any tyme within the said yeres
or they be expireid and gone, then I will that a other preist of
honestie and good discretion be waged in his rome to fulfill the
said intente, and he to have unto his wages duryng the residue
of the said iij yeres accordding to the rate of iiij li. by yere, and
that the said preist that nowe is tell and enforme hyme that
fortones to entre after hym the same charge that he haith that
synges there nowe. Also I will that my rx)rd of Dacre shall
have the oversight of James my sone and of his wif, unto such
tyme that my saide sone James come to the age of xxj yeres.
Also I will and bequeath unto my said sone James the reversion
of all my goodes, moveable and unmoveable, my dettes and
legacies accordding to th'entente of my last will be contented,
fulfilled and performed. Also I will where the tennauntes of
Drayton haith contend and paide unto me thre gressomes for
th'occupacion of there fermeholds, duryng certen yeres, or for
terme of lyf, which as yet unto them by no dimission is maide,
bot if it fortone herafter at any tyme any dimission to be
required uppon me by the said tenauntes, for terme of yeres, or
for terme of my lif, if any of thos persones or person have inter-
ruption or lett of occupacion of ther said fermeholdes, after the
deith of me the said Sir Thomas Strangwais knyght, by my
cousyng, Roger Lasselles, than the will of me the said Sir
Thomas is that those tennauntes, whiche as is vexed or expulsed,
and may have no occupacion accordding unto my graunte or
lesse unto them made, they to be recompensed for the residue
of there yeres which then be interrupted upon, accorddyng unto
every manny's fermeholdes, for theire porcion. Also I make
and constitute my brother James, my sone James, and James
Canson to be my exeoutours, and they and every one of them
to fulfill, content, and perform in every behalf all my legacies,
dettes, and bequestes in this my will conteyned, to the utter-
most of my entente herein deckured, os they and every of them
will answer for in dischargyng my saull. Also I will that my
Ix)rd of Dacre be supervisour of this my last will.
[Pr. 8 Oct. 1525, adm. Jacobo S. juniori filio defuncti.]
[Beg. Test. Ebor. ix. 242 a.]
Sept, 26, 1522, John Baxster, of Bolton appon Deme,
gentilman. To be beriede in the parish chirch of Bolton afore
the ymage of our Lady of Pietye. My feoffes to suffer my ex"
to resave the profittes of all suche landes, etc., as be comprised
within ther feoffement, except vj s., viij d., parcell of the rent
of xxs. which I late purchesed of Henry Coolbrond, goyng oute
of his landes in Goldthorpe, to such tyme as they have paide
my dettes, & that to be done in as breve & shorts tyme as
can be possible — and then to resayve of them c markes to the
marriage of £lisabeth, my doughtour, & vj li. xiij s. iiij d. to
the beldyng of the stepill of Bolton church, & to fynd my
childer to such tyme as Thomas, my sone & heire apparent,
shall come & be of full age, & then they to make estate of all
such landes in the countie of Yorke, which descended to me
frome Thomas Baxster my fader and John my moder, to my
saide sone Thomas & his lawfull heres — (failing them) to my
sone Bauf. My landes, etc., in the parishe of Wath, Rawmarshe,
& Rotherham, my landes, etc., in Melton nere Wath, in
Bramton Birely, to my sone Bauf & his lawful heres, when 21.
My sons, Thomas, Rauf, Robert, John, William, & Antony.
My feoffes to suffir my chauntre prest of Bolton & the church
wardens of the same to take the rent of \j s. viij d., yerely, to
cause yerely to be done for ever oon solempne Dvrige the
Thoresday in the fowrte woke of Lent, and a Messe of Requiem
in the daye next folowyng, and so to continue yerely for ever.
To Thomas, my eldest son,* a goblett of silver parcell gilt with
a cover, a salt of sylver parcell gilt, and al my stuf in my haull.
To Sir Thomas Wilkynson, my prest, my gowne lynyd with
satan of Sypers. My wif, & son Thomas, ex".
[Pr. 3 Oct. 1522.]
* Aug. 12, 1637. Thomas Baxter par. Bolton super Deme, gen. Bur. ch.
of B. To the staUing of the church 3«. id, 8on & heir Robert B. Dau. Lucy
B. Bro' Robert Trigott. Brothers Ralph, Robert, John, & Wm. B. Ex'^.
wife Jane B. and brothers, Ralph and John B. [Pr. 16 Sept.] (Reg. Test. xi.
[Reg. Test. Ebor. ix« 236*.]
1522. Isabell Westby, widdo. To be beriede at the Blake
Freres, afore our Lady, at Mare Magdaleyn altar, if it please
God to call me to His mercy here. To my chaplayn, Sir
Robert Otway, to syng a yere for my saull, my husband saull,
etc., iiij li. xiij s. iiij d. To my doughtour, Dame Margarete
Westby, a golde ryng. To my doughtom-, Dame Johanne
Westby, a gold ryng with ij stonys in it. To my doughtonr
Isabell a flore of golde w* vij stonys in it, a violett gowne pur-
feld with velvett. To my son, Richard Westby, a litle goblett
of silver. To my son, Robert Westby, a little pece of sUver, &
a yong horse beyng at Ro^ihall. To my doughtour Matilda a
feder bed, etc. To my doughtour Mabell a feder bed, etc. To
my sister Alycie vj s. viij d. To Gisbum kirke a chales, a
vestyment, & a Messe buke. To my sons, George & Andrew
Westby, a silver spoyne, each, etc., & I ordend them my ex",
& bequeath to them for ther labours a litle cheyne of golde w*
crosse of Sayncte Antony at it, & a done meire. To by a stone
to ly appon my grave xxs. To be spendid the day of my
beriall xls. & on my octave daye xx s. William Haryngton my
[Pr. 4 Oct.. adm. to ex«.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 262.]
Oct. 22, 1522. William Rede, merchaunte, of the citie of
Yorke. To be beriede in Cruce kirke, or where as it shall
please Almyghtye God. And I witt unto the kirke for my
beriall in the kirke, and it please God I be beriede in it^
vj s. viij d. Also I witto my curate, for my mortuary, my best
gowne, as costome is. To my curate, for my forgettyn tithes,
ij s. To the Roode light within the kirke aforsaide xij d.
Unto Alhaloo light xij d. Also I wit a howse at WTiitby, stimd-
yng in Baxster gate, of viij s. in on yere ferme, the which
howse my fader bowght of Sir Robert Tranmowr, unto the
Cruce kirke aforsaide perpetualy, for this intent, the kirke
maisters shall cause to (be) song or sade our Lady Messe every
Weddensdaye throughoute the yere perpetualy after the pos-
session be taken in the howse, as thei will answer for, for to
pray for me and my wif, my feder and moder, and my uncle,
Sir Henry Wyott, sauU, and all Cristen sauUes. Also I witto
my broder, Cristofer Red, the howse which my fader dwelt in,
in Baxtergate, and the best Primer, the which was my uncle,
Sir Henry Wiott. Also I wit a shope at Malton, with the
ground that it standith oppon, unto Sayncte Michael kirke in
New Malton ; and thei to cause ther to be done for me and my
wif an obit every yere perpetualy, os the day falles of my
beriall; which shope I bought of Cristofer Dixson. Also I
witto an able prest, that shall syng for me, and my wif, my
fader, my moder, and my uncle. Sir Henry Wiott, sauU, and al
Cristen saulles, the space of a hoole year, iiij li. xiij s. iiij d.
sterlyng money. Also I wit, the day of my beriall, a trentall
of Messes for to be said for me, and every preist to have for
sayng of Messe iiij d. Also I witto Whitby kirke a banner
clothe, vj s. viij d. Also I witto William Baker, the which is
his childer parte, iij li. vj s. viij d. Also to Robert Dixson
xxiij s, iiij d. Also unto Margaret Dixson xiij s. iiij d. Also I
witto Thomas Dixson for his childe parte, the which money I
recoveryd of his fader in law, Thomas Clerke, xl s. sterlyng
money, and al such costes as I have maide of the forsaide Cris-
tofer, Agnes, Thomas, Margaret, and Robert, afore the day of
makyng herof, I clerely acquiete them of it. Also I witto my
sister, Elisabeth Stele, x s. Also I witto my wif v roodes of
land lyeng in Heslyngton feldes, and a garth at Osbaldwike
lyeng of the More side, in the holding of the Vicar of Osbald-
wike. Also I witto to William Steile, my sister son, iij s. iiij d.
Also I witto Jenet Steile, iij s. iiij d. Also I witto Rauf Baker
iiij li. The residue of my goodes, my dettes paid, and my wit
worde fulfillid, I gif unto Agnes Rede, my wif, whome I orden
and makes my executrice, the day and yere aforsaid. Witnes
herof Rauf Langley, James Thome, John Weddale, Rauf Har-
botill, and Richard BossauU.
[Pr. 16 Sept. 1523.]
[Reg. Test. xi. 124 &,]
Dec. 14, 1522. Roger Rokeley,* in the countie of Yorke,
Esquire. My bodie to be buried in the chapell of Worsburght.
♦ Roger Rockley of Rockley in the parish of Worsboroiii^h. For a charming
account of him, see Mr. Hunter's South Yorkshire, ii. 295-6.
I will that Thomas Gower, esquire, son of Sir Edward Gower
knight, Banff EUekar, sone of Sir Banff EUekar knight, yonger,
Banff Hungait, Franeisce Frobischer, Alexander (Sistillforthe,
Wilfride Pigboume, gentilmen, stand seasid of the maner of
Bokley, otherwise called Fawltwait, & my landes, etc., in
Worsbnrght, Wentworth, Flokton, Thomell, Kexburght, Stan-
burgh, Pille, Bolsterston, Bamesley, & Oxspring, etc., except
all . . . wiche are the right of I^isabeth my wife, Bobert
Bokley my sone, & Agnes Gower, to my use for life as is con-
venaunted 12 Sept. 24 Hen. VIII. . . . then two measses in
Flokton to the use of Katherine Amyas, my suster, so that
Boger Amyas have no profet therof •. . . & a measse in Kes-
burght to the use of Issabell Pigboume, my suster, terme of
hir lif • . . & of one water mylne in Worsbnrght to the use
of Anne Castilforth, my suster, for terme of hir lif ... of
Sawndre house in Worsbnrght to the use of Anne Hopton, myne
awnte, term of her liff . . . My feoffees to have the maner of
Faultwait, without making waste, except as much yren stone to
be deli vend e in one wodd callid I«>eretaile as the coolewod of
the same Freretaile & one wodd callid Braggerwodde shall
neide for one faJle. I bequeth my beste beiste, in the name of
my mortuarie. To the Priour of Monkbretton xx s. To the
hye alters of Darfelde, Acworth, Pomfret, Worsborgh, Darton,
Sancte Clemente's in Jjondon withowt Temple Baxre, Thorn-
hill, Doncastre, Tankersley, and Silkstone, every of theme xx d.
... To everie prest at Worsborgh x s. and three yearde^ of
chamlet ; to Sir John Gilliot x s. and three yeardes of chamlett ;
to Sir John Holingbrig x s. and three yeardes of chamlett.
To Mastres Anne Frankishe three yeardes of clothe, every
yearde xij s., and two yeardes of velvet ; to my awnt Burdett
xij yeardes of chamlet and ij yeardes of velvet ; to every of my
susters a peice of chamlet; to myne awnt, Anne Hopton, a
l)eice of chamlet ; to Sir George Hombeloke, freare, his araie
and over throughe holl. To the Gray Frears of Doncastre,
every Fridaie for the terme of xv yeire, ij d. to ther dyner. To
the White Frears of Doncastre, during xxxiij wekes, every
Fridaie, to dyner, iiijd. To the Frears of Pomfret during
xxxiij wekes, every Friday, iiij d. and every Freare within the
saide houses to say every Fridaie one Pater noater and one Ave
Maria in the honour of the passion of our Lorde, and the joies
of our Blissid Ladie, as long as this almouse shall endure. To
every maiden maried in Worsborghdaile at Worsborgh chapell
during vij years, one whie v s. price, a brasse pott iiij s. price.
To everie single woman maried at the said chapell a brasse pott
of V 8. price ; to every single man ther maried a bonnet price
iij 8.; to every godchild I hayex8.,& ittobewaridof a pottand
panne to theire use, as they & theire firendes will answere
before God ; & everie of theyme to saie one Ave Maria for my
soule, if they be at age of discrecione. I will that th'aforesaid
Edwaurd Hongate & his fellowes cause ther servauntes at the
maner of Fawltwate to make one pot with potage, every Son-
daie, with v pennyworth of beefe, and, in Lenton, every Sondaie,
Ix herens, the first yeire aftre my decease ; the second yeire
& other yeires during xv yeires, iij d. in beefe, & xxx herens
in Lenton, & this to be given to poore peple. My sone Robert
to have one basyng with one ewer of silver, one salte ; two
peaces, one at Birthawait with cover, and one at Sokley ; the
great chamber at Sokley, to have the great bedde with three of
the best coverynges ; all brewing wessells, a brasyn morter, the
standing pottes, thre great cbistes, all the almeres in the
knight chambre, with the hordes in the hall, and other hordes
and bedstokes and cobordes in everie place, one yron bundon
chiste, a Messebooke, superaltare, vestimente & albe. Man*,
cov** betw. Sir Edward Gower & me for the marr. of Robert my
son & Agnes his dau. • . . to find 201. a year for it. To
Mr. Henry Savell my ryng, one peice of satten xx s. price. To
my cosyn, William Hungate th'elder, three ryalles of golde, one
peice of chamlett, three yeardes of satten x s. a yearde ; to Mr.
William Farhaire, doctour, two ryalles of gold, one peace of
chamlett, a tippet of velvet of xx s. price : they supervisours.
Edward Hungate, Francisce Frobisher, Alexander Castilfourthe,
and Willfiride Kgebome executours.
[Pr. 4 Jan. 1534-6.1
[Beg. Test. Dec. k Cap. ii. 136.]
Dec. 18, 1522. Willelmus Cure.* Lego animam meam
Deo Omnipotenti, Creatori meo, Beatae Marise Virgin! sacratis-
simae, Beato Michaeli Archangelo, glorioso Confessor! Sancto
Nicholao, Petro, Paulo, et Johanni electis et sanctissimis
Jhesu Christ! Apostolis, ac omnibus Sanctis Dei, corpusque
meum sepiliendum in eccl. metrop. B. Petri Ebor. juxta se-
♦ WUliam Cure, haberdasher, & * literatoB,* was free of the city of York in
1503. He was Chamberlain in 1510; Sheriff 1511 ; on Jan. 12, 1516-17, he
was elected alderman to the king's great displeasure, wherenpon he was dis-
charged of the office March 26, 1517 ; bat he was re-elected April 1521. His
second wife was Beatrice, dan. of Oeoige Evers.
pultnram Magistri Johannis Sayiiald, nnper magistri mei, si
apud Ebor. me mori contigerit. Duobus idoneis presbyt^ris
celebraturis per spatium septem annorum in prsedicta eccl. Ebor.
ad altare prope sepulturam magistri mei praedicti, pro anima
mea, animabus Alicise uxoris meae, Magistri Johannis Raynald,
et domini Bicardi Dawson, ac animabus parentum meomm, et
omnium fidelium defunctorum, Ixxli. Willelmo Man, et nxori
suae, xl 8., et unam cratheram playne de argento, ac unam diploi-
dem de blak velvet, Johanni, Thomse, et Michaeli Man tria
cociiaria argenti. Quinque fiUabus dicti Willelmi Man, cuilibet
j cocliar & vj s. viij d. Alicise Jennyng, sorori meae, xl s. Beatrici,
uxori meae, unum le} nutte cum coopertorio de argento et
deaurato. Nicholao Cure, filio meo, j magnam crateram stantem
cum coopertorio de argento et deaurato. Michaeli Cure, filio
meo, unum le salte cum coop, de arg. et deaur. Philippae Cure,
filiae meae, unam crateram stantem cum coop, de arg. et in parte
deaur. quae nuper pertinebat Henrico Marshall. Mariae Evers
sex cociiaria de arg. cum le madynheddes. Ceciliae Evers sex
cociiaria de arg. cum le lyon hedes. Christofero Conyers et
uxori suae x s. Gildae S. Trin. in Fosegate xiij s. iiij d. Pro
celebratione unius trentalis pro anima Thomae Ynce x s. Petro
Cure, fratri meo, xl s. Priorissae et Conv. de Molseby xl s., ut
conscribant nomen meum et nomen uxoris meae in libro suo qui
vocatur le Martilege booke ; et eisdem, pro celebracione Placebo
et Dirige cum Missa in die obitus mei, x s. Domino Roberto
Rownesley x s., ut oret pro anima mea. Domino Johanni Colt-
man, clerico fabricae eccl. cath. Ebor., unam murram stan-
tem sine coop., et unum le3 jakett de tawny chamelet dupli-
catum cum yolowe. Magistro Johanni Raysyng meam opti-
mam diploidem de nigro velvit. Johanni Stevynson unam
diploidem de tawny damaske. Jacobo Blaides unum le jaket
de tawny chamlet duplicatum cum albo et blodio. Idoneae,
sorori meae apud Boston, xxs. Miloni Man unum le whit
ambling stagg unbroken. Volo quod executores mei inter
pauperes ad domos suos proprios infina civitatem Ebor. divident
decem marcas. Ees. Beatrici ux. meae, Mag. Johanni Chapman
not. publ., et Nicholao Cure, filio meo, quos ordino exec. meos.
Eidem Mag. Johanni Chapman, pro labore suo, x li.
[Pr. 1 1 Apr. 1523.]
[Reg. Test ix. 867.]
In Dei nomine, Amen. Vicesimo quarto die mensis Jannarii,
anno Domini 1522^. I Isabell Warde* of North Dighton, widdo,
hoole of mjnde, and of goode remembrance, makes and ordinetb
this my testament and last will after this maner and forme
folowyng. First I wit and bequeath my saull to God Almighti,
and to our Lady Saincte Mary, and to al the Sanctes in hevyn,
and my body to be beriede in the chapell, of the south side,
within parishe church of SpoflForde. Also I wit and bequeath
my best good in the name of my mortuary. Also I wit and
bequeath yj torches to be bumyde at the day of my beriall,
price every torche ij s. And I will that vj poore men here the
saide vj torches, and every oon of them a whit gowne. And I
will that iiij of the saide torches remayne in the church of
SpoflForth, and the other ij torches to remayne to the parishe
church of North Dighton. Also I will that every preist beyng
at my beriall have vj d. ; and every scolar a peny. Also I will
that every poore body beyng at my berial have cheis, brede, and
ale, at the sight of my executours. Also I will that Sir William
Dereluf prest syng for me furthe the yere that he hath enteride
of. Also I will ther be laide of my husband and mee a marbill
stone with our ymages porteride ther oppon, with scripture
according. Also I will that an conveniente and honest vesti-
mente with an albe and al therto pertenyng, at the sight of my
executours, be giffyn and deliverede unto oon chauntre foundid
at SpoflFord. Also I will that Sir William Hebden, and John
Fitzthomas, and Elisabeth Sotehill, my doughtour, be my
executours of this my last will and test amen te, and thei to se
the same well and truly to be fulfillide according to my mynde.
Also the residue of my goodes moveable and unmoveable, my
beriall maide, and my dettes paide, I wit, gif, and bequeathe
unto the aforsaide Hisabeth Sotehill, my doughtour, at the
sight of the other ij of my executours toofore namede. Thes to
wittenes Sir William Derluf, Thomas Curtas, and William
Spynke, w* other. Giffyn the day and yere, etc.
[Pr, 9 March, 1623-4.]
* The testatrix was the widow of Nicholas Midelton of North Dcighton
and of . . Warde. One of her daughters marr. Robert Sothill.
M 2
[Reg Test. iz. 267^ .]
Feb, 10, 1522-3. Thomas Legh,» of Middilton, Esquier. To
be beriede on the north side of the he where, wher my aoncet-
onrs ar beriede, within the paroche church of Bothwell. • • I
will that ther be xij power folkes to pray for my saull daylye
duryng an hooleyere next after my decesse withe in theparishe
church of Roothwell ; and every of them to have for ther labour
a blake gowne & vj s. viij d, I will that tiber be giffyn to the
church maisters of Rothwell, to the byeng of a omamente for
ther chauntre which I have maide at Rothwell, vj li. xiij s. iiij d.
To poore folkes, the next Lent after my beriall, to pray for my
saull, & al Gristen saulles, xx s. To my cousyng, Sauf Hopton,
my damaske gowne, for he will nott lightly forgett me* To my
broder, William Legh, my chamlett gowne, & my best
dublett. To my broder-in-lawe, Rauf Wentworth, my blake
gowne lynyde with sercenet, & my gray nag. To my broder,
George Wentworth, my tawney gowne ftmride with shankea.
To my cousyng, Nicholas EUys, my dublet of cremessyn sattan,
& my wodknyf whiche my cousyng Topclif gave to me. To
my cousyng, Gilbert Topclif,t ij oxon & ij kye, to be frendly to
my wif. To cousyng, Thomas Gargrave, a crosse bowe with
rake & the arowes and all thinges perten)mg therto. To my
godsone, Robert Gargfrave, iij U. vj s. viij d. to fynde hym at
the scole. The residue of all my goodes, whike & deide, to
my wif Elisabeth . . . she executrix : Sir Robert Nevill knyght,
my broder Thomas Wentworth Esquier, & my cousyng Rauf
Hopton supervisors. Witnesses Thomas Gargrave of Wakfeld
gentilman, Gilbert Topclif, Thomas Wentworth, Sir William
Gamyll, Sir William Dey, parishe preist of Rothwell.
[Pr. 13 July, 1623, adm. to ex« ]
* The Leghs of Middle ton in the parish of Rothwell came originaUy oat of
Cheshire. The testator marr. Elizabeth, dau. of Wm. WentworUi, Esq. They
had no children k the widow remarr. Henry Arthington. Cf . Qlover's Visitation,
p. 45.
t 13 Deo. 1527, Gilbert Topcliff, gentleman. To be bur. in chorch of
Wodkirke nere the sepulcre of my fader. Res. to wife, Eliz"', to the exhibi-
cion of my childer. She ex*, and to have for feoffment my mansion called the
Hagh. [Pr. 18 Feb. seq.] (Reg. Test. ix. 386.)
[Reg. Test. Deo. & Cap. ii. 13l(.]
Feb. 13, 1522-3. Sobertus Johnson.* Sep. in eccl. S. Job.
Bapt. de le3 Pick, coram altare S. Nicbolai. I gjwe to Sanct
Peter for absolucion, if ever I offendit abowt his warkes, iij s. iiij d.
Item I gyve my dowghter Alison xiij s. iiij d., so that she
never maike my wiflF no besynes for, and she doo, I will shoo
have nothing, and I doo bar noo wrong as my curate shall
recorde the trewght, for she knowis well enewht that she is
forth with hir part w* the better. Item I will that my wiflF
have my dowghter £lzabeth and maike hir as hir awne, as my
very turst is in hir, doing to hir as she thinkes best. Item I
gyve my brother William on of my gownes, so that he have a
whit for with it, to that entent that he be deligent and gude to
my wiflF and help hir in hir right. The residew of my guddes
that is not bequest I gyve to my wiflF, whome I maike my
executrix, to bring me furth with, and dispose for my saull as
she thinkes best.
[Pr. 26 Feb. 1622-3.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 284.]
In the name of God, Amen. The secunde day of Juny, in
the yere of our Lord God m* D. xxiij*^, that I, William Wise,
hustendman, of the parishe of Baynton, of hoole remembrance,
orders and makes my testamente and last will in maner and
forme folowyng. First I gif my saull to Almyghtie God, and to
oure Blissid Lady Sancte Marye, and to all the company in hevyn,
and my bonnes to be beriede in the kirke erthe of Sancte
Andrew's in Baynton, and my beste horse for my mortuary. I
bequeath to the hie altar a bushell of whete. I bequeath to
the kirke of Baynton a mette of whete. I bequeath to the
chapell of Neswike a mette of whete. I witto Thomas, my son,
iij quarters of barlie. I bequeath to every on of my childer a
* The testator had eyidentlj heen in the service of the Dean and Chapter.
He died in the Minster close, in a house belonging to the College of Vicars.
12 Feb. 1522-3. Christofer Homer, mason, myghtie of mynd and of a
hooll myndfulnes. To be bnr. within the church of tfanct Michaell callid the
Belfraie. I gyve to Sanct Petur warke all my tuyllis within the mason aighe.
[Pr. 9 Apr. 1623.] (Reg. Test. Dec. k Cap. ii. 135.)
quarter of barlye, beside ther partes. My dettes paide, and
my fanerall expenses, I make my wif to be fall ezecutrice of
all my goodes, and my childer to have their partes equaly in
like. I bequeath to John my son xij d. to be overseer. Witte-
nesses Sir John Wallyngton, Holland Foster, Bicharde Witte,
Robert Estuby, and John Grarthome.
[Pr. i July, 1624.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 352.]
In Dei nomine. Amen. I, Marmaduce Constable,* of North
Clif in the countie of Yorke, esquier, of hoole mynde and p^
fitte remembrance, lovyng to God, the xxx day of Auguste, the
yere of oure Lorde God m' D. xxiij, ordeneth, declare, and
makes this my testament and last will in forme folowyng. First
I bequeath my sauU to Allmyghtie God, to oure Blissid Ijadie
Sanete Marie, and to all the holye company of Sanctes, and my
body to be beried where it shall please God to call me to His
mercy ; and my mortuary to be as the costome is there. Also
I will that in no wise that there be maide for me any maner of
dale the day of my beriall, nor at non other exequies to be done
for me at any other daye, but oonlye to thies preistes that will
saye a Messe of Bequiem for my saulle, and they to have
therfor iiij d. And the parishe preiste to have for his Masse
vj d. And the parishe clerke iiij d. Item I will that there be
thre Messes speciall saide at Scala Coeli of thre well disposed
preistes; and the first shall pray for the saulles of Eobert
Constable, sargeant at the lawe, Dame Beatrice Ladie Graistoke,
and me, Marmaduce, therefore ; the secunde preist shall pray
for all the saules of my benefactours, good doers, and well
willers, and for the saules of all my auncetours; the thirde
preiste shal praye for the saulles of all them to whome I have
done any wronges in my lyve, wittyngly or unwittyngly ; and
every preist to have vj d. for his Messe, with this Psalme, De
Profv/adis. Item I will that in every of thies parrishes folow-
ing, that is to say. South Cave, North Cave, Hothome, Newbald,
Wighton, Everyngham, Seaton, Holme in Spaldyngmore, be
dalte vj s. viij d. to the most nedfiill poore people in the said
♦ Son of Robert Constable of North Cliff, Sergeant- at-Law, who died in
1601 (Test. Ebor. iv. 195). This wiU is of the testator's own making and does
credit to his judgment and intelligence.
townnes, that is to eaye, every house holdder iiij d. and to the
ether ij d. Item I will that all and every poore bodye, within
the parishe of Saunton and the towne of South Clif, have like-
wise, and the householders iiij d., and the other ij d. ; and this
to be dalte by the discretion of my executours. Item I bequeath
xz s. to my parishe churche, to be bestowed of thing most
necessary for the more honorable service to God, as shalbe
divised by my wif and hir councell. Item I bequeath x s. unto
the chapell of Clif, to be bestowid likewise ; and other x s.
towardes the buyldyng of the said chapell. Item I bequeath
to every of the iiij Orders of Freres within Hull et Beverlac
iij s. iiij d. Item I bequeath to the Blake Freres in Yorke
yj &• viij d., and they to sing a Messe of Requiem for al Cristen
sauUes. Item I will that every prisoner within the castell of
Yorke to have on penny to pray for all salles. Item I will
that my executours fynde too tapours of wax, that on be for
Allhalowse at Saunton, and that other at South Clif before
Saint Leonard, and they to bume at all Matyns, Messes, and
Evensonges one all the halidayes in the yere duryng all the
nonage of my heire, and then my heire to be charged with all.
Item I bequeath to aither of my too susters, Jane and Elisabeth,
xiij s. iiij d. ; and on grote for on Messe to be said for my salle
of on well disposed preiste there where it shall please them.
Item I will that Roberte Hawtclif and John his broder have 1 s.
betwyxt them, to be dalte by evyn porcions, for theire childes'
partes which I had in kepjrng. Item I will .that Roberte
Hawteclif have of ipy goothes, fother, a cowe, and x s. of money.
Item I will that Roberte Cottes, Richard Colywell, and Thomas
Warde have th'one half yere waiges, over and above theire
wages due unto them at the hore of my deith, to pray for my
saulle. Item I will that, at th'entre of my sone James to his
landes, that my wif gyve unto my sone James thus moche of
my goodes, that is to say, on silver pece with the cover, and
sex silver spoynes, too my best fedder bedes with coverynges,
sheites, blankettes, pillouse, with the best stand bede and
hangynges therto belongyng, too mattresses with sheites,
blankettes and coverlettes to them belongyng, ij meris, a yong
horse, vj yong kye, a c shepe, a hole draght of cattail, that is
to say iiij oxen and ij horses with wayne and plough and al
maner geire for such a draight necessary. Item I bequeath
hym my swerde and aU my hames, all my bookes, all kistes,
coflFers, copbordes, ambries and tables, save ij chistes, a coffer
and a caskett, which I will that my wif have, so that the yme
chiste nor the newe chiste be non of them. Item I will that
my sone and heire have al the bruyng vessell with half the
kitchyne vessell and buttre clothes. Item I will that if my
son James dye or he be of full age, onmaried and withoute ishue,
that than my sone Soberte have al thies forsaid thinges to his
broder afore bequeathed, when he is at ful age. Item I
bequeath to my sone Boberte a c li. for and towardes his pro-
mocion, and in the name of his childe's porcion, provided always
that if he departe or he come to the age of zz^ yere8,unmaii€>d,
and withoute ishue, then that childe's porcion to be divided in
iij partes, of which that on parte shalbe nnto my wif, an other
to my son James, the thirde unto my doughtour, and if aitiier
of them ij die afore my sone Boberte, then that childe's parte
to be divided evynly betwixt my wif and that that liveth. Item
I will and bequeath c markes for and towardes the manage of
my doughtour, Barbara, and in the name of hir childe's porcion ;
and if it happen hir to die or that she be maried, then hir
porcion to be divided betwixt my wif and them that liveth
of my other childer. Item if it so hape that bothe my sones
die afore the age of xxj yeres, and unmaried, so that my dough-
tour prove my heire, than I will that my said doughtour be
clerely excluded of al the profittes of hir brethers' partes and
hir owne of my bequest, and that she nothing have salf that the
which the lawe will gyve hir for hir childe's parte, after the
rate of my inventary, and that my wif shall have all the rest of
my thre childer porcions by me afore to them bequeathed ; of
the which partes I will that she gy v xx li. towardes the beldingr of
the chapell of Clif, with a vestyment of iij li. price, or more
money. Item of the said childes' partes I will that she shall
gyve a sorte of vestymentes, called a sute, with a cope, to the
churche of Saunton, for my saull and hirs, to be praid fore.
Item I will of the said partes all the eviU peces of wayes in the
towne of North Clif, frome the north end to the south end, be
maid able for al maner of passages, and other cariages, with
gravell, sand, and stone, soo substantially as can be devised by
my wif and hir councell. Item I bequeath to my brother,
Boberte, my chamlett gowne with the furre, my secundary
jackett of velvett, my dublett of cremysyn satayne, al my
bookes of lawe, with certeyne obligacions concemyng bookes of
lawe, and xl s. in money, for his councell and favour towardes
my wif in all hir nedfull affairs. Item I will that my wif
kepe my too sones at scoUes, there where it shal be devised by
ray said brother and hir, save that I will not that my sone
James be as a fellowe in the Innes of Courte, but under the
tuicion of my broder or some other by his advise, onels that he
will continue the lawe still ; and when my heire is of xvij***
yeres, whedder of my too sonnes that it be, than I will that he
be put to my cosing, Sir Roberte^ if he lyve than, with yj 1.
xiij 8. iiij d. for his fynding to he be of full age ; and, like wise,
I will that my sone, Roberte, be putto hym, if that my sone
James die at undre age ; and els I will that he shal continue
scoles to he be xviij yeres, and than to be theire where my wif
and my brother shall thinke best for his advauncement, to that
he be brought to socour and promotion. Item I will that my
wif shall kepe house at my maner of North Clif duryng all the
nonage of my heire, who so ever it be, for the better enploy-
ment of my goodes towardes the profitte of hir self and my
childer, and for the performaunce of this my last will ; and if
80 hape that all my thre childer happen to dye or they be of
full age and with oute ishue, than I will that all and every
bequest in this will specified, be performed to the uttermost
opon my landes ; and for the better performance of the same, I
will that than she shall have other x li. landes assigned of my
landys to that all and every dett, payment, and bequest be
performed, not rekenyng the x li. that I gave hir in feofiament
to be of any parcell of this x li. assigned for the performance of
my will. Item I will and makes my welbeloved cosing, Sir
Roberte Constable knyght, and my broder, Roberte, supervisours
of my testament and last will, with v markes of money to my
said cosyng for his favour towardes my wif and childer as my
special trust is in hym ; and xxvj s. viij d. to my broder over
and above his xls. to hym afore bequeath for his favours
towardes the same. The residue of all my goodes, afore not
bequeathed, I witt and bequeathe unto my wif, to dispose at hir
pleasour, as she shall thynke best, for the weU of my salle.
Item I make my wif, James my sone, and James Cotes, my ser-
vaunte, my executours of this my will. And I will, overmore,
that James, my said servaunte, shall have his hole yere wage,
over and above his wages due imto hym at the hore of my
deith, with xiij s. iiij d. over and above his yerely wages accos-
tomed, so that his fee extend no further but for the tyme of the
nonage of my heire. And I will, besides this, that my wif be
good and favorable to all my servauntes and tenauntes that
went to the warre with me agayn the Scottes. And in wittenes
that this my verey will and mynd I have written this present
testament with myn owne handes, the day and yere above
writtyn. Thies beyng wittenesses at the sealyng of the same,
Antony Langdale of Houeton, esquier, my broder, Roberte
Constable, Sir Roger Watson preist of Clif, Roberte Burton,
James Cotes, the vicar of Saunton, and many other.
Feoffment. — FeoflFees, Marmaduke Constable of Everyng-
ham and William Constable of Hatef eld, knyghtes, Antony I^ng-
dale, Nicholas Rudstone, and Roberto Lacy, esquiers ... in
my manor of North Clif, & in all the landes in North Clif, New-
some, Sledmer, Kirkby, Helperthorpe, Litle Barghe, Mekill
Barghe, Amonderby, Swynton, and Hoveden, with the revercion
of the manor of Browghton ... to the use of myself, for lyve
. . . then an astate to the yerely valour of x li. of my manor of
Newsome, and other landes in Helperthorpe, Litle Barghe, and
Mekill Barghe, to Elisabeth, my wif, for terme of hir lif . . . in
the rest, for the performance of my will and the use of my
lawfull heires.
[Pr. Hit. Feb. 1626-6.]
[Beg. Test. ix. 272 <i.]
Sept. 17, 1523. Dame Johanne Thurescrosse,* vowes, in
Kyngeston oppon Hull. To be beriede in the churche of our
Lady, in the north yle, as nere my last husband as I may. I
gif for my corspresand my best scarlett gowne furride with
greye. Towarde the byeng of a yestiment with the diacon and
subdiacon, for our Lady church, xxx li. To the three glides in
our Lady church, that is to saye, to Jhesus gilde, to Saynte
James gUde, to Sancte Eleny's gilde, iij s iiij d. each. ... To
the churche warke of our Lady xl s. To the beildyng of the
steple of the Trinitie church xl s. I will that an boneste preist
shall syng for my sauU and my iij husbandes, and for the saulles
of my fader and my moder, and my sone Robert, w* all the
sanies that I am specially bounde to praye fore, and for al
Cristen saulles. Also I will that my executours shall see that
the saide preist be honeste, and that he be able to mayntene
the service of God, and specialy on the halidays, and on the
wirkyng dayes to dispose hyme as he may to be at the Salve of
our Blisside Lady ; also the saide preiste the haly dayes shall
dispose hyme self to say his Messe before Mateyns begynne.
And if it shall fortune hyme to be behynde with his servyce,
that he cane not say his Messe before Mateyns begynne, then
he to tarry till Mateyns be downe : And, on the werkyng daye,
to dispose hym self at any hore conveniente. This prest shall
syng for my sauU and my frendes' saulles in Sancte Anne
chapell within the churche of our Lady aforesade, by the space
* See p. 117. She is styled Vidua Velata, i.e, she had taken the yow of
of sevyn yeres, he to have yere for his stipende v li. To Sancte
James church in Grymesby xl s. To the house of Nonnes in
Grymesby xl s., and thei to entre my name into their Mortilage
booke, & so to pray for my saull, and al Christen saulles. To
every house of Freres in Grymesby x s., to pray for my saull,
& other of them to say a trentall of Messes for me. Towarde
the beildyng of the churche of White Freres in Hull, iiij li.,
and to the Augustyne Freres xx s. to by a vestyment with all.
To Sancte Giles church in Merflete x s. To every on of Maister
Baron's childer xls. To my kynsman, William Lincoln the
yonger, iij li. vj s. viij d. To Jane Manby my violett gowne
furrid with graye ; & to hir sister a pare of corall beades of
fyfty gawdys of sylver. ... To Dame Agnes Austyn, noon of
Sixhill, XX s. To my god doughtour, Dame Johane Gatton in
the same place, xx s. To my gode doughtour, Kateryne Smyth,
xl s., and a paire of corall beades, and a silver haniest girdill
giltide. To my commoder Smyth my musterdevilys gowne
furride with shankkes, and a golde ryng, to the behove of hir
doughtour Kateryne ; and if it shall fortune the said Katerine
to dye or she be maryede, then I wil that hir parte be solde,
and the money therof delyveride unto the churche-maisters of
our Lady church in Hull, and they to by ther withall a white
vestymente. To William Lincoln wif, the yonger, my best blake
gowne reversed with velvett. To my commoder Vergoos my
velvett firuntelett cloath & a golde ryng. To W^illiam Good-
knap wif a Scarlett kirtiU; & to John of Lownde's wif
a russet gowne furride with shankkes, & to hir sister Kateryn
a sangwyne kirtill. To Henry Thuriscrosse a pece and a
macer. To the menddyng of the hye waye betwix Beverlay
yates & Anlaby xx li. To my godsone, Thomas Dalton, x s. To
my broder's doughtour, Margarete Lincoln, dwelling in Home-
castell, iij li. yj s. viij d. To every of William's childer, dwell-
yng in Shatow, iij s. iiij d., and to every of them as moche
clothe as shall m^e them a manerly garmente. To William
Vicars, the sone of Eoberte Vicars, xx li. and iij macers & a notte,
a standding pece with a cover parcell gilte, a flate pece with a
cover parcell gilte, a sylver salte with a cover parcell gilte, xij
silver sponys with the Apostils on the stalkys of them^ ij golde
rynges, a coveryng of ares havyng the picture of our Lady
ridyng into Egipte wroughte on it. If the said William dye,
I will that my executours, with the xx li., by ij sylver candil-
stikes for the hye altar of our Lady church ; and, with the for-
saide plate, they shall cause to be made a goodly chales, and
that remayne to our Lady church imperpetuum ; & the residue
of his goodes to be solde and put in to the use of our Lady
church. To mj godson, Thomas Langton, to helpe hym towarde
his scole, xx s. To nunnys of Sancte Leonarde's in Grymesby
xz s. a yere, till xij li. be pade, towarde the fyndyng of a preist,
and they to kepe for me a solempne Obite the for forsade (sic) xij
yeres, and, afterwarde, to pray for me as a sister of ther place. . . •
To the Trinitie Massendew at Beverlay gattes a matres, a cover-
lett, a paire of blankettes, a paire of hardyn sheittes. I will
that at my daye of my beryeng, and at the vijth day, and at
my twolmonthe daye, ther be dalte for my saull, & al Cristen
saulles, penny dole to the poore people, and every prest and
clerke to have iiij d., & every Ordre of Freres vj s. viij d. Also
to have wax & other thinges as shalbe moost semely, with
xiij^** beademen ; and every on of them to have a white gowne ;
and xiij poore women, clothe to make every of them a white
kirtell. Also I will that my executom*s shall cause a bawdkyn
or a pell of blake velvett to be maide to covere the herse with
all in our Lady church, and theroppon I will have an ymage of
the Blissid Trinitie wrought with golde, and a ded man lyeng
before Hym in a wyndding shete ; and at the sides I will have
iiij anggels wrought with golde and nedill warke, with candil-
stikkes in ther handes, as thought they gave reverence to the
Trinitie ; and my name writtyn under the fette of the dede
man, for a memoryal. I gif also to the church a coverlett &
iiij whissyns, & thei to be occupiede at the marieng and at the
churchyng, as wel of the porest man or woman as at the richest,
I gif to the church a towell of xij yerdes long. ... To the
howse of Sixhell a silver salte with a cover, and a good macer,
to have my name writtyn on ther Mortilage booke, & to be
praide fore as a sister of ther place. To Cristall abbey a white
standdyng pece of silver parcell gilt with a rownde knope. To
Gregge's Massendew xxs. To Elinor Studeley my sanguyne
gowne reversid velvitt, & vj silver spones. To Hugh HaUes'
wif a flate pece of silver, a hames girdill, & a paire of corall
beades with gawdes of silver. To the Charterhowse a standing
pece of silver. To my gossope, Thomas Smyth, a plege of xx li.
The residue to Thomas Smyth, & Eoberte Vergoos, whom 1
make my executours.
[Pr. 22 Jan. 1523-4, adm. to ex".]
[Beg. Test. ix. 417.]
Oct. 14, 1523. Sir John Everyngham,* of Biricjn, knyght.
My bodie to be beried where it shall please oure Lorde God.
For my mortuary, my best beast, after the cosfcome. To the
parsone of Birkyn, for my forgettyn tithes, or necligently with-
oldyng, xiij s. iiij d. To the hie altar of the same churche
iij 8. iiij d. To the iiij Orders of Freres within the citie of
Yorke, and eveiych on of them, x s., to do on trentall Meaaea
and IHrige for my sail and my firendes' salles. To the same iiij
Orders, every Order, a quarter of wheate, or the price therof, to
do and make on especiall obite for my ssJl and all Cristen salles
this on yere. To the Freres of Tikhill, to do on trentall of
Meases and Dirige for my sail and my frendes* salles, x s. To
the Freres of Pontefracte vj s. viii d., to praye for my saH. I
will that Henry Everyngham, my sone and heire, have my
best yme bounde wayne and viij*** of my best ozon, and my
silver salt, my gilt pece, my gilt girdle with roobuke-heddes,
and xij**» of my best silver spones of the heirelomes whiche my
feder left me. Item I will that the said Henry have for heire-
lomes my grete stepefatte, my best bruyeng leede, iiij worte
leedes, on maskefatte, on worte trough, ij gilefattes, on greate
copar cawdrone, on grete potte called a standard, to be had
and remayne for heirelomes to hyme and to the heires of his
bodie lawftdly begottyn for ever ; and if it forton the said Henry
to die withoute heires of his bodie lawfully begottyn (as God de-
fend) than I will that the said stuf be seld and distributed to the
nionasteries of Selby and Pontefracte by evyn porcions ; and that
the said monasteries, and aither of them, yerely for the same to
do and make on especiall Dirige and Mesae for my salle and my
frendes* salles for evermore ; and to yeve wamyng to the heires of
* The head of a well-known and ancient Yorkshire house. The will of the
testator's father is in Test. Ebor. iv. 171.
29 Oct. 1371. Gomm. to John de Monceanz, Nic. de Bveringham, k Thos. de
Oarethorp to give adm. to the effects of Sir Edmund de Everingham knt.,
who died intestate. (Reg. Thoresby.)
18 Kov. 1434. Comm. of adm. to Sir John E. of Birkin knt. to Wm E. his
son k heir k Richard E., rector of Birkin, another son. (Reg. Test. iii. 399.)
Die Dom. in crast. S. Nic. 1438. Ric. Everingham, rector eccl. de Birkin.
^p. in ecd. de B. Eccl. de B. librom voc. Regimen Animarum et
J P^teriom. Wm Conper cap. j librom voc Gospeler, k Thomae Baghill cap.
]. librom voc. Parisiens*. Ad j fenestram de novo omandamcom vitro ex parte
aostrali chori xiij s. iiij d. Res. to Wm E. k Rich* his son— they ex". [Pr.
16 Jan.] (Reg. Test. iii. 559.)
Birkyn yerely whan and what daye the said Dirige and Mease
Bhalbe done. I will that Sir Roberte Aske knyght, Thomas
Wyntworth of Elmesall, and other feoffes in my landes sufifre
my ezecutours ... to take yerely • . . xl li. for the perfor-
macion of this my last will ; and they to be & stand feoffes for
the performance of this my last will ; and also for tiie perfor-
mance and covenauntes of mariage betwixt Sir William Scargill
and me, & Thomas Lyndley, esqnyer, and me. The residue to
be equaly divided in iij partes, on parte to my executours to
be dispose iot my sail ; an other parte to my wif ; and the thirde
parte to my sone, Henry Everyngham. I will that every
yoman, that is my servaunte and in my clothing, have vj s. viij d.
besides his wages ; and every hynd servaunte, takyng wages,
iiij s. besides his wages ; and eveiy boe in my house ij s. ; and
every woman servaunte in my house iij s. Item I will that Sir
Henry, my prest, or any other prest at that tyme beyng in my
service at the tyme of my deith, have xiij s. iiij d., besides his
wages. Item I will that on preist at the disposieion of my
executours to syng in Birkyn ehurche for my sjdl by the space
of vij yeres next imediatly after my decesse, vij marc for his
yerely stipende. To John Watkynson an oxe, and to Jane his
wife a cowe ; and to every on of the said John and Jane is
childer on stott able to drawe. I witto the parson of Birkyn,
Sir Ric' Huchonson, iij li. for a reward. The residue ... to
Henry Everyngham my son, and to Sir Ric' Huchonson, parson
of Birkyn, whome I orden and makes my executours.
[Pr. 22 Oct. 1628, adm. to ex".]
[Reg. Test. ix. 287.]
March 4, 1523-4. Wm. Rosell of Est Retford. A pounde
wax to the crosse candle in the church. To the pavyng of
the church x s. I wil that my ex" cause a wynddoo* of thre
lightes to be placed in the north ile ; and to lay oppon my
body & Alicie my wif a conveniente thrughe of stone ; and the
olde throghe to be taken away, or, els, to plaster and borde the
iiij wynddous in the steple. Aii annual! obite of iij s. iiij d. to be
downe in the church of Est Retford at the fest of Mary
*8 Aug. 1520. Henry Aikryng of Bast Retford. To the kirke warke, to make
ij wyndows in the northe yie, if the towne make the cost to heilde it new, xl 8.,
& more if it nede, hot to no other use els.
[Reg. Test. ijc. 290 ft.]
May 16, 1624. Boberte Nevell,* yoman of crone to the
Kynge's grace. To be beriede within Uie church of Alhallouse
at Wak^eld in our Lady where, afore our Lady; and my
secnnde whike best^ to be my mortuary, to the vicar of Wake-
field, curate of my saull ; and my best whike beast to the deyne
of kynge's chapell, after use and costome of the kynge's courte.
To John NeveU, my sonne, my dublett of clothe of gold. I
bequeath my chamlett jackett, to make a vestymente to Sancte
George altar; and it will make ij, an other to Sancte
Swithune's chapell. To Sir Thomas Cokeson, to pray for me,
yj 8. viij d. To Robert Graystoke my whit firese cote. To
every beade woman in Godeswalles at Wakefeld, every persone
iiij d. I bequeath at my beriall, that there be made cost for
helth of my sauU for Dirige & other things that is necessary,
vj 1. xiij s. iiij d. My wif and childer. Ex'* Thomas Sotehill
Esquier, Isabell my wif, Robert Wilson of Newgate, & John
Nevell my sonne ; & Sir Robert Nevile, overseer. I hertely
desire Sir John Nevell, my broder, that he wold do so moch for
me as to lett my ezecutours to have my farmehold, the Olde
Parke of Wakefeld, to occupye it to the Annunciation of our
Lady next ensuying, to the intente to paye my dettes with all,
and I shall pray for hyme.
[Pr. 2 June, 1524, adm. to ex'*.]
[Beg. Test. ix. 288.]
Li the name of God, Amen, the xxij*** daye of Maye, in the
yere of our Lorde God m* d. xxiiij**, I, James Marley,t of wharte-
full mynde and full remembrance, confirmes my testamente of
this maner. In primis I wit my saull to God, and my bonys to
beriede within the sanctuary grownde of the kirke of Sainte
Cuthberte in Norham. Item I witto my eldest sone an oxgang
* A younger son of Sir John Neville of Liversedge (Test. Ebor. iv. 198), and
a brother of Sir John N. of Chevet near Wakefield.
f A native of Wilton in Cleveland who had gone with bis master. Sir Wil-
liam Balmer, to do military service at Norham on the Tweed, and there he
seems to have died. The Buhners held office at this time in Norham under
the Bishop of Durham.
of land callid Bakus oxgang, the wynter and ware. Item I
witto me doughtour half an oxgang of lande, the wynter and
ware, with x^ yowes and ther lames. Item to the mother of
the sayde child xls. Item to an other doughtour with my
broder, Sir Richarde knowys where is, xl s. Item to Roberte,
my broder, my gere that belongith to my body. Item to
ychon of my broder ehilder ij yowes and ij lames. Item to my
broder, Sir Ric' Marley, an oxgang of whete, to be supervisour
of this my testament. Item to Sir Karolus Lowson v s. Item
to Sir Cristofer Jacson yj s. Item to every house of the iiij
Orders of Freres a bushel! of wheite. Item to the hye altar of
Wilton half a quarter of wheite. Item to ij serges which I
fynde in Wilton kirke ij poundes wax. Item I gif to Hewe
Fetherston wif vj s. vig d., the which she aughte to me. Item
to my wif moder half a quarter of wheite, and half a quarter
malt. Item to William Yong xl s. Item to Roberte Haythyn
ij bushelleu of wheite and ij bushelles of malte. The residue
of my goodes, unlegated from my will, and dettes be payde, I
gif to my wif, whome I make my executrice. Thes witnesses,
William Hewerdyne, Umfraye Watson, Richard Keid, Peter
Cowper, and Sir Charles Lowson preist.
[Pr. 6 Oct. 1624.]
[Beg. Test. iz. 335.]
June 14, 1524. Johne Jacson of Bentley, yoman of the
crowne. To be beried in the parishe church of Arkesay. To
my broder, George Jacson, all his fermeholdes in Steleton
duryng my termys, also a close callid Brakynhill, payng no-
thing therfor bot that he shalbe baile, and overse and gather
my wif rentes yerely ; & a dublett of bukukyns. I will that
John Jacson, late son of my broder Edwarde Jacson, have xl s.
yerely, to fynd hym at the scole, duryng xv*** yeres. . . To my
broder Laurence a gowne of crayne colour furrid with white
budge, and a stele bonett, a gesteron covered with bukeskyns.
To my broder, Charles Barmby, a jackett of white sattan and
grene, my best sallett, a standard, a pare gussettes, and a
fold. To my cosyng, Bauf Barmby, a paire of Alman revettes,
and a standard of stele. To John Greneside a gowne of
London russett furrid with white lame. To Agnes Jacson, my
servaunte, a cowe. To Henry Spencer a whie calf and a yong
fely, if he wilbe ruled by my wif. To William Levett a salett.
a gestron, which I bought of Nicholes Barton, a bowe of u,
and a whyver of prikeshafftes. Agnes my donghtour. To
Alicie, my wif, my house I dwell in at brig ende of Doncastre
. . • that I have of Sancte Leonarde; & my copy whiche I
have takyn of my lorde of Bentley. To the vicar of Arkesay a
paire of grete almebre beades. To William Wentworth of
Sprodeburgh a bay stag. The residue to my wif, whom I
orden and make my sole executrix, to dispose for fhelthe of my
saull as it shall please hir. And also I make Maister Strey
supervisour of this my testament, and to have for his labour
xxyj 8. viij d., and to be good maister and frend to my wif, if
nede require, at hir costes and charge.
[Pr. 26 Feb. 1626-6.]
[Reg. Dec. et Capit. ii. 167.]
In Dei nomine. Amen, the xiij** day of the month of July,
1524, 1, Thomas Fome, subthesaurar of the church of York, of
good mynde and memorie, ordyneith and makith my testa-
ment and last will in maner and forme folowing. Furst I
bequeith my saull to Almyghty God, to our Ladie Sanct Marie,
and to all the holy company of heven, and my body to be
buried in the south yle of the metropolitan church of York
anenst th'alter callid Saynt Agatha alter. Item I bequeith to
Sanct (Peter) warkes, for my buriall ther, xs. Item I be-
queith to the reed arke xx s. Item I bequeith xx s. to be putt
in to Sanct Peter stokke. Item I bequeith to Sanct William's
hede xxs. Item I bequeith to the iiij Orders of Freres in
York iiij li., that is to say to every Order xx s. Item to every
masyndew house in Yorke iij s. iiij d. Item to every spittill
house in Yorke iij s. iiij d. Item I bequeith to every one of i he
brether of Sanct William's college in York viij d., and to the
provest xij d. Item I bequeith to hym that is executor officii
at myne obbet day xs. Item I bequeith to every chanon,
being present at my buriall, iiij s. Item to every parson ij s.
Item to every vicar, ij s. Item to every decon xij d. Item to
the clerkes of the revestre xij d. a pece. Item to every sextan
xij d. a pece. Item to every tribler and chorister viij d. a pece.
Item I bequeith v poundes of wax to be bumyd over me at the
day of my buriall. Item a dosyn hande torches. Item x pound
of wax at myne obbett. Item I will that one throught of marble
VOL. v. N
stoyne w* my pathasie be laid opon me. Item I bequeith
xli. to be distribute at the day of my buriall in penny
dole emoDges poore people. Item other z 11. to be distribute
emonge poore people in lyke maner at the day of my obbett.
Item I bequeith to the buyldyng of Belfray church xx li., if it
may be gettyn of th'abbot of Sanct Marie's w*owt Bowthome,
which he doith aw unto me, and, if it can nott be gettyn, I be-
queith V markis unto the said buylding. Item I bequeith to
John King oflf Rouston in Holdemes and to his wiff xryj s.
viij d. ; item I bequeith to Alison, John King wyff 's suster,
xiij s. iiij d. Item I bequeith to every child of the said John
ande Alison iij s. iiij d. a pece. Item I bequeith to the church
of Mappleton yj s. viij d. Item to the church of Silston yj s.
viij d. Item I bequeith to Mr John Coltman, chamberlayn
of the church of York, my best gowne. Item I bequeith to
Mr Thomas Water, regestre to the Dean and Chapitour of
York, my seconnde gowne. Item I bequeith to Air John
Sheffeld, prebendarie in Sepulcur's chapell, my third gowne.
Item I bequeith to Sir Boberte Norham [my] iiij*** gowne with
a sarsenett tippett. Item I bequeith to Beatrix Mell one gowne
and xxvj s. viij d. in money. Item to Margaret Kirkby, my
kynswoman, one gowne and xxvj s. viij d. in mone. Item I be-
queith to a preist, to syng for me fy ve yere, xxxvj marke. Item
I bequeith to JeflFray Franklyn's wyff agowne of musterdeveles.
Item I bequeith to .Tefifray Franklyn one salt of silver w* a
kever and half a dosyn silver spones w* knoppes. Item I be-
queith to Thomas Franklyn, my godson, one litill pownnsid pece
demye gilt. Item I bequeith to JefiVay wyflF an other pece
gilt. Item I bequeith to Agnes Franklyn one goblett ungilt.
Item I bequeith to every one of my felowes in my lorde's
howse, better and warse, iij s. iiij d. Item I bequeith to my
servaunte, Gawyne Yodaille, one brasse pott which he will chose
emonges thre. Item the gretest kettill. Item a spitt. Item
one pair of cobirons. Item one fedderbed w* a bolster, a pillow,
one pair of blankettes, one pair of sheittes, one coveryng, one
towell, one overse counter, half a gamyshe pewder vesseU, and
a goblet of silver which Mr Sheffeld haith in custodie, to th*en-
tent that he shalbe juste and trew to my Lord Dean and myne
executours. Item I bequeith xl s. to be distribute emonges
the poore people in the paroche of Topcliff. Item xx s. to
be distribute to the poore people in the paroch of Wawen.
Item to the kirk off Kirkby-opon-Wherff x s. Item I bequeith
to my servaunt, Marmaduke, one pott, one kettell, one fedder-
bed, one bolster, one pair blankettes, one pair sheittes, ij
coverlettes, and xx s. in money. Item I bequeith to the son of
William Bakster, my godson, iij s. iiij d. Item I bequeith to
the right worshipfull Mr Brian Higden, Dean of the metro-
politan church of York, one basing and ore of silver, and my
best gelding. Item I bequeith to the ancresse in Yorke iij s.
iiij d. Item I bequeith to Jeffray Frankljm's wyflF half a gar-
nyshe of pewder vessell. Item I bequeith z li« to be bestowed in
mending of high waies where myne executours shall thinke re-
quisite or nedefuU. Item I bequeith to Marmaduke Vavasour
the dune nagge which he gave unto me. Item I bequeith
to Maister Chamberlane servauntes, to M. Sheffeld servaunt,
and to Maister Water servauntes, and to every one of theym,
ij s. Item I bequeith v li. to be distribute emonges poore
scolars where as myne executours thinketh nedfulL Item I
bequeith to the vicar of Kirkby opon Wharff x s. Item I be-
queith to Sir Banff Norham my short gowne and x s. off money,
to say a trentall of Masse3. Item I bequeith to my good son,
Thomas Casseley, iij s. iiij d. Item I bequeith to Jeffray
Franklyn's wyff ij pair of currall beedes. Item to Sir Thomas
Fox a pair of aimer beedes of x, and a fyne napkyn. Item I
bequeith to Mr John Coltman myne amysse. Item I bequeith
to Sir William Bait my surples. Item I bequeith to Sir Thomas
Bait my blake abbett. Item to Sir Thomas Lorymer a bonett.
Item I bequeith to Jefifray Franklyn a musterdevelis gowne.
Item I bequeith iiij score yerdes of sameron cloith to be dis-
tribute to poore childer. Item I bequeith to John Gud x s.,
besydes his devident emonges his felowis. Item I bequeith to
the vicar of Poklington my gowne y* lyeith at Thometon, and
one snod off damaske. Of this my testament and last will I
constitute, ordan, and make M. John Coltman chamberlayn of
the church of Yorke, M. John Sheffeld, and Maister Thomas
Water executors, they to dispose the rest of my guddes, unbe-
quest, for the well of my saiill ; and I gyve imto every one of
theym xl s. for their labores. And I doo constitute and maik
M. Brian Higden, Dean of York, the supervisour of this my
testament. Hiis testibus. Sir Christofer Cattail the vicar of
Kirkby opon Wherf, Sir Rauff Norham, Sir Robert Norham,
John Gocd, and Marmaduke Vavasour, w* other.
[Pr. 12 Nov. 1533.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 306.]
August 14, 1524. Richarde Tee oflf BoUome in the parishe
of Clareburgh, To be beriede in the church of Sancte John
N 2
Baptest of Clareburgh* To the gilde of Saoote John Baptiste
in Glareburgh a quarter barlye and a bushell of whete. To the
Bowde light, oure Lady light, and the Ploogh light in Clare-
burgh, to every on of them di. a quarter barlye. To the
manteynyng of the light of Sancte Kateryne a pound wax, or
els xij d. To Sancte Roche and Sebastian a pounde wax, or els
xij d. To the gilde of Corpus Cristi in Est Betford di. a quarter
barlie. To oure Lady and the Bowde gilde, and to the repara-
cions of the brig there, to every one of them, xij d. To the
reparacion of Haygate lane with the brigges there, a quarter
barlie. I will that the toftstede lyeng [at] Lownd, called
Barber thing, with iij acres land, and the medowe in the com-
mon rich to the saide toftstede belongyng, go to Clareburgh
church for an hundrethe yeres save oon for an annuall obite to
be downe in the saide church for evermore, for my saull and
John my wif saull, my childer saulles, and al Cristen saulles
• . . that is to saye, to the curate viij d. ; to the clerke iiij d. ;
and ij hedmespennes ; and for ichon of my frendes* saulles
whos names be in the beade rowle an hedmespenny ; the
overplus to remayne in the handes of the vicar and church
maistirs, to the reparacion of the saide churche to it be beldid,
& when it is beldyd sufficiently • • to be disposed among
poore people. An other toftestede which I have in Lownd, and
the land belongyng therto, to go to the chapell of oure Lady in
Lownd for an hundreth yeres save oon, to have an annuall
obite, to be downe yerely in the church of Sutton for evermore
oppon Sancte Bartilmewe evyn the Dirigey and oppon morowe
the MessSy for my saull and John my wiflf sail, my childer
saulles, and all Cristen saulles, and the vicar . • to have for
his labour iiij d., and iiij d. to be giffyn to the childer doyng
service at the saide Dirige & Messe^ & xij d. to be delte in
brede and ale to poore people ; the residue to go to the fyndyng
of oure Lady preist by the vice of my executours.
[Pr. 31 Jan. 1624-6.]
[Eeg. Test, ix, 310 &.]
Sept. 4, 1524. Thomas Willoughby of Notingham. To be
beried in the church of Sancte Marie's in Notingham byfore
oure Ladye's chapell nyghe unto my owne seate. ... I be-
queath xxviij li. for a preist to syng for my saull in Sancte
Marie's church by the space of sex yeres. I gif iij li. to my
susier's childer beyng of lit To my dstnr, Margarete Bankys,
every yere, a gennent of the pricje iij s. iiij d., as nede requireth,
& a paire of shoys, a smoke, and a carchowe of viij d. price, &
every quarter in the yere ij d., & a rowme in mj beade hoase like
as other of my beade folkes have. To Isabell, my wif, my landes
& tenementes in Notingham, Wodborowe & Badclif, duryng hir
lif, if she lif sole • • • to remayne to my ij sonys Ric. and
Thomas • • • my too donghtours Eliz. & Margarete. A dose
in Fishergate & ij gardyns in Moltokgate to my bead house
oppon Malyn hill. To my children xz L each, when xxi. To
Johne Beckett, my doughtour, vij marc. To Hethbeth brigges
iiij of my best peces of tymbour lyeng at the tile howsses. I
forgif the Trinitie gilde yj s. viij d. of xiij s. iiij d. that the saide
grilde owith me for palyng of the gardyn in Cow lane. Res.
Elisabeth [sic] my wif . • . she ex.
[Pr. 11 May, 1625, adm. to ex«.]
[Reg.Test. ix. 318.]
In Dei nomine. Amen. • The xv*** day of Mail, the yere of
cure Lorde God M* dxxiiij*^, I, Richarde Girton of Willoughby
on the Wolde, husbandman, beyng in good mynde, make my
will and testamente in this maner and forme folowyng. First
I will and gif my sauU to Almyghtie Jhesu, to His moder
Sancte Marie, and to al the holye company in hevyn ; and my
body to be beried in the body of the church of Alhallouse in
Willoughby. Also I gif my best good to my mortuary as the
lawe requireth. Also I will ther be bumyd aboute me the daye
of my beriall ij li. and a half of wax. Also I will and gif to every
man and woman and childe of the contrie a farddyng loof. Also
I gif to every preist beyng at my beriall iiij d., and to every
clerke that can syng, a penny. Also I gif to the church of
Wynsold a boshell of malte. Also I gif to the church of Dalby
a boshell of malte. Also I gif to the makyng of the brig callid
Willowford brig iij s. iiij d. Also I gif to the light called
Sepulcre light a yowe and a lame, in Willoughby church. Also
I will that Hery my sone have after the deathe of my wif his
ploo with al maner of stuif that belonges to it to his owne
behove. Also I gif to the saide Henry the hovell treis as thei
stand after hir deith. Also I gif ij yowes and ij lames to fynde
a light for ever afore oure Lady, of the stoke that commys of
the said shepe, afore cure Ladye in the greves in Willougbby
churche. Also I will that the grettist panne I have remayne
to Elisabeth Girton, my donghtour, after the deith of my wif,
and the almary to, and a coffer, and a mydlyng brasse potte*
Also I gif a branddid [blanJc] of ij yeres olde to Roberta my
son. The residue of my goodes, not giffyn, my dettes and will
performyd, I will that they be at the disposition of A^rnes
Garton, my wif, and Henry Garton, my son, whome I make my
ezecutours, and that they dispose as maye be best thought to
the pleasour of God and t'health of my sauU and al Cristen
sauUes. Also I desire my broderj William Girton, and Roberton
Girton to be supervisours, to se that my good be ordered
accordyng to my will, and they for ther besynes to have tber
costes borne over the hole : berying wittenes yerof Johne
Thomson, vicar, and my curate, John ilawlynson, with other.
[Pr. 11 May, 1626.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 829.]
In the name of God, Amen. At Nether Bordley in Craven,
the tend daye of Juny, in the xvj*^ yere of the reigne of our
soveryng lorde Kyng Henry the eight [1524], I Geofl&uy
Proctour,* beyng in good and hoole mynde, make my testa-
* The shrewd and sensible will of a Craven yeoman, the chief person in a
clan which bore his name. The Proctors were closely connected with Fountains
Abbey, and by thrift and energy accumulated considerable wealth.
Wm. Proktour de Eboraco. Sep. in choro B. M. infra eccl. S. Mich, do
Belfray juxta sep. Agnetis Wherf. Roberto Wherf, filio Magistri Thomae
Wherf, ad exhibioionem snam ad scolam, v marcas. Matri mes x marcas.
TliomsB Procktour omnia terras & ten. mea in Bolland. Presb. eel. ij annoe
in ecd. S. Andr. de Gargrave xiij marcas. Two daughters of Roger P. Sister
Isabel Ratcliflf, towards her marriage, 6 marks. [ Pr. 1498.] (Reg. Test. v. 483).
22 May, 1507. Tho. Proctour. Sep. in eccl. S. Andr. de Gargrave. Voloquod
Stephanus filius habeat officium meum, si potent illud adveniri et requaeriri
ox Abbate de Foumace. Voloquod Eden, uxor mea, et Stephanus, lilius meus,
habeant firmarium meum de Frerehed, etc. They ex". My children. John
Hamerton and John Horton Esq' ex". [Pr. 8 July, 1507.] (Reg. Test. ▼. 832).
Die Paschevro, 1512. Radulphus Prokter. Sep. in eccl. S. Andr. de Gargrave
ex australi parte prope sepulcrum patris mei. Dom. Joh. Acastre vicarinm de
Gargrave 5c Rogemm Prokter, avum meum, facio exec. Mr. John Norton
jun. Esq. superv. (Reg. Test. viii. 93.)
24 March, 1616-17 Roger Proctour, of Coppercott. To be bur. within my
paroche churche oflE Saynt Andrew of Gargrave, in the southe ylle, wher I was
wont to knell and sytt. To every householde within Eshton and [blank] iiij d.,
or elles a bull at the chose of the said townshyppes, in dischargyng of my con-
science for such hurtes and harmes as I have necligently done to theym. To
Thomas, my son, my fermolde of Coppercotte, and to Robert, my sonc, my
fermold of Newfelde. To Ifcabell& Mabell, ray dough ters, each vj li. xiij s iiij d.
to be att the rewll and guydyng oflE Stephen Proctour of Frerhede. To Mr
xnent and last will in maner and forme folowyng. First I be-
queath mj saali to Almyghtie G-od, and to oiire Lady Sancte
Mary, and to all the Sanctes in hevyn, and my body to be
beried in the next parishe churche where it shall fortone me
to departe oate of this present lif ; provided alwaye that if it
fortone me to decesse within xx milys of my parishe churohe of
Rilstone in Craven, than I wilbe beried there with my wif ;
and my best beast to be delyvered there in the name of my
mortnary. Item I will that my feoffes that I have enfeofifed in
my landes, incontynente aftir my decesse, make a sure, suffi-
ciente, and lawfuU astate in the lawe to such other feoffes as
they shall thynke good, by th*advice of my sone Richarde
Proctour, my cousynges Miles Staveley, and John Staveley, his
sone, of all my landes and tenementes in Litton, Owlcoottes,
Hawkeswike, and Scothorpe in Craven, in the countie of Yorke,
to the clere yerely valour of iiij li., over and above al charges, to
th'ase and entent to have a preist to say Masse and other divine
service in the churche of Rilston in Craven aforesaid for ever-
more ; and the said preist to praye for the saulles of me, my
wif Kateryne, my fader and my moder, my said wif fader and
moder, my son Henry, my son Roberte, my son William, my
sister Alicie West, my doughtour in lawe Isabell Proctour, and
for all Cristen saulles, and for all the saulles of them that I and
ray said wif have had any goodes of: the saide preist, foi^ the
tyme being, daylie to say Messe in the saide church of Rilston
aforsaide, if he thereto be disposed, and to dispose hym self
therto as far forth as he maye : that is to say ; every Sondaye,
Messe of the Trinite ; of Monday, of ReqiLwrrij and, that day,
after the Gospell, afore he goo to the lavatory, to praye for the
saulles afore reherced, mevyng every man to say a Pater Nosier
and a Ave^ and hym self De Profwridia ; every Tuysday, Messe,
wherof he will ; every Weddynsday, De Vulneribtua Ghristi ;
every Thuresday, wherof he will; every Fridaye, Messe of
Jhesu ; every Satturday, of oure Lady, excepte tberbe a doble
feste that must nedes be served, than that daye he to be
excusid saying a memory of the same that he shulde have
saide Messe of: and, daylie, vij Psalmes and Lataaiy with
Suffragies; every Monday, Weddynsday, and Friday PiooeSo and
Dirige with the Commendacion of All Saules ; every Tuysdaye,
John Norton, for that he was good Mr to roe in my lyff tyme, and for that he
shalbe favourable to my childerne, a yonge horae. To Mr Roger Tempest, for
to be good Mr to my ij sonnes as his poore kynesmen, xs. Towarde the
makyng of the northe ylle in GJargrare churche xx s. To a prest, to syng fore
my soull at Wjmterbume chappell, xiij s. iiij d. My son Thos. and Stephen
Proctour, ex". Sir Henry Clyfford Knyght, supervisour, [Pr. 22 Mar. 1515> 10,
adm. to ex".] (Reg. Test. ix. 29.)
Thursdaye, and Satturday oure Lady Psalter according to an or-
dinaunce tripertited theroF to be maide : and at the saide feoffes
enfeoffe other sex, or eight, or moo feoffes, in the saide landes,
so that the said landes remane and be ever in feoffes handes
that the saide preist at Bileston for the tyme beyng may have
the renttes and fermes therof for evermore, and to kepe the
saide landes ever in the feoffes handes for savegard of the same
landes. Item I will that my saide sone Richard, doryng his lif^
shall have the nominacion of the preist that shall be at Riiiston;
and, after his decesse, the same to be at the namyng of Greffray
Proctour, the son of Robert Proctour, and his heires for ever.
Item I will that my saide son, Richard, durying his lif, shall
have the settyng, and to farme lettyng, and the orderyng of all
the land that I have assigned to the prest that shalbe at Riliston
as my chauntre preist there ; and, after hym, the chauntre prest
for the tyme being, by th'advice of my feoffes, to have it for ever
at his orderyng. Item I will that Eustace and Henry Proctour,
sones of William Proctour, have all the rentes and fermes of
all my landes, except above queathed and limited, equaly
betwixt them to be divided, duryng the lif of the saide Richarde
Proctour, my sone, to ther bryngyng upe and fyndyng at the
scole, provided alway that the saide Richard Proctour, my sone,
shall have the settyng, and to farme lattying, and the ordeiyng
of the saide landes during his Uf, to the behove and profitte of
the saide Eustace Proctour and Henry, as is afore saide • • • My
feoffes ... to make astate in the lawe to Geflfray Proctour, son
of Robert Proctour, of all my other landes • • • in Mallome,
Kirkby, Calton, and Hawnelethe in Craven ... I will that my
son Roberto childre have my good will of al my right and
interest of the fermehold of Dalby, which he and I had of the
graunte of th'abbot and Convent of Sancte Mary Abbey in
Yorke. I will that my son, Richard, have all my other ferme-
' holdes at Bordley, or elswhere within the countie of Yorke,
with the fermyng of the benefice of Ameclif, durying his lif, soo
that his wif have non of them after hym : and if my said
sone Richard forton to decesse afor his wif, havyng no sone then
of lif gotten with the saide wif, nor with non other wif, than I
will that in any wise after his decesse Eustace Proctor and Henry
Proctour, childer to my saide sone William, shall have all my
farmeholdes at Bordley or els where, with the fermyng of the
parsonage of Ameclif, to them, after the costome of the contree
there, as far as in me is for ever. Farthermore, if it happyn
the said Richard to decesse havyng non childer of his body
begottyn, on lif, able to occupie the saide farmeholdes, than I
wiU in no wise that his wif occupie tham, bott oon of my sone
William childer, whiche as shalbe thought most able by
th'advice of my executours and surviours. I will that the said
Eustace and Henry have my best salte, with a cover of silver
parcell gilte, xij silver spones, a goblett of silver with a cover
parcell gilt, and a litle macer withoute a cover, equally to be
divided betwixt them* Item I will that my son Eichard have
six silver spones and the goblett of silver with a cover, and the
salte of silver with a cover. Item I will that all myn apparell
for my body be divided betwixt Richard, my sone, and Eustace
Proctour, equaly. Item I will that Henry Proctor, son of
William, have my best houpe of golde, and that Eustace have
an other, and that Cuthberte Proctour have an other of golde
that haith a septer oppon it. Item I will that my executours
paye, or cause to be paide, to every of the iiij Orders of Freres
in Yorke xx d. within oon yere after my decesse. Item I will
that GeflFray Proctour, son of Eoberte, have my signeth of gold
that haith an hynde gravyn in the printe of it. Item I will
that my saide executours paye to the Freres of Sancte Roberte's
beside Knaresburgh ij s« Item I will that my wif girddils,
that ded is, be equaly divided betwixt Barbara Proctour and
Dowsabell, hir suster. Item I will that a vestymente with all
thinges to it belongyng be bought and delyvered to the altar of
Fontance, where oure Lady Messe is dailye song at the ix***
altares theire, the saide vestymente to be of the price xx vj s. viij d.
Item I will that every monke in Fontance, that kepith divine
service theire day and of my nyght, have paide unto every of
them within a yere after my decesse ij s., to th'entente that
thei all shall pray for the saiUles of me, and my wif, and for
the saules of my fader and moder, and my childre. Item I will
that my son, or his heires, or other of my childer afore namyd
that dwellith at Bordley in tyme commyng, have the challes,
Messe buke, and al the vestymentes, and other omamentis
belongyng to the chapell of Bordley ; and that thei shall,
duryng theire lives, gif mete, drynke, and logying to a preist,
continually mynystryng Divine service in the saide chapell ; and
his wages, that will not be had of the inhabitantes w4n the
lordship of Bordley, to be borne at the costes and charges of
hym or them that shalbe dwellyng at Bordley aforsade for the
tyme beyng, if he or thei be of habilitie and power soo to doo ;
and the saide preist to saye Messe, according to the ordte' above
appoyntted for the preist that shalbe at Riliston, and to pray
for the saules of feder and moder, my wiflfe's fader and moder,
and for the sauUes of me and my wif, my sones, Sir Henry,
Koberte, and William, my suster Alicie West, and my
doughtour in law Isabell Proctour, and for the saulles of suche
other as I maide a bill of ther names and delyvered to Sir John
Qrene the same bill. Item I will that my son Richard have my
best fetherbed and oon cowntter poynte of tapstre warke.
Item I will that Geffiray Proctour, son of Roberte, have
the best cowntter poynte next it with on fetherbed. Item
I will that the bull stirkis be giffyn, oon of them to the
towneshipe of Kiliston, an other to Horton, and the other to
the inhabitantes of Bordley. Item I will that Henry Proctour,
son of the saide William Proctour my sone, have a goblett of
silver withoute a cover, and a salte of silver with a cover, and a
fetherbed with a cownter poynte. Item I will that my wif have
all suche goodes as she had when I maried hir, and if any of
it be expente or gone, soo that it may not be had, then she to
be recompensed and agreid with at the sight of my execu tours
and surviours. Item I will that my foraade wif have of my
goodes sex keye, and yj score wedders, and an annuite of my
landes aforsaide to the valour of Ixvj s. viij d. by yere duryng
hir widdohed, trustyng that she wilbe good raoder to the chiider
that I leve with hir, and soo that she will make no ferther
clame to any of my goodes. Item I will that xiij s. iiij d. be
gyven to the Priour and Convente of the Freres Augustyns in
Yorke. Item I will that my executours have the orderyng of
all the chiider of my sons, Roberte and William, and to se them
orderyd and guyded as well as God will gyve them grace, and
to make Alicie, my saide son Roberte doughtour, nune at
Arthington, or elswhere, if she will therto assent, or els to
helpe to marye hir with parte of hir fader and moder land, as
hir moder Will was ; and that William and Richard, ther sonys,
be fest prentices in London or some other place. Item I will
that Gefiray Proctour, son of Roberte Proctour, be putto
service to my singlar good lorde, my Lorde Percy, at such tyme
as it please his lordship to take hym to his service. Item I
will that all such good and cattell as I had of the goodes and
cattell of my suster, AUcie West,* that er not disposed by me
♦ 20 June, 1520. T, Alice West, of the parish of Ripon wer sallay [*«?]. To
be beried in Seynt Peter and Seynt Wilfride chirch of Ripon kirke garth. To
the makyng of the hie alter vj s. viij d. To Seynt Wilfride warke vj s. viiij d.
To Jeffray Proctour chiider, to every on of them vj s. viij d. To the Freres of the
Toftys xij d. To the [Freres] of Richmunde xij d. I wit Seynt Robert xx d.
To Hugh Proctour chiider, every on of them vj s. viij d. To Agnes Dambruke,
my sister, vj s. viijd., and to ychon of hir chiider vj s. viij £, To Elisabeth
Gibson and Blen Francland, my sisteris, and to ychon of ther chiider vj s. viij d.
To Sir Marmaduce Dawson xx s. To Sir John Kepas of Fontaunoe vj s. viij d.
To every fire hous within Sallay iiij d. a pece. To Thornton chapell ij s. To
Sir John- Wat son, my goostly father, x a. I wit my best belt to Seynt Wilfride
shryne. I wit my best bedes to our Lady of Doncastre. I wil that every
poore man and woman have a peny at my beriall. Also I will have Dirige and
Hesse done at Ripon kirke with the vicars and ther mynystres and the
in my lif accordyng to hir Will, that Bichard, my son, se it be
disposed trulye accordyng to hir saide Will, and that he, as fer
in hym is, compell John Daynbrooke in like to doo with such
goodes and cattell as he had of my saide snster, accordding
to hir Wil, so that in no wise he have it nott, nor any
parte therof to his owne propre use contrary to hir Will.
And, in like wise, I will that Richard endevour hym to the
uttirmost of his power, and to gett the best helpe that he
can or may, to compell th'abbott of Fontance to paye and
delyver hym zx li. in gold, and the macer and vj silver sponys
that my saide suster delyvered to his monke, John Kepas, to
kepe, which xx ii., macer, and spones the saide John Kepas,
monke, delyvered to the saide abbott, that it may be disposed
to my saide suster Will. Item I will that the said Richard
Proctour compell William Dauson, as the lawe will, to delyver
unto hym ij girddils and beades that my saide suster delyvered
to the wif of the saide William Dauson to kepe, and he to gif
them to oure Lady of Doncastre, and Sancte Wilfidde of Ripon
as my suster Will was. Item I bequeath to my sone, Richarde
Proctour, Eustace and Henry, an horse, ij mares, vj kye or
wheis of iij yeres olde, and vj score wedders (each). Further-
more, whereas I was indentied to my saide son, William, whos
saulle God pardone, in the sum of xl marc, which I recey ved of
the isshues and profettes of his landes, I will that my executours
shall delyver as moche of my goodes, to the valour of xx marc,
to th'use of Dowsabell Proctour, daughtour of my saide sod
William, if so be that I se not for hir afore my departour frome
this presente lif- Moreover if it fortone me, the said Geffray,
to departe this presente lif afore Barbara Proctour, doughtour
of the saide William, be mariede, I will then that the saide
Barbara shall have of my goodes to the clere valour of xl li. to
hir mariage at the sight of my executours and surviours, if so
be that she wilbe ordered by them in hir mariage, and also if
my goodes will extende therto. Item if it happen that Dorothe
Proctour, doughtour of the saide William, be not maried nor
other wise brought to socour afore my departour this present
lif, I will that she shall have of my goodes to the valour of xx li.
at the devise of my saide executours, if my goodes will extend
chauntre preistes, and they to have for ther labours ziij s. iiij d. at my
twelmonthe day. Also, for my berial, to Maister Bakhous ij s. Also to the
chauntres vj s. viij d. For syngyn to the graif ij s. Also to the vicars and
minlstres, for Masse and Dirige, vjs. viij d. To Agnes Sherp abrassepott
with a tyncler clowte. To Jeflfray Proctour, my brother Fon, a almery. To
the hie alter a borde cloth of twill to a alter cloilC and my executours to cause
it to be halowyd. Jeffray Proctour and John Dambruke ex". [Pr. 28 Sept,
1520.] (Keg. Test. ix. 116).
therto. Item I will that all my doughtour Isabell apparell,aiKi
all hir beddyng and householde stuf be delivered to Barbara and
Dowsabell, hir doughtours, by discretion of my ezecatours.
Item I oiden and make surviours of this my presente testa-
mente and last will Maister John Norton of Norton Esquier,
Maister Antony Cliflford Esquier, Henry Marton, Bicharde
Banke, John Lamberte, gentilmen,tni8tyng that thei and every
of them will helpe to assiste, aide, and sapporte my executoors
in executing this my testament and last will, and every of
them to have of my goodes xx s. over and above all ther costes
that thei or any of them shall susteyne in executyng of this my
will. Item I will that William Proctonr, Kichaxde and Alicie
Proctour, childer of my son Roberte Proctour, have of my
goodes towardes theire manage, bryngyng upe, and helppyng
them to service, or other wise, xx li., to be bestowed of and opon
them as shalbe thought most expediente by my executours and
surviours. The residue of all my goodes not bequeathed I gif
and bequeath to my son Richard Proctour, my cousynges Miles
Staveley and John Staveley, whome I orden and make my
executours [to] pay my dettes with, and to orden and dispose
for t'helthe of the sauUes of me and my wif, as they shall
thynke most conveniente and expediente. In wittenes whereof
to this my presente testamente and last will I have sett my
scale and subscribed my name, the daye and yere above saide.
Thies wittenesses Sir Olyver Judson, Sir Henry Hall, Sir Henry
Garford, and Sir John Grene, preistes.
[Pr. 6 July, 1626, adm, to the ex'\]
[Reg. Test. ix. 293.]
Oct. 2, 1524. William Greve, of the parishe of Pennyston.
To be beriede in the kirke of Sancte John Baptiste of Pennjs-
ton in oure I^aydye where. To the Lady service of Pennyston
a cowe, and to the service of Sancte Erasme a cowe. To a
preist, to syng for my saull a yere, iiijli. To Sir Thomas
Greve, my sone, a sylver spone. I will that my feoffes make
astate of iij s. iiij d. of the landes of Percivall Heliwell to Sir
William Benson, for the terme of his lif, excepte he. have a
service in any place that he may ly ve conveniently oon, and the
sade Sir William shall every yere cause a mynnyng* to be
rongyn, and oflFre j d. at Messe, and paye the clerke his duytie ;
* A good old English word slgnifyicg an anniversaiy peal, in mind or
memory of the testator.
and than, after hid decesse, to tume to the service of Sancte
Erasme, if the parishe will make it a service, or els to tume to
our Lady service for ever.
[Pr. 10 Nov. 1624.]
[Beg. Test. ix. 299 ».]
(Nov. 12, 1524.) I, William Bulmer,* of Skimnyngham,
Esquyer. Where I have enfeoflFed by my dede, beryng date
the [blank'] of Kyng Henry the viij^**, Edwarde Flechere, and
oyer, of & in all my landes, etc., in Scardeburgh and Brotton
. • . they to suflBr Elisabeth, my wif, for xv*** yeres next aftir
my deith, to take the rentes, etc., to such use and behove as I
have chained my saide wif with of hir consciencie betwixt hir
and me • • • then the saide landes, etc., to the use of William,
my sone, after the saide xv^^ yeres passith, & to th'use of the
heire malles of his body. To Hilton church, for tithes for-
gettyn, ij s. To the mon* of Gisbura vj s. viij d. To the
Freres Observauntes of Newcastell oon wharte whete and a cow.
To William Light, ij s. And, forther, I will that my wife do
dele every Friday in the yere, for oon yere enter, for helth of
my saull, and all Cristen saulles, in the honour of the Trinitie,
iij d. And, forther, I will that James, my lorde Prior of Gis-
bume, shall have the custody of such goodes as shal belong
nnto my doughtours, Elinour and Anne, as in right of ther
childe partes, to such tyme as by the frendes of the said
doughtours be provided convenient manages or other succour
for them for terme of theire lifes. And I forther will that my
wif have the ruyle and custody of my sone William and my
doughtour Margarete, and such partes as unto them shal belong,
and afforme aftir my deith as in right of ther childe parties,
provided that if my wif take a husband any persone aftir my
dethe, that than afore such marage solemnysed, that if the
husband that then shalbe will have the custody of my saide
childer parties, he to fynde sufficiente surties for the delyvere
of the saide goodes or partes to my saide childer at such tyme
as by the frendes of my saide childer shalbe thought good. And,
also, I will that my doughtour Jayne have delyvered to hir
* The testator had married the widow of . . . Esh of Skimingham near
DarUngton. That estate, after the death of Anthony Esh, who is mentioned
in the will, went to the Nortons, one of whom married his daughter and heiress.
The BnUners were a great house, about whioh we should like to know more.
The testator, with the head of the family, had been in the Scottish wars.
190 T£STAM£irrA
fyve poundes which her grandefader did gif hir, and in my
custody beyng. I will that non childe of myne have any
childe's parte of my goodes saving thies childer here in my will
namyd, excepte oon sum of x li. to th'use of my son Geoi^e,
that is to say my sone William, Oliver Ashe my wif son, Jayne
Ashe doughtour to my wif, Elinour Bulmer, Anne Bulmer,
Margarete Bulmer : thies be the childer that I will have their
childe partes of my goodes and non childer els. And I will
that Edwarde Fletcher, my servaunte, for diligent service and
paynes susteynyd with me, shall have xx s. And my servaunte,
Stephen Cole, xiij s. iiij d. and also to Margarete Witton, for
paynes susteyned with me, ij kye. And to Sir Thomas Franke
clerke ij stottes. And, forther, I will that my lorde, the saide
Prior of Gisbume, be supervisour of my will, and that my wif
Elisabeth, my sone George, my doughtour Margarete, and my
son William to be my executors and have full power in admini&-
tracion of my goodes, and that althinges downe by them to be
good soo that thay alwais doo and be orderid by th'advice of my
saide lorde Prior of Gisbum, the supervisour of this my testa*
ment ; and for his paynes theryn susteynyd, I will the saide
Prior fyve marc, and, also, my gray stoned horse. Also I will
my wif enyoye to hir owne use my nest of my goblettes, with-
oute contradiccion of any persone, as that he shall have of my
gift and legacy, which nest be parcell gilte. Also I commaunde
and charge my executours to do as muche as in them is for the
recovery of such dettes as be due unto me, and to declare to
my saide executours such dettes as be due by me to any persone.
Althinges accompted, I owe to Sir Bauf Salvan knyght, for
suche goodes as I did by of hym and delyveryd by the handes
of my lady his wif, xxj li. vj s. viij d. Item I owe to the church
of Hawghton xj li., and to oure Lady gilde c s. ; and certen
rekynnynges for my childer hordes where they were at borde
and scole ; and for oon gowne cloith, velvett and lynyd, to my
doughtour Kateren. And, forther, I will my executors pay to
Antony Asshe, my sone, duryng his un age, for the revenoose
and profittes of his landes coramyng, x li. ... they to delyver
to him my damaske gowne, as that he shall have of my gift
and legacy ; and in ratifyeng and prevyng of my gift maide to
hym at my last gowyng towardes the Scottes. And I will
that Sir William Bulmer th'elder, knyght, have oon of my best
horses, and to chese hym among al my horses. Also I will and
commande my executours, that duryng such terme of yeres as
I have of and for my tenemente of Brotton, to me lattyn by
William the laite lord Conyers, my saide tenemente beyng
kepte in severalte, & enclosid as that nowe they ar, and so to
be lafte at the ende of my terme, sfaalbe kepte in tillage, all
and every parte of the same beyng in tillage duryng any of my
yeres by me occupiede. Also I will that George Bulmer, my
sone, duryng my terme I have of my saide late lorde shall have
my saide tenemente of Brotton, with all th'appurtenaunces to
the same belongyng, duryng such terme and yeres as I have of
the saide late lorde ; and, to prove this to be my last will and
testament, I gif full auctoryte to the saide persones above
namyd to prove and ratifye this to be my will. Wittenessej
Roberte Shirewood, stuarder of Wilton, Cristofer Conyers of
Lincolnshyre gentilman, Johne Hudson yoman, Edwarde
Fletcher yoman, Stevyn Cole yoman, and many moo ; at Gis-
bume the xij*** daye of Novembre, the xyj*^ yere of oure soveryng
lorde Kyng Henry the viij***,
[Pr. 8 Dec. 1624, adm. to ex".]
[Reg. Test. ix. 367.]
December 15, 1524. I, John Marshall,* merchaunte and
cityner of Yorke, beyng of hoole mynde, ordenys this my last
will and testament in maner and forme here folowyng. First,
I bequeath my sail to Almyghtie God, to our Ladye, and to
all the Sanctes in hevyn, and my body to be beried afore on
ymage of oure Lady of piety which standith in a clossett in
our Ladye's churche in Castelgate. Also I will that the day of
my beriall be done a trentall of Messes within the saide churche,
and an other trentall within the churche of the Graye Freres.
Also I will that there be disposed to poore folkes, as hospitales
and massendewes Within the citie of Yorke, and in the suburbes,
and within the parishes of the same citie, where most nede is
to be done, iiij li. Also I will that viij serges of a pound a pece
be burned aboute my body the daye of my berieng. Item I
will that the daye of my beriall be maide on honest dyner to
my frendes, at the sight of my executours, withoute pompe.
Also I bequeath to the parsone of my parishe churche my best
garment for my mortuary, and to the same parsone of the said
churche, for forgettyn tithies, xs. Also I bequeath to on
honeste preist suche as my executours shall thinke abill to
syng for my sail, my wif sail, the sallys that I am bounddon to
* Son of William MarshaU of York, merchant, and grandson of John
Marshall, alderman, and Joan his wife, daughter of Richard Bnokden.
The testator was free of the oitj in 1516, and was made a chamberlain in
1521y sheriff in 1522-3. The wUl is a very corioas one.
pray for, and al Cristen sallys the space of ij yeres in onre Lady
chiurche in Castelgate, and on other at Sanete Michael churche
for oon yere, and I will that ichon of them have vij markes«
And I will that ichon of them saye iij tymeS in the weike Placebo
and Dirige. Also I beqaeath to our Lady churche in Castell-
gate, to the uppoldding of the churche warkes, xl s. Also I
bequeath to the iiij Orders, to ichon of them an nobill ; and I
will that ichon of the preistes of the Graye Freres say Messe of
the V Woundes for me, and have iiij d., and every broder, beyng
no preist, ij d., to say Dirige. Also I will that the prisoners in
the Castell, in the Bishope prisone, for the space of ij yeres,
have vj d. in the weike, to be wared in brede every Fridaye.
Also I bequeath to the churche of Gawod, to the churche worke,
a Messe booke and a chales. Also I bequeath to the Nons of
Appilton, to sing Di/rige and Meaae for my sail, to the prioresse
xij d., to the supprioresse viij d., and to every none ig d. ; and
to the same place I bequeath a vestimente of chamlett, and a
Legenda Aurea* Item I bequeath to Robert White's childer,
to ichon of his soues xz s., and ichon of his doughtours x s.
Item I bequeath toward the findding and exhibicion of ij scolers
that be apte to leme, to praye for my sail, my wife's sail, for
ichon of them xl s. Item I bequeath to the ancres in Yorke
vj s. viij d. Item I bequeath to our Lady churche in Beverlac'
XX 8, Item I bequeath to ichon of my servauntes vj s. viij d.
besides theire wages. Item I bequeath to the churche of
Sanete Michaell in Yorke vj s. viij d. Item to Sir Thomas
Worall X s. Item I bequeath to amendyng of hie wais aboute
Yorke, where as is nede, xl s. Item I bequeath v marc to pur-
chase as moche land as will make an yerely obite perpetually
in our Lady churche in Castelgate for my sail, my wife's, my
fader and my moder soules, and al my good frendes salles, and
all Cristen salles. Item I bequeath xx li., [with] whiche money I
will that my executours do purchase, imediatly after my decesse,
xxvj s. viij d. land by yere, which land I will it shalbe jonyd
to a house and certayne landes of myne lyeng withm the
parishe of Heroyngburgh ; whiche house and landes I gyve frely
to Christofer Stapilton, Thomas Either, Walter Bradford, Sir
Thomas Worall preist, for that intent, to performe my last will
as concemyng a Messe that I will have daily within the churche
of the Graye Freres in Yorke, with a solenne Meaae and Dirige
ons in the yere perpetualy for my sail, my wif, my fader, my
moder, and all my good frendes salles, and all Cristen salles, and
I will have it after the forme of Maister Brian Roclife's Messe :
and I will that the on half of the money that shall rise of the said
landes be distributed emonges the breder that shall syng the
Messe ; and the other half for my obite, & to the reparacions of
the house, in the whiche obite I will that the warden have vj d.,
every broder beyng preist iiij d., and to every broder no prest
ij d. : and I will that the belman have iiij d. for puplissing of the
said obite. Item I will that William Wilson and his suster Anne
have theire ehilder partes fully and irely without any charges
or costes. Item I bequeath to Anne Wilson ij gownes, a violett
furred and a murray furred, and a violet bonnet, a firontelett
with a dimisynge girdill. Item I will that my ezecutours by,
or cause to be maid, xiij matresses, as meny coverlettes, and a»-.
many pare of shetes, which I will they gif to xiij^ yong poore A
men that be begynners and haith litle to helpe them self with, y
Item I bequeath to John Metecalf xl s. Item I bequeath to \
my broder, Christofer Conyers, ij bowses, on lyeng in Beverlay
in the holddyng of on Guide, cowper, and on other in Hull in |
the holdding of on Hewetson, shomaker, whiche I lately pur- '
chased of on William White, the sone of Johne White alderman
and grosiour of Yorke. Also I bequeath to my said broder,j
Christofer, in plate and money, x marc. Item to the samei
Christofer the prophetes of all my landes in Cawod [&] Wistowe,''
excepte an annuitie of xxxiij s. iiij d. yerely, whiche I gyve to
my suster. Dame Mary, for hir lif, and, after hir decesse, to
retume to my broder, Christofer Conyers, for the terme of his
lif, and, after his decesse, to goo to the right heires. Item I
bequeath to Dame Mary a flate pece gilte with a roose in the
bothome. Item I bequeath to Doctor Vavasour v marc and a
gilted spone, to pray for me and all that I am bounde. Item I
will that William Wilson [have] v marke and a scarlett gowne
for a woman, beside his childe parte. Item I bequeath to the
makyng of the hie altar in the Gray Freres xxs. Item to
Wistoo kirke xiij s, iiij d. Item to Frere Thomas Slater x s.
Item to my broder, Walter Bradford, a standding nutte with a
cover, the shell paynted. Item to my unckl Gibson a gilted
spoyne for a remembrance. The residue of my goodes, my dettes
paid, and charges borne, I gyve to be divided betwixt my
broder, Christofer Conyers, and my susters, Dame Mary and
Anne Sampoll, at the sight of my unckle Gibson, whome I
make my supervisour of my testament ; and Doctor Vavasour
and Walter Bradford, whome, with my broder, Christofer Con-
yers, I make my executours. In wittenes whereof is the parsone
of Sancte Mary church in Castilgate, Sir Thomas Granger, and
Sir Thomas Wirrell, the daye and yere afore rehersed.
[Pr. 31 July, 1626-7, adm. to CJhr. Conyers, the other ex"., Mr. Wm Vavasour,
S.T.P., Warden of the Friars Minors, Tork, and Walter Bradford, renouncing.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 334.]
In the name of God, Amen, xyj*** daye the moneth of
Decembre, yere of our Lorde m'dxxiiij^'*. I, John Rogerson,
of Ry vail within the parishe of Helmesley, constant and perfitte
in reason, makes my testament in forme folowing. First I
bequeath my saull to Almyghtie God my Redemer and Saviour,
to His gloriose moder Sancte Mary, and to all the holye com-
pany in hevyn ; and my body to be beried within the churche
of Alhallouse in Helmesley. Item I bequeath, for my mortuary,
my best good. Item I will, immediatly after my dethe a
preist sing in Helmesley church for my saull the space of an
hoole yere. Item I bequeath to the monastery of Ryvall for
MesaCy Dirige^ and A haolucH^my zx s., that is to say for Abso-
lucion yj s. viij d., and to the Covente xiij s. iiij d. Item I be-
queath to Rauf Saxton iij s. iiij d. Item I gif to Patrike my
servaunte a whit jackett and a blake fustyan dublett. Item I
bequeath to William Redhed childe my olde motley ooite.
Item I bequeath to Stevyn Goodfellowe childe my godson an
olde jackett. Item I bequeath to Brymley wif a paire hoise
and a galberdyn. Item I bequeath to Sancte Alrede shryne* a
paire beades. The residue of my goodes, not bequest, my
dettys truly contente, I gif to Petir Saxton and George Sandwith,
whome I make executours of this my last will. Wittenesses
William Watson my curate.
[Pr. 20 Feb. 1626-6.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 304 ft.]
Dec. 25, 1524. Richarde Calverley,t gentilman. To be
beriede in the hye where within the parishe church of Sancte
Wilfride in Calverley. I make Robert & Nicholas Calverley,
my breder, with Henry Thomhill, executours, & my cosjmg.
Sir Watir Calverley, supervisour. To my nevoye, Sir Walter
Calverley, x li. in golde, & to my lady his wif v marc. To my
god doughtour, Anne Calverley, v markes, & a paire of beades
of corall ; & to every on of hir sisters vj s. viij d. To Gilbert
* At Rievaulx. The shrine of St. Aelred, who was duly honoured there,
t A son of WilUam CalTerley, Esq. (Test. Bbor. iv. 157.)
Calverley & his broder Thomas Calverley xiij s. iiij d. To
William Calverley, the yonger, xx s. with a gray amblyng nag. To
my cosyng, William Calverley th'elder, a yoke of my best stottes
in my draight. To my cosyng, Robert Calverley, & Thomas
his broder, vj s. viij d. To my godson, John C, vj s. viij d. To
every on of my brether John childer xl s. To Robert Calverley,
my broder, xl s. To Sir Robert Yole iij s. iiij d., to pray for me,
with half of the insight within my hoase at Esthaull. To
Isabell Calverley a whie. To Agnes Vavasour a silver spoyne.
To Thomas Harpar a gray nag. I bequeath vij marc to a
preist, to pray for my saull & al my frendes saules for a yere.
To my sistur Isabell an olde noble, with a paire of white every
beades with faces, & to every on of hir sonnes a silver spoyne.
To Nicholes EUys my bukler. I bequeath a cowe worth x s. for
the church stoke. To William EUys, th'elder, a paire beades
of ambour. I bequeath a sylver goblett in the custody of my
lady Calverley duryng hir life, &, after hir decesse, to my
doughtour, Anne. To Alicie Calverley an arke. To Thomas
C. my wod knyf. To W" C. th'elder a new dagar. To my
brother Vicar, for his labour, an olde noble. To my hospes
Harpar an ambre. To my brother Roberto my fox furryd
gowne, a sattan dublett, with the sidder of my chamlett
jackett. To Gilberte Calverley my little crose of golde for the
terme of his lif, &, aftir hym, to be an heire Tome to the
progenye of the heires of Calverley. I will that all my pur-
chaced lands in Calverley & Manyngham go to my broder
Robert for terme of his lif ; to remayne to Sir Walter Calverley
& his heres ; &, for the more surtye, I have maide a deide of
feoffamente & putt yn thies feoffes, Thomas Tempest Esquier,
Robert Meryng & John Meryng gentilmen. The residue to
my ex" for t'helth of my saull & thairs, and, thus, Jhesu have
mercy oppon me.
[Pr. 22 March. 1624-6.]
[Ez Orig. penes Deo. et Capit. Ebor.]
Jan. 16, 1524-5. A Sancte John hede, ij s. A byrde cage
w* a corde, ij d.
* He made his will, Not. 24, 1624. John Grejm, of the dtie of Yorke,
glover. To be beried in the church or church graith of that parich wher it
Shan happen me to depart furth of this world, and my best garment for my
mortoarie, after the coostome of ye citie of Yorke, if it fortone me to die
thare. To Margaret, my wyff, my bowse in Walmegait. Daughters Agnes St
o 2
The shope. A dosen payr of gloves yjd* viij bagges iiij&
xyiii parses ij s* A chyst xviij d. ij baUyngs xij d. \] formes,
a horde w^ other huslament in ye sayme xij d. iig selves w* ▼
poykes xvj d,
Summa, xj a.
He owes to ye wyf at ye Bell at Doneaster xii^ d. Funerall
expenses fyve marke^
[Reg. Wolsey, 167.]
Feh. 8, 1 524-5. I, Sir Thomas Swifte,* preiste, as a true
Christen man fast in the faithe of Griste and His Church, now
beyng hoole in body and of good mynde and memory, make,
orden, and declare this my testament and last will in maner
and forme folowyng. First, I bequeath my saidl to Hym which
creatid and redemede the same, Criste Jhesu, besechyng
humbly AUmyghtie God, Sone, and the Holye Grost, Uire
Persons and oon God, to have mercy of me synfull creature,
praying also His Godhed to have pyte of me, and of His
infinite mercy to put His moost excellent passion betwix my
soull and His rightwise jugement; and if I for my manyfold
synnes and trespaces have not maide true confession, dew
contricion and satisfaccion as I ought to have downe, I therfore
aske grace and forgy venes, mekely beseching the moost gloiiose
Virgyn, oure Lady Sancte Mary, all Angelles, Archangels,
Apostels, Evaungelistes, Marters, Confessours, and Virgyns,
with all the celestiall citizens and gloriouse company of hevyn,
to be my advocates, to pray for me unto God for remission of
my synnes, that my saull may be savyd and comme to the blisse
that never shall have ende. Item I will my body be beryede
within the church of Rotherham before the doore of oure Lady's
where. And I gif to the church warkes and nedes xx s. Item
I will be giffyn for my mortuary accordyng to th use and
costome of the contrey. Item I gif to the church of Wikersley,
towarde the makyng of ther steple and hallowyng of ther hye
altar, vij li« Item to Sir John Addy a fetherbede that he lyeth
on, with bolster, tester, and sciller, with a gowne. Item I gif
Margaret Greyn. To Edward Chawmar of Donyngton my blake horse being
at Hinderskelf and my ladder dublet. My broder, Robert Greyn. (Pr. Dec.
15, 1526.) [Reg. Test. Dec. ft Capit. ii. 139]
» A eon of John Swift of 'Kinsley, and a kinsman of Robert Swift of
fiotherham. Cf. Hnnter'e Sonth Yorkshire, i. 204-6.
to the saide Sir John Addy, tx> syng eight yeres next aftir the
date hereof for my sauU, for the saull of my maister Gefiray
Symon,* for the saulles of my &der and mother, and al Cristen
saulles, for every yere vij mare, which amounteth to the somme
of xxzvij 11. vj 8* viij d., which Bomme I will shalbe kepte in the
College of Jhesu in Botherham under the custody of the provest
and felowys of the same, and they to pay to the saide Sir John
Addy vij marc yerely, as is aforesaide ; and if the saide Sir John
dye, than it be gyven in like maner to an other prest, electe
by my executours. Also I will my saide prest shall sav iij
tymes in the weeke Placebo, Dirigey and ComrnendcLciona.
Also the same prest to say Messe in the weeke, one of the
Trinitie, the secunde of oure Lady, the thirde of Requiem^ and
in other days to say as he shalbe disposid. And I will the
saide preste syng within the church of Rotherham beforsade
the saide viij*^ yeres. To Thomas & John Swifte & Humfrey
Walker, my god childer, to every on of them yj s. viij d. To
Jane Walker sex sylver spones. To Alice Wade vj sylver spones.
To John and William Swift, sonnes of William Swift, and to
Anne Swifte ther sister iiij li. To my ij servauntes, Thomas
and John, theire hole yere wages . . • To the churche of
BumesauU, where I was parsone, c s., it to be taken of such
dettes as ys owyng by my procuratour there. To the amendyng
of the gate in Tynsley xls. To the chapell of the same a
vestyment of bodkyn with pertinence, to th'entente my saull
may be prayde for. To the monastery of Rufford a pare of
greate saltes sylver with a cover gilte, for th'entente that thay
for the same shall syng yerely aboute the day of my obite
Placebo and Dirige with a Messe of Requiem the day folowyng ;
and for performacion of the same I will th'abbott and Convente
of the saide Rufford be boundon to my executours in an
obligacion of xx** marc ; and, if they denye so to be boundon,
than I will the saide saltes with the cover be otherwise disposed
for my saull aftir the discretion of my executours. To my
broder, John, yj sylver spones and xl s. To my lorde abbot of
Rufford a velvett girdle with hames silver and gilt. To Jane
Storke, my servaunte, . . . & xx s. for hir true labour and ser-
vice downe to me. To Maistir Roberte Nevile, provost of the
College of Jhesu of Rotherham, for his labours, my best gowne
cremysyn furryd with marttrons, my best surples, a bag of blake
velvett with ryng of sylver and gilt, a girdle hameshed with
sylver and gilt having a flowre ou the bucle, and an other in
the pendent. To Robert Swift of Rotherham a macer with a
* Geoffrey Simeon, prebendary of Soath Cave at York, who became Dean
of Lincoln.
cover of sylver and gilt havyng a roo buke oppon it. The resi-
due . . • to Maister Robert Nevile & Koberte Swifte, whome
I orden executours . . to dispose them for t'helthe of my aaull
and my saide maister saulle in good warkes and charitable
dedes . . Wittenes Sir John Addy prest, Sir Nicholas Frankish
prest, Sir Richard Bradshawe scole maistir, John Grene, and
Thomas Swift, my servauntes,
[Pr 23 Feb. 1624-6.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 305.]
In the name of the Holie and Indivisible Trinitie, the Fader,
the Sone, and t'holye Goost, Amen. I, William Nelson,* of the
citie of Yorke, gentilman, hoole of mynde and clere memory,
the xxj*^ daye of March, the yere of oure Lorde God m' d.
xxiiijth, revolv3mg and thinking the freile astate and condicion
of man, and also the incertitude of my last day, nyght and day
revolvyng and thinking, and by the grace of God willing and
purposyng the inconvenientes and accidentes therof to come,
and a perfite remedy^ to provide and putte, maketh, ordineth,
and disposeth this my testament, my last will therin contenyd,
in maner and forme folowyng. First I witt and commende my
sauU to Almyghtie God, my Creatour, and to that Blissid Mary
Virgyn and Moder of Mercy, and to all the Sanctea of the
celestiall courte of hevyn, and my body to be beried in the
church of Holye Trinitie in Mekilgate in Yorke, nye the body
* Thomas Nelson, merchant, was Chamberlain of York in 1442; Sheriff
1447-8; M.P. 1452; Lord Mayor, 1454 and 1466. Will d. 4 Nov. 1478; pr.
22 March 1483-4. (Reg. Test. v. 212.) Sep. in eccl. prioratus S. Trinitatis
doram altare S. Thomae Martyris, jnxta corpus Eaterinse, uxoris mesa. Grand-
Ron Geo. Wastenes, son of my dau. Agnes. Son & heir, Thos. N., 100 marks,
and my lands, etc., in Hull, Cottingliam, Brantingham, Skelton near York,
Doncaster, Bolton on Deme, Halifax, Fenton, East and West Lutton, and
houses in York. Son Wm. N. 100 marks and houses in York, and lands in
Riccall, Poppleton, and Sherburne.
Alderman Nelson, according to Dmke, founded a chantry at the altar where
he was buried, desiring that it should be called that of St. Thomas Nelson.
ITie maker of the will now given, William Nelson, was his second son, and
was Chamberlain in 1489; Sheriff, 1495-6. On Jan. 28, 1498-9, he was elected
Alderman ; in 1500 he was Lord Mayor; and on Dec. 18, 1503, he was elected
M.P., an honour which was repeated in 1509, 1511-12, and 1514-16. On Jan.
16, 1616-17, being then a prisoner in the Fleet, London, he was again made
Lord Mayor, to the *gret mervayUe and dyspleasour' of the king, who set the
election aside. Mr. Nelson resigned his gown Aug. 6, 1517. He marr. Jenet
or Joan, dau. John Norton, Esq., of Bilbrough. Christopher, his son and heir,
died at Kiccall in 1554, where he had a lease of the prebend.
of my fader ; and I wittx) the Prior of the Holye Trinitie the
day of my beriall iij s. iiij d., and to every monke xx d. for
Dirige and Mease, to pray for me ; and to the sacristane for
lightyng candilles opon my grave by on hoole yere at Messe
tyme, xij d. Also I witto my parsones for forgettyn tithes and
oblacions vj s. vi\j d. Also I witt v li. wax in v serges to bume
aboute my body to my parishe kirke. Also I witt x li. wax
to be maide in v candils to bume aboute my body to my beriall.
Also I will ther be wax fomid suflSciently to bume opon my
grave at Messe tymes by a hoole yere next aftir my decesse.
Also I witto my parishe kirkewarke vj s. viij d. Also I witto
the iiij Orders of Freres within the citie of Yorke xx s., that is
to say, every Order v s. for ther special prayers. Also I witto
every leprose house within the suburbiis of Yorke vj d., and to
every massendew iiij d. Also I witt v li. of money to be dis-
tribute to every olde man and woman j d. : the residue by the
discretions of my executours, and every man and woman lyeng
bedryn, that may not come, j d. Also 1 witt xx s. to the uphold-
yng of Use brig, so that it be expent oi)on the same brig, and
in non other use. Also I witto the marige of poore madyns
xl s., the lest iij s. iiij d., and the most vj s. viij d. Also I witto
every man servaunte beyng with me the day of my beriall ij s.,
and to every woman servaunte xx d., over and besides ther wages.
Also I witt X 8. for the sayng of a trentall the day of my beriall.
Also I witto an honest prest iiij li. vj s. viy d., and his borde
with my wif, to synge for my sauU and all Cristen sauUes by
the space of ij yeres, and he to say daylie Placebo and Ihrige,
and, aither yere, a trentall as the fe^tes come, and aftir every
Messe to say this Psalme De Profundis with the Collecte
Absolve, Also I witt and giffes Janet my wif my basyng and
ewer of silver duryng hir lif naturall, and aftir hir decesse to
Crist ofe r Nelson and^'illiana his sone, or els the on to by the
other parte. Also I wilt and giffes the saide Jenet, my wif,
a standyng pece of silver coverte and gilte with Sancte Nicholas
of the cover top, and vj spoynes silver and gilte. Also I witt
and giffes the saide Jenet. my wif, for terme of hir lif, al my
landes and tenementes in Grymston, Bicall, Welehows, Kelfeld,
Acastre, my chefe place in Yorke that I dwell yn with the tene-
mente in Conyng-strete boght of Thomas Holgate, and the
tenement that Kicharde Bossall and Cristofer Conyers wonnte
in in the Trinitie parishe at the 8hamyll end, with the tene-
mente bakeward aneynst Sancte Sampson kirke ; and she to
paye yerely to T homas Nelson^ m y sone, iij li. at ij termes in
the yere to he be "beneficed to the yerely valour of xli. And
aftir the decesse of Jenet my wif, I gif and witt to William
Nelson, my son, and tx)<ihe heires of his body lawfully begotten,
the landes in Kieall, Welehowse, and landes bought of Gilliot
in Kelfeld, and he and thay to pay yerely to his broder, Thomas
Nelson, xxxiij s. iiij d. at ij times, as is aforesaide, to he be
beneficed ; and Cristofer Nelson to pay yerely to the forsaide
Thomas Nelson, his brother, xxvj s. viij d., in full contentacion
of the forsaide iij li. aftir the form aforsaide. And after the
decesse of Jenett my wif I will the tenementes in Conyngstrete
. . & Newland title . . to William Nelson, son of Cristofer
Nelson my sone • • and the tenementes that Richard Bossall and
Cristofer Conyers wonnte in, and the tenement bakeward aneynst
Sancte Sampson kirke • • to Peter, sone of William my sone • •
And I gif and witto Cristofer Nelson, my sone and heire, a
standyng pece covert silver and gilt with bretesynges, the grete
cownter in the hauU, my best gilted salt coveryd and gilt,
a giltid spoyne, with vj other spoynes of silver, and my erosse
of golde, in full satis&ccion of his porcion. And also I gif and
witto William Nelson, my sone, a standyng pece coverte with iij
lyons silver and gilte, the cowntour in the parlour, the other
gilt salt aftir his moder decesse, a giltid spoyne, with yj other
spoynes of silver, in ful satisfaccion of his parte and portion.
And I geve and witto Thomas Nelson, my sone, sex silver
si)03mes with lyons opon the endes, a cowntour at Bicall, a
pressour, a copburde of waynescotte that was Davelle*8, a bound
kiste, with a bed of waynescotte, a federbed, a coveryng of a
bed with ymagery, y coverlettes, ij blankettes, a paire of [£eites,
ij pillows, and yj whissynges with hertes, in full satisfaccion of
his parte and porcion. To William Nelson, Cristofer sone, my
doble cowntour in the side of the haull, that was Davell's, and
a giltid spoyne. And I gif Richard, his brother, a gilt spoyne
and the cowntour in my bed chambour. And I gif Peter Nelson
a giltid spoyne and the cowntour in the chapell chambour.
And I gif to William, his broder, a giltid spoyne, and the
cowntour in the parlour that the mensey ettes oppon. To every
doughtour of Cristofer and William Nelson, vj s. viij d. To
Kateryn Grascoign, my doughtour, yj s. viij d. And I wit Rauf
Gascoign and William, his broder, aither of them yj s. viij d. so
it come not in ther fader handes. Also I wit Isabell Gascoigne
a smale girdle, the hames silver and gilte, that was hir moder
wedding girdle, and vj s. viij d. To Jenett Langton, my
doughtour, vj s. viij d. and to Fraunces, hir sone, vj s, viij d.
Also I wit Margarete Aire, my doughtour, vj s. viij d., and a
standyng pece coverte, silver and gilte, worth v marc, which I
delyvered hir at the xviij*** day of February last past, and
X marc in stuff or money in amendeyng of hir porcion so that
John Eire, hir husbande, make acquietance for bir porcion, or
els wbich he and she haith receyvid of me to be cast in hir
porcion, and to take that that right will he have. To Martyn
and Dorothe, hir childer, aither of them yj s. viij d. To
Margarete Gamett vj s. viij d., and Jenet, hir doughtour, iij s.
iiij d. I wit William Nicson one of my gownes, which my wif
will, and iij s. iiij d. I witto Sir John, my curate, iij s. iiij d., to
pray for me. To Sir John Symson yj s. viij d. I witto the
Trinite gilde in Fossegate iij s. iiij d. To Sancte Cristofer and
Sancte George gilde iij s. iiij d. To Corpus Cristi gilde xx d.
The residue . . to Jenet my wif & Cristofer, my son, whom I
orden • • ezecutours, to fulfill my will and dispose my goodes
in warkes of marcy for t'helthe of my saull, and I make and
ordend William Colla preist supervisour of my testament, to se
my wil be fulfilled, and goodes well and vertuosly disposed.
And as for Richard Langton, I have acquietance of hym. And
as for William Gascoign haith had of me above reason in money,
rayment and dynner, with other charges, a hundreth marces of
lawfull money, and in money, when he went to the Scottishe feld,
iiij li. and more ; and, to make his wife a feofiamente, xl marces,
and he entrid to his landes at xvij* yeres of his elde to my hurte
and damage xx li. and more. Also oxen, kye, horses, bounde
Waynes, crisom laces, fyne pillows, with beddyng and stuf oute
of mynd, to the valour of xx li. and more. In wittenes hereof
to this my present testamente and last will therin contenyd I
have putto my scale, the daye and yere above written. Thies
wittenes8e3. Sir John Miklay, curate, Thomas Staveley, William
Pulley, Henry Mason, and other.
[Pr. 12 Apr. 1526.]
[B^. Test. ix. 313.]
Apr. 7, 1523. Dame Elisabeth Scargill, widdo, late wife
unto Sir William Scargill knyght* late departed. To be
beriede w*in sanctified grownde whereso it please Almyghtie
God that I shall departe. To my curate my best whik good in
the name of my mortuary. To the hye altar in Ledes, to helpe
to bye an omamente, iij s. iiij d. Also, to the church warkes of
Ledes vj s. viij d. To Mr Robert Scargill a horse or xl s. To
Maistres Coplay a cowe. To Sir John Evers vj s. viy d. To
* There is very little known about the Scargills, who lived at Lede Grange.
John Preist ij s. " To Sir Symond Hawe, my chaplayn, vij marc
in a yere duryng vij yeres, to pray for my saull and for my
husband saull, Sir William Scargill, and al my good freindes
saulles. To my madjm of my chambre a cowe and vj s. viij d.
To Elisabeth Scargill, my doughtour, my ambling gray horse,
I orden Eliz., my doughtour, my fill executrix of this my testa-
ment. The residue • • • to her, to hir mariage and to dispose
for my saull afbir hir best mynde. Thes beryng wittenes
Maister John Coplay, Sir John Vevers, etc.
[Pr. 5 May, 1525, adm. to er«.]
[Reg. Test ix. 866.]
In nomine Individuae Trinitatis, Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus
Sancti, duodecimo die mensis Aprilis, anno Domini millesimo,
quingentesimo, vicesimo quinto. Amen. Ego, Robertas Haly-
treholme,* clericus, rector ecclesise parochialis de Bidenham in
comitatu Bed', compos mentis ac sanae memoriae, condo testa-
mentum meum in hunc modum. In primis legoanimam meam
Omnipotenti Deo, Beatae Marise Virgini, Sancto Jacobo Apostolo,
et Omnibus Sanctis caelestis curiae, corpusque meum (si con-
tingat me mori apud Bidenham) ad sepeliendum in ecclesia
Sancti Jacobi praedicta de Bidenham, in cancello, subtus lectri-
iiam. Item lego [in] unum Antiphonarium cum nota pro
ecclesia praedicta, v li. vj s. viij d. Item reparationi pontis de
Bidenham vj s. viij d. Item lego reparationi ecclesiae de Lin-
coln iij s. iiij d. Item lego Abbatissae et Conventui de Denney
in comitatu Cantabrigiae sex cocliaria argentea, et in moneta
XX 8., pro Exequiis et Missa celebrandis inter eas solenniter pro
anima mea, et pro animabus parenlum et fratrum et sororum
meorum, etc. Item do Agneti Mayne unum cocliar argenteum
et iij 8. iiij d. Item lego Fratribus Minoribus iij s. iiij d. Item
lego Roberto Popley, Fratri Minori, filio meo spiritali, vj s. viijd.
Item lego fabricae ecclesiae Sancti Botulphi in Cantabrigia ij s.
Item lego Fratribus Prajdicatoribus de Beverlaco, ut int^rsint
sepulturae meae, et celebrent Exequias et Missam, vj s. viij d.
Item lego Ricardo Dalby nnam peciam argenteam cum una
arbore de Iwlyn in sculptura in fundo cum hoc verbo AgnoSy et
unam murram secundam, et sex cocliaria argentea cum knoppes
* A native of Beverley, who had been educated at Cambridge and benefioed
in Bedfordshire. He made his own wiU.
vocatis garlekhed. Item lego Elisabeth Dalby, uxori dicti
Ricardi) unam cistam de cipero coopertam cum ferro. Item
lego lectum plumale melius quod jacet in parlura, cum cervi-
calli eidem pertinente. Item lego eidem Elizabeth unum
optimum par lintheaminum. Item lego Francisco Dalby unam
peciam argenteam parvam, stantem, partim deauiatam, cum
pede cum uno flore argenti in fundo, cum uno wreiih deamato
circa florem. Item lego dicto Francisco meam murram cum
coopertorio ejusdem. Item lego dicto Francisco unam magnam
rubiam archam in mea camera* Item lego Laurencio Foster de
Skerne, consanguineo meo, unam peciam argenteam cum uno
day^ deaurato in fundo, et habet tuche de Turri. Item lego
Jobannse, uxori dicti Laurentii, unum par precularium de corall
et arvfier^ cum gaudiis de argento, cum lapide jasper. Item
lego tribus filiabus dicti Laurentii, viz. Margaretse, Elisabeth,
et AnnsB, unicuique earum, unimi cocliar argenteum. Item
lego Elisabeth Dalby, matri Ricardi Dalby, unum cingulum de
serico rubei coloris cum iiij scripitis argenteis, unum par linthe-
aminum, et unum par precularium quod habet, quod ei prsestiti.
Item lego domino Ricardo Grante capellano unum cocliar argen-
teum. Item lego domino Roberto Sonley, rectori ecclesiae Sancti
Nicholai de Beverlaco, unam murram cum parva ligatura argen-
tea, et tria cocliaria argentea, et unum par lintheaminum, et, si
contingat me mori Beverlaci, eligo sepulturam meam in ecclesia
coUegiata Sancti Johannis Beverlaci in insula australi, juxta
chorum dictsB ecclesiae, prope sepulturam Domini Thomae Hali-
treholme, avunculi mei, quondam personse in praedicta ecclesia.
Item lego reparationi ecclesisB Beatae Mariae Beverlaci xx s. Item
volo quod emant unum lapidem cum data et convenienti scripto
ad ponendum super corpus meum. Item pego] Elisabeth
Dalby, consanguineae meae, unum magnum comntier stans in
aula. Et caetera bona mea, ulterius non legata, post debita mea
soluta, ac funerales expensas meas solutas, do et lego Ricardo
Dalby et Elisabeth Dalby, uxori dicti Ricardi Dalby, et Roberto
Sonley capellano, rectori ecclesiae Sancti Nicholai Beverlaci,
quos quidem Ricardum Dalby, Elisabeth, et Robertum Sonley,
ordino, facio, et constituo hujns mei testamenti meos veros et
legitimes executores, ut istud meum testamentum fideliter
perimpleant, et caetera bona mea, non legata, disponant pro
salute animaB meae, animabus parentum meorum, fratrum et
sororum meorum, ac animabus benefactorum [ac] omnium
fidelium defimctorum, sicnt eis melius videbitur placere Deo.
Hiis testibus Domino Ricardo Grantt capellano, R. Browne,
serviente meo, Laurencio Forster. Datum Beverlaci, xiiij** die
Aprilis, anno Domini millesimoquingentesimo vicesimo quinto.
Scriptum manu mea propria.
[R^.Wolsey, 168 a.]
May 2, 1526. I Richarde Willoughby,* preiste, in hoole
mynde, makes my testament in this maner folowyng. First I
gif and witt my saull to Almyghtie God and to oure Lady
Sancte Mary, and to all the Sanctes in heven, and my body to
be beriede in the parishe church where soo ever it shall please
God to visett me ; and if it forton me to be visitt within the
lordship of Hynderskelf, that then my body to be beriede at a
thome tree in the churche yerde that I set my self. And I gif
and witt in the name of my mortuary my best horse, under the
forme as be accostomed, and my marble stone that nowe lithe
there to be lade apon me. Also I witt to the amendyng of the
omamentes within the saide church xx s. Also I witt that ther
shalbe ezpente als moche at the day of my beriall [as cometh]
to iij s. iiy d. and my xij*** torches to be expente the saide
daye, and to ichon of the xij olde men that berith them iiij d.,
Summa iiy s. Also I will that every persone, vicar, and preist
that visitt my body the day of my Serial, syngyng or sayng
Mease and Dirige for my saull, xij d,, parishe clerkes iiij d.,
scolers ij d., and every man, woman, and childe j d. Also I gif
to the prior of Kirkham 2a s. ; to Sir Thomas Yorke vj s. viij d.,
and to every broder and novice xij d., and maistir sacristayne
for ryngjmg of ther belles to ther costome, and they to syng
Messe and Dirige for my saull. Also I witto the iiij Orders
of Freres within the citie of Yorke xiij s. iiij d. to be divided by
evyn porcions. Item to the iiij colege churches iiij s., ychon of
them xij d. Item to Sancte Petir warke xx d. Also to one
ymage of oure Lady standding be northe [sic] the where dore
in the Mynster of Yorke xij d. Also I witto Sancte Margarete
altar in Huton my Messe buke, vestiment, and chales. Also 1
will that my executours fynd iij serges before the ymage of
Sancte Margarete by the space of vij yeres. Also I gif to ther
bye waes and ther commonnotte vj s. viij d. Also I gif to the
upholdding bothe the chappels xxs. Also to my suster Elisabeth
iij li. vj s. viij d. Also to Nicolas Newsome xl s., q oxon ; and to
his wif a cowe. Also to Robert Wright and his wif and his childer
XX s., ij oxon, and a cowe. Also to Jenett Mylner of Malton on
cowe or x s. Also Richarde Daye and his wif a cowe and iij s.
♦ The testator seems to have been attached to the household of Lord Grey-
stock at Hinderskelfe, an ancient choich and TillBge» swept away to make
place for Castle Howard.
iiij d. Also I will have a preist to saye Messe at Sancte Mar-
garete chapell for on yere, of the feriall dayes to say Dirige for
my fiirder*s sauU, my moder saull and my owne, withal my
kynsfolkes saules whos bones lieth there ; and whan he says not
Dvrigtj as Festivall dayes, then to say the vij Psalmes with the
Latany, and he to have for his wages iij li. yj s. viij d. Also to
on preist to syngat Hynderskelf by the space of ij yeres, and he
to have like payment, and to serve under the same forme, sayng
Messe the Sonday of the Trinitie, the Monday of th'Angels, the
Tuysdaye of the Holye Gost, the Weddensday of Requiem^
Thursday of Corpvs Ohristij the Friday of the Crosse, the
Satturday of oure Lady ; and the preist to have to his wages to
the saide ij yeres viij li. xiij s. iiij d. and he to be charged as
aforesade. Also I gif to the kirke warke of Thorpbassett xx s«
Also to ychon of my god childer xij d. Also Jenett Hudson
xls. Jenet Browne xxs. Isahell Foster a cowe or els xs.
Item to John Symson, auditor to my lorde, that I may have
rightwise jugement and true justice betwixt my lorde and me,
xl 8. Also I gif to my Lorde Dacre, my Lorde Graistoke, my
good maister Sir Cristofer Dacre, by evyn porcion to be deliverid
emonge them, iij horses, or els yj li., to the intent that thay be
als good to my executours and to my saull as they have been
hertofore to my poore persone. Also to my Lorde Deyne nowe
beyng xl s. or els my best horse next my mortuary and he to be
supervisour of this my will. The residue of my goodes not
legated I bequeath to Maister Houghton and Sir William
Jefirason, and they to dispose and distribute the saide goodes
to the helth of ther saulles and myne as they will aunswer afore
the hye Juge, and they to have for ther labours xx nobils divided
by evyn porcions, the day and yere abovesade.
[Pr. 28 Aug. 1625, adm. to Mr Wm Houghton k Dan Wm Jeffraaon, vioar of
Folkton, chaplains, ex".]
[Beg. Test. iz. 816 5.]
May 15, 1525. Thomas Lacy,* gentilman, prist and stable
of mynde.. To be beriede within the parishe cburche of Folton,
in oure Lady where. To Sir Brian, my preist, if he be contente
therwith, or els, some other to syng for me and my anteces-
sours the space of iiij yeres complete, iiy li, every yere. To the
* The Lades of Folkton, B.B.Y., were an ancient Yorkshire family. Cf.
Glover's Visitation of Yorkshire, 160-1.
executours of Sir Cristofer Diirbatn, late the vicar of Folton, for
the forgifhes of tithes forgettyn, xs. To Koberte Lacy, Elisa-
beth, my doughtour, with the x li. that Sir Boberte Constable
owe me, & the yj li. that Sir William Ellercar owe me, with all
the raymentes that was hir moderns, beside hir parte, with the
half my inwarde goodes of Folton. To Lancelote, my sone,
my goblett with the coveryng. To Roberte, my sone, my
goblett, and half the dossan spones that ar called the xij^
Apostels ; and the oyer half I gif to Lancelote, my sone. To
Rauf Lacy, my sone, beside his parte, v li. xiij s. iiij d. that
Maister Gower owe me, and v marc that Maistir Laton owe me,
and xl s. that Mastres Laton owe me, & vij nobles that Frere,
the balye of Bridlyngton, owe me ; I bequeath my sone Rauf
with his parte to my sone Robert, he to fynde sufficiente
surtie to Sir Rauf Eure and my cousyng Gower to fynde hym
at the scole, & to have his parte ; and Roberte to have the
money above namyd for the fynddjmg of the said Rauf at the
scole. To Watir Rudstone, my sone in lawe, x li. To Lance-
lote, my sone, my leise & take of my fermehold of the hall, the
crops grovyng at the hall, etc.; also my leise of the Clif close
for payng of such dettes as is not knowen, and for goyng of
pilgramage for me. To Maistres Jane Eure xx yowes with
ther lames. To Matild, my bastard doughtour, v marc. To
Rauf Lacy a flat silver pece. To Sir Rauf Eure my whit dc^
and my blake, and my halke. To the Prior of Bridlington, for
all the offences and displeasours downe betwixte hyme and me,
and for a forgiffenes, x s. To my sister, Matild, xl drape
wedders, & to Thomas Milner, hir sone, a file with a whit foite.
To Rauf Lacy v marc for his parte. To Anne Lacy & Margarete
V li. vj s. viij d. for ther parties. To Isabell Lacy v marc for
hir parte, she to be delyvered to Roberte Lacy. To Lancelote
Lacy all my horses at the hall. I forgif such poore men as is
not able to pay me. To TyndaU wif iny bore and a sue with
pig. To the Freres of Scardeburgh, to have one yerely obite,
the house that Gyhnyn wif wonnt in, the which Freres maide
clame therto. To the house of Sancte Roberte's, for' absolucion,
iij s. iiij d. The residue to Lancelote and Rauf, my childer :
they ex": Sir Rauf Eure, supervisor.
fPr. 2S July, 1626, adm. to Lancelot Lacy, res. to other.]
[Reg. Test. Dec. Sc Cap. Ebor. ii. 142.]
June 22, 1625. Be it knawen over all that I, William
Smyth, of Rowclif besides the citie of Yorke, notarie, hooll of
mynd and seik of bodie, maik & ordeigne my testament &
last will in maner and forme following. To be bur. within the
metropolitane church of Sainct Peture of York, afor the ymage
of our Blissid Ladie, ney besides Isabell my wi6F lait decessed,
whos soull God pardone. To my parich church of Belfray, for
my mortuarie, my best horse. And I will that myne executores
doo for me at my buriall in like maner as I causid to be doyne
abowt the buriall of my wiff, in every behalve. To the mona-
starie of our Blissid Ijadie of Yorke fortie wedders. To the
foure Orders of Freers of the said citie xx s., so thay goo before
me to the church; & to every of the Spittall howses of the same
citie a bussell of wheit. To my brother, William Conyers, my
bay gelding, and my tawny sattan dublet ; and to Issabell, my
doghter, a challes, w* a westament and a alb y* belongeth the
same. To my freind, Thomas Skirrow of York,armerer, twoqwies
of iiij yeres old, and my new Kendall jakket. . . • To Thomas
Gillow my musterddevillous jakkit, & my awmebling bay horse,
which remane in his keping. To John, his sone, a blak trot-
ting stag which goith at Dighton. To Richard Tarte my white
sattan dublet. To every of my servandes a gymmer lame, who
amountithe the nowmbre of xxx persones. I wooU that my
two yongest children, Thomas & Elizabeth, be w* my doughter
Margaret, with thair porcions, and she shall have my take of
Fulford tiethis for the findding and upbringing of my said two
children, and shall mynysche noe part of yer porcons yerfor :
and, furthermore, she shall yerely, during the said taik of
Fulford, cause to be doyn for me ane Annyversarie w* Masse
and Derigie their as she dwellith, and ane other for my said
wiff, hir mother, the dais of our departoures to the mercy of
God. I will that my doughtour Isabell shalbe with my
brother e law, William Conyers, and he to have hir feofemente
goyng furth of Thomas Mounteford landes to she come to yeres
of discression, and, besides that, my said brother e law shall
have XX marces, or gooddes to the valow thairof, in his cus-
todie, to be deliverd to John Mounteforde and my said doughter
Isabell at yer mariage . . . according to my condicon maid
with the said Thomas Mounteforde. I will that S*" John Con-
yers prest haye the guyding of my thre sones, Richard, Robert,
and George, w* yer porcions, and he to bring theym up in
lemyng to they may come to yere of discrescion, & then to
deliver unto thame their said porcions w^owt any mynyshemente
• • . I woll that my executours cause to be doyne yerely for
me and my wiflF during the terme of xx** yeres now next folow-
ing, at my said parich church of Belfrais, within th'uties of
Corpus Ghriatiy ten Masses of the v Wounddis, for ather of us
fyve Messes; and other ten Messes of the Visitacion of our
Ladie, for ather of us v ; to be doyn within the church of
Belfraies ; & other ij Messes of Requiem to be doyn for us
every yere during the said xx** yeres at Belfrais aforesaid upon
the feast of All Senilis, for the which I lynmiyt to my said
executours, to be taken owt of my guddes, vij li. vj s. viij d. To
Sir John Conyers prest my best gowne funred with fox, my
velvit doublet, a bay awmbling stage, and ane himdrith gymmer
lammes. To the parson of Skelton, now being, ane awmblyng
gray stag going in the Gowe clois at Rowclif ; and to Skelton
church, for honourmente of the crucifix their, yj s. viij d. ; and
to the same church ane altar cloth, which was my wiflfe's mynd.
To the parich church at Craik ane aulter cloth. To Belfrais'
church ane aulter cloth. To Petur Welles of Skelton a bay
fiUie stagge. To Margaret Frost ten sheringes, or els a cow.
To WilliMn Lewit, my kynsman, my swerde and my bukler,
and ten yowes. Ex" John Conyers clarc, & my sone, Richard
Smyth,* and my lord, Edmunde, abbot of the mon' of our
Ladie of York, supervisour ; and ever besuch his gud lordship,
as my single trust haith beyn in the same, to be gud lord unto
my said children.
[Fr. 21 Aug. 1625, adm. to ez~.]
[Beg. Test. ix. 381.]
In the name of God, Amen, the x*** day of July in the
yere of oure Lorde God, m*. D.xxv*^, I, Thomas Fyndrone,t
* 11 Apr. 1633. Richard Smyth of RowcUff hall, being in seknes, dreding
deith. To be bar. within the parish chnrch of Sanct Michaell, called the
Belfray, as nygh the high where as may conveniently be snfferd. Soster
Issabell S. Brother Rob^ S. Res. to Issabell my wiff & Thomas & Anne mj
childering ; they ex'*. Thomas Yavasoor of Conpmanthorp gentilman, & John
Jakson, my wiffe's father, snpervisonrs. [Pr. 13 May, 1533.] (Reg. Test Dec.
& Cap. ii. 166.)
t The Findems were a very ancient family, and have been long extinct. A
few garden-flowers still bloom on the site of their ancient residence, and are
called by the country-folk *the Findems' flowers.*
Radcliffensn-Soar belonged to the Sacheverells, two of whom are mentioned
at the dose of the present wiU.
of Badclif oppon Sore in the Countie of Notingham, Esquier,
beyng of hoole and perfitte memory, thanked be God, make my
last will and testament in forme folowyng. First, I bequeath
my saull to Almyghtie God, our Lady Sancte Mary, and all the
Sanctes, humbly beseching Hyme to accepte it to His mercy
and grace ; and my symple body to be beriede in the parishe
church of Badclif oppon Sore aforsaide, byfore the ymage of
the Soode, in the northe ile of the same churche, if it fortone
me to dicesse there : and, if I decesse in any oyer place, than I
will my saide body be beried in suche place as my executours
shall thynke most conveniente, if I appoynte no place certayne
therfore in my lif ; and to have a conveniente stone of albastour
for me and my wif. Also* I will that every preist that shall
saye or syng Mease for my saull the daye of my beriall in the
church where my body shal be beried, have for ther labour
iiij d. ; and in likewise oppon my vij*** daye ; and every clerke,
beyng within Orders, seyng Placebo and Dirige for my saull
the daye of my saide berial in the same churche, j d. Also I
will that every man, woman, and childe commyng to my beriall
that will receyve dole, have an halpeny white loffe and a shiflfer
of chese ; and, as for the wax that shal be occupied abouffht
my herce the day of my saide beriall and vij^^, and also al otner
coBtes and charges funeralles, I will they be ordered, maide,
and downe by the advice and discretion of my executours, or
the more parte of them, as they shall thynke most conveniente,
at my oonly costes and charges. Also I hertely require my
executours that they contente and trulye paye all my dettes to
every body that I am indetted to. And also that they recom-
pense all maner of persones that I have hurted or wronged in
any maner of wise in al the hast they conveniently can or may
after my decesse, accordding as they shall see cause resonable
after theire discretions. Also I will that my saide executours
shall bargeyne and sell at theire pleasours frome tyme to tyme
all my goodes and cattalles, as well moveable as unmoveable,
and with suche sommes of money as they shall take and receyve
for the same that they shall make my fimeral expenses, and
also contente and paye al my dettes, and recompense the for-
saide hurtes and wronges ; and if my saide goodes and cattail
will not extende therto, then I will my executours shall receyve
and take all the reveneus and profittes of all my purchased
landes in Darlye, Reppyngden, and Aschebe de la Sowche in
counties of Derbye and Leicestre, unto suche season as they
have perceyvyd and takyn of the isshues and profittes of the
same all suche summes of money as my forsaide goodes and
cattail lake and wante of the full contentacion and payment of
VOL. V. p
my saide funerall expenses, paymentes of my dettes, and recom-
pensing of the forsaide hurtles and vrronges, and every of them ;
and, that done, I will that the isshnes and pnofittes of the same
purchased landes goo yerely to the maynteynyng of Divine
service at my newe chapell in Potloke for ever. Also I be-
queath to the releyve of the church of Badclif appon Sore
s^orsaide a cowe. Item I bequeath to Agnes Hussy, to pray
for my saull, a cowe on calf, a yowe and a lame, a pare of shake
downe sheittes, a borde dothe of the same, a new coverlett,
half a quarter of malte, and a bushell of wheate. Item I
bequeath to William Bowman, to pray for my saull, my baye
rackyng geldyng, a saddill and a bridell. Item I bequeath to
the Gonvente of Beppynfifden, to pray for my saull, and to doo
Divine service for me as mey shall thinke most expedients, vj s.
viij d. Item I bequeath to the releyve of the church or chapell
of Fyndron, to praye for my saull, a heflFour in calf and ij yeres
of age and more. Item to the releyve of the church of Willing-
ton, to pray for my saull, a quarter of malte. Item I bequeaUi
to John Lacy, to praye for my saull, the cowe that cam frome
Keigworth, and annuitie or annual rente of viij s., yerely goyng
oute of the maner of Long Sitone in the counte of Derby, nowe
in the holdyng of Johne Pyne, duryng suche termes as I have
in the same, and to be paid yerely at the festes of Sancte
Michaell and tb'Annimciation of oure I^y by evyn poreions ;
and, for defalte of paymente, to entre and distreyne. Item I
gyve and bequeath to George Findron, my sone and heire ap-
parente, God's blissing and myne,chargyng hym opon my saide
blissing that he doo his diligence that tins my saide last will
and testament may be performed withoute delaye; and to
th'entent he shall the rather so do, I gif and bequeath to hyme
my fetherbed, bolster, and coveryng nowe lyeng on the parlour
bede at Badclif, and all my hames, bothe breggoners, gestrons,
jackes, salettes, splentes, bowes, arowes, billes, and other har-
nes ; and, forther, I will that the saide George have any of my
householde stuf opon a resonable price by the oversight of my
executours, or the more parte of them, if he desire the prefer-
mente therof, or it be sold ; and also will make rede paymente
for the same, or els note. Also I bequeath to ychon of my god
childer dwelling within the parishe of Sadclif aforesaide, to
pray for my saull, a lambe. Also I bequeath to the house of
the Freres Austyns of Leicetour, to pray for my saull, a quarter
of malte, and a ronte stere. Also I will that my saide execu-
tours contente and paye to the churche wardens of Saddington
in the countie of Leic' that I owe to theire common box for a
crosse clothe and a bull seg (while) I dwellid there, x s., and if
the saide churche wardoDS tbeire thinke in theire consciencie
thay ought to have more, I will my executours agrey with them.
Also I bequeath to Sir Thomas Wynter, vicar of Eadclif opon
Sore aforsaide, to praye for my sauH, iij quarters and a half of
blake carsaye, half a quarter of malte, a bushell of rye, a blake
buttond bonnett, and a tawne saddill. Also I will that if my
executours, or oversears, or any of them, be putto any costes or
charge for the performacion of this my last will and testament,
the same costes and charges shalbe takyn and borne of my
oonly goodes and cattcdles. Item I bequeath to William Briges
a rouiied colte and a quarter of come, my fustyan dublett, my
peticotte, and a paire of hoise that I ware day lye. Item I
bequeath to my doughtour Mary my best kerchef, and to Agnes
Hussy the secunde kerchef. Item I bequeath to Richard
L<athebere a blake stalkyng mare which is in the handes of
Roberto Fyndron. Item I bequeath to the same Boberte
Findron, in recompense therof, my blake balde felye and hir
fole* Also I order and make my sone George Fyndron, my
cousyng Sauf Sachferell, and my cousyng, John Crewker, my
executours, hertely requiring them to be lovyng to my saull,
and to se this my last will performed withoute delaye, as my
especiall trust is in them. And also I make Sir Bichaiti Sache-
ferell and Sir Henry Sacheferell knyghtes supervisours of this my
saide will, besechyng them to be lovyng and kynde to my soule,
and to my poore childer, and that they will aide and supporte
niy saide executours in all causes resonable concemyng the per-
formation and execution of this my saide will, and every article
conteyned in the same. Also I will that all suche costes and
charges that my executours, and every of them, shall susteyne
or lay done for the performacion of this present will, or any
thyng concemyng the same, be at my oonlye costes and charges.
In wittenes wherof Sir William Browne prior of the Aynstens
Freres in Leicetour, Sir Thomas Wynter vicar of Badclif afor-
said, Sir William Mannsfeld preist, James Else, John Ade,
John Pyne, William Howett, Bartrame Marley.
[Pr. 12 Oct. 1625 & adm. to ex".]
[Reg. Test. Bbor. ix. 328.]
Sept. 14, 1625. John Henryson, th'elder, Alderman of the
Kynge's towne upon Hull, beyng in good mynde and perfitte
remembrance, thanked be God. To be beriede in the southe
p 2 '
ile within the chiirche of our Lady. Also I bequeath far my
corce prisaunte my best gowne. I gif also to the Blissid Sacra-
mente, for oblacions and tithes forgettyn, vj s. viij d. Item I
gif to the church warke of our Lady zx s. Also I will that
when the money that is owyng to me in Fraunce for the Peter
(come in), that then my executours shall cause a cope to be
maide to the valour of xxx", and it to be gyven to our Lady
church for a memoriall. Also I will that my executours shall
cause a case of velvett to be maide for the BUsside Sacramente,
to hang over the hye altar. Also I gif x li. to be gyven to x
madyns to ther mariages, that is to say, to every on of them
XX 8., to be delyvered to them vj dayes or they be maried. I
will also that my chaplayne, Sir Thomas, shall have a fether bede,
ij sheittes, and a coveryng to the same. I gif also to my sust^
Agnes, of Hedon, xl s., and to the litle lady withe saide Agnes
iij li. vj 8. vi\j d. at the sight of John my sone. Also I gif to
William Heryson, the carver, at the next comyng of the hulkes
oute of Danske, a c wayne scottes, oppon his good aberyng, at
the sight of my sone John. Also I gif to William Haryson,
the taliour, xx s. I gfif also to Isabell Haryson, William Hary-
son is moder, the carver, xx s. . • . To Rauf, my servaunte, my
werke day gowue, doblett and jackett. To Roberte Biston
my rydyng gowne. To Thomas Haibome, my apprentice,
vj s. viij d. To my son John all my astate . . in certeyne
closes, tenementes, & pastours within the lordeshipe of Miton
. . and my tenementes in the Hye Strete, with a grete siler
bowndyng next to Cristofer Lurte . . also my oile mylne, with
the garthyng, with all the cistemes of leede that I have, and
all my horses and meires. I will that John, my sone, shall
paye, or cause to be paide, yerely to Agnes, my wif, xxvj s. viij d^
for the terme of hir lif. I will also that by the provision of my
sone a parte of my landes shalbe bound to fynd an obite in
cure Lady churche for ever, to pray for my saull, my fader saull,
my moder's, my wife's sauUes, and all Cristen sauUes, and ther-
fore to pay yerely iij s. iiij d. Also I will that Agnes, my wif,
and John, my sone, whome I make full executours of this pre-
sente testamente and last will, shall fynd a honest preist, to
syng for ray saull and all Cristen saules by the space of ij yeres,
and the saide preist to have yerely v li. for his wages ; and the
said preist to be redy at all seasons to helpe to maynteyne the
serves of God in the church of cure Lady aforesaide. I will
also that John, my sone, shall delyver to Agnes, my wif, half
the oile that shalbe maide of the s^e that I have of this yere,
and she to here half the costes and charges therof. Also I gif
to aither of the houses of the Freres iij s. iiij d. The rest . . to
my wif & SOD John, & I make Sir Thomas Lymbeden, parishe
preist of our Ladye chmrche, and William Thewe of Hedon,
supervisonrs opon this my presente testamente. Hiis testibus,
me, Thoma Lymden, indigno corato, Johanne Browne mercatore,
et Jaoobo Johnson, cum ceteris astantibus, at Johanne Cokett.
[Pr. 11 Mar. 1635-6.]
[Reg. Test. U. 327].
Nov. 13, 17th Hen. VIII. (1526). John Norman,* citizen
and alderman of the citie of Yorke. To be beried in the mydde
parte of the church of All Sanctes upon the Payment, as nye
unto the body of my late welbelovyd wif, Jane Norman, as
is possible. To Sir George Richardson, my curate, my best
garment for my mortuary, & xxvj s. viij d. for my tithes, as any
tyme hertofore unpaide, or oblacions forgettyn. To xiij olde
men, for beryng xiij^ torches at the day of my beriall xiij*''
white gowne. I will that xiiijth pounde of wax shal be bumyd
then over my herse, & that the same day their shalbe gyven to
poore people ob. dole, to pray for my saull. I will that my
ex", the viijth day next aftir my beriall, or as nye theroppon as
they can be in conveniente redynes, shall cause a solenne
Dirige and Messe of Requiem to be doyne within my parishe
church for my soulle, and to gyve to every preist of the saide
parishe, beyng then & there present, xij d. ; and to the maister
of Corpus Christi gilde, beyng there likwise present, other xij d.;
and to every keper of the same gilde vj d. ; and to all other
preistes, helpyng and maynteynyng God service with in the saide
church that daye, iiij d. ; and to every parishe clerke iiij d. ; to
every under clerke ij d. ; to every childe of the saide parishe,
* He was a son of John Nonnan, Sheriff 1490-1 , and was adm. to his freedom
in 1603; Chamberlain 1512; Sheriff 1514-16; on Jan. 12, 1516-17, he was
elected alderman, to the great displeasure of the king, whom he seems to have
offended, and who dischs^ed him from his office on Mar^ 26. He was re*
elected alderman in Jan. 1520-1, and was chosen M.P. for the city in Feb.
1622-3, and Lord Mayor in 1524.
In 1501 he was adm. into the Merchants' Guild, of which he became con-
stable in 1507 and master in 1515 and 1616. He and Catherine, his wife,
joined the Corpus Christi Guild in 1612. (Beg. of Guild, 176.)
John Norman was thrice married, his last wife being Anne Birley of Gate-
forth. Their marriage licence, dated Jan. 2, 1524-6, is in Wolsey's Register
(/ 80). From him descends the Visitation family of Norman of Gateforth
and Burton Salmon.
The will is full of pious and charitable bequests
helpyng to do divine service, j d. I woll that ther shalbe
burned ziiij li* of wax over my herce that same day. To xiij
olde men xiij^ blake gownes, to pray for my saide saoll ; and
also for beryng of zi^^^ torches the same eightyn daye witJi the
above named xiij olde men on white gowne* I will that my
ex" make ob. dole to poore people the saide daye. More over
I will that my ex" shall make a worshipfull dynner to my
breder aldermen of the saide citie, and to my sisters ther wifes,
and to such other worshipfoll & honeste persones as they shall
thynke best to have there, Forthermore, I will that my
executoxirs, the day xij^ monethes after my saide beriall, or as
nye theroppon as they can be in a conveniente redynes, shall
make like expenses for the helthe of my saull, accorddingly as
they shall doo at the saide eightyn daye, savyng oonlye that
they shall gif non gownes then ; and as tochyng all other piety
and necessary expenses to be then maide & had, I referre it to
the discretion of my ex". To the Graye Freres of the said
citie, to praye for my sanll, and for beyng at my beriall,
xiij s. iiij d. To the other iij orders of Freres, to praye & doo
for me likewise, xx s. I will that my ex" shall cause a thrugfae
of marble to be laide opon my grave, & theropon the ymage
of a man and iij women ymages with scripture to be gravyn in
the same stone & tbrugh. To the ankores of Bishophill of
Yorke, to praye for me, iij s. iiij d. To the poore headmen of
of the Trinitie hauU in Yorke, Use brig, Sancte Cristofer house,
and Sanct Antony house, vj s. viij d. ; to every house zx d. ; &
to every poore beade house of the saide citie xij d., to pray for
my saulL To the prisoners of the citie iij s. iiij d. ; to the
prisoners of Yorke castell iijs. iiijd. To the Chamberlayne
iiij li. to be emploied for the common well of the citie ; that is
to saye, xl s. towards the reparacion of the common staithe, &
xl 8. towardes the amendyng of the Kynge's hye waye aboute
Sanct Nicholas churche, agaynste th'est ende, withoute Walme-
gate Barre, I will that my ex" have xl marc to purchase a yerely
anuy tie of xl s. furth of some religiouse house, or els xl s. land
by yere, towardes the supportacion & mayneteynyng of a certayn
chauntre foimddit within the saide parishe church in the honour
of God, Sancte John, & Sancte Katerine, wherof Sir William
Symson preist is nowe chaplayne ; and for the whiche xl s. by
yere soo annexed • • • the same Sir William and his successours
shall daylie praye for my saide saull, the saulles of John * &
♦ A youDger son of John and Isabel Norman of New Malton. He was free
of the city in 1469 ; Chamberlain 1487 ; Sheriff 1490-1 ; Master of the Mer-
chants* Guild 1496.
On June 30. 1497, Agnes his widow adm. to his effects (Rog. Test. T. 497).
She died in 1533 and was buried at All Saints near her husband.
Agnes, my fader & moder, the saulles of Kateryne, Jane, &
Anne, my laite wifes, the saulle of Maister BichiBurde Wiott*
clerke, & for the saidles of all my benefactours & all Cristen
saulles, in sayng within the forsaide churche dailie the Psalmes
of De ProfunSiSy & Miserere Psalme ; &, affcir thies sade, to
cast holy water opon my saide grave ; provided also aye that if
the sade parishynners & chnrchwardyns herafler do refuse &
will nott permitte my heires to presente the clerke unto the
saide chauntre, at every secnnde vacacion, by reason of my saide
gifte, then the zl s. by yere to be emploied in other deides of
charitie & almes. My ez*^ shall fynd an honeste & discrete
preiste to syng for the saide saulls at Sancte John altar within
my sade parishe church, the space of iij yeres next after my
departour forth of this transsitory world, & they to pay hyni
yerely vli. To Agnes Norman, my moder, to pray for me/^
xiij li. vj 8. viij d. To Antony Norman, my sonne, & his lawfull I
heires, my messuages, lands, etc, in Yorke, the towne & borowe /
of Ripon, & Dancastre • • • then to George Norman, my eldest (
sone* To my son Antony c li. ; & Myles Newton & my broder.
Sir Thomas Norman, to have the custodie & tuycion, indif-
ferently, of the saide Antony, & also of Anne Norman, my
doughtour, & ther porciones. To George Overend & Isabell
his wif, my sister, z marc. I pardoneunto William Maxwell &
my sister, his wif, al such dettes as they owne me. To Mawde,
my sustir, iij li. vj s. viij d. To John Tankerd, my apprentes,
XX s. Ex" George f my sonne, Jane & Anne my doughtours,
Sir Thos Norman & Miles Newton. To the same Sir Thomas
for his payne z li., & z li. to Miles Newton.J My broder, John
Thometon,§ & my broder, John Basyng || alderman, super-
visours, to whome I gif zz marc.
[Reg. Test. Ebor. iz. 327.]
* Precentor of York 1519-22, and a brother of Sir Henry Wyatt of Alllngton,
CO. Kent. By hig will, dated July 8, 1522, he leaves 100 marks to Joan, dan.
of Mr. John Norman, alderman of York, towards her marriage.
t On Jan. 16, 1528-9, the corate of Rothwell had a licence to marry Geo.
Norman, par. A. S. P., and Alice Lee, par. Rothwell ; banns once. (Test. Ebor.
iii. 375.)
X Son and heir of John Newton of Thorpe, near Ripon. Town Clerk of
York, elected 1619, and made free of the city in that year. He died in 1550.
He married Rosamond Rnos of Ingmanthorpe.
§ Merchant; free 1604; Chamberlain 1505 ; Sheriff 1508-9; elected alder-
man 1510-11 ; Lord Mayor 1514. He was eldest son of Richard Thornton,
Lord Mayor in 1602.
Q A son of Thos. Rasyng of New Malton, and a merchant m York. Free
1499; Chamberlain 1513; Sheriff 1515-16; alderman 1522. He married
Joan, d. John Norman. She remarried Wm. Harrington.
[Reg. Test. iz. 344 a.]
Jan. 10, 1525-6. John Boswell, alias Jenkyn Smyth, of
Sherebume in Elmete. To be beried in the parishe churche
of Alhalowis in Sbirebome, in the midle ale, afore the Kode.
To my mortuary, my best beast, after the costome of the same
churche. To the hie altar, for my tithes necligently forgottyn
or witholdyn, xxd. To Sancte Peter of Yorke, our moder
churche, vj d. To the Bode light in the parishe churche of
Shirbume iij s. iiij d. To the light in oiur Lady chapell there
zx d. To the fyndyng of a serge afore the Rode in the same
churche, half a quarter of barle. To the iiij Orders of Freres
within the citie of Yorke, to pray for my saull, and to everichon
of the same Orders a wyndle of wheate, or the price therof. To
the churche of Sherebume, for a baner clothe with the ymage
of our Lady and on crosse of Sancte George, with other warkes
in the same, as shalbe di vised by the curate, churche wardyns,
and my executrix, to the sum of vj s. viij d. ; and if the said sum
of vj 8. viij d. will not make it the best baner in the churche,
that then my executrice to lay downe iij s. iiij d. more to the
sum of X sj, for performacion of the same ; provided that if I
make it in my lif dayes, that then my executrix therof to be
acquiete . . Thies wittenes Maister John Haull clerke. Sir
John Taliour preist, John Boswell,* scolemaster.
[Pr. 12 July 1526.]
[Reg. Test, ix, 359.]
In the name of God, Amen, the xix*** daye of February, the
yere of our Lorde God, m* d. xxvj^**, I, John Smyth,t of Shup-
ton in Galtres, of hoole mynd and good remembrance, maketh
my testamente and last will in forme and maner folowyng.
* Another person of the name of Boswell, Thomas Boswell of Sherborne,
made his will Jan. 26, 1526-7.
To be bur. in the churche of Alhallowes in Sherebume. To onr Ladie
light xij d. To Sancte Rooke light xij d. To Sancte Antony light viij d. Son
Henry, dau. Eufamye. [Pr. 16 Feb.] (Reg. Test. ix. 358.)
t The deceased was a tanner. He was a chamberlain of the city of York in
1618. In 1526 he was elected Sheriff, but refused to serve, and retired from
the city of Shipton. Margaret, his widow, remarried Robert Nonnys.
First, I bequeath my sauU to God Almyghtie, to our Lady
Sancte Mary, and to aU the Sanctes in hevyn, and my body to be
beried in oure Ladye where at Overton. Item I bequeath for
my mortuary my best beast. Item I bequeath v poundes of
wax, to be burned aboute my body the daye of my berialL
Item I bequeath x s. in mayne breid, to be delt to every busier
in Overton parisbe ob., and a q*' in other brede. Item I be-
queath to every man and woman, beyng at Mease the daye of
my beriall, j d. Item I bequeath iij s. iiij d. in spices, and
iiij 8. in wyne, to be ezpente the daye of my berialL Item I
bequeath to Overton churche iij s. iiij d. Item I bequeath to
the Vicar of Oureton iij s. iiij d. Item I bequeath to Sir
Christofer Scroby xijd. Item I bequeath to Corpus Christi
glide iiij s. Item I bequeath to Sancte Petir warke xij d. Item
I bequeath to Sir Robert Morwyn iij s. iiij d., and xiij s. iiij d. to
said Sir Roberte to dispose in a Dirige to his parishjmners as
he thynketh best. Item I bequeath to Hery Nixon a whie
that is with Bukbaroo. Item I bequeath to John Nixson
vj s. viij d. Item I bequeath to Margarete, my maide, xxvj s.
viij d. Item I bequeath to John Smyth x s., to be gy ven hym
when he commys to able age. Item I bequeath iiij li. xiij s.
iiij d. to a well disposed preist to syng for my sail, my fiwier
sail, and my moder sail, Sir Edmond Baxter sail, and all Cristen
salles, a hoole yere. Item I bequeath to John Bukebaroo
vj s. viij d. Item I bequeath my house in Yorke to Margarete
my wif for terme of hir lyve, and she stand nede to sell it to
^elpeJur with all ; and, if she stand non nede, I bequeath it to
(Thomasy ^y son, and to the heires of his body lawfully be-
gotten; and if he dye afore his moder, I will the said house be
sold, and the money to be disposed after the discretion of my
wif. Item I bequeath to every awnte sone of myne a silver
spowne, and my awntte's doughtours a silver spowne. Item I
bequeath to Margerete, my wif, al maner of insight within my
pla^e at Shupton, and all my plate. Also I bequeath to
'Thomas, my sone, in recompense of the said insight and plate,
ij gelde nowte aod iij stages. Item I bequeath to Margarete,
my wif, an amblyn maire. Item I bequeath iiijli. to my
wif, to make a thwelmonthe daye with all, as she thynkes best.
Item I bequeath to James Wigan my white furred gowne.
Item I bequeath to William, my servaunte, a bukskyne cote,
and a pare white hoise. Item I bequeath to the iiij Orders of
Freres of Yorke iiij s. Item I bequeath to Roberte, my boye,
a lambe, or xij d. Item I bequeath to the recordes of my will,
ichon of them, iiij d. Item I bequeath to ichon of them that
berethe my body to the churche iiij d. Item I bequeath the
reversion of Shupton hall, that I have taken for yeres, to Mar-
garete, my wif, and Thomas, my sone. Item I bequeath to
Peter Jacson of Yorke, marchaunte and alderman, zxx s. And
I will tiiat he be supervisour of my will. The residue of al my
goodes, my dettes and funerall expenses fully paid, I bequeath
to Margarete, my wif and Thomas, my sone, whome I make my
ezeeutours. Wittenesseth Thomas Parkynson, William Gil-
bume, Thomas Dixson, and other.
[Pr. 12 March 1626-7.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 366.]
In the name of God, Amen. The first daye of the moneth
Marche, the yere of oure Lorde God m^ d. xxyj'**, I, Roberte
Wildon, preist, perfitte and constante of reason, maketh and
ordineth my testament and last will in forme folowyng. First
I bequeath my sail to Almyghtie God, my Bedemer and Saviour,
to His gloriouse mother, Mary, and to all and singler the holye
company in hevyn, and my bodie to be beried within the
churche or churche yerde of Alhalows of Kirkby Moreshed, or
where is the pleasour of God. Also I bequeath my best whike
good for my mortuary according to the lawe. Item I will ther
be celebrate the daye of my beriall a hoole trentall, if so mony
may be had, if not, the residue to be supplied as shortely as
can be. Item I will the daye of my beriall at Dirige and Mease
every parishe clerke have ij d., and every scolar with rochett j d.
Item I bequeath to Sir William Cowper, dene of Bidale, a golde
ryng. Item to Thomas Tippyng iij s. iiij d. Item to Sir William
Watson a worsett dublett and a chamlett jerkyn, my Portas,
and suche other bookes as he likes. Item to Bic' Richardson
a doo skyne dublett. Item to Jei\ett, my hospes madyn, a
coverlett. Item to Sir Boberte Milner of Stayngrave a serce-
nett tippett beyng in the retyne of my maister the vicar. Item
to every of the Orders of Freres of Scardeburgh xij d. Item to
the howse of Sancte Boberte of Knaresburgh xij d. Item I will
ther be done at Settryngton Dirige and Meaae after my detbe,
and the persone to have xij d. and every preist vj d. Item to
Bic' Walker iij s. iiij d. Item I bequeath my velvett hode to
the churche of Kirkby Moreshed, to make a corporax. Item I
bequeath to Gilberte Bichardson and his wif all other goodes,
moveable and unmoveable, for good trust I have in them, and
to pray for my sail. Item I will that the said Gilberte and his
wif gyve unto Emote ther doughtoor at the daye of hir manage,
if she lyve therto, xxs. Item to Peter Chamer my mssett
bonnet. Item I will that all suche dettes as is owyng to me be
taken and distribute for the well of my sail. Item I will that
all suche wages as the vicar doith owe me, I will that it be
takyn and distribute for the well of my sail. The residue of
my goodes, my will fulfilled and dettes paid, I witto ezecutours
of my will, Gilberte Richardson and his wif. Wittenes herof
Sir William Watson, Maister Thomas Lepton, Nicholas Foster,
and Thomas Hawkriges.
[Pr. 10 Apr. 1627.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 349.1
In Dei nomine. Amen. I, James Carre,* of hoole mynde
and will, make my last will and testamente after this maner.
* The Gam of Thornton were a branch of the Carrs of Stackhonse, &c., in
Craven. The testator uses some Latin words in a curious way. If this was
all he knew of that language his knowledge was small.
July 5, 1509. Thomas Ear, vicarius de Kant on. Sep. infra cancellum
eccl. de 8. in parte boriali ez opposite comu altarist, juzta parietem. Ecdesis
de S. unnm calicem arg. et xx oves matrices ad sastentandum obitum. Be-
elegise de Gigleswick unum calicem arg. ut oretur pro anima mea, etparentum
meorum, diebns Dominicis. Fratribus juzta Westwod Beverlaci j bibliot he-
cam. Roger & James, my brothers. Sisters. Cristabellie Kar, mecum oom-
moranti, z li. Roberto, fratri meo, j librum voc. Maudlay Sermons, & meum
Portale. Dom. Adam E. Sister Alice. Uzor Thom» E. quondam de SetUl
Sc Marjoria filia. Willehno E., mecum commoranti, quasdam terras. To Thos
8. of James E., my bro', lands in Stockton on the Moor. Dan Robert Ear
vicar of Weighton, Dan Adam E. curate of South Cave, etc. ex'*. (Pr. 7 Nov.
1609.) [Reg. Bainbridge, 136.]
March 26, 1528. James Car. To be bur in the churche of Oigleswike of
the holie & blissed Yirgyn Sancte Alkild. To our Ladie g^de, if it go forward,
vj s. viij d. To our Ladie howse of Appilby zij d. Richard, my son, 5 s. land
at Settell. Thos Car my son. Res. to son Richard, he ez% k, Dane Chr Car,
my son, supervisor. The title of my farmehold to Thos my sone. (Pr. 29 July
162S adm. to ex".) [Reg. Test. iz. 406.]
July 20, 1649. Thomas Carr of Staykus. Bur. church of Gygleswek, I will
every prek beyn at my bereall & prayng for my soull, etc., have iiij d. a peysh &
theyr denar at Saylbianke wyffe's or in S' Thomas chamer, w* ij or iij honest
men w* theym, yff they pleysh. Ranold Earr my tmkyll son. I wyll y* Ch' Thorn-
ton k. Adam, my son, shall have my brother's chyldren k, ye farmold at Lang-
schawe. To Adam, my son, my lands in Hold Wenyngton, Lawkland, k in
Gygleswek k Settyll. Son Jamys Carr a house at Wold in Sutton k a ten* in
Staykus. I wyll y* ye mazer k iiij sylver spones remayn heyr (lomes) styll, k
Adam not to mell w* theym, &, yf Jamys wyll schyff an arke k a alm€a*ye, then
shall he have all other husbandrey stoyffe y* is heyre w* arke k almery. Res.
wife Eath. k son Adam. [Taken from a copy of the original, kindly lent to me
by Mr. Wm. Carr of Gomersal, the present representative of the family.]
First, I bequeath my saull to God, onre Ladie, and to all the
Sanctes in hevyn, and my bodie to be beried in the chorche of
Sancte Oswalde of Thometon besides my wif. And also I gif
to the church of Thornton for suche use as is most necessarie
by the churche maisters, ety specialy, to amending of the steple
wyndoos, xx s. And, also, I will toat at my beriall there be
xiij prestes to syng for me, and to have every on of them, iiij d.^
and theire dyners, and my best beast to be my mortuary. And
I will that my wifFe's moneth daye and myne bothe be kepte, and
V preistes to syng for aither of us that daye, and everychon of
them to have iiij d., et theire dynars ; aut at the yere's ende
aither of us to have xiij*** preistes acordyng as at oure benalles.
And I will that every poore house within the parishe, at th'
advise of my sone, have iiij d,, to pray for me. And I gif to
Thometon, Ereby, and to Kelbroke, every towne, a bull marked
after my buUe, so that my aone shall alwaye, when he decayes,
take in every towne a calf of the same marke for a bull, and
the towne to pay resonably for hym, or els my sone to take the
olde bull agayne. And I will, by th'advise of my sone, have a
prest to syng for my saull a yere. And I gif John Tempest my
blake jackett, and Laurence Sterkey my white fresed jackett
and a nag, and to his childer ; And I make my sone Emer my
hoole executour and mynystre of all my goodes. And also I
assigne and leve my fermehold and my tenaunte right therof in
Kettilwell to my sone Emer. Thes witnes, Henry Wilkoke,
Brian Staw, John Constantyne and Ric' Swyer.
[Pr. 6 Sep. 1626 adm. Audomaro Carre ex**.]
[Reg. Test. Dec. & Capit. Ebor. u. 146.]
Oct. 4, 1526. Eobertus Barra,* decretorum doctor, cano-
nicus et prsebendarius in ecclesiis Beati Petri Ebor. ac Beatas
* Robert Barra was ordained Deaoon at York, Apr. 6, 1482, getting his
title from the priory of Cartmell. He was afterwards for some time a chwtry
priest and vicar choral in York Minster. On June 24, 1492, he was coU. to the
vicarage of Nafferton. On Oct 8, 1498, he was colL to the prebend of Osbald-
wick at York, and on Aug. 25, 1499, to the prebend of Duxmam at South weU,
resigning a staU in St. Sepulchre's Chapel. He held several Uvings in York-
shire besides.
In 1627 Laurence Stubbes, writing to Cardinal Wolsey, says, • Dr. Banye,
late residenciary of SouthweU, is deceased, by whos death ther is in your oolla-
cion a prebend in York callid Osbewyk of the yerly valor of xliiij markes, &
another prebend in Southwel of like valor callid Dunham ; k also a parsonage
Mariae Virginis Suthwellensis. Lego animam Omnipotenti Deo,
Creatori meo, Bedemptori meo, Beato Marue Virgini, et Omni-
bus coeli CivibuSy humiliter snpplicans Bedemptori meo ut
animam meam dignetur recipere Suae gratiosissimse misericordide
tempore Sibi placabili. Lego corpus meum sep. inter Cbristian-
orum corpora infra parochiam in qua anima mea egredietur de
corpore meo. Et, si moriar apnd Suthwell, tunc volo quod
corpus meum sepelietur ubi rectores chori in Matutinarum
principio cantant Venite^ etc. Et volo funeralia mea fieri
decenter sed sine pompa, pro salute animse mese. Lego
xxziij s. iiij d. pro centum Missis eel. quamcitius poterunt cele-
brari post mortem meam pro anima mea. Lego ad omamenta
eccL mese S. Andre® de Medilton xx s. Ad omamenta eccl.
meae de Hemylsay xx s. Lego decenter expendi circa sepul-
cra parentum meorum xx s. Johanni Barra, fratri meo, xx s.
EdwardOy firatri meo, xx s. Boberto Barra de Suthwell, nepoti
meo, xl s. Boberto Barra, servienti meo, nepoti meo, v marcas.
Ad omamenta eccl. meae praebendalis S. Petri de Donham xx s.
. . Johannae Banys, nepti meae, uxori Jobannis Banes, xxs.
Boberto Barra, filio Edwardi B. fratris mei, equum cum sella.
Fratri meo, Domino Jacobo Barra presbytero, omnia utensilia
in domo mea apud Medilton, in sua custodia. Margaretae,
nepti meae, relictae Thomae Pigge, Johannis PhiUipot, et nuper-
rime Willelmi Meir de Newark, xx s. Fabricae eccl. coll. B. M.
Suthwell xl s. Uxori fioberti Cade de Newark, consanguineae
meae, unum cocliar argenteum deauratum quod prius dederat
mihi. Edwardo Barra, scolari, nepoti meo, si vult fieri pres-
byter, xli. et omnes libros meos grammaticales, legales, et
Cursum Juris Canonici, cum Domino Abbate super Decretalibus,
si velit leges vel jus canonicum addiscere, aliter non. Domino
Johanni Episcopo Elphinensi et Abbati de Welbek meum
optimum coopertorium lecti et sex optima pulvinaria mea.
Besiduum executoribus meis . . pro salute animae meae, sicut
vellent me pro eis bona sua disponere. Executores meos facio
caUid Mydilton of the yerly cler valor, as I here, of x li.' (Bllis's Letters, Third
Series, ii. 62.)
June 26, 1525. Agnes Bana, wyddoo. Bur. within the chiivhe of our Lady
of SouthweU before our Ladle of grace, & my best whike good to be my mor-
tuary. To oare Ladie warkes ij leedes that standeth in my wheme house.
To Robt B. my husband best gowne, & to his wlf my best gowne. I will that
the xvj** vicars have my house that I dwellyn in, for iii]*« yeres & xix**, and
they to kepe my obite yerely. To the xiij'* chauntre preistes my house called
Sherebroke house. I will that the house k, the grownd within the pale be
maid a beade house. To the xvj»"« vicars vij whissyns with hertee wroght of
them. To Mr Doctor Barra a cbawfour. To the rvj*'' vicars a cressett. To
our Lady warke a girdle and a paire beades of amber with silver gaudes. CPr
11 Nov. 1526.) [Reg. Test. ix. 351.]
rev. patrem dominum Job. Elpliinensem episcopum, et pro
labore suo habebit meum optimum ciphum arg. deaur. stantem
et coopertum, ad valorem iiig li. — ^item dom« Jacobum Barm
presbjterum, fratrem meum, Bobertam Barra, nepotem menni,
filium fratris mei Jobannis Barra, et Bobertam Barra, nepotem
memn, filium fratris mei Edwardi Barra • • In cuju8 rei testi-
monium ego, prsadictus Robertus Barra, omnia hsdc prsdicta
manu propria conscripsi.
[Pr. at Southwell 28 July 1527. & at York 21 Jan. 1627-8.]
[Beg. Test. ix. 368.]
Oct. 16, 1526. Brian Lorde, of the parishe of Sancte Michaell
Archaungell at Use briff ende, in the citie of Yorke, marchaunte.
To be beried bifore the blissed Sacrament in the hie where,
and my best gowne to my mortuary. To the parsone for for-
gettyn tithes ij s. To Sir Henry Gelsthrope, my curate, to
pray for me, xx d. To my broder, Edwarde Lorde, vj s. viij d.
To my broder Edmondson, vj s. viij d. To my broder, Henry
Wilson, vj s. viij d. To Sir Thomas Lorde a silver spoyne. . .
I bequeath xiij s. iiij d. yerely, the terme of fyve yeres ... to
cause a Mesae of the Holie Gost to be song within my parishe
churche everye Mondaye. I bequeath yerely, duryng the said
fyve yeres, yj s. viij d., . . to do an obite yerely for ttie helthe
of my sail and all Christen saulles. To Sir Edmunde Middilton
V s. To my Lady Prioresse of Clementhorpe and her susters
vs. To my Lady Prioresse of Wilberfosse and her sisters
vj s. viij d. • • . I bequeath xx s. to cause ij trentals of Meases
be celebrate within my parishe churche, that is to saye every
Fridaye, fyve MesseSy whilst the said ij trentals be fynyshed.
To the iiij Orders of Freres, ichon of them xx d. To the Kid-
cottes, and the Castell, and the Bushope prisons, iij s. to be
divided emong the prisoners. I will that x s. be geven to the
neighburghes of the parishyng to make mery with all. The
residue to my wif & childer. My ladie Prioresse of Wilber-
fosse and my broder, George Gale, supervisours. And my Ladye
Prioresse to have my best horse, & my broder, George Gale,
XX 8. for their labours. Moreover I will that my suster, the
Ladie Prioresse of Wilberfosse, shall have my doughtour Isa-
bell with hir childe's porcion, & vj li. xiy s. iiij d. To my nece,
Dame Mabell of Wilberfosse, to pray for me, v s. Broder, Sir
Thomas, I require yone for Ood sake to take my sone and
yours, and make hym youre owne, and pray for me for Q-od sake.
[Pr. 11 Maj, 1627.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 382.]
In Dei nomine, Amen. The xxij*^ day of the moneth of
Octobre, in the yere of our Lorde God m* d. xxvj*^, I, Thomas
Hunttyngdon in Kyngstone opon Hull, marchaunte, makes
and Oldens this my present testament and last will undir this
maner and forme herafter folowing. In primis I gyve and be-
queath my sail to God Almyghtie, to oure Ladie Sancte JSiarie,
and to all the celestiall cowrte and company of hevyn, my body
to be beried in the kirke of the Holie Trinitie within the
towne aforsaid, and in the north ile, under a blu stone nere as
I sitte, if it may please God. Item I gif and bequeath for
mortuary my best garment, accordyng to the custome of the
kirke. Item I gif and bequeath to the White Freres, for
Di/rige and Mease of my beriall day and vij*** daye, ^ s. viij d.
Item I gif to the Blake Freres, they to do in like maner Dirige
and Mease^ yj s. viij d. Item I gif and bequeath to a preist to
syng for my sail, and my first wif sail Jenet, and all Cristen
salles — . Item I gif and bequeath to the Freres in Pontefiracte
zx s., and they to do for my sail Di/rige and if esse. I gif and
bequeath to Sancte Oswalde's xx s., and they for to do for my
sail Dirige and Meaae. Item I gif and bequeath to Ponte-
firacte abbay for Dirige and Meaae for my sail, and, for God
saike, xiij s. iiij d. Item I gif to Pontefracte parishe kirke with
Sancte Giles chapell, for Dirige and Mesae^ xiij s. iiij d. Item I
gif to the Trinite's in Pontefiracte, for Dvrige and Meaae^ v s. Item
I gif to Chyppyn kirke, where I was cristened, for reparacion
of the kirke, xx s. Item I gif and bequeath for amendyng of
the wayes aboute Pontefiracte yj s. viij d. Item I gif to amend-
yng of the wayes aboute the towne of Hull vj s. viij d. Item I
gif and bequeath to my broder doughtour that is with me xx s.
Item I gif to Mftfgarete Bower, my servaunte, iij s. iiij d. Item
I gif to Agnes Tbomson, that was my servaunte, xiij s. iiij d.
Item I gif and bequeath my grownde that I have taken of the
towne in the Tripett for Ixxx yeres, if my masters be so good to
me, for of my conscientie it is my dere take, to my wif, and she
to doo for me and for my first wif sail, Jenet, and for my wif
sail that nowe is, ons in the yere Dvrige and Mesae^ and for all
Cristen salles. Item I gif for Mesae and Dvrige at Pontefinact
in the Freres for my sail, and for my moder ^1, and my wif
Jenet sail, and all Cristen salles, iij acr* land at Sancte Thomas
Hill, and ij acres land on the Chekers in the tenure of my sone
Boberte Hunttyngdon, and thies landes to be maide sure to the
Freres, if my frendes will, and Boberte Hunttyngden, if he be
good therto, he shall have my daile blissyng. Item I will that
the belman goo with the hand bell for Richard sail, and Mar-
garete, and for Thomas sail, and Jenete's, and for all Cristen
salles, and he for to have yerely for his labour ij d. Item I gif
to Henry Tiffyn ij s. Item to John Barbo;ir ij s. Item to
John Blake ij s. Item I gyve to John Billope ij s. Item I gif
to Bauf Hosier ij s. Item to Thomas Sadlar wif ij s. Item I
gif to my doughtour Dorotiie my litle cremysen gowne. Item
I gif to fader John, every Sondaye whilst he ly veth, j d. of my
parte of goodes. Item I gyve to Henry Dyneley my cremysen
gowne furred with fitches. Item I gif to Boberte Hunttyngden
my cremysen gowne lyned with sarcenett. The residue of all
my goodes undisposed I gyve and bequeath to Jenet my wif
find to Ambrose my sone, whome I make my full executours, and
they to dispose for the health of my sail as they thinke best.
And I make supervisours of my said will my ij sonnes, Henry
Dyneley and Cristofer Hunttyngdon. Thies wittenes Boberte
Benyfeld, John Haryson, Sir Thomas Peith, and Sir Thomas
[Pr. 7 Nov. 1527.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 377.]
Dec. 12, 1526. Cecilie Lepyngton, of Beverlai*, wyddo.*
I bequeath to Almyghtie God, and to His blissid mother om-
Lady Sancte Marie, and to all the celestiall courte of hevyn,
my sail, my body to the kirke or chapell of Sancte Marye in
Beverlay, there besides the grave of my husband last departed
to be beried. Also I bequeath to the said kirke my best over-
see bed called the Baptest os an ornament to the sepulcre of
* Mar. 14, 1527-8. William Jenkynson of Cottyngbam. To have Me99e of
Requiem with diacon and snbdiacon with a solempne JHru^e and the Suffroffie
song at my grave with seaU as the nibriea shewith. I bequeath, to be
praid for every Sondaye in the beide rolle when common beades ar reherced,
xiij s. iiij d.
cure Saviour Criste Jhesu at the fest of Ester. Also I bequeath
sknd gyve to the altar of our Blissid Ladie in same kirke a
silver salt, to make of it a ehales to belong to the forsaid altar.
Also I bequeath and gyve to the shryne of Sancte John of
Beverlay my brod girdle of biewe, & in money vj s. viij d.
To the iiij massendewes w4n the towne of Beverlay, ichon of
Uiem xij d.
[Pr. 6 Oct. 1627.1
[Bef;. Test. ix. 420.]
May 29, 1527. Roberte Petie,* par. Sancte Dionise, Yorke,
tappeter & alderman. To be ber. in my par. churche bifore
the altar of Sancte John Baptiste, or nye ther unto. I wit to a
preist that can syng his plane song, to syng within Sancte
Dionisce church by the space of ij yeres for my sail, Beatrice &
Alice my wif salles, of my fader & moder and al Cristen salles,
xiij mark. To Sir Roberte Pety a silver spone callid Peter. To
Sir Wm Buckebarowe a silver spone called Paull. To the
parishyngers of Sancte Dionisie ISL 6«. 8d. to by a silver crosse
to the honour of Almyghtie God within Sancte Dionisie kirke
with all for ever more. To Sir Christofer Petie sex silver
spones with knopis of oure Ladie, a standyng pece parcell gilt, a
standyng macer & fy ve marc. To Urswike kirke, where I was
borne, 61. 13«. 4ci. To the kirke wardjms of Sancte Dionise
6/. 13«. 4d. to a sute of vestymentes. Res. wife Alice.
[Pr. 10 Dec. 1628.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 405.J
July 1, 1527. Thomas Rither of Rither, Esquear.f To be
beried in the parishe churche of Rither nye unto my fader, with
a tuTnba conveniente, as shalbe thought by my executours, and
my best whike good to be my mortuary. To the parsone for
♦ Chamberlain of York 1496; Sheriff 1499-1500; elected aldennan
1 526-7. He was brother of John Petty, glazier and alderman, whose will has
been already printed.
Robert Petty 's widow remarr. Henry Day son, dyer and alderman, and died
in 1654, desiring in her will to be baried at St. Dennis, near her first husbaud.
+ The will of the father of the testator, Sir Ralph Ryther, has already been
printed in this volume, pp. 125-7.
tithes forgettyn xl s. I will that the daye of my beriall ther
be Mease and Dirige for my sail in the churche of Either, and
every preist to have vj d. ; every clerke ij d. ; and every poore
bodie j d. Where William Percy knyght & other his cofeoflFes
herto afore was enfeoflPed by Sir Rauf Kither, my fader, decessid,
Oct. 7, 3rd Henry VIII, . . to the use and behove of Dame
Matilde, late wif unto the said Sir Kauf, for terme of hir lyve
of the maners of Kelcottes & Alford co. Lincoln . . than, to the
use of the said Sir Rauf & of his heires for ever, whose heire
I is . • • the said maners to the use of my executours duryng
the tyme they shall have receyved a thowsand markes. Also I
will that my executours with the said simi of one thousand
markes shall purchase landes and t-enementes to the yerely
valour of xl markes over all charges to the establissyng and
foundjmg of iiij beademen and on beade woman at Bither for
ever, to pray for the salles of me the said Thomas, Sir Bauf my
fader, and my moder, and all other my auncetours' salles, and
the to have mete, drynke and clothe as shalbe thought reason-
able by the discretion of my executours, and the establishment
... of the said iiij beademen and on beadewoman to be maid
. . by the discretions of my executours. Where I have
enfeoffed Henry Lorde Scrope knyght & other his cofeoffes,
12 Oct. 15th Hen. VIII, in my maners of Bither, Ossyndike,
Kirkby opon Wharf, Scarcrofbe, Shadwell, and Stockbrig or
Stokebrigefeld co. Yorke . • to suffer my ex" to take the
ishues for xxj yeres next after my deith. Where as my fader,
Sir Bauf Bider, whos sail God pardon, sufferid Henry Lord
Scrope & other to recover the maner, etc, of Homyngton by
writ of entre in le post . . to the use of me & Agnes my wif &
of the heires of me the said Thomas, I will that they suffer my
ex" to take the ishues for xx yeres. My feoffes to make on
astate to the yerely valour of xl s. to Bichard Litster, Esquier,
and attomaye to the Kyng our sovereyng lord, for terme of his
lyve . . also annuities of xiijs. iiijd. to Boberte Ghaloner
and Walter Bradford ; & of xxxiij s. iiij d. to George Thwaites,
my servaunte. . . To William Levett of xxxiij s. iiij d. ; to John
Bynkes of xxvj s. viij d. ; to Bichard Trowhite of xxvj s. viij d.
To John Preston of xxvj s. viij d. To William Erie of xx s. To
John Fishe of xx s. To Jenet Howden, nursse to John Bither
my sone, of x s. To John Holgate of xiij s. iiij d. To Adam
Metecalf of xiij s. iiij d. . . Also I will that my said servauntes,
as many of them as shall fortone to be of lyve at such tyme as
it shall fortone my heire, who so ever it shalbe, when he shall
come to full age, shall do service to my said heire, if he will
accepte them with suche service as shalbe convenient for them
to do to hym. To the buyldyng of the stepils opon the churche
of Either xx li. Toamendyng of hie waies aboute Either xl s.
To the manage of poore madyns xl b. To the iiij orders of
Freres in Yorke, ichon of them xiij b. iiij d., and they to sing
Mease and Dirige for my sail. To the Priores and Covente of
Appilton, to be delyvered emong them, xxvj s. viij d. To Dame
Johan Gower x s. over and besides hir parte of the said xxvj s.
viij d. Also I will that my executours shall fynd an honest prest
to sing for my sail, my fader, my mother, and all my aunce-
tours, as conveniently as maye be after my deith, in the church
of Either, for the space of xx yeres, and he to have yerely
V li. vj 8. viij d., and he to be orderid as concemyng his service
for t'health of my sail by the discretion, and a composicion
therof maide as sbalbe thought by my executours. Also I will
that my executours shall kepe iiij beademen and on beade-
woman with mete, drinke, clothe, mansion, and al other thinges,
as they have ben found in the tymes of my uncle Sir Eoberte
Either, and Sir Eauf Either my fader, and in my tyme, and
they to pray as they have ben accostomed bifortyme ; and so
they to be keped by my executours to suche tyme as they have
purchaced the said sum of xl markys landes to th'entent afor-
Baid. And if it forton any of the said beademen or woman to dye
before the said tyme of the purchase, than I will that my exe-
cutours shall put in on other beade man or woman as shortely
as may be conveniently, and as oft as ther shall any of the said
beademen and woman dye duryng the said tyme. To my
suster, Elisabeth Either, fyftye markes to hir manage, if she be
orderyd by my ex" in hir manage. To my broder, Henry
Either, xlvj li. xiij s. iiij d. over and besides xx li. bequest unto
hym by my fader. Also I will that if the landes and tene-
mentes, the whiche my fiader did yeve hym for terme of his lyve,
amounte not to the sum of x li., and above al charges born, than
I will that my feoffes shall make on estate to my said brother
Henry of as moche landes and tenementes as shall make it up
X li. over al charges and reprises. Also I bequeath to every
ichon of my watyng servauntes on hoole yere wages with mete
and drinke duryng on hole yere after my deith. Also I will
and charges my executours to paye. and discharge all maner of
dettes and other charges due to be paid by my fader. Sir Eauf
Either, and me, and my said fader's Will to be performyd and
fulfillid in every poynt accorddyng to the true entente of the
said Will, that my executours shall yeve to the fyndyng and
exhibicion of iiij scolars at the Universities, ij at Oxforth, and
ij at Cambrig, duryng the terme of xx yeres imediatly after my
deith, and they to have every on of them x marc by yere, to be
Q 2
paid by the handes of my executours ; and the scolars to be
apoynted by my executours duryng the said terme of xx yeres ;
and ij of them to study Divinitie, and the other ij the Lawe ;
and if any of them shall forton to die (or) to be promoted
otherwise, than I will that my executours shall alwayes putt in
an other duryng the terme of the said xx yeres. And also I
will that Sir John Levett, my chaplayne, shalbe on of them that
shalbe found soo duryng the said xx yeres. Also I yeve to Sir
John Levett, my chaplayne aforsaid, the voysome and next
avodance of my personage of Either, the whiche I am patrone
of. Also I bequeath to the kirke warkes of Cawod xx a. Also
I will that ther be dalt yerely duryng xx yeres to poore
folkes in Cawod, yerely x s. To the kirke warkes at Fenton
vj s. viij d., & to the poore, duryng xx yeres, v s., yerely. To
Kirkby opon Wharf churche warkes vj s. viij d., & to the
poore duryng xx yeres, v s., yerely. To the churche warkes of
Bolton Percye vj s. viij d., & to the poore duryng xx yeres v s.,
yerely. To the poore people of Either parish v s. yerely duryng
XX yeres. To the kirke warke of Harwod x s. To the Freres
of Pontefrete vj a. viij d., at they may syng Mease sjxd Dirige for
ray sail. Also I will that my executours cause Messeaxid Dirige
to be song for my sail within the parishe church of Either yerely
duryng xx yeres ; and every preist that commeth to have vj d.,
and every clerke ij d., and poore folkes j d. and a dyner to be
maid to suche as shall come. To the amendyng of Friston hie
waye and caucey xl s. Also I will that my executours cause to
be delt every Frideye or Saturdaye to the prisoners at Yorke,
and to the poore masyndowes ther in breid duryng xx yeres,
yerely, xx d., some tyme in on place, some tyme in an other, as
they shall thinke most nede. Also I will that my executours
cause xiij matres to be maid and all thinges that belongith xiij
beddes, and they to be yeven to poore folkes beyng yong that
doth marye and haith none of ther owne. Also I will that my
executours shall leve unto my heire, at suche time as he shall
enter to his landes, by this my will xvj oxen, iiij mares, with wayns
and plouthes and all thinges therto belongyng, vj kye, the crope
of the ground sowen, and the house at Either, to be kept suffi-
ciently repareld as it is at the hore of my deith. Also I will
that my executours shall rewarde all my servauntes, the whiche
is not in my will reherced, by ther discretion. Also I will that
where I do owe unto Thomas Beverlay the sum of Ixvj li. ix s.,
whiche I will that my executours shall paye to the said Thomas
. • in as shorte tyme as the said sum. may be conveniently
leyved . . Also I will that wher as Thomas Beverlay haith
by me on lease maid of and opon the maner of Stokbrigfeld,
for the ende and tenne of xxiiij*** (years) beryng date the viij**"
daye of Octobre in the xv*** yere of . . Kyng Henry the
viij*** . . , payng yerely xvj li. xvj s. . . I will the said
Thomas shall occupie the said fermehold without^ any intenip-
tion. Also I will that Charles Hedon, my servaunte, be paid
all sache summes of money as I am to hym indettid, • . and
enyoe all such grauntys of annuities . . . graunted by me or by
my fader . . . Where Sir Bauf Either, my fader, safferid Henry
Lord Scrope and other to recey ve certen landes in Harwod callid
Brigfeld, to the use of me . . and Agnes (my) wif & my
beires . . my exec" shall peasably occupye the same for the
tru performacion of this my entent & will. And also I will
that all suche leases and grantes by me maid, or by my fader,
shalbe good and effectuall, and every man to occupye ther
leases and grauntes accordyng to ther yeres and tyme . . . My
feo£fes shall stand seased of . . my maners, etc., in the counties
of Lyncoln & Yorke & in the couutie of the citie of Yorke to
the use of John Either, my son, & to the heires males of his
bodie lawfully begottyn ; and for defalte . . to the use of my
right heires . . . The residue of all my goodes . . to my
broder John Aske esquyer, W"* Babthorpe, John Constable
son of Marmaduce Constable, Henry Either, Thomas Beverlay,
and Charles Hedon, whome I do make my executors . . . and
they to dispose it for the health of my sail ; also I yeve to
ichon of them my ex" byforsaid xl s. yerely for ther labour
duryng the said terme of xxth yeres, over & besides ther costes
& expenses . . Also I orden & make Edmunde Whalley,
abbote of the monastery of our Ladie Sancte Mary withoute the
walles of the citie of Yorke, Maister Brian Higdone, dene of
the cath. churche of Yorke, Maister Thomas Magnus directour
to my Lorde of Eichmont grace, & Thomas Fairfax sarjante
at the lawe supervisours . . and I desire them in the waye of
charitie to se it be well and truly performyd and fulfillid, and
I do yeve ichon of them a horse, of my breid, & ther costes
• . Also I will that my ex" yeve xx li. to the edifyeng and
foundding of on place of Freres Observauntes in Sancte John
churche in Wakefeld ; and, if none herafter be edified there, than
to bestowe the said xx" for the health of my sail. Also I will
that my ex" shall make on true accompte yerely duryng the
terme of xx yeres, of all the receytes and other profittes as shall
come to ther handes, before my said supervisours, iij, ij, or on of
them, as they will apoynte them self, within on moneth next after
the yere behynd, and so yerely duryng the terme of xx yeres
aforsaid. And I will that every on of my said supervisours,
beyng ther at the accompte makyng, shall have xl s. by yere
during the said yeres. Thies beyng witenes, Sir Thomas Sicall
parsone of Either, Sir Richard Harpham, William Aleyne,
Edmunde Makley, Johne Burgh of the Stokyn, John Burgh of
the Hill, and Thomas Burgh of the Hill, with oUier moo.
[Pr. 25 Sept. 1628 ; adm. to Wm. Babthorpe sen. & Chas. Hedon ex".]
[Beg. Test, ix. 390.]
July 20, 1527. Dame Jane Hilliarde, voisse, som tyme wif
of Peter Hiliarde Esquyer.* To be beriede in such place as it
shall please Almyghtie God to call me unto His mercy ; and my
best whike good to my corce prisaunte. I will that my feoffes
stand sole enfeofed in and of my lordship of Gymlyng, and in
my londes & tenementes in Belley, Orome, and Beforth . • to
the use of my last will . . that is for to say, Peter Hiliarde
th'elder & Richard Hiliard, my sones, and Sir John Croftes
preist, wbome I make executours . . take of the said lordship
. . . cvj li. xiij s. iiij d. to be distribute as herafter folowith in
parcels ; & that this my last will may be the souner and better
performed, I will that my son, Christofer Hiliarde, Esquier,
be supervisour, to call of the executours for performyng of the
same. First I will that vij marc be yeven to Sir John Croftes
prest, to syng for my soil the space of on yere next after my
deith. Item to Wynestede churche x s., that is vj s. viij d. to
the ile and iij s. iiij d. to the churche. To Little Cottes churche
XX s. To Bamstone church vj s. viij d. To the iiij Orders of
Freres, iij s. iiij d. a pece, so the Graye Freres in Grymsby be
on, and the other iij places in Beverlay and Hull. To Frere
Dowson iij s. iiij d. . . To my doughtour Elisabeth, for hir
manage, xl marc. To my doughtour Jane, to hir manage, xl
marc. ... To my sone Christofer xx s., & to my doughtour, his
wif, XX s. To Martyn Hiliarde and to his wif, when he settes
upe house, v marc. To my sone, Peter Hiliarde, xx li. To my
son, Ric' Hiliarde, vij li. To my doughtour Legerde xx s. To
my doughtour Homes x s. To my doughtour Fotherby x s.
To John Homys xx s. To Peter Hiliarde, the yonger, xx s. To
John Hiliarde xx s. . . I will that the costys of my beriall and
♦ Widow of Peter Hildyard of Wlnestead, and one of the daughters and co-
heirs of Sir Martin del See, knt. This will makes varioos additions to t^e
pedigree of the family.
The testatrix had taken the vow of widowhood. Her husband died so far
back as the 16th of Hen. VIL
probating of my will, and suche other charges, to be takjn of
my stokke and of my goodes moveable. The residue • • to be
distribute for my sdl as my executours thinkes best.
[Pr. 7 Apr. 1628.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 383.]
Sept. 4, 1527. John Rasjmg,* of the citie of York, mer-
chaonte and alderman. To be beried within the parishe
churche of Sancte Sampsony's. To the churche warke iij li.
vj 8. viij d. To the churche of Sancte Michael's in New Malton
xl 8. To every masyndewe and beadehouse within the citie of
Yorke and suburbes, to every persone abyding within them,
beyng beade folkes, ij d. a pece. . . To every childe of Eicharde
Raisyng of Malton, my broder, a silver spone. To every alder-
man of Yorke that helpethe to here my bodie to the churche,
xij d. To be distribute and dalte to poore people the day of
my beriall, v li. I bequeath to be appensed in expenses of my
xviij*** daye x li. To Bichard Sasyng of Malton, my broder,
iij li. vj s. viij d. and my fox furred gowne. To my Lorde
Abbott and Convente of Sancte Mary abbay, for doyng an obite
for my sail and al Cristen salles, xx s. To my broder, Maister
John Thorneton, my blake gowne furryd with blake cony. To
John Shadloke, my sone in lawe, a flate silver pece that was my
feder's, and my best velvett dublett. My howse that I dwell in
to Johane my wif, for terme of hir life, and after hir decesse to
dispose and gyve it to whiche of my iij childer that she will
. . a nest of goblettes silver & gilt. To Margarete JRasyng,
my doughtour, of my parte and porcion, xx li. To John Shad-
loke, my doughtour, a flate silver pece. To Maister Doctor
Kellett a damaske jackett. To the Blissid Sacrament of cure
churche of Sancte Sampsony's x s. I bequeath that I may have
a preist to syng for my sail after the owre of my deith within
the churche of Sancte Sampsony's a full yere, and he to have for
* Son of Thomas Rasyng, or Rasen, of New Malton. Adm. a freeman in
1499. In 1500 he entered the Merchants' Guild, and was Governor of the
Company in 1621 and 1522. He marr. Joan dan. of John Norman, merchant,
who remarr. Wm. Harrington, gen., in 1628.
There was a Visitation family of Rasen of New Malton.
The testator had two daaghters, i.e, Joan, who marr. John Shadlock, Lord
Mayor of York in 1552. After her husband's death she fell into great poverty,
and the city in 1674 granted her an annuity of 26s. 8d.
Margaret Rasyng, her sister, died Nov. 28, 1554, and was bur. at All Saints
Ms labour vli. To Thomas Rasyng, my son, of my pcnrdon^
besides his owne parte, x li. The residue tx> Johane my wif^
Margarete and Johan my doughtours, whome I makes ex" ; &
Maister John Chapman of Yorke, notary, and Miles Staveley
Ripon Park, gentilman, supervisours. Wittenes Maister
Roberte Wilde maire of the citie of Yorke, Bauf Sympson
maister of Sancte Cristofer gilde etc
[Pr. 22 Nov. 1527.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 407.]
Oct. I, 1527. In Dei nomine, Amen. I Ninean Markyn-
feld,* knyght, of hoole mynde and good memory, makes my
testament and last will in maner and forme foloing. First I
bequeath my sail to Almyghtie Grod, oure Ladle Sancte Marie,
and to all the Holie Company of hevyn ; my bodie to be beried
afore the altar of Sancte Andre in the college churche of Sancte
Petir and Sancte Wilfride of Ripon. Also I bequeath to the
churche of Ripon my best horse, bridell, sadle, with other
* The son and heir of Sir Thomas Markenfield of Markenfield, near Ripon,
and Anne his wife, dan. of Sir John Conyers of Hornby.
Sir Ninian was one of the commanders on the English side at the battle of
Flodden. He was twice married, Ist to Dorothy d. Sir Wm. Gascoigne by
Margaret d. Henry Earl of Northumberland ; 2nd to Eleanor d. Henry Lord
Clifford by Anne St. John, cousin-german to Henry VII.
Sir Ninian died on March 26, 1627-8, leaving Thomas his son and heir,
then aged 14 years and more. This Thomas marr. Margaret dan. of John
Norton of Norton, Esq., and, dying on Apr. 18, 1550, left another Thomas his
son and heir, then aged 17 years and nine months, with other children.
This Thomas sought refuge abroad in the reign of Elizabeth, so strong were
his wishes for a change in religion and politics. He came back to England and
was one of the three planners and leaders of the rising in the North in 1569.
In Thos. Norton's * Address to the Quene's Majestie*s poore deceived snbjectes
of the North ' there is a passage relating to the three. * The residue of your
doltish Captaynes, what be they ? Tbinke you they be men able to beare you
out against the power of a Prince, all his Nobilitie, Cities, Realme, Snbjectes,
Frendes, and Allies ? One with little witte far set (Swynbome) another in
his old age weary of his wealth (Norton) ; an other, a runneaway with a young
wilde braine tickled to see fashions * (Markenfeld).
This extract is taken from the copy in the Minster Library, York, in which
Archbishop Matthew has inserted the words within brackets.
Markentield fled abroad, forfeiting all his estates. He was living in 1593 a
pensioner on the bounty of the King of Spain. He marr. Isabel dan. of Sir
Wm. Ingleby of Ripley.
John Markenfield, bro. of Thos., * very young, under 20 in 1569, was attainted
onely to bring his title to his brother's lands (if he have any) to the Queen, and
it was not meant he shold dye, for that he hath no land/ What a pitiful confes-
sion to make 1 He was pardoned in 1574 at the request of the Earl of Leicester.
apparel], accordding to the costome of the said churche of Ripon,
in the name of my mortuary. Item I yeve to the hie altar of
KipoD, for tithes forgettyn, xx s. Moreover I will that my
f eoffes . . • of all & every of my maners, landes • • . stand
and be seased to the use and entent herafter ensuyng . . .
And where it is so that, to my estymacion & jugement, I
have maid a sufficient assurance of my maner of Romondby
• . . to the use of Elinour my right welbeloved wif, for terme
of hir lyve, in so moche as I being unlemed and havyng no
knowlage of the lawe, and tienderly entendynge the assurance
of the said maner and other the premisses in Romondby to my
said wif for terme of hir lyve, I wilJ, if the same herbifore be not
sufficiently assuryd to my said wif for terme of hir lyve, and by
this my testament and last will may be to hir assuryd and
yeven, than I will that she shall have the same maner and all
other the premisses in Romondby to hir for terme of her lyve
• . . My executours . . to take leve & receyve yerely all the
ishues . . of and opon my maner of Markynfeld ... to fynd
Thomas Markynfeld, my sone and here, to suche tyme the said
Thomas come to his full age. And, over that, . . to receyve,
leve, & take xxU. yerely of the ishues & profittes of my
maner of Aymonderby . . . towardes his fynddyng to suche
tyme he come to his full age of xxj*** yeres. Also I will and
yeve to Elynour Markynfeld, my doughtour, nowe unmaried,
fyve hundreth marc ... to be taken of my maners, etc., of
Scrutton, Eryhom, Ereby, Newsome, and Unthanke . . for
her mariage. Also I will that my said doughtour Elynour be
ruled, maried, and ordered by Dame Elynour, nowe my wif.
And, over that, I will that if it fortune the said Elynour, my
doughtour, to decesse afore she be maried . . the said sum
to go to Thomaii my sone . . . Also I yeve to the churche
warke of Ripon vj s. viij d. Also I yeve to the Abbot e of Fon-
tance and to the Covente of the same to yeve to me Absolucion,
syng and say Messe^ Placebo and Dirige^ and Messe of Re-
quiem for my sail and the salles of my auncetours, Dorothe my
wif, and all Cristean salles, xl s. Also I yeve to the Mynyster
of iSancte Robertes' and the Covente of the same xs., to say or
syng Mease for my sail and all Cristyn salles, x s. Also I yeve
to the Ordre of Sancte Francesce in Yorke, to pray for my sail
and all Cristyn salles, x s. Also I yeve to the iij Orders of
Freres in Yorke aforsaid, every on of them v s. Also I yeve to
the Freres of Richmond v s. Also I yeve to the Priores of
Arden and the Covente of the same, where I am founder, to
pray for my sail and all Cristen salles, xs. Also I will that my
executours sutfre Thomas, my sone and heire, to take and
recey ve all my heirelomes at Markynfeld, that is to saye all my
hangynges, beddynges, pottes, pannes, ledes, napraye, pewder
dishes, dublers, ewers, burdes, chares, formes, stoles, spittes,
and tubbis, stepefettes, and cestemes, with all artilery belongyng
to the war and mete for the same. Also I yeve to my sone,
Thomas Markynfeld, on vice and Agnus of gold. Also I will
my said feoflFes sufire John Markynfeld of Salley to take of the
profettes of my landes at Dawlebanke yerely tx) the valour of
xl s., duryng his naturall lif. (Directions to the ex" to suffer
the following persons to have the following annuities), Nicholas
Thirkeld, xx s. of my landes & ten*^ in Gilderscrofte, where
he dwelleth : Wm Markyngfeld, my uncle, xl s. out of my
landes, etc., in the lordshipp of Aymonderby: George
Horner of Caton xx s. of my landes, etc., in Ereholme :
Wm Atkynson xls. of my landes, etc., in Markynton &
Wallerthwaite. Wm B^axstane xx s. of my landes, etc. at
Hundgate. Wm Luter xiij s. iiij d. of my landes, etc., in
Eipon where he dwellith. Wm Gaille, xiij s. iiij d. of my
landes, etc., in Scrutton. Richard Bleasdall xiij s. iiij d. of my
landes, etc., in Scrutton : John Markynfeld, scravener, xx s. of
my landes, etc., in Bushopmonketon. Chr Lyndley xiij s. iiij d.
of my landes, etx3., in Markynton. Wm Matho to t^ke in his
house ferme in Yngerthorpe vj s. viij d. Dame Anne Markyn-
feld xiij s. iiij d. of my landes, etc., in Ereholme. John Clerke-
son xiij s. iiij d. of my landes, etc., in Grauntley. Eoberte
Kettilwell vj s. viij d. of my landes, etc., in South Stanley.
Ric' Brere xx s. of my landes, etc., in Ereholme : John Mar-
grave xiij s. iiij d. of my landes, etc., in Bushopmonketon : &
Agnes Flemyng xx s. of my landes, etc., in Bushopmonketon.
My feoffes to suffre my ex" to recey ve yerely of my maners
. . . fyvre poundes . . to the use of Eleynour, my dough tour,
to suche tyme the said Elynour be maried, for & towardes hir
fynding. My feoffes to suffer my ex" to receyve . . yerely
of my maners . . v li, for the stipende . • of a preist to syng
and saye Mease and other Dy vyne service for my sail, the salles
of my iader & moder, Dorothe my wif, and all Cristen salles,
duryng the terme of vij yeres. Also I yeve to every on of my
yomen, to whome I have yeven non annuitie nor yerely rent,
over and besides his wages, vj s. viij d. Also I yeve to every
grome, be3rng my household servaunte at the daye of my deith,
over & besides ther wages, every on of them iij s. iiij d. Also
I yeve to John Raner, childe of my kechyn, iij s. iiij d. . . . My
feoffes to sufire my ex" to receyve . . v li. yerely to the use
of Christofore Buke towardes his fyndyng duryng his lyve, and
if the said Christofer at the age of xvij yeres do applye hym to
leme the temporall lawe of England, or do applye any other
laudable & profittable lemyng at Oxford or Cambridge, than I
will that my said feoffes suSre my ex" to recey ve . . other v li.
yerely to the use of the said Christofer for terme of his lif.
Also I will that my feofes make, seall, & delyvere a lawfuU
astate & graunte of ther annuities ... to all persons . . men-
tioned . . so that they here ther good mynd and favour
toward my said soue and heire. Also I yeve to Dame Elynourj
my wif, all my beddyng & houshold stuf within my maner
of Romondby . . I orden Dame Elynour my wif, Thomas
Markynfeld my sone & heire, John Markynfeld of Aysmon-
derby, and John Staveley gentilman, my executours. I will that
Dame Elynour, my wif, have the residue of my goodes to hir
owne use. . . Writyn at Markynfeld. . . Thies beyng wittenes
Miles Staveley the reeeyver of Sipon, John Burton, Ric' Perci-
vall gentilmen, and Sir John Haddilsay, on of the vicars of
the college churche of Bipon, Sir William Thomlyngson, Sir
George Newton, chaplaynes, William Atkyn son, George Thake-
wraye, and John Markynfeld scryvener, with other moo.
[Pr. 5 July 1628, & adm. to Thos M., son & heir of the testator.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 39fi.]
In the name of God, Amen. The secunde daye of Decembre,
in ,the yere of oure Lorde God, m* d. xxvij^**, I Thurstane Hall,*
of Waith, hoole of mynde and good of remembrance, makes
this my testament and last will in maner and forme foloing.
First 1 woU that all other testamentes by me maide in tymes
past be void and anullid. and of non effecte. Also I bequeath
my sail to Almyghtie God, and to the gloriouse Virgyn oure
Ladie Sancte Marie, and to all the holie company of hevyn, and
my body to be beriede in oure Ladie where in Waithe of Al-
hallos, at Sancte Nicholas altar ende. Also I bequeath to the
hye altar, for tithes forgettyn, xvj d. Also I bequeath to Sancte
Kateryne light xvj d. Item for my mortuary my graye stoned
horse. Also I bequeath all my landes, as well copiehold as
freehold, to a chauntre of Sancte Nicholas founded within the
* An interesting addition to the account of Wath-upon-Dearne given by
Mr. Hunter.
Tbarstan HaU was a man of substance and landed estate, marrying Eliza-
beth, one of the daughters and co-heirs of Wm. Fleming, Esq., of Wath. Of
their two daughters Catharine married Kalph CoUinson, and Elizabeth, Henry
parishe churche of Waith where my bodie shalbe beried, to
th'entent to fynd a preist for evermore to syng and saye divine
service in the where, of the Holie daye, with notte, with on
honest smrples of his owne fyndyng and propre costes, and
dailie to saie Masse at the said altar of Sanete Nicholas when
he is disposed, with the De Profundia after the Gospell at the
first lavatory, praying for my sail, my fader sail, my moder sail,
my wif salles, my childe salles, and for the salles that we ar
boundon to praye for, and for all Cristen salles. Also I will
that all my feoflfes that nowe er and standith feoflfed shalbe
feoffes to the use of my chauntre and performacion of this my
testament and last will, as more planely doith appere by a dede
of feoflfament maid, sealed, and annexed unto the buke of the
fondacion of my chauntre. Also I will that all they that I have
maide a surrender of my copie holde landes shall stand to be
feoffes to the use of my chantrie and performacion of this my
testament and last wilU Also I yeve the forsaid chauntre and
all yt therto belongyth, both free hold and copie hold, and all
that therto shalbe purchased to the performjmg and profight of
the said chauntre, to Sir William Mosley preist, he to hkve it
for terme of his lif, and, after the decesse of hym, than I will
that my ij doughtours, Kateryn and Elisabeth, and their heires
of their bodies lawfully begottyn, shalbe the patrones and yevers
of the forsaid chauntre, with all the landes and tenementes,
ishues and profit tes therto perteynyng and belongyng ; provided
alwaye that they shall, or ther heires, incontinent and ime-
diatlye after the decesse of the said Sir William Mosley
within moved, next after, shall present on honest preist, and
sufficient in good condicions and lemyng, ther to syng and
saye dyvyne service daylee accorddyng to the constitucion and
costome of the said churche as the lawe doith require ; and if
the said patrones do not present w4n tyme and daye above
named, I will the Priour of Burton abbay and the Co vent of the
same place, by ther gifte wiitt3m under ther Covent seale, shall
yeve the forsaid chauntre with appurtenaunces to an honest
preist for that tyme onlye. And if it happen the said Priour
and Covent to be slake and necligent, and do not present
within the tyme and space as abovesaid, than I will that gift
and presentacion of the said chauntre retume to the next
heires of me, the forsaid Thurstane, founder of the said
chauntre. Also I bequeath to Jenet my wif x li., to dispose at
hir pleasour. Item I bequeath xli. to by a ma(r)ke land to
my chantre, and that marke land I will Jenet my wif have it
for terme of hir ly ve ; and, after hir decesse, I woU it goo to
my chantre. Also I bequeath to the bryngyng upe of my
bastard childe, v markes, and to the mother of the same x s.
Also I bequeath yj markes to bye ij vestymentes to my chauntre,
and that at belongeth therto. Also I bequeath the spryng in
Alane clif to bye a chales to my chauntre. Item to Byby wif
and to Elisabeth Dransfeld, aither of them iij s. iiij d. Item to
Rauf Colynson and to Henry Say veil iiij marces of Whitsandaye
farme last past in the lordship of Dalton, and all my hames, if
they can salve it. Item to Rauf Colynson and Henry Saivell,
aither of them xx s. ; and to aither of tbeire wifes a cowe. Also
I bequeath to everychon of my godchilder iiij d. Residue of
my goodes, not gyven nor bequeathed, I yeve to Jenet my wif,
whome I make my full executrix, to dispose the residue of my
goodes as shalbe divised by the counsell, mynd, and advisa-
ment of Maister deyne of Doncastre, and Maister Thomas Strey,
and Thomas Wod, whome I make my supervisours, to se that
this my said testament and last will be trulye fulfillid, and
every on of them to have for ther labours vj s. viij d. and ther
costes borne. Thies beyng wittenes Rauf Colynson gentilman,
Sir William Mosley, Sir John Silvester, Thomas Browme,
Thomas Wod, Roberte Bacon, and Roberte Mathev^nutn.
[Pr. 2 May 1528, adm. to ex«.]
[Reg. Teit. Bbor. ix. 389.]
Jan. 29, 1527-8. I, John Genres of Homese-beke, maketh
my testament with a hoole mynd and a sownde. To be beried
in the churche of Nicholes at Homesce in the ile afore our
Ladie and Sancte Anne. I witt my best beast to be my mor-
tuary. To the Holie Sacrament for all forgettyn tithies iij s.
iiij d. I will that there be said for my sail in Homese at Scala
GoeUy by the auctoritie of our Ladie gilde of Boston, a c Messes,
opon the Wedynsdaye, Fridaye, and Saturdaye, for my sail,
and all my frendes' salles, and all that ever I had any goodes
opon als sowne after my beriall, as can be possible. I witt for
my beriall x s. To Sancte Marie abbay of Yorke vj s. viij d.
I will that ther be distribute for me at the daye of my beriall
in the waye of almos to every house in Homese beke ij d. To
the iiij Orders of Freres in Hull and Beverlay, every house ij s.
To the iiij moder churches iiij s. To Edmunde, my sone, yj
silver spones with Sancte John heddes of them; and if any
thyng come at the said Edmunde bot good, that William
Gerves have them. To the said Edmunde a coble called the
Margarete, and my galbadyne. To the churche warke of
Swyne vj s. viij d. To oure Ladie gilde of the same Swyne
xiij 8. iiij d. To Thomas Gerves my litle newe macer. To Amie,
my wif, my best silver pece, my best girdle with pennand and
bukle of silver, &, if any thing come to hir bot good, she shall
resigne the said girdle to Peter Gerves, and he be of lyve ; and
in defalte of hyme to Edmunde my sone ; and in defalte of
Edmunde that William Gerves and Thomas Gerves, and they
for to sell it and cause a prest to syng for me and for my
frendes as long as the money will reche. To Thomas Heryson
of Hull brig, and my hospes his wif, Petir Gerves my sone and
his childe parte, & to the said Thomas my best bucler. To
Thomas Esbum a nett, ij ores, a smale lyne of the best in the
house. I witt a quarter wheate and ij barils here to be delt in
the kirke of Hornese opon my sevynt daye.
[Pr. 4 Mar. 1527-8.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 392.]
Feb. 4, 1527-8. Bryan Bradley, citizen and wax-chaunler
of the citie of Yorke, in the parishe of Sancte John Apostell &
Evangeliste at Use brig ende. To be bur. in the churche of
Sancte John, in the north side, afor the pulpitte. I bequeath
for my mortuary my best clothyng. I bequeath the daye of my
beriall v'* candils & v torches, to be burnyd the daye of my
beriall, xvj d. a pece. To William, my son, a silver salt, with
all my workyng gere and my grete panne, if he goo to the
occupacion ; if not, I gif it to my wif, with my bow and my
shafftes with all my hames. I bequeath the daye of my beriall
a trentall of MeaaeSy I will the Maister of Corpus Christi gilde,
with his sex kepers, havyng ther duetie. To Cuthberte Birt-
beke a sattan dublett fore-stokked with velvett. To Henry
my servaunte, iij jonyng ymes, a wax ladle, a wax burde, half
a dossen wax, the borde being at Bushophill.
[Pr. 3 March, 1627-8.]
[Reg. Wolsey, 161.]
Feb. 12, 1527-8. I John Johnson, vicar of Madersay, of
hoole mynde and full remembraunce, makith my will in this
maner and forme foloing. First I yeve and bequeath my sail
to God Almyghtie, to omre Ladie Sancte Marie, and to all the
Sanctis in hevyn, and my bodie to be beried in the chauncell
of the parishe churche of Madirsay aforsaid, of the left hand of
Sir William Holme, some tyme vicar of the same. Also I
bequeath for my mortuary as the contre is indued. Also I
will that there be iiij" wax made in xiij perchis, and they to
be light at the daye of my beriall, and at the vy daye after.
Also I bequeath to the Roode light yj d. To oure Ladie light
vj d. To Sancte John light yj d. To Sancte Antony and
Plough light vj d. To Sancte James and Sancte Sithe iiij d.
Also I bequeath to the house of Sancte Gilberte in Madirsaye,
to registre my name as a broder, vj s. viij d. Also I bequeath
to the Covente of the same place, at the disposicion of the
Subpriour, iij s. iiij d. Also I will that there be a through
stone laide opon my grave ingravid with scripture as testifyeng
what tyme that I depart from this present lyve. Also I will
that the house beside the chapell be yeven to on armette or
bede man at the will of the vicar and churche maisters as oft as
it is voide, and the said armete or beademan to yeve yerely to
the vicar of Madirsaye aforsaid a Mease peny, and to the clerk
ij d. for a mynyng ; and that to be done at my twelmonth
daye, and so yerely to continue. Also I yeve to the brig over
the water called the Eyand, to the amendyng of the hie way
aboute it, iij s. iiij d. Also I yeve my pix to be used in the
honour of the Sacrament in the forsaid churche of Maddersay.
Also I yeve toward the byeng of on sute of vestymentes in the
forsaid church xx s. Also I bequeath to Bawtre churche iij s.
iiij d. Also to Sherebum churche iij s. iiij d. Also to Abirford
church iij s. iiij d. Also to Hesilwod chapell iij s. iiij d. Also
I yeve to Elene Johnson, my broder doughtour, iij li. vj s.
viij d., on ambre, one laver, and a stone morter. Also I yeve
to Jenet Paskell a quarter of rye and iiij shepe. Also I yeve
every on of oure iiij moder churches xij d. Residue of all my
goodis not above bequeathed, my will truly fulfillid, I yeve and
bequeath to Sir William Wright chaplayne, Richarde Johnson,
and Henry Johnson, my breder, whome I make my executours
of this my last will above writtyn. Thies wittenes, William
Vescy, Richard Kepas, Richard Biuton, and James Rither.
[Pr. 16 May, 1628, ad. to ex".]
[Reg. Gapit. Ebor. ii. 168 ; Reg. Test. x. 52 b."]
In Dei nomine, Amen. Quarto die mensis Mareii, anno
Domini millesimo quingentesimo, vi^esimo septimo, Ego, Jo-
hannes Chapman,* de Eboraco, notarius publicus, civis et mar-
cator civi talis Ebor., ae sacri Lateranensis palacii comes palatinus,
reverendissimi in Christo patris et domini, Domini Thomae
Cardinalis legati de latere et archiepiscopi. Ebor., in civitate
et diocesi Ebor. registrarius, adnichilando et irritando omnia
et singula testamenta ante dictum quartum diem mensis
Marcii per me condita et facta, jam condo testamentum meom,
ultimam voluntatem meam in se continens, in hunc qui
sequitur modum. In primis do et lego animam meam Deo
Omnipotenti, Oeatori meo, Beatissimse Marias Virgini, Sancto
Michaeli Archangelo, Beato Petro, Sancto Laurencio, Sancto
Sebastiano, Sancto Nicholao, Beatae Marise Magdalense, Sanctaa
CecilisD, Sanctae Elenae, Omnibusque Sanctis cselestis exercitus ac
curiae, ac corpus meum sepiliendum coram imagine Beatissimse
Mariae Virginis, ante capellam Sancti Stephani in ecclesia
metropolitica Ebor., ex parte boriali ejusdem, si contingat me
infra civitatem Ebor. ab hac luce migrare ; alioquin in choro
ecclesiae infra cujus parochiam debitum naturae persolvam.
Item lego pro meo mortuario, prout mos patriae requirit.
Item lego ecclesiae meae parochiali, pro decimis meis oblitis, xl s.
Item volo quod post mortem meam infra civitatem et diocesim
Ebor. mille Missae per capellanos stipendiarios, seculares et
regulares, praecipue Ordinis Cartusiani et Mendicantis, pre&-
bjrteros, celebrentur quam celerrime fieri poterit post mortem
meam, pro anima mea ; et volo quod quilibet sacerdos, sic
celebrans, percipiat de bonis meis iiij d. Item lego Priori et
Fratribus domus Cartusianae Sancti Michaelis juxta Hull, pro
Obsequiis, Missis, et SuflFragiis pro anima mea dicendis, xxx s.
Item lego Priori et monachis domus de Monte Graciae ejusdem
Ordinis Cartusiani, pro consimilibus Missis, exequiis, et ora-
tionibus dicendis, xxxs. inter eos dividendos. Item lego Priori
et monachis domus Cartus' de Bellavalle pro consimilibus . .
* The testator was a confidential 8ervant of the Archbishops and Dean and
Chapter of York. His position gave him the opportunity of accumulating a
larg:e fortune, and he availed himself of it. His will is drawn up with g^reat
precision and care.
dicendis, xxs. Item lego Priori et Fratribus domus Cart us*
juxta Coventre, pro consimilibus . . dicendis, xxxs. Item
lego cuilibet Domai Fratrum Mendicantiatn infra civitatem
Ebor., ut orent pro anima raea, et intersint in delacione cor-
poris mei ad ecclesiam die sepulturae mese, dicantque in
domibus suis Exeqaias Mortuorum et Missas pro anima mea,
vj s. viij d. Item lego Fratribus de Observancia nuncupatis,
apud Newarke, pro consimilibus Exequiis, Missis, et aliis suffra-
giis dicendis, xxx s. Item lego Priori et Conventui Monasterii
de Gisbume, pro consimilibus . . dicendis, xl s. Item lego
xiij pauperibus portantibus cereos, sive torches^ circa corpus
die sepulturae mese, cuilibet eorum unam togam albam, et
cuilibet eorum, in pecunia, iiij d. Item volo quod die se-
pulturae mesB, vel infra octo dies postea, xiij li, vj s. viij d.
distribuantur inter pauperes infra civitatem Ebor., in domibus
suis, et non publice in ecclesia aut alio loco. Item lego in-
carceratis infra castrum Ebor. iij s. iiij d. Item lego incarceratis
convictis domini archiepiscopi Ebor. iij s. iiij d. Item volo
quod exequiae mese et funeralia fiant absque pompa, ita quod
honeste deserviatur ministris curiae Ebor. die obitus mei, vel
octava die. Item lego fabricae ecclesiae Metropoliticae Ebor.,
pro sepultura mea, xl a. Item lego Priori et Conventui de
Hextildesham, pro Exequiis Mortuorum, Missa, et aliis ora-
tionibus et suffragiis pro anima mea dicendis, xl s. Item volo
quod unus capellanus idoneus celebraturus Missas et alia
divina oflBcia infra ecclesiam par. de Knesall, ad altare Sancti
Nicholai ibidem, pro anima mea, animabus parentum meorum,
Aliciae etMargaretaesororum mearum,et M. Willelmi Claiburgh,*
juris utriusque doctorin, nepotis mei, ac animabus dominoruni
recolendae memoriae Cristoferi Baynbrig, olim Cardinalis tituli
Sanctae Praxedis, et Thomse Savage, Ebor. archiepiscoporum,
omnium benefactorum meorum, et omnium fidelium defuncto-
rum, per executores meos ftmdetnr, erigatur, et de novo
stabiliatur. Item volo quod omnes et singuli redditus, fructus,
et proventus omnium et singulorum terrarum, territoriorum,
pratorum, pascuarum, et pasturarum mearum jacentium in villis
et territoriis de Knesall, Ampton, et Allerton in Shirwcd
in com. Nottingham, necnon terrae, tenementa, prata, pascua, et
pasturae mea jacentia in villis, solis, et terris in Fokerthoq>,
♦ This is, as I suppose, the person who was Archdeacon of Worcester, and
died in 1634, desiring to be buried in the Charterhouse, London. He was a
prebendary in St. Sepulchre's Chapel at York, and at Howden, Ilemingbro',
Southwell, and Lincoln. He was also, for a while, rector of Easington.
Another William Clayburgh was B.A. at Cambridge in 1527, M.A. in 1530,
B.D. in 1645, and D.D. in 1549. In 1549 he became prebendary of Ampleforth
at York, in which diocese he held other preferment.
Escrike, et North Dalton in com. Ebor^ ad supervisionem ezecn-
torum meonim, applioentur et convertantur per feofiatos meo6
in eisdem terris et tenementis ad erectionem et fiindacionem
dictae cantarise mem. Item volo quod huja^modi feoffatores
terrarum et tenementorum meomm hujusmodi remaneaot
seisiti in terris et tenementis prsedictis ad ezhibitionem eapel-
lani in dicta cantaria stabilienda et erigenda, et perimplecionem
hujusmodi testamenti et ultimsB voluntatis latins exprimen-
dam. Item lego Domino Roberto Hardie prozimam advoea-
cionem medietatis ecclesisB parochialis de Cotgrave, in casu quo
vixerit ad proximam vacacionem ejusdem ; et Domino Willebno
Mooke,* consimili modo, advocacionem ecclesiae parochialis de
Foston juxta Lecestre ; alioquin volo quod remaneant disposi-
cioni Magistri Willelmi Claiburgh ad usum Willelmi Mooke et
aliorum consanguineorum meomm. Item volo quod Magister
Willelmus Claiburgh habeat proximam advocacionem ecclesise par.
de Baraby. Item lego eidem M. Willelmo Claiburgh optimmn
coopertorium meum pro lecto sno, optimum plumale cum
cervicali, par lodicum de fustyan, duo paria optimorum linUii-
aminum, celluram cum le3 testour quod habui ab executoribus
Magistri Henrici CamebuU. Item lego Magistro Thomse Grod-
salve de Norwico, seniori, consanguineo meo, unam peciam
argenteam stantem, deaiuratam, cum coopertorio habente unum
le water-flore in fundo, pond. xxv. unc. et di. Item lego
Magistro Willelmo Claiburgh, pro termino vitae suae, unam
bassam cratheram argenteam et deaur.,in toto pond.xxiiij. unc
et di. ; et, post mortem ejusdem, volo quod Willelmus Mooke
habeat eandem cratheram. Item lego Aliciss Mooke, nepti
mese, unum salsarium arg. et deaur., pond, xxij unc, cum
coopertorio. Item lego Aliciae, sorori mese, duo plumalia com
servicalibus suis, quatuor paria lintheaminum de optimis non
legatis, cum ij coopertoriis, ad terminum vitae suae ; et volo
quod post mortem suam remaneant duabus filiabus suis seniori-
bus. Item lego eidem Aliciae, sorori meae, xx li. sibi deliberan-
das ad visum et discretionem Magistri Willelmi Claiburgh, et
Domini Roberti Hardie, in vita sua, si eis visum fuerit ; et volo
quod hujusmodi pecuniie, sibi non deliberatae in vita sua, post
ejus mortem remaneant duabus neptibus meis senioribus inter
eas aequaliter dividendse. Item lego dictae Aliciae, sorori mese,
unum salsarium arg. et deaur., pond, xij unc et di., et xij
♦ In July 1528 he was instituted to the rectory of Aldbrough, in the East
Riding ; and on April 12, 1631. he was collated to the prebend of Tockerington,
at Yt^rk. He died on May 30, 1 546, and was buried in the chancel of the church
of Welbourne. in Lincolnshire, where he was rector. Browne Willis calls him
William Mike.
C30cliaria arg. cum le knoppes deauratis, pro termino vitae suae ;
et yok) quod hujusmodi salsarium, post mortem suam, re-
maneat Willelmo Mooke, et dicta xij cocliaria, post mortem
Buam, remaneant duabus neptibus meis senioribus, inter eas
dividenda. Item lego Domino Roberto Hardy unum plumale
in custodia sua remanens, et unum salsarium argenteum in
parte deaiur., pond xij unc. Item lego M. Willelmo Claiburgh
omnes libros meos, tam practices quam alios, per ipsum postea
distribuendos inter filios neptum mearum. Item lego M^stro
Willelmo Claiburgh, et Aliciae, sorori mese, omnia utensilia
domus mesB, prseter aurum, et argentum, jocalia, et le plait,
qua nee superius nee inferius legantur, per ipsos sequaliter
inter neptes meas post mortem dicto sororis mese distribuenda ;
ita quod soror mea, pro termino vitse suae, habeat dimidiam
partem eorundem, si voluerit, et cujuscunque parcellae eorun-
dem. Item lego Domino Willelmo Mooke, et Johanni Rayner,
servienti meo, pro termino vitse suae, et eorum alterius, totas
mineras meas infra fr^nchesiam, regaUam, et dominium de
Hextildesham, Swaledale, et Craven ; • et, post mortem eorun-
dam, volo quod remaneant proximis hseredibus meis masculis.
Item lego Willelmo Fawkes, servienti meo, iij li. vj s. viij d. et
unum equum, secundum discrecionem executorum meorum.
Item lego Willelmo Tyas iij li. vj s, viij d. et unum equum
secundum discrecionem executorum meorum. Item lego
Johanni Rayner iij li. vj s. viij d., et unum equum, vel xl s., et
firmam meam de fVerefall infra parochiam de Laxton, et firmam
meam quaestoriae de Southwell ; et totum lectum in basso
studio meo cum omnibus omamentis eidem lecto pertinentibus.
Item lego Willelmo Fawkes unum lectum assignatum servi-
entibus meis in secunda camera mea prope magnam cameram
super aulam meam, cum omnibus omamentis ^idem lecto
pertinentibus. Item lego Willelmo Tyas lectum in camera
super coquinam, cum omnibus omamentis eidem per-
tinentibus. Item lego Magistro Thomas Magnus unam
magnam bassam peeiam, argenteam et deauratam, absque
coopertorio, quam emi de Georgio Gaill de Ebor., et unum
annulum cum lapide vocato a jadncie. Item lego Magistro
Edwardo Kellet f unum le cuehe argenteum, et in parte
deauratam. Item lego cuilibet servientium meorum unum le
♦ The testator had got into his possession the greater part of the lead
mines in the north of England.
t Prebendary of Langtoft, and afterwards Precentor in York Minster. He
held also the livings of Dewsbory and Haggate and a stall at Howden, and
was domestic chaplain to Archbp. Bainbridge. Fuller says that he was edu-
cated at King's Coll., Cambridge, and speaks of him as a profound scholar.
He died on Sept. 5, 1539, and was bur. in the nave of York Selinstcr.
R 2
Alman ryvet. Item lego Willelmo Man menm le jacket de
velvety et uxori sum unam le apHnkill argenteum ad spergen-
dum aquam ro8£urum, et unum le epicebox de every. Item lego
Willelmo Man meum optimum le stag. Item lego eidem Wil-
lelmo unmu le Alman ryvet ; et Christofero Conyers unum le
Alman revet y et uxori suae unum annulum cum lapide rubeo.
Item lego Roberto Man unum le Alma/n revetj et uxori suae
unum annulum cum lapide rubeo. Item lego Magistro Willelmo
Claiburgh unum annulum cum le torcha^j et unum le diaTnand
vocatum a losingeVy et unum annulum cum lapide vocato an
emorade. Item lego Domino Decano Ebor. unum annulum
cum le^ diamondy mihi datum per Magistrum Willelmum
Claiburgh. Item lego Priori et Conventui de Feribie, pro Exe-
quiis, et Missis, et aliis Orationibus pro anima mea dicendis,
XXX s. Item lego Domino Willelmo Mooke disposicionem ad-
vocacionis ecclesias de Langton super Waldam, cum secunda vice
vacaverit. Item lego cuilibet filiolorum meorum, ubicunque
inventi fuerint viventes, iij s. iiij d. Residuum — Magistro
Willelmo Claiburgh . . , Domino Roberto Hardie de Southwell,
Magistro Willelmo Mooke, capellanis, quos ordino . . executores,
ut ipsi ordinent et disponant pro salute animse mese, prout
respondere voluerint secundum eorum conscientias in die
Judieii ; et lego cuilibet eorum onus execucionis hujusmodi
testament! in se suscipienti, x 1., cum moderatis expensis suis.
Item facio . . Magistrum Brianum Higdon, legum doctorem,
decanum Eccl. Metrop. Ebor., et Magistrum Thomam Magnus,*
Archidiaconum Estridding, in quibus mea firmissima spes est et
fiducia, super visores ; et lego utrique eorum decem marcas. Item
propter fidem et firmissimam fiduciam, quam habui et habeo
in executoribus meis prsedictis, et alias causas legitimas me in
hac parte moventes, remitto dictis executoribus meis confec-
tionem inventarii bonorum meorum ; et sic ordino et volo quod
a nuUo judice, ordinario, sive ecclesiastico, aut aliqua alia per-
sona quacunque, dicti executores mei, aut eorum aliquis, ad
confectionem alicujus inventarii de bonis meis artentur, com-
pellantur, aut coherceantur . . arteturve, coherceatur, aut oom-
pellatur aliquis eorum executorum meorum, nee ad prsestandum
aliquod juramentum de hujusmodi inventario conficiendo a
quoquam valeant coartari ; et volo quod debita mea coUigant et
etiam bona mea, ac leventur per executores meos, et reponantur
in thesauraria ecclesiae colleg. B. M. Southwell, et aliis locis
tutis et securis, quousque ultima voluntas mea impleatur, et
cantaria mea praedicta stabiliatur et erigatur apud Knesall prsB-
* It is impossible to speak adequately of these two dignitaries within the
compass of a nota.
dictam. Et volo quod hujusmodi pecunte, sic remaneBtes post
fandationem cantariae mead prsedictae, disponantur in caritatis
et aliis piae devotionis operibus per executores meos quam
celerrime fieri potent. In cujus rei testimonium sigillum
meum prsesentibus apposui, hiis testibus Domino Laurentio
Hall eapellano parochiali Sancti Mlchaelis Archangeli infra
clausum eccl. Metrop. Ebor., Magistro Willelmo Wright, notario
publico, aldennanno civ. Ebor., Georgio Craill, et Boberto El-
walde,* marcatore.
[April 7» 1530. Ck)dlci1, making Pan Thos Fox an ez'.]
[Pr. 20 May, 1681.]
[Reg. Test ix, 38S.]
March 9, 1527-8. JRadulphas Eere8by,t armiger. Sep.
in eccl. par. de Thribarghe, ante altare B, M. V. To the hie
altar of Thribargh churche, pro deci-mie oblitis, vj s. viij d. I
will that my executours trulye, within zl dayes next after my
decesse, paye, or cause to be paid, to everichon of my servauntes
theire wages due to every on of them for theire good servise
and wages, and to every on of them for on half yere after ther
terme, after there rate of ther wages. I make my executours . .
Thomas Wentworth of Wodhouse hall, my sone in lawe Ed-
warde Eire, and my sone, Thomas Boswell of the New Hall,
Esqueours ; & Thomas Reresby, my sone and heire apparente,
Bupervisour. To Thomas Eeresby, my sone apd heire appa*
rente, a standding (cup) of silver pounced and a cover for the
same, and all the stuf that is in the greate chamer, and all my
hames, excepte my corce presaunte, and all my good beyng in
the lege in my parke ; and all the landes sawenne at Thribargh
hall which belongith to the maner of Thribarghe, the daye of
my deith, & viij oxen and a wayne and yokes and temes to
them belongyng ; all the tithe belongyng to Brymforth, bothe
♦ Three dvlc worthies at York.
Wm. Wright, son of Wm. Wright notaiy, was Lord Mayor in 1518 and 1535,
and M.P. in 1514^15. On May 1, 1523, Cardinal Wolsey appointed him
master of his mint. He died in 1549«
George Gale, a direct ancestor of Dean Gale, was Lord Mayor in 1534 and
1649, and M.P. in 1532>3 and 1541. In 1548-9 he was vice-treasurer of the
royal mint at York. He was a rich goldsmith, and died in 1566.
, Robert, son of John, Elwald, was Lord Mayor in 1539. He married a niece
of Cardinal Bainbridge, Archbishop of York,
t The i»ead of the Reresbys of Thribergh, near Rotherham. He marr.
Margaret dau. of Sir Richard Fitzwilliam of Aldwark.
in towne and feld, & all the sawne tymbre that I have in any
X)lace : & to my doughtour his wif iiij of the best kye that I
have. To my sone, Sir William, a riall of gold. To Baof
Reresby, my sone sone, a pece with a pale aboute the fote, and
an other aboute the cover of the same. To Bauf Wentworth
my god sone, Rauf Westby my godsone, & to my godsone, his
sone (each) a riall of gold. To Thomas, sone of Henry Westby,
a riall of gold. To my kynsman, Rauf Claiton, v marc. To
Alicie Clarell v marc. To Lionell Reresby a flate pece of silver
with a cover clene gilte. To Elene Reresby a cowe. To Fran-
cisce Reresby a goblett of silver withoute cover. To Rauf
Leeke, my godsone, yj s. viij d. To Sir Rauf Holme vj s. viij d.
To my doughtour Eire a spone for grene gynger and my best
white pece, single. To Rooke Reresby my secund white pece
of silver. To Leonard Reresby the thirde white pece of silver.
To my doughtour Evers my goblet of silver with the cover parcell
gilt. Also I will that my executours dely ver to the doughtours
of Roberte Evers xx li. in rials, and x s. when they er maried,
to helpe to marie them with all. To Rauf Clidderowe & Rauf
Baxter (each) a riall of golde. To Sir John Parker, my prest,
X 8. To Sir Richarde Ranefeld, the curate of Thribsurghe,
vj 8. viij d. To Sir Coward yj s. viij d. Also I bequeath to iij
yong folke that er at my fynddyng, that is to saye, Thomas
Caplewod, Peter Castilforth, and his suster, ichon of them
yj 8. viij d. Where afore this tyme I have enfeoflFed Thomas
Wentworth of Wodhouse esquier, Edwarde Eire esquirer, nowe
lyvyng, and also John Baxter and Thomas Reresby, nowe deid,
of and in maner of Asshere, & in all other my landes . . in
Asshore . . to performe my Will . . they to fynd Rauf &
Lionel Reresby, sones of Thomas Reresby, to the scole, and all
other thinges necessary for ther lyvyng, to suche tyme as the
said Rauf and Lionel shall come and be of the age of xxj yeres,
& then to make astate to him & his heires for ever to the valour
of XX markes . . . Also of xx markes to the same Lionell, when
xxj, terme of his lyve. My said feoffes, when the churche of
Asshore shalbe voide, to suflFre Thomas Reresby, my sone &
heire, to present. My executours to expende for my funerall
expenses and other charitabill deides, the tyme of my buryeng,
XX li., and the residue . . I woll my executours dyvyde emong
them, and pray for my sail. Thies wittenes. Sir John Parker,
chauntrie priest, etc.
[Pr. 18 Apr. 1628 & ad m. to Thos Wentworth of Woodhonse hall, Edward
Eyre of Howme hall, &. Thos Boswell of Newhall Esq", ex".]
[R^. Test. iz. 401.]
Apr. 24, 1528. John Wikersley* of Brome Hall in the
parishe of SheflFeld, esquyer, of hoole mynde and good memorye,
al thoughe I be seke in bodie. To be beried in the Eoode
chapell within the parishe churche of Sancte Peter in SheflTeld,
as nye unto the ymage of the same Eoode as conveniently
maye be. And that my best whike beast be taken for the said
churche as in the name of my mortuary. And, as toching the
order and disposicion of everything to be done aboute my
funerall expenses and obsequies, I will that Elen, my wif, and
my cosyng, Richard Everyngham, whome I orden, constitute
and make my executours . . shall ordre and dispose for my
sail and all Cristen salles at the same, like as they by ther
discretions shall thinke mete and conveniente for a man of my
degre. Feoffes, Maister Richard Talbott, one of the yonger
Bones of the right honorable lorde George erle of Sherowsbery,
* The Wickersleys were an anoient Weat Biding family, long extinct. I
throw together some notices of them derived from the wills. The wiU of the
rector of Dartfield throws considerable light upon the architectural history of
that church.
July 10, 1434. Thomas Wykerslay, rector med. eccl. de Derfeld^ Romanam
ecclesiam et S. Jacobum proponens pro salute animso mese visitare. To 7
priests 60 marks, to eel. for a year for me, my parents* souls, & those of Sir
John Scott knt, Rob* Schore, Mr Thos Derfeld, John Femoll, John Clay, Sir
Wm Melton knt, John Draz, Thos Barley & Isabel his wife, Dom. Tho. de
Toveton presb. & my parishioners. Bed. me» de D. pro deskys in eocl.
X marcas. Pro iiij filials super campanile x marcas. Pro magna campana
facienda de minima campana ibidem xx marcas. Pro revest r* faciendo
X marcas. To my poor parishioners at D., Burton in Wyshall com. Cestr', &
those at my burial, 80 marks. Poor at Burton 10 2. Isab. & Maig*, daughters
of my brC Wm, lo marks each. Joan, late wife of my bro* Wm de W.^
4 marks. Cousin Thos Smyth of Wykersley, & Thos Smith of Gilthwate
10 marks each. Magistro Dawnay de Doncastre 20 s. Thomas de Hail, servo
meo, 80 marks, to find him at Oxford or Cambridge, if he would b^ a priest ;
or ' pro bona uxore sibi adqulrenda,' Sc to find him at Stapill Inne. Eccl.
matrici de Ebor., viz. pro stipul* ^iendo»408. To prisoners 20i. j coverlet t
ad serv. in chore eccL de D. et j coverd pece ecclesiae. [Pr. 28 Sept. 1434.J
(Reg. Test. iii. 396 a.)
May 20, 1471. Roger Wykerslay of Wykerslay. Sep. in capella B. M. infra
eocl. de W. Res. to Margaret my wif & Wm my son— they ex". [Pr. 8 Oct.
1471.] (Reg. Test. iv. 172 a.)
Apr. 3, 1505. Nicholaus Wikerslay. Sep. in parto boriali eccl. par. de W.
Ellen, my wife, ex«. Witn. Thos W. [Pr. 16 Apr. 1506.] (Reg. Test. vi.
Apr. 18, 1532. Admin, of Margaret Wickersley par. Wath, widow & gentle-
woman, to Wm Grene gen. k Eliz. his wife, her daughter. (Reg. Test. xi. 4.)
James Savage, Richard Everyngham, and John Holland . .
for the more surance of this my last will. My fader by his last
Will declared that Margarete, my moder, shulde have certen
landes and tenementes in Sheffeld, Kymberworth, and Halome,
for terme of hir lyve, in the name of hir jonctour. They to be
seased of my maner of Wikersley &in on messuagie in Sheffeld,
to the use of Elene, my wif, for terme of hir lif . . to percey ve
yerely hir joinctour & dowre of xx** marc. My feoffes to fynd
an honest prest to serve in the churche of Sancte Petir of
Sheffeld, to praye for the galles of me,. and my frendes, and all
Crist en salles for ever; & to pay v li. to Sir John Craw8ha,nowe
my cha[)lane, to pray ... at the said churche for an hoole yere
after my decesse. I will that my said ex" • . cause the loft
in the Roode chapell, wher th'organnes now standes, to be new
buylded, & by on sute of vestymentes to be used at the Roode
altar for the well of my sail, and all my frendes' sauUes. My
maners, landes, et<;., to the use of my nece, Elinour Went-
worth, doughtour of my broder Nicholas Wikersley decessed, &
to the heires of hir bodie lawfully begotten. For defelt . . to
my susters, Elisabeth & Margarete . . . And wher as I put my
said cosyng, Richarde Everyngham, to payne aswell in diverse
my causes and sondrie and many tymes now passid, as also pur-
pase, God willing, to putt hym to a further payne in th'execu-
cion of this my last will and testament . . I yeve unto hym, and
toward the preferment of my yong cosynges his childer, xxxli.
to be allevied and takyn of my goodes and cattalles or landes.
My verrey good lord Francisce lorde Talbott, sone and heire
apparente of . . George Erie of Shrewesbury, supervisour, & I
give him xl s.
[Pr. 1 July, 1528, adm. to ex".]
[Reg, Test, Dec. & Cap. Ebor. ii. 146.]
June 3, 1528. Eichard Laikoke,* vicar of EUughton. To
be bur. before my stall in the hie wheire of oure Blisside Ladie
in the pariche church of EUughton. To the mending of one
crasid chaliche belonging to the said church, xs. To by ij
cruyttes to the said church, xij d. To the buylding of Ellugh-
* I give a brief note of the will of the predecessor of the testator at
Dec. 20, 1519. Johannes Spencer, vicarius de Elughton. Sep. in choro
eccl. fie E. [Pr. 19 Jan. seq.] (Reg. Test. Dec. et Cap. ii 120.)
ton church steple xxs., besides xxs. that I owe thame. I
bequeith x lb wax to be bumte before the Holie Sacrament and
our Blissid Ladie in the wheire, and the pictour on the Kood,
and the ymages of our Ladie in the south ille, and th'emage
of Sanct Katerine in the north ille, at the discretion of John
Sympson, th'elder. I bequeith ix marc to Sir Oswald Wed-
derade, to syng and say Masse in Ellughton church for my
saull, for my father saull, and all Christen saulles, and to doo
Ruch other thinges as he and I is agread of, for the space of one
yere, when God induythe hyme mett^'to say Ataaee. To
Saxton church vj s. viij d. To mending of the great bell at
Bolton Percy vj s. viij d. . . To the iiij Orders of Frears of
Beverlay and Hull, to pray for my saull, to every howse iij s.
iiij d., to be devidet emonges the covent. To the proctour of
Sanct Lazarous yj d., & to the proctour of Sanct Robert of
Knaresburght vj d. The residewe of my goodes, within the
howse and garth, to my oist, Richard Sykes. Sir John Reddall
of KillinghaJl, supervisour,
[Pr. 13 June, 1628.]
[Beg. Test. ix. 409.]
July 7, 1528. William Swanne of Swanneby in Whorleton
parishe. To be beried in the kirke of the Holie Roode in
Whorleton. I yeve x li. to Whorleton kirke, to by a bell,* the
whiche x li. is in Maister William Grene hand, and this bell to
be halowed, and caried, and hongyn of my propre costes.
[Pr. 20 July. 1528.]
♦ I give several other notices of bells.
Sept. 1521. Alex. Mattason of Londesbro*. Ad unam campanam emendam
praedicta in ecclesia pendentem xxvj s. viijd. (Reg. Test. ix. 191.)
July 6, 1621. James Holyngley. To the byeng of a grete bell, at Spofford,
vjs. viijd. (Id. 231.)
June 12, 1524. John Awstyn, balie of Topclif. Toward byeng of a beU
which shall be the iiij*'* bell to the other thre ther beyng, vj li. xiij s. iiij d.
(Reg. Test. ix. 358 b.)
Nov. 7, 1527. Thos Goldsmith of Hull, glover. To Sancte Cuthberte kirke
in Carlile xxs. to amendyng of the belles ; and the parishe preist to praye for
the salles of my fader & my moder in the pulpitt. (Id. 393.)
Nov. 26, 1530. Wm. Elyngworth of Pontefract. To my paryshe churche
iiij 8. to bye a sacryng bell for the hygh alter. (Id. 477.)
[Reg. Test x. 94a.]
In the name of God, Amen, the xvj*^ day of the month of
August, in the yere of our Lord God a thousand fy ve hundreth
twenty and eght, Edward Basford, otherwysse callid Beresford,*
of Wyrkesworth in the counte of Derbe, seke in body, and off
perfiett memorie, make, shew, & declare my mynd and last will
after this maner and forme folouing. Where ther is a draught
of a Will of myne maid in my wedowhode, afore I maried this
gentilwoman, my wyflF, remanyng in the handes of the vicar of
Chesterfeld, I have send for the said vicar, and, God willing,
intend to make this my will in writing for the profett of my
wyff and childer ; and seyng I am in an extreme heit, and also
in dowt and daunger whether it shall please God to call me to
His mercy before the said vicar come, before that my testa-
ment and last Wil be fynyshed in writyng, I declare unto youe
that Maister Metham, my fethir-in-law, doith awe unto me
neyn hundreth markes, if he have the warde of Maister Brad-
bume, and, if he have hym nott, sex hundreth markes ; and I
will if the neyn hundreth markes, or sex himdreth markes, aw-
ther of the said sommes, after condicion aforsaid, be paid,
that my wyflF have fourty poundes in land by yere duryng hir
naturall lyff for hir joyntour, and it to remayn over to my
oldist son had by hir according as it is covauntid betwyx my
father in law and me; and if it shall happen it never to be
paid, I will that she have butt fourtie markes by lond by yere
duryng hir naturall lyeflF for hir joynctour. Also I will that
my other Will, wherof a draught remanyth w*** the said vicar
of Chesterfeld, shall not stond but be utterlie void. Also my
mynd and will is that Jane my wyflF have the dispossing of my
guddes, and execute this my will for the well of my saull &
profytt of my childer ; and herof I desyre and pray youe that
be present, and charge youe in Godde's behalf, to bere witnes
and certifie this my wyll and mynd when neid shall require.
Thes beyng witnes, fiaphe Wordysworth, William Oydes,
Eaphe Glossoppe, and Thomas Scaryng, with other.
[Pr. 13 Nov. 1631 ad. to ex'.]
* A Derbyshire gentleman whose will is registered at York, through his
connection, by his second wife, with the Methams. He seems to have died of
the sweating sickness.
[Reg. Test. Dec. & Capit. Ebor. iL 166.]
In Dei nomine, Amen. Ultima voluntas hominis Cristiani et
sacerdotis, Willelmi Melton,* anno Cristi miilesimo quingente-
simovicesimo octavo, vicesimo die mensi 8 Augusti, apud Acclum.
In gratiam et misericordiam Omnipotentis Dei, Creatoris
omnium, et fiedemptoris nostri, spiritu meo primum commendato,
8ub spe crueis et sanguinis Jhesu Christi, et per intercessionem
Ejus genetricis Mariae, Sanctorumque Omnium et Spirituum
Coelestium ; corpore quoque meo commendato fidelium sepul-
turse ; hsec sit gerenda ratio rerum et facultatum mearum, ut
primum ex hiis, quoad fieri possit, omni juri ecclesiastico et
omni justicise mortalium satisfiat. Post funeralia, videlicet,
mihi catholice exhibita, pro reputatione mea non sumptuosa
Bed mediocria, delude post justa omnia debita mea secure
soluta, si nulla videtur executori vel executoribus aut ministris
instare molestia, quin sine suo detrimento bene fieri possit,
tunc ex smnma omnium vasorum argenteorum de le plate quas
reperientur, non designata scriptis, nee nuncupata verbo, detur
exhibitio annua septem marcarum, quoad summa tota com-
pleatur per annos vel ndenses, sacerdoti idoneo pro arbitrio
ministrantium ; qui quidem sacra celebraturus est ad altare
Nominis Jhesu in ecclesia Ebor. pro anima mea, animabus
parentum meorum, amicorum, et propinquorum, pro anima
quoque Hugonis Trotter t et suorum, similiter animabus
parentum, amicorum, atque simili modo pro anima Domini
* A learned and distingnished scholar.
He was ordained aoolyte at York March 11, 1486-6; deacon, May 20» 1486,
being then M.A., Roche Abbey giving him a title, and priest on Sept. 23 in the
same year. Melton was M.A. of Cambridge in 1479, B.D. in 149U, and D.D. in
On May 18, 1489-90, he was inst. to the rectory of Clayworth, and on Jnne
6, 1496, to that of Aston on the presentation of Sir John Melton. This he res.
in Feb. 1616-17.
In York Minster he was prebendary of Tockerington, and afterwards, in
1496, Chancellor, in which position he had full field for the use of his learning.
One of his sermons as Chancellor was printed, I think by Wynkyn de Worde.
Melton's will is his own composition and travels very far out of the usual
groove. The list of his books and furniture, etc, is very suggestive. Except in
his books there is no sign of any expenditure. Everything is of the most
simple kind. The will was made at Acclam on the Wolds, a small living in
his gift. The will of the Vicar of Acclam, his friend and prot^g^, Edmund
Cook, will soon follow.
t Sometime Treasurer of York and a weU-known man.
ThomsB Rotherham archiepiscopi, et animabns saoram, omni-
umque fidelium defonctorum. Csetera vero legata mea qosedam
in billis de papiro mea manu 8cripta patebunt ; qusedam, Deo
propitio, viva voce annuntiabo. Exequantur autem plena mea
anctoritate hii vel ille, unns vel plures, qnem vel qnos pro
Dei dementia maturius nominabo ex tempore, residue rerum
mearum eis, vel ei, relieto; nee post funeralia feicta, debita
soluta, et impleta legata quae vel scripto mandantur vel aperte
nuncupantur, amplius pro meis rebus quisquam oneretur pro
tali residuo quam sibi ipsi videatur ex sua erga me pietate.
Billa deposit' Prions de Watton omnino servetur et perLm-
pleatur. Item pro capa necesse est solventur viginti marcae, si
non sint solutae.
Item capellano meo et Csimulis solvetur omnino integrum
stipendium quarterii in quo decedo ab hoc saeculo. Et ulterius
lego cuilibet eorum vij s. vj d. Item do et lego Willelmo
Baxster, servienti meo, unum ciphum argenteum et deauratum
cum nubibus, post meum decessum* Item volo quod omnia
omamenta corpori meo pertinentia sequaliter dividentur inter
servientes meos et bonorum meorum administratores. Item
do et lego Nicholao Melton, nepoti meo, meum optimum plu-
mare cum pertinentiis. Item do et lego Johanni Eyre, ser-
vienti meo, secundum optimum meum plumare. Item do et
lego Antonio Mountenay plumare meum in quo jacere solebat*
Haec in omnibus serventur per Dominum Thomam Fome sub-
thesaurarium eoclesise Ebor., Magistrum Nicholaum Melton,
Johannem Eyre, Dominum Thomam Baite presbyterum, et
Eobertum Mountenay, quos fecio executores, sive bonorum
meorum administratores mobilium et immobilium mihi perti-
nentium, et praecipue eos, eo quod in vita mea ipsi onmino
domam et res meas mobiles et immobiles rexerint et gubema-
verint, igitur ea intentione volo eos post decessum meum pree-
dicta ordinare et gubemare, et haec est mea ultima voluntas.
In cujus rei testimonium prsesentes sunt Magister Doctor Haill
rector ecclesise de Skirpenbek, Dominus Edmundus Cook
vicarius de Acclame, Dominus Robertus Gilis presbyter, et alii,
ut Willelmus Backster, Galfiridus Frankelande, Edwardus Dar-
wentwater, et Thomas Wilson,
[Pr. 19 Ang. 1533,1
In THE PRASSE. In primis a gowne of rede scarlet, furred
w^ meny vere, and a hoode, xxvj s. viij d. A cremysyn gowne
and a hood furred w**' foones, Ixxviij s. A scole abite furred w**^
meny vere, xvj s. A blak abite for the ehurche, w*'' grene ser-
cenet in it, xv s. Thre gray amysses, liij s. iiij d. Two sur-
plusses, xxvj 8. An olde pillowe wroght w*** silke, xx d. Two
curtanes of blewe clothe, xvj d. Two peces of olde furre, white
and gray, ij s. A newe violet gowne, xl s. Two olde surplusses,
viij d. Sumrrui xiij li. viij d.
In THE GREAT CHAMBRE. Item a teister of damaske worke
w*** a sparver of sarcenet, vj s. viij d. A fedder bed and a
bolster, xvj s. A pare fustian blankettes, ij s. viij d. A fyne
shete and a doble shete, xv s. iiij d. A coverlet w*** white and
blak, xij d. A coveringe for a bed, white and blak, Ixvj s. viij d.
Two Flaunders chistes, and ij other chistes, \j s. viij d. Four
peces of hangynge, say, w*** rede and grene, xij d. A pewtre
bason and ij formes, yj d, A pece of hangynges w^ flours, and
a pece rede say, xq d. An olde borde, iiij d. Summa v li.
xviij 8. vij d.
In THE CHAPLE CHAMBRE. Item an old sparver of domyxe,
xij d. A litle fedderbed w*** a bolster, vs. A pare olde lynon
shetes, xvj d. A coverlet, white and blak, xij d. A covering,
with an antilope, iij s. iiij d. A great chiste, yrne bounde, yj s.
viij d. Summa xviij s. iiij d.
In THE CHAPLE. Item a litle clothe staned w*** Christe,
Marie, and John, iiij d. A super altare, w*** ij old alterclothes,
xvj d. A pece of staned work w*** an ymage of o' Lady, yj d.
Two curtanes of clothe, staned after damaske worke, viij d. A
paynted clothe w*^ Christe and ij thefes upon it, iiij d. A trus-
singe coffre, a hamper, and ij litle coflTers, yrne bounde, ij s. A
halywater fat, a strenkle, and a sacringe bell, viij d. A Masse
book w*** silver claspes, writen, xx s. A vestment of rede sattan
w*** an albe, vj s. Five corporaxe cases with iiij lynon cor-
poraxes, iij s. A pare curtanes of rede sarcenet, xvj d. A pare
curtanes of taffatay, viij d. Two pillows of silke, the one xvj d.,
the other viij d., ij s. Two peces of silke above the alter, xij s.
Two peces of silke beneth the alter, viij s. Two peces of blak
sarcenet for the altar, ij s. viij d. Two peces of rede silke and
blak, rawed, for the alter, iiij s. A litle table that was Mr. Doctor
Colette's,* XX d. Summa Ixvij s. ij d.
In more chambre. Item a round male, yj d. Item ij
pare trustilles, ij boordes, and j olde forme, yj d. Summa
In Nich. Melton chambre. Item a prassar, vs. A boorde
and a pare of trustilles, viij d. Summa v s. viij d.
In ms owne chambre. Item a sparver of grene and rede
say w* curtanes of bukrham, xij d. A canvaxe clothe under
the fedderbed, xij d. A fedderbed and a bolster, xx s. A rede
mantle, xxj d. An olde hangynge w*^ flours, xij d. Two peces
of staned worke w*** Saint John, xvj d. One yme bounde chiste
w*** j hamper, yme bounde, xijd. A hamper of wikers w***
writinges in y*, j d. A prevey stole, iiij d. A boorde, a pare
trustilles, and a clothe of grene say, xvj d. A litle coflFre w^
a deske cover, vj d. Two formes, j d. A litle cofiFre, ij d. A
pare tonges, yd. A towell of harden clothe, ij d. Sv/m^ma
xxix 8. 3CJ d.
In Mownteney chambre. Item a fedderbed, w*** a pillowe
uncovered, vj s. viij d. Two coffers, yme bound, w*** bothums
oute, ij d. A pare trustilles w*^ wanescot boordes, viij d.
Summa vij s. vj d.
In Eyre chambre. Item a cover of wood for a cownter,
ij d. A pare trustilles, j d. Summa iij d.
In his owne parlodre. Item a cupborde carved, xxvj s.
viij d. A counter w*^ a cover clothe, viij s. A cupborde w^
a carpet, xij d. Five peces of olde rede say, xx d. Two formes,
ij d. Seven chares in all places of the house, ij s. Six of the
best qweshinges, vj s. viij d. Six of the worste queshinges, iij s.
Four qweshinges of carpet worke and j olde qweshing, iiij s.
In the entree, j forme and j olde bourde, ijd. Su7nm,a
Iiij s. iiij d.
In the Hall. Item j olde cupborde and ij great hordes,
iiij s. iiij d. A clothe of rede say for the hye dease, xxij d.
Summa vj s. ij d.
In the Pantree. Item vj napkyns of diaper, vj d. Two
towelles of diaper, great and longe, xv s. Two litle towelles of
diaper, and j of lynon clothe, xij d. Two great horde clothes
of diaper, xv s. Three olde horde clothes of lynon clothe, iij s.
A bason and ewer of pewtre, xij d. One olde cupborde clothe,
ij d. Four candlestikes and one foote, xx d. A scomer for the
♦ a memorial of the famous Dean of St. Paul's, who had a prebend at
fire and a greate pare tonges, xyj d. One olde cupborde carved,
and j olde arke, x^ d. Two pare trustilles and ij wanescot
boordes, xij d. Two chippinge knyfes, ij d. A landyme and a
halfe for the fire, vj s. viij d. Summa ^vij s. vj d.
In the Buttree. Item vj hoggeshedes and ij lease barelles,
ij 8. iiij d. Summa ij s. iiij d.
In the kytchyn and larder. Item ij great chargers of
pewtre, a doss, salsers, ix dishes and vij doblers, ponderinge ix
doss., xxvij s. A scomer of lattone, ij d. Five brasse pottes,
wherof ij gret, y* oyer iij lesse, xvij s. viij d. A litle kettle, v d.
Three pannes, pondering xxx IL, iij s. ix d. A brasen morter
w*** a pestle, ij s. vj d. Six spittes, more and lesse, iiij s. viij d.
Six flit crookes and iij pare pot crookes, xij d. Two cobymes,
iij 8. A grater for brede, x d. A chawfer of brasse, ij s. iiij d.
A longe brandrithe of yme, ij s. A fidenge pan, iij d. A laver,
xiiij d. A girdyme, xij d. A borde and ij trustilles, vj d. A
boultinge toon, a knedinge troghe w*^ oyer tubs, ij s. iiij d.
In all the parlors and chambers of y* house vij pare bedstokes,
xyj d. A bushell for metinge come, vj d. 8wmm/i Ixxij s. v d.
In the salte fyshe chambre. Item xlvj wanescote hordes,
xix s. ij d. Summa xix s. ij d.
In fuell. Item vj chalder, j quarter and di. coles, xxj s.
In woode, xx s. Summxi x]j s.
In plaite. Item ij saltes of silver parcell gilte w*** j cover,
I)onderinge xxxvij unc, pret. le unc. iij s. vj d., vj li. ix s. vj d.
Two lesse saltes of silver, pond, xxij unc. et di., pret. le unc.
iij s. vj d., Ixxviij s. ix d. A plane pece of silver, pond, viij unc.
et di., at iij s. iiij d. unc, xxviij s. iiij d. A white goblet of
silver w**" a cover, pond, xv unc. and iij quart., at iij s. iiij d. le
unc, Iij s. vj d. Six shorte started silver spones, pond, vj unc.
and di., at iij s. iiij d. le unc, xsg s. viij d. Six sliped silver
spones, pond, v unc. and quart., at iij s. iiij d. le unc, xvij s.
vj d. Six silver spones, wherof iiij w*^ septours, j w*** a knoppe,
the other plane, pond, vj unc. and di., at iij s. iiij d. le unc,
xxj s. viij d. Eight silver spones gilt, pond, viij unc and di.,
at iij s. X d. le unc, xxxij s. vij d. A chales of silver w*^ a vice
gilted, pond, xv unc, at iiij s. le unc, Ix s. Two silver cruettes,
pond, viij unc. & quart., at iij s. iiij d. le unc, xxvij s. vj d.
A silver paxe w*** a berall stone, pond, viij unc. and quart., ad
iij s. X d. le unc, xx3g s. viij d. A bason of silver, parcell gilte,
w*** an ewer, xj li. A litle pece of silver w*^ cloudes gilte, xl s.
Summxi xxxviij li. xx d.
Summa honorum Ebor. — Ixxv li. xij s. viij d.
In the Hall. In primis j counter and an olde carpet
clothe ryven, ij 8. yj d. A pece of olde rede say and ij lease
peces, XX d. Item x qweshinges, wherof iiij carpet worke and v
arres worke, vs. A borde w*** foldyn fete, xij d. Four chares,
xvj d. Four formes, viij d. Summa xij s. ij d.
In the parlore. Item a fedderbed and a bolster, vj s.
viij d. A pare blankettes of white clothe, xvj d. Two cover-
lettes, the one w*** rede flours, y« oyer w*** crowned M, xij d. A
rede say, iiij d. A pillowe w*** a cover, iiij d. A sparver of
lynon clothe, xij d. Summa x s. viy d.
In Eyre chambre. A mattresse, a bolster and a pillowe w***
oute cover, iiij s. A blanket, a coverlet and a twilte, iij s. iiij d.
SumTna vij s. iiij d.
In the chambre at grece hede. Item a sparver of
domyxe, ij s. viij d. A pillowe w*** a cover, iiij d. A yalowe
coverlet w*** swannes upon it, ij s. An olde coveringe of arres,
ryven, w*** ymagerie, xxd. A mattresse, a bolster of y« litle
bed, ij 8. viij d. A pare blankettes of white clothe, xij d. Two
coverlettes, the one white y® other white and rede, xx d. Three
olde peces of roten paynted clothes, iiij d. One olde dore, ij
trustilles, and a pece of wanescot sawen, iiij d. Sum/ma xij s.
In his owne chambre. A litle counter, ij s. vj d. A
painted clothe over the bed w*** ij oyer peces, xx d. A fedder-
bed and a bolster, vij s. yj d. A pare blankettes of white
clothe, iij s. A coverlet w*** rede swannes, ij s. A coveringe of
ymagerie of arres and a horse upon it, vij s. A pillowe w*** a
cover, iiij d. iij curtanes of blak bukrham and ij litle peces,
viij d. One longe borde, ij trustilles and a forme, viij d. A
velvet tipet, an oyer of sarcenet furred, xiij s. iiij d. A gowne
furred w^ gray and a hood musterdeveles, xxs. An olde
sangwen gowne w^** cipres and a hood, x s. A tawny gowne
lyned w*** cipres, xiij s. iiij d. A violet gowne lyned with clothe,
X s. Upon the flore, a fedderbed w*** a bolster, vij s. A carpet,
iij 8. iiij d. A pare white blankettes, xvj d. A coverlet of white
w*** flours, and an other rede and white, xij d. A pillowe w*** a
cover, iiij d. A rede say, iiij d. Item v hordes and a litte
clothe, iiij d. Summa v li. v s. viij d.
In the great chambre. Item a mattresse, xij d. A pare
blankettes of white clothe, xvj d. Two coverlettes, the one
^hite and blak, the other blewe and rede, ij s. An olde rede
say, vj d. Two olde mattresses, ij pillows w%ute covers, ij
olde coverlettes rede and yalowe, xvj d. A longe borde and ij
trustilles, xij d. Summa xij s. ij d.
In the cx)OKe's chambre. Item ij olde mattresses, a bol-
ster and ij blankettes, iij s. iiij d. Two coverlettes, one of grene
and white, the other grene and white w*** an M, viij d. Nine
pare bedstokes in all places, vj s. iiij d. A litle arke, x d.
Summa xj s. ij d.
Shetes in all places. Item one pare shetes, vj s. viij d.
An other pare shetes, the one w*^ noo seme, viij s. A pare
shetes of iiij breden, xiij s. iiij d. A pare shetes, iij d. a yerde,
ij s. An other pare, xij d. An other pare, xx d. An other pare,
ij s. iiij d. An other pare, xvj d. An other pare, viij d. An
other pare, viij d. A shete, iiij d. A pare shetes, ij s., and ij
old pare shetes, xviij d., xxvj s. x d. Summa xij s. vj d.
In the Buttree. Item a borde clothe of diaper, iiij s. Six
olde borde clothes of lynon, ij s. iiij d. Four towelles of diaper,
iij s. iiij d. Six olde diaper napkyns, vj d. Six olde napkyns
of lynon clothe, vj d. A bason and an ewer of pewtre, xvj d.
Two olde bottelles of pewtre, xij d. Six candlestikes, iij s. A
barell to toon in, vj d. A soo to here water in, vj d. Three
litle tubs, iiij d. A longe borde and ij trustilles, xij d. A toon,
a forme, a pare tables and iiij shelfes, viijd. A chippinge
knyffe, jd. Four vesselles, to toon in, xiiijd. Summa
XX 8. iij d.
In the kytchyn. Item xij olde doblers and a charger,
viij 8. Item xv dishes, xij salsers, and ij olde holowe basyna,
yj s. viij d. One olde chawfer, a chawfingdish, a broken ladle
and a scomer, ij s. A great brasse pot and iij lesse brasse pottes,
vj s. viij d. A kettle and iij litle olde pannes, vs. A bran-
drith, a frienge pan and gyrdyme, xij d. A pare cobymes, xvj d.
Two litle spittes, vj d. A pare yme gallows, ij 6jt crookes and
ij pot crookes, xx d. An ambry, an olde arke, and a borde, or a
clogge, xviij d. Summa xxxiiij s. iiij d.
In the brewe house. Item a bruenge leade, viij s. A
mashefat, a gilefat, one olde tubbe, and a boultinge toon,
y 8. viij d. A knedinge troghe and a litle stole, iij d. Two
hordes and a trustle w*** a clogge, xij d. Summa xj s. xj d.
In the hey lathe. Item tj peces tymbre, iiij s. Four
lodes of hey, viij s. Hey in the stak, iiij s. Five wedders and
iiij ewes, ix s. viij d. Summa^ xxv s. viij d.
In the great lathe. Item in come at Acclame, xviij li.
VOL. V. s
xij d. A wyndoclothe and x olde sakkes, ij s. viij d. SuTnma
xviij li. iij s. viij d.
Summa bonorum apud Acdame^ xxxiij li. iiij s. ij d.
Summa omnium bonorum, tarn Ebor. quam apud Acdame^
cviij li. xvj 8. X d.
LiBRi Dicn DEFUNCTi.* In primis iiij*" Summarum in
pergameno, xij d, Originis contra Celsum, xij d. Opus fira-
tris Johannis de Lapide, Ordinis Cartuciensis, ij s. An olde
booke, incipiens, post a me, ij d. Biblia cum Concordanciis,
iij 8. Opus Sancti Ambrosii, pars tertia, xij d. Opns Maici
Tulii Ceceronis, iiij s. Lectiones Greaco[-]l|atin8e,ij s, Dominus
Plato, XX d. Opus Sancti Thomse de Aquino primo super Epi-
stolas ad Romanos, vj s. viij d. Liber Omeliarum Origenis
in Veteri Testamento, ij s. Palina Derecta, ij s. Decreta
Patrum, xij d. Concordancia Bibliae, iij s. iiij d. Cains Plenius,
xij d. Liber Epistolarum Beati Augustini Episcopi, xij d-
Josephus de Antiquitate, xijd. Pars prima operum Sancti
Ambrosii, xij d. Liber Novi Testamenti, ij s. Annotationes
Novi Testamenti, xvj d. Valerius Maximus sine comento, yj d.
Textus Terencii et Ceceronis, vj d. Paraphrasim Erasmi, xx d.
Epistolse Beati Cipriani, viij d. Quincuplex Psalterium, xx d,
Isachus in Livitic', xviij d. Heptaplus Johannis Pici Meran-
dula, iiij d. Liber pergameni secunda secundae Sancti Thomae,
iiij d. Tabula • . . . de Quolibet magistri Henrici Grardiner,
\j d. Epistolae Plenii in pergameno, xx d. Secunda pars
Operum Sancti Ambrosii, xiiijd. Omeliae Chrisostomi super
Johannem, viij d. Psalterium in pergameno, iiij d. Actus
Apostolorum, iiij d. Epistolae Pauli in pergameno, iiij d. His-
toria de Vita Pontificum, iij d. Liber primus Valerii Maximi,
iiij d. Novum Testamentum parvum, iiij d. Aliud Novum
Testamentum, iiij d. Dicta Pluterchi, ij d. Liber primus
Epistolariun Ambrosii, iiij d. Omelia Origenis in Veteri Tes-
tamento, viij d. Utopia, vj d. Soliloquia Sancti Augustini,
ij s. Biblia super Ysayam, iiij d. Disputationes Johannis Pici,
vj d. Prologus Jeromini, ij d. Scaccarium, j d. Liber Sanctae
Matildae, j d. Liber Domini Johannis Chrisostomi, iiij d. An-
notatio Natalis Bedae, vj d. Tractus nobilis super ortum Scis-
matis, ijd. Novum Testamentum ad Grecam, vjd. Liber
pergameni incipiens, Beati Immaculatiy j d. v Paraphrasis
Erasmi ad Corintheos, ij d. Liber de Moribus Hominis, j d.
Epistolae Aurelii Augustini Episcopi, ij d. Liber Urbani Bell-
men, ij d. Epistolae Johannis Chrisostomi, ij d. A Franche
* This list is given as it appears in the original. Great allowance must be
made for want of knowledge on the part -of the appraisers. All such lists of
bfioks abound with errors.
booke, j d. Missale in pergameno, Liber Vita3 Hugonis de
ILiincoln, liber Johannis Scote in iiij***" librum Summanim,
XX d. Biblia cum Coneordancis, xxd. Liber Beati Jeromini
super xij Prophetas, xx d. Liber Jeromini super Psalterium,
xxij d. Praefatio Proclamacionum Isayaa Prophetae, xvj d. Liber
Koberti Ganguinii de Gestis Francorum, xij d. Liber Operum
Aurelii Augustini, xvj d. Epistolse Pauli, xx d. Liber trium
Yirorum et trium Spiritualium Virginum, xvj d. Athanasius
super Epistolas PauK, ij s. Opera Sancti Gregorii in Moralia,
XX d. Cathena Aurea super iiij®*" Evangelia, ij s. Liber vocat,
Commentariorum Ruperti, ij d. A parchement coveringe con-
ten jnge litle bookes, iiij d. Cassodorius de Regimine Ecclesiie,
xij d. Liber Augustini super Psalterium, iij s. Liber ThomoB
de Aquino super Epistolas Pauli, xvj d. Liber de Disputatione
contra Lutherium, ij d. Liber Bedae de Gestis Anglorum, ij s.
Liber de Historia Ecclesiastica, iiij d. Liber de iiij**^ Evangeliis,
iiij d. Liber vocat. Laurentius Valla, iij d. Liber vocat. Brin-
nos super Psalterium, ij s. Liber de Epistolis Bernardi Abbatis,
vj d. Dialogus Beati Gregorii, yj d. Dionisius de Situ Orbis,
vj d. Cassodorius super Psalterium, xx d. Johannes Comelii,
iiij d. Liber Des(id)erii Erasmi, vj d. Liber Johannis Chriso-
stomi, vj d. Liber Johannis Andrese Episcopi, vj d. Liber
vocat. Dionisius Celestis, viij d. Liber, sacri Sacerdotii defencio,
iij d. * Liber de Veritate Corporis Christi, xij d. Theologia
Damascenae, ij s. Vigintiloquium invent', j d. Eicardus de
Trinitate invent', viij d. Eusebius super Evangelia, vd. Trac-
tatus Nichulai de Visione Dei, xij d. Opera Mantuani, xviij d.
Expositio super librum Psalmorum, xvjd. Euffenc' contra
Lutherium, ij s. Beda super Marcum, xij d. Athanasius in
librum Salmorum,xd. Liber pergameni de Sermonibus Jacobi
Jannansis, yj d. Liber Cronicorum Volotherea, iij s. Epietolae
Pauli ad Romanos, ij s. Epistolae Augustini per Bartholomeum
Sinkefero, cum Laurentio Vallo, xx d. Et Origenis Presbiteri
super Epistolas Pauli, xij d. Summa libroruTn, v li. xiiij s. x d.
Summa toUdis tarn omnium bonorum quam lihrorum^
cxiiij li. 3g s. viij d.
Debita DiCTi DEFUNCT! LEVANDA. In primis, for the edishe
of ij closes at Acclame, v s. For the firme of the parsonege of
Laghton, 1 li. For the fi/me of the parsonege of Waghen, xli.
For the firme of the parsonege of Claworthe, xxiiij li.
Summa debitorum levandorum^ iiij iiij li. v s.
Summa totalis tam omnium honoriim, et lihroi*um quam
debitorum levandorumy ciiij xviij li. xvj s. viij s.
s 2
In primis in the handes of Sir William Parre, for the firme of
the parsonege of Wathe, xxix li. vj s. viij d. In the handes of
my Lady Evers, xv li. yj s. viij d. In the hands of Mr. Borgh,
the parson of Spenythome, viij li. In the handes of JeflFraie
Beidman, x li. In the handes of Leonerde Warcoppe, xlvj s.
viij d. Suvima debitorwm nan levand, nee recuperabUiumy
Ixv. li.
Surwma totalis taw, omnium bonorumy librorumy et debi-
torum levand. quam debitorum irrecuperabiliumy cclxiijli.
xvj s. viij d.
Item in primis to my Lorde of Saint Marie's in Yorke, for the
pension of Wathe, iij s. iiij d. To Sir Marmaduke Constable,
for the firme of ij closes, xxxiij s. iiij d. To M"" Tristram Teshe,
for his fee, xxx s. To M** Brian Lewtie, for his fee, xx s. To
M** Doctor Kellet, for firme of his house, iiij li. xv s. To M'
Traforthe, chamiceler of the churche of Yorke, for dilapidations
of Acclame and Laghton, viij li. Paid to M"^ Fome, for wood
and coles, Ixvj s. viij d. Item for a cope to the Chapitor,
xiij li. vj s. viij d. To M' Pynder, for dilapidations of the par-
sonege of Wathe, vj li, xiij s. iiij d. To the parson of Claworthe,
for dilapidations yer in money and may'n, xxvj li. Paid to the
handes of W Water, for M** Withers, xl s. To the vicar of
Laghton, xviij s. To Sir Thomas Baite, xv s. vj d. To Sir
Henry Stafford, ig s. iij d. To William Baxster, for det owen to
hym by M"^ Trotter, to whome M"^ Doctor Melton was executor,
Iiij s. iiij d. To Miles Colthorpe and Charter, for the firme of
ij closes, iiij s. To Smythson, for ledinge come at Acclame,
vj 8. viij d. Summ^a debitoi'um^y Ixxiij li. xvij s. j d.
Sum,mxi totalis tam om,nium bonorumy librorumj quam
debit, levand^ et irrecvperabil.y debitis deductis et soluiis^
ciiij ix li. xix s. vij d.
Summa totalis tarn, omnium, bonorum^ librorum,y quam,
debit, levand.j debitis primitus deductis et prceter debita dis-
parata et irrecuperabilia^ cxxiiij li. xix s. vij d.
Legata DICTI DEFUNCTI. In primis to Sir Robert Norham,
for singinge y* space of hole yere, iiij li. xiij s. iiij d. To
Michaell House in Cambrige, and to the chaunceler of the
churche of Yorke, certan bookes, as apperith by a bill of his
hand. To the Prior of Watton the contentes of a bill of M"*
Melton owne hand. To M^'NicholesMeltonafedderbed, xvj s.
To Sir William Singleton, his chapleyn, vij s. vj d. To the
same, for his quarter wages, the tyme of his departour, xiij s.
iiij d. To the same, for his parte of the apparell, xl s. To M""
Thomas Fome, for his parte of the apparell, xl s. To Sir
Thomas Baite, for his parte of the apparell, xl s. To John
Eyre, his servaunte, vij s. vj d. To the same, for his quarter
wages the tyme of his departor, vj s. viij d. To the same, for
his parte of the apparell, xl s. To the same, for a fedderbed,
XX s. To Roberte Mownteney, his servamite, vij s. yj d. To
the same, for his quarter wages ye tyme of his departor, x s.
To the same, for his parte of the apparell, xl s. To Anthony
Mownteney, his servante, vij s. vj d. To the same other x s.
To the same, for his quarter wages the tyme of his departor,
v s. To the same, for his parte of the apparell, xl s. To the
same for a fedderbed, vj s. viij d. To William Baxster, his ser-
vaunte, vij 8, vj d. To the same, for his quarter wages the
tyme of his dethe, vs. To the same, for his parte ot the
apparell, xl s. To the same a standinge pece silver and gilte,
xl 8. To Edward Darwentwater, his servaunte, vij s. vj d. To
the same other iij s. iiij d. To the same, for his quarter wages
the tyme of his dethe, v s. To the same, for his parte of the
apparell, xl s. To John Bewly, his servaunte, vij 8. vj d. To
the same, for his quarter wages the tyme of his dethe, v s. To
the same, for his parte of the apparell, xx s. To Thomas Wil-
son his servaunte, vij s. vj d. To the same, for his parte of the
apparell, xl s. To Nicholes Mylner, his servaunte, vij s. vj d.
To the same, for his parte of the apparell, xl s. — Swm/ma lega-
torv/m xxxvj li. vj s. x d.
Expense funerales. In primis for one obite in the
churche of Yorke, xiiij li. xj s. iiij d. For the dyner maid the
same day, iiij s. To the ordinarie, for a letter ad coUegendurriy
ij s. viij d. For the probacion of his testament, v s. To M*"
Water, for makynge an indentor and j acquietaunce, xvj d.
For a stone w*^ ymagerie and scriptor in plaite, w*** the work-
manshippe, to ly upon his grave, xl s. For the vacacion of the
parsonege of Waghen, xxxix s. Summa eocpensarum funera-
Hum, xixli. iij s. iiij d.
Summa totalis tarn omnium legatorum quam expensarum
funeraliumy Iv li. x s. ij d.
primis to Sir Robert Norham, for syngyng for his saull the
space of on quartor of a yere, xxiij s. iiij d. To the prisoners at
the Castell and Bishope prison, wookly, iiij d., by the space of
V yeres, iiij li. vj s. viij d. To the churche of L^ghton j cope,
iiij li. vij d. To powre people ij litle towelles, a dyoper, and on
of lyne cloth, xij d. To powre people, in wod, xx s. Distri-
butid iij old peces of payntid clothes, iiij d. Distributid to
Sir Robert EUerton of Adam a violet gowne lynid w* cloth, i s.
To poor people, ij old mattres, ij pillous w*out coveris, ij old
coverlettes, red and yolo, xvj d. To poor people, vj old horde
clothes of lyB, ij s. iiij d. To poor people, on old coborde cloith,
ij d. Dispocid to the alter of Jesu in the cathedrall churche of
Yorke, a westement of satan and ij hangjnges of hlake saten,
viij 8. viij d. To Aston churche on westement, xxvj s. viij d.
To Acelam chm-che on westement, xiij s. iiij d. To ij poor
scolers, toward ther exhibicion, xv s. To poor people of All-
halowe day and Sawmos day, anno Domini millesimo quingen-
tesimo xxxiij***,xxiij s. iiij d. To iij westementes, to the churches
of Waghen, Tanfeld, and Swyne, xl s. Diliverid, as aperid, to
be disposid to the parsons in Yorke, iiij li. xiij s. iiij d. To Sir
Eobert Croke, prest, for syngyng on yere at Laghton for M'
Doctor Melton, iiij li, xiij s. iiij d. To the mendyng of Kawmarse
cause, yj s. viij d. A Messe booke in parchemente, yeven to
Claworth. Summa xxvij li. vj s. j d.
CUTORES DiCTi DEFUNCTi. In primis the said executors deman-
dith to be allowid for ij pece of furre, whitt and gray, yeven to
the prasers of the stuffe, ij s. For a fyne sheit deliverid to Sir
George Dercy by M*" Fom, yj s. viij d. For a coveryng of a
bed, whyt and blake, diliverid to the same by M"" Fome,
Ixvj 8. viij d. For a borde and ij pare trustelles left in M""
Doctor Kellet house, viij d. For vj of the best whyshynges of
carpet warke, diliverid to my Lorde Deyne by M*" Fome, vj s.
viijd. Towelles of dyaper, great and long, diliverid to Sir
George Dercy by M** Fome, xv s. Two hordes and ij trestilles,
left in M** Doctor Kellet house, vj d. Two greate horde clothes
of diaper to the same, xv s. For a boltyng toon, a knedyng
trough, w* oder ij tubbis left in the same house, ij s. iiij d. For
a basen of silver, parcell gyltid, w' on ewer deliverid by the
executors to Sir John Melton, xj li. For a pare of sheites
deliverid to Sir George Dercie, vj s. viij d. For a pare of
sheites, the on w* seme, the other w*owt, deliverid to the same,
viij s. For a mattres, a bolister, recevid by Bakister in the
name of M*" Doctor Trotter, iiij s. For the expenses of Sir
Thomas Baitt, as aperid by a bill, xlvj s. vj d. For the expenses
of M*" Mownteney, as aperid by bill, xxvj s. viij d. For the
expenses of John Eyre, as aperith by bill, xl s. Paid to Sir
John Glasen, by awarde maid by my Lorde Deane of Yorke,
xl s. Paid to Sir John Derley, for wrytyng and other thynges,
»j s. vj d. In expenses maid abouth the prasyng of the stuffe,
to prasers and otherwyse, ij s. To JP Fawkes, for his counsell
and wrytynges, iij s. To a golde smyth for weyng plait, ij d.
For a barell to toon in, deli vend to John More wyfe, yj d. For
a xj pece of tymbre deliverid to M^ Chaneeler of Yorke, opon
agrement for dilapidacion, iiij s. In regard to M*" Nicholes
Melton by M'" Fome, xl s. To his servaunt, Thomas Davell,
iij 8. iiij d. Paid to Sir Thomas Wardell, vicar corall, for the
babet of M^ Doctor Melton, xx s. Paid to Sir William Syngle-
ton by M*" Fome, iij s. iiij d. Alowid to M*" Fome, for his
expenses maid at Acclam, xxd. For the expenses of M*^
Fome, of M*" Apilgarth, and M*" Cokket, on other tyme, vs. v d.
Alowid to M*" Fome, for expenses maid to Sir John Melton,
viij s. Alowid to the same when he rode to Sir John Melton,
vij s. Paid to spend by M*" Fome for kepyng M*" Doctor
house, ij 8. For on sheite w* no seme, and one pare sheites of
iiij breddes, deliverid to Sir John Melton, xxj s. To the same
opon agrement maid in redy money, iij li. xiiij s. ij d. For iiij
lodes bey at Acclam that was paid to the handes of M*" Fome,
viij s. The said executors demapdith alowance of a litle
(blank) geven to my Lorde Deyn, price, xx d. Summa aUoca-
tionum et cdiarum expensarum^ xxxvj li. v s.
[Reg. Test. ix. 420.]
August 31, 1528. Eoberte Gest,* of Bromptonin Pikeryng
lith, yoman. To be beried in holie moldes in the where of the
churche of Brompton, afore the ymage of Alhallos there, after
laudable costome. To the fyndyng of a light byfore the said
ymage of Alhallos standyng in the bodie of the churche, x s. in
money, and a bee hy ve, to be dely vered to the churche wardens
for the tyme beyng, and they frome yere to yere for evermore
fynd the said light. I yeve & bequeath to the churche warkes
of Brompton iij s. iiij d. To the warkes of the chapell of Santon
xij d. To the house and convente of Yeddyngham vj s. viij d.
To the churche warkes of Settryngton xij d. To the churche
warkes of Birdsall xij d. To John Berwike a horse whiche was
George Daye is mortuarie. I yeve to every of my men servauntes
and women servauntes, nowe beyng in my service, a gymer sher-
yng. To my mother, Anne Gest, xx marc, oute of whiche I will
Eoberte Gest, my nephye,have xl s. dely vered to hym at tymes
necessarie when he will call for it. To every Order of Freres in
Scardeburgh xij d. To Sir John Lister, parishe preist of Bromp-
* The testator was the father of Edmund Gest, Bishop of Rochester and
Salisbury. The discovery of this will corrects several mistakes as to the
bishop's parentage and birthplace.
ton, to pray for my sail and all Cristen salles — . To every preist
belongyng to the churche of Brompton the daye of my beriall
xij d. I yeve to my wif, duryng hu* widdohed, my parte of the
house lyeng in Brompton, whiche I purchased and bought of
on John Hawken ; and, if she marie and take an husband, than
I will Edmunde Gest, my yongest son, have it ; &, if the said
Edmunde die, than I will that Eoberte Gest, my eldest sone,
have it. To an honest preist, to syng for my sail, my fader
sail, and all Cristen salles, a hoole yere imediatly after my
decesse, iiij li. To every on of my lawfull begottyn childer fyve
marc. The residue to Agnes my wife, Roberte, William, Edmunde,
Alicie, & Elen my childer. My wif executrice. To Sir Wil-
liam Bulmer th'elder, knyght, an amblyng nag, whome I mak
supervisour . . besechyng hym to be good maister to my poore
wif and childer, and to se that every of them have that at of
right they owe to have, so y* non of them do other wrong.
[Pr. 18 Sept. 1628, the ex\]
[Reg-. Test. ix. 438.]
Oct. 2, 1528, Brian Palmes.* To be beried in our Ladie
where of the churche of Otteley, dedicate in the honour of Al-
hallos. I will that my executours cause a stone to be laide
opon me, and an ymage of the Nativitie of our Ladie set opon
the same, and an ymage of myself maide knelyng under hir. My
maner of Aswell. My doughtours, Maude & Jane, aither of them
100 marks, & my son Thomas, when he cometh to xx yeres,
vj li. xiij s. iiij d. My son Frances to have the said maner &
other my landes according to my fader's will. Wm Babthorpe
to enyoe the grante of an advocacion of the churche of Aswell,
according to my grante. Exr*, Nich. Farefax, Wm Thwaite,
esquyers, Tsabell my wif, Wm Babthorpe, & J^ur. Kigheley
gen. I will that Ric' Palmes have all that is in my chist at
I^ndon excepte my evidence.
[Pr. 14 Apr. 1529, adm. to wid & Wm Babthorpe.]
♦ Brian Palmes of Ashwell, co. Rutland, son of Guy Palmes, serjeant-at-law,
and grandson of Wm. Palmes of Naburn, near York. He man. Isabell d. andh.
of Thos. Lindley of Lindley, Esq.
[Reg. Test. ix. 424.]
Oct. 12, 1528. John Eose, on of the aldermen of the towne
of Notingham. To be beried in the churohe of oure Blissed
Ladie Sancte Marie, nere unto the ehapell of the Holy Trinitie
within the same churche. ToJohnjjnyJwf^ al my goodes and
iinplementes of my honse . . providede that she yeve ij saltes,
on dossen of spones, and ij goblettes of silver to WiUiana^"
(fejofaji-B rcdon, to be divided betwixt them. I^wHTthat she
lave for the terme of hi'r ly ve the house that I nowe dwell in, &
a ten* on the Long Eowe . . the reversion therof to Wm
sone of Thomas Eosse decessed . • . also a close called Tayn-
teryerd, and a ten* called the Corner house. To Wm Eose
(& his heires), at suche tyme as he shall come to the age of
xxjth yeres, all my landes, etc., in Notingham, the house called
the Dolphyn, & on ten* in Sancte Marie gate . . • then to
John Bredon, son of Thomas Bredon, & his heires . . then
to Thomas Guymer, & his heires . . then to the Maire of
Notyngham for the tyme beyng and ij of his eldest brether,
aldermen ... to the intent that the said Maire & aldermen
shall aliene & sell the said landes & tenementes ; & of on
half of the money fynde a conveniente preist to syng in the
church of oure Blissid Ladie in Notingham for my sail and all
Cristen salles, alslong as the said money will or shall suflSce ;
and the other half to be divided in thre partes & to be disposed
in maner and forme that ensuyeth ; that is to say, the first
parte therof to be yeven to the houses of the Freres in No-
tingham, Derbye, and Newarke, to praye for my sail and all
Cristen salles ; the seconde parte to be disposed opon mending or
reparelyng of certen highe wayes aboute the said towne of
Notingham ; and the thirde parte to be disposed amonge the
poore people of the said towne in clothyng and victualles . .
If William Eose die withoute issue lawfully begottyn, the
whiche God forbede, I will the close called the Tenteryerde, ij
shoppes in the Wekeday-markett or Bochery, and the house of
the Long Eowe shall remain unto ij honest persones, brether of
the said gilde of the Holy Trinitie, such as the aldermen of the
same gilde for that tyme beyng shall name, to . . th'use & pro-
fitt of the said guylde . . I will that my ex" shall cause to
make the best crosse now belongyng and beyng in the forsaid
church of oure Blissid Ladie Sancte Marie to be of more valour
that the best crosse in Sancte Peter churche of Notingham by
the somme of ten unces of silver.* To the ij houses of the
-Freres of Notingham x li., that is to saye to the Graye Freres v li.,
& to the White Freres vli. I will that my ex" delyver to the
churches of Brigford at the brig end, Adbolton, Holme, Kjnnal-
ton and Colston ebassett, to every of them a cope of the price of
XXX s. To my poore kynsfolke at Gretham in the countie of
Yorke,t where I was borne, vj li. xiij s. iiij d., & to the
parishe churche there on cope, the price xxvj s. viij d. I will
that my ex" do gyve so many gownes unto poore people to the
valour of xl s., & opon the hie wayes about Notingham x IL,
by the oversight of Henry Stathum of Notingham. To William
Rose & John Bredon, each an hundreth marcs. To Roberte,
my servaunte, I do yeve x li., the whiche thoro his necligence he
did lose, and, over that, I bequeath to hyme xl s. The residue
to Maister Walter Wright clerke, & John Kerchever of Or-
stone, yoman, whome I make executours . . to dispose the
same for the helth of my sail and all Cristen sails.
[Pr. 11 March, 1528-9.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 432.]
Dec. 12, 1528. Edmunde Pilkyngton,J of the parishe of
Sancte Nicholas of Notingham, Esquyer. To be beriede bifore
Sancte Peter, in the parishe churche of Staunton. I will iiij li.
wax be maide in tapers to bum aboute my herce the daye of my
beriall and at my vij'** daye ; and also that iiij torches of xij s.
price be bought to bum aboute the said herce at the daye of
my beriall and at the vij*** daye ; and, after the vij** daye be
done and past, than I will that ij of torches be yeven to Staun-
ton churche, and on to Selston churche ; and the iiij** torche
to the parishe church of Sancte Nicholas in Notingham. To
the hie altars of the churche of Staunton & Sancte Nicholas, to
aither of them viij d., for tithes forgettyn. Also I will that on
Frere, Simond Clerkeson, or els some other honest preist, do
syng for me, and for the salles of my fader and moder, and for
all Cristen salles, the space of on hoole yere, in what place my
wif will assigne hym to syng ; and for to have to his wages xl s.
and mette and drinke with lodgyng. Also I will that an
• A little justifiable, althongh somewhat amusing, rivalry,
t Gretham is in the county of Durham and not in Yorkshire.
{ I cannot attach the testator to any known pedigree of PiUdngton. Cf.
Test. Ebor. iii. 238.
alblaster stone, graven, be laid upon my grave. To the Freres
of Derby ij s. To the Graye Freres of Notingham ij s. To
Henry, my son, my best areyment, and my wodknyf, and my
best hamas. To Antony, my son, my secunde areyment, and
my secnnde hamas. To Margarete, my wif, hir hoole dore
of all my landes . . . she ex*. Bauf Sacheverell & Hughe
Willoughby, esquiers, supervisours. To Eoberte, my son, on
annuitie of zl s. Edmunde, my son*
[Pr. 11 Mar. 1528-9.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 435.]
Jan. 14, 1528-9. Thomas Ewre, otherwise called Thomas
Godsalve, of the citie of Yorke, waxchaundelar.* To be ber. in
the eathedrall churche of Sancte Peter in Yorke als nere the
sepulture of my Lorde Savage as may conveniently be suffered.
To Anne Godsalf, my doughtour, y cakes of wax, on cake
weyng ciiij quartrons xxj li., and the other cake weyng c di.
xxi Ij.
[Pr. 9 Apr. 1629.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 448.]
In the name of God, Amen, the xxviij*^ daye of the monethe
of January, in the yere of our Lorde God m.d. xxviy'**, I Thomas
Drawswerde of the citie of Yorke, alderman,t hoole of mynde
and witt, maketh my testament and last will in maner and
forme foloing. First I witt, bequeath, and commende my sail
to Almyghtie God, and to the Blissid Virgin, His moder,
Sancte Marie, and to all the holie company of hevyn, and my
bodie to be beried in the parishe churche yerde of Sancte Mar-
tyn's in Conyngstrete, bifore the roode. Item I bequeath for
♦ A very profitable trade in a large mediaeval town.
Dec. 22, 1628. Thomas Robynson, par. St. John at Use brig end, wax-chande-
lar. To the yong men light of my perishe churche iiij litill torches. [Reg.
Test. ix. 469.]
t A carver by trade. He was free of the city 1496-6, Chamberlain in
1.501; Sherirr 1505-6; elected alderman Nov. 10, 1508; M.P. Jan. 2, 1511-12;
Lord Mayor 1516 and 1523.
my mortuarye as the lawe of the kirke requireth. Item I
bequeath, for forgettyn tithes {blaTiky Also I witt and be-
queath to be expent for the welth of my sail the daye of my
beriall, after the discretion of my executrice. Item I bequeath
and witt my house at Jubergate, nowe in the holdyng of
Eoberte Lowther, mylner, after my wif deith, to Saucte Mar-
tyn's kirke warke. And 1 will that ray wif make a Dirigt
the same daye it shall please Almyghtie Gt)d to call me unto
His mercy, every yere, duryng hir naturall lif, to the valour of
ix 8. First to the curate for Mesae aAd Dirige vj d. ; for wax
viij d. : a hed mas peny ; for ryngyng vj d. ; to the undre
clerke ij d. ; to scolars of the parishe iiy d., to xiij poore folkys
xiij d. The residue to be disposed in brede, aile, and chese ;
and, after my wif decesse I will that the kirke wardyns for tyme
beyng performe the same Dirige in maner and forme aforsaid :
±he residue of the money to go to the upholdding of the roode
/as it shall nede. Also I witt and bequeath to George Draw-
i swerde, my sone sone, the house in Bothome called the Bell,
\ for hym and his heires of his bodie lawfully begottyn for ever
more. Item I witto Margarete Hacbaroo my house in Stayne-
gate, in Sancte Elene parishe, to hir and hir heires of hir bodie
lawfully begottyn ; and, if she die withoute issue, than I will
that it remane to Maude, my doughtour , an d to hir be ires.
Item I witto Cristabell, my sone wif, a house with appertenaunce
in Sancte Andrewgate, for hir ly ve ; and, after hir deith, to remane
to my heires. Item I witt after my wif deith to Sancte Cristofer
gilde ij tenementes, lyeng in Jubergate and Feisgaill, for ever-
more ; the maister for tyme beyng every yere to make a
Dirige in Sancte Marty n kirke evermore, opon Mondaye next
after the Translacion of Sancte Thomas, and Messe opon Tuys-
daye after, in this maner foloing : first, to the curate for Messe
and Dirige vj d. ; to the clerke, Messe, Dirige, and ryngyng,
X d. ; to every preist in the parishe iiij d. ; to the under clerke
ij d. ; to scolars iiij d. ; to the parsone for wax viij d. and a
hed mes peny ; to every poore bodie in the Massendewe j d. ;
and every yere iiij loode of wod : and, if the maister for tyme
beyng will not make it, than I will that the maister of CJorpns
Cristi have the land to the use of Corpus Cristi gilde, and per-
forme the obite as is aforsaid. Also I will and bequeath, after
the deith of my wif, iij tenementes lyeng in Sancte Martjme
parishe, nowe in the holdyng of Roberto Bog, Roberto Ov3nig-
ton, and Sebastiane, for the sustentacion and fynddyng of the
chantre preist, to praye for my sail, my wiflFes' salles and all
Cristen salles, for to syng every nyght Sancte D&uSj Sancte
Fortisy frome the Trinitie Sondaye to Michaelmes, after the dis-
cretion of the curate ; and for to teehe vij childer of the parishe,
and to take nothyng of them ; and every weike ons to saye
Placebo and DirigCj with CoTnmendacion and Mesae of
Hequyem for all Cristen salles. Also all other my tenementes,
reversions, and ferme holdes I witto Mawde, my wif, duryng
hir naturall lyve ; and, after hir dethe, to Mawde, my dough-
tour, and to hir heires of hir bodie lawfully begottyn ; and, if
my wif fortone to be with childe at my departyng, than I will
that the forsaid tenementes, reversions, and fenneholdes, be ^\
equal porcion, be departed to my childer and there heires. The
residue of my goodes, not bequeathed, I witto Mawde my wif^
whome I make my sole executrice of this my testament and
last will ; and all testamentis and willes bifore maide by worde
or writyng, I revoce and utterly forsakes ; and this I will to hfi^
my last will and testament. Also I will that it shalbe lawfull
to my said wif to sell any parte of my said landes or tenementes
for to discharge my dettes, or any other necessary expenses or
causes for the well of my sail, as shalbe thought by my said wif.
In wittenes wherof to this my testament and last will I have
setto my scale. Thies beyng wittenes, requisite ande desired,
Sir Thomas Ovyngton, my curate, Thomas Lound chamerlayne,
Thomas Mason, Thomas Flemyng clerke of the parishe, Roberte
Ovyngton, William Rowsse, William Couper, Cristofer Hertel^y,
with other moo. Also I make Martyn Metecalf to be super-
visour of this my last will, to se the premisses to be fulfilled in
every condicion.
[Pro. 30 July 1629, admin, to the ex'.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 436.]
In the name of the Holie and Blissid Trinitie indivisible,
the Fader, the Son, and the Holie Gost, I Thomas Mason of the
citie of Yorke, alderman,* hoole of mynde and of clere memorie,
the ix*'* daye of February, the yere of oure Lorde God
m* d. xxviij'^, revolvyng and thinkyng the freale astate of man
and condicion, and also the incertitude of my last daye, nyght
and daye revolvyng, and thinkyng, and by the grace of God
willing and purposyng the convenientes and accidentes therof
to shonne, and a perfitte remedie to provide and putto, makith,
ordineth, and disposith this my testament, and my last will
* Son of Wm. Mason, Chamberlain of York in 1493. Free of the city in
1508; Chamberlain 1514; Sheriff 1618-19; elected alderman Jan. 1522-3;
Lord Mayor, 1528. He was a hosier and glover.
therin conteyned, in maner and forme foloing. First I witt
and commendes my sail to Almyghtie God my Creatour, and to
that Blissid Virgin Mary and Moder of mercy, and to all the
Sanctes of celestial! courte of hevjm, and my bodie to be beriede
in my parishe kirke of Sancte Nicholes in Mykilgate, beside the
bodie of Alison, my wif, of late decessed. Also I wit vij li. wax
and a di . . , to be maide in v candles and to burne aboute me to
my grave the daye of my beriall ; and I wit fyve torches for to
burne aboute me the tyme of my beriall. Also I wit on trentall
of Messes for to be done the daye of my beriall, for my sail, and
all Cristen salles. Also I witto my parson, for forge ttyn tithes
and oblacions, yj silver spones, or, els, the valour of them in
money. Also I wit all other expenses, maide aboute me the
daye of my beriall, to be maide as it shall please Agnes my wif
and John my sone. Also I witto the iiij Orders of Freres
within the citie of Yorke, unto every on of them v s., to pray
for me. Also I witto the brether of the monastery of the
Blissid Trinitie vij s. iiij d., and they for to do a Dirige and
Messe for my sail and all Cristen salles the daye of my beriall.
Also I witto Sir John Symson, my curate, iij s. iiij d. Also I
witto Agnes, my wif, duryng hir naturall lyve, a house within
the Bar, late in the holdyng of Ric' Sawer, baxter, within the
saide parishe, and a wyndmyln in Grundalle feld ; and, after hir
decesse, I will they remane unto John, my son, duryng his
naturall lif. And, after the disesse of Agnes, my wif, and John,
my son, I will that the forsaid house and wyndmylne, with a
close in the said feld, remayne unto Sanct Thomas chantre
within my parishe kirke aforsaid, to make it forth a prest
lyvyng. And I will that the said preist say Messe within the
said kirke as ofte as he shalbe disposed to say any. And I
will that he helpe to maynteyne God service within the said
parishe kirk, and to syng it every holiday in the yere, unto
what preist soever it shall happen the said chantre to fall. And
I will that the said preist pray for my sail, and for Alicie and
Agnes my wiffes', and for John, my sone's, and for my fader
sail, and my moder's, and for all good frendes' salles, and all
Cristen salles, for evermore. The residue of my landes I witto
John, my son, for evermore. Also I witto Sir Nicholes Ben
xl 8., to amende his chauntre w*, and he to syng for my sail and
all my good frendes salles, at the forsaid chauntre by the space
of a hoole yere next after my decesse. Also I witto the gilde
of Sancte Cristofere and Sancte George iij li. vj s. viij d., and I
will that the said iij li. vj s. viij d. be takyn of on fodder of
leede y* Blumer is surtie for. Also I witto Thomas Mason in
Conyng strete x s. Also I witto Alexander White x s., or the
'worth of it. Also I witto every on of my servauntes, beyng
with me the daye of my beriall, iij s. iiij d., or the worth of it.
Also I witto the prisoners in the Bushop prison xij d. Also to
the prisoners in the Castell xij d. And unto the prisoners in
the man kidcote iiij d. And to the prisoners in the woman's
kidcote iiij d. The residue of all my godes, not wit, my dettes
paid, and all my funerall expenses well and honestely maide, I
-witt and giflFes unto Agnes, my wif, and John, my son, whome
I make and orden junctely togethers my executours of this my
testament and last will, for to dispose in dedes of charitie as
they thynke the best for my sail, and all Cristen salles. In
wittenes herof I setto my seale, the day and yere afore said.
Also wittenes Sir John Symson, Thomas Shawe, and Thomas
[Pr. 9 Apr. 1529, adm. to ex".]
[Reg. Test. ix. 440.]
In the name of God, Amen, the xxviij*** daye of Aprill, in
the yere of our Lorde God m^ dxxix***, I, John Swift,* son and
heire of John Swift of Esington, of hoole mynde and good
memory, makes, and orden my testament and last will in this
maner and forme foloing. First, I bequeath my sail to Al-
myghtie God, our Ladie Sancte Marie, and to all the holie
company of hevyn, and my bodie to be beried within the churche
of Sancte Michaell at the Charterhouse. And I will that
JMaister Priour have for my beriall there xx s. ; And to by a
ston, to leye opon me with scripture in Latine, xxx s. And I
yeve to the monkes of the forsaid Chart erhowse, to have a
trentall done for my sail, xx s. Also I witt my best garment
for my mortuary. And I will at the daye of my beriall have
Messe and Dirige within Sancte Marie churche, with all the
preistes of the towne, and bothe the Freres, and, after MesaCy
they to bryng me to the Charterhouse, and to be rewarded for
their payn as the costome is. Item I witto my uncle, recey-
vour, XX s. Item to my aunte his wif my moder's best gowne.
Item to my awnte of Waghen xx yerdes of lyne clothe, price of
iiij d. the yerde. Item I witto Thomas Yong, vicar of Esington,
my fader's sangwyn gowne, and the damaske dublett. Item to
my cosyn, William Frankkishe, my fadder's best russett gowne,
♦ A young man, who had some landed estate, makes his will, apparently at
the Charterhouse, Hull, where his ancle, Ralph Smith, was Prior.
and a blue worstede dublett. Item to my cosyn, Agnes
Frankishe, a kirtle. Item to John Frankishe a jackett. Item
to William Cooke a jackett. Item to the iiij moder churches
iiij 8. Item to the iiij Orders of Freres iiij s. Item to Robert
Jacson a gowne of violett, a blake dublett of worstede, and
the best jackett of clothe. Item to Margarete Robynson,
clothe to make hir a garment. Item to the parishe church
of Esington, to bie ij frontes for the hie altar, on of redde
velvett, an other of whit damaske, iiij li. Item I yeve to
amendyng the hie waye betwyxt Bilton and Hull iij b*. vj s.
viy d. Item I yeve xx** yerdes of harden clothe to be
distributed amonges poore women, to every of them a smoke
clothe als fer as it will goo. Item I will that myn awnte of
Waghen have the howse that William Blashell dwellith in
during the terme of hir lyve naturall. Item I will that my
uncle, James Smyth, have xli. of the money that is in Maister
Prior's handes, and my uncle William Warde and Agnes his
wif to have the residue of the same money, to occupie to ther
most profitt, for the space and terme of thre yeres. And at the
thre yeres ende, I will they restore and paye the aforsaid
money to Maister Prior or his assignes, and he to fynde an
honest preist to sing within the parishe church of Esington soo
long as the hoole money will extend, to payment of his wages,
for my fader and moder salles, my sail, and all Cristen saUes.
Item I yeve to John Juwetson my best dublet and a shirte.
And the rest of my rayment, I will that my uncle Prior dispose
amonges our poore scholars as he thinke most expedient for
the health of my sail. Also I will that my broder, Cristofer
Overton, Alicie my suster, and ther childer have all my landes
freeholde and copiehold. The residue of all my goodes, not
yeven and bequest, I yeve to my trustie and wellbeloved uncle,
Rauf Smyth, Priour of the Charterhouse, whome I make and
orden executour of this my testament and last will, he to
dispose it after his discretion as he shall thinke best for t'helth
of my sail, my fader and moder salles, and all Cristen salles.
Thies wittenes Sir William Walker deyne of Holdemes, Cristo-
fer Richardson clerico, Willelmo Crokehaye, Roberto Hall.
[Pr. 6 May, 1629, adin. Fratri Had. Smyth, Priori domus Cartus' iuxta
Hull, ex'.]
[Reg. Test. ix. 460.]
In Dei nomine, Amen* The xix*** day of June, the yere of
OUT Lorde God m* d. xxix^\ I, Eoberte Becwithe, of Stilling-
flete, hoole of mynde and of good memory, ordineth and makes
my testament and last will in manyer and forme foloing. First
I bequeath my sail to God Almyghtie, and to that Blissid
Virgyn, our Lady Scuacte Marie, and to all the Sanctes of hevyn ;
my body to be beried in suche place as my ezecutours herafter
shall thinke convenient to be named. Also I will that my
best beast shal be my mortuary, accorddyng to the costome.
Also I bequeath to the sepulcre light of the churche there where
my body shalbe beried, xij d. Also to our Ladie light of the same
churche xij d. Also to the Boode light of the same church xij d.
Also to the torche light of the same churche xx d. Also I be-
queath to the iiij Orders of Freres within the citie of Yorke, by
evyn porcions, iiij s. Also I bequeath to the hed house of
Sancte Nicholas and Sanct Thomas foundded withoute Mykle-
gat« barre, with out walles of the citee of Yorke, by evyn por-
cions, viy d. Also I bequeath to every prest that commeth to
my beri^ iiij d. Also to every parishe clerke ij d. Also to
every scolar a penny. And to every man and woman and
childe that commyth to the beriall, I remitte it to the discretion
of my executours herafter to be named. Also I bequeath to
Constancie, my vdf, a salt of silver shwared, sex silver spones
with knottes of ther endes, gilt, a plane pece of silver, during
hir lyve, and, after hir decesse, than they to come and be
imediately after ther decesse to ij of hir childer which it shall
please hir to yeve them unto. Also I bequeath to the said
Constancie a fether bed and a bolster. Also I bequeath to
Leonard, my sonn, ij silver spones and a litle pece of silver
pounsid. Also I bequeath to Ambrosie, my son, ij silver spones.
Also I bequeathe to Jane Alen, doughtour of William Aleynmy
son in law, iij li. vj s. viij d., to be paid to hir by the handes of
my executours herafter to be named at suche tyme as she shall
accomplishe the age of xx*® yeres : and if it forton the said Jane
to decesse bifore the said age of xx** yeres ; than I will the said
iij li. vj s. viij d. to be at the ordre and disposicion of my execu-
♦ The father of Sir Leonard Beckwith who made a large fortune by traffick-
ing in Abbey lands From the testator's son, Ambrose, descended the Beck-
withs of Handal Abbey, who became extinct in 1782. The testator probably
held one of the leases of Stillingfleet.
VOL. v. T
tours herafter to be named. Also I bequeath to Marie, the
doughtour of the said William, a whie, or els yj s. viij d. of
money, to be delyvered to hir by my ezecutours at suche tyme
as the forsaid Marie shall accomplishe the age of xiij^ yeres.
Also I bequeath to Margerie, an other of the doughtours of the
said William, a whie, or yj s. viij d. of money, to be delyvered
to hir by my executours at suche tyme as the said Margery
shall accomplishe the age of ziij^ yeres. Also I bequeath to
Elisabeth, an other doughtour of the said William, a whie or
yj s. viij d. in money, to be delyvered to hir by my executours
at suche (tyme) as the said Elisabeth shall accompUshe the age
of xiij yeres. The residue of my goodes, not bequeathed, my
dettes paid, my will fulfillid, be at the disposicion and ordre of
my executours, whom I make and orden my wel belovyd wif
Gonstancie, Leonard and Ambrose my childer. Wittenes herof
Six John Bicarton, Sir Robert Grrenwod, Sir John Beyn, and
Sir John Herteley, with other moo, as William Faceby, Georg
Fisher, and William WalL
[Pr. 16 Oct. 1629, adm. to the ex".]
[Reg. Test. Dec. Sc Cap. Ebor. ii. 152.]
July 9, 1529. John Hertley,* prest. To be buried in the
cathedrall church of Sanct Peter in York, in the north ile, nie
unto the chappell dore there. I bequeath to Richard Lame of
Appleby a fox fure and a mantell of reid lame, being in my
chfiunebre at Appelbie. Also I will the said Bichard Lame have
the bill of dettes which is owing unto me to the some of xiij li.,
of the which xiij li. I will the said Eichard shall gyve unto an
honest and wel disposed preist to sing for my sauU at Sanct
Michael's church in Appleby, for the space of on yere, £yve
pounddes ; and also xl s., parcell thairof, to Bichard Lame his
wiflFe and his childer, to prey for my saull ; and to every one of
his servauntes, x^ d. ; and the rest of the said xiij h. I be-
queith to my twoo susters, and also xl s. which lies in my chist
at Appleby in the howse of the forseid Richard Lame. Also I
bequeith to my said two susters ij fetherbeddes, wherof the on
* The testator was a prebendary in the chapel of St. Maiy and the Holj
Angels at York, and died in St. William's College.
The late Mr. Leonard Hartley, dear to bibliomaniacs, sprang remotely from
Appleby, and held at the time of his death some of the property of his ances-
tors in that town. The testator was probably one of his fore-elders.
fetherbed is at my chambre at Appleby, and the other at Yorke ;
and all my rayment that is in my chambre at Appleby, my will
fiilfillid. Also I bequeith unto the forseid Kiehard Lame v
skynnes of tanned ledder, and he for to dispois all my goodes,
besides that is within the countie of Appleby, Item I bequeith
to Sir Robert Lorde a tippet furred with fitches. Item to Sir
Robert Nuttle a cloith tippit. Also I will that my corce be
borne into Sepulcre chappel, and their to have Derige and
Mease song for my saull. And I bequeith to every prebendarie
of the seid chappell, then being present, viij d. ; and every
preist yj d. ; and cQacon iiij d. Also I bequeith unto Sir Thomas
CliflFord knyght the half of xliiij markes, zxxiiij li., which Mr
John Withers doith awe tmto me, if it will please hyme to take
payne to attempte the lawe for the same ; and the other half
theirof to be disposed by my executours within the parich of
Appleby for the helth of my saull and all Christen sauUes ; and
if the said Mr Clifford will and canne recover the same. Also
I will that my Lord Bushope of Carllell have on half of xxiij li.
whuch Sir Henry Hertley,* vicar of Appleby, my brother, owe
unto me, if it please his lordship to take paynnes to recover the
same ; and the other half, to be disposed by my said executours
for t'helth of my saull. The residew of all my goodes, my
dettes paid, and my funerall expenses maid and done, I gyve
and bequeith unto Sir John Caiicefeld and Sir Robert Petie
preistes, and Steven Wynfeld of York, brotherour, whome I
maik my executoures. And I bequeith to Sir John Cancefeld
yj 8. yj d., and to Sir Robert Petty vij s. yj d. ; and to Steven
Wynfeld, xl s., and my rayment in my chambre at York, for
their paynnes taking. Theis witnes. Sir Robert Atkirk prest,
John Yonge.
[Pr. 6 Aug. 1629.J
[Beg. Test. iz. 459.]
In the name of God, Amen, the ix*** daye of Auguste, the
yere of our Lorde God m' d. xxix**», I Nicholas Riche of Bawtre,
hoole of mynd and good of remembrance, makes my testament
in this manyer foloing. In primis I bequeath my sail imto
Almyghtie God, and to all the holie company in hevyn, and my
body to be beried in the churche of Sancte Nicholas of the said
* An ingenious way of recovering a debt. The vicar of Appleby would not
like to refuse his bishop^s claim, and would probably repay the money which
his brother had pleaded for in vain.
T 2
Bawtre afor Sancte Rooke and Sancte Sebastian. Item I be*-
queath, in the name of my mortuary, my best good, after lawd-
able costx)m. Item I bequeath to the hie altar, for tithes
forgettyn, ij s. Item I bequeath yj d., to be takyn yerely of
the howse that somtyme was Leike wife's, and after that olde
John Biehe's, y^ is to say iij d. in brede and aile, to be disposd
of the Ascention evyn at the crosse callid Nicoles Riche creese,
and ij d. in brede to poore people the same day, perpetualy to
endure, opon this eondicion that the prest for tyme beyng ther
shall say De Profwudis for the sauUes of the said Nicoles Riche
and Alicie his wif, and all Christen salles. Item I bequeath to
the churche wardyns in Bawtre and to ther successoors for ever
more, ij s. yerely, to be takyn of a house callid the Mylne house,
toward the manetenyng, upholdyng, and reparellyng of the
causey at Bawtre bridge, and this not to be fiilyd, as they will
make me answer afor G-od and man* Item I bequeath to
George Riche, my broder son, xiij s. iiij d., opon this eondicion
that he be good, favourable, and kynd unto his aunte, Alicie
Riche, my wif, and if he do the contrary, than I will that he
have no penny. The residue of all my goodes, afor not be-
queathed, I gif and bequeath to the propre use of Alicie, my
wif, withoute any accompte, excepte the charges ordinary, the
which Alicie I make my sole executrice, and she to dispose
them, as it shall seme hir the best, for the helth of hir sail and
myn both. Item I bequeath to William Hudson clerke vj s,
viij d. Item I bequeath to John Sherewod yj s. viij d., whiche
WiHiam and John I make my supervisours of this my last wilL
Thies beryng wittenes, Alverey Byngham prest, Gregorie Ranby
prest, Thomas Oliver Bawtre, with other moo. Yeven the day
and yere.
[Pr. 7 Oct. 1629, adm. to ex«.]
[Reg. Test. xi. 12.]
Oct. 25, 1529. Eobert Roos,* of Yngmanthorpe, Esqnyer.
To be beriai m the hie where of the churche of South Digh-
ton, dedicate to the honour of Al Sanctes, under a crossed stone
bifore the ymadge of Sancte Georgie, betwixt my grandfather
and my fieuler, of whos sauUes Jhesu have mercy. Also I
bequeath, for my mortuary, my best beast, in the name of my
* These volumes contain a series of the Wills of members of this ancient
family, to which ihls makes a valuable addition.
ikiortiiarie, with my cotte annour borne bifore my bodie the
daye of my beriall accordding to my degre. Also I bequeath
unto the parson of South Dighton, for tithes and oblacions
forgettyn, x s,, besechyng hym to accept it, and to pray espe-
cially for my saull. To the churche warke of South Dighton
iij 8. iiij.d. To the bouse of Sancte Roberte's of Knaresburgh
iij 8. iiij d. To the reparacions of the parishe churche of Ripley
iij 8. iiij d. Unto the Rood gild of Ripon iij 8. iiij d. To the
iiij Orders of Freres of Yorke yj s. viij d., eqally to be divided
einong them • • to pray especially for my saull. To the
chambre of Yorke iij s. iiij d» To the glide of Sancte Cristofer
and Sancte Georgie in Yorke iij s. iiij d. To Corpus Cristi gild
in Yorke iij s, iiij d. To our Ladie of Bostone iij s. iiij d. To
Jane, my wif, iij beddes belongyng to the knyghte's chamer,
ij arkes, ij chistes with a caskytt, a lymbeke for stilling of
watters, a hyngyng panne, a staxtid panne, ij pare of lyn
sheites, etc. To my son Robert al maner of ornamentes
belongyng to the chapell of our Ladie and Sancte Nicholas
of Yngmanthorpe, as chales, booke, vestymentes, bellis, cor-
poraxes, altar clothes, hyngynges . • a fedder bed in the
parlour, . • a grette cownntter, one langsettill, one borde
dormant, one forme, . . the hjnagynges in the haull, al maner
of armour, as jaekes, salettes, splentes, polaxes, speris, leden
malles, billis, bowis and arrows, with other wepynges defen-
sible; vj silver spones wherof one haith a bosshe of silver
giltid, a flate pece of silver, ij grete braspottes in the
kechynne, . • . viij oxen with yokes and temes, ploughe,
harros, wayne and cowpe ; also tymbre lyeng drye for the use
of husbandrie, with al maner stone and lyme, beyng redie for
the reparacions of the said Yngmanthorpe ; one bruyng leede,
a maske fatte, a gile fatte, a taprtroughe, iiij standis to
towne in, and ij gylyng leedes, beyng in the brue house, and
also a standard in the closett, with t/oo ambres, with all maner
lokes & kees within my maner of Yngmajithorpe. To the
parishe churche of South Dighton my craixe coleryd damaske
gowne, to make a vestymeut, or other necessaries aperteynyng ;
with my dublett of cremysyne sattyn, to make thereof corprax
cases, or other necessaries, to the behove of the said churche.
I wil that Thomas Mydleton, and other my feoflfers to my use
of my landes in Fameham, Asarlaughe, Sussacres, and New-
pome, stond and be peased from thensforth to th* use and per-
formance of this my will and testament ; that is to saye, I will
that Peter Roos, my sone, shall have annuitie of v li. iij s. iiij d.,
. , my son James Roos one annualle rent of v li. iij s. iiij d.
. . they to suflFer my ex", to receyve • • xlU. x;viiis. yerely
for XV yeres to the use . • of my will, etc. Also I will thai
my ex", do fynd and cause on honest prest to sing for my
saull, my frendes' sauUes, & al Cristen saulles at our Lade's
altar in the parishe churche of South Dighton, duryng xv yerea
next after my decesse • . . havyngandperceyvyngiiijli.yerely.
To my doughtour, Jane Eoos, too kye • . To my sone, Peter,
a horse ; & to my sone James a horse ; to my doughtour
Dorothe a mylke cowe, and iij s. iiij d. to bye hir a cotte or a
kirtle. I will that my ex", shall yeve unto every on of my
servauntes that doith me servicie a quarter wadge, . • besides
suche wadge as to them or any of them is due at the daye of
my decesse, to th' entent that they shall praye for my saulle,
my frendes' saulles, and al Cristen saulles. My landes to my
sone & heire, Robert Roos. The residue of my goodes for the
helth of my saull & all Cristen saulles. Roberte Roos my son
and Antony Roos, gentleman, ex".
[Pr. 23 Oct. 158?, admin, to ex".]
[Reg. Test. iz. 462.]
In Dei nomine. Amen, the xij*^ day of Decembre, in the yere
of our Lorde God mki xxix***, I, John Williamson,* of Noting-
ham, beyng of hoole and good mynde, not knowing the daye
of my departing, orden and make this my present testament
and last will as herafter folowith. First I bequeath my sail
unto Almyghtie God my Maker, and to His blissid moder of
mercy oure Ladie Sancte Marie, and to all the celestiall com-
pany of hevyn ; and my bodie to be beried in the churche of
Sancte Peter's, in Notingham, afore the blissid Rode's fote, in
Sancte George where. Item I bequeath to my mortuarie as
the costome of the church requireth. Also I wil that Sir
Edwarde have viij marc by the yere, to the tyme that John
my sone come to the age of xxiiij*** yeres ; and it fort on that
he departe or then, that then he sing oute ther xx*"* yeres.
Also I will that my executours shall imediately within one
moneth after my beriall, shall make a feftment, whiche feft-
ment is maide over redde, and if my wif frendes thinke that
it be not sure, I will they make it as sure as they can, so that
they change no landes ; and so then to gif them possession in
♦ The very-nicely worded wiU of a Nottingham tradeBman. The wills from
Nottingham are now becoming more numerous.
^very shire. Also I will, moreover, that she shall have hir
owne goodes ; I sold hir xx oxen, and she shall have xx^ smaler
beastes for them, and all my shepe that I bought, to mende
them with all. And I will that one *able preist, that be of
good conversacion and a good where man, I will he have fyve
markes a yere towards his stipende, and that he say Mesae at
Sancte Gregorie altar every day when he is disposed; and
after the Gospel for to say De Profvmdia every day for my
sail, and all Gristen salles, and the parish to gif hym the rest.
And at my berieng every preitt of oure own church to have
xij d. a pece, and strangers yj d. I will and dispose at my
beriall x IL Also I will that my executours, when they have
castyn these heddes together and seyne what my substancie
will amounte to, my dettes paide, that they every yere make an
obite, and ther at to deile iij li., where most nede is. Also I
will that John Morton have tenne marc, the whiche I owe hym
for shepe. Also I bequeath hym xl s. ; and John Wilde xl s. ;
and Jespar xl s. ; so that they be with my wif and my execu-
tours one yere, to make them in redynes in suche thinges as I
have, and to sell my goodes to the best advantage, and to
instructe them of my obligacions and my dette booke. Also I
will that Dorothe have xx marc to hir manage. Also I will
that hir moder, if she will tarie with my wif where as she shall
thjrnke necessarie, that she shall have hir findding; and, if
not, she shall have v marc a yere to be paide by my executours.
Also I will that John, my son, shalbe put to leme, unto such
tyme that he be xv yeres olde, and to put to some good scole,
and he to have every yere to his exhibicion fyve marc ; and,
after that, to be putto Oxford or to Cambridge, to he com to
the age of xx** yeres, every yere having fyve poundes. And
after he be xx***, to be put to the Innes of Courte, to he come
to the age of xxiiij*^ ; and he to have every yere tenne marc ;
and the rest of my landes to be keped by my executours to the
use of John, my sone : and than my executours to make hyin
acompte of my landes and goodys. And, moreover, I will that
my executours shall make non acquietance to no man by
colour nor fraudes nor gile for to disheirite my childe of his
right, iche of them soo doing shall forfett a c markes. Also I
will that no man clame of me of right nothing, but I will that
my executours do pay it. And also I will that grete men be
compellid by the lawe to paye suche dettes as they owe me,
and the costes ther aboute to be borne of my one goodes ; and
poore men to have dayes by discretion. Moreover, I will, after
the decesse of my wif, the hoole landes to remaneto John, my
eon : and, if die without ishue, to remane to the next of my
kynne. Also I will, al other wordes not withstandyng afore
spoken, and God send my wif ait her with sone or dooghtour ;
if it be a sone, I will it have xx li. ; if it be doaghtour, xlli. ;
ind if they forton to departe when they come to the age of
manage, than the lande and the money to remane to my sone,
or els to the next of my blode. Also I will that my wtf shall
remane heire in this house a fall yere after my beriall, and
then she to have all my wife's rayment; and I will she have
too gilted salttes with a cover whiche ware lately John Altoftes,
and three goblettes, whit, with a cover of the lest, and a dossen
of my best spones. And I will she have ij drinkyng coppis of
silver with on cover. Also I will that by the space of tenne
yeres that SleflForth churche have an obite for the salles of my
fadder and my modder, and al Cristen salles, and Mease of
Bequiem in the momyng ; and they to have xl s. in the yere,
at that I will it be about Sancte Laurence daye ; and that I
will Sir Edward have the over sight of it. Also I bequeath to
inhon of my wife's women servauntes to have yj s. viij d. ; and
in like the men servauntes. Also I do make my full executors
of this present testament and last will John Leeke Esquyer,
John Ploughe, parsone of Sancte Petir's, Henry Statham, and
Thomas Leike ; thies beyng wittenes. Sir Edwarde Ersden,
Richard Buttyng, and Jesper Flowre, with others.
[Pr. 5th Jan. 153CU1, adm. to the ex".]
[Reg. Te«t. ix.461.]
April 14, 1530. Nicholas Eicard,* of Kirke Sandall, gen-
tleman. To be beried oon the south side or parte of the parishe
church of Kirke Sandall, nighe unto the place where as my
late fadder, whos sail God pardon, doith lie beried. Also I
will that Margarete Ricard, my moder, shall have, incontinente
after my deith, in discharge of my mortuary, allmy whikebeastes,
and . . XX markes of lawfuU Englishe money. Also I will that
my feoflfes of all and singular the landes and tenementes with
appurtenaunce in Sandall and Hatefeld, whiche I purchased of
Eoberte Hounter, Christofer Thomlynson, and Briane . . .
shall suffre and permitte all and singlar the rentes . . to be
♦ ThiF will must be read in connexion with that of William RoVeby, arch-
bishop of Dublin, which has been already given in this volume. For a charm-
ing account of Sandal myreaiers must look at Mr. Hunter's ' South Yorkshire/
vol. i 198, etc.
Applied . . towardes th' exhibicion and fynddyng of on hable,
substanciall chauntre preist within the said parishe churche
of Kirke Sandall for ever, where as I have, God willing, deter-
mined to be beried ; which said landes be nowe in tenour and
lease unto my broder, Richard, for terme of yeres at will. My
landes • • in Sandall to th'use of the said Margarete Bickard,
my moder, for terme of hir liff naturall ; and, after . • . to
th' use of Henry Rokeby, oon of the sones of Rauf Rookby, my
uncle decessed, & the heires of his bodie lawfull begottyn for
ever : and for lake . . to John Rokeby, sone and heire of the said
Rauf Rokeby, and the heires of the said John for ever, so that
the said Henry and John . . paye . • towardes the fundacion
of my said chantre and th' exhibicion of the said prest for ever
xiij s. iiij d. . • • at too usuall yerely termes. Where as of late
opon a bargan concluded with on William Gierke, and on cer-
teyn summ of money betwixt the said William and me agreid,
wherof on parte is paid aforehand, and the other to be paid at
dayes limited in writyng therof betwixt hus maide of on capital
measuage with th'appurtenaunce in Camerton and Rihill . • I
will that my mother & Henry Rookeby, bifore named, & the
heires of the said Henry, shalbe sole recoverers of the same
• . • to th'use of the said Henry . . . yelding and payeng
yerely oute of the same towardes the fyndyng and exhibicion
of the said chantre preist for ever iij li. over and besides foorty
shelynges rent or about the rest of the same ; whiche clerely
I yeve and bequeath unto the said Henry Rookeby and the
heires of his bodie lawfully begottyn, in and towardes the dis-
charg of my consciencie— (rem"^ to said John Rookeby etc —
rem. Rauf Bameby the yonger etc — rem. Thos Dilcoke, etc in
^efaM of pajrment) than I will and require hym whiche atte
suche tyme shall forton to be chantree preist of the same, to
whome I committe auctoritie in that behalf, to approperate all
the said mesuag and landis in Camerton and RihUl forsaid to
be mortised for ever unto the said chantre whiche I have
ordyned to be founded within the said churche of Kirke Sandall
at the altar of Sancte Nicholas there, nyghe unto the whiche
my said fader lieth beried : and the said preist and his succes-
sours . . to syng and saye Messe^ as every of them maye, or shalbe,
best dispose them, at th^ said altar of Sancte Nicholas, and not
els where within the said churche, except every Friday e, wekely,
whan I will that the said chantre preist shall syng Messe in the
roodlofte within the said churche, De Nomine Jhesu ; whiche
said chantre preistes, or preist, ever for the tyme beyng shall
pray for the sail of my said fader, for the good prosperitie of
Margarete Ricarde my moder whilst she is of ly ve, and, after hir
decesse, for tlie sail of my said mother, and for the sail of m«
the said Nicholas ; and, in especially to have in good remem-
brance the sail of the late Lorde William Rookeby, somtyme
archebushop of Dablio, who was my especiall good lorde, xincle,
and brynger npe. And I will that nether of the said chantre
preist, nor non of his snccessours chantre preist of the same,
shall at any tyme from hensforth syng or saye Mesae at any
other place within the saide chnrche, but as is bifore m^i-
tioned ; for I will not that this same chantre, thus founded fay
me as above, shall in no wise discharge my broder Thomas
Bicard, as concemyng the fundacion of another chantrie to be
founded within the same for the sail of the late Lorde William
archebushope of Dublin, oure said uncle, for the whiche the
said Thomas, my broder, haith imdertakyn in his charge, and
my said broder accorddingly for the same c li. in gold, and
nothing as yett executed in the same. And I will also that the
said Henry Rokeby and the heires of his bodie lawfully begottyn
shall have the free gifte and presentacion of the said chantre
prest, and every of them, in manyer as a free donatyve, to be
used withoute interruption. (Same entail as before.) And I
will that Margarete fiicard, my moder, shal have to hir and to
hir assignes, for terme of hir lyve, all my landes ... at Sike
house, whiche of late I purchased of Christofer Williamson, and
also my land and closes at Stainfbrth, purchased of Hugh
Mapils ; and also my land and closing at Hatefeld, purchased of
on Handley • • • to descende to the said Bauf Bameby &
Thomas Dilcoke • • Also where as John fiicard, clerke, the late
deyne of Dublin, at my costes and charges, and also to my use,
byfore this purchased of our sovereing lord the kyng the
wardeshipe and manage, without dispargement, of John
Rookeby forsaid, the sone and heire of Bauf Bookeby deceased,
nowe almost at poynt of his full yeres, whiche accordcUngly unto
this daye I have had in my possession and use without any pre-
tense to the contrarie ; I do frely and hertely remitte the same
unto the said John, yevyng the same hartely unto the said
John Bookby, with the patent and grante of the same • • •
where in I clerely put hym by this my last will at his libertie,
so that he be apartely rewled and governed by my said moder,
as I require he be. And I will that the said Margarete Bicard,
my moder, & the said Henry Bookeby shall content and paye
unto one William Clerke in full contentacion and payment of
lxxr\g li. xiij s. iiij d., xx li. vj s. viij d. in full payment of the
new purchase . . in Gamerton and Byhill. To the said
Henry Bookby xl li., for the redemption of one messuag & cer-
teyne landes in Thomegembald. I will that my modder shall
have the toicion and rewle of Margarete Bookeby, the dongh-
tour of the above named Banf Bookeby deceased, towardes her
manage, with a c markes • • whiche the said Banf, hir &der,
whose execntour I was, beqnested onto hir manage • • Also I
clerely remittfe and forgif unto my broder in lawe, Bauf Bar-
neby, thwentie poundes, whiche I lent hym. To Margarete
Dilcoke, the doughtour of Boberte Dilcoke, towardes hir pre-
ferment, tenne markes. To the college churche of Pynkreg,
for and towardes on suite of vestymentes, thwenty nobles. To
Anne Bameby fyve poundes of good money, or one pece worth
the same, to pray for me ; which v li. I will that John Bookeby
Bhall have, if he will undertake to fynde the said Anne, whiche
is bot one ideote, mete, drinke, and other necessaries diuryng
hir lif. Also I gyve unto the church and towardes the nedes of
the church of Kirk Sandall, to be bestowed by the discretion of
my said moder, tenne markes. The residue . . unto my deirly
welbelovyd modder, Margarete Bicard, whome I orden, make,
and constitute to be my sole executrice, she to dispose as she
shall seme best for the pleasour of God and the health of my
saull. This beyng wittenes, Nicholas Bookeby parsone of the
said Kirke Sandall, John Colson derke, parishe preiste of the
same, John Bookeby, gentleman, James Morley yoman, Bychard
Parkjnson husbandman, and Boberte BeaUe husbandman.
[Pr. 6 Maj, 1630, adm. to iheez».]
[Reg. Test.!. 3/.]
In nomine Sanctae et Individuse Trinitatis, Patris, et Filii,
et Spiritus Sancti, Amen. I, Water Bradford,* of Houghton
besides Fount', in the countie of Yorke, gent., beyng of goode
health and sayne memorie, the xxviij daye of Maye, in the
xxij"* yere of the reigne of oure soverain lord Kyng Henry the
Eighht, ordanyth and makyth thys my testament and last wyll
in manner and forme foloyng. First, I bequeith my soule to
Almightie God, and to Hys more blessed mother, our Lady
Sainct Marie, and to all the hole company of heven, and my
body to be buryed in my parishe churche of Castilford, in our
Lady qwere there, bysydes Margaret, my wiff, deceassed. Item
I bequeith to my curate of the churche of Castilford that as
right belongyth, accordyng to the kynge is Acte of the Parlia-
ment, for my mortuarie : and to the hygh alter iij s. iiij d. for
oblacions and tithes forgotten and not payd : and to the hygh
* A rich lawyer, and a farmer likewise.
aulters of Wakefeld and Warmefeld parishe churches, th^re, to
ayther of yame ij s. Also I beqaeith to the amendyn^ of the
hygh wayes aboute Stanlay and Wakefeld xiij s. iiij d., viz^ to
aither of yame, vj s, viij d. Also to the hygh ways aboute
Fount' and Hoghton, Castilford and Warmefeld, to every of
yame, yj s. viij d. Item to the Frears of Fount', and to the
Grey Frears of Doncastre, to ayther of yame, yj s. viij d. Also
to the Friores of Hampolle and to the Convent yj s. viij d., vix^
to the Friores xx d., and to ye Convent and prestes there v s^ to
be divided eqally amonges yame. Also I bequeth to Dame Jane
GaRcoign, oonof the nunnes there, vj s. viij d. Also I beqaeth to
my Lord Frior and Convent of Sainct Oswalde's, to the Prior and
Convent of Kirkestall, to the Frior and Convent of Monkburton,
and to the Frior and Convent of Sainct John in Foimtefireit, to
every of the aforesayd monasteries, xs. ; and they to sing
Dirigie and Masae of Requiem for my soule ; and I beseke
yame of forgifnes, if I have at any tyme oflFendyt to yame.
Also I woll that every poore man, womand, and child, vrithin
the parishenges of Castilford and Warmefeld, have oon penny,
the daie of my buriall or afore, and myn executours to dispose
ferther, the sayd daie, as they seyme expedient for the health
of my soule. Also I bequeith my chales and corprax and patene,
after my deceas & Elisabeth my wifF, to the churche of Castil-
ford ; and if a preist fortune herafter to be at oure Lady alter
there, he to occupie the same. Also I require my broder
Ciist', Jane SheflTeld, Beatrix Tt-mpest, and the heyres of every
of theym, se that the Warden and Convent of the Gray Frears
of Yorke say Mesae of Requiem and Dirige the day of my
buriall, accordyng to the tenour of one composition astablesshed
betwixt yame and me of and for an annuitie of viij s. which I
have giffyn to theym for ever. Also I will that my executours
purchase landes to the valour of v s., to be giffyn to the Prior
and Convent of the Blak Frears in Fomfrete, for oon obit yerely
to be doon for ever the daye of my buriall, viz., every Frere
beyng a preist iiij d., and every Frere beyng no preist ij d. ; and
the residew to the Frior for the anomamentes of the churche
there. Also I bequeyth to my brother, Crist', my great rynge
of gold wherin is gravyn Brad with a furth, and, after hys
decease, to hys sonne Thomas Bradfurth and to hys heyres
male ; and for defaute to John Bradford, my nevy : and to my
brother, Crist', my gowne furred with foens, and, after hys
deceas, to be delyvered to Thomas, hys sonne and heyre : and
to Bawdwen Yonge a furre of fychey whiche he hayth. Also I
giff and bequeath to John Sheffeld and Jane his wiff iiij li. in
money or penny worthes ; and to Nicholas Tempest and Beatrice
his wiflFiiij li. in money or pennjni^orths. Item to John Brad-
ford, my nevy, iiij li. in money or goodes. Item to Brian
Bradforth of Stanley and to hys sonne Brian a gilted coppe
whiche I had in plege of hys moder. And I forgiff hym all
dewtyes betwixt hym and me. And I giff to Brian, hys sonne
and my godson, ij silver spones. Also to Water Jepson, my
godson, xl 8. in money or goodes. Also I will that oon honest
preist, to be named by myn executours, do syng for me imme-
diately after my death, by the space of v yeres, and he to have
yerely for his salarie and wages every yere iiij li. xiij s. iiij d.,
and to praie for the souUes of my graundfadirs and graund-
modirs, my fader and model* soules, my soule, and my wilHFes*
Boules, et apecialiter pro aniTnabua illis pro quibvs Walterua
Bradford maocime obligatur et orare tenetur^ et pro animabua
omnium fidel^Aim defv/nctorum. Also I giflF to the churehe of
Castelford one vestiment, to be boght by the discrecion of myn
executours. Also I giff to Dorothe Pagett, my neyse, v markes
in money or goodes. Also to Anne Lokkay, balye wiff of Brad-
ford, X s. Item to Jane Banke, my wiffe's doghter, v li. in
money or goodes ; and to Fraunces Peircy, now beyng with me,
oon horse, and xxs. in money or goodes. Item to every of my
servauntes, bysides there dutyes, a quarter beyns or peys or
barly, if they be trew and diligent servauntes to my wyff. Also
I giff to Sir John Smyth, my preist, in money xx s., and a horse
or a meyre. Also I bequeith to Thomas Gryce vj s. viij d., and
to hys clerkes ij s. To Mr. Chaloner, Mr. Fairefex, John Pullan,
every one yj s. viij d., and to y*^ clerkes ij s. And to Thomas
Strey v s., and to hys clerkes ij s. Also I giff and bequeith to
Thomas Bawson xl s. in money, and ij quarters barly and ij
quarters beyns. Also to every of my godsons and doghters,
every of yame ij s. Item to Isabell Bradford, my brother Crist*
doghter, xx s. in money or goodes. Also I giff to John Saynt-
poU and Anne hys wiff a litle cheyn with a crosse of gold sett
with peerle. Also to Jane Halyday of Acworth ij quarters
barly or malte. Item to Alice SeyntpoU. oodc of the systersin
Seynt Nicholas in Pount', one quarter malte. Also to Margarett
SeyntpoU, my cosyn, iiij li. in money or goodes. Item to the
poor folkes in Acworth x s., to be disposed amonges yame.
Also to Bawdwen Yonge wiff a quarter malt, a quarter pese or
beens. Also to Jane, her syster, a quarter barly, a quarter pese
or beens. Also to John SeyntpoU eldest sonne, my godson,
a quarter malt or barly. Item to Katharyn Jepson a ryng
of gold, and to every of her childre, not aforenamed, a
quarter barly or malt. Also to Beatrix Bradford, my bastard
doghter, a kow and iij quarters malt, and a bed, with al
thinges belongyng. Also to Nicholas Lokkay too jongeA
sonnes, to ayther of yame a quarter malt. Also I beqneith to
Thomas Baynold, my clerk, my gowne lyned with chamlett, and
iij quarters malt and iij quarters beyne. Also to John Brad-
ford ij doghters, to ayther of yame, one quarter nMtlt <Mr barly.
Item I bequeith to my syster in law, my broder John wiffe,
ij quarters malt and ij quarters beens. Item to John Sherwodd
yongar, and hys chil(hren, now beyng in Thomour, to every <rf
yame a quarter barly or beens. Item to IsabeU Frankishe,
John Sherewod doughter, too quarters barly or beyns. Item to
John Watterton, and to John hys brother, to eyther of yame
zl s. in money or goodes. Item to Elisabeth Boswell, my oosen,
too quarters barly and one quarter of beynes or peyse. Also I
bequeith to Thomas Lascy, in recompence of hys mariage
goodes, nott all payd to hym, and for hys apparell at hys manage,
the whiche he wold have had me to pay fore, the some of
yj li. xiij s. iiij d. in money or pennyworths, and thys some to
be payd to hym over and bisides othir thinges before bequest to
Beatrice hys wiflF. Item I bequeith to every of my women aer-
vauntes, takyng no yerely wages in reward, at the discrecion of
Elisabeth my wif. Item to Crist' and to William, my servauntes,
viz. to Crist' x s., and to William yj s. viij d. Item I bequeith to
Holbek childim a lok of gold and xx s. Also Item I bequeith
to an honest preist xl s., to synge oon half yere for the soule of
Edmond Dudley. Item to Cristofer Conyers iiij markes. Item
to Herry Esheley v s. Item I bequeith x s., to dispose for the
soule of William Levet. Item I bequeith xiij s. iiij d. to dis-
pose, for the soule of Vicar Meiryng, amongest the poore folkea
in Brotherton. Also I giflf to Elisabeth, my wiflF, all my goodes
and plate w*in my howse, and her parte of all othir my goodes
nott before bequest. Also I will that the said Elsabeth, my
wiff, shall have my &rmehold at Houghton, duryng all suche
termes as is graunted to John Sekker by Convent seall, besekyng
my seyd lord to be gude unto her, in recompence of suche
costes and charges as I have susteyned of the same. Also I
bequeith, graunt, and giflf to John Bradford, my nevye, the
half of my farme hold at Wrenthorp, wherein Q-eorge Snathe
doth now dwell in, whiche my Lord Cheif Baron faithfully dyd
promyse me at suche tyme as I send hym my leas by Henry
Brome, made to me by the feoflfez of the same landes. Also I
bequeith Cristofer Santpoll oone quarter barly and oone quarter
bejrnes. Also I bequeith to the churche of Castilford, if the
neburs sett furth cure Lady qwere, xl s. Item I bequeith to
my lady ancres in Pounfreit a quarter of malt. And to the
ancres of Wakefeld a quarter malt. Item to Thomas Killyngbek
one meyre at the discrecion of myn executonrs. Item to old
Stor one of my jakkettes^ to desyer hym to pray for my soule,
and to be goode frend to my wif. The resydew of my goodes
to be disposed by Elsabeth, my wyff, Crist* Bradford, Thomas
Bawson, and John Smyth preist, whome I ordeyn and make
myn execntoura. And I will the sayd Elsabeth and John Smyth
preist shall dispose the said residew att there discrecions for the
health of my sonle. And, feurther, I make Byohard Lyster,
Lord Cheif Baron, Alvery Comyn, Lord Priour of Seynt Os-
wolde's of Nostell, and Robert Chaloner, supervisoors of thys
my Will, they and my said executours to have there costes and
charges for executyng thys my said Will. And I beqneith to
the said Lord Cheif Baron my grey stond horse ; and to my
Lord of Seynt Oswolde's oone gold rynge with a poynted dia-
mond ; and to Eobert Chaloner oone gold rynge with a town
gravyn therein ; besekyng theym to be goode lordes to my wiff
and to myn executours. Into wjrtnes herof, to thys my last
will and trew mynd, I the sayd Water hayth setto my seall, the
daie and yere abovesayd. Thes beynge wytnesses, Hugh
Atkynson, Thomas Bradford, and Sir John Watson, my curate,
with others.
[Pr. 17 Jan. 1530-1, adm. to the ex".]
[Reg. Test. zi. 3.]
June 24, 1530. W^alter Griflath,* late of Annas Burton, in
the diocess of Yorke, Knyght, beyng of hoole mynde and salve
memorie. My bodie to be beried in the new chapell, annexed
to the churche of Sancte Martyne at Annas Burton, where my
ladle, my moder, lieth. I will y* all suche landes . . within
the countie of Yorke and Lincoln as I have put in feolHFament
• • do stand . . and my broder, Esachie Clifton, one of my said
feoffes, .. shall take . • the rentes . . of Annas Burton per-
sonadge, with Litle Kelke and Swaithorpe, to performe this my
last will. ... To Jane GriflBth, my wif, an hundreth markes,
& to my yonger son, John Griffithe, cc li., over and besides his
annuitie of xxiij li. vj s. viij d. To my doughtour Agnes, late
wif of John Egerton Esquyer, fortie markes. To my doughtour
Margarite GriflSth, for hir mariadge, fyve hunddreth marces, if
she be orderid after hir moder ; and, in reward to my sone and
heire, GriflSth & Elisabeth his wif, fiftye poundes, with my
tent hool, ye hames, and as moche of my houshold goodes as he
* Bee the wiU of his father in Test. Bbor. ui. 269.
haith nede of, after the discretion of my wif, in reoom]>eii8e of
fynes and garsomes that I toke of his tenementes at Annis
Burton. • • To my broder, Ezache CUfton, tenne markes. To
Sir William Webber, vicar of Annas Burton, c s. Also to every
one of my godsones, Walter Cawod, G-ervasie Cawod,and Walto
Nicholson, xl s. Also to my godsone, Walter Wright, yerelj
XX s. to he come to the age of xxiiij***. To Thomas Goldsmytfa,
balif of Alrewas, xl s. I will that every one of my houshold
servauntes . . have in reward over their wadges for a half yere
after my decesse after the valour of ther hoole yere wadges.
Also I will that a prest be wadgyd to pray for the helth of mj
saull, my fader s and moders • • in the churche and chapell of
Annas Burton, where my said moder is beried, for the space of
fortie yeres after my decesse, & to have yerely for his wadges
eight marces, supposing that by suche space as thies yeres shal
be ended, myne heires, of there charitable mynd, will devise for
the helth of theire saulles and ours in likewise ; and so frome
heire to heire for ever, so to be continued, whiche I pray God
grante them grace for to do, accordding to the good example of
my moder that this did begyn. Also I will that my chapleyn, Sir
Bobert Alsope, have yerely xl s., to pray, as by my ex" he shal
be appoyntid and assignyd, unto suche tyme as he shal be
promotid to a chauntre or beneBce, duryng his lif. Also I will
that if Sir Koberte Barlowe will lerne and studie in aither of
the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge, that my said feoffes
and executours do gif imto hym yerely his honest exhibicion,
unto suche tyme as he be graduate or promotid to some bene-
ficie, as prebende, parsonadge. • • I will that my broder,
Ezachie Clifton, • • make a . • graunte • • of one annuitie of
XX marces, goyng out of my maner of Oreby, to John Grifl5th,
my yonger son. I will that my said feoffes and ex" over the
convenient chardges of my beriall and yere's mynd, do cause
yerely that for xxj*** yeres foloing too obites to be done in the
churche of Annas Burton, for me, my fader, moder, and suche
as we be boimdon to pray fore ; the one obite to be alwayes as
it shall fortone my aniversarie to be ; and th'oder opon the
morowe next after Al Saules daye ; and when Al Saulles daye
is diflferrid to Mondaye, then it to be opon the morowe next
after that, and that naither obite shall excede the costes of
thwentie shelynges ; and towardes the same obittes to have and
perceyve the ishues and profittes of my landes purchased in
Scardeburgh, and after the said xxj yeres be past, then myn
heires to have the same landes, and to be charged therefore to
bestowe the yerely valour of the same for the said too obites
yerely, to continue for ever, and to be done in the churche of
Annas Burton^ in maner and forme as is aforsaid, for them-
selffes, me, my wif, my fader, my moder, etc. Also I will that
my feoffes and ex" do purchase landes and ten**, to the yerely
valour of rdiij li., or els as moche landes as foure hundreth and
fiftye marces will purchasse, and the same surely to intaile to
my heires generall for ever, in satisfiEiccion for sucbe landes as I
did cell in Wales to Sir Byse ap Thomas knyght. . I will that
fyve marces be disposid and waryd of too latyne candilstickes,
to be set byfore the hie altar in the chauncell at Annas Burton,
in t'honor and wirshipe of God and Sancte Martyne. I will
that my feoffes & ex", within xx** dayes after my decesse, do
delyver the castell of Scardeburghe to the kynge's grace, or his
heires, for so I am boundon in a thousand markes for to doo.
Also I will that al suche offerynges as er in a litle redde puree,
whiche er inclosid in paupers, be offeryd to our Ladie of Wal-
singham, and to al other suche Sanctes as the intitilyng of every
one of the said paupours will appere. Also I will that their be
bestowid opon Whichenour briggs, and the chapell their, and
in the waye at Lopyn chapell, iiij li. • . The residue • . to Jane
GriflBth, my wif, Antone Babyngton Esquyer, my broder,
Ezache Clifton, Sir William Webster, vicar at Annas Burton,
Roberte Tovie, balif theire, and Thomas Wriffht of Whichenour,
whome I make my executours : if non of them this refuse, to
have C.S. . . every one of them as for their reward.
[Pr. 17 Dec 15310
[JReg. Test. Pec et Gapit. ii. 156.]
Aug. 7, 1530. Johannes Fewlare, clericus. Sep. in eccl.
oath. B. Petri Apostoli, coram imagine B. M. ad altare S.
Stephani. In hreid & haily ad discretionem executorum. Lego
Domino Willelmo Bait, vicario, librum vocatum de Eliganciis
cum contentis : item librum Hujo Arra animse [wc] ; item li-
brum de Ethemologiis Isodori ; item Primarium cum Exequiis,
de pergameno ; item librum vocatum Mercolphum. Lego
Domino Johanni Hawll librum vocatum Aldred ; librum de
Meditacionibus, de pergameno ; librum de Vita Sancti Cuth-
berti, unam quarteriam EpistulsB Pauli glosatse; librum
vocatum Rationale Divinorum. Lego Domino Eoberto Mur-
hows Ijbrum vocatum Catholicon, Legendam Auream cum
cseteris libris non legatis. Uxori, quae vocatur Cheri, iij '^, iiij d,
et coral viride.
[Pr. 17 Aug. 1530.]
VOL. v. U
[Reg. Tost Dec. et Capit. ii. 161.]
In Dei nomine, Amen, xrj day of August, in the yere of
our Lord Jhesu Christ m.occccxxx, I, Sir Edmund Cook,* the
vicar of Acclome, whartfuli the mynd, and compleit in remem-
brance, and not knawyng my last day, ordayns and makes m?
testament in to this forme and maner. In the first, I gyff and
I witt my saull unto All myghty God, the whilk create aod
maid me of noe thing, and to y* Blissid Viigyn His moder, and
to All the Sanctes of heven. Also my body to be beried in the
porche of the parishe kirk of Acclome. Also I wit for my cots-
presentt my best beest. Item I wit unto the parishe kirk <rf
Acclome yj torches, price zx s., equally to be devidid, y* is to
say every torche iij s. iiij d., and tnay to bime abowt my body
the day of my beriall. Item I witt vj pound of wax, w* one
half pound, to be bimd abowt my body the day of my beriaL
Item I witt to one gud, vertuosse, and weill dysposed preist, y*
he may syng and say Messe for me, and for all my gudd fiyndes,
and gud doers, and also for all Christen sauUes, y^is to say, the
space and tyme of iij yeres togeder, xiiij li. x s. Also I will,
moreover, that the preist, the whilk shall syng for me and my
fryndes, shall syng dailly, except it [be] appon one day in the
weik, y* he may have it in his owen will whedder he will doo
Messe or nay, os he thynkes hym self dyspossid. And also I
will, more over, y* if the preist faill of doyng of Messe moo days
than one, that he loosse for every day iiij d., and that to be
gevyn unto other well dispossid prest, the whilk is dispossid to
doo Meaae^ or els that it be gyffjm emong poor people whar os
most neid is wHn the parish. Also I witt to the kirk of
Acclome xl s. Item I witto every prest, being at my Derive
the day of my beriall, vj d. Item to every parish dark iij d.
Item to every other man synging in mane's voce ij d. Item to
every other child j d. Item I wit to the iiij moder kirkes,
equally to be devidid, xx s. Item I witt to the iiij Orders of
Frears, equally to be devidid, xv s. Item I wit to Sf^nct Robert
of Knaresburght v s. Item lego to every hospitall wHn the
citie of York, and also unto the subarbars of the same, whar qs
* In some respects this is the most interesting Will in this volame. It is
the composition of the testator, and, whether as a specimen of simple English,
or as an evidence of the writer's piety and simplicity, it is beyond praise.
The Will and Inventory of the testator's patron. Dr. Melton, have just been
hospitalitie is daly kepid, to every ilk one of thame, yj d. Item
lego to every extraungery man or woman, helder or yongar,
putting furth tbar handis for almosse be the way of charite, j d.
Also I witto every hows w*in the parisheing of Aeclome, whar
OS fyer is dailly used, xiij d. Item to every serge berar ij d.
Item to every torche berar y d. Item ecclesisa paroch* de Bug-
thorp X s. Item to every hows wHn the parishing of Bugthorp,
dailly fyer using, vj d. Item to every sone and doughter of
Alice Keld, my moder e law, xl s., and ij sylver spones. Also I
witto every sone and doughter of Bychard Barboore's v) s. vi^ d.
Item to every sone and doughter of the aforsaid childer of my
moder e law, lawfully gotten, ij s. Item I witt to my Maister,
Maister Ghaunceller of York monestery and parson of Aeclome,
that his maistersheip may be gud, and also pray for me, xl s.
Item I witto my supervisour, who so ever it happyn to be,
ij 11. xiij s. iiij d. Item I witto my iij executours, for ther
labour, equally for to be devidid, iiij li. x s. Item I ordan and
also constitutes my trew and fidthjjful] executours. Sir Robert
Hellerton presbyterum, and John Herryson husbandman, and
William Smythson husbandman, and that thais iij executours
a for named trewly execute and fulfill my will, os my speciall
trust is in thame, and thay to allow thame self trewly, and also
sufficiently, for ther expense3« Item lego Roberto Tailyour,
filio meo spiritual!, v s. Item lego to Johanne Agawbron,
wonyng some tyme at Nonnebrynholme, v s. ; and if the afor-
said woman be deid, I will that the aforsaid v s. be disposid for
bir souU os Messe^ said for hir ; and other some part to be dis-
posid emonges poure people os the best may be for the well of
soull. Also r wit my book callid Chatholicon untto the parishe
kirk of Aeclome. Item I will y* my Portus w* silver claspis be
sold and disposid for the weill of my soull and all Christen
soullis. Item I witto Corpus Christi gild in York x s. Item I
witt untto the expense3 enens the dynner at the day of my
beriall xx s., and more, if neid require ; and if y* lesse seryff,
that at leves over the xx s., gyff it to powre people. Also I
witto the preist that synges the Eye Mease one the day of my
beriall, and so fulfiUis all the Observans after Mease and bowt
my body to be beried, ij s. Also I will that the Hie Meaae one
the day of my beriall be on the Blissid Sacrament of the alter,
scilicet, Cibaviteoaj etc. Item I witto the parishe kirk of Set-
terington xld. Item to the parishe kirke of Bushopwilton
iiij fl. Item lego for iiij trentall off Meaae'^ to be said for me,
and all my gud doars and fryndes, xl s. Item lego to the sup-
portacion of ley Stan furth brigges iij s. iiij d. Item I wit to
the supportacion of ly Buttercrame brigges iij s. iiij d. Also I
witto the supportacion of ly Thomthorp brigges iiij s. Item I
witto the expense5 in my viij day xvj s., and also more, if neid
require. And if it happyn so that any thing remayn or leaff
thar of, than it to be distributid emonges pore folk whar is
most neid wHn the parishing. Also I witto to the expenses of
my xij raonyth day unto my Derige^ wax, bread, and aill when
the Derige is doyn, and also unto the dynner for preistes,
clarkes, and other honest persons appon the mome after,
XX vj s. viij d. and more, if neid be, at the gud and £EdthfalI di^
cretion of my executours ; and if that any thing leaff or remayn
thar of, it to be distribute emong powre pepiU w4n the parish-
ing. Also I witte unto the begynnyng uppe agayn of the
stanys of the wallis of the porche of the parishe kirk of
Acclome, after my beriall, x s. Item I witto ij or iij men that
maikes my graiff in the day of my beriall, to ilk one of thame,
iiij d. Item I witto unto ij or iij gud and discreit women that
wyndes and lappis my body in one sheit, when y* I am departid
of this world, to ilk one of thame, iiij d. Item to ilk one of
thame that beris me to the kirke to be beried iiij d. Item to
ilk one of my goostly childer xyj d. Item I witt to the haill
howsald of my maister's, Maister Ghauncellor of York monas-
terry and parson of Acclome, equally for to be devidid, xx s.
Item lego to every fyer hows w4n the parishing of Aoclome,
appon my viij*'* day, iiij d. Item lego to every fyer howse wMn
the parishing of Acclome, apon my xij monyth day, viij d. Item
lego to Mylis Bulmar, aquibajulo nostro, ij s. Item to the
parishe preist of Ijcppington iij s. iiij d. Item to the Abbot,
or to the Prior, of Monnkbreton, x s. Also I witto every monnk
or chanon of the same howse xx d. Item lego to the chappell
of Leppington iiij s. Item lego to my woman servand xiij s.
iiij d. Also hir haiU yere wage w* hir bounthes of the same
yere. Also I witto every sone and doughter off Robert
Cooke's of Berthorp iij s. iiij d. Item to Richard Androw of
Birdsall, some tyme beyng sone to Hellyn Andrew of Payscrofk,
iij s. iiij d. Item lego to Sir William Busk, the vicar of Bug-
thorp, iij 8. iiij d. Item to Sir Robert Herison iij s. iiij d.
Item to Sir William Smythson iij s. iiij d. Also I will y' the
preist, the whilk shall syng for me, and my good doars, that he
syng for me at Bugthorp the secund yere, y* is to say, the first
yere at Acclome, the secund yere at Bugthorp, and the third
yere at Acclome agayn. Also I will y* thar be kepid als mekill
in stoir os may serve unto the expenses boith for my Derige
and Mease at Bugthorp, and also for wax apon the herse ; that
is to sjiy, iij serges to byme appon the hyrsse the Derige tyme
and Messe tyme, and also breid and aill unto thauie that be at
Derigey and even of the lyek wyae I will it be the thir»l yere
apud Acclome. Item lego to Kateryn Spendillow tria nobilia
aurea, unum suppellectule, and on pare of lynnon sheittes.
Item lego unto the chappell of Sancte Agathe at Skirttynbek
V 8. Also I [wit] to the chanon y* synges at the forsaid
chappell at Skirttenbek xij d., and if y*^ syng two thar, than
unto aither of thame xij d. Item I wit to the iij or iiij gud
men y* efter the day of my beriall praisse my guddes, to ilk one
of thame, xij d. Besidumn certanely of all my guddes, heir
w4n this testament noght witt, my dettes, if thare be any, first
trewly paid, also my funerall expenses for tfie tyme of iij yore
Weill and justly takyn owt, I will y* it be shortly sold and
shortly turned and gotten in to money, and it to be equally
devidid onto Sanct John Baptist and Sanct Androw the
Appostell, capital Sanetes under God of the aforsaid kirkes above
named, that is to say, Acclome and Bugthorp, imto the wor
shipp of God and thame, for ever more. Amen, etc. In to the
witnes of the whilk writing I have putto my scale, thais men
bering witnes, Sir Robert Hellerton chappelayn, John Herri-
son, Thomas Garbot, William Hellenys, William Smythson,
John Rychardeon, William Welbom, Mylys Cowthorp, William
Acclome, Patric Johnson, Mylis Bubnar, aquibajulo, cum aliis,
Also, more over, I will that if my aforsaid executours will
take on hand to occupie and performe my aforsaid testament
and will w* owttyn any supervisour, os I trust to God thay may,
that thay have the same xl s., xiij s. iiij d. above named unto
thair owen behove and unto thame self, for to doo y"" owne
neides y*' vrith, os y** thynk the best. Also I woU y* my mor-
tuarie, if so be y* it goe not forth nedfully after the old costom
and maner, than it to be sold and delt emonges powre people.
Also I will y* the preist, the whilk shall syng or say Messe for
me and my gud fryndes, os above aperis, y* he enter shortly
frome hand after y* God have takyn me unto His mercy, y* is to
say als soyn after os possible requiris. Item lego Margaretse
Cooke, quondam uxori Johannis Cooke de Berthorp, iij s. iiij d.
Item lego domino Henrico Keght, magistri mei capellano,
unum nobile aureum. Item lego Badulpho Savygie, procura-
tori de Acclome, v s. Item lego domino ThomsB More, vicario
Lekyngfeld, iij s. iiij d. Item lego domino Johanni Waird,
presbytero parochiali de Skirttynbek, iij s. iiij d. Item lego
Annae Levenyng, v s.
Item, OS fore enens my dettes, I aw noyn, bot if it be unto
the vetuler's howse, os may happyn, some halfpenny or some
penny, wher I bought my caittes ; for why, I usid all way, I
thank God, to pay even frome hand, and tharfor if thar be aoj
noghty or injnst person, what so maner of man or woman oe
ever y** be, y* is to saye sibbe or forinend, spiritaall or temporall,
y* wald chaunlegeg dett, whar os nojrn is, trust thame never, ior
y»* ar noght worthy to abide emong the trew Christyn people of
o"" Saviour Christ Jhesu.
Per me dominum Edmund Cooke, vicar de Acclome*
[Pr. 7 Aug. 1531, adm. to ex^.l
[Reg. Test. x. 38.]
In the name of God, Amen. Memorandum that I, John
Mawpas of Bilton in Holdemes in the countie of York, laborar,
in the yere of our Lord God mW^'ixx, the xxx day of August, in
hooU mynd and in good remembrance, makith my will in maner
and forme folowing. I bequeith my sauU to God and his
mother Sanct Mary and to All Sancts in heven, and my bonys
to be moldid wHn the sanctwary of Swyne. Also I wit to the
Priorise of Swyne one ambling colt foall. Item I wit to the
Sacrament in Bilton chappell my wiff best kirtche. Item I
wit to Alison Wadingham, for seing to my wifiF and me in ouer
siknes, my swyne hog. Also I wit to my suster Elizabeth ij** kye.
Also I wit to my brother Petur one amblynne mare and one fooll.
The residew of my goddes, my will fulfillid, my dettes paid, I
gyve to Janet my doghter whome I maik my executrix and she
ly ve, and, if shew dee w4n age, I will the best cow be geven to
the uphold of the chappell of Bilton ; and the residew of the
goodes my sustur Elsabeth to have for to dispose for ouer sauUes.
Witness Sir John Bell, preist
[Pr. 81 Mar. 1631-2.]
[Reg. Test. x. 1.]
In the name of our Lord God, Amen. I, Thomas Strey, off
Doncastre,* hole both of bodie and mynde, louing to God my
Maker and Eedemptor, the xiiij***® day of Novembre, the xxij
♦ A wealthy lawyer, practising at Doncaster. He was commemorated in
the old church of Doncaster by a chantry and a tomb. See Hunter's * South
Yorkshire.' i. 41.
I give, as a note, the will of the testator's brother, Robert Strey, chantry-
priest at Sprotborough.
yere of the reigfn of Kyng Henry the viij'** (1630), makyth,
ordyneth and declareth my last ^1 and testament in maner
and fourme foloyng. In pnmis, I bequeythe my sauU to
Allmyghty Gode, Creator and Redemptor of the same with His
preoiouse blode, and to our Lady, mayden and moder of our
LfOrde Jhesu Criste, and to all the holie companye of hevyn.
Item, my oariouse bodye to be beride in the Trenite qweir, afor
the image of the Blessede Trenyte, within the parisshe churche
of Seynt George in Doncastre, if it happe me to departe frome
this niiserable warlde within the seid parisshe ; and, elles, at
the pleasure of God. Item I bequeythe for my mortuary x s.
1545, May 6. I 8' Robert Strey, preste, hole of mjmde, and of good
memorie, gyves thankes and loninges to Almightie God, makes my last will
and testament in manner and forme followinge: ffirst and principally I
bequeath my sooll to Almightie God, oure Ladie Sancte Marie, and to all the
celestiall company of heaven, my bodie to be buried within the churche of
Sancte C^eorgie in Doncaster, in the Trinitie qnere ; and, for my principalles,
accordinge to the Statute. To the church warke of Doncaster iij s. iiij d. To
the vicar xij d. To every other preste of the churche of Doncaster beinge at my
Dirige and burial viij d. To every preste of the oountrie at my Dirige vj d.
To 8' William Copley knyght one pare of bedes of tenne beades. To Frauncys
Frobyser my oounterpoynte, and one blake velvet jackett. To William
Hothome one litle ilnge of golde with a diamonde. To S' Robert Hobson my
best gowne, and one booke called Vita ChrUH. To John Hobson, alderman,
one jacket of tawney velvett, and one nute. To John, Frauncys, Thomas,
Richard, and William [Hobson] every one of theme vj s. vi^ d. To Alicie
Richardson iij s. iiij d. To Jennet, Agnes, and Elyn Mounte xx li. to bo
devyded emonges theme, wherof ther is x 11. in the handes of John Warde,
and viij li. in the handes of M' John Hobson, which viij 11. shall be in his
oustodie to Agnes Mounte be eighten yeres of age ; and the rest to be taken
of my dettes, and it to be paid to theme at the age of xviij yeres by myne
executors ; and, if any of theme die, her parte to remayne to them that over-
liveth the other. To the said Jennet Mounte one grete silver salte with a
cover all gilte. To the said Agnes one standinge peoe with a cover all gilte.
To the said Kllyn Mounte one goblett with one cover all gilte. Item I give to
S' Geoigie Anderson, preste, xxvj s. viij d. to pray for my souU in Doncastre
church. To 8' Thomas Grene, preste, xiij s. iiij d. to pray for my soulL To
Agnes Mounte, wife of Roger Mounte, a\l my messuages, lands, &c., in Don-
caster, Balbie, Exthorpe and Kewton for her life (then to the heirs of her
body : if none, to remain to John Hobson and his heirs for ever). I give one
dose in the lordshipe of Bentley, called Appill Holme, to S' John Rpinke, for
tenne of his lif, to pray for my soull, and all my frendes' soules in the parish
church of Doncaster : and, f erther, the said close to be used accordinge to the
dede of f eoffament and a scedule thervnto annexed by me of it and other
landes therof maide. I will that one yere*s rent of Appilholme, beinge in the
hande of M' Hobson and due at Witsonday next, be bestowed of the repara-
cions of the bankes of the saide dose. The residue to Jennet, Agnes and Elyn
Mounte whome I make my executors, and they in the disposicion thereof to be
ordered by Roger and Agnes Mounte, their ^ther and mother. Supervisors,
Frauncys Frobyser, John Hobson, and 8' Robert Hobson, preste, " and every
one of theme to have for his labore x s." Witnesses : 8' John Spinke preste,
Richardc Brayton, Robert Dobson, preste, and Frauncys Hobson. [Pr. 9th
June, 1545.]
[Reg. Test. xiii. 24.]
according to the Statute. Item I bequeythe for tithes for-
gotyn iij s. iiij d. Item I bequeythe to oure Lady alter, to
Seynt Thomas alter, to Seynt Nicholas alter, and to the Trjnytc
alter, and to Seynt John Baptiste alter, to iche of thejm a
vestiment to syng Masse in, the price of ychon of theym xl §.
And also I bequeithe to Sir Robert Denton a c s. to the re-
paracions of his chauntre. Item I bequeithe to the Freres
Carmelettes of Doncastre, to pray for me, and for Alioe and
Elizabethe, my wyffes, xx s. in money. Item I beqneith, in
like maner, to the Preres Mynors xx mrc. Item to every preist
whiche shalbe present at my Dyryge and Masse the day of my
beriall, shall have for their labur viij d. Item I bequeith to
Agnes Nutter, my syster doghter, v li., to her manage, if she
be ordered therin by my broder Sir Robert ; and, elles, myn
executors to dispose hit for the welthe of my saulL Item I
bequeith to Francis Frobiser, Richard Pek, and Hewe Cressy,
my clerkes, to every on of them x mc. And to Richarde Dawson
and James Frankisshe, to eyther of theym xl s. And to every
on of my woman servaunt, beyng in my service at the day of
my departour frome this transitorie worlde, xx s. Item, to my
executours a c marc, to by a sewyt of vestimentes to the
church of Seynt George of Doncastre. Item to too children of
Roger Mount xl. angell nobilles. Item I will my broder. Sir
Robert, make on estate of landes and tenementes to the yerely
value of viij marc vj s. viij d., for my chauntre and maynteyn-
yng of my light over my tombe. Item to James Westby xx 11. in
money. Item to Anne Reyne x marc. Item to John Ilawlynson
X marc. Item to Sir Hobson, bachelor of arte, vij marc a yere
to his exhibution at Cambrige, unto suche tyme as he be pro-
motede to a lifiFyng. Item to Thomas Fulwode a drynkyn pott
of silver. Item I bequeythe to the mendyng of the high wais
betwyx the Frere brige and the Marie of the brige xl s. Item
I bequeyth my broder, Sir Robert, all myn apparell belongyng
to myselflF. Item I bequeyth to my cosyn Hobson on gown.
Item I bequeythe to Seynt Oswalde's abbey. Burton abbey,
Pountfret abbey, and Roche abbey, to yche of theym xx s., to
pray for my saull. Item I bequeythe to the Freres of Pount-
frett & Tikhyll, to yche of theym x s. Item to my broder. Sir
Richarde, iiij li. Item I bequethe to Braywell churche, &
Connesburgh churche, to eyther of theym iij s. iiij d. Item I
bequeyth xx li. to the mariage of pore maidens. Item I be-
queth to Master Doctor of Grey Freres xxvj s. viij d., to bie
hym a cotte. Item I bequeythe to Thomas Ellis my weddyng
^uwne. The residewe of my goodes, not bequethede, I giff &
bequyth to Sir Robert Strey, Thomas Ellis, Frauncis Frobiser,
and John HobsoD, whom I make myn executors of this my
present testament and ]ast will, to dispose for the healthe of
my saull, and so that every on of theym shall have xx li. for
his labur. Tbeis beyng witnes of this my said will Sir Thomas
Kirkham, doctor of dyvinyte and warden of the Freres Minours
in Doncaster, Thomas Fulwode, Hewe Cressy, and John
[Pr. 30 Dec. 1630, adm. to the ex'".]
TReg, Test. x. 28.]
In Dei nomine, Amen, the xxj daie of the moneth of
Novembre, the yere of oure Lord a thowsand fiyve hundreth
and thirty, Dame Margaret Zowche, wydo, late the wiff of Sir
John Zowch Knyght, make my testament or last will in maner
and fourme foloyng. First I bequeith my soull to Almyghty
God, and to Hys blessed moder Saynt Mary, and to all the holy
company of hevyn, and my body to be beried in the parishe
churche of Honor. Item I bequeith for my principall that at
ys dew of right. Item I bequeith to my sonne, George Zowch,
that part of a bed that he clamed for an heyr lome. Item my
weddyng rynge. Item a dagger with stones. Item to hys wyff
my crysom laces. Item I bequeath to my sonne, Henry
Zowche, a flatt peyce of sylver, ij sylver spones, a trust bed
with a fedder bed, blankettes, sheyttes and bolster with
hyngynges of rede and yalow, and a bed coveryng of domyx.
Item I bequeith to my doghter, Mary, a goblet with a cover,
and my warst salt with a cover, a kyrtyll of blak satten, iiij
sylver spones, my best velvett bonett, an em of gold, a bed of
domyx, my best fedder bed with al thinges longyng therto,
and all the hyngynges yat longes to the great chambre at Cod-
nowre. Item I bequeith to my doghter, Elisabeth, a trust bed
with a teester of grene and rede, my secund fedder bed, a ryng
of gold, iiij sylver spones, a goblet w*oute cover, my best salt
with the cover, a wolsted kyrtyll unmayde, and all my hyng-
ynges of grene and rede, and al thing perteynyng to the fore-
sayd fedder bed. Item I bequeith to Elisabeth Curson a fedder
bed that she lyeth in, a blanket, a pare of mydlyng sheittes, a
bolster, and a coverlett. Item I bequeith to my suster ShefiFeld
a brache of gold. Item I bequeith to Cicyle Zowche the fur
that is in my damask gowne ; and to my son Henry the damask.
Item to my two doghters a velvett gowne, Mary to chose
whether she will have the gowne or the fur. Item I bequeith
to Edward Thurland a litle crosse of gold with stones in it.
Item I wyll that all my napery ware, diaper, and othir, be
divided bettwene my two doghtors. Item I bequeith to Elisa-
beth Hunt my secund velvett bonett, and x s. Item to my
cooke xs. Item to Richard, my servaunt, a bay nnggj and
vj 8. viij d. Item to Clerk, my baylye, a yong colte. Item to
John, my servaunt, a yong best^. Item to the madyn that
came to me last, xij d. Item to the othir that came before her,
ij 8. Item to everychon of my hynes iiij s, iiij d. Item to
Margarett Lane a calf. Item to Margaret Danport a calf. Item
I will yt at the daie of my bereall that I be ba*oght home after
my degre and power, at the discreccion of my brother. Sir John
Willoghby, and myn execntours. Item I will that a hole yere
after my depart^yng, fy ve tapers bume over me every holy daie
in service tyme that yere. Item I bequeith to a preist, to syng
a trentall of Masses for my husbond saule and myn, x s. Item,
when I am broght home, and my dettes payd, if the residew of
my goode will extend, I wold have a preist to syng a hole yere
for my husbond soule and myn. Item I beseke my sonne
George of my blessyng to be goode brother to my two doghters,
and naturally help yame to hys power. The residew, forsoth,
of my goodes, abuff nott beqweithed, I leve with my sonne,
Henry Zowche, and my cosyn, Henry Grey Esquier, and my
twoo doghters, Mary and Elisabeth, whiche foure I make myn
executours, to dispose the resydew of my goodes, above not
bequeithed, as they thynk best, to the pleasour of God and
helth of my saule. Item I beseke my brother. Sir John
Willoghby, to be supervisour of this my last wyll, and se myn
executours trewly performe itt. These being wytnes Sir Wil-
liam Halam preist, Richard Wydoson, and Elles Badcok yomen,
and Sir Richard Smyth, parson of Wollaton. Gyffen att Chil-
well, the daie and yere aforesayd.
[Pr. 8th March, 1530-1, adm. to Mary, one of the ex**, the others renouncing.]
[Reg. Test. x. 82.]
Dec. 22^ 1 530. William LeryfiFax of Beverlay, draper. To
be buried in the chnrch of our Blissed Lady in Beverlay, nygh
nnto the grave of Robert LeryfiFax, my father, if it pleasse
Almyghty God yt I depart frome this world in Beverlay ; and,
elly8, 1 will it be buried in the next holy ground, where it shall
please Almyghty God to call me fix)me this wriched world. To
Elyn Leryffax, my mother, x li. To Anne, my wyff, one half
messe . . . so yt she upphold and reparacion it. If Robert,
my son, dye . . . my supervisores shaU sell the forsaid howse
• • • & by a cope of welwet and a westment of the same, with
two tunieles, two copies to stand in the qwhere w* an ymage of
gold of Sanct John of Beverlay of yche one of thame, and litill
ymages of Sanct George in gold, and iiij lettirs of gold of yche
one of thame, W and L., R and an L., y ff the money will mount
BO far ; or, els, so fer as the money will goo ; iflF the money will
mount fiirther, it is my will to have other two copies for ij
clerkes to stand in of some other thyng nere unto the same
colour ; and, iflF ony thyng remayn, I will that the said super-
visores doo bestow it in such thynges as y** shall thynke moste
necessary for the mayntenyng of the service of Almyghty Grod»
I gyve unto my Lord, Thomas Prior of Watton, a woman's
gowne of tawny damaske without sieves to his owen use, and
to doo with as he will. To my Lord, Richard abbot of Meuxe,.
a kirtill of tawny sattyn to his use, besechyng thame boith
that thay wil be gud lordes with Robert, my son, yf it please
thame to have his witword and porcion in keping, that y**
may knaw how it is spendid in his bringing uppe, for I holy
putt hym and it to thar ordering and oflf Maister Robert Waid,
and in no way that he be in his mother' keping.
[Beg. Test. x. 69.]
Deo. 28, 1530. John WadeluflT, of the parishing of Darfeld.
To be beried wHn the church of Alhalowis in Darfeld, betwene
the pictor of Seynt Sonday,* and the pictor of Seynt Erasmus,
in the north syde of the church. To the omamentes of our
Lady alter xijd. To the omamentes of Seynt Jame3 alter
viij d. . . . To the reparacion of a new Rode loft in Darfeld
church X markes, yflf it be begune w4n thre yeres next comyng ;
and, if it be nott begune w4n thre yeres, then I will that my
executores disposse the said x markes, as they thynk best, for
the helth of my soull. I gyff a hyeflf of beis to keip the lyght
afore Seynt Sonday and Seynt Erasmus. To a preist, to syng
for my soule in the church of Darfeld, the space of thre yeres,
to be put in by my executores, xviij markes. To the repara-
cion of Darfeld brige vj s. viij d. To the reparelling of Merle
brig xiij s. iiij d. To the mending of Byllyngley bryge vj s. viij d.
To the mending of the way at Hallfeld knoll x s. Son Robert
W. his wife and children. Bror Mr Thos W.
♦ This will Burprise many. There are other instances.
[Reg. Test. x. 37.]
In the name of God, Amen. The yere of onr Lorde God, a
thowsand, fyve hundreth and thulye, the iiij*** dale of Fehr', I
John Ledum,* burges of Whytby, being of hoole mynd and
goode remembrance, ordeyneth and malqrth my testament and
last will in manner and forme foloyng. Furst, I bequeith my
Boule to Almyghtie God, and to Hys blessed mother our Lady
Saynt Mary, and to all the celestiaUie company in hevyn ; and
my body to be buryed within y® church of Whytby. Also I
bequeith for my buriall vj s. viij d. Also to the hye altar, for
my forgotten tythes, x s. Also to my Lord Abbot, for absolu-
cion, X s. Also to M. Prior iij s. iiij d. and to echone of ihe
brether ij s., to sai Mea and Dvrige for my saule. Also I will
that the way betwixt my closse end and Floyrgate ciosse be
mayd. Also to makyng owte of the way in Wharrell lone xx s.
Also to my Lord Prior of Guysbum, for absolucion, vj s. viij d.
And to the brethem, for Mease and Di/rigie^ xx s. Also to the
Frears of Hertilpole v s. And to the Frears Observaundes of
Newcastell v s. And to the Frears of AUerton v s. And to the
Frears of Yarom v s. Also to the Frears Austen of Yorke, v s.
Also to the Frears of Gromund vj s. viij d. Also to the thre
Orders of Scardburgh, eche on yame, v s. Also I bequeith to
John Pacok, for the behufe and kepyng of Agnes Johnson,
yj li. xiij s. iiij d. Also Rycherd Johnson, xxs. and a jakkett.
Also I bequeith to Elisabeth Sokysforth xl s. Also to Agnes,
her suster, xx s. And to Janett Postgate xx s. And to Lau-
rence Massom iij li. vj s. viij d. Also to Robert Dayll wyflF x s.
And to thirtene poore madens manages iiij li. yj s. viij d. Also
I bequeith a mattres, ij coverlettes, ij blankettes, iiij sheyttes,
a bolster, and ij coddes, for to make a bed to refresshe poer
people ; &, to the kepar of itt, iij s. iiij d. Also I bequeith to
a preist, to syng for me and my wiff vij yeres, xxviij li. vj s. viij d.,
and to fynde hym breide and wyne, the whiche I wyll Sir
Thomas Watson have so longe he pleas. Also to Sir John
Roger V a. And to Sir Thomas Russell v s. And to Sir John
Kyldale iij s. iiij d. And to the churche halowyng, if it go
furthwardes, xl s., and, if nott, it to remayn to my supervisors,
that they may dispose it for the health of my soule and my
wifiFes. Also to the kyrk wark xiij s. iiij d. Also to the peir,
♦ The wiU of an honest, charitable man, throwing much light upon the earlj
history of Whitby.
eboracensia: 301
if it go fiirthwardes, xl s. Also to George Bushell my horse,
or elles xl s., and to hys wyff a peyce of sylver. Also, for ten
yere, ten chawder of coilles, for to be distributed to poore
people, 1 8. Also to kepe vij U, wax vij yere in serges, one
afore the Sacrament, one afore the Rode, one afore our Lady of
Pitie, one afore Saynt John, one afore Saynt Kateryn, one afore
our Lady byhynd the hye altar in the Abbay churche, an other
afore Saynt Hylde, xxxs. Also xiij garmentes to xiij pore
people, xl 8. Also to Fylyng churche iij s. iiij d. Also to Aws-
karth chapell iij s, iiij d. Also to Dunslay chapell iij s. iiij d.
And to Sander Jonnson a why. And to Herry Lasynby a
sylver spone. And to Sir Bichard Lasynby a belt digbt with
sylver. Also to Cristofer Soger a silver spone. Also to
Gregory Pacok a masser and sex sylver spones. And to Agnes
Pacok my best masser, my best peyse, & x sylver spones. Also
to Elisabeth Pacok a masser, and vj sylver spones. Also to
Alison Marchand iij s. iiij d., or, elles, a belt dight with silver.
Also to Robert Rede, sonne of John Rede, a whye. Also to
Margaret Rede, hys suster, iij s. iiij d. Also I will that Robert
DayU wyff and her ij sonnes have xij yerdes of the aforesayd
garmentes. Also Agnes Pacok my best belt and my best
beedes. Also to Elisabeth Pacok my next best belt and beedes.
Also Elizabeth Wryght a yonge cow. Also Janet Baxter a cow.
Also to Gregory Pacok x li. And to Agnes Pacok, hys suster,
X li. And Elizabeth Pacok x li. Providit alway that and if the afore
sayd Gregory, Agnes, & Elizabeth depart furth of this world to
the marcy of God, then I will that the goodes of theym that so
departyth shal be divided in thre parti ez, that is to say, ij
partes to the othir childer then beyng alyve, and the third
parte to be distributed for my soule and my wiffe's soule. Also
I giff to Robert Merley ij yonge oxen. And to Cristofer Post-
gate child a why. And to yonge Richerd Johnson vj stone of
hemp and a nett and a warrope. Also to Janet Pacok iij s. iiij d.
Also I giff to Saynt Nynian in Scotland yj s. viij d. And
twenty stone bempe to be delt to pore fyshermen. Also I
bequeith to iche altar in the Abbay churche one pound wax.
And to Handell abbay vs. And to Margaret Wright iij s. iiijd.
And to William Fletchar a whye. And to John Roger a stott.
And for v Meaaehookes xs. And to the stallyng of the parishe
church X li. And to Herry Herryson a quarter of whete. And
to Sir Thomas Watson a jakket. * And to Herry Wower a
jakkett. And to George Sykysworth a jakket and a payre of
hoose. And to iche of Robert Merley childre a wedder or a
yowe. Also I will that all suche bargans as George Bushell
and I er compercioners att, thatt Sir Ryohard Merley and John
Paook shall have and oscryame to y' most profett and advauni-
age. Also I ordeyn and make Agnes Pacok to my ftill and
hoole executrix of suche goodes as shall remayn after my will
be fulfilled, and othir thynges, whiche I put unto the discrecdoii
of my supervisours of this my testament and last will ; whome
I ordeyn and make Sir Rychard Marley and John Pacok. And
eyther of yame to have for there labour xl s. and all y"* costes
bom. And the said Sir Bychard and John to be fdU and hooU
mynysters, to order and ftdfyll thys my hooll and last wyll,
who I putt in full strength, power, and auctoritie, as well to
have the order, rewle, and guydyng of the sayd Agnes Pacok,
Gregory Pacok, and Elizabeth Pacok, as of the goodes cont'
mitted \into yame by thys my will. And if the sayd Agnes^
Gregory, and Elisabeth, or any of yame, wil not be orderf by
the said Sir Bichard and John, then the sayd Sir Richard
Marley and John Pacok to order and dispose the goodes assigned
and limitted by thys will to yame who vrill refuse to be at y*
order and rewle and guydyng as the said Sir Bichard and John
shall thynk best. Theis witnessys, George Bushell, John Agar,
Richard Clerk brewer, John Cokay, with many oyer moo.
[Reg. Test. x. 91.]
Feb. 1 4, 1 530-1 . Thomas Smyth, of Pontefret, Alderman.*
To be beried w*in the parishe chirch oflf Allhallowis in Ponte-
* i Aug. 1529. William Mares, oderwise called William Purser, of Pom-
frete, alderman. To be beiyed within the parishe kyrke of All hallowea in
Pomfrete, of the sawthe side the gilde qaere. To mj mortoarie, my beste
beiste and my hames, of free will, to bee prayed for. To Jhesos glide xij d.
To Saincte Thomas alter vj d. For iiij candles at my Dirigie and Maule Mcste
vj d. To the parishe preiste, the Ladle preiste, and the gilde preiste of Saincte
Giles chapell, to every one of theme being at my Savle Meme and JHrigie^
iiij d. I will that the iiij kirke maisters, being at my Obite and Saule Meste,
ij of theme to offer an halfpenye, and th'oder ij an oder halfpenye of theire
owne purses, & one of my feoffes to offer my hede messe penye. The residew of
the viij s. to be disposed in brede and aile to poore people. [Reg. T^t. iz. 472.]
[Pr. 2 Dec. 1529.]
25 Nov. 1629. Roger Ward, alderman of Pontefract. To bee buryed in
my parishe chorche yearde of All halowes in Pomfrete, nygh northe dore. I
bewit to everye preiste at Saincte Egidie chapell viij d., beside dutyes of
churche, to saye Mimrere PsaZme and De ProfundU for my saule. I wit to
Acworthe churche for ever one house w* a garthing in Nether Acworthe, at
Meresjde, wiche John Warde, my uncle, dwelles in. [Reg. Test. ix. 478.]
[Pr. 4 Apr. 1530.]
fret, in the south syde of the said church, nere unto the gylde
qwere of Corporis Christi. Also I gyve and bequeth to the
Prior of Monastary of Sanct John the Evangelist, and to the
Convent, to the intent to be absolved in the chapitour hows,
and to have one Derige and one SaU Mease the day of my
beriall, or else"W*in the space of ij dayes then next foloyng, x 8»
Also I gyff and bequeith to every preist in the parishe church,
and in the chappell of Sanct Grylis, beyng at my Derige and
SavU Meaeej the day of my beriall, yj d. Also I gyve and
bequeith to the Freers in Pontefret, to the intent to have one
Derige and one Saull Mease the day of my beriall, or els in the
momyng next fblovdng and insewing, v s. Also I gyve and
bequeith to the chappell of Sanct Antony in Cartmell feld, in
the parishing of Cartmell, one chales, in valow xl s. Also I
gyflf and bequeith to the mendyng of the caussay in the layn y^
goeth to E^thirstone more v s. Also I gyve and bequeith to
our Lady service in the chappell of Sanct Gillis in Pontefret one
Utill crosse of Isilver, to the intent to have my name regest in
our Lady Messe boik in the Canon, that my saull, and my wyff
saull, w^ all Christen saullis, may be praid for by the preist y^ is
now in present; and w^ all other y^ is to come, as long as the
service doith indure and last* Also I gyff and bequeith to
every one of my god childer iiij d. Also I gyff and bequeith to
Margarett Anderson, my servaunt, one reid whye. Also I gyff
and bequeith to Alyson Elslay, my servaunt, on blak whye.
Also I gyff and bequeith to Agnes Cowhill, my servaunt, on
yong reid whye. The residew of all my guddes, not bequethed,
my dettes paid, and my funerall expense} maid the day of my
beriall, I gyff thame hoolly and frely to E3abell Smyth, my wyff,
the which Isabell I ordan and make myn executrix off this my
testament and last will. Thes beyng witnes, Sir Thomas
Looge, Lyonell Boulston, Robert Gregson, Nycholes Akland,
and John Rodley, w* other moo. Maid and gyvyn at Ponte-
frett, the day and yere above writtyn.
[Pr. 26 Sept. 1631.]
[Reg. Teat. x. 99.]
In Dei nomine. Amen. Anno Domini, m"® quinquagesimo
xxxj™**, octavo die mensis Augusti, I, Sir Robert Denton, of
Doncaster,* preist, beyng of hoill wit, ordans and makes my
* One of the clerical staff at Doncaster His will is evidently self-made,
and is interesting in language and feeling.
testament and last will in maner and forme foloayng. In
primis, I gyflf my sauU to Almyghty Qt)d, our Lady Sanct
Marie Virgin, and all the Blissid Compeny of Hevyn ; and my
body to be beried in the parishe church of Sanct (Jeorge of
Doncaster, betwixt Sanct Christofer and the fount ; and the
day of my beriall a principall Derive wHhe Suffrage^ and every
preist of Sanct George kirk to have vj d. and the cursse viij <L
and the parishe preist xij d. And to the Vicar, to say Messe^
Plcbceboj and Derige for my sauU, xij d. ; if he will not, I will he
have nothing. Item I wit to Sanct Peter wark of York myo-
ster iij s. iiij d. Item to the Gray Freeres, for one Mease of
Requiem yerely to be said, and the belman to go, after the cua-
tome, xiij d. Item I wit to the Freers Carmeltanes, after the
said maner of the Gray Freers. Item I wit to the jiarishe
church of Sanct George of Doncaster, after the said maner, one
Obit Meaee of xiij d. to the day that I am beried appon, and the
Messez at the Freers on ij holy days next after as long as my
feoffees lyffes ; and, after the deth, I will at the Messez at the
Freers sease at boith the Freers, and shall retome into a prin-
cipall Derige in Sanct George kirk of Doncaster, to be selebrait
w* a Obit Mease yerely for ever more, for my saull and my
factores, and all Cristen saullis, and yes Messez and my princi-
pall Derige be doyn yerely of all my landes, as is afore writtyn,
be my feoffes, Thomas Ellis and Sir Edmund Smyth preist,
duryng yer lyffes. Item [I] will y* Elizabeth, my brother
doughter, have prophettes of my howse in Marsegate to hir
releiff, when she commys to yeres of mariege, or is maried, for
terme of hir lyeff ; and, after hir deceasse, then I will the said
mease retume agayn to my said feoffes, Thomas EUys, and Sir
Edmund Smyth, she bering charge of the said mease for hir
quantetie, and all charges concemyng my testament. Item I
will y* my said feoffes have all my landes to ther owne use
duryng ther lyffes, except the meysses afore writtyn. Item I
will y* my said feoffes deill in almose in v principall feastes in
the yere, in every feast iiij d. Item I will y* my feoffes make
sure all my landes, when y** ar in helth, y* after the decease of
thame, my afore writtyn principall Obit may be doyn trewly
every yere perpetually after ther decease, as is before writtyn,
yerely, the valour of it vj s. viij d. : and to be takyn owt of all
my holle landes for ever more, and yai to put all the residew of
my landes to some charitable warkes in the parishe church of
Doncaster. Item I wit to Sanct George church a cope of reid
silke, ye price of xl s., and written on theorfray of thebak Den^
and, be neith, an torme^ for my name. Item I wit to M. Ellis
my best gowne. Item I wit to Sir Edmund Smyth my gowne
t>e8t bot one. Item I wit to Maistres Ellis my fether bed, so
f^ she gyflf Elizabeth Denton a mattres, when she commys to
ige of mariege. Item I wit to y* Eychard Denton and Elizabeth,
tiis syster, certan guddes, which shal be named, w*in my
3liaumbre, y* is to say, all my nappre wair, beddyng, rayment,
y^ is not gevyn, w* pewder vesell, pottes and candil stikes,
3liistes, formes, chares, payntid clothes, stuylis, and bedstokes,
y* is not in my chaumbre ; and all my bookes, except iij y* I
w'it to Sir Edmund Smyth ; y^ be on Sanct August' ad Fratres
In heremo, Landulphus de Vita Christi, and the Decretals;
ind, after his deth, it is my will y* he wit y*"* to Doncas-
bre church y* we may be prayed for. And all the residew of
my said bookes to Eychard Denton. Also I will y* Thomas
Ellis and Sir Edmund Smyth have the gyding of all the guddes
anto the said Rychard and Elizabeth com to laufull age, as my
trust is in thame. The residew of all my guddes, above not
bequethed, I gyflf and bequeith to Thomas Ellis and Sir
Edmund Smyth, and all my dettes y* is awyng to me y* y**
gett thame ; whom I ordan and makes my trew and laufull
executores, to dispose for the helth of my sauU as y** thynk
best. Thes bering witnes. Sir John Silvester preist, Johannes
Hobson, Johannes Dey ; and every vritnes oflF this testament I
wit xij d., w* other mo, the day and yere above named.
[Pr. 10 Nov. 1681.]
[Reg. Test. x. 79 &.]
Sept. 24, 1531. George Fuister,* of the parish of Kirkham.
I bequeith my sauU to the gudnes of God, to our Blissid Lady,
and to the holy compeny of hevyn, to be menars to pray for me ;
my body to be beried in the church befor the pictour of the
roid, in the south ile where Jhesus imese is downe. To my
lord, the Prior of Kirkham, one nobill of the George. To every
brother in the abba xij d., for synging Meaee & Derige at my
beriall. To the hye alter, for my teithes necgligently forgotten,
my best blak cowe that gois w* Rychard Assleby. To the
chapell w* owt the gattes ij wedders. I bequeith one alter
cloith before the roid in the south ile. Also I will y* my wyflf
shall keip one serge byrnyng at the dyvyne service before the
same roid appon my herse, the space of one yere. To my Lord
Prior iij s. iiij d., for my assolment. To Umfrey, my brother,
* A servant or retainer at Kirkham Abbey.
my levera jakett. To my suster Johan my jakitt that I maid
of my wedding gowne. To Sir James, to pray for me, xij d. I
will y* my wyff immediatly after my decesse gyve to evere
howsse wHn Kirkham j d., & she shall disposse emonges my negh-
bours such meit & drynk as she can provide at my berialL
[Pr. 20 Oct.]
[Reg. Test. x. 106.]
In Dei nomine. Amen. The vj^ day of Octobre, the yere
of our liord God a thousand fyve hundreth thirtie and one, I,
Sir William Bulmer,* the elder, knyght, of hooll mynd and
gud remembrance, ordenith and maldth my last will in maner
♦ Thia ifl the first will of a Bulmer of Wilton that exists.
May 1, 1444. Adm. Sir Ralph Bulmer, knt., granted to Wm. Lambert,
chaplain (Reg. Test. ii. 79 a).
Nov. 14, 1463. Adm. Sir Wm Bulmer, knt., to Bliz. Bulmer, his widow
(Reg. Test. ii. 692 a).
Sept. 19, 1486. Adm. Sir Ralph Bulmer of Wilton, knt., to Wm. Bulmer of
Wilton, his son (Reg. Test. v. 291 b).
It wUl be seen, therefore, that the father, g^randfather, and great-grand-
father of the testator left no wills behind them. The present will, therefore,
is of unusual interest and throws a flood of light upon the history of the
Bulmers and of the district in which they lived.
Sir William Bulmer was one of the commanders at the battle of Flodden
and was a hold and skilful soldier. He married Margery Oonyers of Hornby.
The ancient castle of Wilton stood on one of the most picturesque sites in
Cleveland and was pulled down, not so very long ago, to make place for a
modem structure, erected by the Lowthers. Every trace of the Bulmers has
long ago disappeared from the district, with the exception of two or three fine
effigies which are now exposed to wind and weather in the churchyard.
Sir William's Will shows that he was a man of business, with a clear head ;
proud, and justly proud, of his family; pious also and considerate for his
retainers and domestics. The little chapel of St. EUen stood on the village
green and had but a brief existence. Little did the testator imagine when he
was devising almost every precaution to secure the permanence of his family
and foundations, that, within six years, utter ruin would overwhelm his eldest
son and his estate.
The Inq. p. m. of Sir William Bulmer was taken on June 11, 24th Hen.
VIII., in which Sir John Bulmer was found to be his son and heir, then aged
40 and more. Sir John was twice married. His first wife was Anne dau.
of Sir Ralph Bigod of Scttrington. His second wife (if he was married at
all) was Margaret, said to have been an illegitimate daughter of Edward
Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, by whom he had several children, bom before
In 1537 Sir John and his wife were drawn into Aske's rebellion, influenced
by Sir Francis Bi«;od, his nephew. Husband and wife paid the penalty for
their offence. Sir John was hanged, drawn, and quartered at Tyburn, and his
wife burnt at Smi'hfield. In the indictment she is styled * Margaret wife of
Wm Cheyne late of London Esq ,' as if some doubt was thrown upon her mar-
nd forme folouing. Furst, I gyve and bequeith my soull unto
Ihnyghty God, and to His blissid Moder, our Lady Sanct
darie, and to all the celestiall compeny of hevyn, and my body
be beried in the church of Lethome, if I dye wHn the
^arisfae. Also I gyff and bequeith [blank']. Also I will yt my
lettes be furst.paid. Also I gyve and bequeith to the church
►f Lethome sex poundes. Also I gyff and bequeith to the
thurch of Wilton ten poundes. Also I gyff and bequeith to the
lowse of Guysbom ten poundes, & to every of my brethem of
xuysbom ij s., to pray for me ; and to the Prior vj s. viij d. Also
; gyff and bequeith to the iiij Orders of Freers, every of thame
c 8. ; and to the Observandes x s. And to the College of Stand-
'op, to the priestes thare, x s. And to the Mowntgrace, to
?very brother thar, ij s. Also I gyff to the Freers of Hertilpooll,
\llerton, and Yarome, every of yame vj s. viij d. Also I will y*
1 preist be found to syng for me, and for the saullis of my
father and mother, and for my wyff saull, and for all the saullis
Y^ I am bound to pray for, and all Christen saullis, for the
terme of vij yeres imediatly next after my deth, and the said
preist to have every yere seven marces, and this to be taken of
my guddes. Also I gyff unto my son. Sir John Bulmer, my
best chyne of gold which is in weght one hundreth poundes,
and desyrith hym to leiff it unto his son and heir. Also I gyff
unto my son. Sir Rauff Bulmer, my securid chyne of gold,
which is in weght a hundreth marces, and desyrith hym in lyek
raaner to leiff it unto his sone and heir, if he have ony ; if he
be not otherwise charged that he may not, then he to bestow
it as he shall seyme gud. Also I will y* my son. Sir William
Bulmer, have one chyne of gold worth one hundreth marces,
or els a hundreth marces to make a chyne of ; willing hym in
lyek maner to leiff it unto Fraunces Bulmer, his sou and heir,
in lyek forme as I have willid his brother. Sir Rauff. Also I
gyff unto my son. Sir John Bulmer, my best gowne and my
best dublet. And I gyff unto his wyff twenty poundes, and
hertilie desyreth hym to latt hir doo w* it what she will w* owt
riage to Bulmer. Sir John's eldest son, Ralph Bulmer, was also tried for com-
plicity in the same offence, but was acquitted. He was afterwards restored, as
far as blood was concerned, but his estates seem to have been forfeited and lost.
Sir Ralph Bulmer, the second son, married Anne dau. and coheir of Roger
Aske of Aske, near Richmond, but died without issue. This alliance explains
Sir William's bequests to the Abbey of St. Agatha (Easby), near Richmond, in
behalf of the Askes.
Sir William Bulmer, the third son, married the heiress of the Elmdens of
Elirden, co. Durham. He steered clear of the conspiracy which wrecked the
fortunes of his eldest brother, but misfortune came upon his own descendants
in the third and fourth generation. Their history, if it were told, would
almost appear too strange to be true.
X 2
any displeasour, of my blissyng. Also I gyff unto my aoo,
G-eorge Salvyn,* my best tawny velvet gowyn, and to his
wyff twenty poundes, and desyreth hym to soffer hir to doo
w* it what she will. Also I gyff unto my son, Sir Eanff
Bulmer, my best blak velvet gowne, and to his wyff twenty
poundes, and desyrith hym to suffer hir to doo w^ it what she
will. Also I gyff unto my son, Sir William Bulmer, one other
of my velvet gownys, and to his wyff twenty poundes, and
praith hym to doo as I have willid his brothers to doc. Also I
will y* Rauff Bulmer, my son Sir John Bulmer son, haith
twenty poundes. Also I will y* my son, William Bulmer,
have iij li. yj s. viij d. Also I will y' my son, Syr Rauff Bolm^,
have, to his eldest doughter marieg, a hundreth marces, wherc^
twenty poundes is paid. Also I gyve unto my son, Mathew
Boynton,t ten poundes, and to his wyff v marces. Also I gyve
unto my son. Sir William Bulmer, fyve childer, every of y*»*
XX li. towardes ther marieg. Also I will y* my nephay and
godson, William Hedlame, have twenty poundes. Also I will
y* my nephay, Rauff Hedlame, have twenty poundes. Also I
will y* Frances Salven have [blank]. Also I will that every
gentilman y* is my servaimt, takyng wages, or no wages, have
XX s., and every yoman xiij s. iiij d., and every grome x s. Also
I will y* every preist of Lethome and Wilton, and beyng not
of my hushold, and dwellers in Willton and Lethome hare
every of y*™® yj s. viij d. Also I will y* this my will be not
prejudiciall nor hurtfull to noyn of my other willes* I will
that whereas I had of myn uncle, William Bulmer, of Hertil-
pooll, forty marces, to have paid unto Jeyn Robynson, bastard
doughter of my said uncle, which forty marces I did pay unto
my Lord of Wynchester for my said uncle, yitt, y* not w^stand-
ing, insomych as I had the handling of the said money, I will
y* myn executores either recompence the said Jeyn Robynson,
or William Robynson, hir husband, for the same. Also I will
y* myn executores gyff unto the hows of Sanct Agathe J fower
poundes yerely unto the somme of one hundreti[L marces be
ronne, w* that which I have paid sence the deth of my uncle
Aske; and to the Abbot to cause a chanon to syng at the
parishe church of Eisby according to the will of myn uncle
Aske, unto such tyme as the said hundreth marces be ronne,
w* that I have paid. And if the Abbot will not so doo, then I
will that myn executores take as mych of myn guddes, over
• Margery Bulmer marr. George eon and heir of Sir Ralph Salvin.
f Matthew Boynton is said in the Visitation of 1684 to have marr. Anne
dau of Sir Jokn Bulmer.
I i.e. Easby Abbey, near Richmond.
& above tbe resydew of the hundreth marces unspent, and as
mych more as will porches fower poundes landes yerely for
ever more, to a preist to syng at the parish ehm-ch of Eisby,
for as mony yeres as the resydew of the hundreth marces wlQ
extend unto by that which is spent ; and the said preist to
pray for the saullis of myn uncle Aske, & myn awt Philice,
and for all the saullis y* they wer bound to pray for, and for
all Christen saullis ; and, after that the said hundreth marces
be paid, w* y* which is paid allredy,^ then I will y* the said
preist syng for ever more in one of the chappells at Wilton,
which as myn heir or heres shall thynk gud ; & yer to pray
for the saullis aforsaid, and for the saulis of my father and
mother, my wyfiF saull, and for my saull, and for all the saullis
y* I am bound to pray for, and for all Christen saullis, and the
said preist to be at the nominacion of myn heir, if he be forth
of wardship, &, if he be in wardship, then I will the nomina-
cion of the said preist be at the next of my bloid beyng at full
age, and if noe such of my bloid and named be, then I will for
y* tyme onely, or for als oft os it shall soo forton, that the said
preist shal be at the nominacion of the Prior off Gisbom for
the tyme beyng. Also I will y* myn executores gyflF unto my
cosyn, Thomas Dalarever,* ten poundes, whether he will, in
money or in guddes, as it is prasid. Also I will y' fro the tyme
my childer be servyd of the rayment which I have bequethed
thame, that [6ZanA;] have the next best gowne ; and the resy-
dew of my raymentes not bequethed I will y* it be bestowed
emonges my servandes, by the discrescion of myn executores ;
furst to my servandes of my chambre, and such other os haith
taken payn for me, and to the other of my servaundes, ac-
cordyng to ther deservyng. Also I ordeyn and make myn
executores of this my last will my sonys Sir John Bulmer, Sir
Banff Bulmer, and Sir William' Bulmer, to dispose the resydew
of my guddes, not bequethed, for the well of my saull as y**
shall thynk ; and my son. Sir John Bulmer, to have for his
labour twenty poundes ; and my son, Sir Rauff Bulmer, for his
labour, ten poundes ; and my son. Sir William Bulmer, for his
labour, ten poundes. And I will y* all other charges abowt
the performance of this my last will shal be borne of my
guddes, so y* y^ take uppe thame to performe this my last will,
by the advice and counsell of myn especiall gud lord, my Lord
f Westmerland, my Lord Conyers, and my son, Sir Thomas
Tempest, whome I orden and make supervisours of this my last
* Feb. 8» 1469-70, marr. lie. between Mann. De la River and Agnes
Bnlmer, in the chapel of Haddleeey. She was Sir Wm. Bolmer's aunt.
Thomas De la River of Brandesbj was the eldest son of Marmadoke.
will ; and I moost humbly besykes my said gud lord, my had
of Westmerland, and my Lord Conyers, and my son. Sir Thomat
Tempest, y* it will please thame to take the payn at this mj
powr request so to be ; and, where as any dowt shall be eraonge
myn executores for eny thyng declared in this my will, y* it
may be determyned by thame ; and, if ony of myn executores
will not so be ordred, then I will by y** my wilJ j* thay thai
will not so be ordred shall mynystre noyn of my guddes. And
I gyff and bequeith unto my said gud lord, my Lord of We^-
merland, for his payn and labour takyn herein, twentie poundes,
and my best horse, if he be worth twenty nobils ; and if he be
not worth twenty nobils, then I will y* he have twenty nobils,
to by a horse w* all. Also I will y* my Lord Conyers have for
his payn and labour taken herein a nest off boUis of silver w*
one coveryng, or els in money twenty poundes. Also I will f
my said son, Sir Thomas Tempest, have for his payn and
labour taken herein, vj li. xiij s. iiij d. Also I will my said gad
lord, my Ix)rd of Westmerland, my Lord Conyers, and my sou,
Sir Thomas Tempest, have thare costes borne of my guddes, for
all such costes and charges as y** shal be put to at eny tyme
for the performaunce of this my said will. Also as I have
named my son, Sir John Bulmer, to have beyn one of myn
executores, I will y* he be noyn of thame, bot he to sufi&e his
two brether luffyngly to occupy and mynystre all and every
ray guddes favorably w^owten ony interrupcion of hym, and he
to have for his so doyng and sufiFering thre hundreth poundes,
and my chyne and hushold stuff at Wilt>on, which afore I have
bequethed hym ; and in lyek maner he to suffer his brether to
have melling w* my chauntre at Wilton, and to se the preistes
and bead men thare to have at y^ shuld have, and all otiier my
servandes, according as I have bequethed thame. In witnes
herof, I, the said Sir William, hathe set to my seall and sub-
scribed my name, the day and yere abovesaid.
This Will Indentid, 1«* October, 23*'> Henry the Eght, wit-
nessith that wher William Eure knyght. Sir Thomas Tempest,
Eauff Bulmer, William Bulmer yonger, knyghtes, and Robert
Bowes esquier, by force of Writt of Entre in le post, have
recoverd ayenst me. Sir William Bulmer th'elder, knyght,
twelf mesuages, ccxl** acres land, cc acres medow, and cc acres
of pasture, w* the appurtenaunce, in Sutton Dripoill and Stayn-
ferre, and also in the third parte of the maner of Sutton . . .
to the use of my last Will. And where also the right honor-
gtble and my gnd lord, Kauflf Erie of Westmerland, and other
bis coefefiFe5, stand and be seasid . . of the maners of Sutcottes,
A^ttynwyke, Foxston, Letle Buskby, Garton, et Langtoft, &
Day landes . . . wMn the cetie of Yorke . . to the performance
of my last Will, Be it theirfor knawen that I . . ordenyth
• • . that they shall stand & be seasid of and in all and
every the premises too and for the use of me, the said Sir
William Bulmer th'elder, duryng my lyff natnrall . . excepted
certan landes & tenementes, percell of the premisses, to
yerely valour of xx**, which I will y* my son, John Bulmer,
shall have, to sell or putt away at any tyme at his pleasour.
After the deth of me . . . my feofiFe3 to receyre cxl'* for the
payment of my dettes and performaunce of my legace3 . . . ,
then to be seasid . . to the use of Sir John Bulmer knyght,
my son and heir apparent, for and duryng his lyff naturall ; and,
after his deth, to the use of Rauff Bulmer, son of the said Sir
John Bulmer, & the heirs of his body laufuUy begotten . . ,
then to William Bulmer, brother of the said Rauff, etc . .
(The other lands, etc., to go in the same way.) Providid alway
that yff at any tyme here after it shall happen eny servauntes,
gentilmen, or yomen, belonging to me, to be hurted or maned
in my compeny in the tyme off warre or otherwyse, that then,
as well the said Sir William Eure & other his recoverers . . •
stonnde & be seasid of the said landes & tenementes, to
the yerely cleir valor of xl s., to the use and behove of eny
gentilman that is so hurted or maned in my service; . •
to the valor of xx^ s. viij d. to the use and behove off
eny yoman . • • , for the terme of their lyves. Also I, the
said Sir William, willith, • • they shall stand & be seasid of
landes & tenementes lymitted by this Indentour of the
performaimce of my Will, and for the performaunce & pay-
ment of ccc*^ and xx** marces, to be paid to Thomas Layton
Esquier, and his ex", of & for the mariege of Mathew Boynton,
son and heir of the said Thomas, w* Anne Bulmer doughter of
the said Sir John Bulmer, yf y* it happen the said Mathew
and Anne to be maried togeders, • • and if it happen the said
John Bulmer knyght to have any moo doughters, then . . to
be seasid in ccc*** marces to and for the marieg of every doughter.
. . I will y* y* saide sommes of money so delivered frome
tyme to tyme unto the Prior of Guysbron, to keip for the
suertie5 of the said Anne, and other doughter of the said Sir
John Bulmer knyght, yf he happen to have any moo. Also I
will that where uppon the convenauntes of mariege had betwyn
me, the said Sir William, and Sir Rauff Bigod, of and for the
mariege of John Bulmer knyght, my son and heir, and Anne
doughter of the said Syr Rauff, it was agreid, for the jojntG
and feoffement of the said Anne, lanndes & tenementes id
Bulmer, to the yerely valour of xx li«, shuld be assigned and
lymittid to the said John & Anne for terme of lyve . . I haw
assigned that my feoffes of my manor and lordiship of Throp
Bulmer shall . . be seasid of lanndes . . to the yerely valoor
of XX**, to the use of the said John & Anne • • in recompence
of lanndes • • in Bulmer ; always except and foresaved that
such landes • • in Throp Bulmer as be assigned to & far the
fyndyng of a preist be not parcell. My recoverers to be seasekl
of lonndes . • to the yerely valor of xx^ marces, to the use of
Kauff Bulmer knyght, my son, for terme of his lyve, pro-
vidid alway y^ if the said Banff have lonnd, fee, or office to the
yerely valour of xl** marces by me . • or els if y* the said Banff
have • • the issues & profettes of lonndes & ten^ in Marrjke to
the yerely valour of xl^ marces . . uppon covenauntes of mariege
betwix hym and Anne Aske, that then my recoverers . • • stonnd
seaseid of the premissej to the use of the said John • • • and of
xx^ marces to the use and behove of William Bulmer, knjght,
my son, for terme of his lyff • . provided alway (as just before)
or els if the said William have • . yerely the issue5 . . d
lanndes . • to the yerely valour of xl** marces hut William
Elmden Esquier that then (as just before). . My feoffe3 to stand
seasid of the reversion of all the lanndes . . lait William
Mowbray, to the use of the said Sir John Bulmer for his lyff,
& aftre his death to the use of Banff his son. I will that
Dame Anne Bulmer wyff of my son Sir John Bulmer knyght,
& Anne Bulmer wyff of Banff Bulmer, his son, by reason of
noyn of thes recoverers • . be not barred of ther feoffinentes
nor thyrdes. I will that my feoffes of the maners of Eysby,
Boythorp, & Foxhallis be seasid therof, to and for the use of
Banff Bulmer, son of the said Sir John Bulmer knyght, & of
Anne wyff of the said Banff, for terme of ther lyves, and to the
longar lyffer . . then to the heiris of the body of the said
Banff lefully begotten . . for defeute to William, his brother.
Thes witnes8e3 Jamys Prior of Gysbron, Thomas Percy esquier,
Thomas Blith chanon, George Bulmer esquier. Sir Bobert
Ward chapleyn. Sir Bychard Merley parishe preist off Wilton,
Thomas Blenkynsope, John Elder, Thomas Delarever, Umfta
Lysle, Jerret Herron, William Whitby, Bychard Whitby, Peter
Percie, etc.
Oct. 5th, 23rd Henry VIII. Feoffment of manors of
Suttcottes, Afctynwyke, Foxston, Litill Buskby, Garton, &
Liangtoft, etc., & of lands, etc. in York to Ralph Earl of
Westmerland, Sir John Lumley knight. Sir Chr. Conyers
knight, Sir ITiomas Tempest knt, Sir 'fiiomas Hilton knt, Sir
Balph Buhner knt, Sir Wm Bnlmer jun. knt, Robert Bowes,
Thos Delarever, Matthew Boynton, John Bentley, Esquiers,
Thos Franke clerk, & Wm Belt.
First, the said Maister shal be resident at the said chap-
pell, nprysing and downe lying, and to say Messe dailie at the
said chappell, when as he shalbe dysposid so to do ; or, at the
lest, upon the Holy day, the Wednysday and Friday ; and at
the lavytory of the Mease to tome hym abowt and say [2)e
Profundis] on hyght, w' one humble, laudable voce, for the
8aule3 of my fader and moder, my wyff, my uncle sanies, myn
awnt saulle5, my breder saules, my suster sanies, and for all my
elder saule3, and for the prospirite of our sufferand lord the
King, and my lord legatt, and my lord of Wynchester, w* all
other lordes of his counsell, and for my childer.
Item the said Maister to say, two tymes in the weik. Placebo
and Derigey w* the Cornmendacione, for all Christen saulls.
Item uppon the Holy day the Maister to dispose hym to say
Meese at such resonable tyme of the day, so y^ he may be at
the church at Eye Mease^ ther to help to mynystre devyn
service ; and the brether, beyng powre men, in lyk maner to
be thar, havyng no resonable cause to the contrary.
Item the said Maister shall not at noo tyme absent hym-
self frome the chappell over the space of one day and one nyght
w*owt licence, and not to be ofte.
Item the said M'. being admit to the said service, shall
leifif and depart &ome it to noyn oder promocion w^owten the
assent and consent of [blcmk'].
Item if the said M*" depart fiirth of this world, being maister
of the said chappell, shall leiff the third parte of his gudde to
goo to the mayntenyng and upholding of the said chapelL
Item the said Maister shall enforme and teche such beidmen
as shalbe at the said chapell to say thar De Profundis and
the psalme Miserere,
Item the said M% at sex of cloke at mome and sex of
cloke at nyght, cause the bell of the said chapell to be ronngen
by one of the breder of the said chapell, as his course shall
come abowt, by the space of one quarter of one howre ; and the
said Maister and brether do resorte unto the said chapell by the
bell sease ryngyng, and ther the said Maister to sa j De Pro-
fundia for aU Cristen saullis, and especially for my father
sauli, and mother sauU, my wyff saull, myn uncle Aske sauU,
and for my brother William Elmeden saull, and for ther wyffes'
saullis, and for all the saullis y* I am bound to pray for, and
for all Cristen saullis ; and the beidmen y* can say De JPro-
fundisy and the said M*^ shall in a treitable manner, of mesar-
able hight, y* every mane3 voce may be herd, say De Profundis
and Miserere psalme.
Item if ther be ony admitt to be brother y* cannot say De
Profundia and Miserere psalme, to say ther Pater Noster, th«-
Ave and Creid w* the Salter of our Lady, unto such tyme as
y** can say De Profundis and Miserere salme.
And then the said Maister to say Mattena, or what other
prayers it shall please hym, to such tyme as he go to Meaae^
and at the lavitory of the same Messe the same Maister to say,
as afore is said, De Profundis w* one humble, laudable voce,
and the said brother in lyke maner to help hjma, or els to say
thame self: and after Jf^««e, when the preist doith oflF his cloys,
to say Miserere psalme.
And at Evensong the preist to say his Evensong in the
chapell, except one resonable cause, and, after Evensong, to say
in the honour of our Blissid Lady, Salve Regi/na^ w* De Pro-
fvmdis for all Cristen sauUes, in lyke maner as is aforsaid.
And also to have in remembrance to pray for all my ser-
vauntes' saules y* be departid furth of this world.
Item such days in the weik as the Maister shall say Placebo
and Derigej w* Commendacums^ for all Cristen saule3, the said
Maister to say it in chapell, and the said brether to be present
at the same tyme to say the Salter of our Blissid Ladie and
the Salter of our Lord.
And the oder preist, being brother unto the said M"", to say
Messe daily at the church of Lethome, at our Ladye alter ther,
or, at the lest, uppon the Holy day, Weddynsday, and Fryday,
except a resonable cause to the contrarie ; and to use hym self
at the lavytorie of the Messe in lyke maner as the Maister shall
doo at the said chapell of Sanct Elen's ; and at such tyme as
the M*" shalbe absent frome the said chappell of Sanct Elen's,
then the said preist, being brother unto the said M% to say
Messe at the said chappell of Sanct Elen's.
And the said preist, being broder imto the said Maister, to
use hym self in daily prayer after such maner as the Maister
of the said chappell shall doo, and in all other causes like as is
And the [blamJc] beidmen to do such thynges sls y** shalbe
assigned unto, either to kepe gamers, yaittes, makyng of hay,
or such other necessaries and lyght labors, by the Maister of
the same chapell.
And y* every of said brether, every day in the weik, aither
in the said chappell, or in the feldes or oder place where y**
shalbe, to say dailye Salter of our Blissid Lady, w^ the Salter of
our Lord.
And if ther be ony guddes or other thynges geven by ony
person or persons hereafter to the mayntenyng and upholding
of the said chapell of Sanct Elen's, or the M*", broder, or beid-
men of the sanae, y* y** shall not y*" in ther prayers lykwyse as
ther reward shalbe unto thame.
Always provided that if any of thame, aither the M% brother,
or beidmen, happen to be disseasid or seik, so y* at y* tyme thay
may not come to the said chappell of Sanct Elen's, to say such
prayers as y^ aught to doo, that to be maid knowen unto the
parishe preist of Wilton for the tyme being, and he to shew it
to me or myn heires ; and y^ to have licence to take ther
easse for y* tyme, and to say such prayers as y^ resonable may.
And when any of the said M% brother, or beidmen de-
parteth, y* the said M', brother, to say Placebo and Derige with
UorrimendacioTia for hym the day of his departing, or the
morow next after ; and the resydew of the brether to be at his
beriall, to pray for hym ; and, if he dye of no contagius seyknes,
the said M% broder, and beidmen to go w* hym to church to
his beriall.
And ons in the moneth, the first yere y^ he departeth, the
Maister and his broder to say Placd>o and Derige with (7om-
mendadona for hym, and for all Cristen saules on oder day in
the weik then is afore lymitid, and the residew of the breder
to be present at that tyme, and to say such prayers as is meitlye
for yame to say, and as y*^ shall thynk most pleasour to God
and for all Cristen saulles.
Sept. 2, 20 Hen. VIII. Makes to Sir Chr. CJonyers kt lord
Conyers, Wm Eure, Thos Tempest, Thos Hilton, Balph Bulmer,
& Wm Bulmer of Elmeden co. Durham knts, Francis Bigod,
Thos Dalarever esq", Balph Bulmer clerk, Cuthbert Fox, Peter
Marshall & Bichd Merley, chaplains, feoff* of a house lately
built by him in Wilton near St Elen's chapel, the Salte-
coit hilles & other property (enumerated) in Egton, Estco-
tome, Marske, Kirklethome, Westcotome, Loftus, Leverton,
Newby, Kepyk, Baddersby, Litill Broughton, Flaxton, Stres-
sall, litill Barghe, Kirkby Overcar, Eston, & Normanby.
In the honor of God, our Lady Sanct Marie, and in the
worshipping of the holie Sanct Elyn, and to th'enteut that mj
fader, my moder, my wyff, and all oUier my fryndes ajid lovers
shuld and shall for ever be honored and prayd for in the
chappell of Sanct Elyn's, wHn my heid severen of Wilton, w4n
the countie of York, and for same entent, I, the said Sir
William Buhner, knyght, willight and declaxeth by this my
will, y^ thar shalbe elect and chosen one honest preist, which
preist shalbe by me and mya heires for ever, he, and his suo-
cessours, the Maister of Sanct Elyn chappell ; and the same
preist so named by me to have to hym assigned one hows,
chaumbre, w^ all tbynges to the same belonging ; and also y^
ther shalbe w^ hym associat one other honest preist, whidi
preist shalbe named brother unto the said Maister : and the
said Mr and brother, so named and appoyntid by me, to con-
tinew during ther lyeffe3 naturall at the said chapel of Sancte
Elyn's ; and to have to thame hows, chaumbre, and all other
thynges necessary, at the same chappell off Sanct Elyn's during
ther lyeffe3 naturall ; and, at the lest, the one or boith of thame
daily to say Mesae at the said chapell of Sanct Elyn's, and
ther to pray for me, my fader, my moder, my wyff, and all
other my gud fryndes and luffers during ther said lyffes
naturall. i^d for the continuance and prayers of the said
Maister & bretheron soo doyng by the said Mr and brether,
duryng ther said lyffes naturall, at the said chapell of Sanct
Elyn's, I, the said Sir William, willith and moveth by this my
Will, y* the said Maister shall have during his lyeff naturall,
for his waigges and sellery, of the issue3, rentes, and profittes
of the landes afore putt in feoffment, yerely, at two feastes in
the yere, y* is to say at the fest of Pentecost and Martynmasse,
by even porcions of the yere, iiy poundes x s., to be paid hym
by the handes of the church maisters of Kirklethome and
Wilton, for the tyme beyng, at the ferrest w4n viij dayes next
after and immediatly folouing any of the said two feistes of
Whitsonday and Martymaese ; and if the other preist, beyng
brother unto the saide Maister, to have to hym yerely also
paid to his salarie and wages, at the said two feistes of Whit-
sonday and Martynmasse, of the landes afore putt in feoffment,
foure poundes* Also I will y* my feoffe3 and myn heires for
ever do suffer the said kirkwardens of Kirklethome and of
Wilton to take, at the said two feistes of Whitsonday and
M^rtynmes, of the fermes and occupiers of the landes afore
put in feoilinenty the issue3 and revennewe3 of the same, to
th'entent y* the said M' and brother may be trewly paid the
said wages and sellarie, for the trew doyng of ther dewties and
prayers at the said chapell of Sanct Elyn, duryng ther said
ly ves naturall.
Also I will y*, w*in the moneth next after my deth, my said
feoffe3 shall maike, or cause to be maid, unto John Hudson,
my servaunt^ a sure, suffycient estate, for terme of his lyflF, of
landes and tenementes, parcell of the premisses, to the yerely
clere valow of v merkes, over all charges ; and, if noo such
estate be maid w*in the said tyme, then I will y* my said
feoffe3 shall stand and be seasid of landes and tenementes,
parcell of the premisses, to yerely clere valew of v markes to
the use of the said John Hudson, for terme of his lyff.
And, farther, I, the said Sir William, willith y* ther shalbe
at the said chapell of Sanct Elyn's fowre powre men and a
woman, to dailly pray for me, my father, my mother, my wyflf,
and all oder my gud fryndes and lovers ; the which I will shall
have for ther salarie and wages ethre cloith, meit and drynk at
the said chappell of Sanct Elyn's, or, at the lest, one peny to
yche one of tbame of the day ; and the said peny to be paid
thame by the Maister and brother, and by the syght of myn
heires and churchwardens of Kirkelethome and of Wilton,
And to th'entent that the said Mr and brother, and all other
foure poure men and woman, may well serve God, & the wages
to thame and to yche one of tbame, according to th'entent
and meanyng of me, the said Sir William, may be trewly paid
and doyn, according to the same intent, I, the said Sir William,
by this my Will gyffes unto the said M*" and brother, and foure
powre men and woman of my said chappell of Sanct Elyn's, to
the help of paying of ther sallaries and wages forty kye and ther
calfes, the which kye and calfes, by the discrescion of my
feofiFes and the church wardens of Kirklethome and of Wilton,
and by the ordenaunce of the Maister and brother of the
chapell of Sanct Elyn's, I will the said kye be latten, and the
encreas of the said kye I will it be taken by the discrecion of
the churchwardens of Kirklethome and of Wilton, Maister and
brother, and goo to the payment of wages and reparations of
lond, fynding lightes and wyne in the chapell of Sanct Elyn's,
and other necessaries by the discrecion of my said feoflfes,
church wardens, Maister and brotheron of the said chapell of
Sanct Elyn's. And, further, I will that my said feoffes, church-
wardens of Kirklethome and Wilton, Maister and bretheron,
yerely, obs in the yere, take one hoill accompt of the revenues,
rentes, and profittes of my landes putt in feofifment, and, als),
of all thame that shall have the kye latten to thame, so y* the
somme of y^ shall extend over and above y^ that shall go to the
payment of the Maister salarie, and his broths, preistes at the
said chapell ; and over and above the salarie for the fyndjmg of
the bretheren callid fower power men and a woman, may be
taken and putt into one box, to the next yere folowing ; and if
y* next yere will not extend to so mych as shall pay the sellery
and wages abovesaid, and discharge all charges and reparacions,
deth of cattell, lyghtes, wyne, and other necessaries, then, for
that entent the same charges may be well discharged, I will
the said overplus, when any such ther beyn, be taken, and by
discrecion of my feoffe5, church wardens, Maister, and brother,
I will y** goo and discharge the selleries, wages of the Maister,
broder, and foure powre men and a woman, and all other
necessaries as by my said feoflFe3, M*^, and church wardens shal
be thought resonable. Also I will y' my said feoffe3, church
wardens content and pay yerely unto William Hethyng, my
servaunt. duryng his lyff naturall, xxx s. iiij d. Also I will that
my said feoffes and churchwardens yerely content and pay unto
my servaunt Stephen Ward, during his lyff naturall, xx s. Also
I will y^ my said feoffes ^^^ church wardens yerely content
and pay unto my servaunt and godson, William Whorleton,
during his lyff naturall, xx s.
And, further, I will that after my deith, when so ever it
shall please God to call me to His mercye, and that it shall
also please God that the Maister, brether, or any of the said
fowre powre men and woman doo dye, that, w4n a moneth next
after the deth off the said Maister, brother, or any of the said
power men and woman, myn heire shall assigne one such M.,
brother or power man or woman, as then shall fortune to be
deid ; and if myn heire happen to be w* in age at the deth of
any of the said M"*, brother, or power man or woman, or will
not assigne or nayme such Maister, brother, or power man or
woman, as then is deid, to th'entent y* this my will may take
effect, I will that, wHn thre days next after the moneth passeth
next after such deth, and noyn putt in by myn heire, my
feoffe}, church wardens of Kirklethome and Wilton, or any
of thame, putt in one M*", brother, or powre man or woman,
as so shall happen to be deid ; and if the heire, feoffej, church-
wardens cannot agre of one Maister, brother, or power man to
be putt in, then I will the Prior of Guy[s]bome, for the tyme
beyng, shall putt in such Maister, brother, or powre man, or
woman, as shall fortune to dye ; and the said M*^, brother or
powre man, or woman, so putt in by the said Prior of Guys-
borne, to be M., brother, or power man, or woman, and thereto
pray and be by all his lyflF, or hir lyff, at the said chapell of
Sanct Elyn's. And when so ever it shall forton that thre, or
two, of my said feoflfe} shall happen to over lyff the oder ther
<5oeffeoffe5, that then the said thre, or two, of thame y* doith
over lyff, shall, at the request and desyre of the said Maister,
brother, and fower powre men of the said ehappell and ther
successours, make, or cause to be maid, unto twolfe oder honest
and substanciall persons one other new feoffment, of and in all
the premisse5, thay to be therof seased to such lyke use and
intent as is conteynd in thes present indentures ; and so fro
tyme to tyme, so oft as shall happen bot two or thre of the
said feoffes to be on lyve, y* a new feoffment to be bad and
maid in maner and forme as is abovesaid, to and for the use
and intent in the said indentur mencioned and expressid. In
witnes heroff, as well I, the said Sir William Buhner, as Sir
John Bulmer knyght, my son and heire, and Rauff Bulmer,
son & heir of the said Sir John Bulmer, haith set to our
seallis and suscribid our names, the xx^ day of Septembre, the
XX** yere of the reigne of oiu* soverand lord Kyng Henry
the viiij***.
Robert Hathen, John Porter,
Robert Marsk, Thomas Un^
thank, beidmen
Agnes Haxthorp, beidwoman
Willelmus Bulmer, John Bulmer, Rauff Bulmer.
Sir Robert Waid M. of the
said chapell.
Sir John Lynescaill, broder to
the said Maister.
[Pr. 4 Nov. 1631 ; adm. to the ex", power being reserved to Mr. John
[Reg. Test. xi. 181.]
In the name of God, Amen. The sexte daye of Decembre,
in the yeare of our Lord God, m*ccccc*** xxxj***, and in the xxiij^*^
yeare of the reigne of our soveraigne Lord, King Henry
th'eight, I, John Roclyf,* of Colthorpe, knyght, beyng of hole
mynd and perfyte remembrance, thankes bee to Almyghty God,
• A most interesting will, probably drawn up by one of the Grey Friars of
York, who so largely benefited by it. Their hopes, however, were completely
frustrated, as the will fellto the ground, probably through want of assets, and
the executors refused to act.
The will of Sir Brian Rocliffof Cowtborpehas been printed alread}'.
ordan and make thys my last will and testament in maner and
forme folowing. That ys to saye, fyrst and principallie, I
bequethe my saule unto Almyghtie God, and to our Ble^ed
Ladye Hys modre, and to all the Holye Companye of heveo,
my bodye to bee buried in the Gray Frears churche w*in the
eytye of Yorke, as nyghe unto my fader's grave as may con-
venientlye, on hys lyfte syde, opon the northe syde of the said
churche. And I will that my executors cause the iiy Orders
of Frears in Yorke, yf it please God wHn the cytye of Yorke to
call me to Hys mercy, to bring my bodye to the Gray Frears
churche within the said citie of Yorke ; and, yf I decease in
any odre place, than the said iiij Orders to mete my body at
Holgaite, and bring it to the said Gray Frears, and that every
of the said iiij Orders to have for there labours vj s. viij d., so
that they syng Placebo and Dirigey and Messe of Requiem for
my sauU. AJso I will that my executors orden sex wax candels,
and every of theme bee of one pound weight at the leiste,
and, also, vj torches, and xij poore men with gownes to bere the
said candels and torches aboute my bodye at the Dirige, Mease^
and buryall ; and yche of the said poore men to have for there
labors iiij d. Also I will that there bee done and saide Saincte
Gregorye trentall of Messes at the Gray Frears in Yorke the
daie of my buriall, for my soule and all Cristen soules. Also I
will that my executors cause to bee orden ed a dyner for my
frendes the daye of my buryall, and also orden all odir thynges
besydes thes here written tooching my funerall expenses, and
all odre thinges concernyng the healthe of my saule to bee at the
discrecione of my executors, as they shall thinke moste conve-
nient for me. Also I will that my executors cause a throughe
stone and one ymage of myself maide kneling undre the said
ymage of the Trinitie, w* one scripture for me, in perpetuall
remembrance for me, w4n one yeare after the buryall. Also I
bequethe to the person of Colthorpe churche xx s. of coyne, in
recompence of all my tythes, offrandes, and dewtyes of the
churche, unpaide and forgoton, or odre heraftre not payde
according to my dewtye, desyryng hym humblye so to accepte
theme, and to pray for my saule speciallye. And also I will
that my coyte armour and my best beist with my horse hames
goe next byfore my bodye to the Gray Frears in Yorke the
daye of my sepulture, and to bee oflFered to God at the altare
next where I shall bee buryed. Also I will and bequeathe to
every parishe w*in ij myles of Colthorpe vj s. viij d., wherof I
will that the person, vicare, or paryshe preiste there resident
in the same, have viij d., and every odre preste wHn hys paryshe
iiij d., for the wyche I will, in as breve tyme after my departing
out of thys worlde as may convenientlie bee done, all the said
prestos w*in every of there paryshe churche shall saye Placebo,
Dirige, GommendacionSf and Messe of Requiem for my soule
and all Cristen soules, and the resydewe of the foresaid vj s. viij d.
I will it shal bee distribute amonges the porest people of every
of the sayde paryshes, by the discrecione of the curate of the
churche and the churche wardons of the same ; and the poore
people of every of the said parishes to comme to there parishe
churches in lyke maner to pray specialye for my soule and all
Cristen soules. Also I will and stratelye charge my executors,
as they will answere afore God, that Kauf, my headman, have
meite and drynke and clothe, as far as my goodes will suffre,
duryng hys lyf naturalL Also where I have by my deade
infeoffede Briane Palmes, William Bapthorpe, and odre my
feofiFes, in my landes in South Endsall, to th'use and performa-
cione of my last will, shall frome hensforthe stand and bee
seased in the said londes, to th'use and performance of thys my
last will and testament. And whan it shall fortune there bee
of my said feofiFes lyving but ij or iij at the moste, than I will
that those feoflTes make a leace and suflficient estate by the la we
of the said londes to sex odre credeble persons, as shall bee
deputed by the Wardon of the Gray Frears in Yorke than for
the tyme beyng, to the said use & entent .... and so the
said londes to bee for evermore . . to the saide use and entente,
that ys to saye, that my saide feofiFes, or there assignes, shall
yearely receve and take the hole rentes . . and yearelie gyf
theme to the Wardone of the Gray Frears in Yorke and the
Convente of the same for tyme being, ofiFringe uppe the said
yearelie rentes and profettes to Almyghtie God at the highe
altare within the said Gray Frears in Yorke ; for the wiche
rentes ... I will that the said Wardone and hys successors
every daye for evermore shall exhibite a brodre of the said
house and Frears, at viij*** of the clocke in the momyng every
daie to saie Mesae^ and praye for my soule, and the soules of
my fadre Briane Roclyf, and of Margarete, my wyf and hir fader
soule, and for soules of my children and good frendes and all
Cristen soules in lyke maner and forme as they doe at thys
daye for my fader, whose soule God pardone. Also I will that
those Frears that sayes that Messe shall have yearelye xx s.,
equallie distributed amonges theme, according to the composi-
cione therof maid betwixt the saide Wardone w* his Convent
and me on that behalf; and the residew of the said
yearlie rentes and profettes to bee bestowed in the repara-
cions of the said Gray Frears churche in Yorke. Item I will
that he that sayeth the sayde Messe one wooke shall not saye
VOL, v, " V
it agayne an odre weike, to his toume and course come aboute,
excepte it bee to supplye an odre course that for impotencic
may not supplye it hymself ; but that every Freare shall have
hys toume and course about, as it shall fortune. Also I will that
the said Convent of the said Gray Frears, for evermore, every
Tuysday, shall singe the Antiphone of Jhesu about my grave
that ys songe on the Fridaie for ray fader in the said Convent
churche; after wiche ATUiphone so songon, I will that the
said Frears and Convent, bowyng and holdyng downe there
hedes, w* a petuose voce sing thys verse, Nunc^ Oriste^ te peH-
mu«, miserere^ qucBsumuSj qui venisti redhnere perdiioa, noli
dampnari redemptos. And, anone, after that, than one of the
yong Frears sing thys versicle Quia per sanctam crucem tuam
redemisti mundiim ; and than one of the odre Frears to syng,
Oremua with one GoUecte according to the Antiphone^ w^ a
perfects ende of all the Frears concludyng, singing Artien : and,
ymediatelye after, the Convent to saye thys Psalme, De Pro-
fundisy w* the Suffrage, and these Collectes, Miserere^ and
Fideliumy for my soule and all Cristen soules, concludyng w*
Requieacant in pace. Amen.
Also I will that my feoffes suffre Richard Munketon, my
servaunte, to recey ve . . duryng hys lyfe x s. oute of my landes
in Snaythe, Cowyke, now in the holdyng of one Palmer ; and
also ij s« out of Hensall, and after his decease . • my feoffes of
and in my landes in Hensall, Cowyk and Snathe to . . .
delyver the rentes yearelie to the Wardone and Convent of
the Gray Frears . • My doughter Alice . . to receve the
issues . . of iiij closes in Colthorpe, to the hole sum bee con-
tent and payd for the covenauntes of manage and my fader's
bequeste .... My ex" to receve the rentes . . of my landes
in Hubie & Esyngwolde unto suche tyme as my said ex" haithe
content and payed all suche summes of money as my dettes,
legacyes, and funerall expenses shall admounte unto the daye
of my buryall, w* all suche odre reasonable expenses and charges
that my said ex" shal bee put to for the performacione of thys
my last will and my fader bequest .... than to th'use of
Briane Roclyf, and hys heyres for ever, upon thys condicione,
that the said Briane ne hys wyf shall not interrupte, vexe, ne
lette my executors or feoffes ....
And thys is my last will, full mynde and trewe intent that
my dettes be payed ymediatelie after my departure frome this
transitorie lyf, Quia Tion dimittitur peccatum donee restiUuL--
tur ablatuviy trusting that youe, y* bee my frendes in thys
transitorie worlde, that youe will bee, rather, my better frendes
whan my soule is departed frome my bodie, where I nather can,
ne maye, helpe my self, but shal bee at the wyll and pleasure
of Almyghtie God, in to Whose handes I commend my soule.
And I will that every one of my executors and supervisors of
thys my last will and testament have of my goodes, for there
busynes and labors about me, and for th'executione of thys my
last will and testament, xxvj s. viij d. Also I will that the
reside w of my goodes, not beq nested, after my dettes be payed
and iegacyes yeven, and my will and testament performed, bee
at the disposicione of my executors for the weale of my soule,
as they shall answere afore Almyghtye God at the dredefuli
daye of judgement. Also I will, ordane, and constitute, and
make my welbeloved cosyng and faythfull, tristye frende, Wil-
liam Bapthorpe of Osgoobie, Esquyer, the supervisour of thys
my last will and testament, trusting he will bothe support e,
ayde, and cause my executors of thys my last will and testa-
ment to performe the same. Also, in like maner, I will, orden,
constituto and make my executors of thys my last will and tes-
tament, my welbeloved and faythfull fryndes I truste, William
Thwaite of Marston esquyer, Robert Chaloner of Wekefelde
man of lawe, jentleraan, Georgium Palmes legum doctorem,
Georgium Crakenthorpe in artibus magistrum, hertilie and
faithefullie desyring youe that this my last will and testament
may bee executed and performed to the true en tent therof as
my greate and faithefull tryste ys in youe ; and that thys is
my last will and true entent : in the wittenes tberof, I, the saide
abovenamed testator. Sir John Roclyf knyght, have set to this
present testament and last will my seale of armes, the dale and
yeare above written, theise beyng present and wittnes, S*"
Eichard Knaresburghe vieare of Whyxley, S*" George I^mb
person of Copgrave, Ric' Munketon, Authonye Rose gentleman,
and odre moo.
Also I will that, my dettes and Iegacyes payed, that my
executors deliver in to the handes of the heyrf>8 of Colthorpe
haule one chales with patene do!»le gylte, one standing cuppe
of sylver with cover doble gylte, havyng a knope in the toppe
with blew enamelled, a flatte peiee w* cover duble gilte, with
trasells upon the covering blewe enamelled, one basing of sylver
percell gylte w* an ewer white, and two cruettes of sylver percell
gilte ; and yf that my goodes besides thys plaite rehersed will
not extende to the payment of my dettes and Iegacyes, than I
will my executors sell thys plaite before rehersed to the pay-
ment of my dettes and performance of my Iegacyes.
[Adm. gr., as intestate, the ex'", renouncing, to Brian Rocliff of Colthorpe, Esq,
29 Sept. 1634.]
T 2
[Ex. Orig. penes Dec. & Capit. Bbor.]
Inter aua. A baisinge withe Adam & Eve, & one ewar
withoute lyde, xx d. A baisinge w* y* rose of it, & th'ewar, ij s.
A tub, a hogeshed w* other trumperie, viij d. A paire of tent
bealmes, vj d.
Debita. To William Wilson, for a paire of silver beides,
xl 8. ; ij baissinges, ij lavers, & ij greate candilstikes, of sevyn
grotes of a coppill, xlvj s. viij d. To Mr Gabriell Warkcope,
for iij yerdes of. Burges satan, vij s. To Alys Legh, somtyme
wife to Michaell Makarell, for fienge hemmyngis of broderie,
xxvj s. viij d. To Alan Aise, servante to the Duke of Somerset^
xj li. V 8. To John Weteman, for ij paire of cork shone, xx d.
To William Tailbuia, for the warkmanshipe of a littil darke
tawnye gowne, viij d., & for iij blak-lamskynnys viij d. ; & for a
pursell of shankes, & v caulinge of shankes, ij s. vj d. — ^iij s. xd.
To Natal Moralx for horse-meate & manne's meate y* he laide
for his servante in the countre, & for bokes y* he sende to
Biland abbay ; & for hay & fagotes, iiij s. iiij d. To Agnes
Hilton, cremet of Sancte Leonarde's, in lente monye, xvj s. vj d.
To Sir Richarde Dawson, chanon of Shappe abbay, for a masor^
Iiij s. iiij d.
N.B. — The Iwcentoriei a/re Hutinguitihed by an asterisk
AiKBBODK, William. 1618
Alayn, John. 1609
Amyas, John. 1616
William. 1609
Arkesav, Robert. 1621
Askwith, Richard. 1520
Awstwyke, Hugh. 1616
Babington, Ralph. 1520
Baines, Richard. 1611
Barra, Robert. 1626
Barton, William. 1509
Basset, Sir Richard. 1622
Batley, Thomas. 1621
Baxster, John. 1622
Beckwith, Robert. 1529
Beresford, Edward. 1628
Bigod, Sir Ralph. 1614
Birdsall, Robert. 1613
Biront, Maozice. 1610
Boswell, John. 1625
Boynton, Martin. 1518
Thomas. 1620
Bradford, Walter. 1630
Bradley, Brian. 1527
Brokden, William. 1518
Browne, Robert. 1617
Buhner, William. 1624
Sir William. 1531
Calverley, Richard. 1524
Cambull. Henry. 1612
Carr, James. 1526
Chapman, John. 1527
Clark, Alison. 1509
Clervauz, John. 1510
Constable, Agnes. 1621
Marm. 1623
Sir Mann. 1618
Cook, Edmund. 1530
Copley, John. 1609
Cowper, John. 1518
Core, William. 1522
Danby, Sir Christopher. 1617
Q eorge. 1611
Dawson, Bertram. 1616
Denton, Robert. 1629
Dodsworth, Margaret. 1620
Doughty, Richard. 1513
Draws werde, Thomas. 1528
Eland, Robert. 1521
Ellis, Stephen. 1514
Esheton, Thomas. 1521
Essex, George. 1510
Everingham, Sir John. 1523
Evers, George. 1520
Ewre, Thomas. 1528
Eyre, Roger. 1515.
Fairfax, Sir Thomas.
Fewlar, John. 1630
Findem, Thomas. 1525
Fitzwilliam, Thomas. 1513
William. 1516
Fome, Thomas. 1524
Foster, Alexander. 1520
Fox, John. 1519
Freman, Maud. 1521
Fuister, George. 1 53 1
Fynwell, John. 1521
Gargrave, Thomas. 1514
Gamer, Elizabeth. 1613
Gerves, John. 1527
Gest, Robert. 1528
GilUot, Sir John. 1509
GiUour, Paul. 1522.
Girton, Richard. 1524
Goodyere, Robert. 1521
Gower, Sir John." 1513
Greenhood, Thomas. 1521
♦Grene, John. 1524
William. 1524
Grey stock, Elizabeth. 1502
Griffith. Sir Walter. 1530
Hatfield, Elizabeth. 1509
Halitreholm, Robert. 1526
Hall, Thurs'an. 1527
Hamertcn, John. 1513
Hansby, Robert. 1520
Hanson, Edmund. 1511
Hardcastle, George. 1521
Harper, Lady Jane. 1512
Henry son, John. 1525
Hercy, Humfrey. 1511
Hertley, John. 1529
Robert. 1521
Hildreth, Ralph. 1521
Hiliard, Jane. 1527
Holbeck, William. 1512
Holme, John. 1513
Huntiogdon, Thomas, 1526
Huyk, John. 1514
Jacson, John. 1524
♦Jenkynson. Richard. 1515
Johnson, John. 1527
Robert. 1522
Jowkyn, Sir William. 1516
Lacy, Thomas. 1525
Langton, Thomas. 1517
Laycock, Richard. 1528
Ledum, John. 1530
Legh, Thomas. 1522
Leppington, Cecily, 1526
Lerryffax, William. 1530
♦Locksmith, Robert. 1631
Lord, Brian. 1526
Lutton, Stephen. 1515
Maners, Humfrey. 1509
Mares, William. 1529
Markenfield, Sir Ninian. 1527
Marley, James. 1624
Marshall, John. 1524
Mason, Thomas. 1528
Mauleverer, James. 1517
Maupas, John. 1530
Mellers, Apnes. 1613
Melton, William. 1528
Middleton, Antony. 1519
Nawton, Thomas. 1515
Nelson, William. 1524
Nevell, Robert. 1524
Neville, John. 1515
Norman, John. 1525
Normanville, William. 1620
Palmes, Brian. 1519
Brian. 1528
Guy. 1516
Passelew, Alexander. 1513
Peke, Richard, 1516
Perot, John. 1518
Pety, Robert. 1527
Pilkington, Edmund. 1528
Place, Cuthbert. 1513
Procter, Geoffrey. 1524
Pudsev, Ambrose. 1621
1 Henry. 1517
Rasen, John. 1527
Rayner, Robert. 1513
Rede, William. 1522
Redman. Edward. 1510
Reresby, Ralph. 1527
Ricard, Nicolas,
Riche, Nicholas.
Robson. Thomas.
Boo&lej, Roger. 1522 133
Bocliffe, Sir John. 1631 221
KogersoD, John. 1524 154
Rokeby, William. 1621 122
Roos, James. 1514 50
Robert. 1629 202
Boose, Robert. 1520 94
Rose, John. 1528 193
Russel, WilUam. 1523 142
Ryther, Sir Ralph. 1520 104
Thomas. 1627 176
Scargill, Elizabeth. 1525 169
$:;erope. Lady Elizabeth. 1514 43
Sir Ralph. 1615 53
Shaw. Thomas. 1616 65
Shepherd, William. 1610 15
Skyrley, Robert. 1522 128
sutler, Giles. 1521 117
Smith, Catherine. 1522 124
William. 1525 163
Smyth, John. 1526 168
Thomas. 1530 216
Sothill, Alison. 1509 5
Stapleton. Sir Brian. 1618 76
Staunton, Thomas. 1517 72
Stevynson, Thomas. 1521 105
St. Paul, Thomas. 1511 21
St. Quintin, John. 1614 46
Strangways, Thomas. 1622 129
Strey, Thomas. 163d 210
Strickland, Thomas. 1516 64
Sutton, Sir Thomas. 1520 89
Swann, William. 1528 188
Swift, John. 1529 198
Sir Thomas. 1524 157
Taylor, Su: Thomas. 1512 26
Tee, Richard. 1524 14T
♦Tennanrt, John. 1616 66
Threscrosse, Geoffrey. 1520 93
Thurescrosse, Joan. 1523 140
Tbwaites, Sir Henry. 1520 93
♦ Thwaites, William. 1612 27
Thwengr, Marm. 1609 9
Tocketts, John. 1519 85
Tong,John. 1521 112
Turner, WUliam. 1521 116
♦ Underwood, John. 1516 57
Vasey, William. 1614 49
Vavasour, Henry. 1509 8
Wadeluff, John. 1 5.30 21 3
Walworth, John. 1519 88
Wanseford, Gerard. 1513 81
Ward, Isabel. 1522 136
Roger. 1529 217
Watton, John. 1509 10
Wensdale, Brian. 1619 82
Wentworth, Thomas. 1622 123
Westby, Isabel. 1522 131
Wickersly, John. 1528 186
Wilcoke, Richard. 1520 102
Wildon, Robert. 1526 169
Wilflit, Richard. 1520 92
Williamson, John. 1629 203
Willoughby, Richard. 1626 161
Thomas. 1524 148
Wise, William. 1523 138
Wortley, Sir Thomas. 1614 46
Young, John. 1518 62
Thomas. 1512 28
Zouche, Lady Margaret, 1530 211
N.B. — The lettei' n after the page re/eri to the note.
Abbey, Thos. 78 n
Abbot. Eliz. 114 ; Thos. 108, 114
Abnay, Thos. 7
Acaster, Job. 182 n
Acclam, Win. 293
Acclom. Ellen, 103 n; Job. 104,
Acom, Thos. 98
Adamson, Thos. 123
Addy, Sir Joh. 190, 197, 198
Ade, Joh. 211
Agar, Joh. 302
Agawbon, Joh. 291
Aikerode, Kdm. 97 ; Hen. 97 ; Rich.
96 n ; Wm. 96
Aikryng, Hen. 174 n
Air, Johanna, iS n
Aire, Dorothy, 201 ; Joh. 201 ; Margt.
200; Martin, 201
Airte, Chris. 212
Aise, Alan, 324
Akland, Nich, 303
Alan, Alayn, Aelyn, Alice, 2 ; Eliz. 2,
20, 274; Jane, 273; Joh. 2, 3,
18 and n ; Marpt. 274 ; Margery,
274 ; Robt. 2 ; Wm. 230, 273
A lister, Thos. 66
Alsope, Sir Robt. 275
Alstonmore, Agnes, 33 and n ; Joh.
33 and n
Amonson, Joh. 152
Amyas, Agnes, 17 n, 72 ; Alice, 18 w,
19; Anne, 19; Beatrice, 18 n;
Catherine, 17 », 18 «, 160 ; Eliza-
beth, 17 w, 18 n, 19; Isabel, 18,
19; Joan, Johanna, 17 *i, 19;
John, 17 », 18 ?t, 19, 72 ; Margt,
6, 17 n; Marjory, 17 w ; Percy,
19 ; Ralph, 17 w, 18 n ; Sir Rauf.
72; Rich. 17 w; Robt. 17 w, 18 m ;
Roger, 18 n, 160; Thos. 18 and*;
Will. 6, 7, 17 fi, 18 and !», 19
Anderson, Sir Geo. 295 n; James,
140 ; Margt. 303
Androw, Helen, 292 ; Rich. 292
Anlaby, Cath. 14 ; Rich. 16 ; Joh.
16 ; Wm. 17
Anne, Joh. 19, 74, 75, 76
Anstan, Joh. 26 n ; Rich. 26 n
Antony, Robin, 91
Apilgsurth, Mr. 263
Archey, Sir Wm. 134
Arkesay, Robt. 186
Arthington, Ardington, Hen. 72, 1 64
Arthur, Joh, 26
Ashe, Antony, 190 ; Jane, 190 ; Oliver,
Ashton, Hagb, 57, 98 n ; Law. 128
Askam, Richard, 103 f»
Aske, Anne, 307, 312; Ellen, 126;
John, 95, 229 ; Mr. 309 ; Philice,
309; Richard, 103 w; Sir Robert,
96, 174 ; Roger, 307 ; Wm. 96
Aslaby, James, 57
Asqwyth, or Asquitt, Cecilie, 113;
Hen. 113; Jenet, 113; Lawr.
113; Ralph, 113; Richard, 113;
Will. 113
Assleby, Rich. 306
Aston, Sir Joh, 3, 4
Astwyke, see Awstwyke
Athesee, At Sea, Agnes, 40; James,
40 ; Sir Martin, 96
Atkinson, Mrs. 151 ; Hngh, 287 ;
Wm. 234, 235
At kirk. Sir Robt. 276
Austyn, Agnes, 171 ; Joh. 249 n
A wnger, Nich. 84 ; Ralph, 84 ; Rich. 84
Awstwyke, Astwyke, Denys,71 ; Eliza-
beth, 138 ; Geo. 71 : Hugh, 71 ;
Isabell, 71 ; J(»h. 71 ; Margt- 71 ;
Rich. 34 ; Sir Rich. 71
Babington, Antony, 66, 289 ; Arnold,
126; Eliz. 70 n; Sir Joh. 126;
Ralph. 124; Boland, 126; Thos.
124 n, 126; Wm. 126; Sir Wm.
70 «
Babthorp, Wm. 6 n, 106, 107, 229,
230, 264, 321, 323
Bacon, Robt. 237
Badcok, Elles, 298
BaghUl,Thos. 173 »
Bagley, , 77
Bagthwait, Joh. 27
Baildon, Eliz. 101
Balnea, Adam, 24 n ; Agn. 24 n ; Alice,
24 ; Brian, 24 n ; Geo. 24 ; Jenet,
24 n ; Joh. 24 n ; Rich. 24 ; Wm.
24 »
Bait, Sir Thos. 262, 260, 261, 262;
Wm.26^; Sir Wm. 179
Baker, Rauf. 169 ; Wm. 110, 169
Bakhouse, Jas. 67 n, 111 ; Joh. 67 n,
187 »
Bakister, Bakster, see Baxter
Balan, Robt. 118
Banck, Banke, Jane, 286 ; Rich. 46,
101 «, 188
Bankys, Marg. 181
Banys, Johanna, 221 ; Joh. 221
Barbour, Joh. 224 ; Rich. 291
Barell, Robt. 154
Barker, Thos. 103 n ; Sir Wm. 11
Barley, Isabel, 247 n ; Thos. 247 »
Barlowe, Sir Robert, 288
Baraarde, Sir Joh. 87
Bam by, Anne, 283; Chris. 176;
Edwd. 142 ; Rauf. 142, 176, 281,
282, 283 ; Sir Robt. 72
Barnes, Lord, 64
Baron, Mr. 171
Barra, Robt. 220, 221 and ft, 222
Barrye, Agn. 221 »; Dr. 220 », 221 n;
Edwd. 221, 222; Jas. 221,222;
Joh. 221, 222
Barston, Margf. 6; Peter, 6, 7
Barton, Agn. 7; Hugh, 120; Joh.
133 ; Wm. 7
Bassett, Agn. 147 »; Dr. 147 n; Sir
Edwd. 147 », 149; Lady Eliz.
147 n, 149; Geo. 147 n, 148. 149
Joh. 147 71, 148. 149 ; Margt. 149
Rich. 147 n ; Sir Rich. 109. 147
Thos. 109 »; Wm. 149
Bateman, Joh. 100
Bathome, Walt. 132
Batley, Thos. 139
Battcrsby, Sir Joh. 110
Baxby, Lawr. 101 n
Baxter, Bakister, Bakster, Antony,
167; Sir Edm. 217; Eliz. 167;
Jane, 157 n; Janet, 301; Joh.
162, 167 and n, 246 ; Lucy, 167 n ;
Rauf, 157 and n, 246 ; Robt. 157
and n; Simon, 118; Thos. 157
and n ; Wm. 135, 157 and n, 179,
252, 260, 261
Bayley, Thos. 76
Baynbridge, Archbp. Chris. 241, 243,
246 n
Bayne, Thos. 28
Bays, Jas. 43
Bealle, Robt. 283
Beamond, Beaumont, Alice, 6 ; Joh. 6 ;
Bobt. 145
Becket, Johanna, 181 ; Wm. 141 n
Beckwith, Ambrose, 273 and n, 274;
Constance. 273, 274; Hen. 10;
Jenet, 10; Lanncelot. 10; Sir
Leonard, 273 and n, 274 ; Robt.
273 ; Roger, 10 ; Wm. 108 ; Sir
Wm. 43 n
Beilby, Joh. 123 and n, 124
Bell, Agn. 48 ; Joh. 61 n ; Sir Joh. 294
Belte,Wm. 42, 83,313
Belvas, Joh. 103 n
Ben, Sir Nich. 270
Benson, Sir Joh. 50, 52 ; Sir Wm. 188
Beniley, Jenet, 88; Joh. 313; Lawr.
Benyf eld, Robt. 224
Berebruer, Arthur. 118
Beresford, Edwd. 250; Jane, 250
Berwick, Joh. 263
Bethum, Thos. 122
Beverlay, Alice, 34; Thos. 34, 127,
228, 229
Bewlay, Joh. 261
Beyley, Joh. 72
Beyn, Sir Brian, 65; Sir Joh. 274;
Raynold, 66
Bicarton, Sir Joh. 274
Bigod, Bigot, Bygod, Agn. 57 ; Alice,
56; Anne, 307 n; Arthur, 56;
Sir Francis, 307 n, 316 ; Joh. 56,
57; Maigt. 61, 66; Ralph, 56,
116 ; Sir Ralph, 56, 307 n, 312 ;
Peter, 66
Billington, Sir Miles, 58
Billope, Joh. 224
Birdsall, Joh. 132; Robt. 46
Birkhed, Isabel. 84 ; Rich. 20
Birley, Anne, 213 w
Biron, Biront, Agn. 22; Cath. 22;
Joh. 109 ; Maur. 22
Birtbeko, Cuthbert. 238
Birtley, Joh. 107 n
Biston, Robt. 212
Blake, Job. 224
Blakker, Thos. 18 n
Blakstone, Job. 69 n; Margt. 68 »,
69 H ; Sir Robt. 43 ; Wm. 234
Bland, Sir Alex. 124
Blasbell, Wm. 272
Blaydes, Agn. 150 n; Jaa. 162
Blea^dall. Ricb. 234
Blenkinsop, Thos. 313
Blithman, Sir Thos. 78
Blont, Sir Wm. 64
Blythe, , 104
Bog, Robt. 268
Bold, Johanna, 138
Belles, Bolys, Anne, 75 ; Thos. 138
Bolton, Agn. 138; Wm. 138
Bonney, Nich. 95
Booth, Lawr. (Archbishop), 12 ; Wm.
26 n
Borton, Job. 21
Bossall, Rich. 169, 199, 200
BosweU, Chris. 123; Eliz. 286
Ea£amie, 216 n; Hen. 216 n
Hugh, 83; Joh. 216; Nich. 45
Thos. 46, 216 n, 245, 246 ; Wm 53
Bottomley, , 143
Bower, Margt. 223 ; Ricb. 100
Bowes, Robt. 311, 313
Bowman, Wm. 210
Bowry, Wm. 51
Boynton. Anne, 111 ; Hen. 96, 100 n
Jenet, 111; Job. 113, 123
Margt. 96, 111; Martin, 96
Math. 96, 111, 308 and n, 312.
313; Thos. 96, 110. Ill
Boyon, Hen. 86 n
Boyse, Edwd. 22 n
Bracebrig, , 16
Bradbum, Mr. 250
Bradford, Bartilmew, 61 n; Beat.
285 ; Brian, 285 ; Chrw. 284, 286,
287 ; Eliz. 284, 286, 287 ; Isabel,
285 ; Joh. 284, 285, 286 ; Margt.
283; Thos. 284, 287; Walt. 192,
193, 226, 283, 287
Bradley, Brian, 238 ; Wm. 238
Bradshawe, Sir Rich. 198
Brame, Peter, 24
Bramley, Rich. 128
Brandesby, Sir Robt. 136
Brant, Dr. Thos. 87
Brasse, Hen. 110
Bratwbait, Jas. 17
Braytou, Rich. 295 n
Bredon, Joh. 266, 266 ; Thos. 266
Brere, Rich. 234
Brian, Alice, 23 ; Sir Joh. 14, 22
Brig, Wm. 141 n
Briijen, Wm. 2U
Brignell, Marg. 119
Brodley, Hen. 76 ; Isabell. 75
Brokden, Denis, 16; Kich. 99; Bich.
99; Wm. 99
Brome, Adam, 43 n ; Hen. 286 ; Thos,
Browne, Jenet, 205 ; Job. 11 «, 16, 11 7,
213; Lucv, 51; Sir Joh. 55; Sir
Ricb. 61 «; Sir Robt. 87; K
203; Sir Wm. 211
BrownEete, Thos. 37 n
Brownhede, Brian, 75
Brownell, Robt. 162
Broyle, Rich. 31
Bryggeford, Joh. 109 n
Bryson, Thos. 64
Buckbaroo, Job. 217; Sir Wm. 223
Buckden, Ricb. 191 n
Buke, Chris. 234, 235
Bukton, Anne, 163 ; Ranf. 153
Bulmer, Agn. 809 n ; Anne, 189, 190,
308 n, 312, 313; Oath. 190;
Eleanor, 189, 190; Eliz. 189, 190,
306 f»; Frances, 308; Geo. 191,
313 ; Jane, 190 ; Sir Joh. 68, 110,
307 n, 308 and n. 310, SI I, 312,
313, 319 and n; Margt. 189, 190,
308; Miles, 292, 293; Ralph,
311, 312, 313, 316, 319; Sir
Ralph, 306 n, 307 n, 308, 310,
311, 312, 313, 316, 319; Wm.
189, 190, 309, 311, 313, 319 ; Sir
Wm. 67, 95, 96, 105, 106, 107.
112, 176, 190, 264, 306 and n,
307 «. 308,309 n, 310, 311, 312,
313, 316, 317. 318. 319
Burdit, Nich. 24, 160
Burgethez, Sir Joh. 64
Bargh, Joh. of the Hill, 230 ; Joh. of
Stokyn, 230; Thos. of the Hill, 230
Bnrrowe, Sibyl, 103
Burton, Joh. 106, 236; Nich. 177;
Rich. 239 ; Robt. 169 ; Thos. 151
BusheU, Geo. 801, 302
Busk, Sir Wm. 292
Butler, Eliz. 19; Hen. 9 and n
Butre, Robt. 17
Buttyng, Ricb. 280
Byell, Joh. 133
Byndlous, Margt. 101
Byngham, Eliz. 86 n
Byngley, Sir Wm. 9 and n
Bynkes, Joh. 226
C. '
Cade, Robt. 221
Oalverley, Alice, 196 ; Anne, 194, 195 ;
Gilbert, 195; Isabell. 195; Job.
195 ; Sir Job. 207, 208 ; Lady,
195 ; Nich. 194 ; Rich. 194 ;
Robt. 194, 195; Thos. 195; Sir
Walt. 116, 145, 195; Wm. ^94 n,
195, 207
Cancefield, Sir Job. 276 ,
Oandisb, Cavendisb, Geo. 6 n
Canson, Jas. 156
Canterbury, Archbp. of, 73
Cantrell, Wm. 109
Caplewood, Tboe. 246
Car, Margt. 68 n
Carbot, Sir Job. 94, 96
Carlisle, Bishop of, 275
Carnebull, Hen. 28 and w, 29, 31, 152,
Cames, Job. 108
Carr, Carre, Adam, 219 n; Alice,
219 n ; Cath. 219 n ; Christabell,
219 n; Chris. 219 w; Emer,220;
Jas. 219 and n ; Marjory, 219 n ;
Ralph, 61 n ; Ranold, 219 n ;
Rich. 219 n ; Robt. 219 n ; Roger,
219 n; Thos. 219 n; Wm. 219 n
Carter, Sir Nich. 77 ; Rich. 138
Carthorp, Carethorp, Hen. 154 ; Thos.
173 »
Cartwright, , 90
Carver, Sir Job. 108 n
Casseley, Thos. 179
Casson, Sir Job. 40; Maud, 40
Castilforth, Alex. 160, 161; Anne,
160; Peter, 246
Caswell, Wm. 42
Caterall, Job. 45
Cattail, Sir Chris. 179
Cawod, Gervaise, 288 ; Walt. 288
Chaloner, Robt. 226, 285, 287, 323
Chamberlane, Isabel, 116, 179
Chamer, Chaumer, Agn. 15 n ; Edwd.
196 n ; Maud, Ion; Peter, 219
Champagnac, Mr. 95 n
Chapman, Alice, 241, 243; Job. 24
and n, 65 and n, 134, 179, 232,
240; Margt. 241
Charlesby, Margt. 15 n
Charter, , 260
Chaworth, Sir Geo. 125, 149
Cheri, Uxor, 289
Cherleton, Jas. 105
Cheston, Robt. 39, 100
Chew, Rich. 46
Cheyne, Margt. 307 n ; Wm. 307 n
Chomley, Eliz. 77 n ; Sir Rich. 77 n
Chymnay, Wm. 32
Claiburgh, Wm. 241 and n, 242, 243,
Claiton, Rauf. 246 ; Wm. 131
Clarell, Alice. 246
Clark, Clerke, Alice, 4; Sir Chris.
110; Hugh, 4; Laur. 131; Marg.
4, 5 ; Rich. 149, 302 ; Kobt. 140,
141 n, 154 ; Thos. 151, 159 ; Wm.
4, 5, 110, 281, 282; , 298
Clatercotbes, , 66
Clay, Job. 247 n
Clederow, tee Cliderowe
Clerkson, Job. 234 ; Simon, 266
Clervaux, Alice, 21; Hen. 20, 21;
Herbert, 20 n ; Humfrey, 20 n ;
Jane, 20 n ; Job. 20 ; Rich. 20 n
Cliderowe, Clederow, Rauf. 246 ; Rich.
123 w
Cliflfe, Robt. 39
Clifford, Antony, 124, 188 ; Eleanor,
232 n ; Lady Florence, 130 ; Sir
Hen. 183 w, 232 n; Sir Thos.
Clifton, Cath. 51 ; Esacbe, 287, 288,
Cocroft, Sir Wm. 88
Cokay, Job. 302
Coke, Alice, 117; Job. 149; Rich.
117; Robt. 117
Cokeson, Sir Thoe. 175
Cokket, Job. 34, 140, 213, 263
Cole, Stephen, 190, 191
Colette, Dr. 254
Colla, Wm. 201
Collinson, Rauf. 235 n, 237
Colson, Joh. 70, 283
Colthorp, Miles, 256, 260
Coltman, Agn. 121; Joh. 178, 179;
Sir Joh. 121
Colville, Thos. 101 n
Colyer, Joh. 253
Colyn, Job. 82
Colywell, Rich. 167
C<^myn, Alvery, 287
Constable, Agnes, 137 n, 138; Anne,
1 w, 3; Barbara, 137 n, 168;
Chas. 137 w, 138; Dr. (Dean of
Lincoln), 90, 91 ; Eliz. 167, 170 ;
Jane, 167; Jas. 167, 168, 169;
Joh. 91, 93, 229; Sir Job. 116;
Mann. 2, 229 ; Sir Marm. 10. 88,
89, 91, 93, 116, 166, 170, 260;
Matilda, 1,2; Ralph, 1 n ; Robt.
55, 136, 166 and n, 168, 169; Sir
Robt. 10, 56, 169. 206; Thos. 56.
57 and n; Wm. 2, 47, 56, 57
andn, 90, 91, 93; Sir Wm. 56,
91, 133, 137 n, 170
Constantino, Joh. 220
Conyers. Chris. 104 w, 162, 191, 193,
199, 200, 244. 286; Sir Chris.
310, 313. 316 ; Jane, 94 ; Sir Joh.
42 n; Lady, 119; Leon. 43;
Margaret, 307 ; Marjory, 119 ;
Sir Thos. 106; Wm. Lord, 43,
82, 191
CJook, Cooke, Cuke, Chris. 66, 133;
Edm. 251 n, 252, 256, 290, 294 ;
Edward, 69 ; Joh. 98, 293 ; Margt.
293; Robt. 292; Wm. 79 w,
Coolbrond, Hen. 157
Coplay, Copley, Anne, 11 and «, 12 ;
Edwd. 97; Eliz. 11; Hen. 11
and n; Isabel, 11; Jenet, 11;
Joh. 11 and », 12, 201, 202;
Lionel, 11 and n ; Rich. 1 1 and n ;
Thos. 11 ; Wm. 11 and », 12, 54,
83 ; Sir Wm. 295 n
Copper, Rich. 43
Cordwyner, Sir Robt. 124
Corwell, Thos. 98
Cost, Joh. 42
Cotes, Cottes, Jas. 169 ; Robt. 167 ;
Covell, Agn. 78; Isabell, 78; Thos.
Coward, Sir , 246
Cowdrey, Morgan, 81
Cowhill, Agn. 303
Cowper, Joh. 95 ; Margt. 95 ; Peter,
176; Wm. 173, 269; Sir Wm.
Cowthor, Miles, 293
Cowton, Joh. 134 ; Thos. 138 ; Wm.
Craike, Margt. 135
Crakenthorp, Geo. 323
Cramwell, Eliz. 67
Craucester, Edm. 61 n ; Rich. 61 n
Craven, Joh. 16
Crawsha, Sir Joh. 248
Cressy, Hugh, 296, 297
Crewker, Joh. 211
Croftes, Sir Joh. 230
Crofton, Sir Robt. 61 n
Croke, Sir Robt. 262
Crokehaye, Wm. 272
Cromb, Thos. 57 n
Crosseley, , 143
Crowe, Joh. 73
Cuke, see Cook
Cure, Alice, 162; Beat. 162; Mich.
162; Nich. 162; Peter, 162;
Philip, 162; Wm. 98 n, 161
Curson, Eliz. 297
Curtas, Thos. 163
Custance, Joh. 38
Cutler, Robt. 31 ; Thos. 32
Cutte, Joh. 51 ; Sir Joh. 51, 52, 105
Dacre, Lord, 155 n, 156, 157, 205;
Sir Chris. 205
Dalby, Eliz. 203; Francis, 203;
Richaid, 202, 203 ; Thos. 98, lOO
Dalton, Thos. 171
Danby, Agnes, 28, 86 ; Anne, 26 ;
Antony, 28 ; Sir Chria. 27 Jt, 65,
86, 87 ; Dorothy, 51 ; Ellen, 153 ;
Geo. 27 ; , 83 n; Jas. 27. 28 ;
Sir Jas. 27 ii, 86 and n, 87 ; Lucj,
153 ; Mai^. 28, 86, 87 ; Robt. 27 ;
Wm. 109
Danport, Margt. 298
Darcy, Dercy, Sir Geo. 86, 262 ; Sir
Thos. Lord, 57, 64
Dambnike, Daynbrook, Agn. 186 n ;
Joh. 187 and n
Darwentwater, Edwd. 252, 261
Davell, Thos. 263
Davies, , 40 n
Davyson, Sir Rich. 61 n
Dawnay, Sir Guy, 107 ; , 247 n
Dawson, Bertram, 61 and n; Eliz.
15 n; Jenet, 61, 62; Sir Harm.
186 w; Rich. 162. 296; Sir Rich.
324 ; Thos. 62 ; Wm. 187
Daye, Sir Geo. 263 ; Rich. 204
Dayll, Robt. 300. 301
Dayson, Hen. 225 n
Delaverer, De la River, Marm. 309 n ;
Thos. 309, 313, 316
Demps, Jas. 22 n
Denman, Nich. 36, 66 ; Thos. 25 n
Denton, Eliz. 304, 305; Rich. 305;
Robt. 59 ; Sir Robt. 296, 304
Derby, Lord, 128
Dereluf, Sur Wm. 163
Derfeld, Thos. 247 n
Derley, Sir Joh. 262
Dey, Joh. 305 ; Sk Wm. 164
Diconson, Sir Thos. 151
Dicson, Dixon, Agn. 159 ; Chris. 159 ;
Sir Joh. 113; Nich. 15 w, 16;
Robt. 159 ; Thos. 159, 218 ; Wm.
Dikes, Hen. 28
Dilcoke, Margt. 283 ; Robt. 283 ; Thoe.
281, 282
Dobill,Wm. 132
Dobson, Robt. 295 n
Doddington, Alice, 4 and n, 5 n ; Whl
4 and n
Dodman, Jon. 103 n
Dodsworth, Cicilie, 119; Chris. 119;
Dorothy, 119; Joh. 119 and »;
Margt. 119; Roger, 87, 119 «;
Wm. 119
Dodworth, Galfrid, 43
Dogeson, Mar^. 138
Donnyngton, Thos. 98
Doughty, Agn. 48 ; Rich. 47
Dowman, Joh. 81
Downeley, Chas. 142
Dowson, Friar, 230
Drake, 198 n
Dransfield, Eliz. 237
Draper, Edm. 98 ; Hen. 97, 98
DrawBwerd, Christabelle, 2(>8 ; Geo.
2G8 ; Maud, 268, 269 ; Thos. 267
Drax, Joh. 247 n
Drew, Joh. 135
Drewer, Joh. 81
Drury, Sir Bobt. 83
Dudley, Edm. 286 ; Mr. 30 n
Duffield, Jas. 34, 107
Dunham, Sir Joh. 149 ; Joh. 149
Durham, Sir Chris. 206
Dyneley, Hen. 224
Dysnay, Rich. 85 n
Eden, Agnes, 98 n; Antony, 98;
Eliz. 98 ; Joh. 98 andn ; Thos. 98
Edward ni., Rex. 148
Edward IV., Rex. 22 n, 89 n
Egerton, Joh. 287
Eland, John, 118; Mr. 117; Nich.
135,136; Robert, 136
Elder, Joh. 313
Elizabeth, Queen, 232 n
Elleker, EUercar, Rauf, 160 ; Sir Rauf,
160; Sir Wm. 206
Ellerton, Sir Robt. 256, 262. 291, 293
Ellis, EUys, Elys, Joh. 58 ; Sir Joh.
58 ; Mrs. 305 ; Nich. 164, 195 ;
Sir Rich. 107, 123; Stephen, 57;
Thos. 58, 296, 304, 305; Wm.
145, 195
Elmden, . 307 ; Wm. 313, 314
Elphin, Joh. Bishop of, 221, 222
Else, Jas. 211
Elslay, Alice, 303
Eltoftes, , 104; Chris. 11 n, 105
Elton, Sir Thos. 25 and n
Elwald, Joh. 245 n, Robt. 245 and n
Elyngworth, Wm. 249 n
Emmond, Robt. 154
English, Wm. 41,42
Erasmus, 72 n
Erie. Sir Thos. 27 ; Wm. 226
Ersden, Sir Edwd. 280
Esbum, Thos. 238
Esh, Antony, 189 «
Esheley, Hen. 286
Kshton, Helen, 134 ; Jane, 134 ; Marm.
134 ; Thos. 133
Essex, Anne, 24 and n ; Geo. 24 and n ;
Johanna, 24 ; Matilda, 24
Estuby, Robt. 166
Eure, Eury, see Evers
Everingbam, Sir Edm. 173 n; Eliz.
8n; Hen. 64, 173, 174; Joh. 9,
83 ; Sir Joh. 8 n, 54, 173 and n ;
Nich. 173 n; Rich. 173 n, 247,
248 ; Thos. 9 ; Wm. 173 n
Evers, Eure, Eury, Alice, 120 n ; Beat.
120 n, 121, 161 n; Cicilie, 121,
1 62 ; Geo. 9 and n, 17, 120 and w,
161 n; Jane, 206; Sir Joh. 201,
202; Margt. 121; Mary. 120 »,
162; Sir Ralph, 56, 67, 206;
Robt. 246 ; Wm. 120 n ; Sir Wm.
67, 311, 316 ; Lady, 246, 260
Ewre (or Godsalve), Thos. 267
Exton, Thos. 137
Eyre, Eire, Alice, 66 ; Chris. 66 ; Edwd.
65, 66, 245, 246 and n; Geo. 36
Isabel, 66 ; Joh. 252, 261, 262
Lucy, 66; Sir Mich. 66; Mrs.
246; Phil. 66; Sir Robt. 66
Roger, 65
Faceby, Sir Joh. 16 ; Wm. 274
Fairfax, Agnes, 122 n; Anne, 122,
123 »; Brian, 122 n; Dorothy,
122 and n ; Eliz. 122 ; Guy, 67 n ;
Isabel, 122; Jane, 122 n; Mr.
285; Nich. 81, 122 and n, 123
and », 264 ; Sir Nich. 124 and n ;
Thos. 9, 59, 122 n. 123 n, 124 and
n, 126, 229 ; Sir Thos. 81, 121 and
n, 122 ; Robt. 122 and n, 123
Farhaire, Wm. 9, 161
Fawkes, Wm. 243, 262
Federstanhaugh, Janet, 21
Felton, Thos. 8
Fenkyll, Hen. 61 n ; Joh. 61 « ; Thos.
61 n
Feme, Jas. 101
Femoll, Joh. 247 n
Fetherstone, Hugh, 176
Fewlar, Joh. 289
Findern, Geo. 210, 211; Mary, 211;
i Robt. 211 ; Thos. 208
! Fishe, Joh. 226
Fisher, Geo. 214
Fitzhugh, Lord, 88 »
Fitzthomas, Joh. 163
Fitzwilliam, Alice, 46 ; Anne, 45 ;
Humfrey, 82 ; Joh. 45 and n, 83 ;
Margt. 245 n ; Sir Rich. 245 n ;
Thos. 45 ; Wm. 82. 83
Flecher, Edwd. 189, 190, 191 ; Thofl.
154 ; Wm. 301
Flemyng, Agn. 11 », 234 ; Eliz. 235 n ;
Thos. 2G9; Wm. 235 «
Flento, Isabel, 21 ; Margt. 21 ; Wm. 21
Flonders, Alice, 119
Flowre, Jespar, 279, 280
Foljambe, family of, 45 n
FoUer, see Fowler
Folyfate, Wm. 72
Forae, Thos. 68, 177. 252. 260, 261,
262, 263
Fosgrave, Rich. 7
Foster, Forster, Alex. 98 n, 120 ; Anne,
203 ; Eliz. 203 ; Helen, 1 ; Isabel,
205 ; Johanna, 203 ; Joh. 61 » ;
Margt. 203; Nich. 61 w, 219;
I^wr. 154, 203; Robt. 67 »;
Roland, 166
Fotehede, Joh. 27
Fotherby, , 230
Fowler, Foller, Robt. 153. 154, 155
Fox, Cuthbert, 316; Joh. 100; Rich.
100; Sir Rich. 101; Thos. 253;
Sir Thos. 179; Wm. 100
Frances, Joh. 295 n
Francland, Ellen, 186 n; Galfrid,252
Franke, Thos. 57 and «, 61 «, 313 ;
Sir Thos. 56, 57 and n, 96, 190;
SirWm. 112
Frankisse, Agn. 272; Anne. 160;
Isabel, 286; Jas. 296; Joh. 272;
Margt. 107 n; Sir Nich. 198;
Rich. 107 ; Wm. 271
Franklyn, Agn. 178 ; Jeff. 178, 179;
Thos. 178
Frear, Frere, Geo. 123; Mr. 206
Freman, Matilda, 139
Freshwell, Arthur, 65
Frikeley, Sir Roger, 53
Frobisher, Francis, 160, 161, 295 »,
Frost, Joh. 57 n ; Margt. 208 ; Robt.
18 and n ; Wm. 19
Fuister, George, 306 ; Humfrey, 306 ;
Johanna, 306
Fulbonm, Francis, 62
Fulwood, Fulwode, Rich. 59; Thos.
296, 297
Fynwell. Alice, 140; Jas. 140; Joh.
140; Robt. 140; Thos. 140
Gabitas, Sir Wm. 149
Gafarer, Joh. 103 n
Gale, Gaille, Dean, 245 n ; Geo. 222,
243, 245 n; Wm. 234
Gamyll, Sir Wm. 1©4
Garbot, llios. 293
Garford, Sir Hen. 188
Gargrave, Geo. 52, 107 n, 108 ; Margt.
62; Thos. 52, 53, 54, 1G4; Six
Thos. 62 and n; Robt. 164
Garland, Mr. 144
Gamer, Eliz. 39, 48 ; Jenet, 48 ; Joh.
39; Peter, 39; Robt. 39 and n ;
Wm. 48
Garnet, Jenet, 201 ; Margt. 201
Garret, Robt. 78
Garthome, Joh. 166
Garton, Sir Thos. 71
Gascoign, Anne, 121 n; Cath. 200;
Dorothy, 232 n ; Eliz. 23 ; Isabel,
200 ; Jane, 284 ; Rich. 82 ; Ralph,
200 ; Wm. 9, 201 ; Sir Wm. 9. 19,
23, 121 «, 232 n
Gask, Sir Wm. 27
Gatt on, Johanna, 171
Gaytford, Joh. de, 26 n
Gelsthrope, Sir Hen. 222
GenkeU, Wm. Ill
Gerike, Thos. 79
Gerves, Anne, 238; Edm. 237, 238;
Joh. 237; Peter, 238; Thos. 238;
Wm. 237, 238
Gest, Agn. 264; Alice. 264; Anne,
263 ; Edm. 263, 264 (Bishop of
Rochester); Ellen, 264; Robt.
263, 264 ; Wm. 264
Gibson. Mr. 193; PhU. 116
Gilbum, Wm. 218
Giles, Robt. 252
Gill, Joh. 113
Gilliot, Gylliott, Alice, 15 ft; Cath.
12 n, 13, 16; Joh. 12 » ; Sir Joh.
9, 12 and w, 160; Lawr. 15, 16;
Margt. 18, 17; Matilda, 16 n;
Maud, 13, 16 and n, 16, 17; Mr.
200; Peter, 15 and n, 16, 17;
Robt. 15 n ; Wm. 12 n, 16, 17
GiUour, Gillow, Agn. 150, 151 ; Cath.
151; Geo. 160, 151 ; Isabel, 150,
161 ; Joh. 207 ; Paul, 160 ; Sitbe,
151 ; Thos. 151, 207; Wm. 151
Gilson, Alice, 162, 163; Etlz. 186 n
Girton, Agn. 182; Eliz. 182; Hen.
181, 182; Rich. 181; Robt. 182;
Wm. 182
Glasen, Sir Joh. 262
Glewe, Rich. 144
Gloasope, Ralph, 260
Godsalve, Thos. 242
Godwyn, Chr. 73
Godyere, Robt. 129
Gk>i8lie, Margt. 11
Goldsbro, Johan. 119; Rich. 107 n;
Thos. 1 10
Goldsmith, Thos. 249 n, 288
Goodfellow, Steph. 194
Goodknap, Wm. 171 ; Eliz. 2
Gower, Agnes, 160, 161; Anne, 47;
Sir Edwd. 57 and n, 160, 161 ;
EUz. 47; Ellen, 47; Geo. 47;
Isabel, 47 ; Jane, 47 ; Joh. 47 ;
Sir Joh. 47 and n, 56; Johan.
227; Mr. 206; Margt. 47; Robt.
47 ; Thos. 1 w, 47 and n, 160 ;
Walt. 47
Gowsill, Francis, 138
Granger, Joh. 102 ; Sir Thos. 193
Grante, Rich. 203
Gray, Grey, Hen. 298 ; Joh. 73 ; Margt.
51 ; Sir Ralph, 61 n; Thos. 51
(Marqnis of Dor.set)
Graystoke, Agn. 3; Beat. Lady, 84,
115, 134, 136, 166 ; EUz. 3 ; Lord,
134, 204 n, 205; Robt. 175
Greenhood, Alice, 133; Eliz. 132; Sir
Geoffrey, 133 ; Sir Richard, 132 ;
Robert, 133 ; Thos. 132
Greenside, Joh. 176
Greenwood, Sir Geoflf. 133 ; Robt.
124; Sir Robt. 274
Gregson, Robt. 303
Grene, Agn. 196 n; Eliz. 247 n; Joh.
195. 198; Sir Joh. 186, 188;
Margt. 195, 196 n; Robt. 196 n;
Thos. 75, 114 ; Sir Thos. 31, 224,
295 n ; Wm. 20, 114, 247 «, 249 ;
, 106
Gresham, Sir Thos. 115
Greve, Sir Thos. 188; Wm. 188
Griffith, Agn. 287; Eliz. 287; Jane,
287. 289 ; Joh. 287, 288 ; Marg.
287; Sir Walter, 287
Qrocen, , 73
Grunnell, Joh. 77
Grymston, Thos. 2
Oryse, Gryce, Joh. 22 n ; Thos. 285
Guide, Mr. 193
Guyll, Robt. 30 n
Gu'vmer, Thos. 265
Ouysbum, Jas. Prior of, 309, 312, 313,
Gybbon, Sir Roger, 34
Gymlyn, Mr. 206
Hacbaroo, Margt. 268
Haddilsay, Sir Joh. 236 ; Wm. 137 n
llaibome, Thos. 212
Haill, Dr. 262
Haitfeld, Agn. 2 ; Antony, 1 n ;
Dora, 1 n; Eliz. 1 and n; Joan, 1 n ;
Joh. 1 n, 2 ; Margt. 1 n ; Matilda,
1 n; Rich. 141 «; Robt. 1 n;
Steph. 1 and n ; Thos. 1 and n, 2 ;
Wm. 1 and n
Hakfurth, Jenet, 21
Haknay, Robt. 138
Halam, Sir Wm. 298
Haldenby, , 111
Halitreholme, Robt. 203 ; Thos. 203
Hall, Halle, HauU, Alice, 72
(Prioress of Arlhington Abbey);
Cath. 235, 236 ; Eliz. 235, 236 ;
Hen. 154; Sir Hen. 188; Hugh,
171 ; Jenet, 236, 237 ; Joh. 61 »,
216, 289; Sir Joh. 149; Laur.
246; Margt. 135; Rich. 135;
Robt. 272; Thos. 247 n; Thur-
Stan, 235, 236 ; Wm. 22 n
Halyday, Jane, 285
Hamerton, Anne, 46 ; Eliz. 46 ; Joh.
46, 68, 182 n; Lanr. 46; Rich.
46 ; Sir Rich. 45 n ; Steph. 46 ;
Thos. 46
Hand, Sir Thos. 126
Handley, Mr. 282
Hansby, Agn. 118 and n ; Cath. 118 n ;
Ellen, 119; Gilbert, 118 »; Joh.
118 and n ; Margt. 118 n; Rich.
118 «; Robt. 118 ;Wm. 118
Hanserd, Sir Hen. 86
Hanson, Edm. 26
Harbottle, Ranf, 169
Hardoastle, Chr. 128 ; Geo. 128
Harding, Sir Wm. 63
Hardy, Roger, 128, 162 ; Robt. 242,
243, 244
Haiigrave, Joh. 234
Harington, Joh. 129 ; Wm. 98 », 168,
215 n, 231 71
Harland, Robt. 110
Harling, Rich. 68
Harper, Ellen, 136; Lady Jane, 36,
37 ; Joh. 37 and « ; Simond, 49 ;
Thos. 196
Harpham, Sir Rich. 230
Harrop, Adam, 140
Haryson, Isabel, 212 ; Joh. 224 ;
Wm. 212
Hastings, Brian, 145, 151
Hawkriges, Thos. 219
Hantclitfe, Joh. 167 ; Robt^ 167
Hawe, Sir Edm. 202
Hawken, Joh. 264
HawkrjTig, Robt. 96
Hawksworth, Walt. 146
Hawson, Rich. 31, 32
Hawte, Cath. 3, 4
Hay then, Robt. 176, 319
Haxthorp, Agn. 319
Hebden, Sir Wm. 162
Hedlam, Rauf, 308 ; Wm. 308
Hedon, Chaa. 127, 229, 230; Edm.
127; Joh. 117:Tho8. 117
Helay, Jenet, 38
Heliwell, Percy, 188
Henry, Rex, IV. 10 and n; VI. 131 ;
VII. 42 n. 89 n, 232 n ; VIII. 144
Hercy, Barbara, 25 n ; Ca*h. 25 ;
Hiimf rey, 25 and n ; Joh. 25 n ; Sir
Joh. 25 n ; Mr. 36 ; Thos. 25 n
Hcrker, Wm. 138
Hernyson, Henryson, or Herrison,
Agn. 212; Hen. 301; Joh. 211,
212, 213, 256, 291, 293 ; Sir Joh.
87; Mr. 32; Robt. 11 n; Sir
Robt. 292 ; Thos. 238 ; Wm. 212
Herron, Jarret, 313
Hartley, Alice, 129; Chris. 269; Sir
Hen. 275; Joh. 274; Sir Joh.
274 ; Leon. 274 n ; Sir Miles, 44 ;
Robt. 32, 128
Heslerton, Anne, 106 n; Brian, 106 and
n; Edm. 106 n; Eleanor, 106 n;
Eostacia, 103 n ; Guy, 106 and n ;
Joh. 81, 106 n, 107, 154 ; Marg.
106 n, 153 ; Thos. 106 and n ; Wm.
106 n
Hethyng, Wm. 318
Hewerdine, Wm. 176
Heweson, Heweteon, Joh. 22 n ; Mr.
Hewett, Joh. 96 n
Higdon, Brian (Dean of York), 85,
121, 179, 229, 244
Hildreth, Alice, 136; Jane, 136;
Ralph, 136
Hiliard, Chr. 230; Eliz. 230; Jane,
230; Joh. 230; Martin, 230;
Peter, 230 and n ; Rich. 230
Hilton, Agn. 324 ; Mr. 132 ; Sir Thos.
313, 316; Wm. 91,93
Hobson, Francis, 295 n ; Joh. 295 ?t,
297, 305 ; Sir Robt. 295 m; Wm.
295 n; Sir ,296
Hoby, Huby, Alice, 136 ; Wm. 17
Hogeson, Joh. 15 n ; Robt. 100
Hoggerde, Sir Wm. 55
Holbeck, Dora, 33; Edwd. 33, 34;
Mary, 33 ; Wm. 32 and n, 33, 34
Holgate, Joh. 226 ; Thos. 199
Holland, Joh. 248
Hollingbrig, Sir Joh. 160
Holme, Alice, 44; Edwd. 44 ; Joh. 44;
Sir Joh. 135 ; Mr. 19 ; Sir Rauf,
246 ; Rich. 46 ; Sir Wm. 239
Holyngley, Jas. 249 n
Hombeloke, Sir Geo. 160
Homes, Joh. 230 ; Mrs. 230
Hopton, Anne, 160; Rauf, 164
Homeby, Hen. 27
Homer, Chris. 165 ; Geo. 234
Horton, Joh. 182 n
Hoser, Rauf, 224
Hothome, Wm. 295 n
Houghton, Wm. 205 and n
Howard, Sir Edm. 88 n
Howbanke, Wm. 147
Howden, Jenet, 226
Howett^ Wm. 211
Hoyser, Isabell, 150 «
Huchonson, Sir Rich. 174
Hudde, Margt. 61 n
Huddllston, Hudleston, Sir Job. 23;
Sir Wm. 87
Hudson, Jenet, 205; Joh. 191, 317;
Wm. 276
Hugh, Joh. 22 n
Hulley, Hugh, 5
Hungate, Edwd. 161; Rauf, 160;
Wm. 161
Hunt, Eliz. 298 ; Sir Joh. 41
Hunter, Hounter, Mr. 11 «, 141 n;
Robt. 280
Huntingdon, Ambrose, 224 ; Chris.
224; Dorothy, 224; Jenet, 223,
224; Margt. 224; Rich. 224;
Robt. 224 ; Thos. 223, 224
Hussy, Husay, Agn. 210, 211 ; Sir Joh.
Hutchon, Sir Thos. 34
Huwood, Roland, 154
Huyk, Joh. 49
Hynkersell, Joh. 30
Ingleby, Isabel, 232 n ; Sir Wm. 232 n
Ingram, Nich. 32
Jackson, Jacson, Agn. 176, 177
Alice, 177; Sir Chris. 176
Edwd. 176 ; Ellen, 79 ; Geo. 176
Joh. 176, 208 n; Lawr. 176
Margt. 15 n, 135; Peter 15 n,
218 ; Robt. 272 ; Wm. 123
James IV., Rex, 12 n
Jameson, Wm. 7
Jeffrason, Sir Wm. 135, 205 and n
Jenkynson, Rich. 68 ; Robt. 135 ;
Wm. 224 n
Jenyng, Alioe, 162; Robt. 147
Jepson, Catb. 286 ; Walt. 286
Jewes, — , 66
Jobnson, Agn. 300 ; Alison, 166 ; Elii.
166 ; Ellen, 239 ; Hen. 239 ; Jas.
114. 213 ; Job. 238 ; Patrio, 293 ;
Rich. 239, 300, 301 ; Robt. 102,
166 ; Sander, 301 ; Wm. 166 ; Sir
Wm. 60
Jowkyn, Sir Wm. 71
Joys, Sir Wm. 74
Jndson, Sir Oliver, 188
Jnwetson, Job. 272
Eater, Agn. 38 ; Tbos. 39
E^bt, Hen. 293
Eeid, Ricb. 176
Eeld, Alice, 291
Eellett, Edwd. 121, 243 ; Dr. 117,231,
260, 262
Eem, Sir Tbos. 126
Eendale, Cbr. 107 n
Eepas, Job. 187; Sir Job. 186 n;
Ricb. 239
Eercbever, Job. 266
Eettlewell, Robt. 234
Eigbelly, Lawr. 264
Eilbnme, Job. 136
Eildare, Earl of, 142
Eillingbek, Tbos. 2861
Eillingball, Eleanor, 116 9i; Ellen,
116 ; Wm. 116 n
Eing, Eyng, Alice, 178; Job. 178;
Ricb. 64 ; Tbos. 68
Eirkby, Hen. 132 ; Job. 78 ; Marg. 78,
178 ; Wm. 42, 131
Eirke,Job. 138; Mr. 39
Eirkbam, Sir Tbos. 297
Enaresburgb, Sir Ricb. 323
Enolles, Tbos. 76, 76 ; Wm. 24
Eyddall. Tbos. 106
Eyldale, Sir Job. 300
Eytobyn, Tbos. 78 n
Lacelles, Lasselles, Ricb. 36; Roger,
113, 166
Lacbe, Sir Edwd. 87
Lacy, Lasey, Anne, 206 ; Beat. 286 ;
Eliz. 206; Isab. 206; Job. 44,
210; Lancelot. 206 ;Margt. 206;
MatUda, 206; Rauf, 206; Robt.
170, 206 ; Tbos. 43 «i, 206, 286
Lake, Job. 9
Lamb, Sir Geo. 323
Lambard, Tbos. 77
Lambert, Job. 73, 188 ; Wm. 306 n
Lambley, Hen. 114
Lame, Ricb. 274, 276
Lameman, Job. 34
Lancaster, Jane, 116; Joan, 12 n;
Job. 12 n
Lane, Marg. 298
Langdale, Antony, 169, 170
Langlay, Ranf, 79, 169
Langston, Job. 60 n
Langton, Eleanor, 84 ; Frances. 200 ;
Jenet, 200; Job. 17, 48, 83 n, 84 ;
Ricb. 201 ; Tbos. 83 and %, 84, 87,
107 and n, 172
Lasynby, Hen. 301 ; Sir Ricb. 301
Latbebere, Ricb. 211
Laton, Layton, Catb. 107 n ; Mr. 206 ;
Tbos. 312
Latymer, Lord, 27, 64, 87
Laverok, Ricb. 27
Laward, Tbos. 73
Lawrence, Tbos. 47
Laycock, Ricb. 248
Leoe, Tbos. 60
Lecestre, Earl of, 232 n ; Job. of. 56
Lecbe. Ricb. 36
Ledum, Job. 300
Lee, Alice, 216 ; Tbos. 146
Leeke. Leike, Job. 280; Rauf, 246;
Tbos. 280
Legerde, , 230
Legb, Alice, 324; Eliz. 169; Thos.
169; Wm. 169
Lelom, Wm. 123
Leman, Wm. 138
Lenton, Eliz. 133
Leppington, Cicily, 224
Lepton, Tbos. 219
Lerryffax, Anne, 299; Ellen, 299;
Robt. 298. 299 ; Wm. 298
Levenyng, Anne, 293
Levett, Sir Job. 228; Wm. 176, 226,
Lewit, Wm. 208
Lewtie, Brian, 260
Lewys. Mr. 36
Leysdale, Sir Wm. 18
Ligbt. Wm. 189
Lincoln, Margt. 171 ; Wm. 171
Lindley, Lyndley, Lynley, Cbr. 234 ;
Isabel, 264 «i; Thos. 11 n, 174,
264 n
Linus, Wm. 102
Lister, Lyster. Job. 144, 263; Sir
Job. 263 ; Ricb. 287
Lisury, Sir Job. 148
Litster, Jobn, 138 ; Ricb. 145, 226
Littledale, Mr. 132 n
Lokkay, Anne, 285 ; Mich. 286
Loksmith, Joh. 98 ; Robt. 32i
Lokwood, Joh. 118 n
Lonoastre, Joh. 77
Long, Sir Hen. 81
LoDglej, Jas. 53 n
Lonsdail, Sir Joh. 98 ; Sir Thos. 135
Looge, Sir Thos. 303
Lord, Brian, 222 ; Bdm. 222 ; Edwd.
222 ; laab. 222 ; Mabel, 222 ; Sir
Robt. 275 ; Sir Thos. 222, 223
Lorymer, Thos. 253 ; Sir Thos. 179
Low, Hen. 65
Lowike, Hen. 136
Lownde, Lonnd, Cath. of, 171 ; Joh. of,
171 ; Thos. 269
Lowson, Sir Chas. 176
Lowther, Robt. 268
Loyn, Rioh. de, 17 n
Lucas, Stephen, 139
Lomley, Sir Joh. 313
Luter, Wm. 234
Lutton, Bliz. 62 ; Isabel, 62 n ; Jane,
63; Margt. 62 n; Robt. 63;
Steph. 62 and n ; Thos. 62 and n ;
Wm. 62 n
Lydy^rde, Elis. 2 ; Robt. 2
Lyly, Agn. 49 ; Bdm. 49 ; Joh. 30 and
n, 49 ; Rich. 30 n ; Robt. 32 ; Thos.
49; Wm. 49
Lymbeden, Sir Thos. 212, 213
Lyndsay, Johanna, 58
Lynscaill, Sir Joh. 319
Lysle, Umfrey, 313
Maohell, Hen. 95
Maderson, Edwd. 118
Magnus, Thos. 31, 229, 243, 244
Mahew, Geo. 48
Mair, Mr. 117
Makarell, Mich. 324
Malberthorp, Anne, 70 n ; — — -, 70 n
Malson, Wm. 7
Maltster, Joh. 21
Man, Joh. 162 ; Milo, 162 ; Robt. 244 ;
Thos. 162 ; Wm. 162, 244
Mauby, Jane, 171
Manors, Agn. 8; Janet, 8; Joh. 8';
Sibill, 8 ; Thos. 8 ; Umfrey, 7
Mannsfield, Sir Wm. 211
Mapils, Hugh, 282
Mapley, Edm. 230
Marchand, Alice, 301
Mares, Wm. 303
Margaret, Princess, 12 n
Markenfield, Ag^ 234 ; Anne, 104 ii;
232 n ; Dorothy, 233, 234 ; Elea-
nor, 233, 234, 236; Job. 232 s,
234, 235 ; Sir Ninian. 109, 232 and
n ; Thos. 232 n, 234, 236 and n ;
Sir Thos. 104 n, 232 n; Wm. 234
Markham, Sir Joh. 86
Marley, Merley, Bartram* 211 ; Jas.
175; Sir Rich. 176, 301, 302, 313.
316 ; Robt. 176, 301
Marshall, Edm. 119 ; Hen. 162 ; Jas.
64, 66 ; Joan, 191 n ; Joh. 14, 117,
191 and n ; Mary, 193 ; Peter, 316 ;
Wm. 24, 107 and n, 154, 191 «;
Sir Wm. 133
Marsk, Robt. 319
Marsyngall, Thos. 154
Martin, Joh. 117
Marton, Chr. 112; Hen. 188; Robt.
Mason, Mayson, Agn. 270, 271 ; Alice,
270 ; Antony, 39 ; Hen. 201 ; Job.
270, 271 ; Mrs. 147 ; Rich. 71 ;
Robert, 68 ; Thos. 147, 269, 270,
271 ; Wm. 144, 269
Masson, Lawr. 300
Matheson, Alex. 249 n
Mathew, Archbishop, 232 n
Mathewman, Robt. 237
Matho, Wm. 234
Mauleverer, Malleyerer, Anne, 83;
Jas. 83; Joan, 83 ; Sir Ralph, 83;
Sir Rich. 109 ; Wm. 69, 83
Maupas, Eliz. 294 ; Janet, 294 ; Joh.
294 ; Peter, 294
Maxwell, Wm. 215
Mayne, Agn. 202
Maynman, Anne, 155
Meath, Bishop of, 143
Meir, Wm. 221
Mell, Beat. 178
Mellers, Agn. 41 'and n; Joh. 41
Rich. 41 and n; Sir Rich. 41
Robt. 41 and n, 42; Thos. 42
Wm. 41
Melton, Dr. 260, 262, 263, 290 h; Sir
Joh. 251 n, 262, 263; Nich. 252.
260, 263; Wm. 261 n, 256; Sir
Wm. 26n;247n
Menvell, Joh. 2
Meryng, Meiryng, Joh. 195 ; Mr. 286 ;
Robt. 195
Metcalf, Adam, 226; Barbara, 6 n;
Sir Edm. 5 n ; Emy, 6 n ; Janet,
6 n; Joh. 5 n, 100, 193 ; Martin,
269; Maud, 5 n; Mr. 5 n; Sir
Wm. 38
Metham, Mr. 250
Meuxe, Rich. Abbot of, 299
Mejrkly, Rich. 48
Michelson, Wm. 114
Middleton, Antony, 102 and n, 103 ;
Sir Edm. 102 n, 103, 222 ; Jane,
102 n ; Joh. 102 n, 103 ; Johanna,
103 ; Margt. 102 n ; Maad, 102 n ;
Miles, 103 ; Nich. 163 n ; Oliver,
102 n; Peter, 60; Raynold, 103;
Rich. 103; Robt 102 n; Roger,
142 ; Simon, 102 n, 103 ; Thos.
277 ; Wm. 59, 60 ; Sir Wm. 6 n,
Migne, M. 96 n
Mlklay, Sir Job. 201
Mild, Mr. 30 n
Milner, Mylner, Jenet, 204 ; Sir Joh.
132 n ; Nich. 261 ; Robt. 135 ; Sir
Robt 218 ; Thos. 132 n, 206
Mirfield, , 140
Molyneux, Robt. 86
Monoeaaz, Joh. de, 173
Montague, Isabel, 50; Joh. Marquis
of, 50
Mook, Mike, Alice, 242; Wm. 242,
Moor, Joh. 135 ; Sir Robt. 135
Moralx, Natal, 324
More, Joh. 263; Margt. 103 n; Nich.
81 ; Thos. 293
Morley, Sir Rich. 41 ; Jas. 283
Morton, Joh. 279
Morwyn, Sir Robt. 217
Moseley, Sir Joh. 100 ; Sir Wm. 236,
Motinte, Agn. 295 n; Ellen, 295 n;
Jenet, 295 n ; Roger, 295 n, 296
Mountejoye, Lord, 64
Mountford, Joh. 207 ; Thos. 207
Mountney, Antony, 260, 261, 262;
Robt. 54, 260, 261, 262
Mowbray, Wm. 312
Mownforthe, Mr. 129
Munketon, Rich. 322, 324
Murhows, Robt. 289
Mnsgrave, Geo. 28
Myre, Sir Wm. 84
Nalton, Nawton, Alice, 67 n; Beat.
67 n; Brian, 67 n; Oath. 67 n,
68 ; Eliz. 67, 68 ; Hen. 67 ; Joh.
67 n ; Margt. 67 »? Nich. 67 ;
Philippa, 67 n ; Rich. 67 n ; Robt.
67 «, 106 n; Wm. 67 and n, 68
Neckall, Wm. 20
Nelson, Agn. 198 n; Oath. 198 n;
Chris. 198 n, 199,200,201 ; Jenet,
199, 200, 201 ; Peter, 200 ; Rich.
200 ; Thos. 198 n, 199, 200 ; Wm.
8, 38, 39, 198 and n, 199, 200
Nelsthorp, Sir Joh. 34
Neville, Nyvell, Sir Bdwd. 63; Elia.
50 n ; Geo. 25 n; Sir Hen. 115 n ;
Isab. 175; Joh. (Marqois of
Montague), 50 ft, 70, 87, 175 ; Sir
Job. 43 n, 60 n, 86, 175 and n; Sir
Rich. 64 ; Robt. 25, 149, 152, 175,
197, 198; Sir Robt. 164, 175; Sir
Thos. 70 n; Wm.22n
Newam, Shr Robt. 110, 112
Newby, , 16
Newoome, Chr. 131, 132
Newdegate, Amfelice, 71 ; Joh. 70 n, 71
Newell. Robt. 187
Newman, Andrew, 101 ; Rich. 98
Newport, Sir Thos. 60
Newsome, Nich. 204
Newton, Sir Geo. 235 ; Joh. 215 n ;
Miles, 15 n, 215
Nicholson, Walt. 288
Nixon, Hen. 217; Joh. 217 ; Wm. 201
Noble, Sir Job. 115
Nonnys, Robt. 216 n
Norfolk, Duke of, 89 n
Norham, Sir Rauf , 63, 179 ; Sir Robt.
178, 179, 260, 261
Norman, Agn. 214 n, 215; Anne, 215;
Antony, 215 ; Cath. 213 n, 216 ;
Geo. 215 and n; Isab. 214 n; Jane,
213, 215; Joan, 215 9», 231 n;
Joh. 213 and n, 214 and n, 215,
231 A ; Maud, 215; Sir Thos. 215
Normanville, Eleanor, 123 n; Joh.
123 and«; Sir Joh. 123, 124, 126;
Rauf, 19; Thos. 123 andn; Wm.
123 and n ; , 106
North, Thos. 17
Northumberland, Hen. (Earl of), 99,
127, 232 n; Maig. (dau. of),
232 n
Norton, Jenet, 198 n ; Joh. 1 1 n, 46,
95, 146, 182 n, 183 n, 188, 232 n ;
Marg. 232 n
Nottingham, Joh. 144 ; Thos. 67
Nutter, Agn. 296
Nuttle, Sir Robt. 276
Oke, Rich. 152
Okeden, Adam, 146
Oldman, Joh. 118
Olyver, Sir Joh. 135 ; Thos. 136
Ormesby, Chris. 93
Otway, Sir Robt. 168
z 2
Overend, Geo. 216 ; Isabel, 216
Overton, Chris. 272
Ovington, Robt. 268, 269; Sir ThoB.
100, 269
Oydes, Wm, 260
Padlej, Roger, 129
Page, Job. 82
Paget, Dorotby, 286 ; Tboe. 26.
Pagman, Mr. 20
Paicoke, Agn. 301, 302 ; Sir Chris. 42 ;
Eliz. 301, 302 ; Janet, 301 ; Job.
800, 302; Gregory, 301, 302;
Wm. 138 ; Sir Wm. 42, 43
Paldon, Job. 144
Palmer, Geo., 32, 823; Margt. 74, 76;
Mr. 322; Wm.74
Pftlmes, Anaiita.«ria, 104 ; Anne, 106, 106,
107 ; Brian, 80 n, 81, 103, 104 n,
106, 106, 107, 264 and n, 321 ;
Dorotby, 106 ; Bliz. 80, 81 ; BUen,
104,106; Eustaoia, 103 «, 106;
Frances, 80,81. 264 ; Geo. 80, 81,
105, 107 ; Guy, 80 and n, 81, 103 n,
104 n, 264 n ; Isab. 264 ; Jane, 81,
264; Job. 81; Johanna, 80, 81, 104 ;
Leon. 80, 81 ; Margt. 106 ; Maud,
264 ; Nioh. 104 and n, 105, 106,
107 ; Rich. 6 n, 106, 264 ; Steph.
80, 81 ; Thos, 264 ; Wm. 80 1^ 105,
264 n
Pannall, Sir Job. 147
Panyerman, Robt. 154
Par, Sir Thomas, 77
Pardo, Robt. 63
Parker, Parkour, Cecilie, 119; Sir
Job. 246
Parkynson, Rich. 283 ; Thos. 218
Parre, Sir Wm. 260
Paskell, Jenet, 239
Passelew, Alex. 43 and n ; Arthur, 43 n ;
Ells. 43 n; Joan, 43 n; Sir Job.
44 ; Maud, 44 ; Steph. 44; Thos.
43 n
Patershale, Job. 61
Peacock, Robt. 86 n
Peith, Sir Thos. 224
Pek, Rich. 296
Peke, EUz. 74, 76 ; Job. 76, 76 ; Rich.
73,74,75,76; Robt. 75
Pennington, Eliz. 77 n ; Wm. 77 n
Pensay, Thos. 26 n
Pepir, Job. 17 ; Rich. 21
Percivall, Rich. 236
Percy, Piercy, Eliz. 153; family of,
127 n ; Francis, 286 ; Sir Hen. 46;
Job. 73 ; Loid, 186 ; Mr. 153, 154;
Perys, 153 ; Peter, 112, 313 ; Thos.
313 ; Wm. 152 ; Sir Wm. 226
Pereson, Edm. 61 n; Miles, 98; Sir
Thos. 133; Wm. 116
Perot, Job. 98 and n ; Mr. 6
Perpont, Sir EdnL 26 n
Petstan, Robt 133
Petty, Alice, 226 ; Beat. 225 ; Sir
Chris. 225 ; Job. 226 n ; Robt. 226
and n; Sir Robt 226, 275
PbOlpot, Job. 221
Pickering, Robt. 147
Pictb, Lord, 99
Pie, Rich. 22
Pigbum, Joh. 69; Isab. 160; WilfckU
160. 161
Pigge, Marg. 221 ; Thos. 221
Pigot, Agn. 11 n; Sir Geof. 11 n
Pilkington, Antony, 267; Bdnn. 267;
Edwd. 266; Hen. 267; Ma^
267; RoU.267
Pilley, Sir Thos. 4, 6
Place, Barnard, 43; Cuthbert, 42;
Joh. 42 n, 43 and n ; Margery, 43
n; Robt 43 ; Roland, 42 n, 43
Pleasington, Robt 131
Ploughe, Joh. 280
Plumpton, Sir R. 127 n
Polan, Polen, Cath. 61 ; Rauf, 40
Pollard, Rich. 6 n
Pool, Thos. 96
Popley, Robt. 202
Porter, Job. 319
Portington, Jane, 11 ; Job. 11, 145
Postgate, Chris. 301 ; Janet, 300
Potter, Hen. 6 ; Steph. 1
Potters. Roland, 114
Povy, Cath. 116
Powell, Robt. 78
Preist, Joh. 202
Preston, Chr. 9 andn; Job. 226 ; Thos.
Procter, Alice, 138, 186, 188 ; Barbara,
185, 187, 188 ; Cath. 183 ; Cuth-
bert, 185 ; Dorothy, 187 ; Dowsa-
bell, 185, 187, 188; Eden. 182 n;
Eustace, 184, 185, 187; Geof. 182,
184, 185, 186 n, 187 and n ; Hen.
183, 184, 186,187; Sir Hen. 185;
Hugh, 186 n; Isabel, 182 n, 183,
185, 188 ; John, 138 ; Mabel, 182fi;
Rauf, 182 n; Rich. 183, 184, 186,
186, 187, 188 ; Robt 182 n, 183,
184, 185, 186, 188 ; Roger, 182 n ;
Steph. 182 n, 183 n, Thos. 182, 183
n; Wm. 182 n, 183, 184, 185, 186,
187, 188
Pudsay, Ambrose, 85 and n, 129, 132;
Hen. 57 n, 85, 129 and n, 180;
Margt. 130; Thos. 85. 129, 130, 131
PuUey, Wm. 201
PuUeyn, Job. 57 n, 60, 95, 286
Parsell, Mr. 144
Pynder, Mr. 260 ; Sir Wm. 78, 96, 111 ,
Pyne, Job. 210, 211
Pyvell, Wm. 114
Radcliffe, BatclifFe, Isabel, 182 .n;
Rich. 106 n; Wm. 41 n; , 108
Ranbj, Gregory, 276
Ranefeld, Sir Ricb. 246
Baper, Sir Tbos. 101
Raseby, wee RereAby
Rawlyn, Dan. 18 n
Rawlynson, Job. 182, 296, 297
Rawson, Tboe. 59, 285, 287 ; Wm. 69
Rayner, Alice, 49 ; Catb. 48 n; Edm.
48 n ; Bliz. 48 n ; Ellis, 48 n ; Em-
mot, 48 n, 49 ; Job. 48 n, 49, 234,
243; Nicb. 48 n; Ricb. 48 n\
RobU 48 ; Tbos. 48 n ; Wm. 48
Raynfortb, Job. 26 n
Raynold, Job. 162; Tbos. 286
Raysing, Job. 162, 215, 281 ; Jobanna,
232 ; Marg. 231 and n, 232 ; Ricb.
231 ; Tbos. 215 n, 231 n, 232
ReddaU, Sir Job. 249
Redhed, Wm. 194
Redman, Alice, 23 ; Edwd. 23 ; Eliz.
23; Hen. 23; Joan, 23; Magd.
23 ; Ricb. 23 ; Wm. 23 ; Sir Wm.
Reed, Reede, Reld, Agn. 159 ; Anne,
133; Cbr. 159; Job. 117, 301;
Margt. 301 ; Robt. 301 ; Wm. 158
Reidman, Jeff. 260
Remington, family of. 116
Reresby, Raseby, Reasby, Cbris. 26 ;
Ellen, 246 ; Francis, 246 ; Leon.
246 ; Lionel, 246 ; Ralpb, 36, 151,
245, 246; Rooke, 246; Tbos. 32,
151, 245, 246 ; Sir Wm. 246
Reyne, Anne, 296
Rioall, Sir Tbos. 230
Ricard or Ricbard, Dr. 142, 144 ; Job.
282; Margt. 280, 281,282,283;
Nicb. 143, 144 and n, 280. 282;
Ricb. 281 ; Tbos. 142, 143, 282,
295 n
Richardson, Alice, 296; Chris. 272;
Eliz. 17; Emote, 219; Sir Gtoo.
213; Gilbert. 218, 219; Job. 70,
293; Ricb. 218
Riche, Alice, 276; Geo. 276; Job
276; Nicb. 275,276
Richmond, Geo. Archdeacon of, 151 ;
Lord of, 229
Riddesley, Wm. 82
Ridley, Nicb. 78 and n ; Robt 78 n
Robinson, Agn. 135 ; Jane, 309 ; Jas.
153 ; Job. 5 n, 83 ; Johanna, 138 ;
Maigt. 272; Peter, 15 n\ Ricb.
64, 135; Tbos. 267 n; Wm. 83,
309; SirWm. 78
Robson, Tbos. 101
Rockley, Blis. 160 ; Robt. 160, 161 ;
Roger, 159 n
Rockliff, AUce, 822; Brian, 192, 322,
323; Sir Brian, 320 n; Sir Job.
320,323; Maigt. 322
Rodley, Job. 303
Roger, Chris. 301 ; Job. 301 ; Sbr Job.
300; Peter, 114
Rogerson, Job. 194
Rokeby, Hen. 281, 282; Isab. 143;
Job. 141 n, 281, 282, 283 ; Marg.
141 n, 283 ; Nicb. 283 ; Ralpb, 141
n, 142. 143. 144 and n. 281. 282,
283 ; Sir Ralpb. 65 ; Sir Ricb. 144
and n; Thos. 83, 142; Wm. 97
(Arcbbp.), 140 and n, 141 n, 280,
Rompton, Job. 184
Rooksby, $ee Rokeby
Roos, Anne, 60, 104, 106; Antony,
278 ; Catb. 59 ; Dorothy, 278 ; Elia.
60; Francis, 60; Jas. 9, 59. 95,
277, 278 ; Jane, 60, 277, 278 ; Job.
22 n, 42, 60 ; Margt. 60 ; Peter,
277, 278 ; Ricb. 117 ; Robt. 60, 107.
116. 276. 277, 278 ; Rosamond,
215 n ; Tbos. 60 ; Wm. 60, 117
Rose, Antony, 324; Job. 265; Jo-
bazma, 265 ; Tbos. 265 ; Wm. 117,
265, 266
Resell, Wm. 25 n
Rotberbam, Job. 26 n; Tbos. (Arcbbp.),
28, 29. 30. 252
Roulston. Lionel. 303
Rownesley, Robt. 162
Rowsse, Wm. 269
Roxby, Wm. 63
Rudstone, Job.81; Nicb. 170; Walt. 206
Russel, Agn. 41 ; Alice, 174 ; Sir Job.
143; Ricb. 39; Robt. 41; Sir
Tbos. 300; Wm. 174
Rytber, Agn. 226. 229 ; Eliz. 126, 227 ;
Hen. 126, 227, 229 ; Jas. 239 ; Job.
226, 229 ; Matilda, 226 ; Sir Raof ,
125 and n ; 225 n, 226, 227, 229 ;
Sir Robt. 227 ; Tbos. 126, 192,
225, 226
Sachferel, Sir Hen. 211; Sir Rich.
211; Rauf,211,267
Sadlar, Thoa. 224
Saier, Job. 43, 112
Balvin, Frauds, 808; Geo. 308; Sir
Rauf, 190. 308
SampBon, Rich. 10
SaDdall, Jas. 116
Sander, Sir Thoe. 60
Sandwith, Geo. 194
Savage, Sir Humfrey, 31 ; Jas. 248 ;
Lord, 120, 267 ; Rauf, 293 ; Thos.
Archbp. of York, 98 and », 241
JSaville, Seyvell, Savell, Effame, 6
Hen. 11 n, 116, 161, 235 n, 237
Sir Hen. 82 ; Job. 136 ; Robt. 46
Tbos. 6 ; Rauf, 11 n
Sawer, Ricb. 270
Sawter, Wm. 110
Saxton, Peter, 122, 194 ; Rauf, 194
SayntpoU, Sampoll, St. Paul, Agnes,
26 n; Alice, 26, 285; Anne, 193,
285; Brian, 26 n; Cbris. 286;
Job. 26 and n, 285 ; Margt. 26, 285 ;
Mary, 26 n ; Tbos. 26 and n ; Wm.
26 and n
Scalby, Geo. 81
ScargiU, ScergiU. Eliz. 201, 202; Mr.
20, 106; Robt. 201; Sir Wm.
9 and n, 174, 201, 202
Scaryng, Tbos. 250
Scbore, Robt. 247 n
Scorbrtigbt, Job. 123
Scotland, Arcbdeacon of, 153
Scott, Sir Giles, 58, 131 ; Sir Job. 44,
247 n
Scroby, Cbris. 217
Scrope, Bisbop, 4; Eleanor, 64, 65
Eliz. Lady, 50, 65; Geoff. 64
Sir Hen. Lord, 52, 226, 229
Jobanna, 59; Lucy, Lady, 61
Margt. 51; Rauf, 59; Sir Rauf,
63 ; Tbos. Lord, 50 and n, 59, 65
See, Sir Martin del, 230
Seel, Sir Cbris. 98
Sekker, Job. 286
Selby, Catb. 40 ; Hen. 40 ; Margt. 39
Selioke, Job. 66 ; Wm. 66
Senior, Tbos. 134
Sentwary, Job. 31
Serlby. Mrs. 143
Seton, Sir Tbos. 79 ; Sir Wm. 122, 123
Settil, Sir Job. 101
Sbadlock, Joan, 231 and n ; Job. 231,
and n
Sbafton, Mr. 10
Sbagbe, Catb. 18
Sban, Job. 98
Sbap, Agnes, 187 n
Sharpe, Eliz. 117
Sbate, Agn. 79
Sbaw, Eliz. 78 ; Job. 78 and n ; Maid,
79 ; Sir Ricb. 58; Tbos. 78, 271
SbefBeld, Jane, 284 ; Jas. 143 ; Job.
178, 284
Sbell, Job. 61 n
Sbepberd, Wm. 21
Sberipp, Robt. 107 n
Sbirbnm, Tbos. 131; lUch. 131; Sir
Wm. 17
Sbirwood, Job. 276, 286; Robt. 191
Shragar, Wm. 73
Shrewsbury, Geo. Barlof, 30, 31, 110,
247, 248
Sbupton, Job. 20 n
Silvester, Sir Job. 237, 305
Simpson, Symson, Job. 30, 3 1 , 68 and «,
69, 120 n, 206, 249 ; Sir Job. 201.
270, 271 ; Ralpb, 232 ; Sir Wm.
Singleton, Sir Wm. 260, 263
Sivry, Mr. 95 n
Skelton, Sir Ricb. 75, 76
Skirrow, Tbos. 207
Skynner, Wm. 73
Skyrley, Eliz. 152 and n, 153; Ellen,
152, 153; Genet, 153, 154; Joan,
152 n ; Job. 152 n ; Margt. 153,
154 ; Robt 152 and n, 153 ; Wm.
152 and n
Slater. Slatter, GUes, 137 ; Tbo6. 193 ;
Wm. 137
Sleford, Wm. 85 n
Smalewood, Job. 110
Smitb, Smytb, Anne, 208 n ; Bettrys,
78 ; Catb. 146, 171 ; Sir Edm. 304,
305 ; Eliz. 207 ; Geo. 11, 78, 208 ;
Isab. 207, 208 «, 303 ; Jas. 272 ;
Job. 147, 216, 217, 287 ; Sir Job.
285; Luttkyn, 41; Margt. 207,
216 n. 217, 218; Mrs. 171 ; Ralph,
271 11, 272 and n ; Riob. 86 n, 207;
208andn; Sir Ricb. 298; Robt. 207,
208 n ; Thoe. 172, 207, 208 f^ 217,
218, 247 n, 302; Wm. 27, 207;
Sir Wm. 11
Smythson, Mr. 260 ; Wm. 256, 291,
293 ; Sir Wm. 292
Snathe, Geo. 286
Snaynton, Eliz. 123 and n ; Wm. 123
Sokysf orth, Agnes, 300 ; Eliz. 300
Somerby, Margt. 135
Somerset, Dnke of, 324
Sonley, Robt. 203
Sotheby, Mrs. Beyll, 56
Sothill, Sutbill, Alison, 6; Oath. 7;
Eliz. 6, 82 and n, 163 ; Sir Hen. 6,
7; Job. 6 n; Margt. 82; Mr. 2;
Bobt. 6 and n ; Tbos. 6 and n, 7,
11 n, 20, 82 and n, 83, 97, 175
Spain, King of, 232 n
Bpendillon, Gatb. 293
Spenser, Spencer, Agn. 14 ; Hen. 176 ;
Job. 248 n
Spioer, Sir Tboe. 41
Spiers, Sir Wm. 67
Spynke, Sir Job. 295 n; Wnu 163
Stackbonse, Job. 67 n
Stafford, Edwd. (Doke of Backing-
bam), 307 n; Sir Hen. 260; Sir
Humfrey, 88 n; Joyce, 88 n;
Hargt. 307n
Stampe, Margt. 22
Stanebnm, Beat. 123
Stangter, Edwd. 135
Stanley, Wm. 26 n
Stafdeton, Stapilton, Alice, 94 ; Brten^
9, 69, 60, 94, 95; Sir Brian,
94; Cbris. 94, 192; Geo. 70 n;
Isab. 94, 95, 119 ; Jane, 94 ; Job.
95; Laancek>t, 95; Maigt. 71,
94 ; Miles, 95 ; Wm. 95 ; Sir Wm. 94
Statbom, Hen. 266, 280
Staunton, Annas, 86 ; Anne, 86 ; Catb.
85 n; Eliz. 86; Geo. 85 n; Job.
86; Margt. 85 n; Milioent, 86;
Tbos. 85 and n, 86 n; Wm. 85 n
Staveley, Alan, 39 ; Job. 183, 188, 235 ;
Miles, 183, 188, 232, 235; Tbos.
201; .78
Staw, Stor, Brian, 220 ; Mr. 287
Staynbank, , 78
Stele, Eliz. 169 ; Janet, 159 ; Wm. 159
Sterl^, LawT. 220
Stevenson, Job. 162; Tbos. 127; Wm.
St. John, Anne, 232
Storke, Alice, 34; Harry, 34; Jane,
197 ; Job. 34
Story, Job. 73
Stoxley, Sir Robt. 5
St. Quintin, Agn. 65 ; Edm. 54, 65 ;
Eleanor, 64 n ; Herbert, 54 ; Jas.
54 ; Job. 54 and n ; Margery, 55 ;
Walt. 54, 56 ; Wm. 64 and n, 55
Strangways, Cecily, 110 n; Jas. 60,
110 n, 156, 156; Sir Jas. 155 n,
156 ; Tbos. Ill ; Sir Tbos. 155,156
Strey, Stree, Stray, Alice, 296 ; Eliz.
296; Mr. 177; Sir Ricb. 296;
Bobt. 59, 294, 295 n ; Sir Bobt.
296 ; Tbos. 23, 45, 237, 286, 294
Strickland, Gervaise, 77 ; Jobanna,
77; Tbos. 76; Sir Tbos. 76 n;
Sir Walt. 77 and n
Stnbbes, Lawr. 220 and n
Stndeley, Eleanor, 172
Sulyard, Edwd. 51 ; Maiy, 51
Sortees, Marjory, 43 ; Tbos. 43 n
Sutberon, Ambrose, 131, 132
Sutton, Catb. 109 and n, 1 10 ; Hen. 109
and n, 110 ; Margt. 109 n ; Ricb.
109 n ; Robt. 109 and n ; Sir Tbos.
109, 149; Job. 73
Swale, Alice, 20; Job. 20
Swann, Wm. 249
Swenow, Geo. 34
Swift, AHce, 272; Anne, 197; Job.
196 m 197, 271 ; Robt. 197, 198 ;
TboiL 197, 198; Sir Tbos. 196;
Wm. 162, 197
Swyer, Ricb. 220
Swynbum, Sir Robt. 79 n, 232 n
Sykes, Ricb. 249
Bykeswortb, Geo. 301
SyUes, Sir Tbos. 383
l^rmon, Geof. 197 and n
Symx, Rich. 87
Tallboys, Talboys, Tailbus, Robt. 3 ;
Sir Robt. 8 n ; Wm. 324
T^bot, Francis, Lord, 30, 109, 248 ;
Riob. 123 ; Robt. 143
Tankerd, Job. 216
Tarte, Ricb. 207
Taylor, Taliour, Alice, 154 ; Job. 73,
98, 133 ; Sir Job. 216 ; Robt, 291 ;
Sir Tbos. 84 ; Wm. 67 n, 112
Tee, Jobanna, 180; Riob. 179
Tempest, Beat. 284 ; Job. 220; Nicb.
284 ; Boger, 183 n; Tbos. 96, 195;
Sir Tbos. 43 n, 99, 310, 811, 313,
Tenand, Agn. 79 n ; Job. 79 and n
Tesedale, Aydame, 106
Tesbe, Tristram, 260 ; Wm. 8
Tbakewray, Geo. 235
Tbewe, Wm. 213
Tbikpenny, , 6 n
Tbirgot, Job. 138 ; Bicb. 138
Tbirkeld, Nicb. 234
Tbomas, Sir Byse ap, 289
Tbomlinson, Cecily, 136 ; Cbris. 280 ;
Job. 24 ; Sir Wm. 235
Tbomson, Agn. 223; Job. 73, 182;
Bicb. 123
Tbome, Hawselyn, 20 ; Jas. 79, 159
Tbombill, Hen. 194
Tbomton, Chris. 219 n ; Job. 216, 231;
Bich. 215 n
Throgmorton, Wm. 73
ThoresoTOfise, Geof. 117; Hen. 117,